Race in America - Riots Explode in Chicago

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Re: Racism in America- Week 4 of Unrest

Post by cradleandshoot »

runrussellrun wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 10:14 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 10:05 am
runrussellrun wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:36 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:07 am
runrussellrun wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:03 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jun 23, 2020 11:31 am

The US military attacking American citizens will never happen. AGAIN ??? When I was in the army I would have steadfastly refused ANY order to engage American citizens. We all pledged to defend the country against all enemies foreign and domestic. Our fellow Americans are not and never will be the enemy. Law enforcement needs to take care of that problem, if it ever becomes one.
what is past is prologue........

.....no cents of history
Triple R you need to give us all the super secret decoder ring so your words can be interpreted by everyone. It is no fun if your the only one who knows what the hell you are trying to say.
Well, since the net moving master, AFAN, has prepared those paying attention, well.....well.

Define the US Military first? National guard, which DO get deployed, are THEY part of the US Military?

We can start with Kent State.

Or, rather, to further point out your lack of reading or knowledge of US history

Did Patton/McCarthur ever attack US citizens on US soil? (HINT: Bonus Army, early 1930's )

Did a WW1 "flying ace" drop bombs on US citizens, flying over US soil? (Hint: Battle of Blair Mountain )
Kent State was the second of three on campus shootings by the “government”.

A bomb was also dropped in Philadelphia on United States citizens.
but, but........an ole time G.I. said NO....no way...would the US Military KILL US citizens.

oh well, he'll just go play with mdlaxfan, as always, and ignore the facts of the world.
I am only telling what this one soldier would never have done. I would have refused an unlawful order to draw down on any American citizen. If that is too hard of a concept for you to understand. I can only suggest you find solace in your crack pipe.
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Re: Yet another racist thread title?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 10:43 am
Kismet wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:26 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:05 am
Kismet wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 8:31 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 6:06 am
DocBarrister wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 2:21 am Seriously, Administrator ... your forum is becoming an embarrassment. Will you please change the racist titles of Kramerica’s two threads?

Whats up doc? That first amendment got your panties all twisted in a knot? Doc B wants to be crowned as the fan lax forum censor. I thought even the commie lib folks thought censorship was a bad thing?
FYI, Cradle but have to correct you once again. The First Amendment only applies to the Federal Government and not to non-government entities.
As an example, if the Augusta National Golf Club (or a local private club in Rochester like The Country Club of Rochester for example) wants to bar women and minorities from membership solely on that basis its totally kosher.

Here is the text -

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Last time I checked this place is NOT operated by the Federal Government. :D
So the spirit of the first amendment is irrelevant when it comes to this thread? Sounds like some FLP spinning to me. I don't stand corrected, I now have a greater understanding for the contempt some people have for free speech. So you are saying that Doc b is correct and that free speech on this forum, not including profanity is open to censorship? Why? Because it offends you? I read quite a bit of stuff on this forum that offends me. That being said, I will always defend the right of any person to speak their mind. I sorta kinda thought that is what being an American was all about. So we are all free to say what we want. We had all damn well better say what we are suppose to say. :roll:
You missed my point. This place is governed by the people who own and run it and they reserve the right to make the rules and enforce them. If you don't like that,, you are free to go elsewhere to a place that suits your need to express yourself. Here's another example, you make a reservation at a restaurant for dinner and once seated you start screaming and and complaining to the staff about service, politics or whatever. They have a right at that point to ask you to leave and not serve you. ...and that is their decision and not much, if anything, you could do about it (without getting arrested).

I don't recall mentioning what I'm offended about. It appears that you are projecting something onto me that I didn't say.
I understand your point. A fellow poster on this forum pleaded with the moderators to exclude a point of view because he or she was offended by the content. That is my point. If your trying to tell me the mods here should censor content because some people are bothered by it. I will tell you IMO all day long that is wrong. If your post meets the decorum and standards and you are not engaged in a personal attack on a fellow poster, you should be free to speak your mind on this forum.

We should all disagree with the content of what people post when we feel strongly about another person's point of view. What we should never do is whine and b***h to the moderators about censoring what people say when they are writing an opinion within the guidelines of the forum.
There are rules which govern content. Some of it is gray. Ask the moderators. Is there not a “penalty box” on this forum?
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Re: Yet another racist thread title?

Post by Peter Brown »

cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 10:43 am
Kismet wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:26 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:05 am
Kismet wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 8:31 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 6:06 am
DocBarrister wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 2:21 am Seriously, Administrator ... your forum is becoming an embarrassment. Will you please change the racist titles of Kramerica’s two threads?

Whats up doc? That first amendment got your panties all twisted in a knot? Doc B wants to be crowned as the fan lax forum censor. I thought even the commie lib folks thought censorship was a bad thing?
FYI, Cradle but have to correct you once again. The First Amendment only applies to the Federal Government and not to non-government entities.
As an example, if the Augusta National Golf Club (or a local private club in Rochester like The Country Club of Rochester for example) wants to bar women and minorities from membership solely on that basis its totally kosher.

Here is the text -

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Last time I checked this place is NOT operated by the Federal Government. :D
So the spirit of the first amendment is irrelevant when it comes to this thread? Sounds like some FLP spinning to me. I don't stand corrected, I now have a greater understanding for the contempt some people have for free speech. So you are saying that Doc b is correct and that free speech on this forum, not including profanity is open to censorship? Why? Because it offends you? I read quite a bit of stuff on this forum that offends me. That being said, I will always defend the right of any person to speak their mind. I sorta kinda thought that is what being an American was all about. So we are all free to say what we want. We had all damn well better say what we are suppose to say. :roll:
You missed my point. This place is governed by the people who own and run it and they reserve the right to make the rules and enforce them. If you don't like that,, you are free to go elsewhere to a place that suits your need to express yourself. Here's another example, you make a reservation at a restaurant for dinner and once seated you start screaming and and complaining to the staff about service, politics or whatever. They have a right at that point to ask you to leave and not serve you. ...and that is their decision and not much, if anything, you could do about it (without getting arrested).

I don't recall mentioning what I'm offended about. It appears that you are projecting something onto me that I didn't say.
I understand your point. A fellow poster on this forum pleaded with the moderators to exclude a point of view because he or she was offended by the content. That is my point. If your trying to tell me the mods here should censor content because some people are bothered by it. I will tell you IMO all day long that is wrong. If your post meets the decorum and standards and you are not engaged in a personal attack on a fellow poster, you should be free to speak your mind on this forum.

We should all disagree with the content of what people post when we feel strongly about another person's point of view. What we should never do is whine and b***h to the moderators about censoring what people say when they are writing an opinion within the guidelines of the forum.

I was going to reply to MD's post where he said that If you've had a problem with the moderator yourself, I suggest you examine why. I've never 'had a problem with the moderator', nor have I once emailed or pm'ed whoever the moderator is to complain. I don't know who that person is nor would I think in a billion years to complain...but I do notice the crowd that does, brave/courageous souls that they are.

Here's the real deal: who does run to a mod is a tell on what they're really about. And we all know who does it. And yes, it's strictly a Democratic move...they have this pansy reflexive allergy to opposing thought. The way they demonstrate their 'free speech ethos' is seeking to silence other thought.

That's MD's new crew. The fact he can't admit that bare fact (that the left hates free speech...they do) is pathetic. I simply expect it from Democratic Party members...he says he's not, but his defense of them suggests otherwise.
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Re: Yet another racist thread title?

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:30 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:20 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:13 am
6ftstick wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:03 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 6:06 am
DocBarrister wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 2:21 am Seriously, Administrator ... your forum is becoming an embarrassment. Will you please change the racist titles of Kramerica’s two threads?

Whats up doc? That first amendment got your panties all twisted in a knot? Doc B wants to be crowned as the fan lax forum censor. I thought even the commie lib folks thought censorship was a bad thing?
Hey it's his country.

Can't wait for his tolerance to trickle down. Bet my constitutional rights will be protected fervently.
Does he not have the right, under the rules of this forum, to vehemently express his view that the titles are blatantly racist?

BTW, you have zero Constitutional rights in this or any other forum. Government isn't involved.
You are correct, and I believe you also are critical of people here whose opinions offend you. My point was should opinions on this forum that offend you be band as well? Should opinions that offend me also be band as well? Were do you draw the line MD? Please explain to me whose opinions matter and whose opinions do not?
:lol: All Opinions Matter

Including mine.

Of course I vehemently, though I hope usually respectfully (I'm not perfect), disagree with other posters.

On "banned", I disagreed with the post calling for a poster to be banned, simply because his posts are so often mere partisan trolling. I find much of it offensive, but rarely crossing the lines of the agreed upon behaviors for this part of the forum.

I do think that it is appropriate for this forum to have standards different from Hamsterdam, where it's no holds barred. So, when there's blatant racism, it's a serious question as to whether that's truly ok in this part of the forum rather than Hamsterdam threads.

Or do we say, it's merely offensive 'opinions'?
You make a very good point. Now explain to me the subjective nature in trying to define what an offensive opinion is. Moderate Republicans give me hay fever just by their Charley Brown wishy washy nature in most all of their opinions. I may call you a blockhead and you may call me by a derogatory term of your preference. I just hope you never whine to the mods because you disagree with what I say. My entire point was to take your beef to which ever posted the comments that offended you. Only a true blue candy ass goes crying to the mods because their feelings were bruised.
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Re: Yet another racist thread title?

Post by Matnum PI »

cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 10:43 amWe should all disagree with the content of what people post when we feel strongly about another person's point of view. What we should never do is whine and b***h to the moderators about censoring what people say when they are writing an opinion within the guidelines of the forum.
The question is, what is within the guidelines of the forum. So people submit issues to the admin. Like a player to a ref. And Admin either issues a warning or throws a flag or... does nothing and just keeps reffing the game. It's through the reporting of posts that we discover the guidelines of the forum. And, while this forum is pretty relaxed in terms of allowing people to have a voice, there are limits. As Cradle said, that includes personal attacks. Along the same lines, comments that people could easily take personally. e.g. Racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. comments. In some of these political threads, post-ers seem to tip-toe this line. A line that shouldn't even be crossed within Hamsterdam.
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Re: Yet another racist thread title?

Post by cradleandshoot »

Peter Brown wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 11:02 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 10:43 am
Kismet wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:26 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:05 am
Kismet wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 8:31 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 6:06 am
DocBarrister wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 2:21 am Seriously, Administrator ... your forum is becoming an embarrassment. Will you please change the racist titles of Kramerica’s two threads?

Whats up doc? That first amendment got your panties all twisted in a knot? Doc B wants to be crowned as the fan lax forum censor. I thought even the commie lib folks thought censorship was a bad thing?
FYI, Cradle but have to correct you once again. The First Amendment only applies to the Federal Government and not to non-government entities.
As an example, if the Augusta National Golf Club (or a local private club in Rochester like The Country Club of Rochester for example) wants to bar women and minorities from membership solely on that basis its totally kosher.

Here is the text -

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Last time I checked this place is NOT operated by the Federal Government. :D
So the spirit of the first amendment is irrelevant when it comes to this thread? Sounds like some FLP spinning to me. I don't stand corrected, I now have a greater understanding for the contempt some people have for free speech. So you are saying that Doc b is correct and that free speech on this forum, not including profanity is open to censorship? Why? Because it offends you? I read quite a bit of stuff on this forum that offends me. That being said, I will always defend the right of any person to speak their mind. I sorta kinda thought that is what being an American was all about. So we are all free to say what we want. We had all damn well better say what we are suppose to say. :roll:
You missed my point. This place is governed by the people who own and run it and they reserve the right to make the rules and enforce them. If you don't like that,, you are free to go elsewhere to a place that suits your need to express yourself. Here's another example, you make a reservation at a restaurant for dinner and once seated you start screaming and and complaining to the staff about service, politics or whatever. They have a right at that point to ask you to leave and not serve you. ...and that is their decision and not much, if anything, you could do about it (without getting arrested).

I don't recall mentioning what I'm offended about. It appears that you are projecting something onto me that I didn't say.
I understand your point. A fellow poster on this forum pleaded with the moderators to exclude a point of view because he or she was offended by the content. That is my point. If your trying to tell me the mods here should censor content because some people are bothered by it. I will tell you IMO all day long that is wrong. If your post meets the decorum and standards and you are not engaged in a personal attack on a fellow poster, you should be free to speak your mind on this forum.

We should all disagree with the content of what people post when we feel strongly about another person's point of view. What we should never do is whine and b***h to the moderators about censoring what people say when they are writing an opinion within the guidelines of the forum.

I was going to reply to MD's post where he said that If you've had a problem with the moderator yourself, I suggest you examine why. I've never 'had a problem with the moderator', nor have I once emailed or pm'ed whoever the moderator is to complain. I don't know who that person is nor would I think in a billion years to complain...but I do notice the crowd that does, brave/courageous souls that they are.

Here's the real deal: who does run to a mod is a tell on what they're really about. And we all know who does it. And yes, it's strictly a Democratic move...they have this pansy reflexive allergy to opposing thought. The way they demonstrate their 'free speech ethos' is seeking to silence other thought.

That's MD's new crew. The fact he can't admit that bare fact (that the left hates free speech...they do) is pathetic. I simply expect it from Democratic Party members...he says he's not, but his defense of them suggests otherwise.
The only issue the mods have ever called me on involves personal attacks. There is only one person on this forum I will never communicate with or even acknowledge he exists. That is why I am a big fan of the ignore function. It exists for a reason.
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Re: Yet another racist thread title?

Post by Matnum PI »

Peter Brown wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 11:02 amI do notice the crowd that does, brave/courageous souls that they are... it's strictly a Democratic move...they have this pansy reflexive allergy to opposing thought. The way they demonstrate their 'free speech ethos' is seeking to silence other thought... I simply expect it from Democratic Party members...
Admin gets reports from left and right.
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Peter Brown
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Re: Yet another racist thread title?

Post by Peter Brown »

Matnum PI wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 11:10 am
Peter Brown wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 11:02 amI do notice the crowd that does, brave/courageous souls that they are... it's strictly a Democratic move...they have this pansy reflexive allergy to opposing thought. The way they demonstrate their 'free speech ethos' is seeking to silence other thought... I simply expect it from Democratic Party members...
Admin gets reports from left and right.

I would not believe that unless I was told by the Admin; I don't know one Republican or conservative or even true moderate (not the self-proclaimed 'moderates' who seem to only support Democratic policies...) that would turn to a mod to suppress a post from the other side.

That said, it's the % that matters; if you told me that 95% of whining to mods comes from Dems, in no universe would that be even the tiniest surprise to anyone here. I only read Dems whining about posts when the posts aren't even personal-insult driven but just general thoughts. The Left hates free speech; once you grasp that, all else makes sense.
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Re: Yet another racist thread title?

Post by Matnum PI »

Peter Brown wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 11:15 am The Left hates free speech; once you grasp that, all else makes sense.

Peter, I think there's a huge swath of people in the arts who call themselves lefties who would adamantly disagree with you. Let alone a huge swath of people not in the arts who call themselves lefties.
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Re: Yet another racist thread title?

Post by cradleandshoot »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 10:53 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 10:43 am
Kismet wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:26 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:05 am
Kismet wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 8:31 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 6:06 am
DocBarrister wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 2:21 am Seriously, Administrator ... your forum is becoming an embarrassment. Will you please change the racist titles of Kramerica’s two threads?

Whats up doc? That first amendment got your panties all twisted in a knot? Doc B wants to be crowned as the fan lax forum censor. I thought even the commie lib folks thought censorship was a bad thing?
FYI, Cradle but have to correct you once again. The First Amendment only applies to the Federal Government and not to non-government entities.
As an example, if the Augusta National Golf Club (or a local private club in Rochester like The Country Club of Rochester for example) wants to bar women and minorities from membership solely on that basis its totally kosher.

Here is the text -

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Last time I checked this place is NOT operated by the Federal Government. :D
So the spirit of the first amendment is irrelevant when it comes to this thread? Sounds like some FLP spinning to me. I don't stand corrected, I now have a greater understanding for the contempt some people have for free speech. So you are saying that Doc b is correct and that free speech on this forum, not including profanity is open to censorship? Why? Because it offends you? I read quite a bit of stuff on this forum that offends me. That being said, I will always defend the right of any person to speak their mind. I sorta kinda thought that is what being an American was all about. So we are all free to say what we want. We had all damn well better say what we are suppose to say. :roll:
You missed my point. This place is governed by the people who own and run it and they reserve the right to make the rules and enforce them. If you don't like that,, you are free to go elsewhere to a place that suits your need to express yourself. Here's another example, you make a reservation at a restaurant for dinner and once seated you start screaming and and complaining to the staff about service, politics or whatever. They have a right at that point to ask you to leave and not serve you. ...and that is their decision and not much, if anything, you could do about it (without getting arrested).

I don't recall mentioning what I'm offended about. It appears that you are projecting something onto me that I didn't say.
I understand your point. A fellow poster on this forum pleaded with the moderators to exclude a point of view because he or she was offended by the content. That is my point. If your trying to tell me the mods here should censor content because some people are bothered by it. I will tell you IMO all day long that is wrong. If your post meets the decorum and standards and you are not engaged in a personal attack on a fellow poster, you should be free to speak your mind on this forum.

We should all disagree with the content of what people post when we feel strongly about another person's point of view. What we should never do is whine and b***h to the moderators about censoring what people say when they are writing an opinion within the guidelines of the forum.
There are rules which govern content. Some of it is gray. Ask the moderators. Is there not a “penalty box” on this forum?
Obscenity and personal attacks will put you in the doghouse. We all enjoy much more freedom on this forum than we ever had at lax power. Use it but dont abuse it.
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Re: Yet another racist thread title?

Post by cradleandshoot »

Matnum PI wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 11:19 am
Peter Brown wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 11:15 am The Left hates free speech; once you grasp that, all else makes sense.

Peter, I think there's a huge swath of people in the arts who call themselves lefties who would adamantly disagree with you. Let alone a huge swath of people not in the arts who call themselves lefties.
If that is true, at least as far as this forum is concerned, why the blowback on anybody that deviates from the FLP reservation on what their ideology professes? You disagree with a far leftie on this forum and there will be page after page of dissenting opinions. I know from personal experience. :D
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by seacoaster »

Well, blowback is speech, right? Dissent is speech, right? Disagreement is speech. As Warren Rudman once famously said, Americans like PB have a constitutional right to be wrong. PB is exercising his, every day, nearly every post on these pages.
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Re: Yet another racist thread title?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 11:45 am
Matnum PI wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 11:19 am
Peter Brown wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 11:15 am The Left hates free speech; once you grasp that, all else makes sense.

Peter, I think there's a huge swath of people in the arts who call themselves lefties who would adamantly disagree with you. Let alone a huge swath of people not in the arts who call themselves lefties.
If that is true, at least as far as this forum is concerned, why the blowback on anybody that deviates from the FLP reservation on what their ideology professes? You disagree with a far leftie on this forum and there will be page after page of dissenting opinions. I know from personal experience. :D
This is a lacrosse forum. There is maybe 1 or 2 Far left people on this forum. Human decency has now become “far left progressive”
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by Matnum PI »

Typical, I think Far-Left extremist etc. is code for anything left of me.
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by cradleandshoot »

seacoaster wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 11:52 am Well, blowback is speech, right? Dissent is speech, right? Disagreement is speech. As Warren Rudman once famously said, Americans like PB have a constitutional right to be wrong. PB is exercising his, every day, nearly every post on these pages.
We have deviated far afield from my original point. I was commenting on Doc B wanting to have the mods delete or repudiate comments he disagreed with. That is where I was going. If I were to opine to the mods about every post I disagreed with that would be pretty freaking stupid on my part. If I think MD is off point on a particular topic, I will bring it up with him. I would feel foolish if I opined to a moderator to talk to him for me.
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by seacoaster »

cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 12:22 pm
seacoaster wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 11:52 am Well, blowback is speech, right? Dissent is speech, right? Disagreement is speech. As Warren Rudman once famously said, Americans like PB have a constitutional right to be wrong. PB is exercising his, every day, nearly every post on these pages.
We have deviated far afield from my original point. I was commenting on Doc B wanting to have the mods delete or repudiate comments he disagreed with. That is where I was going. If I were to opine to the mods about every post I disagreed with that would be pretty freaking stupid on my part. If I think MD is off point on a particular topic, I will bring it up with him. I would feel foolish if I opined to a moderator to talk to him for me.
Gotcha. I am in agreement with you.
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by Matnum PI »

Cradle, you have no issue with titling this thread "Racial Jungle"? And even if the title doesn't rub you the wrong way, you can't see how it could rub others?
Last edited by Matnum PI on Wed Jun 24, 2020 12:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by Brooklyn »

Peter Brown wrote: ↑Wed Jun 24, 2020 10:15 am
The Left hates free speech; once you grasp that, all else makes sense.

Nobody hates or censors free speech more than does the right wing. Too bad you weren't around during the old LP days or you would have seen it first hand in that forum. Come to think of it, with that @#$#@ admin we had you would likely have been the first one appointed as mod and joined in with the McCarthyites in their forum reign of terror against the truth.
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by njbill »

Pete the mod. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Race in America - Riots Explode in Minneapolis

Post by cradleandshoot »

Matnum PI wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 12:31 pm Cradle, you have no issue with titling this thread "Racial Jungle"? And even if the title doesn't rub you the wrong way, you can't see how it could rub others?
I did not title the thread. I have no issue with the back and forth from everyone on this forum. If someone on this forum says something you disagree with, bring it up with that person. When folks want to go cry to the mods to assuage their hurt feelings... GMAFB.
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
Bob Ross:
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