All things CoronaVirus

The odds are excellent that you will leave this forum hating someone.

How many of your friends and family members have died of the Chinese Corona Virus?

0 people
1 person.
2 people.
3 people.
Total votes: 70

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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by jhu72 »

wgdsr wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 9:59 pm
jhu72 wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 6:52 pm For those interested, Texas has moved into 3rd behind New Jersey in total deaths, passing Californian now in 4th, waiting to be passed by Florida. Florida leads in deaths today. Texas will likely move past New Jersey within the next 30 days. Florida has a good chance of passing California in the same time frame.

Also looks to me like the good news is largely over for the time being. Trendline for the US appears to be turning up, as predicted by the University of Washington model. Next stop, 400K dead by New Years. Average of 2000 dead per day over the rest of the year. MAGA!
why not 500 thousand by new years? -- because that is not what the UofW model says. For those not paying attention, their model has done pretty well in the prognostication department. We'll see how well they do the end of the year.
or a million?
think big!!!!

wow, you were out for a while... back with a bang after being somewhat discerning prior.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by wgdsr »

jhu72 wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 10:29 pm
wgdsr wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 9:59 pm
jhu72 wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 6:52 pm For those interested, Texas has moved into 3rd behind New Jersey in total deaths, passing Californian now in 4th, waiting to be passed by Florida. Florida leads in deaths today. Texas will likely move past New Jersey within the next 30 days. Florida has a good chance of passing California in the same time frame.

Also looks to me like the good news is largely over for the time being. Trendline for the US appears to be turning up, as predicted by the University of Washington model. Next stop, 400K dead by New Years. Average of 2000 dead per day over the rest of the year. MAGA!
why not 500 thousand by new years? -- because that is not what the UofW model says. For those not paying attention, their model has done pretty well in the prognostication department. We'll see how well they do the end of the year.
or a million?
think big!!!!

wow, you were out for a while... back with a bang after being somewhat discerning prior.
done pretty well? lol.

taking all action on 400k. pm me, i'm ok with any escrow holder. even doc b.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by jhu72 »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 8:32 pm
jhu72 wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 6:52 pm For those interested, Texas has moved into 3rd behind New Jersey in total deaths, passing Californian now in 4th, waiting to be passed by Florida. Florida leads in deaths today. Texas will likely move past New Jersey within the next 30 days. Florida has a good chance of passing California in the same time frame.

Also looks to me like the good news is largely over for the time being. Trendline for the US appears to be turning up, as predicted by the University of Washington model. Next stop, 400K dead by New Years. Average of 2000 dead per day over the rest of the year. MAGA!
Why do you say that as if it makes you happy? Even if it does not,respectfully. You realize that this thread has become 7 or 8 posters with with the exact same viewpoints going above and beyond to "legitimize" the virus at every possible chance they can get. There's a reason there are many different posters on this site, but VERY few on this thread. Because it has become ridiculous. "Next stop, 400K dead by New Years" Like this is some I told you some moment to 1,2, or maybe 3 posters on this site who have valid opposing viewpoints but MAY express them in a manner which others may not appreciate. It DOES NOT mean their opinion is not based in truth/facts if it does not fit your political viewpoint!! And while the IHME Model is usefully, IT DOES NOT MEAN IT IS RIGHT because IT IS JUST A MODEL. It assumes certain things to happen which may not, and certain things not to happen which MAY IN FACT happen. This was a great thread even as a recent as 6 weeks ago, now it's just the same thing every day. NOBODY thinks this virus is NOT serious, but playing Monday Morning QB every damn day is not productive. Especially when the majority of posters are trying to convince god knows who, as this particular platform has very little reach. So it's very easy to get sucked into thinking that this community (all good people at heart!) is representative of a larger perspective on the virus. If we had 1000 posters on this site I can pretty much assure you there would be a lot of opinions that most of these current posters would NOT like. Many of those people would not remain in this thread for more than a few days after experiencing what goes on here. Rant over! Joe Burrow looks like quite a keeper!

Go Twins!

I do not agree with your assessment that everyone who pays attention or participates in this thread takes the virus seriously.
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Re: All things tRUMP CoronaVirus

Post by runrussellrun »

Brooklyn wrote: Thu Sep 17, 2020 11:07 am
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Sep 17, 2020 7:40 am Still waiting for the steps that would have prevented deaths. Can anyone of you provide STEPS that would have prevented deaths?

nope, you haven't, for months and months, you offer NO solutions.

at some point, you have to provide details. EVENT 201 has "robust" solutions.................

"Waiting" did you say?

Evidently, as happens so often with right wing delusionals, your problem is your inability to pay attention. Had you bothered to look you would have seen this:

viewtopic.php?f=66&t=1687&p=135503&hili ... ne#p135503

viewtopic.php?f=66&t=691&p=183492&hilit ... ne#p183492

viewtopic.php?f=66&t=1687&p=184340&hili ... ne#p184340

Let's repeat this one more time so that even you can learn something:

Your hero tRUMP issues visas to foreign travelers who enter our shores and he controls the CDC and regulates its ability or inability to quarantine infected travelers who enter here. Your hero could have refused to grant visas as so many foreign governments have done. Your hero could have forced the CDC to quarantine those who enter the airports and seaports. Your hero could have prevented any and all infected persons from coming here and from spreading their virus.

While you slept through our discussions on this matter, we mentioned that, indeed, your hero did ban China travelers from entering here in late January. But he failed to do the same with European travelers and they are the ones who brought in the deadly strain of tRUMPvirus that infected so many New Yorkers and which ultimately swept through the USA. Did you bother to read this article:

No, of course you did not read it. You probably fell asleep before you finished the first sentence. Next time have someone read it to you.

We have gone over preventive measures that your hero could have taken. How many more times must we discuss this before you wake up and realize it?

OK. The lesson is over. Go back to sleep.

Thank you for your response. A few thoughts and a few questions.

V-19, at least in the USA, first known case was in the state of Washington, 3 thousand miles away from Manhattan. All the BioGen folks, here in my town of Boston, all got Covid, in earnest. Your focus on NYC is trivial, if not full of empty facts. A question for you and all the other TDS bigots: Did you rail POTUSA tRump when he closed China travel? (Contrary to Event 201's recommendations, btw) Yes or no?

In short, I interpret your "plan", for any and all future POTUSA's, to be to close ALL travel from ALL countries. Do I have this correct?

tRump my hero? Vapid, delusional non-thinker. Yeah.....I LOVE trump :roll:
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by runrussellrun »

CU88 wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 11:44 am Sending out masks was exactly the right move. Why did IMPOTUS o d block this???

The White House blocked the US Postal Service from sending face masks to every US household in April ... lds-2020-9
utter junk......not even PORN of FEAR.

Remember all the Democratic candidates, describing their plans, during the POTUSA debates?

There were four debates after tRump banned travel from China. February 7th, 15th and 25th. Also, the one held on March 15, with just Biden and Sanders; what steps, measures did these two candidates discuss? What questions did the mods ask?

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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by runrussellrun »

RedFromMI wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 4:07 pm
Trump Admin Reverses Politicized Testing Guidance After Interference Exposed ... ce-exposed
The Trump administration reversed itself on a key effort to politicize the response to COVID-19, reversing a scientifically unfounded recommendation that asymptomatic people in contact with those infected with the virus not get tested.

The Centers for Disease Control made the change on its website without fanfare after the New York Times reported Thursday evening that political officials at the Department of Health and Human Services had made the change against the express wishes of CDC scientists.

Virtually no other agency or organization took the Trump administration’s advice that people exposed to COVID-19 should not get tested if they’re not presenting symptoms. Evidence that the virus can transmit asymptomatically has been around for months, provoking disgust in the scientific and public health community at the agency’s guidance, which seemed to be directed towards reducing the number of tests overall.

From the outset, Trump administration officials pushed back on the idea that the guidance had been issued for political reasons or with the intent of reducing the number of tests – a goal that President Trump has repeatedly pushed for.

“Conceptually, we don’t believe the number of tests should go down. Conceptually, we believe the number of tests will go up,” said HHS Assistant Secretary for Health Brett Giroir in a press call last month.

Giroir added at the time that the guidance change had been approved by the CDC.

“Everyone signed off on it before it got to a place where the political leadership would have even seen it,” Giroir added.

Those explanations immediately unraveled, however, in part due to Giroir telling journalists that the change had undergone approval from Dr. Tony Fauci and others at a late August meeting. On the day the meeting was held, Dr. Fauci was in surgery to remove a polyp on his vocal cords.

Since then, the guidance change has contributed to a sinking but overwhelming feeling in the scientific and public health communities that Trump administration officials have contorted the CDC, the nation’s premier public health agency, into an arm of his re-election campaign.

Friday’s guidance change itself states what science has long understood: “Due to the significance of asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic transmission,” those who have been in close contact with an infected person should be tested for COVID-19.

Estimates vary on what percentage of COVID cases occur asymptomatically, though estimates range to as many as half. One study of a quarantined town in northern Italy found that more than 40 percent of COVID-19 infections in the town showed no symptoms.

But the change came after the New York Times reported widespread discontent at the CDC with the guidance. One official told the paper that the “policy does not reflect what many people at the CDC feel should be the policy.”

Officials told the paper that the guidance had been posted to the CDC’s website without approval by agency scientists.

The efforts to manipulate the country’s fight against COVID into a re-election prop extend beyond the faulty testing guidance. Michael Caputo and an aide reportedly spent much of the past five months terrorizing CDC staff out of saying anything remotely critical or contradictory of President Trump, for example.
When you get a flu shot, do you also get a V-19 test? If not, why not?

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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by runrussellrun »

Not that sexual acts are anything "new" (that's why private schools exist ), but can anyone ask why a teacher wasn't trained to hit the "off" button on this "free" video conference software/platform? Just stay home, it's not like you are working anyway, Taunton parents. No wallstreetbanksters , them. ... ent-says/1

Superintendent John Cabral said in a written statement that the incident occurred Tuesday, the second day of classes.

TAUNTON — ”(I)nappropriate conduct of a sexual nature involving a student” occurred during an elementary school remote learning class and was witnessed by students, Taunton Public Schools Superintendent John Cabral said Wednesday.

Cabral said in a written statement that the incident occurred Tuesday, the second day of classes, at around 1 p.m. and was quickly reported to the principal of the school, Galligan Elementary.

“Unfortunately, the conduct was witnessed by students who were attending their class remotely,” he wrote. “The teacher and Galligan School acted quickly, ending the remote meeting and relaying the circumstances to the Superintendent of Schools, and to other authorities, as is our protocol.”

Cabral said the student received “appropriate consequences” for their actions, although it is not clear what those were. He also said the administration reached out to students and families affected and offered additional support.

“Whether in a hybrid or remote learning setting, the Taunton Public Schools will continue to monitor and stress to our students the behavior expected at all times,” he wrote. “As a school system, we will take this opportunity to help support our students and families by reinforcing with your children responsible digital citizenship and digital behavioral expectations.”

The school system has not confirmed what the conduct was, nor whether the student responsible was a student in the class itself, or the student’s age or gender.

This is a developing story and will be updated.

Reach Susannah Sudborough at [email protected]

Hello reader, our article commenting that you would normally see here is temporarily shut down. We still want to hear from you, so we invite you to go to our Facebook page or submit a letter to the editor.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by runrussellrun »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 5:14 pm
youthathletics wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 2:06 pm
Let's play "What is missing" ....that the article fails to tell everyone she fled China much earlier this year.

Dr. Yan, who worked in the University of Hong Kong School Of Public Health focusing on research in influenza viruses and pandemics, also accused her supervisors - some of the top experts in the field -of ignoring the research she was conducting which she claims could have potentially saved lives.
:lol: :roll: :lol:

and many have fact checked the fact checker. You listen to the latest news?
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by runrussellrun »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 6:02 pm
BLUE,, yellow, brown.......blah blah blah

It's killing the old, the unwell.

You can keep staying home and "living" your life by watching the new show on flix or prime.......

....I hope you have piped in gas for the upcoming winter. Oil or propane delivery says to delivery. Stay warm
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by runrussellrun »

jhu72 wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 6:52 pm For those interested, Texas has moved into 3rd behind New Jersey in total deaths, passing Californian now in 4th, waiting to be passed by Florida. Florida leads in deaths today. Texas will likely move past New Jersey within the next 30 days. Florida has a good chance of passing California in the same time frame.

Also looks to me like the good news is largely over for the time being. Trendline for the US appears to be turning up, as predicted by the University of Washington model. Next stop, 400K dead by New Years. Average of 2000 dead per day over the rest of the year. MAGA!
Does this mean lots of jobs are opening up? Seriously, are all these "extra" deaths affecting the job market? You must be a denier, that well over 2 million US citizens die, each and every year.

Meanwhile, kids are being marginalized....but who care about the young. THEY....are the problem....not the old that polluted our waters, earth and sky.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by CU88 »

runrussellrun wrote: Sat Sep 19, 2020 7:17 am
CU88 wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 11:44 am Sending out masks was exactly the right move. Why did IMPOTUS o d block this???

The White House blocked the US Postal Service from sending face masks to every US household in April ... lds-2020-9
utter junk......not even PORN of FEAR.

Remember all the Democratic candidates, describing their plans, during the POTUSA debates?

There were four debates after tRump banned travel from China. February 7th, 15th and 25th. Also, the one held on March 15, with just Biden and Sanders; what steps, measures did these two candidates discuss? What questions did the mods ask?

Two completely separate topics. Plus your hero, IMPOTUS o d, never banned travel from China.
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
Mr moderator, deactivate my account.
You have heck this forum up to making it nothing more than a joke. I hope you are happy.
This is cradle and shoot signing out.
:roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by runrussellrun »

CU88 wrote: Sat Sep 19, 2020 8:52 am
runrussellrun wrote: Sat Sep 19, 2020 7:17 am
CU88 wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 11:44 am Sending out masks was exactly the right move. Why did IMPOTUS o d block this???

The White House blocked the US Postal Service from sending face masks to every US household in April ... lds-2020-9
utter junk......not even PORN of FEAR.

Remember all the Democratic candidates, describing their plans, during the POTUSA debates?

There were four debates after tRump banned travel from China. February 7th, 15th and 25th. Also, the one held on March 15, with just Biden and Sanders; what steps, measures did these two candidates discuss? What questions did the mods ask?

Two completely separate topics. Plus your hero, IMPOTUS o d, never banned travel from China.
It's childish, constantly repeating that tRump is my hero. You can debate better, can't you?

Now, to the solutions, going forward. Why wasn't v-19 discussed in ANY of the DNC debates? answer the question
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by youthathletics »

runrussellrun wrote: Sat Sep 19, 2020 7:22 am Not that sexual acts are anything "new" (that's why private schools exist ), but can anyone ask why a teacher wasn't trained to hit the "off" button on this "free" video conference software/platform? Just stay home, it's not like you are working anyway, Taunton parents. No wallstreetbanksters , them. ... ent-says/1

Superintendent John Cabral said in a written statement that the incident occurred Tuesday, the second day of classes.

TAUNTON — ”(I)nappropriate conduct of a sexual nature involving a student” occurred during an elementary school remote learning class and was witnessed by students, Taunton Public Schools Superintendent John Cabral said Wednesday.

Cabral said in a written statement that the incident occurred Tuesday, the second day of classes, at around 1 p.m. and was quickly reported to the principal of the school, Galligan Elementary.

“Unfortunately, the conduct was witnessed by students who were attending their class remotely,” he wrote. “The teacher and Galligan School acted quickly, ending the remote meeting and relaying the circumstances to the Superintendent of Schools, and to other authorities, as is our protocol.”

Cabral said the student received “appropriate consequences” for their actions, although it is not clear what those were. He also said the administration reached out to students and families affected and offered additional support.

“Whether in a hybrid or remote learning setting, the Taunton Public Schools will continue to monitor and stress to our students the behavior expected at all times,” he wrote. “As a school system, we will take this opportunity to help support our students and families by reinforcing with your children responsible digital citizenship and digital behavioral expectations.”

The school system has not confirmed what the conduct was, nor whether the student responsible was a student in the class itself, or the student’s age or gender.

This is a developing story and will be updated.

Reach Susannah Sudborough at [email protected]

Hello reader, our article commenting that you would normally see here is temporarily shut down. We still want to hear from you, so we invite you to go to our Facebook page or submit a letter to the editor.
My wife is a teacher, and our school system uses Microsoft Teams, as does our business. The upsetting part about this virtual video learning, is that the presenter of the Teams Meeting does not have the ability to hide all the participants in the class...meaning everyone logged in is on the screen in a grid format. IMO, the students should not have the ability to see each other...only the teacher, primarily for safety issues like what happened in this incident.

This remote learning has essentially provided a platform for pedophiles to to watch other students. :twisted:
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by runrussellrun »

jhu72 wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 10:29 pm
wgdsr wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 9:59 pm
jhu72 wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 6:52 pm For those interested, Texas has moved into 3rd behind New Jersey in total deaths, passing Californian now in 4th, waiting to be passed by Florida. Florida leads in deaths today. Texas will likely move past New Jersey within the next 30 days. Florida has a good chance of passing California in the same time frame.

Also looks to me like the good news is largely over for the time being. Trendline for the US appears to be turning up, as predicted by the University of Washington model. Next stop, 400K dead by New Years. Average of 2000 dead per day over the rest of the year. MAGA!
why not 500 thousand by new years? -- because that is not what the UofW model says. For those not paying attention, their model has done pretty well in the prognostication department. We'll see how well they do the end of the year.
or a million?
think big!!!!

wow, you were out for a while... back with a bang after being somewhat discerning prior.
YOU....are the problem.72....along with all the idiots in the medical community. UofW nailed nothing. Easy to be right when you have a way back machine :roll:
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Re: All things tRUMP CoronaVirus

Post by Brooklyn »

runrussellrun wrote: Sat Sep 19, 2020 6:53 am

Thank you for your response. A few thoughts and a few questions.

V-19, at least in the USA, first known case was in the state of Washington, 3 thousand miles away from Manhattan. All the BioGen folks, here in my town of Boston, all got Covid, in earnest. Your focus on NYC is trivial, if not full of empty facts. A question for you and all the other TDS bigots: Did you rail POTUSA tRump when he closed China travel? (Contrary to Event 201's recommendations, btw) Yes or no?

In short, I interpret your "plan", for any and all future POTUSA's, to be to close ALL travel from ALL countries. Do I have this correct?

tRump my hero? Vapid, delusional non-thinker. Yeah.....I LOVE trump :roll:

Once again RRR proves he slept through our earlier discussions and that he lives in a world of utter delusionalism (why am I not surprised at this 'startling' revelation?).

re - "focus on NYC is trivial, if not full of empty facts"

Had you not slept through our earlier discussions you would have known that Petey and his cabal of right wing delusionals have focussed on NYC because it has had the highest tRUMPvirus casualty count. Several times he and your fellow antiAmerica pals have repeatedly stated that the casualty count is highest there in the USA and, according to their mindlessness, is the result of Democratic party incompetence. My reply proves that it was his party and your hero tRUMP who are the ones who are the actual causes, again, because of their control of the CDC and granting of visas. Thus, it is actually your subversive side that has focussed on NYC, your side that has dreamed up lies and pitiful excuses in your failed attempt to divert any and all blame from the repukeblicans, and it is we patriots who have posted the truth which readily refutes the political mysticism you live by.

"tRUMP closed China travel"

Of course I endorsed that phase of the travel ban (though his restrictions should have been far less porous). Note that I have previously posted info which proves that many thousands of lives could have been saved had your incompetent hero acted three weeks earlier as he had been advised to do. The problem is that your hero failed to extend that ban to Europeans as I have discussed previously. Therefore, there is no need for me to repeat myself.

OK. Lesson over. Go back to your dream world.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

runrussellrun wrote: Sat Sep 19, 2020 8:01 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 6:02 pm
BLUE,, yellow, brown.......blah blah blah

It's killing the old, the unwell.

You can keep staying home and "living" your life by watching the new show on flix or prime.......

....I hope you have piped in gas for the upcoming winter. Oil or propane delivery says to delivery. Stay warm
I don’t watch the talking head political shows. Bloomberg TV and BBC and then just national nightly news and I am out. My social life is almost unchanged from pre-Covid. Other than a bar to watch college football on Saturday night, nothing is that different. We simple folk.

200,000+ dead and counting..... why are you complaining? We have the most deaths, so we are doing the least.... you want us to do nothing? Is that your solution? Don’t take any mitigation efforts?

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Peter Brown
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by Peter Brown »

People are computing how many would die for the US to achieve natural herd immunity (in the loose sense)

No need for math and guesswork

FL gives us the best guesstimate

FL will achieve herd immunity with ~17k dead in a population of 20 million

That’s ~280k in the US

Florida’s Covid problem will be more or less permanently over well before the end of 2020 and they’ll be living without substantial restrictions,

NY’s Covid problem won’t be over until after mass vaccinations, if they even work, and they’ll be living with substantial restrictions.

Vote accordingly.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by jhu72 »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Sep 19, 2020 10:38 am
runrussellrun wrote: Sat Sep 19, 2020 8:01 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 6:02 pm
BLUE,, yellow, brown.......blah blah blah

It's killing the old, the unwell.

You can keep staying home and "living" your life by watching the new show on flix or prime.......

....I hope you have piped in gas for the upcoming winter. Oil or propane delivery says to delivery. Stay warm
I don’t watch the talking head political shows. Bloomberg TV and BBC and then just national nightly news and I am out. My social life is almost unchanged from pre-Covid. Other than a bar to watch college football on Saturday night, nothing is that different. We simple folk.

200,000+ dead and counting..... why are you complaining? We have the most deaths, so we are doing the least.... you want us to do nothing? Is that your solution? Don’t take any mitigation efforts?

Just noticed your new tagline at the bottom of your post. Love Asimov. Way before his time.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

jhu72 wrote: Sat Sep 19, 2020 11:25 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Sep 19, 2020 10:38 am
runrussellrun wrote: Sat Sep 19, 2020 8:01 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 6:02 pm
BLUE,, yellow, brown.......blah blah blah

It's killing the old, the unwell.

You can keep staying home and "living" your life by watching the new show on flix or prime.......

....I hope you have piped in gas for the upcoming winter. Oil or propane delivery says to delivery. Stay warm
I don’t watch the talking head political shows. Bloomberg TV and BBC and then just national nightly news and I am out. My social life is almost unchanged from pre-Covid. Other than a bar to watch college football on Saturday night, nothing is that different. We simple folk.

200,000+ dead and counting..... why are you complaining? We have the most deaths, so we are doing the least.... you want us to do nothing? Is that your solution? Don’t take any mitigation efforts?

Just noticed your new tagline at the bottom of your post. Love Asimov. Way before his time.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Peter Brown wrote: Sat Sep 19, 2020 11:17 am People are computing how many would die for the US to achieve natural herd immunity (in the loose sense)

No need for math and guesswork

FL gives us the best guesstimate

FL will achieve herd immunity with ~17k dead in a population of 20 million

That’s ~280k in the US

Florida’s Covid problem will be more or less permanently over well before the end of 2020 and they’ll be living without substantial restrictions,

NY’s Covid problem won’t be over until after mass vaccinations, if they even work, and they’ll be living with substantial restrictions.

Vote accordingly.
"many people are saying"... :roll:
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