All things CoronaVirus

The odds are excellent that you will leave this forum hating someone.

How many of your friends and family members have died of the Chinese Corona Virus?

0 people
1 person.
2 people.
3 people.
Total votes: 69

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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by jhu72 »

njbill wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:31 pm No doubt in my mind that, oh say, around October 15, Trump is going to try to force the FDA to “announce” that an effective vaccine has been approved and will be released “shortly” to the American public.
… that's what this blood plasma story is really about; a dry run for Trump's vaccine hoax. There is no way you are going to get one legitimately by early November - completed phase 3 of 30,000 person study. End of year maybe.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by ggait »

njbill wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:31 pm No doubt in my mind that, oh say, around October 15, Trump is going to try to force the FDA to “announce” that an effective vaccine has been approved and will be released “shortly” to the American public.
You mean something like this:
The Trump administration is considering bypassing normal US regulatory standards to fast-track an experimental coronavirus vaccine from the UK for use in America ahead of the presidential election, according to three people briefed on the plan. ... 93dcdb3c1a
Last edited by ggait on Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Re: Not Good

Post by wgdsr »

DocBarrister wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:29 pm
wgdsr wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:07 am
DocBarrister wrote: Mon Aug 24, 2020 5:38 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Aug 24, 2020 11:14 am
DocBarrister wrote: Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:24 am
DocBarrister wrote: Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:19 am What many have feared ... world’s first confirmed case of novel coronavirus re-reinfection. ... y-n1237840

This suggests that for some or many (or most or all?) people, any immunity through infection/recovery or vaccination will be temporary.

Not good.

DocBarrister :?
One possible implication ... we may face a future requiring constant vigilance against this virus. Meaning, repeated vaccinations and occasional isolations and shutdowns when local outbreaks occur.

DocBarrister :|
Read what the article stated,the patient was asymptomatic the throughout the re-infection. Its likely that the his immune system having familiarity with the virus prevented him/her from experiencing any symptoms. This is a rather extremist take, there is nothing that is NOT good about it. Reinfection does not and rarely has to be associated with worse symptoms. This would fly in the face of every scientific principle known to mankind. This isn't a new virus, just a very different strain of the Coronavirus family that has been around for quite a while. This post is leaving a lot of what the article said and inserting your alarmist beliefs into it. I am a casual observer of this forum, but a lot of the time its very hard to even take you serious. You are purposefully divisive, alarmist, insensitive and take things to the extreme every chance you get. I get it, you are unhappy with the current leadership in this country, but that doesn't call for some of the extreme takes that you throw out in regards to this virus. There's a lot of people unhappy with the leadership as you are, yet they don't abandon their sense of rational belief and make such divisive statements as if they are making them just to elicit some sort of response that they may seek.

Go Twins,
The ignorance in your post is truly astonishing. I would correct every errant statement in your post, but I have a day job and don’t have the time to teach you all you should know.

You also missed a key point ... the second infection was caused by a different variant of the novel coronavirus. Same virus, different variant. That is definitely bad.

Public health officials were hoping that long-term immunity would be possible with the Covid-19 virus (as it was with SARS and MERS). Such long-term immunity was key to getting those earlier pandemics under control. More and more, that does not seem likely with the novel coronavirus. In other words, the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) is not like other viruses.

There is also another sickness involved here ... a repugnant and dishonest effort to portray SARS-CoV-2 as just another strain of coronavirus.

WRONG ... we’re well on our way to a million worldwide deaths despite the most extreme infection mitigation efforts in over a century (plus, modern medicine and technology). There will likely be a quarter million dead Americans by the end of the year. THAT is nothing like other recent coronaviruses. To say otherwise is disrespectful, dishonest, and ignorant.

Seriously, let’s stop with the ignorant posts.

could you explain why you state that long-term immunity is what
was key to getting sars and mers under control?
Long-term immunity increases the time period during which a previously infected individual is less susceptible to reinfection. That helps the development of immunity in a general population and aids in stopping the spread of the virus. For both SARS and MERS, immunity could persist for years.

For example:

Long-term immunity could also increase the chances of developing an effective vaccine that provides long-term protection, although that is not always possible with these viruses.

If the immunity period for SARS-CoV-2 is as short as several months, which early research is suggesting, that will make it much more difficult to stop the spread of the virus and to develop a vaccine that provides long-term protection.

Hope that answers your (good) question.

i was actually wondering about the assertion that long term immunity was key to getting control of sars and mers. why do you believe the long term immunity of 8,000 and several hundred infected people globally made a difference in getting them under control?

in case those some people got it again years later? from where?
Last edited by wgdsr on Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by njbill »

Yup. Saw that, too.

If Trump really gets desperate, he will announce a deal with Russia for their vaccine. :shock:
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by jhu72 »

njbill wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:53 pm Yup. Saw that, too.

If Trump really gets desperate, he will announce a deal with Russia for their vaccine. :shock:
More likely the Brits will have something believable by election time, but it will not have the mandated phase 3 of 30,000 persons. They will have 10K.

Of course by election time you will have a dozen companies all swearing they have something that works with zero or at best very limited evidence. No where near a completed phase 3 showing success.
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Re: Not Good

Post by DocBarrister »

wgdsr wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:52 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:29 pm
wgdsr wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:07 am
DocBarrister wrote: Mon Aug 24, 2020 5:38 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Aug 24, 2020 11:14 am
DocBarrister wrote: Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:24 am
DocBarrister wrote: Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:19 am What many have feared ... world’s first confirmed case of novel coronavirus re-reinfection. ... y-n1237840

This suggests that for some or many (or most or all?) people, any immunity through infection/recovery or vaccination will be temporary.

Not good.

DocBarrister :?
One possible implication ... we may face a future requiring constant vigilance against this virus. Meaning, repeated vaccinations and occasional isolations and shutdowns when local outbreaks occur.

DocBarrister :|
Read what the article stated,the patient was asymptomatic the throughout the re-infection. Its likely that the his immune system having familiarity with the virus prevented him/her from experiencing any symptoms. This is a rather extremist take, there is nothing that is NOT good about it. Reinfection does not and rarely has to be associated with worse symptoms. This would fly in the face of every scientific principle known to mankind. This isn't a new virus, just a very different strain of the Coronavirus family that has been around for quite a while. This post is leaving a lot of what the article said and inserting your alarmist beliefs into it. I am a casual observer of this forum, but a lot of the time its very hard to even take you serious. You are purposefully divisive, alarmist, insensitive and take things to the extreme every chance you get. I get it, you are unhappy with the current leadership in this country, but that doesn't call for some of the extreme takes that you throw out in regards to this virus. There's a lot of people unhappy with the leadership as you are, yet they don't abandon their sense of rational belief and make such divisive statements as if they are making them just to elicit some sort of response that they may seek.

Go Twins,
The ignorance in your post is truly astonishing. I would correct every errant statement in your post, but I have a day job and don’t have the time to teach you all you should know.

You also missed a key point ... the second infection was caused by a different variant of the novel coronavirus. Same virus, different variant. That is definitely bad.

Public health officials were hoping that long-term immunity would be possible with the Covid-19 virus (as it was with SARS and MERS). Such long-term immunity was key to getting those earlier pandemics under control. More and more, that does not seem likely with the novel coronavirus. In other words, the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) is not like other viruses.

There is also another sickness involved here ... a repugnant and dishonest effort to portray SARS-CoV-2 as just another strain of coronavirus.

WRONG ... we’re well on our way to a million worldwide deaths despite the most extreme infection mitigation efforts in over a century (plus, modern medicine and technology). There will likely be a quarter million dead Americans by the end of the year. THAT is nothing like other recent coronaviruses. To say otherwise is disrespectful, dishonest, and ignorant.

Seriously, let’s stop with the ignorant posts.

could you explain why you state that long-term immunity is what
was key to getting sars and mers under control?
Long-term immunity increases the time period during which a previously infected individual is less susceptible to reinfection. That helps the development of immunity in a general population and aids in stopping the spread of the virus. For both SARS and MERS, immunity could persist for years.

For example:

Long-term immunity could also increase the chances of developing an effective vaccine that provides long-term protection, although that is not always possible with these viruses.

If the immunity period for SARS-CoV-2 is as short as several months, which early research is suggesting, that will make it much more difficult to stop the spread of the virus and to develop a vaccine that provides long-term protection.

Hope that answers your (good) question.

i was actually wondering about the assertion that long term immunity was key to getting control of sars and mers. why do you believe the long term immunity of 8,000 and several hundred infected people globally made a difference in getting them under control?

in case those some people got it again years later? from where?
First, virus infection is usually much broader than the confirmed cases.

Second, the answer to your question can be derived from the well-known adage that there is no “cure” for the common cold. Not a perfect analogy, since there are so many viruses that can cause a “cold”, but a major factor is that infection with a “cold” virus (sometimes a member of the coronavirus family) only confers a few months immunity, if even that.

SARS-CoV-2 is not like other deadly viruses. It combines the lethality of some viruses, with the easy transmissibility of others, along with the short immunity of “cold” viruses. That is a deadly combination.

To use a baseball comparison, SARS-CoV-2 is that rare virus that can hit for average, hit for power, run the bases with speed, field like a gold glover, is durable, and plays second base or shortstop ... a once-in-a-lifetime threat.

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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by youthathletics »

ggait wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:49 pm your point they (SW) cleared CV-19 because they hunkered down and hid from it or that Herd Immunity solved it.
Sweden is now in the same place as the other Nordic and Euro countries. There's little evidence that Sweden has developed herd immunity.

Much more likely is that Swedes eventually just got serious about SD like everyone else in Europe did. While Sweden didn't issue lock down orders, the Swedes did their lock down by following recommendations.

So it is somewhat of a myth that the Swedes were letting it rip the whole time (they weren't). And that they got bailed out by herd immunity.
You avoided other portion of my post...why?
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.
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Re: Not Good

Post by wgdsr »

DocBarrister wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 4:09 pm
wgdsr wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:52 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:29 pm
wgdsr wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:07 am
DocBarrister wrote: Mon Aug 24, 2020 5:38 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Aug 24, 2020 11:14 am
DocBarrister wrote: Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:24 am
DocBarrister wrote: Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:19 am What many have feared ... world’s first confirmed case of novel coronavirus re-reinfection. ... y-n1237840

This suggests that for some or many (or most or all?) people, any immunity through infection/recovery or vaccination will be temporary.

Not good.

DocBarrister :?
One possible implication ... we may face a future requiring constant vigilance against this virus. Meaning, repeated vaccinations and occasional isolations and shutdowns when local outbreaks occur.

DocBarrister :|
Read what the article stated,the patient was asymptomatic the throughout the re-infection. Its likely that the his immune system having familiarity with the virus prevented him/her from experiencing any symptoms. This is a rather extremist take, there is nothing that is NOT good about it. Reinfection does not and rarely has to be associated with worse symptoms. This would fly in the face of every scientific principle known to mankind. This isn't a new virus, just a very different strain of the Coronavirus family that has been around for quite a while. This post is leaving a lot of what the article said and inserting your alarmist beliefs into it. I am a casual observer of this forum, but a lot of the time its very hard to even take you serious. You are purposefully divisive, alarmist, insensitive and take things to the extreme every chance you get. I get it, you are unhappy with the current leadership in this country, but that doesn't call for some of the extreme takes that you throw out in regards to this virus. There's a lot of people unhappy with the leadership as you are, yet they don't abandon their sense of rational belief and make such divisive statements as if they are making them just to elicit some sort of response that they may seek.

Go Twins,
The ignorance in your post is truly astonishing. I would correct every errant statement in your post, but I have a day job and don’t have the time to teach you all you should know.

You also missed a key point ... the second infection was caused by a different variant of the novel coronavirus. Same virus, different variant. That is definitely bad.

Public health officials were hoping that long-term immunity would be possible with the Covid-19 virus (as it was with SARS and MERS). Such long-term immunity was key to getting those earlier pandemics under control. More and more, that does not seem likely with the novel coronavirus. In other words, the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) is not like other viruses.

There is also another sickness involved here ... a repugnant and dishonest effort to portray SARS-CoV-2 as just another strain of coronavirus.

WRONG ... we’re well on our way to a million worldwide deaths despite the most extreme infection mitigation efforts in over a century (plus, modern medicine and technology). There will likely be a quarter million dead Americans by the end of the year. THAT is nothing like other recent coronaviruses. To say otherwise is disrespectful, dishonest, and ignorant.

Seriously, let’s stop with the ignorant posts.

could you explain why you state that long-term immunity is what
was key to getting sars and mers under control?
Long-term immunity increases the time period during which a previously infected individual is less susceptible to reinfection. That helps the development of immunity in a general population and aids in stopping the spread of the virus. For both SARS and MERS, immunity could persist for years.

For example:

Long-term immunity could also increase the chances of developing an effective vaccine that provides long-term protection, although that is not always possible with these viruses.

If the immunity period for SARS-CoV-2 is as short as several months, which early research is suggesting, that will make it much more difficult to stop the spread of the virus and to develop a vaccine that provides long-term protection.

Hope that answers your (good) question.

i was actually wondering about the assertion that long term immunity was key to getting control of sars and mers. why do you believe the long term immunity of 8,000 and several hundred infected people globally made a difference in getting them under control?

in case those some people got it again years later? from where?
First, virus infection is usually much broader than the confirmed cases.

Second, the answer to your question can be derived from the well-known adage that there is no “cure” for the common cold. Not a perfect analogy, since there are so many viruses that can cause a “cold”, but a major factor is that infection with a “cold” virus (sometimes a member of the coronavirus family) only confers a few months immunity, if even that.

SARS-CoV-2 is not like other deadly viruses. It combines the lethality of some viruses, with the easy transmissibility of others, along with the short immunity of “cold” viruses. That is a deadly combination.

To use a baseball comparison, SARS-CoV-2 is that rare virus that can hit for average, hit for power, run the bases with speed, field like a gold glover, is durable, and plays second base or shortstop ... a once-in-a-lifetime threat.

you seem to be purposely avoiding my question. personally, i don't think (and all the journals and articles i read on them) sars and mers were ended or had long term immunity as a "key" to getting them under control. there were factors about the diseases (including low transmissibilty) and mitigation tactics that did that. they infected so few people and for such a short period of time that i don't and didn't understand how one's long term immunity would ever come into play, much less as being a key to those pandemics being held under control. oh, well.
as far as transmissibility of covid 2-- high. lethality -- looks high but we will see, certainly seems more than influenza. immunity -- we have no idea. those are my opinions, we'll see when the jury comes in.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by njbill »

jhu72 wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 4:00 pm
njbill wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:53 pm Yup. Saw that, too.

If Trump really gets desperate, he will announce a deal with Russia for their vaccine. :shock:
More likely the Brits will have something believable by election time, but it will not have the mandated phase 3 of 30,000 persons. They will have 10K.

Of course by election time you will have a dozen companies all swearing they have something that works with zero or at best very limited evidence. No where near a completed phase 3 showing success.
Where have British approvals ever gone wrong?

The press may need to get used to spelling thalidomide.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by ggait »

You avoided other portion of my post...why?
YA -- I think the Swedes are in the same place now as all the other Euro countries and for the same reasons.

I don't think any of those countries has herd immunity. All bent the curve to low levels by serious social distancing.

And all could experience a virus resurgence in the future (and probably will) if they back off the SD too much too fast.

The only things different about Sweden's experience seem to be that they (like the UK) briefly/initially tried to let the virus run. Then backed off that and went SD. And they got SD compliance through voluntary rather than mandatory means.

Is that what you were asking about?
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Re: All things tRUMPVirus

Post by Brooklyn »

CU88 wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 7:08 am Feb 26:
@realDonaldTrump lied when he said we had 15 cases and we're "going to be down close to zero soon"

August 25: We have 5.92 million+ cases and 181,100+ deaths

Trump's deception, denial, delay, and incompetence have had a deadly cost.

and those delusionals stil stand by their claim that Obama should have resigned because of 2 ebola deaths
It has been proven a hundred times that the surest way to the heart of any man, black or white, honest or dishonest, is through justice and fairness.

Charles Francis "Socker" Coe, Esq
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Re: Not Good

Post by DocBarrister »

wgdsr wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 4:33 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 4:09 pm
wgdsr wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:52 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:29 pm
wgdsr wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:07 am
DocBarrister wrote: Mon Aug 24, 2020 5:38 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Aug 24, 2020 11:14 am
DocBarrister wrote: Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:24 am
DocBarrister wrote: Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:19 am What many have feared ... world’s first confirmed case of novel coronavirus re-reinfection. ... y-n1237840

This suggests that for some or many (or most or all?) people, any immunity through infection/recovery or vaccination will be temporary.

Not good.

DocBarrister :?
One possible implication ... we may face a future requiring constant vigilance against this virus. Meaning, repeated vaccinations and occasional isolations and shutdowns when local outbreaks occur.

DocBarrister :|
Read what the article stated,the patient was asymptomatic the throughout the re-infection. Its likely that the his immune system having familiarity with the virus prevented him/her from experiencing any symptoms. This is a rather extremist take, there is nothing that is NOT good about it. Reinfection does not and rarely has to be associated with worse symptoms. This would fly in the face of every scientific principle known to mankind. This isn't a new virus, just a very different strain of the Coronavirus family that has been around for quite a while. This post is leaving a lot of what the article said and inserting your alarmist beliefs into it. I am a casual observer of this forum, but a lot of the time its very hard to even take you serious. You are purposefully divisive, alarmist, insensitive and take things to the extreme every chance you get. I get it, you are unhappy with the current leadership in this country, but that doesn't call for some of the extreme takes that you throw out in regards to this virus. There's a lot of people unhappy with the leadership as you are, yet they don't abandon their sense of rational belief and make such divisive statements as if they are making them just to elicit some sort of response that they may seek.

Go Twins,
The ignorance in your post is truly astonishing. I would correct every errant statement in your post, but I have a day job and don’t have the time to teach you all you should know.

You also missed a key point ... the second infection was caused by a different variant of the novel coronavirus. Same virus, different variant. That is definitely bad.

Public health officials were hoping that long-term immunity would be possible with the Covid-19 virus (as it was with SARS and MERS). Such long-term immunity was key to getting those earlier pandemics under control. More and more, that does not seem likely with the novel coronavirus. In other words, the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) is not like other viruses.

There is also another sickness involved here ... a repugnant and dishonest effort to portray SARS-CoV-2 as just another strain of coronavirus.

WRONG ... we’re well on our way to a million worldwide deaths despite the most extreme infection mitigation efforts in over a century (plus, modern medicine and technology). There will likely be a quarter million dead Americans by the end of the year. THAT is nothing like other recent coronaviruses. To say otherwise is disrespectful, dishonest, and ignorant.

Seriously, let’s stop with the ignorant posts.

could you explain why you state that long-term immunity is what
was key to getting sars and mers under control?
Long-term immunity increases the time period during which a previously infected individual is less susceptible to reinfection. That helps the development of immunity in a general population and aids in stopping the spread of the virus. For both SARS and MERS, immunity could persist for years.

For example:

Long-term immunity could also increase the chances of developing an effective vaccine that provides long-term protection, although that is not always possible with these viruses.

If the immunity period for SARS-CoV-2 is as short as several months, which early research is suggesting, that will make it much more difficult to stop the spread of the virus and to develop a vaccine that provides long-term protection.

Hope that answers your (good) question.

i was actually wondering about the assertion that long term immunity was key to getting control of sars and mers. why do you believe the long term immunity of 8,000 and several hundred infected people globally made a difference in getting them under control?

in case those some people got it again years later? from where?
First, virus infection is usually much broader than the confirmed cases.

Second, the answer to your question can be derived from the well-known adage that there is no “cure” for the common cold. Not a perfect analogy, since there are so many viruses that can cause a “cold”, but a major factor is that infection with a “cold” virus (sometimes a member of the coronavirus family) only confers a few months immunity, if even that.

SARS-CoV-2 is not like other deadly viruses. It combines the lethality of some viruses, with the easy transmissibility of others, along with the short immunity of “cold” viruses. That is a deadly combination.

To use a baseball comparison, SARS-CoV-2 is that rare virus that can hit for average, hit for power, run the bases with speed, field like a gold glover, is durable, and plays second base or shortstop ... a once-in-a-lifetime threat.

you seem to be purposely avoiding my question. personally, i don't think (and all the journals and articles i read on them) sars and mers were ended or had long term immunity as a "key" to getting them under control. there were factors about the diseases (including low transmissibilty) and mitigation tactics that did that. they infected so few people and for such a short period of time that i don't and didn't understand how one's long term immunity would ever come into play, much less as being a key to those pandemics being held under control. oh, well.
as far as transmissibility of covid 2-- high. lethality -- looks high but we will see, certainly seems more than influenza. immunity -- we have no idea. those are my opinions, we'll see when the jury comes in.
I’m not avoiding your question. You’re just not understanding the answer or have already made up your mind to disagree.

You are also making some incorrect assumptions. For example, the transmissibility of SARS and MERS wasn’t (isn’t) low, but is quite variable and heterogenous (by region, by patient).

I don’t have time or the desire to tutor you on these subjects.

Here are some recommendations since you seem interested in the subject.

My old hunting grounds:

An adequate “alternative” ;) :

DocBarrister 8-)
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by youthathletics »

ggait wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 6:06 pm
You avoided other portion of my post...why?
YA -- I think the Swedes are in the same place now as all the other Euro countries and for the same reasons.

I don't think any of those countries has herd immunity. All bent the curve to low levels by serious social distancing.

And all could experience a virus resurgence in the future (and probably will) if they back off the SD too much too fast.

The only things different about Sweden's experience seem to be that they (like the UK) briefly/initially tried to let the virus run. Then backed off that and went SD. And they got SD compliance through voluntary rather than mandatory means.

Is that what you were asking about?
My point, which JHU and MD also avoided when I cited them in the quote earlier..I substituted Sweden for COUNTRY X.... your point they (COUNTRY X) cleared CV-19 because they hunkered down and hid from it or that Herd Immunity solved it. If the former...then that implies they are ripe to get CV-19 if they just ran and hid, if the latter then that implies herd immunity works and you are for it.

Meaning CV-19 is still around, so why are (COUNTRY X) folks not getting sick? Did they also completely isolate their borders and no one can enter of leave?
So if we are going to praise another country for doing "it" right, what did they do so they will not get it again and can get back to normal? Remember, that means they are either immune to it b/c they already had it, OR they will have to lock down again when it returns. Otherwise herd immunity is the only way...short of medical intervention. OR and this is a big OR....they have changed the way they test and report.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by wgdsr »

you can't help your condescending nature.
you also can't admit you made a mistake. long term immunity had absolutely nothing to do with the dissolution of those pandemics. how could it?
or explain how the long term immunity (years into the future?) in a few hundred cases (or more, if you prefer) was key to containing the outbreak. i am interested.

and no worries... i already know how to get into hahvahd.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by DocBarrister »

wgdsr wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 7:51 pm doc,
you can't help your condescending nature.
you also can't admit you made a mistake. long term immunity had absolutely nothing to do with the dissolution of those pandemics. how could it?
or explain how the long term immunity (years into the future?) in a few hundred cases (or more, if you prefer) was key to containing the outbreak. i am interested.

and no worries... i already know how to get into hahvahd.
Learn ... and then come back for a conversation.

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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by ggait »

So if we are going to praise another country for doing "it" right, what did they do so they will not get it again and can get back to normal?
IMO, the Euros (including Sweden) have simply done a better job than the USA in bending the curve down to a lower level through more rigorous SD.

And if the virus is down at a lower level, it is easier to manage and contain a small problem vs. a large problem. Your testing capacity goes further if virus levels are lower. Your contact tracing capacity goes further if virus levels are lower.

And when the virus is down at a lower level, you can do more normal things. The Euros are now allowed to travel between countries in the Euro zone. But the Euros currently ban the Americans from entering.

But I don't think anyone has herd immunity or a guarantee that the virus isn't flaring back up. Everyone is just managing until there's a treatment/vaccine.
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by wgdsr »

DocBarrister wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 8:00 pm
wgdsr wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 7:51 pm doc,
you can't help your condescending nature.
you also can't admit you made a mistake. long term immunity had absolutely nothing to do with the dissolution of those pandemics. how could it?
or explain how the long term immunity (years into the future?) in a few hundred cases (or more, if you prefer) was key to containing the outbreak. i am interested.

and no worries... i already know how to get into hahvahd.
Learn ... and then come back for a conversation.

stop with the condescension. it's tiring. i jumped in bc you went full flame on someone. i don't like bullies, moved around a lot as a kid and dealt with them.
but i asked for an honest answer. you won't provide one. anyone that can read can see that. professor.
Posts: 2007
Joined: Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:39 pm

Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by JoeMauer89 »

wgdsr wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 7:51 pm doc,
you can't help your condescending nature.
you also can't admit you made a mistake. long term immunity had absolutely nothing to do with the dissolution of those pandemics. how could it?
or explain how the long term immunity (years into the future?) in a few hundred cases (or more, if you prefer) was key to containing the outbreak. i am interested.

and no worries... i already know how to get into hahvahd.
I appreciate this post very much, your wasting your time admirably :lol: :lol:
Posts: 6661
Joined: Sat Aug 04, 2018 12:00 pm

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by DocBarrister »

wgdsr wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 8:08 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 8:00 pm
wgdsr wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 7:51 pm doc,
you can't help your condescending nature.
you also can't admit you made a mistake. long term immunity had absolutely nothing to do with the dissolution of those pandemics. how could it?
or explain how the long term immunity (years into the future?) in a few hundred cases (or more, if you prefer) was key to containing the outbreak. i am interested.

and no worries... i already know how to get into hahvahd.
Learn ... and then come back for a conversation.

stop with the condescension. it's tiring. i jumped in bc you went full flame on someone. i don't like bullies, moved around a lot as a kid and dealt with them.
but i asked for an honest answer. you won't provide one. anyone that can read can see that. professor.
I took time out from a busy day to post detailed responses to your questions. You, in contrast, seemed more interested in an argument.

Learn ... then we can share a learned discussion.

Until then ....

Posts: 9890
Joined: Thu Aug 30, 2018 7:00 pm

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by wgdsr »

DocBarrister wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 9:10 pm
wgdsr wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 8:08 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 8:00 pm
wgdsr wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 7:51 pm doc,
you can't help your condescending nature.
you also can't admit you made a mistake. long term immunity had absolutely nothing to do with the dissolution of those pandemics. how could it?
or explain how the long term immunity (years into the future?) in a few hundred cases (or more, if you prefer) was key to containing the outbreak. i am interested.

and no worries... i already know how to get into hahvahd.
Learn ... and then come back for a conversation.

stop with the condescension. it's tiring. i jumped in bc you went full flame on someone. i don't like bullies, moved around a lot as a kid and dealt with them.
but i asked for an honest answer. you won't provide one. anyone that can read can see that. professor.
I took time out from a busy day to post detailed responses to your questions. You, in contrast, seemed more interested in an argument.

Learn ... then we can share a learned discussion.

Until then ....

lol. just one question. again, i asked you honestly to explain this theory. none of which is supported by the cdc, the who, or any of a half dozen other science journals that i called up. not to mention it being illogical.

all bc you decided to be a bully. but you won't do it.

p.s. it's documented those 2 diseases confer long term immunity. what's not documented (that i'm aware of) is how that stopped those pandemics. which you did not address. happy to learn when you have the time, padre.

not looking for an argument. your perspective. how is it that long term immunity stopped those pandemics?
the people infected wouldn't infect others years later or get infected themselves years later? that's what stopped it? a global pandemic... several thousand or several hundred people's lt immunity years after they recovered? preach. on a vaca day, between briefs, or whenever.
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