2020 Elections - Trump FIRED

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Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Post by RedFromMI »

ggait wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 6:47 pm
tell me again....jpg
Only stupid states make you wait in line to vote.

Smart states of all colors (red Utah, purple Colorado, blue Washington) do all their voting by mail. Works great. Everyone loves it. Even Republicans. No fraud. Saves a lot of money too.

Those of us in the smart states shake our heads at how dumb the rest of you all are when it comes to voting.

Why make someone wait in line for no good reason?
Oh - and all those elected R officials who are complaining about voting by mail - almost all of them do.

BTW, there is some question on Trump voting by mail in the recent Florida presidential primary. Not the mail part - but whether it was legal for him to actually have Mar-a-Lago as his place of residence.

Seems that when he bought the place, and was fighting with the powers of the city over things he wanted to do with the property, he ended up with an agreement with the town that he would NOT live at Mar-a-Lago, but turn it into a club. Any member could only stay a maximum number of weeks per year (just a few). And Trump could have a space to occasionally stay, but it could not ever be his residence.

A bit ago, Trump brought up a proposal to build a dock on the Lake Worth side of the property (Intracoastal), and in that plan he characterized the property as a personal residence. Some of the townspeople who opposed Trump's plans years ago started pointing that out, and the dock plan was withdrawn a couple of days ago.

It will be interesting to see how this one develops...
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Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Post by njbill »

Hmm. This should be interesting. Trump will be investigating whether Trump committed voter fraud. I think we need a special prosecutor.
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Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Post by 6ftstick »

RedFromMI wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 6:43 pm
njbill wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 6:28 pm Don’t like to see the D lose, but this seat had been R from 1993 to 2019. Don’t know California politics well enough to know if the flip in the 2018 midterms was an anomaly or what. And, as noted, there will be a do-over in less than six months.
A district that has turned D, but not big-time. Garcia ran a good campaign, and got out his votes. Christy Smith did not do as well - with one well-publicized gaffe that she did not correct for a while regarding Garcia's military service. As I said above, different electoral mix in November will make this one likely quite close then.
The fourth of 4 libs in a row posting how a republican win really is a loss.
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Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

6ftstick wrote: Thu May 14, 2020 12:22 am
RedFromMI wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 6:43 pm
njbill wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 6:28 pm Don’t like to see the D lose, but this seat had been R from 1993 to 2019. Don’t know California politics well enough to know if the flip in the 2018 midterms was an anomaly or what. And, as noted, there will be a do-over in less than six months.
A district that has turned D, but not big-time. Garcia ran a good campaign, and got out his votes. Christy Smith did not do as well - with one well-publicized gaffe that she did not correct for a while regarding Garcia's military service. As I said above, different electoral mix in November will make this one likely quite close then.
The fourth of 4 libs in a row posting how a republican win really is a loss.
no, it's a 'win'...folks are just saying it may be short lived and they explain why.
I'm less sanguine about Smith though...doesn't appear to be a particularly adept candidate.
The voter turnout, though, could well be quite different.

But an R winning in a normally R district should be no big surprise, right?
That was my only pushback. It was certainly not some sort of upset, which is how this was being presented by PB.
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Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Post by dislaxxic »

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Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Post by cradleandshoot »

https://disrn.com/news/biden-struggles- ... to-pile-up

Please stop trying to BS us all of you Biden supporters by telling us that Joe is not having issues. This is not the Joe Biden of 10 years ago. Joe has been well rested and hiding out in his basement command bunker. IMO he should be able by now to put together a couple of sentences without getting tongue tied and confused. King Andy is still waiting in the wings to have the baton passed to him... :D If I was a Democrat I would be doing some serious soul searching about what Joe has to bring to the table right now.
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Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Post by Peter Brown »

Meet your President or Vice President starting in 2024, Ron DeSantis.

Even left of center news orgs and NeverTrump writers like Nocera are coming around.

https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/artic ... ooting-for

Florida’s population is about 22 million. That is 9 million more than Pennsylvania and Illinois, and 15 million more than Massachusetts. Yet those smaller states have 57,000, 78,000 and 78,000 positive cases, 1 respectively, as of Sunday. Florida is nearing 40,000. The most important number, deaths, is even more surprising. Pennsylvania: 3,700 people have died of Covid-19. Massachusetts: almost 5,000. Illinois: around 3,400. And Florida? Fewer than 1,800. Let me repeat that. In the nation’s third most populous state, fewer than 1,800 people have died of Covid-19. That is .008% of the population. That is extraordinary.

"When you look at our demographics, we should have been the most devastated state of all,” said Charles Lockwood, a scientist who heads the Morsani College of Medicine at the University of South Florida.

So glad I live here and not anywhere else.
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Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Post by seacoaster »

Peter Brown wrote: Fri May 15, 2020 9:58 am Meet your President or Vice President starting in 2024, Ron DeSantis.

Even left of center news orgs and NeverTrump writers like Nocera are coming around.

https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/artic ... ooting-for

Florida’s population is about 22 million. That is 9 million more than Pennsylvania and Illinois, and 15 million more than Massachusetts. Yet those smaller states have 57,000, 78,000 and 78,000 positive cases, 1 respectively, as of Sunday. Florida is nearing 40,000. The most important number, deaths, is even more surprising. Pennsylvania: 3,700 people have died of Covid-19. Massachusetts: almost 5,000. Illinois: around 3,400. And Florida? Fewer than 1,800. Let me repeat that. In the nation’s third most populous state, fewer than 1,800 people have died of Covid-19. That is .008% of the population. That is extraordinary.

"When you look at our demographics, we should have been the most devastated state of all,” said Charles Lockwood, a scientist who heads the Morsani College of Medicine at the University of South Florida.

So glad I live here and not anywhere else.
So glad you do too.
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Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Post by seacoaster »

https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/w ... llegations

"The PBS NewsHour spoke with 74 former Biden staffers, of whom 62 were women, in order to get a broader picture of his behavior toward women over the course of his career, how they see the new allegation, and whether there was evidence of a larger pattern.

None of the people interviewed said that they had experienced sexual harassment, assault or misconduct by Biden. All said they never heard any rumors or allegations of Biden engaging in sexual misconduct, until the recent assault allegation made by Tara Reade. Former staffers said they believed Reade should be heard, and acknowledged that their experiences do not disprove her accusation.

In all, the NewsHour tried to contact nearly 200 former staffers of Biden’s, based primarily on public records of his time in the Senate and White House and also from interviews with current campaign advisers. They include former interns and senior aides, from his 1972 Senate campaign through his time at the White House.

Some are still in politics, others left long ago to pursue other careers. They were asked about Reade’s allegation but also whether they, or anyone they know, were ever uncomfortable around Biden. Many said that her sexual assault allegation was at odds with their knowledge of Biden’s behavior toward women.

The interviews revealed previously unreported details about the Biden office when Reade worked there, such as an account that she lost her job because of her poor performance, not as retaliation for lodging complaints about sexual harassment, as Reade has said.

Other recollections from former staffers corroborated things she has described publicly, such as Biden’s use of the Senate gym and a supervisor admonishing her for dressing inappropriately.

Overall, the people who spoke to the NewsHour described largely positive and gratifying experiences working for Biden, painting a portrait of someone who was ahead of his time in empowering women in the workplace.

“The one thing about Joe Biden is, he is a man of the highest character and that’s why these accusations are so surreal and just can’t comport with the man I worked with,” said Marcia Lee Taylor, a senior policy advisor on the Judiciary Committee, where women held leading roles when Biden served as chairman.

But he had blindspots, which Biden himself has publicly acknowledged, when it came to how his interactions with women in public could make them uncomfortable.

Reade declined the NewsHour’s interview request but her attorney, Doug Wigdor, sent detailed answers to a number of questions by email. He wrote that Biden’s public touching is evidence that he could have mistreated his client in the way she claims.

“I don’t think anyone would describe these situations as normal,” Wigdor wrote. “They are troublesome, to say the least.”

Many former Biden staffers said they believe Reade’s allegation is false.

Addressing Tara Reade’s allegations
Since Reade went public with her assault accusation in March, former staffers of Biden’s world have been scanning their memories, considering the details of her story and their own experiences.

Reade, in interviews with multiple news outlets, has alleged that Biden attacked her in the Senate complex when she met him on an errand. But her accusations are also more sweeping. She has charged that the Biden office was a toxic place to work, that the senator touched her shoulders and neck multiple times, and that she was asked to serve drinks because he thought she was pretty. Reade has also claimed she was demoted and ultimately pushed to leave because she complained about workplace harassment.

The NewsHour spoke with more than 20 people who worked for Biden when Reade was also a staffer. Some remembered her, many did not.

Ben Savage, who said his desk was next to Reade’s in the Biden mailroom, disputed her charge that she was forced out of her job in retaliation for a sexual harassment complaint she claims to have filed.

Savage, who worked as the office’s systems administrator, overseeing computers and information processing, told the NewsHour that Reade was fired for her poor performance on the job, which he witnessed — not as retaliation for her complaints about sexual harassment.

But according to Savage, Reade had been mishandling a key part of her job and an essential office task — processing constituent mail, something they worked on together. Savage said he recalls reporting these issues to his boss, deputy chief of staff Dennis Toner. After that, Savage said he began diminishing Reade’s duties, taking over some of her tasks and rerouting parts of the process to exclude her.

“Of all the people who held that position, she’s the only one during my time there who couldn’t necessarily keep up or who found it frustrating,” said Savage, who worked in the office for three years, from 1993 to 1996.

Toner, who was Savage’s direct supervisor, told the NewsHour that he did not remember Reade. He said he did remember Savage as a good worker who stood out in the office.

“I can’t take issue with Ben saying that her job performance was not up to par. We would have had a discussion with Tara or whomever the employee would have been to see how we could make it work,” Toner said. “I do not recall Tara being in the office. I can’t comment on why she would have left or anything like that,” he added.

Wigdor, Reade’s attorney, said that she does not remember Savage specifically, but said his story is wrong and her performance had nothing to do with her termination.

“Ms. Reade recalls that there was a lot of nitpicking regarding her performance in the office,” he wrote. “She was also very nervous at that point and distracted so it is possible that from time to time there was a mistake made … but her performance had nothing to do with her termination.”

More broadly, Wigdor said, it was “not surprising” that former staffers would say they did not believe the allegation against Biden. Wigdor argued that former aides have an incentive to stand with Biden because they could benefit personally if he becomes president, do not want to have “their lives turned upside down if they come out against him,” or are simply motivated by a desire to protect Biden to help bolster his chances of beating President Donald Trump in the general election.

Reade’s story has been corroborated publicly by three people who spoke with other news organizations, saying she told them in the past about the alleged assault. Despite numerous attempts to contact them via phone, email and through a lawyer, none of them responded or could be reached for comment on this story.

Biden’s presidential campaign responded with a statement from deputy campaign manager and communications director Kate Bedingfield.

“Whether it was in his campaigns, his Senate office, his family, or in the Obama Administration, Joe Biden has always championed and empowered women professionals. He has and will always insist on a workplace culture built on respect, equality and dignity, leading by his own example,” Bedingfield said.

Last year, after seven women — including Reade — publicly stated Biden made unwanted physical contact with them, like touching their shoulders and smelling their hair, he released a video and tweet addressing their concerns.

“Social norms are changing,” he wrote. “I’ve heard what these women are saying. Politics to me has always been about making connections, but I will be more mindful about respecting personal space in the future.”

Reade did not publicly accuse Biden of sexual assault until March of this year.

Reade has claimed a supervisor admonished her for the way she dressed and asked her to be more modest. She has claimed this was a baseless criticism and retaliation for her complaint about sexual harassment from Biden.

A woman who worked with Reade, but who spoke to the NewsHour on the condition she not be named, said she remembers Reade mentioning that she was scolded for her attire and that Reade asked her if it was a legitimate complaint. That coworker and two other staffers who worked with Reade said they believe she was not appropriately dressed for work.

Reade has said that she was bringing Biden his gym bag, somewhere “down toward the Capitol,” when the alleged assault took place.

Several staffers confirmed to the NewsHour that Biden regularly used the Senate gym, and that a person in Reade’s position might have been asked to bring him items, such as paperwork, or in one example given, Advil, that he needed. None of them recalled ever bringing him a gym bag.

Biden’s Senate offices were in a prime location, bookending the second floor of the Russell Senate Office building, the closest to the U.S. Capitol.

Reade’s attorney told the NewsHour that Reade recalls the assault happening “in a semiprivate area like an alcove” and that it was “somewhere between the Russell (building) and/or Capitol building.” He pointed out that survivors often have difficulty with specifics about trauma.

Reade’s description aligns with other staffers’ recollections of Biden’s short indoor route between his office and the Capitol. It is a roughly 10-minute walk that consists of one flight of stairs and one long hallway inside the Russell Building, followed by a wide tunnel through which he could walk or take an internal subway train to the Capitol.

There is more in the article.
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Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Post by Peter Brown »

Wow, obviously you hate women and don't believe women. Isn't that how this works?

Where is Christine Blasey Ford to defend her partner in crime here? I realize her lawyer might be busy repping the latest lib book-seller, Dr. Rick Bright, but still, you'd think she'd come out and say a little sumpin sumpin!

Libs... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Post by seacoaster »

Peter Brown wrote: Fri May 15, 2020 10:47 am

Wow, obviously you hate women and don't believe women. Isn't that how this works?

Where is Christine Blasey Ford to defend her partner in crime here? I realize her lawyer might be busy repping the latest lib book-seller, Dr. Rick Bright, but still, you'd think she'd come out and say a little sumpin sumpin!

Libs... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yes, I hate women and don't believe them.
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Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Post by RedFromMI »

seacoaster wrote: Fri May 15, 2020 10:28 am https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/w ... llegations

"The PBS NewsHour spoke with 74 former Biden staffers, of whom 62 were women, in order to get a broader picture of his behavior toward women over the course of his career, how they see the new allegation, and whether there was evidence of a larger pattern.



There is more in the article.
Looks like more contradictions for Ms. Reade, and no support at all from the people in the office. Not sure her 15 minutes of fame are up yet, but I am not seeing anything convincing about her story.
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Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Post by cradleandshoot »

seacoaster wrote: Fri May 15, 2020 10:51 am
Peter Brown wrote: Fri May 15, 2020 10:47 am

Wow, obviously you hate women and don't believe women. Isn't that how this works?

Where is Christine Blasey Ford to defend her partner in crime here? I realize her lawyer might be busy repping the latest lib book-seller, Dr. Rick Bright, but still, you'd think she'd come out and say a little sumpin sumpin!

Libs... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yes, I hate women and don't believe them.
"Yes, I hate women and don't believe them."
I knew it... the truth finally comes out. Seacoaster finally confesses that he hates women. ;)

It is amazing what you can portray when you take someones words out of context.
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Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Post by cradleandshoot »

RedFromMI wrote: Fri May 15, 2020 10:54 am
seacoaster wrote: Fri May 15, 2020 10:28 am https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/w ... llegations

"The PBS NewsHour spoke with 74 former Biden staffers, of whom 62 were women, in order to get a broader picture of his behavior toward women over the course of his career, how they see the new allegation, and whether there was evidence of a larger pattern.



There is more in the article.
Looks like more contradictions for Ms. Reade, and no support at all from the people in the office. Not sure her 15 minutes of fame are up yet, but I am not seeing anything convincing about her story.
There was nothing that was ever convincing in Dr Fords story either. What was convincing was that Dr Ford suffered from a bad case of CRS.
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Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Post by youthathletics »

RedFromMI wrote: Fri May 15, 2020 10:54 am
seacoaster wrote: Fri May 15, 2020 10:28 am https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/w ... llegations

"The PBS NewsHour spoke with 74 former Biden staffers, of whom 62 were women, in order to get a broader picture of his behavior toward women over the course of his career, how they see the new allegation, and whether there was evidence of a larger pattern.



There is more in the article.
Looks like more contradictions for Ms. Reade, and no support at all from the people in the office. Not sure her 15 minutes of fame are up yet, but I am not seeing anything convincing about her story.
Appreciate that you at least acknowledged that this is not over yet. Question....how many abused women will openly admit, to a stranger, must less a media reporter, that they are or were assaulted? The premise of that PBS report is quite insulting to women IMO.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

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Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Post by Peter Brown »

RedFromMI wrote: Fri May 15, 2020 10:54 am
seacoaster wrote: Fri May 15, 2020 10:28 am https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/w ... llegations

"The PBS NewsHour spoke with 74 former Biden staffers, of whom 62 were women, in order to get a broader picture of his behavior toward women over the course of his career, how they see the new allegation, and whether there was evidence of a larger pattern.



There is more in the article.
Looks like more contradictions for Ms. Reade, and no support at all from the people in the office. Not sure her 15 minutes of fame are up yet, but I am not seeing anything convincing about her story.

Wow, Red too obviously hates women and doesn't believe them! This is a very sad day here at Fanlax...

The previous-to-TaraReade narrative was (and I was told this a billion times!): BELIEVE ALL WOMEN!! (for extra emphasis, scream like Howard Dean after saying so, to capture the full lunacy of the sentence which interestingly was also said by Joe Biden).

My how the world turns. The next thing you know a bunch of unpaid and disgruntled Republicans will become liberals on MSNBC!

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Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Post by 6ftstick »

Pelosis new "care" bill is 1800 pages long.

Mentions the word "cannabis" more than "jobs."

Open borders, cash payments to illegals.

Keep it up Nancy. Can't wait for Joe to come out of the basement
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Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Post by RedFromMI »

Peter Brown wrote: Fri May 15, 2020 11:01 am
RedFromMI wrote: Fri May 15, 2020 10:54 am
seacoaster wrote: Fri May 15, 2020 10:28 am https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/w ... llegations

"The PBS NewsHour spoke with 74 former Biden staffers, of whom 62 were women, in order to get a broader picture of his behavior toward women over the course of his career, how they see the new allegation, and whether there was evidence of a larger pattern.



There is more in the article.
Looks like more contradictions for Ms. Reade, and no support at all from the people in the office. Not sure her 15 minutes of fame are up yet, but I am not seeing anything convincing about her story.

Wow, Red too obviously hates women and doesn't believe them! This is a very sad day here at Fanlax...

The previous-to-TaraReade narrative was (and I was told this a billion times!): BELIEVE ALL WOMEN!! (for extra emphasis, scream like Howard Dean after saying so, to capture the full lunacy of the sentence which interestingly was also said by Joe Biden).

My how the world turns. The next thing you know a bunch of unpaid and disgruntled Republicans will become liberals on MSNBC!

Again PB fails the logic test. I never subscribed to "BELIEVE ALL WOMEN!!" - and so that has no bearing on me. And once more PB tries to tar the people on this board for whom he disagrees by lumping them in with his strawmen Ds who can never do anything correctly.

No wonder many of us think he is the biggest troll on Fanlax...
Peter Brown
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Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Post by Peter Brown »

RedFromMI wrote: Fri May 15, 2020 11:13 am
Peter Brown wrote: Fri May 15, 2020 11:01 am
RedFromMI wrote: Fri May 15, 2020 10:54 am
seacoaster wrote: Fri May 15, 2020 10:28 am https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/w ... llegations

"The PBS NewsHour spoke with 74 former Biden staffers, of whom 62 were women, in order to get a broader picture of his behavior toward women over the course of his career, how they see the new allegation, and whether there was evidence of a larger pattern.



There is more in the article.
Looks like more contradictions for Ms. Reade, and no support at all from the people in the office. Not sure her 15 minutes of fame are up yet, but I am not seeing anything convincing about her story.

Wow, Red too obviously hates women and doesn't believe them! This is a very sad day here at Fanlax...

The previous-to-TaraReade narrative was (and I was told this a billion times!): BELIEVE ALL WOMEN!! (for extra emphasis, scream like Howard Dean after saying so, to capture the full lunacy of the sentence which interestingly was also said by Joe Biden).

My how the world turns. The next thing you know a bunch of unpaid and disgruntled Republicans will become liberals on MSNBC!

Again PB fails the logic test. I never subscribed to "BELIEVE ALL WOMEN!!" - and so that has no bearing on me. And once more PB tries to tar the people on this board for whom he disagrees by lumping them in with his strawmen Ds who can never do anything correctly.

No wonder many of us think he is the biggest troll on Fanlax...

Red: I'm being sarcastic. I don't know who here or elsewhere subscribed to the 'believe all women' nonsense and truthfully I don't care, because like most things from the Left, it's organic idiocy best ignored except for punch lines. Like what I am doing.

Believe all women is the same root symptom why so many lacrosse fans (of all people) believed that 3 Duke lacrosse players were guilty of rape and an entire UVA fraternity assaulted a young lady on a broken glass table. The same mindless ignorance disdaining due process (the same disdain for the Bill of Rights), is what infects the Left in America today. You call my analysis trolling; I call it radical transparency.
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Re: 2020 Elections - CoronaPause

Post by a fan »

6ftstick wrote: Fri May 15, 2020 11:06 am Pelosis new "care" bill is 1800 pages long.

Mentions the word "cannabis" more than "jobs."

Open borders, cash payments to illegals.
We've already given money to foreigners in the bailouts. You know that, right?
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