Race in America - Riots Explode in Chicago

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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:37 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:31 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:22 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:13 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:00 am
Peter Brown wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:36 am White Antifa terrorists shoot and murder two underage black males in Seattle’s CHOP.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... oting.html

How is this not the lead story on every network right now?

That’s right, the media does anything to bend over backwards for Democrats.

Had the shooters been police, the media and certain Fanlax Democrats couldn’t shut up.
I saw this on CNN.

However, nowhere in the article you posted is the shooter or shooters described as "White Antifa terrorists" or remotely close to such. Instead, it sounds like the boys may have been stealing a car? Not even clear who started the shooting, much less the race of the participants other than the boys.

The police chief has a challenge on her hands, sounds like they're handling well so far. Mayor apparently had a good face to face with the protestors.
Yeah, the situation there in Seattle is nothing short of Shangri La. Peace and love interspersed with a little gunfire here and there. :roll:
Of course.
People will behave badly, given time.

Even those communes of the hippy era had their breakdowns (see Manson) and this is no commune!

It's an interesting little microcosm that may actually help folks understand why we do need representative government and police etc. The issue is whether the government and the police truly do represent the best interests and desires of the people they govern and 'protect'. Unfortunately, government and police have way too often failed to do so. So we have protests demanding change that was not accomplished through regular order.
These folks have taken over a huge part of the city and pretty much kicked the police out of their own precinct station. Can you explain for me a scenario where this ends well? If the white power folks take over a section of a city will they be given the same benefit of the doubt or will they be routed out with whatever force is necessary? Either nobody should be allowed to do it or it is fine for everybody to take over parts of any city they like. :roll:
Quick question:

Do you see 'white power' protests as equivalent to BLM protests?
If so, your point holds up.
I don't see these as equivalent.

Me, I see this 'ending badly' insofar as it already has destroyed property and lives have been lost, but I'd predict that the protestors eventually give up the turf without a physical battle.
It is not about BLM or who ever the heck boogaloo people are. The point is if BLM people feel they have the right to take over parts of a city, why don't the boogaloo people have the same right? My point is simple, no group of people no matter the cause or reason should be allowed to just takeover a part of a city and create their own rules within that zone. These people should have been removed voluntarily and given the option of leaving. If they refuse to leave they should have been removed by force. No city should ever allow something like this to happen.
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by Peter Brown »

cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:44 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:37 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:31 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:22 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:13 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:00 am
Peter Brown wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:36 am White Antifa terrorists shoot and murder two underage black males in Seattle’s CHOP.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... oting.html

How is this not the lead story on every network right now?

That’s right, the media does anything to bend over backwards for Democrats.

Had the shooters been police, the media and certain Fanlax Democrats couldn’t shut up.
I saw this on CNN.

However, nowhere in the article you posted is the shooter or shooters described as "White Antifa terrorists" or remotely close to such. Instead, it sounds like the boys may have been stealing a car? Not even clear who started the shooting, much less the race of the participants other than the boys.

The police chief has a challenge on her hands, sounds like they're handling well so far. Mayor apparently had a good face to face with the protestors.
Yeah, the situation there in Seattle is nothing short of Shangri La. Peace and love interspersed with a little gunfire here and there. :roll:
Of course.
People will behave badly, given time.

Even those communes of the hippy era had their breakdowns (see Manson) and this is no commune!

It's an interesting little microcosm that may actually help folks understand why we do need representative government and police etc. The issue is whether the government and the police truly do represent the best interests and desires of the people they govern and 'protect'. Unfortunately, government and police have way too often failed to do so. So we have protests demanding change that was not accomplished through regular order.
These folks have taken over a huge part of the city and pretty much kicked the police out of their own precinct station. Can you explain for me a scenario where this ends well? If the white power folks take over a section of a city will they be given the same benefit of the doubt or will they be routed out with whatever force is necessary? Either nobody should be allowed to do it or it is fine for everybody to take over parts of any city they like. :roll:
Quick question:

Do you see 'white power' protests as equivalent to BLM protests?
If so, your point holds up.
I don't see these as equivalent.

Me, I see this 'ending badly' insofar as it already has destroyed property and lives have been lost, but I'd predict that the protestors eventually give up the turf without a physical battle.
It is not about BLM or who ever the heck boogaloo people are. The point is if BLM people feel they have the right to take over parts of a city, why don't the boogaloo people have the same right? My point is simple, no group of people no matter the cause or reason should be allowed to just takeover a part of a city and create their own rules within that zone. These people should have been removed voluntarily and given the option of leaving. If they refuse to leave they should have been removed by force. No city should ever allow something like this to happen.

MD’s false equivalency here is trying to pitch the mighty Boogaloo movement of 7 members with the millions in BLM, carefully avoiding the BLM platform other than one anodyne call to not be racist. The goal is to justify violence and property destruction by BLM/Antifa/Democrats because the ‘mighty’ boogaloos are much worse’.

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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by 6ftstick »

Gotta love Pelosi and Schumer

https://kfiam640.iheart.com/featured/jo ... 8lQ0SrEPp0

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer Can't Remember George Floyd's Name

More proof this is all about the election. Blacks be d*mned
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by 6ftstick »


Should we start a poll for a new name for the city

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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by DMac »

Matnum PI wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 8:27 pm For those who can't see this article because they've used all their freebies:
Opinion by
Jonathan Capehart
June 5, 2020 at 11:55 a.m. EDT
Now that we are engaged in yet another conversation on race, might I recommend Robin DiAngelo’s book “White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism.” But if you are white, I implore you to read it.

When you are black in America, your knowledge of white people in America and of the intricacies, contradictions and double standards of racism and white supremacy can only be described as intimate. As a result, as movie director Kasi Lemmons wrote in The Post on Monday, African Americans know whites “very well. We’ve had to. We had no choice. ... We had to know you to survive you.”

I have been wild about DiAngelo’s book since I read it last year because the associate professor of education at the University of Washington at Seattle is a white woman writing unflinchingly to white people about race. DiAngelo forces white people to see and understand how white supremacy permeates their lives and to recognize how they perpetuate it. More importantly, she shows them what they can do to change themselves and dismantle this pernicious system.

How white identity permeates policymaking outside of Washington

DiAngelo also demolishes the ready-made excuses and defenses white people use to absolve themselves of any responsibility when confronted with racism. “It’s like a script. It’s so predictable, what white people are going to say and do when the topic of race comes up,” DiAngelo told me during an interview for my podcast, “Cape Up.” She argues that white Americans view racism as an individual moral failing instead of the waste product of a system that prioritizes white people and whose levers are consciously (see: Amy Cooper in Central Park) and unconsciously manipulated by them.

The author of ‘White Fragility’ doesn’t think ‘most white people care about racial injustice’Subscribe0:00151538:02
“I don’t know that you could have come up with a more effective way to protect the system of racism than reduce it to this very simple formula. A racist is an individual who consciously doesn’t like people based on race. Apparently, it has to be conscious or it doesn’t count,” explained DiAngelo, who noted that the formula also requires that the hurt caused be intentional or it doesn’t count. “That definition not only exempts virtually all white people from the system we’re in, but I think it’s the root of virtually all white defensiveness. Because if that’s what I think it means to be racist and you suggest I’ve just said or done something racist ... I’m going to hear you saying that I am a bad person. That’s going to land as a question of my very moral character.

“And now, I’m going to need to defend my moral character. So, how will I defend it? Insist that I am not racist, I could not be racist,” DiAngelo said. “I’m going to give you ridiculous evidence. ‘I had a black roommate in college.’ ‘I speak several languages.’ ‘My goodness, I’ve been to Costa Rica.’” Yeah, I burst out laughing at that last one, too.

DiAngelo told me that she doesn’t say everyone is racist. She says everyone is biased, which is true. But not all biases are equal. “When you back my group’s bias with that kind of power, it’s just so profoundly different in its impact,” said DiAngelo, who pointed out that anti-blackness is a major factor. “The closer you are to blackness, the more profound will be the oppression. This is a system, and your smiling doesn’t interrupt it. Your niceness doesn’t interrupt it. You going to lunch on occasion with a co-worker of color doesn’t interrupt this system. The only thing that interrupts it is strategic, intentional action.”

There’s a ‘poisonous dynamic among white people’ over who’s to blame for racism

DiAngelo practices what she preaches. At the end of the interview, she did something extraordinary. She apologized — to me.

“I’m going to look at you, Jonathan, in the eyes and say, on behalf of my people, I apologize,” DiAngelo said. Tears slowly welled in my eyes as she said those words. In that moment, it was like I was in one of those movie scenes where one’s life flashes before their eyes, except for me, it was a montage of sleights and cruelty that litter my memory.

The time I was chased home by a carload of white teenagers when I was in middle school. The time when I was in high school, pumping gas on the Jersey shore during the summer, and a bunch of white men jumped out of their vehicle screaming n----- this and n----- that. Then there are the repetitive interactions with white people that threaten to build to a psychic death by myriad cuts.

I’ve seen white women clutch their purses and watched white men tap their back pockets to see if their wallets are still there. I’ve sat alone on a packed rush-hour commuter train back to the suburbs. I’ve had people assume I work at the store/restaurant/hotel I was in. I’ve had my space invaded because I’m not really seen by white people. I’ve been followed in stores because I’m seen as a thief or a threat. I’ve been mistaken for someone else black who looks nothing like me. I’ve had my experiences discounted or dismissed. I’ve watched others rise to positions I know I could do better. I fear leaving home for any duration of time without my driver’s license, health insurance card and a Washington Post business card with my husband’s phone number on it just in case I have a run-in with law enforcement or a stranger who calls the police. And I feel unsafe in my own country because the president of the United States delights in pouring gasoline on America’s four-century-old fire.

“I want you to know that as long as I’m alive, I will work to wake my people up, to continue my own process and to see that we can recover,” DiAngelo continued. “And at least, when I am at the end of my life, I can say I did what I could.” With that, I was overcome, crying my way through my thank-you that ended the interview. Why? Because with 70 words delivered with utmost sincerity, a woman I’d never met before acknowledged my hurt and my pain that now spans 52 years. That DiAngelo promised to keep working to make things right told me I have a true ally. That she wrote a book to help bring other white Americans along gives me hope that we actually could make things right.
I feel no guilt, or make any apologies, for being white, nor do I feel any kind of responsibility for the history of slavery in this country. None of "my folks" ever stepped foot on this land til long after any of those goings on, and none of them ever as much as lived in the segregated south.
I think Mr. Capehart likes to sensationalize and exaggerate a lot for effect.
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by Farfromgeneva »

Some people are losing the plot though. A 20yr friend of my wifes who I’ve gotten to know a bit the past decade and even made numerous introductions that he fumbled including Bank CFOs and folks like partners at Nelson Mullins and King and Spalding, black guy, grew up affluent in Cobb Co, mostly hung out with whites people and never lifted a finger for racial causes completely went off on me at my suggestion that the Dems could lose the presidential election if they pull Abrams or Bottoms as VP, both of whom are unqualified. This cat, who went to UGA, then Duke law but somehow hasn’t done a thing just had to fold his personal firm after 8-9yrs of doing nothing started going off on how I was a white supremecist, told my wife off, because I was critical of these two ladies lack of accomplishment when what I was saying is if you have to pick a black woman at least go Harris or Val Demmings who have some kind of National experience or they’ll lose potential moderate Republican swing voters in states like Ga. For me I’m considering voting R and president for the first time in my life or sitting it out. My vote might count.

But this fat troll Uncle Tom who looks like the love child of the midget from Bad Santa and Precious threatened me and my wife amongst other things. Almost have to think his mental health is declining from his own failures and he’s attaching to a cause in a fraudulent manner even if his skin color is black which is just an observation and anecdotal but probably something of a small portion of folks out there. Now I haven’t had a phone call talking about a fight in 25yrs (high school) and would break this dude in half and then spend time practicing fake wrestling moves on him on the ground (think camel clutch, Boston crab, figure four leglock, cross face crippler) but before I hung up on him and blocked his number I let him know that if he ever threatened my wife or me again he should expect to hear from a couple of cats from Bouldercrest (a very dangerous part of Atlanta), the kind of people Gucci Mane will cross the street to get away from, for less than the cash that I have in my wallet and his inconsequential life would be nothing more than a stain in the ground. Subsequently cut off all connections and have reported him to the bar.

But I feel like I’m on the right side of things and have spent my life helping others at this point to the detriment of my own physical and mental health so thought this crazy incident was interesting. (Do I know people in bouldercrest you ask? Sort of, I get certain street prescriptions filled by a guy named Wheezy who’s come to trust me implicitly and I know would be helpful, but that was a statement I told this dude by code switching as I’ve picked up enough urban knowledge in my life to communicate better and understand “code switching” than a suburban rich black kid who never cared about his race historically)
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Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by runrussellrun »

cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:11 am This is sad and funny all at the same time. After all of the protesting, riots and vandalism and criticism of local police here in Rochester NY a brandy new problem has surfaced. It seems like folks in the city have become very fond of lighting off fireworks all night long. It is bottle rocket heaven as soon as the sun sets and it goes on well into the night. The poor people who can't sleep because of all the noise are now demanding action from the police. They want something done about it. Murder, armed robbery, burglary, assaults and all the standard mayhem is no big deal. The fact people are blowing off fireworks and disturbing their nappy time has become a bridge too far for the people to accept. In this situation we should take a Fans advice. There is no need to send the police. This does not require people with guns to settle this problem. What they need is some dedicated community organizers to go our there and have a chit chat with these inebriated groups of revelers and let them know they are being rude and to please knock it off. The problem is solved so easily. What could possibly go wrong here that you would ever really need the police to handle it? The people want less policing, well then give them exactly what they want... less policing. :D
a coward like you.....siding with the "karens".......how strange :roll:
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by 6ftstick »

Anyone else object to a question in yesterdays white house briefing


"Is the President of the United States happy the north won the civil war?"

Take that clowns press pass away.
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by Farfromgeneva »

We used to have Roman Candle wars back in my day. Didn’t cause permanent damage but man those thing stung like a bastard when hit squarely.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by HooDat »

cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:38 am So anybody with a legitimate grievance should be allowed to take matters into their own hands and act independently of any local government? That sounds more like anarchy to me than anything else. I guess so long as you have good intentions your methods are then justified? :roll: Why don't we let people become vigilantes next? Their intentions are good, give payback to all those bad folks. You know as well as I do the courts can't get it right. Is there a line to be drawn here MD? I'm just asking.
There are factions involved in these occupations and riots who's only objective is anarchy. When you have self-avowed Marxists, you can be pretty certain their goal is not to build something better, but to tear down and destroy. They manipulate the situation and take advantage of those with good intentions.

And make no mistake, the right has their own people like this - white nationalists and conspiracy theorists, ... But they have been very small in numbers and had been marginalized (at least during my lifetime).

The kooks on both sides had been pretty marginalized, although the left has always struck me as more sympathetic to their nuttier extremes. That was at least until the media decided a race war would be good for ratings.
STILL somewhere back in the day....

...and waiting/hoping for a tinfoil hat emoji......
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:38 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:22 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:13 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:00 am
Peter Brown wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:36 am White Antifa terrorists shoot and murder two underage black males in Seattle’s CHOP.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... oting.html

How is this not the lead story on every network right now?

That’s right, the media does anything to bend over backwards for Democrats.

Had the shooters been police, the media and certain Fanlax Democrats couldn’t shut up.
I saw this on CNN.

However, nowhere in the article you posted is the shooter or shooters described as "White Antifa terrorists" or remotely close to such. Instead, it sounds like the boys may have been stealing a car? Not even clear who started the shooting, much less the race of the participants other than the boys.

The police chief has a challenge on her hands, sounds like they're handling well so far. Mayor apparently had a good face to face with the protestors.
Yeah, the situation there in Seattle is nothing short of Shangri La. Peace and love interspersed with a little gunfire here and there. :roll:
Of course.
People will behave badly, given time.

Even those communes of the hippy era had their breakdowns (see Manson) and this is no commune!

It's an interesting little microcosm that may actually help folks understand why we do need representative government and police etc. The issue is whether the government and the police truly do represent the best interests and desires of the people they govern and 'protect'. Unfortunately, government and police have way too often failed to do so. So we have protests demanding change that was not accomplished through regular order.
So anybody with a legitimate grievance should be allowed to take matters into their own hands and act independently of any local government? That sounds more like anarchy to me than anything else. I guess so long as you have good intentions your methods are then justified? :roll: Why don't we let people become vigilantes next? Their intentions are good, give payback to all those bad folks. You know as well as I do the courts can't get it right. Is there a line to be drawn here MD? I'm just asking.
It's a great question, cradle, and please don't think that my belief is all is cool with what's happening in Seattle at this time. But a use of force would be the opposite of what is called for, indeed would be most effective in the long haul, in this very moment of protest against the use of brutal force by the police.

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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

HooDat wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 11:48 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:38 am So anybody with a legitimate grievance should be allowed to take matters into their own hands and act independently of any local government? That sounds more like anarchy to me than anything else. I guess so long as you have good intentions your methods are then justified? :roll: Why don't we let people become vigilantes next? Their intentions are good, give payback to all those bad folks. You know as well as I do the courts can't get it right. Is there a line to be drawn here MD? I'm just asking.
There are factions involved in these occupations and riots who's only objective is anarchy. When you have self-avowed Marxists, you can be pretty certain their goal is not to build something better, but to tear down and destroy. They manipulate the situation and take advantage of those with good intentions.

And make no mistake, the right has their own people like this - white nationalists and conspiracy theorists, ... But they have been very small in numbers and had been marginalized (at least during my lifetime).

The kooks on both sides had been pretty marginalized, although the left has always struck me as more sympathetic to their nuttier extremes. That was at least until the media decided a race war would be good for ratings.
yeah, this was all media generated for their ratings. :roll: :roll:

come on, HooDat, a vast majority of Americans, all races, are supporting this reexamination of our policies and their impacts on social justice. It's just a hard minority that is not. But it's not a tiny minority.

Fortunately, more and more of those who have never really understood these issues, but who have good hearts, are recognizing that things really do need to change.

I do agree with you that there are some kooks on the hard left, particularly the anarchist types.
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

6ftstick wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 11:18 am Anyone else object to a question in yesterdays white house briefing


"Is the President of the United States happy the north won the civil war?"

Take that clowns press pass away.
Seems like a softball, easy to hit out of the park...or at least sure as sh-t should be, right?
So why so many foul balls and outright whiffs?

sorry for the baseball analogy...this is supposed to be a lax community! ;)
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by a fan »

6ftstick wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 11:18 am Anyone else object to a question in yesterdays white house briefing


"Is the President of the United States happy the north won the civil war?"

Take that clowns press pass away.
Yeah, that's not helping, is it?
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Peter Brown wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 9:13 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:44 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:37 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:31 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:22 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:13 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:00 am
Peter Brown wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:36 am White Antifa terrorists shoot and murder two underage black males in Seattle’s CHOP.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... oting.html

How is this not the lead story on every network right now?

That’s right, the media does anything to bend over backwards for Democrats.

Had the shooters been police, the media and certain Fanlax Democrats couldn’t shut up.
I saw this on CNN.

However, nowhere in the article you posted is the shooter or shooters described as "White Antifa terrorists" or remotely close to such. Instead, it sounds like the boys may have been stealing a car? Not even clear who started the shooting, much less the race of the participants other than the boys.

The police chief has a challenge on her hands, sounds like they're handling well so far. Mayor apparently had a good face to face with the protestors.
Yeah, the situation there in Seattle is nothing short of Shangri La. Peace and love interspersed with a little gunfire here and there. :roll:
Of course.
People will behave badly, given time.

Even those communes of the hippy era had their breakdowns (see Manson) and this is no commune!

It's an interesting little microcosm that may actually help folks understand why we do need representative government and police etc. The issue is whether the government and the police truly do represent the best interests and desires of the people they govern and 'protect'. Unfortunately, government and police have way too often failed to do so. So we have protests demanding change that was not accomplished through regular order.
These folks have taken over a huge part of the city and pretty much kicked the police out of their own precinct station. Can you explain for me a scenario where this ends well? If the white power folks take over a section of a city will they be given the same benefit of the doubt or will they be routed out with whatever force is necessary? Either nobody should be allowed to do it or it is fine for everybody to take over parts of any city they like. :roll:
Quick question:

Do you see 'white power' protests as equivalent to BLM protests?
If so, your point holds up.
I don't see these as equivalent.

Me, I see this 'ending badly' insofar as it already has destroyed property and lives have been lost, but I'd predict that the protestors eventually give up the turf without a physical battle.
It is not about BLM or who ever the heck boogaloo people are. The point is if BLM people feel they have the right to take over parts of a city, why don't the boogaloo people have the same right? My point is simple, no group of people no matter the cause or reason should be allowed to just takeover a part of a city and create their own rules within that zone. These people should have been removed voluntarily and given the option of leaving. If they refuse to leave they should have been removed by force. No city should ever allow something like this to happen.

MD’s false equivalency here is trying to pitch the mighty Boogaloo movement of 7 members with the millions in BLM, carefully avoiding the BLM platform other than one anodyne call to not be racist. The goal is to justify violence and property destruction by BLM/Antifa/Democrats because the ‘mighty’ boogaloos are much worse’.

:lol: :lol: :roll:
If you want to try to equate Antifa with Boogaloo, have at it, but you are so far out to lunch on BLM it doesn't even deserve a response.

I mean, really, PB, you're not really this out to lunch are you?
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 11:51 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:38 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:22 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:13 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:00 am
Peter Brown wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:36 am White Antifa terrorists shoot and murder two underage black males in Seattle’s CHOP.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... oting.html

How is this not the lead story on every network right now?

That’s right, the media does anything to bend over backwards for Democrats.

Had the shooters been police, the media and certain Fanlax Democrats couldn’t shut up.
I saw this on CNN.

However, nowhere in the article you posted is the shooter or shooters described as "White Antifa terrorists" or remotely close to such. Instead, it sounds like the boys may have been stealing a car? Not even clear who started the shooting, much less the race of the participants other than the boys.

The police chief has a challenge on her hands, sounds like they're handling well so far. Mayor apparently had a good face to face with the protestors.
Yeah, the situation there in Seattle is nothing short of Shangri La. Peace and love interspersed with a little gunfire here and there. :roll:
Of course.
People will behave badly, given time.

Even those communes of the hippy era had their breakdowns (see Manson) and this is no commune!

It's an interesting little microcosm that may actually help folks understand why we do need representative government and police etc. The issue is whether the government and the police truly do represent the best interests and desires of the people they govern and 'protect'. Unfortunately, government and police have way too often failed to do so. So we have protests demanding change that was not accomplished through regular order.
So anybody with a legitimate grievance should be allowed to take matters into their own hands and act independently of any local government? That sounds more like anarchy to me than anything else. I guess so long as you have good intentions your methods are then justified? :roll: Why don't we let people become vigilantes next? Their intentions are good, give payback to all those bad folks. You know as well as I do the courts can't get it right. Is there a line to be drawn here MD? I'm just asking.
It's a great question, cradle, and please don't think that my belief is all is cool with what's happening in Seattle at this time. But a use of force would be the opposite of what is called for, indeed would be most effective in the long haul, in this very moment of protest against the use of brutal force by the police.

Sometimes a nail calls for a hammer, sometimes you need the screw driver. It's important to know the difference.
So what does the leadership of Seattle do if these folks refuse to leave? The status quo is not acceptable. There has to be an ultimatum given to these people real soon. It is real simple... leave on your own or you will leave on terms you will not like. There is no group of people that have the right to take over private property and claim it for themselves. These people are breaking the law. There should be no negotiating. Leave or you all will be forcefully removed and charged with any and all appropriate crimes.
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by HooDat »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 11:56 am
HooDat wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 11:48 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:38 am So anybody with a legitimate grievance should be allowed to take matters into their own hands and act independently of any local government? That sounds more like anarchy to me than anything else. I guess so long as you have good intentions your methods are then justified? :roll: Why don't we let people become vigilantes next? Their intentions are good, give payback to all those bad folks. You know as well as I do the courts can't get it right. Is there a line to be drawn here MD? I'm just asking.
There are factions involved in these occupations and riots who's only objective is anarchy. When you have self-avowed Marxists, you can be pretty certain their goal is not to build something better, but to tear down and destroy. They manipulate the situation and take advantage of those with good intentions.

And make no mistake, the right has their own people like this - white nationalists and conspiracy theorists, ... But they have been very small in numbers and had been marginalized (at least during my lifetime).

The kooks on both sides had been pretty marginalized, although the left has always struck me as more sympathetic to their nuttier extremes. That was at least until the media decided a race war would be good for ratings.
yeah, this was all media generated for their ratings. :roll: :roll:

come on, HooDat, a vast majority of Americans, all races, are supporting this reexamination of our policies and their impacts on social justice. It's just a hard minority that is not. But it's not a tiny minority.

Fortunately, more and more of those who have never really understood these issues, but who have good hearts, are recognizing that things really do need to change.

I do agree with you that there are some kooks on the hard left, particularly the anarchist types.
That is not what I said. You have twisted my point 180 degrees, in what comes across as a desperate need to either be offended or be able to claim some sort of morally higher ground....

I believe that the VAST majority of Americans black, white, red, yellow, brown, green(?) are NOT racist. Of course there is a lot of lingering damage from when there was rampant racism that was supported by our institutions and we need to find solutions that will repair that damage. Very few people are unsympathetic to the issues being raised through all this. I have yet to hear one person say - "no the cops are all good, kill as many black dudes as you want"... Granted there are people out there who are tone deaf around black lives versus all lives - but my sense is that it is function of their inability to see grey tones, the nuance is lost on them, they are as I said, tone-deaf.

What the media has inflamed is the violence and the destruction. They have gleefully provided a platform for violence and hate. The same way they gleefully provided a platform for Trumps run to the White House in 2016.
STILL somewhere back in the day....

...and waiting/hoping for a tinfoil hat emoji......
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 12:52 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 11:51 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:38 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:22 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:13 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:00 am
Peter Brown wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:36 am White Antifa terrorists shoot and murder two underage black males in Seattle’s CHOP.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... oting.html

How is this not the lead story on every network right now?

That’s right, the media does anything to bend over backwards for Democrats.

Had the shooters been police, the media and certain Fanlax Democrats couldn’t shut up.
I saw this on CNN.

However, nowhere in the article you posted is the shooter or shooters described as "White Antifa terrorists" or remotely close to such. Instead, it sounds like the boys may have been stealing a car? Not even clear who started the shooting, much less the race of the participants other than the boys.

The police chief has a challenge on her hands, sounds like they're handling well so far. Mayor apparently had a good face to face with the protestors.
Yeah, the situation there in Seattle is nothing short of Shangri La. Peace and love interspersed with a little gunfire here and there. :roll:
Of course.
People will behave badly, given time.

Even those communes of the hippy era had their breakdowns (see Manson) and this is no commune!

It's an interesting little microcosm that may actually help folks understand why we do need representative government and police etc. The issue is whether the government and the police truly do represent the best interests and desires of the people they govern and 'protect'. Unfortunately, government and police have way too often failed to do so. So we have protests demanding change that was not accomplished through regular order.
So anybody with a legitimate grievance should be allowed to take matters into their own hands and act independently of any local government? That sounds more like anarchy to me than anything else. I guess so long as you have good intentions your methods are then justified? :roll: Why don't we let people become vigilantes next? Their intentions are good, give payback to all those bad folks. You know as well as I do the courts can't get it right. Is there a line to be drawn here MD? I'm just asking.
It's a great question, cradle, and please don't think that my belief is all is cool with what's happening in Seattle at this time. But a use of force would be the opposite of what is called for, indeed would be most effective in the long haul, in this very moment of protest against the use of brutal force by the police.

Sometimes a nail calls for a hammer, sometimes you need the screw driver. It's important to know the difference.
So what does the leadership of Seattle do if these folks refuse to leave? The status quo is not acceptable. There has to be an ultimatum given to these people real soon. It is real simple... leave on your own or you will leave on terms you will not like. There is no group of people that have the right to take over private property and claim it for themselves. These people are breaking the law. There should be no negotiating. Leave or you all will be forcefully removed and charged with any and all appropriate crimes.
I'm sure the Mayor is frustrated. More than you.
But I disagree that such an ultimatum would do more than harden opposition.

IMO, Patience is a virtue in such situations.

These protests are sweeping the world, and we're far from done with them here in the US.
Force just ain't the answer.

But time will tell if the Mayor has charted the best course.
This violence inside seems to have created at least some dialogue.
ABV 8.3%
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by ABV 8.3% »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:43 am Some people are losing the plot though. A 20yr friend of my wifes who I’ve gotten to know a bit the past decade and even made numerous introductions that he fumbled including Bank CFOs and folks like partners at Nelson Mullins and King and Spalding, black guy, grew up affluent in Cobb Co, mostly hung out with whites people and never lifted a finger for racial causes completely went off on me at my suggestion that the Dems could lose the presidential election if they pull Abrams or Bottoms as VP, both of whom are unqualified. This cat, who went to UGA, then Duke law but somehow hasn’t done a thing just had to fold his personal firm after 8-9yrs of doing nothing started going off on how I was a white supremecist, told my wife off, because I was critical of these two ladies lack of accomplishment when what I was saying is if you have to pick a black woman at least go Harris or Val Demmings who have some kind of National experience or they’ll lose potential moderate Republican swing voters in states like Ga. For me I’m considering voting R and president for the first time in my life or sitting it out. My vote might count.

But this fat troll Uncle Tom who looks like the love child of the midget from Bad Santa and Precious threatened me and my wife amongst other things. Almost have to think his mental health is declining from his own failures and he’s attaching to a cause in a fraudulent manner even if his skin color is black which is just an observation and anecdotal but probably something of a small portion of folks out there. Now I haven’t had a phone call talking about a fight in 25yrs (high school) and would break this dude in half and then spend time practicing fake wrestling moves on him on the ground (think camel clutch, Boston crab, figure four leglock, cross face crippler) but before I hung up on him and blocked his number I let him know that if he ever threatened my wife or me again he should expect to hear from a couple of cats from Bouldercrest (a very dangerous part of Atlanta), the kind of people Gucci Mane will cross the street to get away from, for less than the cash that I have in my wallet and his inconsequential life would be nothing more than a stain in the ground. Subsequently cut off all connections and have reported him to the bar.

But I feel like I’m on the right side of things and have spent my life helping others at this point to the detriment of my own physical and mental health so thought this crazy incident was interesting. (Do I know people in bouldercrest you ask? Sort of, I get certain street prescriptions filled by a guy named Wheezy who’s come to trust me implicitly and I know would be helpful, but that was a statement I told this dude by code switching as I’ve picked up enough urban knowledge in my life to communicate better and understand “code switching” than a suburban rich black kid who never cared about his race historically)
All you had to do , was mention he went to Duke. The rest was just unnecessary, to prove the point.
oligarchy thanks you......same as it evah was
ABV 8.3%
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by ABV 8.3% »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 1:01 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 12:52 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 11:51 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:38 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:22 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:13 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:00 am
Peter Brown wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:36 am White Antifa terrorists shoot and murder two underage black males in Seattle’s CHOP.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... oting.html

How is this not the lead story on every network right now?

That’s right, the media does anything to bend over backwards for Democrats.

Had the shooters been police, the media and certain Fanlax Democrats couldn’t shut up.
I saw this on CNN.

However, nowhere in the article you posted is the shooter or shooters described as "White Antifa terrorists" or remotely close to such. Instead, it sounds like the boys may have been stealing a car? Not even clear who started the shooting, much less the race of the participants other than the boys.

The police chief has a challenge on her hands, sounds like they're handling well so far. Mayor apparently had a good face to face with the protestors.
Yeah, the situation there in Seattle is nothing short of Shangri La. Peace and love interspersed with a little gunfire here and there. :roll:
Of course.
People will behave badly, given time.

Even those communes of the hippy era had their breakdowns (see Manson) and this is no commune!

It's an interesting little microcosm that may actually help folks understand why we do need representative government and police etc. The issue is whether the government and the police truly do represent the best interests and desires of the people they govern and 'protect'. Unfortunately, government and police have way too often failed to do so. So we have protests demanding change that was not accomplished through regular order.
So anybody with a legitimate grievance should be allowed to take matters into their own hands and act independently of any local government? That sounds more like anarchy to me than anything else. I guess so long as you have good intentions your methods are then justified? :roll: Why don't we let people become vigilantes next? Their intentions are good, give payback to all those bad folks. You know as well as I do the courts can't get it right. Is there a line to be drawn here MD? I'm just asking.
It's a great question, cradle, and please don't think that my belief is all is cool with what's happening in Seattle at this time. But a use of force would be the opposite of what is called for, indeed would be most effective in the long haul, in this very moment of protest against the use of brutal force by the police.

Sometimes a nail calls for a hammer, sometimes you need the screw driver. It's important to know the difference.
So what does the leadership of Seattle do if these folks refuse to leave? The status quo is not acceptable. There has to be an ultimatum given to these people real soon. It is real simple... leave on your own or you will leave on terms you will not like. There is no group of people that have the right to take over private property and claim it for themselves. These people are breaking the law. There should be no negotiating. Leave or you all will be forcefully removed and charged with any and all appropriate crimes.
I'm sure the Mayor is frustrated. More than you.
But I disagree that such an ultimatum would do more than harden opposition.

IMO, Patience is a virtue in such situations.

These protests are sweeping the world, and we're far from done with them here in the US.
Force just ain't the answer.

But time will tell if the Mayor has charted the best course.
This violence inside seems to have created at least some dialogue.
In your own home, did you care that Mayor Dinkins hired a top five terrorist group, the Nation of Islam, to run security for Baltimore projects.
oligarchy thanks you......same as it evah was
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