Race in America - Riots Explode in Chicago

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get it to x
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by get it to x »

Okay, is there a better example of the woke zombie culture than this article?

https://hotair.com/archives/jazz-shaw/2 ... shut-said/

They want to shut down the "Blue Lives Matter" website because it offends their wokeness?

This is like Superman's "Bizarro World", except in this case free speech is violence and violence is free speech.
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by runrussellrun »

get it to x wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 10:37 am
ggait wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 10:23 am By Salty's definition, cocaine and heroin would not be considered chemicals. Since they are derived from plants.

Nice to know that the feds are woke enough these days to only use organic, naturally occurring riot control agents on our citizens.

"Free of any artificial flavors or colorings! Just pure tasty chili pepper. After the riot, you can use it on your tacos!"

So are you advocating for dogs and fire hoses? What would you have them use?

How about obey the lawful orders of police and disperse when told to. Then nothing needs to be used.
nope......better yet, don't have the police there. At all.

If you are worried about business, as I am, the cops should be lined up on the sidewalks, parrellel to the street. not blocking the sidewalks or streets.

Who are YOU, to tell me we can't be on a public sidewalk, in the middle of the day. The BUffalos cops are clearly showing the problem. It's the pigs and their horrible "policies"

Why do police departments even own riot gear?
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by runrussellrun »

get it to x wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 12:08 pm Okay, is there a better example of the woke zombie culture than this article?

https://hotair.com/archives/jazz-shaw/2 ... shut-said/

They want to shut down the "Blue Lives Matter" website because it offends their wokeness?

This is like Superman's "Bizarro World", except in this case free speech is violence and violence is free speech.
waaaaa......so what. Plenty of other website providers.
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by a fan »

Peter Brown wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:21 am Why are PD unions any more critical than teacher unions? Arguably, teachers have failed far more Americans than police...why aren;t you beating the drums about that, a fan?
I have. What part of my "I don't believe government workers should be able to form a union" is unclear.
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:21 am I think American police generally though not specifically are fine.
Millions of your fellow Americans disagree.
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:21 am I think federal and state employees are generally bad but specifically fine. Why are you only outraged about police? Where I live, the police are our friends and neighbors; I don't tend to have a beef with any of them.
Of course you don't. Neither do I. We're both white at the top end of the earning bracket. They aren't treating you and I the same as they are treating our black friends, and the black community as a whole. That's the problem.
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:21 am In fact two sheriffs are very good friends of mine and I didn't even need to pay them to do so; Democrats get paid by government unions all the time. Why aren't you outraged about that?
Dude. Who do you think you're talking to? I own a prominent business in my city. The police and FD know me by name. And much of that is because they can always count on me for massive support when it comes to fundraising. And the police in Denver? Usually they do the fundraising for someone else. I hold them in high regard. But that doesn't mean that they don't need improvement, any more than my organization doesn't need improvement.

This is the part I do. not. understand. when it comes to American conservatives: you would all swear on a stack of Bibles that government could ruin a ham sandwich. Right?

And yet when millions of your fellow Americans tell you that there's a major problem with how the policing arm of the government is functioning, you don't believe them.

Explain that to me. Republicans and American conservatives spend their whole lives railing on how bad government is. "Government is the problem", right? Every other government organization is *hit, right? Corrupt, and absolute dog*hit.

But the police are perfect.

This worldview makes zero sense, and you know it.
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:21 am What is it about police that have you so wound up? I'm thinking I might be the only one here who has ever visited a federal prison to visit a friend who was jammed up on some outrageously bs charges by the feds; that guy has moved on, he doesn't spend his day railing all cops. Why do you?
First of all, show me where I've "railed". What I've done is react to one policeman murdering a man in broad daylight while three other officers neglect their duty to protect and serve. And for what? Over a potential fake 20 dollar bill. They could have walked away and gone to lunch, and the outcome would have been about a million times better. And it's obvious that the police in this department don't understand that. This is a systemic problem that needs fixing.

This is such an obvious problem, that people in London, Paris, and cities across Canada are protesting, too, Pete. But what you and some others here are trying to tell us is that American government is perfect, and doesn't need fixing. It's an utterly absurd position to take, and you know it.
Last edited by a fan on Mon Jun 08, 2020 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by SCLaxAttack »

Defund the police has been been used by the extreme left and extreme right as rallying cries for their extreme objectives. Apply a little marketing savvy and everyone gets closer to happy...... refinancing. By the way, we've been doing it for years.

Do police staff jails? No, we have detention officers.
Do police enforce hunting regulations? Not when there are game wardens.
Who serves warrants in most non-urban areas? Sheriff Departments.
Who protects most courthouses? Sheriffs again.
Who gets the first call when a kid goes to school with bruises on their bodies? Social Services.
Do cops spend time hiding behind bushes on parkways? Not when you have a highway patrol.
So is it that much of a stretch to have specially trained civil servants going out to meet with community leaders, or going out to take the report from the guy who's insisting a burglary report be written because someone stole his lawn ornament, or a dozen other important, or trivial, things that I can't think of off the top of my head?

I'm too lazy to look through old LP and Fanlax archives, but I remember full well that whenever we had a stretch of posts after a mass shooting that most - whether they lean left, center, or right - posted in fairly close agreement for the need to provide a better way to identify and deal with the people causing those problems than sending in the police to clear the area after the damage was done. Well here's the opportunity to put the money where our mouths have been.

Edit to add - And spend the money educating our police forces so that they know how to peacefully disburse crowds, know how to subdue someone needing to be subdued without killing them, and know when to react to other police who are breaking the law themselves.
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

runrussellrun wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 10:55 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 10:19 am
get it to x wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:40 am
a fan wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:43 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:05 pm The long term issue is ironically easier, imo:

1. STOP SENDING PEOPLE TO PRISON FOR FIRST TIME NON-VIOLENT CRIME (please bear in mind that 'jail' is not 'prison'; jail can be used for anything less than 10 days and will involve tons of non-violent crime).

2. Anyone today in prison for selling weed of any nature to be released and have records expunged.

3. Stop cash bail for any charge that is not violent.

4. Make prosecutors and cops personally liable for any provable offense such as hiding evidence that shows the defendant was innocent.
Not a single one of these things addresses the issue at hand, Pete. The social contract with Black Americans is broken.

Their Civil Rights are not the same as my civil rights. As a result, they're getting harassed and killed by the government that's supposed to protect them.
I reject this premise completely. Which civil rights don't they have? How were their protests treated differently than lock down protests? In fact, Democratic mayors and governors harshly criticized lock down protests and said they were a health hazard. When the George Floyd protests got violent law enforcement did a reasonable job of not responding in kind. Very few peaceful protesters were injured. Looting was tacitly tolerated in some cases, with zero police response. And nobody, politician or media, was complaining about Covid exposure.

George Floyd's death and Blacks in general are being used by the Socialist movement to neuter the government and destroy capitalism. Blacks are constantly told the country is evil. What is evil is dividing people by color and assigning motives to them based on that skin color. The dividing is done because divided people are easier to control.

George Floyd's death was an abomination, but it had to do with an evil cop, not systemic racism in policing or in a group of people of one color. Black Americans might also do well to look inward for change as well as outward. Their crime rates are generally higher, and we can argue the reasons. Single parenthood, poor schools, culture, high rate of abortions. I believe teaching victimhood is a ready excuse to fail. If we want our Black neighbors to feel invested in America we must do a better job of selling success instead of dependence. We must give them the tools to succeed. And we must celebrate their success in everyday endeavors, not just sports and entertainment.

Please don't tell me I want Blacks to be more "white". What I ultimately want is for racial and ethnic groups to maintain their cultural identity within the framework of the American Experiment. It's an experiment because we are constantly rethinking our laws and procedures and making the necessary adjustments as we go. For example, why are police being trained to restrain a person like the way they did to George Floyd? That is ripe for an obvious change.
get it to X...they are NOT trained to do what was done to Floyd. But it wasn't one bad cop, it was 4 bad cops. And the only way we know that is fellow citizens caught them on film.

Yes, it IS systemic.
Yes, it is deeply culturally ingrained racism.
And as one black commentator this morning pointed out, it is also about police against the citizens...the abuse of power also happens against whites, way too often too. Just more disproportionately with blacks, to the point that totally innocent blacks have far more fear of being stopped by police than do whites...and it is rational to be so worried. It is real.

Clearly you haven't been listening to your fellow black Americans. They are not taught "victimhood"...listen to the successful, resourceful people who are forging ahead in the world, yet face these issues every day.

I watched this gal this AM, Olympian, husband served in Air Force, daughter currently serving.

Read her message:

https://www.theplayerstribune.com/en-us ... ica-racism

here's clip...I don't think it was posted yet at CNN...https://www.wfmz.com/news/cnn/us-nation ... 86a62.html
Dude, what have you done to change policies and procedures in your home town? Tops in the USA for murder, police corruption, etc.?

Guess they don't own a tux and hang at the CHessy Bay fund raisers. Did you hear the New Hampshire Gov. shut down all vacation rentals ? No Squam lake for YOU :lol:
I really shouldn't engage, but you're right, Baltimore police are a huge mess. Ton of corruption. And Baltimore appears to be on its way to electing Sheila Dixon again! argghhh.

No worries, re Squam...we good.
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by a fan »

SCLaxAttack wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 12:34 pm Defund the police has been been used by the extreme left and extreme right as rallying cries for their extreme objectives. Apply a little marketing savvy and everyone gets closer to happy...... refinancing. By the way, we've been doing it for years.

Do police staff jails? No, we have detention officers.
Do police enforce hunting regulations? Not when there are game wardens.
Who serves warrants in most non-urban areas? Sheriff Departments.
Who protects most courthouses? Sheriffs again.
Who gets the first call when a kid goes to school with bruises on their bodies? Social Services.
Do cops spend time hiding behind bushes on parkways? Not when you have a highway patrol.
So is it that much of a stretch to have specially trained civil servants going out to meet with community leaders, or going out to take the report from the guy who's insisting a burglary report be written because someone stole his lawn ornament, or a dozen other important, or trivial, things that I can't think of off the top of my head?

I'm too lazy to look through old LP and Fanlax archives, but I remember full well that whenever we had a stretch of posts after a mass shooting that most - whether they lean left, center, or right - posted in fairly close agreement for the need to provide a better way to identify and deal with the people causing those problems than sending in the police to clear the area after the damage was done. Well here's the opportunity to put the money where our mouths have been.

Edit to add - And spend the money educating our police forces so that they know how to peacefully disburse crowds, know how to subdue someone needing to be subdued without killing them, and know when to react to other police who are breaking the law themselves.
Great post, SCLax... Great post.
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by ggait »

If you have a better solution go ahead and enlighten everyone. If it takes huge snootful of CS gas to break up an unruly mob then so be it.
C&S -- I'm referring to the feds weaseling/hair-splitting/gaslighting in order to lie to us.

Prior to the Monday night walk to the church, they feds deployed riot control agents against the protesters. The riot control agents used caused the same physical reactions as other riot control agents (like tear gas) do. As is plain and obvious from numerous video sources.

But in the aftermath, Kayleigh McGaslighter and other Trump mouthpieces said:

Tear gas -- no tear gas used. Pepper spray -- no pepper "spray" used. Chemicals -- no "chemicals" used. Because they used "pepper balls" on the crowd.

It is the "distinction without a difference" BS game. The Trumpsters (including our own Salty) keep trying to describe a distinction between two things where no discernible difference exists. Being done to solely avoid the obvious connotations associated with tear gas.

Hey -- I did not pour gasoline onto the fire. [Leaving out that I did pour kerosene onto the flames.]
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
Peter Brown
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by Peter Brown »

a fan wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 12:32 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:21 am Why are PD unions any more critical than teacher unions? Arguably, teachers have failed far more Americans than police...why aren;t you beating the drums about that, a fan?
I have. What part of my "I don't believe government workers should be able to form a union" is unclear.
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:21 am I think American police generally though not specifically are fine.
Millions of your fellow Americans disagree.
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:21 am I think federal and state employees are generally bad but specifically fine. Why are you only outraged about police? Where I live, the police are our friends and neighbors; I don't tend to have a beef with any of them.
Of course you don't. Neither do I. We're both white at the top end of the earning bracket. They aren't treating you and I the same as they are treating our black friends, and the black community as a whole. That's the problem.
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:21 am In fact two sheriffs are very good friends of mine and I didn't even need to pay them to do so; Democrats get paid by government unions all the time. Why aren't you outraged about that?
Dude. Who do you think you're talking to? I own a prominent business in my city. The police and FD know me by name. And much of that is because they can always count on me for massive support when it comes to fundraising. And the police in Denver? Usually they do the fundraising for someone else. I hold them in high regard. But that doesn't mean that they don't need improvement, any more than my organization doesn't need improvement.

This is the part I do. not. understand. when it comes to American conservatives: you would all swear on a stack of Bibles that government could ruin a ham sandwich. Right?

And yet when millions of your fellow Americans tell you that there's a major problem with how the policing arm of the government is functioning, you don't believe them.

Explain that to me. Republicans and American conservatives spend their whole lives railing on how bad government is. "Government is the problem", right? Every other government organization is *hit, right? Corrupt, and absolute dog*hit.

But the police are perfect.

This worldview makes zero sense, and you know it.
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:21 am What is it about police that have you so wound up? I'm thinking I might be the only one here who has ever visited a federal prison to visit a friend who was jammed up on some outrageously bs charges by the feds; that guy has moved on, he doesn't spend his day railing all cops. Why do you?
First of all, show me where I've "railed". What I've done is react to one policeman murdering a man in broad daylight while three other officers neglect their duty to protect and serve. And for what? Over a potential fake 20 dollar bill. They could have walked away and gone to lunch, and the outcome would have been about a million times better. And it's obvious that the police in this department don't understand that. This is a systemic problem that needs fixing.

This is such an obvious problem, that people in London, Paris, and cities across Canada are protesting, too, Pete. But what you and some others here are trying to tell us is that American government is perfect, and doesn't need fixing. It's an utterly absurd position to take, and you know it.

man, you've been taken in, as have millions of others. The number of people genuinely outraged at 'police brutality' is in fact not so large...the marchers/protesters etc are agitating for much larger systemic changes in capitalism.

I tell people all the time: never compromise with a leftist, because what is on the table is merely an appetizer for the meal they are really after.

The solutions to much of the 'systemic abuses' by police are in fact similar to the systemic abuses by government writ large. Do a few things and voila, case closed. You are playing with fire a fan, by even acknowledging the bs. The people desperate for an American version of Mao’s Cultural Revolution with an inquisition aimed at stamping out heretics who don’t fully agree with the left’s extreme intersectionality-based ideology. Take a pass now before it is too late.
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

PB's pals, you know those "Real Americans", proud to be called REDNECKS according to PB, must be getting pretty darn uncomfortable.
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

ggait wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 1:01 pm
If you have a better solution go ahead and enlighten everyone. If it takes huge snootful of CS gas to break up an unruly mob then so be it.
C&S -- I'm referring to the feds weaseling/hair-splitting/gaslighting in order to lie to us.

Prior to the Monday night walk to the church, they feds deployed riot control agents against the protesters. The riot control agents used caused the same physical reactions as other riot control agents (like tear gas) do. As is plain and obvious from numerous video sources.

But in the aftermath, Kayleigh McGaslighter and other Trump mouthpieces said:

Tear gas -- no tear gas used. Pepper spray -- no pepper "spray" used. Chemicals -- no "chemicals" used. Because they used "pepper balls" on the crowd.

It is the "distinction without a difference" BS game. The Trumpsters (including our own Salty) keep trying to describe a distinction between two things where no discernible difference exists. Being done to solely avoid the obvious connotations associated with tear gas.

Hey -- I did not pour gasoline onto the fire. [Leaving out that I did pour kerosene onto the flames.]
It wasn’t gas, it was lighter fluid.

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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by Brooklyn »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 1:24 pm

It wasn’t gas, it was lighter fluid.


Poison gas banned in war but police are free to use it or its variants in USA and in other nations to their own citizens. Damn thing should be banned as a menace to society.
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by cradleandshoot »

ggait wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 1:01 pm
If you have a better solution go ahead and enlighten everyone. If it takes huge snootful of CS gas to break up an unruly mob then so be it.
C&S -- I'm referring to the feds weaseling/hair-splitting/gaslighting in order to lie to us.

Prior to the Monday night walk to the church, they feds deployed riot control agents against the protesters. The riot control agents used caused the same physical reactions as other riot control agents (like tear gas) do. As is plain and obvious from numerous video sources.

But in the aftermath, Kayleigh McGaslighter and other Trump mouthpieces said:

Tear gas -- no tear gas used. Pepper spray -- no pepper "spray" used. Chemicals -- no "chemicals" used. Because they used "pepper balls" on the crowd.

It is the "distinction without a difference" BS game. The Trumpsters (including our own Salty) keep trying to describe a distinction between two things where no discernible difference exists. Being done to solely avoid the obvious connotations associated with tear gas.

Hey -- I did not pour gasoline onto the fire. [Leaving out that I did pour kerosene onto the flames.]
I don't understand Barrs comments. He would not know a CS grenade from a water balloon. If Trump or any other POTUS wants to walk across the street and hold up a bible for a photo op... the secret service job is to secure the safety of the POTUS. They have no political dog in the hunt. If the secret service felt the need to pop 1000 CS grenades to clear a path, then that is what their mission determines them to do. If the secret service needed bulldozers to clear a path, that is what they would have done. They would have done the same for POTUS Obama. I guarantee if they had done so very few of the FLP regulars here would have said dicky doo about it.
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 1:20 pm PB's pals, you know those "Real Americans", proud to be called REDNECKS according to PB, must be getting pretty darn uncomfortable.
I hear ya. Those effing rednecks should be sent to re-education camps. They are also referred to as public schools in most FLP circles. :)
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by runrussellrun »

a fan wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 12:32 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:21 am Why are PD unions any more critical than teacher unions? Arguably, teachers have failed far more Americans than police...why aren;t you beating the drums about that, a fan?
I have. What part of my "I don't believe government workers should be able to form a union" is unclear.
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:21 am I think American police generally though not specifically are fine.
Millions of your fellow Americans disagree.
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:21 am I think federal and state employees are generally bad but specifically fine. Why are you only outraged about police? Where I live, the police are our friends and neighbors; I don't tend to have a beef with any of them.
Of course you don't. Neither do I. We're both white at the top end of the earning bracket. They aren't treating you and I the same as they are treating our black friends, and the black community as a whole. That's the problem. NOPE....the problem is you, and millions of others, think racism is the problem. It's always been about the poor. The connected. I've been beaten by cops. I am white. I posted plenty of videos showing pig cops killing whites, Change the policy. It's should have changed after Kent State. It didn't. Any blacks killed at Kent state.

https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org ... tions.html
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:21 am What is it about police that have you so wound up? I'm thinking I might be the only one here who has ever visited a federal prison to visit a friend who was jammed up on some outrageously bs charges by the feds; that guy has moved on, he doesn't spend his day railing all cops. Why do you?
First of all, show me where I've "railed". What I've done is react to one policeman murdering a man in broad daylight while three other officers neglect their duty to protect and serve. And for what? Over a potential fake 20 dollar bill. They could have walked away and gone to lunch, and the outcome would have been about a million times better. And it's obvious that the police in this department don't understand that. This is a systemic problem that needs fixing.

This is such an obvious problem, that people in London, Paris, and cities across Canada are protesting, too, Pete. But what you and some others here are trying to tell us is that American government is perfect, and doesn't need fixing. It's an utterly absurd position to take, and you know it.
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by ggait »

The people desperate for an American version of Mao’s Cultural Revolution with an inquisition aimed at stamping out heretics who don’t fully agree with the left’s extreme intersectionality-based ideology. Take a pass now before it is too late.
Peter Brown is really cracking me up with these crazy rants he pulls out of his butt.

Wolf! Wolf! Wolf! Wolf! Wolf! Wolf! Wolf! Wolf! Wolf! Wolf! Wolf! Wolf!

He can't possibly come up with this stuff on his own. He's got to be using a MAGA-themed bullshirt word generator. Hilarious tech version linked below.

What does "intersectionality-based ideology" even mean?

Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by runrussellrun »

Change the policy.......what is taking so long

ILM...Independent Lives Matter
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by Matnum PI »

Anish Shroff on Bigotry in Lacrosse
I’m not quite sure how this conversation begins. So I’m just going to let the words come and write unplugged. I’m angered that... http://fanlax.com/fanlax/2020/06/08/ani ... -lacrosse/
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by a fan »

Peter Brown wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 1:18 pmman, you've been taken in, as have millions of others. The number of people genuinely outraged at 'police brutality' is in fact not so large...the marchers/protesters etc are agitating for much larger systemic changes in capitalism.
So because you have some people with political agendas that differ from yours among those wanting government fixes, your "plan" is to ignore that our government isn't working well, and refuse to even look at...let alone fix...its problems.

You are so far out on the edge, Pete, it's straight up silly. Good luck with this frankly sad worldview of yours. What you are telling me that yes, 2+2=4. But because elements of the left think 2+2=4, you are now telling us that I'm enabling the left by agreeing that the sum is 4.

The leftists are everywhere Pete! Make sure you panic!! Boo!!! Be careful, or they're going to steal your puppies and murder them!!!
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 1:18 pm You are playing with fire a fan, by even acknowledging the bs. The people desperate for an American version of Mao’s Cultural Revolution with an inquisition aimed at stamping out heretics who don’t fully agree with the left’s extreme intersectionality-based ideology. Take a pass now before it is too late.
:lol: Your parents' generation said the same thing about Vietnam protests. If you were around back then, you'd keep us in Vietnam just to spite the left.
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by runrussellrun »

cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 1:31 pm
ggait wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 1:01 pm
If you have a better solution go ahead and enlighten everyone. If it takes huge snootful of CS gas to break up an unruly mob then so be it.
C&S -- I'm referring to the feds weaseling/hair-splitting/gaslighting in order to lie to us.

Prior to the Monday night walk to the church, they feds deployed riot control agents against the protesters. The riot control agents used caused the same physical reactions as other riot control agents (like tear gas) do. As is plain and obvious from numerous video sources.

But in the aftermath, Kayleigh McGaslighter and other Trump mouthpieces said:

Tear gas -- no tear gas used. Pepper spray -- no pepper "spray" used. Chemicals -- no "chemicals" used. Because they used "pepper balls" on the crowd.

It is the "distinction without a difference" BS game. The Trumpsters (including our own Salty) keep trying to describe a distinction between two things where no discernible difference exists. Being done to solely avoid the obvious connotations associated with tear gas.

Hey -- I did not pour gasoline onto the fire. [Leaving out that I did pour kerosene onto the flames.]
I don't understand Barrs comments. He would not know a CS grenade from a water balloon. If Trump or any other POTUS wants to walk across the street and hold up a bible for a photo op... the secret service job is to secure the safety of the POTUS. They have no political dog in the hunt. If the secret service felt the need to pop 1000 CS grenades to clear a path, then that is what their mission determines them to do. If the secret service needed bulldozers to clear a path, that is what they would have done. They would have done the same for POTUS Obama. I guarantee if they had done so very few of the FLP regulars here would have said dicky doo about it.
tRump should have been arrested by DC police. For violating curfew. What a coward the mayor is. SHe is another loser. Never looking in the mirror and blaming the blacks problems on electing people who really care about them :roll: What's his name again, the guy that a former friend smoked crack with......Mayor Barry? Gets out of jail, gets re-elected. Yuup....thats' honkeys fault.
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
Pronouns: "we" and "suck"
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