Race in America - Riots Explode in Chicago

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Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode Nationwide with Help From Instigators

Post by Nigel »

Peter Brown wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 6:33 pm
ggait wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 5:49 pm
They're not relevant.
So then why are you posting about something you admit is irrelevant?

And also why lie about it too?

Since you said it was coming from the police chief when, in fact, it was coming from the police UNION chief.

And since you also said that Floyd's prior rap sheet had been released. In fact nothing was released today and Floyd's priors have been publicized for over a week.

Were you mistaken about those facts? Or just knowingly saying falsehoods in order to try to trigger someone?

Do you really wonder why people call your behavior trolling?

Could you please limit yourself to posting about things that are true and relevant?


All of us on here

By “all of us”, did you mean ‘by all of us Democrats”? :lol: I have some fans on here; they may be few in number, but what they lack in absolute, they more than make up in love! Also, unlike ‘some’ on here, my posts are rooted in deep philosophical underpinnings; a few irrelevant facts might be messy, but the primal human law that Democratic philosophy is wildly antithetical to American excellence remains firm!
The girl in the 'Black Lives Matter Is A Joke' clip reminded me of PBrown conversing with several on these threads. He, like her, was still standing in the end. Here we are now, entertain us!
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Re: Racism in America

Post by njbill »

old salt wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:34 pm Kenya enforcing Covid social distancing.
Watching our peaceful protests over the past wk, not seeing much social distancing going on here.
How can our peaceful protest be permitted when other public gatherings are prohibited or severely restricted ?
Should Police & National Guard be subjected to the covid risk from protesters shouting & spitting in their faces ?

njbill -- how can other public gatherings be prohibited, yet these peaceful protests permitted ?
Maybe Trump cleared Laf Sq because protesters were not social distancing.
Yes, some public gatherings have been prohibited, but protests, including the anti-social distancing protests, have been allowed. While I understand the chances of disease transmission are probably quite similar, the authorities have concluded peaceful protests, regardless of the subject matter, are too important to our democracy to be banned.

I’m waiting for someone to challenge the closing of Lafayette Square on First Amendment grounds. Lafayette Square is our Hyde Park Speaker’s Corner. I don’t think it was closed during the ban the bomb rallies in the 50s, the Vietnam and civil rights protests of the 60s, or any of the many, many protests since then. Another first for Trump it seems.

And let me save you time. No, it does not need to be closed for security purposes. Show me any footage of violent protests in Lafayette Square. Of course Trump/Barr will concoct some phony baloney explanation, as do all Third World dictators to shut down dissent.
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Re: Racism in America

Post by old salt »

njbill wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:47 pmAnd let me save you time. No, it does not need to be closed for security purposes. Show me any footage of violent protests in Lafayette Square. Of course Trump/Barr will concoct some phony baloney explanation, as do all Third World dictators to shut down dissent.
60 Secret Service officers were injured over the weekend. Those weren't slip & falls.
They didn't move Trump into the bunker just to watch a movie.
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Re: Racism in America

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

old salt wrote: Wed Jun 03, 2020 12:14 am
njbill wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:47 pmAnd let me save you time. No, it does not need to be closed for security purposes. Show me any footage of violent protests in Lafayette Square. Of course Trump/Barr will concoct some phony baloney explanation, as do all Third World dictators to shut down dissent.
60 Secret Service officers were injured over the weekend. Those weren't slip & falls.
They didn't move Trump into the bunker just to watch a movie.
Trump went to the bunker!
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by njbill »

There may have been some initial reports that the numbers were that high, but from what I’ve seen, they have been substantially downgraded. And of course, not everyone was injured in Lafayette Square.

Obviously, no one wants to see anybody get injured, whether law-enforcement or protester.

It certainly appears that all concerned, including the Secret Service which in their defense aren’t really trained for this type of crowd control, didn’t handle things particularly well at the outset.

Things have substantially calmed down since the weekend, however, which makes the closing of Lafayette Square even less defensible.

Depending on the judge selected by the wheel, I think there is a good chance Trump’s closure of Lafayette Square would be overturned. Wouldn’t surprise me if someone is working on a case already. Hopefully Trump only plans on keeping the Square closed for a short time. If so, that would moot any lawsuit.
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by old salt »

njbill wrote: Wed Jun 03, 2020 12:36 am There may have been some initial reports that the numbers were that high, but from what I’ve seen, they have been substantially downgraded. And of course, not everyone was injured in Lafayette Square.

Obviously, no one wants to see anybody get injured, whether law-enforcement or protester.

It certainly appears that all concerned, including the Secret Service which in their defense aren’t really trained for this type of crowd control, didn’t handle things particularly well at the outset.

Things have substantially calmed down since the weekend, however, which makes the closing of Lafayette Square even less defensible.

Depending on the judge selected by the wheel, I think there is a good chance Trump’s closure of Lafayette Square would be overturned. Wouldn’t surprise me if someone is working on a case already. Hopefully Trump only plans on keeping the Square closed for a short time. If so, that would moot any lawsuit.
Uniformed Secret Service are highly trained in crowd control. They routinely deal with demonstrators. Not on this scale.
https://www.stripes.com/news/us/trump-s ... e-1.631860
(note the pictures of "peaceful" protesters)

FNC reporting that AG Barr gave the order to widen the perimeter around the WH early Mon, following Sun's violence on the perimeter & fires within sight of the WH. As Barr was arriving at the WH before Trump's speech, he was nearly hit by a thrown bottle. At which time he renewed the order to close Laf Sq.

FNC just reported over 50 Secret Service injuries from bricks & other thrown objects.
Today, an 8.5 ft high chain link fence was installed bordering Laf Sq.

Remember the uproar when Penn Ave NW was closed to vehicular traffic because of the truck bomb threat.
The republic survived & protesters on foot gained even greater access to the WH.
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by njbill »

Yes, not on this scale, which may be a reason why they had the difficulties they did. Again, not a criticism of them as what’s been occurring is beyond their training.

Why in the world the Attorney General is making these types of decisions is beyond me, but then this is Bill Barr. Just a tad outside his area of expertise, don’t you think?

A plastic water bottle was thrown in his direction. It did not hit him. BFD. That’s justification for closing the park?

I have seen reports of bricks being thrown elsewhere around the country, but not in Lafayette Square. Obviously no one should be throwing bricks at anyone anywhere. But closing the square won’t prevent that.

Yes, that was what Fox was reporting, but from what I have read, those numbers have been scaled back. Again, nobody wants to see anyone get hurt. But the situation is much calmer now, which underscores that there is no current need to shut down the entirety of the square.

This probably goes back even before your time or mine, but there was a time when there was no fence at all around the White House. Citizens were permitted to roam the grounds at will.

When I lived down there, Pennsylvania Avenue was open to vehicular traffic. The world still spun on its axis.

Car bombs are an entirely different animal, justifying closing the street. They are a far, far cry from any “threat” posed by kids who are protesting. Even the imported Russians. ;)
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by old salt »

Update -- tonight's FNC report of 50 injuries from bricks & other thrown objects was for the Park Police.
The USPP guard not only the WH (in Laf Sq) with the Secret Service, but also the DC monuments & the Mall & support the Capitol Police protecting the Capitol building.

If you're within range of a thrown water bottle, you're within range of a thrown Molotov cocktail or brick.
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Re: Racism in America

Post by old salt »

njbill wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:47 pm
old salt wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:34 pm Kenya enforcing Covid social distancing.
Watching our peaceful protests over the past wk, not seeing much social distancing going on here.
How can our peaceful protest be permitted when other public gatherings are prohibited or severely restricted ?
Should Police & National Guard be subjected to the covid risk from protesters shouting & spitting in their faces ?

njbill -- how can other public gatherings be prohibited, yet these peaceful protests permitted ?
Maybe Trump cleared Laf Sq because protesters were not social distancing.
Yes, some public gatherings have been prohibited, but protests, including the anti-social distancing protests, have been allowed. While I understand the chances of disease transmission are probably quite similar, the authorities have concluded peaceful protests, regardless of the subject matter, are too important to our democracy to be banned.
...still, given their numbers, they're as big a super spreader as spring breakers, & a larger quantity than those despicable Ozark knuckleheads.

Maybe the NFL , NCAA & MLB will sell tickets to peaceful protests in their stadiums.
Last edited by old salt on Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by njbill »

I don’t disagree.
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by ggait »

FWIW, protesters mostly wearing masks. Ozarks and spring breakers not so much. Protesters also may be moving around more, thereby lessening the infectious load they get from any one spreader.

But it may become an issue. Especially since yelling and singing are spread multipliers.
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Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode Nationwide with Help From Instigators

Post by foreverlax »

ggait wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 7:30 pm
The solution is for you to mute me!
Petey -- I blocked you a long time ago.

Unfortunately, your gaslighting and trolling are so voluminous that I still see that portion which shows up when others reply to you (and paste in your musings). So that's what I see and respond to.

I can only imagine what you say in the stuff that gets blocked. IMO, you've turned our spirited, intelligent and mostly friendly board into just another online toxic waste site. I now learn much less on here since you showed up.

If I can't figure out a way to completely ghost you, I think I'll just have to leave this little community behind. Too bad -- I've been on here for a long time -- much longer than you. While my participation survived the demise of LaxPower, I don't think it can survive you.
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Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode Nationwide with Help From Instigators

Post by youthathletics »

a fan wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:47 pm
6ftstick wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:11 pm Trump may be the only leader who can fix it.
Great news. So what's he doing about it?
Give it some time. This has been tee'd up perfectly for this administration to impact significant change. IMO, will be the election deal breaker. I can see in the very near future a Public Address or SotU that addresses the needed change. This is certainly in Trumps wheel house....which is why I believe it will be his most significant piece of work.

EDIT: Just read this after posting. This is exactly what Trump will use as fuel to prove them wrong....or one could argue, b/c he is a democratic in disguise, this is their call sign to him to begin.
Last edited by youthathletics on Wed Jun 03, 2020 8:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by tech37 »

Like everything else, a fan wants it now! :D
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Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode Nationwide with Help From Instigators

Post by runrussellrun »

Peter Brown wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 4:13 pm
Brooklyn wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:59 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:48 pm police.jpg[/img]

re = So much for the utterly laughable claim that he thought he was "hiding". :oops: :oops: :oops:

I get it, I get it. Ill take some blame for that, but he is BEHIND a car, not in the middle of a street with nothing else around like the Boston PD. Cut me a little slack.

Sorry pal, but I can't stop laughing for now. Mebbe later ...

In case you didn't know it, the incident took place in front of a super market with people constantly walking in and out of the place with multiple witnesses. With more witnesses appearing as the poor victim was screaming. Had you said that Chauvin was blinded by his hate and lost himself in it at that moment, then I'd cut you just a bit of the slack you're looking for. :oops:

That's fair, I can take it.

But prepare to go nuclear Brookie, cause your Po-Po Chief just defended Chauvin and released Floyd's extensive criminal history rap sheet, implying that there is more to this story than meets the eye. :o

https://nypost.com/2020/06/02/george-fl ... ion-chief/

Incoming 3-2-1...
You meant to write that tRump released the horrible pigs extensive criminal history, dating way back to 2001. Chauvin sure does have a long rap sheet, implying that there is more than meets the eye.

Wallstreet banksters steal billions and billions.....NO knee to the throat when arrested. What's the biggest CRIME George Floyd committed?

Pete, it's SICK that you defend trump and this garbage of a person.....and the entire Minneapolis community, leaders. Including YOUR favorite, my dad's a drink AMY.....
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by youthathletics »

tech37 wrote: Wed Jun 03, 2020 8:39 am Like everything else, a fan wants it now! :D
Except while the bourbon is resting..and I'm okay with that. :D
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by cradleandshoot »

I am going to post this article knowing full well that the FLP wing on this forum will flip the freak out and call me a racist SOB.

One man has been convicted of first degree gang assault in connection with Latasha's death. A woman charged with the actual homicide was acquitted in July 2009. Shaw, aged 36, was beaten and stabbed in broad daylight in front of dozens of witnesses by a group of young people at a busy city intersection.

Latasha Shaw was brutally beaten to death at the corner of Dewey Ave and Driving Park Ave. 3 Blocks from the street I lived on my whole life... Kislingbury St. Latasha had the audacity to confront a bunch of young women who were trying to beat the chit out of her daughter. Her efforts wound up with her being stabbed to death with improvised spears and beaten with broken bottles. This black woman died in the middle of Driving Park Avenue in the welter of her blood and gore. She was beaten to death with an estimated group of 50 people who watched this grizzly scene play out in front of them. Not a single effing person who watched this murder and knew who the perpetrators were would say jack diddly squat to the police who were investigating this crime. If BLACK LIVES MATTER, why didn't LATASHA SHAWS LIFE MATTER? The black community she lived in turned their effing backs on her because of the "no snitch" rule. Do black lives matter only when the cops do the killing? Go rip on me all you want folks. I still mourn for Latasha Shaw. I lived 3 blocks from where she died. She was trying to protect her daughter. She was butchered in the middle of the street and nobody saw a heck thing. If black lives matter why didn't somebody who witnessed this crime stand up .

https://13wham.com/news/local/park-dedi ... decade-ago
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by 6x6 »

njbill wrote: Wed Jun 03, 2020 12:36 am
Obviously, no one wants to see anybody get injured, whether law-enforcement or protester.

It certainly appears that all concerned, including the Secret Service which in their defense aren’t really trained for this type of crowd control, didn’t handle things particularly well at the outset.
Yet it would seem some here and in the general populace would expect cops to be perfect when working these “events”. In days like these most agencies I’m aware of are placed on full alert. Depts go to 12 hour shifts, vacations and requests for extra days off are denied. Everyone, included those not normally assigned to street duties, have the expectation that they might in the middle of it.

To your point about training, or lack thereof, all hands are on deck. These detectives, people who who have been in admin or office positions and probably haven’t worn a uniform in 20 years are put on the streets, lack of training for these types of situations or not. As a result, sometimes cops don’t “handle things particularly well...”
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Re: Racism in America- Week 2 of Riots

Post by tech37 »

youthathletics wrote: Wed Jun 03, 2020 8:52 am
tech37 wrote: Wed Jun 03, 2020 8:39 am Like everything else, a fan wants it now! :D
Except while the bourbon is resting..and I'm okay with that. :D
I drink wine only youth but you're quite correct. And a fan obviously does it well.
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Re: Racism in America- Riots Explode Nationwide with Help From Instigators

Post by runrussellrun »

a fan wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 8:02 pm
old salt wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 6:55 pm No need to put words in my mouth. I agree with the young lady.

You chose to address the effectiveness of local govt policing in MN & ignore it as a factor in IL.
Now who's putting words in whose mouth? I've done no such thing. I'm simply surprised you're blaming the police for the murder rate in Chicago.

BTW, I don't know why people are all over Chicago. St. Louis has the worst death rate. Pick on them.
old salt wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 6:15 pm I choose to not further debate the inconsistency of your silly false equivalency.
She is telling people that they "aren't allowed" to protest institutional murders until the death rate from gang violence Chicago comes down? What in the world are you discussing, AFAN? It's pretty evident that the young woman, articulated "HYPOCRITES" often, in the video. Gee, AFAN, why would she do that? BLM only pops it head out when a WHITE (mostly) uniformed thug kills a black. No protests for a long laundry list of other cops killing whites......cops DO mostly smell the world up. Evil...prevail....do nothing attitude. Why do you attempt to complicate a simple issue ? She's pointing out the LACK of protests when any of these victims got killed . Unsolved Homicide victims in DC

https://mpdc.dc.gov/page/major-caseunso ... cides-2020

And you're pointing fingers at ME for false equivalencies? :lol:

Are there any other protests that "aren't allowed' by you and this lady, OS, or just this one? She LOVES the BLM protests....she only wants MORE of them? get it? "Go to NorthEast", she cries out. (actually, SouthEAST is still the danger zone, where Sheila Lucas was gunned down on May 23rd. )

Wait by your phone, OS. I'm sure BLM and other protesters will call you to get your green light before they head out. :lol: ;)
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
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