All things Chinese CoronaVirus

The odds are excellent that you will leave this forum hating someone.

How many of your friends and family members have died of the Chinese Corona Virus?

0 people
1 person.
2 people.
3 people.
Total votes: 69

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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by DocBarrister » wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 1:42 am Calling something that originated in China as “Chinese” is not racist.

It’s a factual descriptor.

You’re supposedly a lawyer, you should know that.
You changed the title of this thread, only adding “Chinese” when Trump began his racist “Chinese virus” campaign (note the headers on the first several dozen pages of replies that lack the word, “Chinese”).

You ignore the ample evidence that Trump’s campaign is inciting anti-Asian bigotry, and even physical violence against Asian Americans. You ignore those horrible consequences because you apparently don’t care.

There is only one reasonable explanation for your obvious indifference to rising anti-Asian bigotry. Many of your political views reflect those from more than a half-century ago. Why should race be any different?

Here, for your further enlightenment from that liberal rag, Forbes:

The actual virus, SARS-CoV2, hasn’t been the only nasty insidious brainless thing that many Asian Americans have had to deal with during the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. Nope, there’s also been the continuing bigotry and anti-Asian sentiment that the spread of the virus has uncovered. It certainly hasn’t eased up since I wrote about it for Forbes back in February, which was about three missed haircuts ago. In fact, in many ways it has gotten worse. But if you think that all Asian Americans are going to take this lying down, in the words of Judas Priest, you’ve got another thing coming.

... An increasing number of anti-Asian incidents such as racist graffiti have appeared on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus, as Kelly Meyerhofer detailed for the Wisconsin State Journal. This included graffiti that said “It’s from China #CHINESEVIRUS.” Yes, people are including hashtags on racist graffiti these days.

A 60-year-old man allegedly yelled “Go back to China” and “You are dirty, get your temperature checked," before trying to punch a 26-year-old woman of Asian descent in Brooklyn as described by Wes Parnell for The New York Daily News.

A 33-year old woman reportedly blamed a 34-year-old Asian woman for the spread of the new coronavirus, spat in her face, and attacked her, as detailed by Tina Moore and Daniel Cassady in The New York Post. That’s right, a woman who spat in someone’s face blamed that person for spreading SARS-CoV2.

A stranger allegedly followed a 47-year-old man of Asian-descent and his 10-year-old son yelling racial epithets and eventually hitting the man on the head. You haven’t had a real father-son moment until you’ve been followed by a stranger and hit on the head.

A stranger reportedly punched a 23-year-old Korean woman in the face and allegedly yelled at her "Where's your (expletive) mask" and "You've got coronavirus, you Asian (expletive)." Punching is usually not part of the Covid-19 coronavirus testing procedure.

A teen kicked a 59-year-old man of Asian-descent whom the teen didn’t know in the back, calling the man a “(expletive) Chinese coronavirus,” and telling the man to go back to his country. Yes, it seems like a teen told a man that he was a virus, not infected with or carrying a virus, but one gigantic virus. He also told the man to go back to his country when the man was already in his country. ... d73ae0148a

And still, you couldn’t care less. The reason is obvious.

Call the virus the “novel coronavirus”. You may also call it by its official name, “SARS-CoV-2”. Another option is to use the name of the associated clinical disease, “Covid-19”. You can even just use your original thread title, “All things CoronaVirus”. Any of those would be perfectly fine.

But no ... you insist on using “Chinese CoronaVirus”.

Be honest, you want to do your small part in further inciting anti-Asian bigotry, don’t you? Am I wrong about that?

If I’m wrong, then prove me wrong and change the title of this thread to one of the non-offensive titles above, and I will be the first to thank you and express my sincere appreciation.

I will even offer you an apology.

Prove me wrong ... please.

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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by »

An apology is only worth the reputation of the person giving it.

We’ve read your shallow, lame, mediocre takes for decades, Doc. We see you generalize, shout down, bully and name call groups of people with each and every post. We see you exaggerate and make false claims all the time to try and make your point.

We see you be incredibly arrogant and ultimately wrong about everything you post.

So no thanks, Doc. I won’t be changing the accurate thread title to get an apology...from you.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by DocBarrister » wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 3:37 am An apology is only worth the reputation of the person giving it.

We’ve read your shallow, lame, mediocre takes for decades, Doc. We see you generalize, shout down, bully and name call groups of people with each and every post. We see you exaggerate and make false claims all the time to try and make your point.

We see you be incredibly arrogant and ultimately wrong about everything you post.

So no thanks, Doc. I won’t be changing the accurate thread title to get an apology...from you.
Well, then ... thank you for proving me right.

DocBarrister :?
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by CU88 »

Arkansas governor pleads for people to 'do the right thing' as virus cases rise. ... econd-peak
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
Mr moderator, deactivate my account.
You have heck this forum up to making it nothing more than a joke. I hope you are happy.
This is cradle and shoot signing out.
:roll: :roll: :roll:
get it to x
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by get it to x »

CU88 wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 7:35 am Arkansas governor pleads for people to 'do the right thing' as virus cases rise. ... econd-peak
Typical hysterical headline. Plead sounds like he's down on his knees begging,


“The national media focuses on one or two instances where things look bad,” Hutchinson said. “You want to recognize how many people in Arkansas have done the right thing ... the vast majority are paying attention and following the guidelines.”

Hutchinson said that Arkansas is at a critical point in determining if cases continue to rise, or begin to drop.

“But, there were more than a few who put their own convenience above the health of others, and that’s really not helpful,” He said. “I challenge all Arkansans to think this through.”

Sounds more like a rebuke to the party animals to me.
DocBarrister wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 2:08 am wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 1:42 am Calling something that originated in China as “Chinese” is not racist.

It’s a factual descriptor.

You’re supposedly a lawyer, you should know that.
You changed the title of this thread, only adding “Chinese” when Trump began his racist “Chinese virus” campaign (note the headers on the first several dozen pages of replies that lack the word, “Chinese”).

You ignore the ample evidence that Trump’s campaign is inciting anti-Asian bigotry, and even physical violence against Asian Americans. You ignore those horrible consequences because you apparently don’t care.

There is only one reasonable explanation for your obvious indifference to rising anti-Asian bigotry. Many of your political views reflect those from more than a half-century ago. Why should race be any different?

Here, for your further enlightenment from that liberal rag, Forbes:

The actual virus, SARS-CoV2, hasn’t been the only nasty insidious brainless thing that many Asian Americans have had to deal with during the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. Nope, there’s also been the continuing bigotry and anti-Asian sentiment that the spread of the virus has uncovered. It certainly hasn’t eased up since I wrote about it for Forbes back in February, which was about three missed haircuts ago. In fact, in many ways it has gotten worse. But if you think that all Asian Americans are going to take this lying down, in the words of Judas Priest, you’ve got another thing coming.

... An increasing number of anti-Asian incidents such as racist graffiti have appeared on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus, as Kelly Meyerhofer detailed for the Wisconsin State Journal. This included graffiti that said “It’s from China #CHINESEVIRUS.” Yes, people are including hashtags on racist graffiti these days.

A 60-year-old man allegedly yelled “Go back to China” and “You are dirty, get your temperature checked," before trying to punch a 26-year-old woman of Asian descent in Brooklyn as described by Wes Parnell for The New York Daily News.

A 33-year old woman reportedly blamed a 34-year-old Asian woman for the spread of the new coronavirus, spat in her face, and attacked her, as detailed by Tina Moore and Daniel Cassady in The New York Post. That’s right, a woman who spat in someone’s face blamed that person for spreading SARS-CoV2.

A stranger allegedly followed a 47-year-old man of Asian-descent and his 10-year-old son yelling racial epithets and eventually hitting the man on the head. You haven’t had a real father-son moment until you’ve been followed by a stranger and hit on the head.

A stranger reportedly punched a 23-year-old Korean woman in the face and allegedly yelled at her "Where's your (expletive) mask" and "You've got coronavirus, you Asian (expletive)." Punching is usually not part of the Covid-19 coronavirus testing procedure.

A teen kicked a 59-year-old man of Asian-descent whom the teen didn’t know in the back, calling the man a “(expletive) Chinese coronavirus,” and telling the man to go back to his country. Yes, it seems like a teen told a man that he was a virus, not infected with or carrying a virus, but one gigantic virus. He also told the man to go back to his country when the man was already in his country. ... d73ae0148a

And still, you couldn’t care less. The reason is obvious.

Call the virus the “novel coronavirus”. You may also call it by its official name, “SARS-CoV-2”. Another option is to use the name of the associated clinical disease, “Covid-19”. You can even just use your original thread title, “All things CoronaVirus”. Any of those would be perfectly fine.

But no ... you insist on using “Chinese CoronaVirus”.

Be honest, you want to do your small part in further inciting anti-Asian bigotry, don’t you? Am I wrong about that?

If I’m wrong, then prove me wrong and change the title of this thread to one of the non-offensive titles above, and I will be the first to thank you and express my sincere appreciation.

I will even offer you an apology.

Prove me wrong ... please.

Only sissie libs worry about labeling a virus when people are dying. This is what I call a "first world decadence". It only serves to make you feel good about yourself. Like buying a Prius when you have no idea how much pollution it took to make the battery and not wondering where that battery will be disposed of, much less the energy to operate it. Or putting nutrition information on a Triple Whopper with Cheese. Nobody buying a Triple Whopper is worried about nutrition, but it makes you feel good about yourself. How many people have heeded the Surgeon General's warning on a pack of smokes? You do realize you need the pack in your hand to read the warning, right? But it makes you feel smug and secure, all the while the government continues to collect the taxes on cigarettes. The government killed a man because he got in the way of their tobacco tax. RIP Eric Garner.

You must either have a nice retirement account/pension or you're still getting a paycheck. Otherwise your bleeding heart for the Chinese would be focused on those who are actually suffering, financially and health wise.
"I would never want to belong to a club that would have me as a member", Groucho Marx
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by cradleandshoot »

get it to x wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 8:18 am
CU88 wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 7:35 am Arkansas governor pleads for people to 'do the right thing' as virus cases rise. ... econd-peak
Typical hysterical headline. Plead sounds like he's down on his knees begging,


“The national media focuses on one or two instances where things look bad,” Hutchinson said. “You want to recognize how many people in Arkansas have done the right thing ... the vast majority are paying attention and following the guidelines.”

Hutchinson said that Arkansas is at a critical point in determining if cases continue to rise, or begin to drop.

“But, there were more than a few who put their own convenience above the health of others, and that’s really not helpful,” He said. “I challenge all Arkansans to think this through.”

Sounds more like a rebuke to the party animals to me.
DocBarrister wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 2:08 am wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 1:42 am Calling something that originated in China as “Chinese” is not racist.

It’s a factual descriptor.

You’re supposedly a lawyer, you should know that.
You changed the title of this thread, only adding “Chinese” when Trump began his racist “Chinese virus” campaign (note the headers on the first several dozen pages of replies that lack the word, “Chinese”).

You ignore the ample evidence that Trump’s campaign is inciting anti-Asian bigotry, and even physical violence against Asian Americans. You ignore those horrible consequences because you apparently don’t care.

There is only one reasonable explanation for your obvious indifference to rising anti-Asian bigotry. Many of your political views reflect those from more than a half-century ago. Why should race be any different?

Here, for your further enlightenment from that liberal rag, Forbes:

The actual virus, SARS-CoV2, hasn’t been the only nasty insidious brainless thing that many Asian Americans have had to deal with during the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. Nope, there’s also been the continuing bigotry and anti-Asian sentiment that the spread of the virus has uncovered. It certainly hasn’t eased up since I wrote about it for Forbes back in February, which was about three missed haircuts ago. In fact, in many ways it has gotten worse. But if you think that all Asian Americans are going to take this lying down, in the words of Judas Priest, you’ve got another thing coming.

... An increasing number of anti-Asian incidents such as racist graffiti have appeared on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus, as Kelly Meyerhofer detailed for the Wisconsin State Journal. This included graffiti that said “It’s from China #CHINESEVIRUS.” Yes, people are including hashtags on racist graffiti these days.

A 60-year-old man allegedly yelled “Go back to China” and “You are dirty, get your temperature checked," before trying to punch a 26-year-old woman of Asian descent in Brooklyn as described by Wes Parnell for The New York Daily News.

A 33-year old woman reportedly blamed a 34-year-old Asian woman for the spread of the new coronavirus, spat in her face, and attacked her, as detailed by Tina Moore and Daniel Cassady in The New York Post. That’s right, a woman who spat in someone’s face blamed that person for spreading SARS-CoV2.

A stranger allegedly followed a 47-year-old man of Asian-descent and his 10-year-old son yelling racial epithets and eventually hitting the man on the head. You haven’t had a real father-son moment until you’ve been followed by a stranger and hit on the head.

A stranger reportedly punched a 23-year-old Korean woman in the face and allegedly yelled at her "Where's your (expletive) mask" and "You've got coronavirus, you Asian (expletive)." Punching is usually not part of the Covid-19 coronavirus testing procedure.

A teen kicked a 59-year-old man of Asian-descent whom the teen didn’t know in the back, calling the man a “(expletive) Chinese coronavirus,” and telling the man to go back to his country. Yes, it seems like a teen told a man that he was a virus, not infected with or carrying a virus, but one gigantic virus. He also told the man to go back to his country when the man was already in his country. ... d73ae0148a

And still, you couldn’t care less. The reason is obvious.

Call the virus the “novel coronavirus”. You may also call it by its official name, “SARS-CoV-2”. Another option is to use the name of the associated clinical disease, “Covid-19”. You can even just use your original thread title, “All things CoronaVirus”. Any of those would be perfectly fine.

But no ... you insist on using “Chinese CoronaVirus”.

Be honest, you want to do your small part in further inciting anti-Asian bigotry, don’t you? Am I wrong about that?

If I’m wrong, then prove me wrong and change the title of this thread to one of the non-offensive titles above, and I will be the first to thank you and express my sincere appreciation.

I will even offer you an apology.

Prove me wrong ... please.

Only sissie libs worry about labeling a virus when people are dying. This is what I call a "first world decadence". It only serves to make you feel good about yourself. Like buying a Prius when you have no idea how much pollution it took to make the battery and not wondering where that battery will be disposed of, much less the energy to operate it. Or putting nutrition information on a Triple Whopper with Cheese. Nobody buying a Triple Whopper is worried about nutrition, but it makes you feel good about yourself. How many people have heeded the Surgeon General's warning on a pack of smokes? You do realize you need the pack in your hand to read the warning, right? But it makes you feel smug and secure, all the while the government continues to collect the taxes on cigarettes. The government killed a man because he got in the way of their tobacco tax. RIP Eric Garner.

You must either have a nice retirement account/pension or you're still getting a paycheck. Otherwise your bleeding heart for the Chinese would be focused on those who are actually suffering, financially and health wise.
" Or putting nutrition information on a Triple Whopper with Cheese."
That is the kind of nutrition information you don't want to know. If you quaff a large order of fries and a large chocolate shake that lack of knowledge becomes even more important. :D
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
Bob Ross:
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by 6ftstick »

Hey doc I think it was "ASIAN" privilege that gave the Chinese Communists the hutzpah to release the Chinese Virus on an unsuspecting world.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by Laxgunea »

Yes, we name things after where the came from. That is why we still call it the Spanish Flu ... because it originated in N. America ... likely US ... but Spain was the only country with a free enough press during the war to report on it.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by 6ftstick »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue May 26, 2020 10:50 am
6ftstick wrote: Tue May 26, 2020 9:54 am
Peter Brown wrote: Tue May 26, 2020 9:29 am Devastating article that should be required reading for anyone who wishes to sit in elected office. It should also be required reading by Democrats and NeverTrumpers who have zero idea that the fear they peddle has been horse-hockey. ... 43253.html

To put things in perspective, the virus is now known to have an infection fatality rate for most people under 65 that is no more dangerous than driving 13 to 101 miles per day.

Yet we put billions of young healthy people under house arrest, stopped cancer screenings, and sunk ourselves into the worst level of unemployment since the Great Depression. This from a virus that bears a survival rate of 99.99% if you are a healthy individual under 50 years old

China concealed the extent of the viral outbreak, which, if you believed its data, led many scientists to believe that 2% to 5% of all infected patients would die. This turned out to be off by a factor of 10, but academic epidemiologists have a history of wildly-off-the-mark doomsday predictions.

This response is the biggest unforced policy error in the the modern era. And it was committed not by just one advanced nation, but the vast majority. A good reminder of how dangerously dumb groupthink is.

Never put your money with conventional 'wisdom', never.
But we have to stay locked up till there's a vaccine. wimper.
snowflakes, wear a damn mask and get to work, knuckleheads.

Wash your hands, stay 6ft apart, don't congregate in large groups, be outside not in whenever possible, get good ventilation if inside.

Test and trace and isolate.

Do that and we can all get back to work and some play.
Yes massah, you so smart, we lesser folk do whatever you say till you want to give us our freedoms back.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by Laxgunea »

For those wondering about shut down effects, the Argentina/Brazil comparison is still useful.
This isn't a simplistic left/right issue. The economy has driven Bolsonaro (and Trump). But there are both leftist (Argentina) and rightist (Duterte in Philippines) that have implemented strict distancing with good effects.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by Laxgunea »

Also FWIW, here in Geneva, where there have been about 30 cases, and a few people hospitalized, there has been not a single transmission in the hospital. That is due to the strictness with which they are following protocols. It seems clear: follow the protocols, wear a mask, wash hands, stay apart, etc... and don't let cases rise to the level of community spread again, or we'll have to shut down again to get it under control.
It isnt that the shutdown wasn't necessary. It WAS necessary to get under control what was allowed to go rampant.
I dont know why it is hard to understand that the infection and mortality rates are low because of the steps taken.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by 6ftstick »

nah their not tryin to scare you into the corner of your home with a mask on.

In March Gavin Newsome predicted 25 million californians would contract the virus over the next 8 weeks.

Whoopsie only 96,000 cases. and only 3,800 deaths.(1.7 million tested)

Newsome single handedly shut down the 5th largest economy in the world for NOTHING. And continues to put his foot on its throat. Without any legislative authority.

New York and California account for 20% of US GDP.

Coincidence they're still shut down?
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by 6ftstick »

Laxgunea wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 9:14 am Also FWIW, here in Geneva, where there have been about 30 cases, and a few people hospitalized, there has been not a single transmission in the hospital. That is due to the strictness with which they are following protocols. It seems clear: follow the protocols, wear a mask, wash hands, stay apart, etc... and don't let cases rise to the level of community spread again, or we'll have to shut down again to get it under control.
It isnt that the shutdown wasn't necessary. It WAS necessary to get under control what was allowed to go rampant.
I dont know why it is hard to understand that the infection and mortality rates are low because of the steps taken.
The steps were taken to flatten the curve and slow the spread. DONE

Move the F*ck on.
Peter Brown
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by Peter Brown » wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 3:37 am An apology is only worth the reputation of the person giving it.

We’ve read your shallow, lame, mediocre takes for decades, Doc. We see you generalize, shout down, bully and name call groups of people with each and every post. We see you exaggerate and make false claims all the time to try and make your point.

We see you be incredibly arrogant and ultimately wrong about everything you post.

So no thanks, Doc. I won’t be changing the accurate thread title to get an apology...from you.

Well said.
Peter Brown
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by Peter Brown »

6ftstick wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 9:15 am
Laxgunea wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 9:14 am Also FWIW, here in Geneva, where there have been about 30 cases, and a few people hospitalized, there has been not a single transmission in the hospital. That is due to the strictness with which they are following protocols. It seems clear: follow the protocols, wear a mask, wash hands, stay apart, etc... and don't let cases rise to the level of community spread again, or we'll have to shut down again to get it under control.
It isnt that the shutdown wasn't necessary. It WAS necessary to get under control what was allowed to go rampant.
I dont know why it is hard to understand that the infection and mortality rates are low because of the steps taken.
The steps were taken to flatten the curve and slow the spread. DONE

Move the F*ck on.


The reason that Dems want to keep people from working is to keep the economy down, to get Biden in. I guarantee you that if Biden won on November 3rd, not one Democratic governor nor Fanlax poster would still want the economy shut.... That should tell you what the deal is.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by Laxgunea »

6ftstick wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 9:15 am
Laxgunea wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 9:14 am Also FWIW, here in Geneva, where there have been about 30 cases, and a few people hospitalized, there has been not a single transmission in the hospital. That is due to the strictness with which they are following protocols. It seems clear: follow the protocols, wear a mask, wash hands, stay apart, etc... and don't let cases rise to the level of community spread again, or we'll have to shut down again to get it under control.
It isnt that the shutdown wasn't necessary. It WAS necessary to get under control what was allowed to go rampant.
I dont know why it is hard to understand that the infection and mortality rates are low because of the steps taken.
The steps were taken to flatten the curve and slow the spread. DONE

Move the F*ck on.
Never thought I'd agree with you. But if it hits community spread again, then shutdown again ... hopefully on a county or regional level, not state by state level.
All efforts now should be in planning for the next wave. Protocols in place, infrastructure built ... no ostrich "this is really nothing" crap. Look it in the damned eye and face it.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by Laxgunea »

Peter Brown wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 9:18 am
6ftstick wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 9:15 am
Laxgunea wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 9:14 am Also FWIW, here in Geneva, where there have been about 30 cases, and a few people hospitalized, there has been not a single transmission in the hospital. That is due to the strictness with which they are following protocols. It seems clear: follow the protocols, wear a mask, wash hands, stay apart, etc... and don't let cases rise to the level of community spread again, or we'll have to shut down again to get it under control.
It isnt that the shutdown wasn't necessary. It WAS necessary to get under control what was allowed to go rampant.
I dont know why it is hard to understand that the infection and mortality rates are low because of the steps taken.
The steps were taken to flatten the curve and slow the spread. DONE

Move the F*ck on.


The reason that Dems want to keep people from working is to keep the economy down, to get Biden in. I guarantee you that if Biden won on November 3rd, not one Democratic governor nor Fanlax poster would still want the economy shut.... That should tell you what the deal is.
Oh for God's sake. Sophomore.
get it to x
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by get it to x »

Laxgunea wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 9:25 am
Peter Brown wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 9:18 am
6ftstick wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 9:15 am
Laxgunea wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 9:14 am Also FWIW, here in Geneva, where there have been about 30 cases, and a few people hospitalized, there has been not a single transmission in the hospital. That is due to the strictness with which they are following protocols. It seems clear: follow the protocols, wear a mask, wash hands, stay apart, etc... and don't let cases rise to the level of community spread again, or we'll have to shut down again to get it under control.
It isnt that the shutdown wasn't necessary. It WAS necessary to get under control what was allowed to go rampant.
I dont know why it is hard to understand that the infection and mortality rates are low because of the steps taken.
The steps were taken to flatten the curve and slow the spread. DONE

Move the F*ck on.


The reason that Dems want to keep people from working is to keep the economy down, to get Biden in. I guarantee you that if Biden won on November 3rd, not one Democratic governor nor Fanlax poster would still want the economy shut.... That should tell you what the deal is.
Oh for God's sake. Sophomore.
Sorry 6ft, as mendacious as the Dems are, I can't see them doing this. I think they wan't credit for slowing the spread, and even though Newsom was a "Chicken Little" at the beginning he had done a decent job up until it was time to open things up. Now he's just being piggish about getting some more money out of Uncle Sugar. As for Cuomo, he has blood on his hands the way the nursing home situation turned out. He's lucky he has a friendly press. Any shot he had as a stand in for an obviously faltering Biden is circling the drain. Now I will say Biden is rooting for shutdowns to stop Trump rallies and allowing him to have his own gaffes sequestered in his basement.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by ChairmanOfTheBoard »

There are 29,413,039 corporations in America; but only one Chairman of the Board.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by MDlaxfan76 » wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 3:37 am An apology is only worth the reputation of the person giving it.

We’ve read your shallow, lame, mediocre takes for decades, Doc. We see you generalize, shout down, bully and name call groups of people with each and every post. We see you exaggerate and make false claims all the time to try and make your point.

We see you be incredibly arrogant and ultimately wrong about everything you post.

So no thanks, Doc. I won’t be changing the accurate thread title to get an apology...from you.
All the personal stuff aside, it would indeed be a good thing to change the title Kram, as the 'name' used by the right wing media and politicians has indeed led those who really DO have such tendencies to incite and acts on all sorts of bigotry and even violence.

I don't think you have that intent, but IMO there's also really no benefit in being stubborn, just for drill.

On the back and forth, seems to me that there's often some truth to be found in opposing views. It needn't be 'all or nothing'.
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