Race in America - Riots Explode in Chicago

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get it to x
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by get it to x »

a fan wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:43 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:05 pm The long term issue is ironically easier, imo:

1. STOP SENDING PEOPLE TO PRISON FOR FIRST TIME NON-VIOLENT CRIME (please bear in mind that 'jail' is not 'prison'; jail can be used for anything less than 10 days and will involve tons of non-violent crime).

2. Anyone today in prison for selling weed of any nature to be released and have records expunged.

3. Stop cash bail for any charge that is not violent.

4. Make prosecutors and cops personally liable for any provable offense such as hiding evidence that shows the defendant was innocent.
Not a single one of these things addresses the issue at hand, Pete. The social contract with Black Americans is broken.

Their Civil Rights are not the same as my civil rights. As a result, they're getting harassed and killed by the government that's supposed to protect them.
I reject this premise completely. Which civil rights don't they have? How were their protests treated differently than lock down protests? In fact, Democratic mayors and governors harshly criticized lock down protests and said they were a health hazard. When the George Floyd protests got violent law enforcement did a reasonable job of not responding in kind. Very few peaceful protesters were injured. Looting was tacitly tolerated in some cases, with zero police response. And nobody, politician or media, was complaining about Covid exposure.

George Floyd's death and Blacks in general are being used by the Socialist movement to neuter the government and destroy capitalism. Blacks are constantly told the country is evil. What is evil is dividing people by color and assigning motives to them based on that skin color. The dividing is done because divided people are easier to control.

George Floyd's death was an abomination, but it had to do with an evil cop, not systemic racism in policing or in a group of people of one color. Black Americans might also do well to look inward for change as well as outward. Their crime rates are generally higher, and we can argue the reasons. Single parenthood, poor schools, culture, high rate of abortions. I believe teaching victimhood is a ready excuse to fail. If we want our Black neighbors to feel invested in America we must do a better job of selling success instead of dependence. We must give them the tools to succeed. And we must celebrate their success in everyday endeavors, not just sports and entertainment.

Please don't tell me I want Blacks to be more "white". What I ultimately want is for racial and ethnic groups to maintain their cultural identity within the framework of the American Experiment. It's an experiment because we are constantly rethinking our laws and procedures and making the necessary adjustments as we go. For example, why are police being trained to restrain a person like the way they did to George Floyd? That is ripe for an obvious change.
"I would never want to belong to a club that would have me as a member", Groucho Marx
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by kramerica.inc »

I can’t blame officers for shooting/tazing someone else first instead of being shot, stabbed or beaten themselves. That’s human nature. But it’s once cops get a read on the situation and realize a person is not a threat, it’s the “serve and protect” part that needs serious work for many cops.

They encounter a ton of people daily that are all the dregs of society, downtrodden or having bad days. I get why cops are on-edge at every traffic stop.

But many see that talking to a cop rarely ends well for the citizen. That’s what has caused normal and good people to act squirrely around police.

No one wants to help or talk to police because as every defense lawyer will tell you, most cops don’t serve anything. Their main function and role is simply to put people in the justice system and let the judge sort it out. They don’t really give a eff about innocence or guilt. They just look for a slight hint of probably cause.
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by runrussellrun »

get it to x wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:40 am
a fan wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:43 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:05 pm The long term issue is ironically easier, imo:

1. STOP SENDING PEOPLE TO PRISON FOR FIRST TIME NON-VIOLENT CRIME (please bear in mind that 'jail' is not 'prison'; jail can be used for anything less than 10 days and will involve tons of non-violent crime).

2. Anyone today in prison for selling weed of any nature to be released and have records expunged.

3. Stop cash bail for any charge that is not violent.

4. Make prosecutors and cops personally liable for any provable offense such as hiding evidence that shows the defendant was innocent.
Not a single one of these things addresses the issue at hand, Pete. The social contract with Black Americans is broken.

Their Civil Rights are not the same as my civil rights. As a result, they're getting harassed and killed by the government that's supposed to protect them.
I reject this premise completely. Which civil rights don't they have? How were their protests treated differently than lock down protests? In fact, Democratic mayors and governors harshly criticized lock down protests and said they were a health hazard. When the George Floyd protests got violent law enforcement did a reasonable job of not responding in kind. Very few peaceful protesters were injured. Looting was tacitly tolerated in some cases, with zero police response. And nobody, politician or media, was complaining about Covid exposure.
. For example, why are police being trained to restrain a person like the way they did to George Floyd? That is ripe for an obvious change.
THIS! It IS way easier to change policy and procedures that this "systemic racism ". Knee to the throat? Why do the pig cops take so long to get the arrestee to the station. You know, where the pig cops can shove objects up your rectim. New York City. Yeah baby. Who was mayor at the time ?

How come the "yellow" people are never killed by police? Or mentioned by the BLM?

I get really, really angry when I see a pig cop spokesperson utter,

"...we are doing an internal investigation......"
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by ggait »

Beautiful day here in Colorado.

Up early; made coffee; hung out my American flag (like I do every day).

Now packing up the car to go down to the state capitol in Denver to meet my 20 something kids and do some marching. First time I've ever done something like that.

My sign says "We love good cops. #BLM"

Will report back later to let y'all know how it goes.

In the meantime, check out these guys. Reasonable, practical, evidence based, data driven solutions. Makes a lot of sense to me.

Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

get it to x wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:40 am
a fan wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:43 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:05 pm The long term issue is ironically easier, imo:

1. STOP SENDING PEOPLE TO PRISON FOR FIRST TIME NON-VIOLENT CRIME (please bear in mind that 'jail' is not 'prison'; jail can be used for anything less than 10 days and will involve tons of non-violent crime).

2. Anyone today in prison for selling weed of any nature to be released and have records expunged.

3. Stop cash bail for any charge that is not violent.

4. Make prosecutors and cops personally liable for any provable offense such as hiding evidence that shows the defendant was innocent.
Not a single one of these things addresses the issue at hand, Pete. The social contract with Black Americans is broken.

Their Civil Rights are not the same as my civil rights. As a result, they're getting harassed and killed by the government that's supposed to protect them.
I reject this premise completely. Which civil rights don't they have? How were their protests treated differently than lock down protests? In fact, Democratic mayors and governors harshly criticized lock down protests and said they were a health hazard. When the George Floyd protests got violent law enforcement did a reasonable job of not responding in kind. Very few peaceful protesters were injured. Looting was tacitly tolerated in some cases, with zero police response. And nobody, politician or media, was complaining about Covid exposure.

George Floyd's death and Blacks in general are being used by the Socialist movement to neuter the government and destroy capitalism. Blacks are constantly told the country is evil. What is evil is dividing people by color and assigning motives to them based on that skin color. The dividing is done because divided people are easier to control.

George Floyd's death was an abomination, but it had to do with an evil cop, not systemic racism in policing or in a group of people of one color. Black Americans might also do well to look inward for change as well as outward. Their crime rates are generally higher, and we can argue the reasons. Single parenthood, poor schools, culture, high rate of abortions. I believe teaching victimhood is a ready excuse to fail. If we want our Black neighbors to feel invested in America we must do a better job of selling success instead of dependence. We must give them the tools to succeed. And we must celebrate their success in everyday endeavors, not just sports and entertainment.

Please don't tell me I want Blacks to be more "white". What I ultimately want is for racial and ethnic groups to maintain their cultural identity within the framework of the American Experiment. It's an experiment because we are constantly rethinking our laws and procedures and making the necessary adjustments as we go. For example, why are police being trained to restrain a person like the way they did to George Floyd? That is ripe for an obvious change.
get it to X...they are NOT trained to do what was done to Floyd. But it wasn't one bad cop, it was 4 bad cops. And the only way we know that is fellow citizens caught them on film.

Yes, it IS systemic.
Yes, it is deeply culturally ingrained racism.
And as one black commentator this morning pointed out, it is also about police against the citizens...the abuse of power also happens against whites, way too often too. Just more disproportionately with blacks, to the point that totally innocent blacks have far more fear of being stopped by police than do whites...and it is rational to be so worried. It is real.

Clearly you haven't been listening to your fellow black Americans. They are not taught "victimhood"...listen to the successful, resourceful people who are forging ahead in the world, yet face these issues every day.

I watched this gal this AM, Olympian, husband served in Air Force, daughter currently serving.

Read her message:

https://www.theplayerstribune.com/en-us ... ica-racism

here's clip...I don't think it was posted yet at CNN...https://www.wfmz.com/news/cnn/us-nation ... 86a62.html
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by runrussellrun »

Police acknowledge that they NEVER said one word to the murder victim. At 2:37

If you a mistake....we will shoot you.


Why does this have to be pointed out, over and over.

COPS are goons. Murderers. Race is the LEAST of our problems. PROcedure IS EASY FIX. The cop got off. He made he play simon sayz.....What the heck? What procedure/policies was this cop trained in? Who trained him? Any care to investigate WHO trained the MESA, AZ police department? tRump U?

None of you pretends care about these incidents. You don't. Because YOU don't break the law?
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by runrussellrun »

ILM...Independent Lives Matter
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by runrussellrun »

Policy, procedure. Pigs stink. Why do they do this stuff?



nope.....fix the policy/procedures first.
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by runrussellrun »

ILM...Independent Lives Matter
Pronouns: "we" and "suck"
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by runrussellrun »

you all didn't care. Just like TLD tag line sayz

This happens ALL the time

"are you some kind of Constitutionalist? A crazy person, understanding our legal docs? " says the cop.


we hate YOU....because YOU disrespect the US Constitution. got it
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
Pronouns: "we" and "suck"
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by runrussellrun »

ggait wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 10:18 am Beautiful day here in Colorado.

Up early; made coffee; hung out my American flag (like I do every day).

Now packing up the car to go down to the state capitol in Denver to meet my 20 something kids and do some marching. First time I've ever done something like that.

My sign says "We love good cops. #BLM"

Will report back later to let y'all know how it goes.

In the meantime, check out these guys. Reasonable, practical, evidence based, data driven solutions. Makes a lot of sense to me.

Define a "good " cop? Someone with NO record? Or, someone whose partners, co workers, also have no bad behavior records ?

Because, if a Good COP, does nothing, does evil prevail?

Our law makers, and lawyers are the REAL problem.
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
Pronouns: "we" and "suck"
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by runrussellrun »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 10:19 am
get it to x wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:40 am
a fan wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:43 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:05 pm The long term issue is ironically easier, imo:

1. STOP SENDING PEOPLE TO PRISON FOR FIRST TIME NON-VIOLENT CRIME (please bear in mind that 'jail' is not 'prison'; jail can be used for anything less than 10 days and will involve tons of non-violent crime).

2. Anyone today in prison for selling weed of any nature to be released and have records expunged.

3. Stop cash bail for any charge that is not violent.

4. Make prosecutors and cops personally liable for any provable offense such as hiding evidence that shows the defendant was innocent.
Not a single one of these things addresses the issue at hand, Pete. The social contract with Black Americans is broken.

Their Civil Rights are not the same as my civil rights. As a result, they're getting harassed and killed by the government that's supposed to protect them.
I reject this premise completely. Which civil rights don't they have? How were their protests treated differently than lock down protests? In fact, Democratic mayors and governors harshly criticized lock down protests and said they were a health hazard. When the George Floyd protests got violent law enforcement did a reasonable job of not responding in kind. Very few peaceful protesters were injured. Looting was tacitly tolerated in some cases, with zero police response. And nobody, politician or media, was complaining about Covid exposure.

George Floyd's death and Blacks in general are being used by the Socialist movement to neuter the government and destroy capitalism. Blacks are constantly told the country is evil. What is evil is dividing people by color and assigning motives to them based on that skin color. The dividing is done because divided people are easier to control.

George Floyd's death was an abomination, but it had to do with an evil cop, not systemic racism in policing or in a group of people of one color. Black Americans might also do well to look inward for change as well as outward. Their crime rates are generally higher, and we can argue the reasons. Single parenthood, poor schools, culture, high rate of abortions. I believe teaching victimhood is a ready excuse to fail. If we want our Black neighbors to feel invested in America we must do a better job of selling success instead of dependence. We must give them the tools to succeed. And we must celebrate their success in everyday endeavors, not just sports and entertainment.

Please don't tell me I want Blacks to be more "white". What I ultimately want is for racial and ethnic groups to maintain their cultural identity within the framework of the American Experiment. It's an experiment because we are constantly rethinking our laws and procedures and making the necessary adjustments as we go. For example, why are police being trained to restrain a person like the way they did to George Floyd? That is ripe for an obvious change.
get it to X...they are NOT trained to do what was done to Floyd. But it wasn't one bad cop, it was 4 bad cops. And the only way we know that is fellow citizens caught them on film.

Yes, it IS systemic.
Yes, it is deeply culturally ingrained racism.
And as one black commentator this morning pointed out, it is also about police against the citizens...the abuse of power also happens against whites, way too often too. Just more disproportionately with blacks, to the point that totally innocent blacks have far more fear of being stopped by police than do whites...and it is rational to be so worried. It is real.

Clearly you haven't been listening to your fellow black Americans. They are not taught "victimhood"...listen to the successful, resourceful people who are forging ahead in the world, yet face these issues every day.

I watched this gal this AM, Olympian, husband served in Air Force, daughter currently serving.

Read her message:

https://www.theplayerstribune.com/en-us ... ica-racism

here's clip...I don't think it was posted yet at CNN...https://www.wfmz.com/news/cnn/us-nation ... 86a62.html
Dude, what have you done to change policies and procedures in your home town? Tops in the USA for murder, police corruption, etc.?

Guess they don't own a tux and hang at the CHessy Bay fund raisers. Did you hear the New Hampshire Gov. shut down all vacation rentals ? No Squam lake for YOU :lol:
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
Pronouns: "we" and "suck"
Peter Brown
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by Peter Brown »

runrussellrun wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 10:37 am Policy, procedure. Pigs stink. Why do they do this stuff?



nope.....fix the policy/procedures first.

Maybe because most of the people they deal with day to day are in fact 'thugs'.

I'd love to be there and watch RRR respond when some crackhead tosses feces in his face as RR is trying to get the guy politely out of traffic for the crackhead's safety. I'm sure you'd be a model cop after a year of that.

Lesson: you have no earthly idea what you are talking about when it comes to what cops deal with day to day. None. Zero.

Maybe watch this video and click at 1:50 and let me know how that whole respect thing is workin' out for ya in Bmore:

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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by runrussellrun »

Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 11:02 am
runrussellrun wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 10:37 am Policy, procedure. Pigs stink. Why do they do this stuff?



nope.....fix the policy/procedures first.

Maybe because most of the people they deal with day to day are in fact 'thugs'.

I'd love to be there and watch RRR respond when some crackhead tosses feces in his face as RR is trying to get the guy politely out of traffic for the crackhead's safety. I'm sure you'd be a model cop after a year of that.

Lesson: you have no earthly idea what you are talking about when it comes to what cops deal with day to day. None. Zero.

Maybe watch this video and click at 1:50 and let me know how that whole respect thing is workin' out for ya in Bmore:

What does Hunter Biden throwing feces (crack head) have to do with changing policies and procedures ?

It's real simple, Peter Brown. You won't answer, but what policies and procedures do you like, or dislike, about some of the videos I posted?

Don't really care what a pig has to deal with, day to day. You know the Brattleboro, Vermont police department deals with different "clientel " than, say, Baltimore, Boulder or even Bennington, VT.

You have clearly stated that YOU have zero problem with the pig cops abusing our US Constitutional rights. You are the problem too
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
Pronouns: "we" and "suck"
get it to x
Posts: 1365
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by get it to x »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 10:19 am
get it to x wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:40 am
a fan wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:43 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:05 pm The long term issue is ironically easier, imo:

1. STOP SENDING PEOPLE TO PRISON FOR FIRST TIME NON-VIOLENT CRIME (please bear in mind that 'jail' is not 'prison'; jail can be used for anything less than 10 days and will involve tons of non-violent crime).

2. Anyone today in prison for selling weed of any nature to be released and have records expunged.

3. Stop cash bail for any charge that is not violent.

4. Make prosecutors and cops personally liable for any provable offense such as hiding evidence that shows the defendant was innocent.
Not a single one of these things addresses the issue at hand, Pete. The social contract with Black Americans is broken.

Their Civil Rights are not the same as my civil rights. As a result, they're getting harassed and killed by the government that's supposed to protect them.
I reject this premise completely. Which civil rights don't they have? How were their protests treated differently than lock down protests? In fact, Democratic mayors and governors harshly criticized lock down protests and said they were a health hazard. When the George Floyd protests got violent law enforcement did a reasonable job of not responding in kind. Very few peaceful protesters were injured. Looting was tacitly tolerated in some cases, with zero police response. And nobody, politician or media, was complaining about Covid exposure.

George Floyd's death and Blacks in general are being used by the Socialist movement to neuter the government and destroy capitalism. Blacks are constantly told the country is evil. What is evil is dividing people by color and assigning motives to them based on that skin color. The dividing is done because divided people are easier to control.

George Floyd's death was an abomination, but it had to do with an evil cop, not systemic racism in policing or in a group of people of one color. Black Americans might also do well to look inward for change as well as outward. Their crime rates are generally higher, and we can argue the reasons. Single parenthood, poor schools, culture, high rate of abortions. I believe teaching victimhood is a ready excuse to fail. If we want our Black neighbors to feel invested in America we must do a better job of selling success instead of dependence. We must give them the tools to succeed. And we must celebrate their success in everyday endeavors, not just sports and entertainment.

Please don't tell me I want Blacks to be more "white". What I ultimately want is for racial and ethnic groups to maintain their cultural identity within the framework of the American Experiment. It's an experiment because we are constantly rethinking our laws and procedures and making the necessary adjustments as we go. For example, why are police being trained to restrain a person like the way they did to George Floyd? That is ripe for an obvious change.
get it to X...they are NOT trained to do what was done to Floyd. But it wasn't one bad cop, it was 4 bad cops. And the only way we know that is fellow citizens caught them on film.

Yes, it IS systemic.
Yes, it is deeply culturally ingrained racism.

And as one black commentator this morning pointed out, it is also about police against the citizens...the abuse of power also happens against whites, way too often too. Just more disproportionately with blacks, to the point that totally innocent blacks have far more fear of being stopped by police than do whites...and it is rational to be so worried. It is real.

Clearly you haven't been listening to your fellow black Americans. They are not taught "victimhood"...listen to the successful, resourceful people who are forging ahead in the world, yet face these issues every day.

I watched this gal this AM, Olympian, husband served in Air Force, daughter currently serving.

Read her message:

https://www.theplayerstribune.com/en-us ... ica-racism

here's clip...I don't think it was posted yet at CNN...https://www.wfmz.com/news/cnn/us-nation ... 86a62.html
So says you. You have no idea what is in the average police officer's head. Probably number one is "Am I going home tonight?" You act like the neighborhoods in West Baltimore are safe and the only bad guys are the cops. You face that misery every day and tell me you wouldn't be at least be a little cynical. Tim Scott R-SC, an African American Senator, says we need a strong presence of character driven police. Not less police, just better police. Do you remember the ethnic make up of the officers charged in the Freddie Gray case? Three blacks and three whites. Which of those is a systemic, culturally ingrained racist? In my opinion, there are very few actual racists, who I define as someone who feels their race is superior. I've met a few of them and they are actually an argument against a their own self perception of supremacy. "Racist" is a cry used by progressives to stifle debate and avoid dealing with actual truths.

Leave your door unlocked tonight. Put a gun free zone sign on your front lawn. And don't call 911 for the Rapid Racist Response team if things get dicey. And when the cops do show up, be sure to tell each one individually that you know without doubt that he/she is a racist. You may get a few hard lessons in the truth, but it won't be from the cops. They will probably just shake their heads at your benightedness.
"I would never want to belong to a club that would have me as a member", Groucho Marx
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by 6ftstick »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 10:19 am
get it to x wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:40 am
a fan wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:43 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:05 pm The long term issue is ironically easier, imo:

1. STOP SENDING PEOPLE TO PRISON FOR FIRST TIME NON-VIOLENT CRIME (please bear in mind that 'jail' is not 'prison'; jail can be used for anything less than 10 days and will involve tons of non-violent crime).

2. Anyone today in prison for selling weed of any nature to be released and have records expunged.

3. Stop cash bail for any charge that is not violent.

4. Make prosecutors and cops personally liable for any provable offense such as hiding evidence that shows the defendant was innocent.
Not a single one of these things addresses the issue at hand, Pete. The social contract with Black Americans is broken.

Their Civil Rights are not the same as my civil rights. As a result, they're getting harassed and killed by the government that's supposed to protect them.
I reject this premise completely. Which civil rights don't they have? How were their protests treated differently than lock down protests? In fact, Democratic mayors and governors harshly criticized lock down protests and said they were a health hazard. When the George Floyd protests got violent law enforcement did a reasonable job of not responding in kind. Very few peaceful protesters were injured. Looting was tacitly tolerated in some cases, with zero police response. And nobody, politician or media, was complaining about Covid exposure.

George Floyd's death and Blacks in general are being used by the Socialist movement to neuter the government and destroy capitalism. Blacks are constantly told the country is evil. What is evil is dividing people by color and assigning motives to them based on that skin color. The dividing is done because divided people are easier to control.

George Floyd's death was an abomination, but it had to do with an evil cop, not systemic racism in policing or in a group of people of one color. Black Americans might also do well to look inward for change as well as outward. Their crime rates are generally higher, and we can argue the reasons. Single parenthood, poor schools, culture, high rate of abortions. I believe teaching victimhood is a ready excuse to fail. If we want our Black neighbors to feel invested in America we must do a better job of selling success instead of dependence. We must give them the tools to succeed. And we must celebrate their success in everyday endeavors, not just sports and entertainment.

Please don't tell me I want Blacks to be more "white". What I ultimately want is for racial and ethnic groups to maintain their cultural identity within the framework of the American Experiment. It's an experiment because we are constantly rethinking our laws and procedures and making the necessary adjustments as we go. For example, why are police being trained to restrain a person like the way they did to George Floyd? That is ripe for an obvious change.
get it to X...they are NOT trained to do what was done to Floyd. But it wasn't one bad cop, it was 4 bad cops. And the only way we know that is fellow citizens caught them on film.

Yes, it IS systemic.
Yes, it is deeply culturally ingrained racism.
And as one black commentator this morning pointed out, it is also about police against the citizens...the abuse of power also happens against whites, way too often too. Just more disproportionately with blacks, to the point that totally innocent blacks have far more fear of being stopped by police than do whites...and it is rational to be so worried. It is real.

Clearly you haven't been listening to your fellow black Americans. They are not taught "victimhood"...listen to the successful, resourceful people who are forging ahead in the world, yet face these issues every day.

I watched this gal this AM, Olympian, husband served in Air Force, daughter currently serving.

Read her message:

https://www.theplayerstribune.com/en-us ... ica-racism

here's clip...I don't think it was posted yet at CNN...https://www.wfmz.com/news/cnn/us-nation ... 86a62.html
Systemic racism? Deeply culturally ingrained racism.

Every year in America 7500 Black men women and children are killed.

93% of them are killed by another Black person. 93%

But I don't hear any calls for a "CONVERSATION" about that.
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Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2018 11:07 am

Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by runrussellrun »

What does synical, or angry, or whatever "feelings " of hurt that cops feel because their policies suck, have to do with anything?

Their jobs sucks. So what. Find a different job, than. Plenty of jobs suck. Teaching Baltimore kids.....pure joy. Right?

Get off the think blue line iceberg. Killing someone because your jobs sucks.........is fine with you. YOU are the problem
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
Pronouns: "we" and "suck"
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

6ftstick wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 11:29 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 10:19 am
get it to x wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:40 am
a fan wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:43 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:05 pm The long term issue is ironically easier, imo:

1. STOP SENDING PEOPLE TO PRISON FOR FIRST TIME NON-VIOLENT CRIME (please bear in mind that 'jail' is not 'prison'; jail can be used for anything less than 10 days and will involve tons of non-violent crime).

2. Anyone today in prison for selling weed of any nature to be released and have records expunged.

3. Stop cash bail for any charge that is not violent.

4. Make prosecutors and cops personally liable for any provable offense such as hiding evidence that shows the defendant was innocent.
Not a single one of these things addresses the issue at hand, Pete. The social contract with Black Americans is broken.

Their Civil Rights are not the same as my civil rights. As a result, they're getting harassed and killed by the government that's supposed to protect them.
I reject this premise completely. Which civil rights don't they have? How were their protests treated differently than lock down protests? In fact, Democratic mayors and governors harshly criticized lock down protests and said they were a health hazard. When the George Floyd protests got violent law enforcement did a reasonable job of not responding in kind. Very few peaceful protesters were injured. Looting was tacitly tolerated in some cases, with zero police response. And nobody, politician or media, was complaining about Covid exposure.

George Floyd's death and Blacks in general are being used by the Socialist movement to neuter the government and destroy capitalism. Blacks are constantly told the country is evil. What is evil is dividing people by color and assigning motives to them based on that skin color. The dividing is done because divided people are easier to control.

George Floyd's death was an abomination, but it had to do with an evil cop, not systemic racism in policing or in a group of people of one color. Black Americans might also do well to look inward for change as well as outward. Their crime rates are generally higher, and we can argue the reasons. Single parenthood, poor schools, culture, high rate of abortions. I believe teaching victimhood is a ready excuse to fail. If we want our Black neighbors to feel invested in America we must do a better job of selling success instead of dependence. We must give them the tools to succeed. And we must celebrate their success in everyday endeavors, not just sports and entertainment.

Please don't tell me I want Blacks to be more "white". What I ultimately want is for racial and ethnic groups to maintain their cultural identity within the framework of the American Experiment. It's an experiment because we are constantly rethinking our laws and procedures and making the necessary adjustments as we go. For example, why are police being trained to restrain a person like the way they did to George Floyd? That is ripe for an obvious change.
get it to X...they are NOT trained to do what was done to Floyd. But it wasn't one bad cop, it was 4 bad cops. And the only way we know that is fellow citizens caught them on film.

Yes, it IS systemic.
Yes, it is deeply culturally ingrained racism.
And as one black commentator this morning pointed out, it is also about police against the citizens...the abuse of power also happens against whites, way too often too. Just more disproportionately with blacks, to the point that totally innocent blacks have far more fear of being stopped by police than do whites...and it is rational to be so worried. It is real.

Clearly you haven't been listening to your fellow black Americans. They are not taught "victimhood"...listen to the successful, resourceful people who are forging ahead in the world, yet face these issues every day.

I watched this gal this AM, Olympian, husband served in Air Force, daughter currently serving.

Read her message:

https://www.theplayerstribune.com/en-us ... ica-racism

here's clip...I don't think it was posted yet at CNN...https://www.wfmz.com/news/cnn/us-nation ... 86a62.html
Systemic racism? Deeply culturally ingrained racism.

Every year in America 7500 Black men women and children are killed.

93% of them are killed by another Black person. 93%

But I don't hear any calls for a "CONVERSATION" about that.
I thought it was 88%. Where did you find that stat? Edit: Rudy brought it up in 2008. That number has trended down. The reality is people kill people they are in contact with. In 2016 it was 89% versus 81% for white on white homicides. Whites kill women and Hispanics at a ridiculous rate. What are you doing to help? Do you talk to your gym students like you talk to folks here? You are an educator correct?
Last edited by Typical Lax Dad on Sun Jun 07, 2020 12:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by youthathletics »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 11:50 am
6ftstick wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 11:29 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 10:19 am
get it to x wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:40 am
a fan wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:43 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:05 pm The long term issue is ironically easier, imo:

1. STOP SENDING PEOPLE TO PRISON FOR FIRST TIME NON-VIOLENT CRIME (please bear in mind that 'jail' is not 'prison'; jail can be used for anything less than 10 days and will involve tons of non-violent crime).

2. Anyone today in prison for selling weed of any nature to be released and have records expunged.

3. Stop cash bail for any charge that is not violent.

4. Make prosecutors and cops personally liable for any provable offense such as hiding evidence that shows the defendant was innocent.
Not a single one of these things addresses the issue at hand, Pete. The social contract with Black Americans is broken.

Their Civil Rights are not the same as my civil rights. As a result, they're getting harassed and killed by the government that's supposed to protect them.
I reject this premise completely. Which civil rights don't they have? How were their protests treated differently than lock down protests? In fact, Democratic mayors and governors harshly criticized lock down protests and said they were a health hazard. When the George Floyd protests got violent law enforcement did a reasonable job of not responding in kind. Very few peaceful protesters were injured. Looting was tacitly tolerated in some cases, with zero police response. And nobody, politician or media, was complaining about Covid exposure.

George Floyd's death and Blacks in general are being used by the Socialist movement to neuter the government and destroy capitalism. Blacks are constantly told the country is evil. What is evil is dividing people by color and assigning motives to them based on that skin color. The dividing is done because divided people are easier to control.

George Floyd's death was an abomination, but it had to do with an evil cop, not systemic racism in policing or in a group of people of one color. Black Americans might also do well to look inward for change as well as outward. Their crime rates are generally higher, and we can argue the reasons. Single parenthood, poor schools, culture, high rate of abortions. I believe teaching victimhood is a ready excuse to fail. If we want our Black neighbors to feel invested in America we must do a better job of selling success instead of dependence. We must give them the tools to succeed. And we must celebrate their success in everyday endeavors, not just sports and entertainment.

Please don't tell me I want Blacks to be more "white". What I ultimately want is for racial and ethnic groups to maintain their cultural identity within the framework of the American Experiment. It's an experiment because we are constantly rethinking our laws and procedures and making the necessary adjustments as we go. For example, why are police being trained to restrain a person like the way they did to George Floyd? That is ripe for an obvious change.
get it to X...they are NOT trained to do what was done to Floyd. But it wasn't one bad cop, it was 4 bad cops. And the only way we know that is fellow citizens caught them on film.

Yes, it IS systemic.
Yes, it is deeply culturally ingrained racism.
And as one black commentator this morning pointed out, it is also about police against the citizens...the abuse of power also happens against whites, way too often too. Just more disproportionately with blacks, to the point that totally innocent blacks have far more fear of being stopped by police than do whites...and it is rational to be so worried. It is real.

Clearly you haven't been listening to your fellow black Americans. They are not taught "victimhood"...listen to the successful, resourceful people who are forging ahead in the world, yet face these issues every day.

I watched this gal this AM, Olympian, husband served in Air Force, daughter currently serving.

Read her message:

https://www.theplayerstribune.com/en-us ... ica-racism

here's clip...I don't think it was posted yet at CNN...https://www.wfmz.com/news/cnn/us-nation ... 86a62.html
Systemic racism? Deeply culturally ingrained racism.

Every year in America 7500 Black men women and children are killed.

93% of them are killed by another Black person. 93%

But I don't hear any calls for a "CONVERSATION" about that.
I thought it was 88%. Where did you find that stat? Edit: Rudy brought it up in 2008. That number has trended down. The reality is people kill people they are in contact with.
4 bad cops MD? That is a stretch. Two of the 4 were rookies and one of those 4 was on his 4th day on the eat. I believe he was also overheard trying to tell the bad cop to back off and was overruled by the idiot with his knee on Floyd's neck. Proving the bad apple theory.
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by ggait »

Six —

The vast majority of USA violent crime is intra-racial. White on white. Black on black.

Not surprising since our neighborhoods and communities and schools are significantly mono-racial.

People crime on the people around them. Duh. In other news, water is wet.
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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