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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by runrussellrun »

cradleandshoot wrote:
dislaxxic wrote:So, "common sense" apparently consists of:
Our planet will do what it wants, when it wants, how it wants, where it wants and there is not a damn thing any human being will ever be able to do to change that.
...and not a DAMN THING any human does can change a DAMN THING


Multiply the image by a hundred, by a thousand, every day...every damn day...and the "common sense" some FRC knuckleheads want to foist on the world melts away in utter cluelessness. Then we hear "who cares? i'll be dead anyway" like THAT is some sort of wise, convincing reason to believe the "common sense" these geniuses spit out day after day. "You ca-an't prove it, nah nah nah nah boo boo!" Yeah, there's some common sense for ya, Ollie.

A new article posted this morning has some geeks concerned about ocean currents in the north Atlantic possibly leading to a new little ice age. This again is being attributed to climate change. Sounds to me like some people are trying to cover all their bases. We are either going to be flooded out, frozen out or whatever calamity lies in the middle.

You don't get the irony dis. These predictions are being made for something that has a low probability of happening in a hundred years from. Guess what... You and I will both be long gone. I give you credit dis... You can do all the worrying and mail biting for both of us. I just hope you don't get an anxiety attack in process
Cradle, its not so cut N black, dry N white.

I can leave the dogs poo on the lawn (mowed by human power) and let it fester.....or clean it up and move into the woods, sprinkled with lime from time to time.

Pollution IS a real problem, especially excrement from mammals . Same for the joy of joy that are Holiday BENZENE rings.

But, overall, NO ONE is serious about this global warming religion. Like ALL religions, people do NOT live by that religions rules. Mostly. The pretends on this webforum are comfortably content with the wealthy living on waters edge. And do NOTHING to curb the building/development on such. Except the useless LEED hoop jump.

The wood stove heats the house VERY well. Any wood to burn in California?
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by runrussellrun »

Why does Horton hear a who instead of a whom?
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by dislaxxic »

Post pollution running rampant, but hey, posting the same post three times with those smokestacks belching the whole time kinda reinforces the point, dontcha think? :?

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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by dislaxxic »

The Game-Changing Promise of a Green New Deal

Maybe shoulda posted in "Progressive Ideology"?

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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by runrussellrun »

I know you hate this.....BUT.

In other words, the Green New Deal does NOT exist yet? We have to wait until January of 2020? But its urgent to act NOW icon_puke icon_puke

There already is a plan. HERE:

YOu don't support this.....why you are a pretend.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by CU77 »

cradleandshoot wrote:I always go back to my original observation... Our planet will do what it wants, when it wants, how it wants, where it wants and there is not a damn thing any human being will ever be able to do to change that. Not even the most intelligent PhD type can prove otherwise.
Actually there is plenty of proof, so much so that it can only be denied by a religious-level article of faith. Which is apparently what you hold. No amount of evidence can convince you otherwise.

I hold similar no-evidence-will-convince-me beliefs. For example, I do not believe that there is a God of the sort described in the Bible. I realized around age 15 (after a decade or so of Catholic education) that nothing could convince me otherwise. If God Himself appeared before me and performed awesome miracles, I would conclude that it was more likely that I was suffering from psychotic delusions.

The main difference is that my religious beliefs have no consequence for the rest of humanity, whereas yours (shared by so many of your fellow humans) do.
Last edited by CU77 on Tue Nov 27, 2018 2:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by CU77 »

runrussellrun wrote:There already is a plan. HERE:

YOu don't support this.....why you are a pretend.
I support every single item on that list.

But I vote Democrat, not Green. Show me a Green with a serious chance to win and I will vote for that candidate. Until then, IMO the best way to move towards the Green agenda is to elect more Democrats. Happily this is happening.

They are NOT all the same. Not even close. If you are indeed in favor of the Green agenda, you undermine your own goals by claiming otherwise.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by runrussellrun »

With all due respect, I tolerate little of folks that vote for only those that have a chance at "winning" instead of their conscience .....but that's just me.

But, this skeptic often looks with emerald glasses upon on how Congress votes. "In opposition" really


So, the Democrats are louding out GREEN NEW DEAL.......but, they haven't written a DEAL yet? It's laughable.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by dislaxxic »

King Fatty

Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage! blow!
You cataracts and hurricanoes, spout
Till you have drench'd our steeples, drown'd the cocks!
You sulphurous and thought-executing fires,
Vaunt-couriers to oak-cleaving thunderbolts,
Singe my white head! And thou, all-shaking thunder,
Smite flat the thick rotundity o' the world!
Crack nature's moulds, an germens spill at once,
That make ingrateful man!


ps: ice cream doesn't have bones...

"The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure poor reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog." - Calvin, to Hobbes
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by CU77 »

runrussellrun wrote:With all due respect, I tolerate little of folks that vote for only those that have a chance at "winning" instead of their conscience .....but that's just me
Voting your conscience may make you feel good, but only rarely does it advance the agenda you claim to favor.

However, the voters who voted Green instead of Democrat in 2016 in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin may indeed have given a huge boost to the Green/progressive agenda by putting DJT into office instead of HRC. DJT is doing a wonderful job of discrediting the Republicans; in just two years, he managed to turn Orange County pure blue! There is no way that would have happened if HRC had won.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by seriously? »

For the ardent non-believers (in the human connection to global warming), what if, just, what if, making some changes would make a difference?

Who seriously needs an Escalade. I get it's a testosterone boost, most guys driving them are 5'8" and their wives about 5'6". How do they get up there without a step stool? But I digress.

What happened to the family kids raking leaves? Now everybody has to blow them around and around. Or their gardeners blow them around while kids are driven one by one to an indoor soccer field -- away from real weather to where it is permanently 65 degrees.

The Barnegat Bay: you can no longer water ski there because it is infested with stinging jelly fish. Fertilizer run offs, herbicides, pesticides. What's wrong with some dandelions? You used to be able to ice boat in the winter on the Metedeconk. Not any more.

We had a place in Stuart, FL. The St. Lucie is now a revolting slime pit killing manatees and stinking up a storm. Same story, fertilizers...

CA is a desert but the residents refuse to believe it and instead of surrounding their homes with sand and cactus they continue suck water resources dry to keep a garden.

Would living with a little less kill any of us? Because the way we are going actually might.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

seriously? wrote:For the ardent non-believers (in the human connection to global warming), what if, just, what if, making some changes would make a difference?

Who seriously needs an Escalade. I get it's a testosterone boost, most guys driving them are 5'8" and their wives about 5'6". How do they get up there without a step stool? But I digress.

What happened to the family kids raking leaves? Now everybody has to blow them around and around. Or their gardeners blow them around while kids are driven one by one to an indoor soccer field -- away from real weather to where it is permanently 65 degrees.

The Barnegat Bay: you can no longer water ski there because it is infested with stinging jelly fish. Fertilizer run offs, herbicides, pesticides. What's wrong with some dandelions? You used to be able to ice boat in the winter on the Metedeconk. Not any more.

We had a place in Stuart, FL. The St. Lucie is now a revolting slime pit killing manatees and stinking up a storm. Same story, fertilizers...

CA is a desert but the residents refuse to believe it and instead of surrounding their homes with sand and cactus they continue suck water resources dry to keep a garden.

Would living with a little less kill any of us? Because the way we are going actually might.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by Trinity »

Somewhere along the way “conservation” became a dirty word.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by cradleandshoot »

CU77 wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:I always go back to my original observation... Our planet will do what it wants, when it wants, how it wants, where it wants and there is not a damn thing any human being will ever be able to do to change that. Not even the most intelligent PhD type can prove otherwise.
Actually there is plenty of proof, so much so that it can only be denied by a religious-level article of faith. Which is apparently what you hold. No amount of evidence can convince you otherwise.

I hold similar no-evidence-will-convince-me beliefs. For example, I do not believe that there is a God of the sort described in the Bible. I realized around age 15 (after a decade or so of Catholic education) that nothing could convince me otherwise. If God Himself appeared before me and performed awesome miracles, I would conclude that it was more likely that I was suffering from psychotic delusions.

The main difference is that my religious beliefs have no consequence for the rest of humanity, whereas yours (shared by so many of your fellow humans) do.
BS.. you can't predict what the planet earth will do 100 years from now any more than I or anybody else can. Maybe if some of the believers of your religion would stop trying to scare people about the cataclysmic destruction of our planet some people might start taking you folks slightly more serious. I have asked the same question that none of you people will answer... if you understand the science where is the blueprint of what is going to happen?? You don't have a freaking clue what will happen 12 years from now, 24 years from now or a hundred years from.

You are very lucky that there is a huge number of Americans gullible enough to buy into the bull cookies you people keep preaching. You can't predict the future... period. You can make mad passionate love over a bunch of garbage in/ garbage out computer models that tell you exactly what you want to hear. I will always be more than happy to being in the small minority of people who will follow the common sense I was born with. Sorry CU... I still stick by what I have always said here... the planet earth will do what it wants, where it wants, how it wants and when it wants. I understand the fact that some of you chuckleheads think that humans beings can change what the earth will do. If our planet is warming or changing or whatever that is what it wants to do it boggles my mind that people think we can reverse whatever is happening now. You give me a solid step by step plan that stops whatever is going to happen from happening... they will have to give you an entire stack of nobel prizes.

I know step # 1 is eliminating the internal combustion engine...

step number 2 is eliminating cow farts in dairy country

step # 3 is letting the United nations redistribute the words wealth to stop the effects of global warming on this earth.

Maybe the answer is less concentrating on the science but rather concentrating on the dumb ass solutions being put forth to save the planet. No question in my mind... they are pretty freaking stupid... Once you put the United nations anywhere in the equation, you have zero credibility in my book. :roll:
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by cradleandshoot »

seriously? wrote:For the ardent non-believers (in the human connection to global warming), what if, just, what if, making some changes would make a difference?

Who seriously needs an Escalade. I get it's a testosterone boost, most guys driving them are 5'8" and their wives about 5'6". How do they get up there without a step stool? But I digress.

What happened to the family kids raking leaves? Now everybody has to blow them around and around. Or their gardeners blow them around while kids are driven one by one to an indoor soccer field -- away from real weather to where it is permanently 65 degrees.

The Barnegat Bay: you can no longer water ski there because it is infested with stinging jelly fish. Fertilizer run offs, herbicides, pesticides. What's wrong with some dandelions? You used to be able to ice boat in the winter on the Metedeconk. Not any more.

We had a place in Stuart, FL. The St. Lucie is now a revolting slime pit killing manatees and stinking up a storm. Same story, fertilizers...

CA is a desert but the residents refuse to believe it and instead of surrounding their homes with sand and cactus they continue suck water resources dry to keep a garden.

Would living with a little less kill any of us? Because the way we are going actually might.
I am an ardent common senser. I have no problem with any common sense options that help our planet in the long run. Job # 1 for the most radical of CC/GW folks is the outright demise of the internal combustion engine. IMO less about saving the planet but certainly an alleged justification for supporting a certain point of view. Is it really people concerned about saving the planet, or is it people who hate the internal combustion engine? angryfire1
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by cradleandshoot »

Trinity wrote:Somewhere along the way “conservation” became a dirty word.
IMO you are confusing conservation with fanaticism. I will always consider myself a good steward of the planet. Maybe some folks would be better serve not to think they understand the planet better than the planet does. Get away from the freaking internet and take a long walk in the woods. One of my favorite remedies to clear the head.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

cradleandshoot wrote:
Trinity wrote:Somewhere along the way “conservation” became a dirty word.
IMO you are confusing conservation with fanaticism. I will always consider myself a good steward of the planet. Maybe some folks would be better serve not to think they understand the planet better than the planet does. Get away from the freaking internet and take a long walk in the woods. One of my favorite remedies to clear the head. ... index.html
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by holmes435 »

We are wiping out species at an enormous rate at the moment. Luckily some are out there fighting the good fight, trying to help the planet and its species to counter the ones who believe it's just the world working on its own without any influence from us.

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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by Trinity » ... story.html

Conservatives are delusional, says the Daily News.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by RedFromMI »

Trinity wrote: ... story.html

Conservatives are delusional, says the Daily News.
It should be pointed out that the column was written by conservative S.E. Cupp, not some liberal.
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