2020 Elections - Trump FIRED

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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump Fatigue Pandemic

Post by Kismet »

The Lincoln's drop another one on DOPUS - this time for the latest Putin bounty scandal


Last edited by Kismet on Sun Jun 28, 2020 5:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump Fatigue Pandemic

Post by seacoaster »

The VP sweepstakes:

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/27/opin ... e=Homepage

"Whatever his wobbles, Joe Biden has, from the start of his presidential campaign, got one thing exactly right: The 2020 election is a battle for the soul of America. That’s not just a pretty slogan. It’s the stomach-knotting truth — and it’s the frame he should use for choosing his running mate.

It’s why he should pick Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois.

She’s a paragon of the values that Donald Trump, for all his practice as a performer, can’t even pantomime. She’s best described by words that are musty relics in his venal and vainglorious circle: “sacrifice,” “honor,” “humility.” More than any of the many extraordinary women on Biden’s list of potential vice-presidential nominees, she’s the anti-Trump, the antidote to the ugliness he revels in and the cynicism he stokes.

Americans can feel good — no, wonderful — about voting for a ticket with Duckworth on it. And we’re beyond hungry for that. We’re starving.

That ache transcends all of the other variables that attend Biden’s deliberations as he appraises Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Val Demings and others: race, age, experience, exact position on the spectrum from progressive to moderate.

Duckworth, a former Army lieutenant colonel who lost both of her legs during combat duty in Iraq, is a choice that makes exquisite emotional and moral sense. Largely, but not entirely, because of that, she makes strategic sense, too.

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For the uninitiated: Duckworth, 52, is in the fourth year of her first term in the Senate, before which she served two terms in the House. So unlike several of the other vice-presidential contenders, she has ascended to what is conventionally considered the right political altitude for this next step.

But it’s her life story that really makes her stand out. It’s the harrowing chapter in Iraq, yes, but also how she rebounded from it, how she talks about it. It’s her attitude. Her grace.

As my colleague Jennifer Steinhauer explained in a recent profile of Duckworth in The Times, she didn’t just serve in the Army: She became a helicopter pilot, which isn’t a job brimming with women. And as she flew near Baghdad one day in 2004, her Blackhawk was struck by a rocket-propelled grenade. The explosion left her near death.

She later received a Purple Heart, but she bristles when she’s called a hero. That designation, she has often said, belongs to her co-pilot, Dan Milberg, and others who carried her from the wreckage and got her to safety.

She put it this way when, as part of a “Note to Self” feature on “CBS This Morning,” she read aloud a letter that she had written to the younger Tammy: “You’ll make it out alive completely because of the grit, sacrifice and outright heroism of others. You haven’t done anything to be worthy of their sacrifices, but these heroes will give you a second chance at life.” She paused there briefly, fighting back tears.

To Steinhauer she said, “I wake up every day thinking, ‘I am never going to make Dan regret saving my life.’” Her subsequent advocacy for veterans, her run for Congress, her election to the Senate: She casts all of it in terms of gratitude and an obligation to give back.

Tell me how Trump campaigns against that. Tell me how he mocks her — which is the only way he knows how to engage with opponents. Or, rather, tell me how he does so without seeming even more obscene than he already does and turning off everyone beyond the cultish segment of the electorate that will never abandon him. Duckworth on the Democratic ticket is like some psy-ops masterstroke, all the more so because it was she who nicknamed Trump “Cadet Bone Spurs.”

I asked her about that on the phone on Thursday, remarking that it was uncharacteristically acerbic of her. “This guy’s a bully,” she said. “And bullies need a taste of their own medicine.”

Warren, too, is terrific at giving Trump that. Her placement on the Democratic ticket might fire up the progressives who regard Biden warily. And she could make an excellent governing partner for him.

But mightn’t she also give moderate voters pause? What about her age? She’s 71. Biden’s 77. Can the party of change and modernity, whose last two presidents were both under 50 when first elected, go with an all-septuagenarian ticket?

Governing partners don’t matter if you don’t get to govern. The certain catastrophe of four more years of Trump demands that Biden choose his running mate with November at the front, the back, the top and the bottom of his mind.

Harris also ably prosecutes the case against Trump. But many progressives have issues with her, and the idea that she’d drive high turnout among black voters isn’t supported by her failed bid for the Democratic nomination. She lacked support across the board, including among African-Americans. And in a recent national poll conducted by The Times and Siena College, more than four in five voters — including three in four black voters — said that race shouldn’t be a factor in Biden’s vice-presidential pick.

Duckworth is neither progressive idol nor progressive enemy. That partly reflects a low policy profile that’s among her flaws as a running mate but could actually work to her advantage, making her difficult to pigeonhole and open to interpretation. Trump-weary voters can read into her what they want. And in recent congressional elections, Democrats have had success among swing voters with candidates who are veterans.

Duckworth certainly can’t be dismissed as the same old same old. Her vice-presidential candidacy would be a trailblazing one, emblematic of a more diverse and inclusive America. Born in Bangkok to an American father and a Thai mother, she’d be the first Asian-American and the first woman of color on the presidential ticket of one of our two major parties.

She was the first United States senator to give birth while in office and the first to bring her baby onto the Senate floor. You want relatable? Duckworth has two children under the age of 6. She’s a working mom.

She’s not the product of privilege: In fact her family hit such hard times when she was growing up in Hawaii that at one point she sold flowers by the side of the road. But she went on to get not only a college degree but also a master’s in international affairs.

Cards on the table: I’m not at all sure that running mates matter much on Election Day. There’s ample evidence that they don’t.

But in any given election, they sure as hell might. Biden would be a fool, given the stakes, not to consider his running mate a victory clincher or deal breaker and to choose her accordingly.

Duckworth’s virtues include everything that I’ve mentioned plus this: She projects a combination of confidence and modesty, of toughness and warmth, that’s rare — and that’s a tonic in these toxic times.

I asked her whether she deems Trump a patriot. She said that he wraps himself in the American flag — a flag, she noted, that will someday drape her coffin — for the wrong reasons.

“I would leap into a burning fire to pull that flag to safety, but I will fight to the death for your right to burn it,” she told me. “The most patriotic thing you can do is not necessarily putting on the uniform but speaking truth to power, exercising your First Amendment rights — that’s what created America, right?”

I asked her how it felt to have her name floated as a possible vice-presidential nominee.

“It’s surreal, right?” she said, recalling that she was once “a hungry kid who fainted in class for lack of nutrition. It’s unbelievable I’m even a U.S. senator.”

“But it’s one team, one fight,” she added, referring to the Democratic quest to defeat Trump. “I will work as hard as I can to get Joe Biden elected because the country needs it. It doesn’t matter where I end up on that team.”

Yes, Senator Duckworth, it does. In the right role, you could help guarantee the right outcome."
Peter Brown
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump Fatigue Pandemic

Post by Peter Brown »

seacoaster wrote: Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:51 am The VP sweepstakes:

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/27/opin ... e=Homepage


I agree that Tammy Duckworth would be the #1 killer pick for Biden. She's not a Marxist lunatic like most Democrats today; in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

I hate that she (like every Democrat) has to get on the 'abortion 24-7=365' train, but such is the life of a modern Democrat: babies be damned. But, she owns guns and is not a #2A repeal fanatic, which again, relatively speaking, is a good thing. She seems happily married with kids, and I like a nuclear family no matter what party because it shows a respect of love and commitment. And finally, she's a veteran, and has said many times that she would jump into a fire to pull out an American flag, which many in her party wish to burn, so she will have an uphill battle in that regard, but still, clearly patriotic: I love that in any American. Alternately, if you burn the American flag, I actually do hate you, no kidding. I won't defend your right to burn it (You are free to do so, Dems), no, I will defend the right of any patriot to beat the living pis@ out of you for doing it; anything short of death I will be fine with. Sue me.

Bottom line: whomever Joe chooses, let's hope he chooses one of the very few moderates left in the Democratic Party. If he chooses a progressive, turn off the lights Alice, the Party is cooked; elevating a prog will only embolden the lunatic fringe currently on the ascension in that party, Marxists and socialists who clearly have no clue what Marxism and socialism brings. There will be no closing the Democrat Marxist barn door, folks. Anti-Americanism will run amok like you can only imagine.

I am hoping Joe is not as senile as he seems on television these days. He must pick a moderate.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump Fatigue Pandemic

Post by CU88 »

Kismet wrote: Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:31 am The Lincoln's drop another one on DOPUS - this time for the latest Putin bounty scandal


The Debt clip is great for showing the senior voters what r's think about them.

Donald Trump said, "we can't let the cure be worse than the disease."

By that he meant, the Greatest Generation weren't worth the sacrifice. That's a hell of a way to pay them back for liberating the world from fascism.
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
Mr moderator, deactivate my account.
You have heck this forum up to making it nothing more than a joke. I hope you are happy.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump Fatigue Pandemic

Post by 6ftstick »

CU88 wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 8:28 am
Kismet wrote: Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:31 am The Lincoln's drop another one on DOPUS - this time for the latest Putin bounty scandal


The Debt clip is great for showing the senior voters what r's think about them.

Donald Trump said, "we can't let the cure be worse than the disease."

By that he meant, the Greatest Generation weren't worth the sacrifice. That's a hell of a way to pay them back for liberating the world from fascism.
Come on no generation of Americans were great. Neither was the country. You've told us that repeatedly. The civil war was a waste of time. transferring 15 trillion from the productive to the Great Society was just more waste. America sucks.
Peter Brown
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump Fatigue Pandemic

Post by Peter Brown »

6ftstick wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 9:02 am
CU88 wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 8:28 am
Kismet wrote: Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:31 am The Lincoln's drop another one on DOPUS - this time for the latest Putin bounty scandal

The Debt clip is great for showing the senior voters what r's think about them.

Donald Trump said, "we can't let the cure be worse than the disease."

By that he meant, the Greatest Generation weren't worth the sacrifice. That's a hell of a way to pay them back for liberating the world from fascism.
Come on no generation of Americans were great. Neither was the country. You've told us that repeatedly. The civil war was a waste of time. transferring 15 trillion from the productive to the Great Society was just more waste. America sucks.

The Democratic Party's Day of Mourning is this Saturday, otherwise known as The Fourth of July.

They will always have May Day.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump Fatigue Pandemic

Post by HooDat »

wgdsr wrote: Sat Jun 27, 2020 12:46 pm
CU88 wrote: Sat Jun 27, 2020 12:31 pm Frontloading has a stunning EC map for 2020

https://frontloading.blogspot.com/2020/ ... 62620.html

Base numbers:
Strong plus Lean to Biden = 248 EC votes
Strong plus Leans to IMPOTUS o d = 125 EC votes

Joe then only needs to win PA with its 20 EC votes and NH with its 4 EC votes to cross the 270 EC threshold.
we're not influencing elections here on fanlax, but polls are getting a lot of play lately everywhere. a novice, i woulda thought democrats would downplay all polls after 2016. actually would have thought that would be the playbook, along with banging the drum for the youngins to get out.
joe's basement strategy has been the right one so far, but eventually he'll have to campaign and debate. trump's warts are consistently out there for all to see. joe has never been in a presidential election as the target, his warts past and present on display.
as always, battleground states and who handles them best are gonna win the day.
what an election!!!
It will be high level entertainment. And you rightly point out, that from where we sit right now:

Biden basically has no where to go but down. Very little upside for him between now and the election, with lots of room for Biden style gaffs and even more digging into his personal history and negative ads that target his health and mental state. Look for friendly third-parties to seek to call off the debates. Expect Biden to make very few public appearances and to participate in nothing that is unscripted.

Trump on the other hand has a lot more potential for upside movement than downward risk. His warts are pretty well vetted at this point. Can he behave long enough for people to lean his way? I am not sure its a winning bet.

As a matter of long term strategy, I am not sure this is an election you want to win. It smells a bit like the 77 election won by Carter. The winner was doomed to one term. Perhaps instead that was Trump's "victory" and we just saw the one-term "cleansing" administration. Who ever wins, inherits a dump-storm of unrest.

A Trump victory will have the usual suspects losing their ever living minds, to the extent that I really worry about people's safety and mental health. The extreme end of the party will insist that (again) the DNC did not go far enough left. That is what the never-Trumpers are counting on, in the belief that the Dems will put up a far-far left candidate in 2024, that will lose to their moderate. I am not so sure the Globalist/Corporatist wing of the DNC will give up control though and if they lose, I think they end up with a decent candidate in 2024 to run against Haley.

If Biden wins, the Dems better hope the Republicans hold the Senate, because if they don't there will be no one to blame for not enacting legislation like the New Green Deal. Another question the Dems need to ask themselves is after Biden wins --- then what? Who is really running the country at that point? Does anyone really think that Biden has the mental capacity to run the country? He didn't have the brains to be president when his mind was clear - which it clearly is not anymore.

The "Any Competent Adult - 2020" bumper-stickers were great, the problem is the DNC couldn't even manage that. So once again, because of the failure of the two parties, the people are faced with a lesser of two evils election.
Last edited by HooDat on Mon Jun 29, 2020 11:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
STILL somewhere back in the day....

...and waiting/hoping for a tinfoil hat emoji......
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump Fatigue Pandemic

Post by kramerica.inc »

HooDat wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 11:36 am
wgdsr wrote: Sat Jun 27, 2020 12:46 pm
CU88 wrote: Sat Jun 27, 2020 12:31 pm Frontloading has a stunning EC map for 2020

https://frontloading.blogspot.com/2020/ ... 62620.html

Base numbers:
Strong plus Lean to Biden = 248 EC votes
Strong plus Leans to IMPOTUS o d = 125 EC votes

Joe then only needs to win PA with its 20 EC votes and NH with its 4 EC votes to cross the 270 EC threshold.
we're not influencing elections here on fanlax, but polls are getting a lot of play lately everywhere. a novice, i woulda thought democrats would downplay all polls after 2016. actually would have thought that would be the playbook, along with banging the drum for the youngins to get out.
joe's basement strategy has been the right one so far, but eventually he'll have to campaign and debate. trump's warts are consistently out there for all to see. joe has never been in a presidential election as the target, his warts past and present on display.
as always, battleground states and who handles them best are gonna win the day.
what an election!!!
It will be high level entertainment. And you rightly point out, that from where we sit right now:

Biden basically has no where to go but down. Very little upside for him between now and the election, with lots of room for Biden style gaffs and even more digging into his personal history and negative ads that target his health and mental state. Look for friendly third-parties to seek to call off the debates. Expect Biden to make very few public appearances and to participate in nothing that is unscripted.

Trump on the other hand has a lot more potential for upside movement than downward risk. His warts are pretty well vetted at this point. Can he behave long enough for people to lean his way? I am not sure its a winning bet.

As a matter of long term strategy, I am not sure this is an election you want to win. It smells a bit like the 77 election won by Carter. The winner was doomed to one term. Perhaps instead that was Trump's "victory" and we just saw the one-term "cleansing" administration. Who ever wins, inherits a dump-storm of unrest.

A Trump victory will have the usual suspects losing their ever living minds, to the extent that I really worry about people's safety and mental health. The extreme end of the party will insist that (again) the DNC did not go far enough left. That is what the never-Trumpers are counting on, in the belief that the Dems will put up a far-far left candidate in 2024, that will lose to their moderate. I am not so sure the Globalist/Corporatist wing of the DNC will give up control though and if they lose, I think they end up with a decent candidate in 2024 to run against Haley.

If Biden wins, the Dems better hope the Republicans hold the Senate, because if they don't there will be no one to blame for not enacting legislation like the New Green Deal. Another question the Dems need to ask themselves is after Biden wins --- then what? Who is really running the country at that point? Does anyone really think that Biden has the mental capacity to run the country? He didn't have the brains to be president when his mind was clear - which is clearly is not anymore.

The "Any Competent Adult - 2020" bumper-stickers were great, the problem is the DNC couldn't even manage that. So once again, because of the failure of the two parties, the people are faced with a lesser of two evils election.
Trump is toast. Even some of the states like GA that are called for Trump have Biden leading in polls. Good luck overcoming that in Nov. The pandemic has done enough to the economy and D talking points to squash any hope for Trump's campaign.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump Fatigue Pandemic

Post by ggait »

Trump is toast. Even some of the states like GA that are called for Trump have Biden leading in polls. Good luck overcoming that in Nov. The pandemic has done enough to the economy and D talking points to squash any hope for Trump's campaign.
President Dukakis just called to remind us of his 17 point lead in July 1988.

Agree that Trump can't go much lower even if he tried (and he is trying). He's pretty much shooting people on 5th Avenue and he's still at 40% approval. But after four years of this, he's never going to get popular either. High floor, low ceiling.

Biden doesn't much matter. It is a referendum on Trump. Any of Joe's faults are so much smaller than Trump's. If you think Joe is old, unhealthy, demented, corrupt etc., so you are going to pick young, healthy, intellectual, honest Trump instead? At this point, who is really undecided on how they view Trump?

In 2016, Trump was trailing 3-4 points in the national polls and wound up losing by 2.1 points. Spread for Bush/Gore was 0.5%.

In 2020, Trump has no chance of winning the PV (proven to be the best method of winning the EC). So he has to get to within 2, 3, maybe 4 points, in order to have a shot a pulling the EC inside straight a second time. Quants say that Biden has a 95% chance in the EC at +5% nationally, and 100% at +6% nationally.
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump Fatigue Pandemic

Post by CU88 »

o d is going to be upset

The city of Jacksonville, Fla., host of RNC Convention in August, has just announced that masks will be mandatory indoors and in public places where social distancing is not possible.
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
Mr moderator, deactivate my account.
You have heck this forum up to making it nothing more than a joke. I hope you are happy.
This is cradle and shoot signing out.
:roll: :roll: :roll:
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump Fatigue Pandemic

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Peter Brown wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 9:07 am
6ftstick wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 9:02 am
CU88 wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 8:28 am
Kismet wrote: Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:31 am The Lincoln's drop another one on DOPUS - this time for the latest Putin bounty scandal

The Debt clip is great for showing the senior voters what r's think about them.

Donald Trump said, "we can't let the cure be worse than the disease."

By that he meant, the Greatest Generation weren't worth the sacrifice. That's a hell of a way to pay them back for liberating the world from fascism.
Come on no generation of Americans were great. Neither was the country. You've told us that repeatedly. The civil war was a waste of time. transferring 15 trillion from the productive to the Great Society was just more waste. America sucks.

The Democratic Party's Day of Mourning is this Saturday, otherwise known as The Fourth of July.

They will always have May Day.

Let the peasants eat cake.
“I wish you would!”
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump Fatigue Pandemic

Post by runrussellrun »

CU88 wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 8:28 am
Kismet wrote: Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:31 am The Lincoln's drop another one on DOPUS - this time for the latest Putin bounty scandal


The Debt clip is great for showing the senior voters what r's think about them.

Donald Trump said, "we can't let the cure be worse than the disease."

By that he meant, the Greatest Generation weren't worth the sacrifice. That's a hell of a way to pay them back for liberating the world from fascism.
How many combat vets are still alive?

When the titantic went down, was the life boat cry " people that have lived their lives FIRST ....only people over 80 years old first"

something about woman and CHILDREN

If you were 18 in 1941, that makes you how old?

Do they even know that they missed their great, or possibly great great, grand daughters Harvard graduation? This spring?

ILM...Independent Lives Matter
Pronouns: "we" and "suck"
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump Fatigue Pandemic

Post by njbill »

HooDat wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 11:36 am
wgdsr wrote: Sat Jun 27, 2020 12:46 pm
CU88 wrote: Sat Jun 27, 2020 12:31 pm Frontloading has a stunning EC map for 2020

https://frontloading.blogspot.com/2020/ ... 62620.html

Base numbers:
Strong plus Lean to Biden = 248 EC votes
Strong plus Leans to IMPOTUS o d = 125 EC votes

Joe then only needs to win PA with its 20 EC votes and NH with its 4 EC votes to cross the 270 EC threshold.
we're not influencing elections here on fanlax, but polls are getting a lot of play lately everywhere. a novice, i woulda thought democrats would downplay all polls after 2016. actually would have thought that would be the playbook, along with banging the drum for the youngins to get out.
joe's basement strategy has been the right one so far, but eventually he'll have to campaign and debate. trump's warts are consistently out there for all to see. joe has never been in a presidential election as the target, his warts past and present on display.
as always, battleground states and who handles them best are gonna win the day.
what an election!!!
It will be high level entertainment.You got that right. Get some popcorn and pull up a chair. And you rightly point out, that from where we sit right now:

Biden basically has no where to go but down. Perhaps, but not a sure thing. I do expect things to get closer before we get to what will be a VERY wild ride in October.Very little upside for him between now and the election, with lots of room for Biden style gaffs agreeand even more digging into his personal history Maybe, but Joe has been in public life for 50 yearsand negative ads that target his health and mental state. Trump has tried that, and it hasn't been very effective so far.

Actually, I think Trump's health is more of an issue than Biden's. You have the ramp and the trouble drinking water. The slurring of words. Also, Trump has failed to disclose what happened to him in November. Why did he go to the hospital? What tests were performed? What were the results? Why is he not telling us? Trump has also gained a lot of weight since he took office. He looks unhealthy.

Joe, on the other hand, looks pretty fit for a guy his age.

Both have issues with mental health or mental acuity, though not identical. Joe has slowed down, but he never was articulate and has always stuttered. The right wing does mash ups that make him look bad, but if you watch a full interview, he does OK.

Trump's issues are more a fundamental lack of focus or interest in the critically important aspects of the job and his proclivity to make decisions based on how they will impact him politically or personally.

Look for friendly third-parties to seek to call off the debates. I would bet my bottom dollar there will be debates. If Trump continues to be behind, he will insist on them. The public has grown accustomed to debates and will demand them. Joe is a traditionalist and he will follow tradition.Expect Biden to make very few public appearances and to participate in nothing that is unscripted. That would be a good strategy for him. If the pandemic doesn't let up, that would give him good cover. But I suspect he is going to have to get out their on the campaign trail at some point to some degree.

Trump on the other hand has a lot more potential for upside movement than downward risk. Yes, but only because he is substantially behind at this point.His warts are pretty well vetted at this point. We'll see if there are any October surprises. His warts may be known, but that isn't the same thing as their being accepted or immaterial to the election. The cumulative weight of his warts will draw votes away from him.Can he behave long enough for people to lean his way? Trump can't and won't change his behavior.I am not sure its a winning bet.

As a matter of long term strategy, I am not sure this is an election you want to win. It smells a bit like the 77 election won by Carter. The winner was doomed to one term. I disagree about Carter. As a general proposition, I don't think you can predict election results four years out so I don't agree the 1976 winner was a sure loser in 1980. Yes, the Dems were going to win in 1976 even though Ford was a decent man, if not a superstar politician. But the Nixon stink was so bad, the Rs just weren't going to be able to hold the presidency. Carter was easily the most decent, moral president of my lifetime. But he wasn't particularly good at the job. The micromanager label was pretty accurate. Plus he got bit by the economy and the Iran hostage situation. I voted for Anderson in 1980. Didn't think Carter was up to the job. Thought Reagan was a dumb actor from Hollywood who was all hat and no cattle. Perhaps instead that was Trump's "victory" and we just saw the one-term "cleansing" administration. Again, don't think you can predict four years out. If so, tell me now who wins in 2024.Who ever wins, inherits a dump-storm of unrest.

A Trump victory will have the usual suspects losing their ever living minds,no doubt about that, mine included to the extent that I really worry about people's safety and mental health. The extreme end of the party will insist that (again) the DNC did not go far enough left. That is what the never-Trumpers are counting on, in the belief that the Dems will put up a far-far left candidate in 2024, that will lose to their moderate.Maybe, but it is too early to predict 2024. Lots of other plausible scenarios. The country swings right and left over time. We may be at the beginning of a leftward swing. I am not so sure the Globalist/Corporatist wing of the DNC will give up control though and if they lose, I think they end up with a decent candidate in 2024 to run against Haley. Not a Haley fan (even for an R). Think the Rs have much better talent in their stable. She was smart to quit when she did, but she still has some Trump stink on her. If Trump loses this year, the party is going to sprint away from him faster that Usain Bolt. She may get left in the dust. And she was a bit of a party girl while in NY. Not that there is anything wrong with that (in NY).

If Biden wins, the Dems better hope the Republicans hold the Senate, because if they don't there will be no one to blame for not enacting legislation like the New Green Deal. Disagree. Dems need the Senate. Moscow Mitch needs to be sent to the back bench. He's done enough damage to the country already. Among other things, Dems need the Senate for the Supreme Court as Ginsberg and probably Breyer will retire during the next four years. The rest of the justices probably will stay, but you never know. The Green New Deal won't be enacted, certainly in its current form. One of the things that gets underplayed with Joe is his likely ability to work with the Senate. They are his long-time colleagues, and many are his friends. He has very good relationships there and, I think, will be able to get a few votes here and there when he needs them. Another question the Dems need to ask themselves is after Biden wins --- then what? Who is really running the country at that point? Does anyone really think that Biden has the mental capacity to run the country? He didn't have the brains to be president when his mind was clear - which it clearly is not anymore. Come on. Now you are just spouting Trump pap. To turn that around, do you think Trump has the mental capacity to run the country?

The "Any Competent Adult - 2020" bumper-stickers were great, the problem is the DNC couldn't even manage that. Well, OK, that is the Trumpist perspective, but you know that isn't true.So once again, because of the failure of the two parties, the people are faced with a lesser of two evils election.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump Fatigue Pandemic

Post by njbill »

ggait wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 12:23 pm President Dukakis just called to remind us of his 17 point lead in July 1988.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump Fatigue Pandemic

Post by HooDat »

njbill wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 1:07 pm Come on. Now you are just spouting Trump pap. To turn that around, do you think Trump has the mental capacity to run the country?

Well, OK, that is the Trumpist perspective, but you know that isn't true.
Trump has proven that he does not have the attention span, maturity or temperament to be President and yet here we are. With that said, I don't think he is mentally impaired.

as far as challenging whether in Biden the Dems put forward a candidate that is a "Competent Adult" - that is not a Trumpist perspective, because I am no Trumpist. I wouldn't trust Biden to babysit my cat. Truly, think about it. Would you go on vacation for a week and leave Biden ALONE in your home responsible for the care of YOUR cat? The thought makes me very uncomfortable - and yet he is most likely about to be the leader of the free world. But I guess if we have (barely) survived Trump as our president, we can survive almost anything.

by the way, I wouldn't trust Trump in my house for a week either, but for different reasons - with him I worry he would go through my wife's underwear drawer :? .....
STILL somewhere back in the day....

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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump Fatigue Pandemic

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

HooDat wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 1:28 pm
njbill wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 1:07 pm Come on. Now you are just spouting Trump pap. To turn that around, do you think Trump has the mental capacity to run the country?

Well, OK, that is the Trumpist perspective, but you know that isn't true.
Trump has proven that he does not have the attention span, maturity or temperament to be President and yet here we are. With that said, I don't think he is mentally impaired.

as far as challenging whether in Biden the Dems put forward a candidate that is a "Competent Adult" - that is not a Trumpist perspective, because I am no Trumpist. I wouldn't trust Biden to babysit my cat. Truly, think about it. Would you go on vacation for a week and leave Biden ALONE in your home responsible for the care of YOUR cat? The thought makes me very uncomfortable - and yet he is most likely about to be the leader of the free world. But I guess if we have (barely) survived Trump as our president, we can survive almost anything.

by the way, I wouldn't trust Trump in my house for a week either, but for different reasons - with him I worry he would go through my wife's underwear drawer :? .....
Your cat would be just fine...the other kitty kat not so much.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump Fatigue Pandemic

Post by njbill »

HooDat wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 1:28 pm
njbill wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 1:07 pm Come on. Now you are just spouting Trump pap. To turn that around, do you think Trump has the mental capacity to run the country?

Well, OK, that is the Trumpist perspective, but you know that isn't true.
Trump has proven that he does not have the attention span, maturity or temperament to be President and yet here we are. With that said, I don't think he is mentally impaired.

as far as challenging whether in Biden the Dems put forward a candidate that is a "Competent Adult" - that is not a Trumpist perspective, because I am no Trumpist. I wouldn't trust Biden to babysit my cat. Truly, think about it. Would you go on vacation for a week and leave Biden ALONE in your home responsible for the care of YOUR cat? The thought makes me very uncomfortable - and yet he is most likely about to be the leader of the free world. But I guess if we have (barely) survived Trump as our president, we can survive almost anything.

by the way, I wouldn't trust Trump in my house for a week either, but for different reasons - with him I worry he would go through my wife's underwear drawer :? .....
You didn't mention mental impairment in your initial post, nor did I in my response. New point, which is fair. I agree that he doesn't seem to be impaired.

The cat sitting test. That's a new one on me.

Trump and the underwear drawer? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Last edited by njbill on Mon Jun 29, 2020 1:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump Fatigue Pandemic

Post by HooDat »

njbill wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 1:45 pm
HooDat wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 1:28 pm
njbill wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 1:07 pm Come on. Now you are just spouting Trump pap. To turn that around, do you think Trump has the mental capacity to run the country?

Well, OK, that is the Trumpist perspective, but you know that isn't true.
Trump has proven that he does not have the attention span, maturity or temperament to be President and yet here we are. With that said, I don't think he is mentally impaired.

as far as challenging whether in Biden the Dems put forward a candidate that is a "Competent Adult" - that is not a Trumpist perspective, because I am no Trumpist. I wouldn't trust Biden to babysit my cat. Truly, think about it. Would you go on vacation for a week and leave Biden ALONE in your home responsible for the care of YOUR cat? The thought makes me very uncomfortable - and yet he is most likely about to be the leader of the free world. But I guess if we have (barely) survived Trump as our president, we can survive almost anything.

by the way, I wouldn't trust Trump in my house for a week either, but for different reasons - with him I worry he would go through my wife's underwear drawer :? .....
The cat sitting test. That's a new one on me.

Trump and the underwear drawer? :lol: :lol: :lol:
well cat's are pretty self-sufficient. It doesn't take much.....

on the second point - you know I am right.... :lol:

But the real test for the Presidency is the beer test. Who would "America" rather have a beer with? In this case - I gotta say Biden certainly has the advantage. Heck you might even be able to drink his beer and tell him how much he enjoyed it! ;)
STILL somewhere back in the day....

...and waiting/hoping for a tinfoil hat emoji......
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump Fatigue Pandemic

Post by njbill »

Trump might be more likable if he were a beer drinker.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Trump Fatigue Pandemic

Post by runrussellrun »

ggait wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 12:23 pm
Trump is toast. Even some of the states like GA that are called for Trump have Biden leading in polls. Good luck overcoming that in Nov. The pandemic has done enough to the economy and D talking points to squash any hope for Trump's campaign.
President Dukakis just called to remind us of his 17 point lead in July 1988.

Agree that Trump can't go much lower even if he tried (and he is trying). He's pretty much shooting people on 5th Avenue and he's still at 40% approval. But after four years of this, he's never going to get popular either. High floor, low ceiling.

Biden doesn't much matter. It is a referendum on Trump. Any of Joe's faults are so much smaller than Trump's. If you think Joe is old, unhealthy, demented, corrupt etc., so you are going to pick young, healthy, intellectual, honest Trump instead? At this point, who is really undecided on how they view Trump?

In 2016, Trump was trailing 3-4 points in the national polls and wound up losing by 2.1 points. Spread for Bush/Gore was 0.5%.

In 2020, Trump has no chance of winning the PV (proven to be the best method of winning the EC). So he has to get to within 2, 3, maybe 4 points, in order to have a shot a pulling the EC inside straight a second time. Quants say that Biden has a 95% chance in the EC at +5% nationally, and 100% at +6% nationally.
man, you guys are being pretty cute, nah , cavalier, playing with the USA's soul.......betting it all Biden.

What part of, I know 3 union heads that worked on Hillaryous clinton's campaign......all paid too ;)
2 of the 3 voted for tRump.....and the "polls" are you guys forgetting, that were oh so accurate?
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