All things CoronaVirus

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How many of your friends and family members have died of the Chinese Corona Virus?

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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by runrussellrun »

Brooklyn wrote: Wed Apr 15, 2020 11:27 pm The Trump Administration Reportedly Wants to Cut Farmworker Wages
They’re essential workers. They’re risking their lives. And yet! ... ker-wages/

Certain workers, like grocery store clerks, were never before given much in the way of pay or recognition, but are considered essential during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Those workers have, in the case of grocery store clerks, organized for better pay, sometimes with the assistance of politicians who recognize how vital they are during this time. Farmworkers have qualified for part of this: they are now considered essential workers, for example. Other parts, like actually getting paid for risking their lives to keep the country alive? Not so much.

A new report from NPR finds that the Trump administration—specifically White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and USDA chief Sonny Perdue—is working “to see how to reduce wage rates” for foreign agricultural workers ... they have not been given any of the protections that essential workers during a health crisis should have: not enough masks, gloves, health care, or space in their living accommodations

Reduced wages, horrible work conditions, less food & worker safety. For those of you who have been praising tRUMP, what have you to say now?
I have read, plenty, of websites, reports, from Johns Hopkins this, Johns Hopkins that, in collaboration with........and finally, this. Event 201.....and not once, have I read wording, that in effect says, :we need to take care of our frontline workers, in the supply chain.

According to the 60 minutes clip, posted, but quickly forgotten, the US taxpayers provided $8 Billion dollars to set up guidelines, protocols.

In 2005.....15 years ago.

How bout it Brookie, you read language, in all this agencies reports, about taking care of the most essential people in a crisis. Making sure they are provided what they need, to stay on the job? We can start with this list of 7 Recommendations. Anyone see one word, mention, consideration, for our food supply chain, specifically the workers? Such pretends. Where was your faux concern, in 2005? Or, even, 2015 ? ... tions.html

Public-private cooperation for pandemic preparedness and response
Download the recommendations (PDF)

A call to action
The next severe pandemic will not only cause great illness and loss of life but could also trigger major cascading economic and societal consequences that could contribute greatly to global impact and suffering. Efforts to prevent such consequences or respond to them as they unfold will require unprecedented levels of collaboration between governments, international organizations, and the private sector. There have been important efforts to engage the private sector in epidemic and outbreak preparedness at the national or regional level.1,2 However, there are major unmet global vulnerabilities and international system challenges posed by pandemics that will require new robust forms of public-private cooperation to address.

The Event 201 pandemic exercise, conducted on October 18, 2019, vividly demonstrated a number of these important gaps in pandemic preparedness as well as some of the elements of the solutions between the public and private sectors that will be needed to fill them. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation jointly propose the following:

Governments, international organizations, and businesses should plan now for how essential corporate capabilities will be utilized during a large-scale pandemic. During a severe pandemic, public sector efforts to control the outbreak are likely to become overwhelmed. But industry assets, if swiftly and appropriately deployed, could help to save lives and reduce economic losses. For instance, companies with operations focused on logistics, social media, or distribution systems will be needed to enable governments’ emergency response, risk communications, and medical countermeasure distribution efforts during a pandemic. This includes working together to ensure that strategic commodities are available and accessible for public health response. Contingency planning for a potential operational partnership between government and business will be complex, with many legal and organizational details to be addressed. Governments should work now to identify the most critical areas of need and reach out to industry players with the goal of finalizing agreements in advance of the next large pandemic. The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board would be well positioned to help monitor and contribute to the efforts that governments, international organizations and businesses should take for pandemic preparedness and response.

Industry, national governments, and international organizations should work together to enhance internationally held stockpiles of medical countermeasures (MCMs) to enable rapid and equitable distribution during a severe pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHO) currently has an influenza vaccine virtual stockpile, with contracts in place with pharmaceutical companies that have agreed to supply vaccines should WHO request them. As one possible approach, this virtual stockpile model could be expanded to augment WHO’s ability to distribute vaccines and therapeutics to countries in the greatest need during a severe pandemic. This should also include any available experimental vaccine stockpiles for any WHO R&D Blueprint pathogens to deploy in a clinical trial during outbreaks in collaboration with CEPI, GAVI, and WHO. Other approaches could involve regional stockpiles or bi- or multinational agreements. During a catastrophic outbreak, countries may be reluctant to part with scarce medical resources. A robust international stockpile could therefore help to ensure that low and middle resource settings receive needed supplies regardless of whether they produce such supplies domestically. Countries with national supplies or domestic manufacturing capabilities should commit to donating some supply/product to this virtual stockpile. Countries should support this effort through the provision of additional funding.

Countries, international organizations, and global transportation companies should work together to maintain travel and trade during severe pandemics. Travel and trade are essential to the global economy as well as to national and even local economies, and they should be maintained even in the face of a pandemic. Improved decision-making, coordination, and communications between the public and private sectors, relating to risk, travel advisories, import/export restrictions, and border measures will be needed. The fear and uncertainty experienced during past outbreaks, even those limited to a national or regional level, have sometimes led to unjustified border measures, the closure of customer-facing businesses, import bans, and the cancellation of airline flights and international shipping. A particularly fast-moving and lethal pandemic could therefore result in political decisions to slow or stop movement of people and goods, potentially harming economies already vulnerable in the face of an outbreak. Ministries of Health and other government agencies should work together now with international airlines and global shipping companies to develop realistic response scenarios and start a contingency planning process with the goal of mitigating economic damage by maintaining key travel and trade routes during a large-scale pandemic. Supporting continued trade and travel in such an extreme circumstance may require the provision of enhanced disease control measures and personal protective equipment for transportation workers, government subsidies to support critical trade routes, and potentially liability protection in certain cases. International organizations including WHO, the International Air Transport Association, and the International Civil Aviation Organization should be partners in these preparedness and response efforts.

Governments should provide more resources and support for the development and surge manufacturing of vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics that will be needed during a severe pandemic. In the event of a severe pandemic, countries may need population-level supplies of safe and effective medical countermeasures, including vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics. Therefore, the ability to rapidly develop, manufacture, distribute, and dispense large quantities of MCMs will be needed to contain and control a global outbreak. Countries with enough resources should greatly increase this capability. In coordination with WHO, CEPI, GAVI, and other relevant multilateral and domestic mechanisms, investments should be made in new technologies and industrial approaches, that will allow concomitant distributed manufacturing. This will require addressing legal and regulatory barriers among other issues.

Global business should recognize the economic burden of pandemics and fight for stronger preparedness. In addition to investing more in preparing their own companies and industries, business leaders and their shareholders should actively engage with governments and advocate for increased resources for pandemic preparedness. Globally, there has been a lack of attention and investment in preparing for high-impact pandemics, and business is largely not involved in existing efforts. To a significant extent this is due to a lack of awareness of the business risks posed by a pandemic. Tools should be built that help large private sector companies visualize business risks posed by infectious disease and pathways to mitigate risk through public-private cooperation to strengthen preparedness. A severe pandemic would greatly interfere with workforce health, business operations, and the movement of goods and services.3 A catastrophic-level outbreak can also have profound and long-lasting effects on entire industries, the economy, and societies in which business operates. While governments and public health authorities serve as the first line of defense against fast-moving outbreaks, their efforts are chronically under-funded and lack sustained support. Global business leaders should play a far more dynamic role as advocates with a stake in stronger pandemic preparedness.

International organizations should prioritize reducing economic impacts of epidemics and pandemics. Much of the economic harm resulting from a pandemic is likely to be due to counterproductive behavior of individuals, companies, and countries. For example, actions that lead to disruption of travel and trade or that change consumer behavior can greatly damage economies. In addition to other response activities, an increase in and reassessment of pandemic financial support will certainly be needed in a severe pandemic as many sectors of society may need financial support during or after a severe pandemic, including healthcare institutions, essential businesses, and national governments Furthermore, the ways in which these existing funds can now be used are limited. The International Health Regulations prioritize both minimizing public health risks and avoiding unnecessary interference with international traffic and trade. But there will also be a need to identify critical nodes of the banking system and global and national economies that are too essential to fail – there are some that are likely to need emergency international financial support as well. The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, regional development banks, national governments, foundations, and others should explore ways to increase the amount and availability of funds in a pandemic and ensure that they can be flexibly used where needed.

Governments and the private sector should assign a greater priority to developing methods to combat mis- and disinformation prior to the next pandemic response. Governments will need to partner with traditional and social media companies to research and develop nimble approaches to countering misinformation. This will require developing the ability to flood media with fast, accurate, and consistent information. Public health authorities should work with private employers and trusted community leaders such as faith leaders, to promulgate factual information to employees and citizens. Trusted, influential private-sector employers should create the capacity to readily and reliably augment public messaging, manage rumors and misinformation, and amplify credible information to support emergency public communications. National public health agencies should work in close collaboration with WHO to create the capability to rapidly develop and release consistent health messages. For their part, media companies should commit to ensuring that authoritative messages are prioritized and that false messages are suppressed including though the use of technology.
Accomplishing the above goals will require collaboration among governments, international organizations and global business. If these recommendations are robustly pursued, major progress can be made to diminish the potential impact and consequences of pandemics. We call on leaders in global business, international organizations, and national governments to launch an ambitious effort to work together to build a world better prepared for a severe pandemic.

1 Global Health Security: Epidemics Readiness Accelerator. World Economic Forum. ... -epidemics. Accessed 11/19/19

2 Private Sector Roundtable. Global health Security Agenda. Accessed 11/19/19

3 Peter Sands. Outbreak readiness and business impact: protecting lives and livelihoods across the global economy. World Economic Forum 2019. ... al-economy. Accessed 12/5/19 ... nt201.html
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by 6ftstick »

Initial jobless claims this week. 5.2 million.

Along with 3 previous weeks wipes out nearly all new jobs created since 2008.

We all need to suck it up and get back to work OUT IN THE WORLD.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by cradleandshoot »

a fan wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:46 am
ggait wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:00 am
Here in Maryland, face-masks will be required in stores or on public transportation, starting Saturday
I'm wearing a mask to keep me from infecting you.
So many people seem to get the purpose of things backwards.

Social Security is another example. It's not there for me. It's to protect me from the bad financial decisions and bad luck of others.
This is where you and i part company. You know very well how i feel about social security. There was suppose to be an account set up in my name. I believe that is true, Why is that? When i go to the SS web site to view my benefits they have a breakdown of every penny i have paid in since 1974. I may be a dumb ass but that tells me these folks have kept track of every penny i have put in since 1974. Why a Fan, if i croak at 65 does my account balance not go to my next of kin? This was never an account in my name, that is pure Buffalo bagels. My croaking at 65 would be the best thing my government could ever ask for. They don't have to pay me jack squat and they keep every single cent in "MY ACCOUNT" for themselves. My goal is to live to 101 so these mother effers at SS have to pay me way more than i put in. i have told you before my solution a Fan. The government cuts me a check at 65 when i retire and whatever happens to me will not be their problem ever. If i become terminally ill... i bet i can buy a single bullet for 50 cents and I will never be a burden to anyone. i would rather go out on my own terms than linger in misery like my dad did.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

yup, you bought into what it never was, your money.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by runrussellrun »

a fan wrote: Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:02 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:41 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Apr 15, 2020 2:23 pm Old Salt himself has said many times that Trump is unfit for office. So for heaven's sake, wouldn't you expect MORE criticism headed his way when that's the case?
It's useless. It's not going to remove him from office. There's nothing I can say that multiple others have not ?
That's fine, but that didn't keep you from discussing and criticizing Obama every day for 8 years. No one gave you grief when you did that, and say "why are you doing this? He's not going to be removed from office you know?"

We talk about...and criticize.... our leaders and our government here.

Do you think criticism will shut off for Biden, if he wins?

:lol: I sure don't.
I tried to give him censored. ;)

Not to be quippy, but aren't we ALL supposed to criticize the President, no matter who it is? You admitted, yourself, that you criticized Obama. About many, many different things. Could not, if looked at with certain glasses, YOU never stopped. So, as you stated, it our RIGHT to criticize the POTUSA.

And , you turn around, and criticize someone for doing something that you agree they should be doing. You said so. (above)

Or, are you just picking a you know what...........he has every right.

You stupid anti-tRumpers , still don't get it. (I am one, just not stupid. well, not about this anyway )

The hate only inflates. The Ex- wife, hates tRump. Voted for Hillaryous last time. 2020? She hates the MEDIA, and the non-stop bashing. Would she ever tell you she would vote for tRump, on a fecesbook feed, b/c she is sick of the negative suck? Nope. Will she? Yup. Especially, now that Joe is it.

I know 4 Union Leaders that campaigned for Hillaryous. 3 of them voted for tRump. In fact, in my state, over a million more voted for tRump.

I have recommended, over and over, that the media pull a Taming of the Shrew....or Kiss me Kate, which ever you prefer. Every, single, question, should be flowing with praise. Stop the "gotcha" game. The blame game. Smile, say "great job", and watch the US citizens turn on him. Instead, it's so easy for YOU (media) to be the bad guy. B/c, quite frankly, they are. (60 minutes looked like a FOOL , after posting the Navorro hit piece)

geebus....I am in turning in MDlaxfan., with these long, nonsense posts. Sorry.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

6ftstick wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 8:49 am Initial jobless claims this week. 5.2 million.

Along with 3 previous weeks wipes out nearly all new jobs created since 2008.

We all need to suck it up and get back to work OUT IN THE WORLD.
of course we do.

The stupidity is to think this can be done without the measures in place to prevent millions of deaths and the collapse of our healthcare and food system, indeed collapse of all social order.

Get the measures in place to prevent that, without the stay in place situation we have now, and EVERYONE will cheer.

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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by Bart »

cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:01 am
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:46 am
ggait wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:00 am
Here in Maryland, face-masks will be required in stores or on public transportation, starting Saturday
I'm wearing a mask to keep me from infecting you.
So many people seem to get the purpose of things backwards.

Social Security is another example. It's not there for me. It's to protect me from the bad financial decisions and bad luck of others.
This is where you and i part company. You know very well how i feel about social security. There was suppose to be an account set up in my name. I believe that is true, Why is that? When i go to the SS web site to view my benefits they have a breakdown of every penny i have paid in since 1974. I may be a dumb ass but that tells me these folks have kept track of every penny i have put in since 1974. Why a Fan, if i croak at 65 does my account balance not go to my next of kin? This was never an account in my name, that is pure Buffalo bagels. My croaking at 65 would be the best thing my government could ever ask for. They don't have to pay me jack squat and they keep every single cent in "MY ACCOUNT" for themselves. My goal is to live to 101 so these mother effers at SS have to pay me way more than i put in. i have told you before my solution a Fan. The government cuts me a check at 65 when i retire and whatever happens to me will not be their problem ever. If i become terminally ill... i bet i can buy a single bullet for 50 cents and I will never be a burden to anyone. i would rather go out on my own terms than linger in misery like my dad did.
I know my mother in law receives payments from her deceased husbands SS. So I googled it out of interest. This is one of the pages that came up: I don't know if this is what you are talking about or not.

"Your survivors benefit amount is based on the earnings of the person who died. The more they paid into Social Security, the higher your benefits would be.

The monthly amount you would get is a percentage of the deceased's basic Social Security benefit. It depends on your age and the type of benefit you are eligible to receive.

If the person who died was receiving reduced benefits, we base your survivors benefit on that amount.

These are examples of the benefits that survivors may receive:

Widow or widower, full retirement age or older — 100 percent of the deceased worker's benefit amount;
Widow or widower, age 60 — full retirement age — 71½ to 99 percent of the deceased worker's basic amount;
Disabled widow or widower aged 50 through 59 — 71½ percent;
Widow or widower, any age, caring for a child under age 16 — 75 percent;
A child under age 18 (19 if still in elementary or secondary school) or disabled — 75 percent; and
Dependent parent(s) of the deceased worker, age 62 or older:
One surviving parent — 82½ percent.
Two surviving parents — 75 percent to each parent.
Percentages for a surviving divorced spouse would be the same as above.

There may also be a special lump-sum death benefit."
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by runrussellrun »

old salt wrote: Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:12 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:02 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:41 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Apr 15, 2020 2:23 pm Old Salt himself has said many times that Trump is unfit for office. So for heaven's sake, wouldn't you expect MORE criticism headed his way when that's the case?
It's useless. It's not going to remove him from office. There's nothing I can say that multiple others have not ?
That's fine, but that didn't keep you from discussing and criticizing Obama every day for 8 years. No one gave you grief when you did that, and say "why are you doing this? He's not going to be removed from office you know?"

We talk about...and criticize.... our leaders and our government here.

Do you think criticism will shut off for Biden, if he wins?

:lol: I sure don't.
Should have believed the Benghazi video story & that ISIS were the JV's. least we won't be accused of being racist if we question Biden's policies.
Friends made me watch some horrible, subjective show, produced by NPR. 2 part series. "the Divide", or something like that. Attempts the race card. Big fail.
Obama, with a mustache, is racist? At a TEA party. They were VERY clear, NPR was, as to WHO was pissed at Obama, and for what? people Like me, who voted for him in 2008. Yes, we wanted scalps. Instead, they got bonus' And, then BAM......suddenly, I am a racist. IDIOT liars.

The FACT, that Obama did what he did, the segment around the 15 minute mark of the first show, that NPR admits that people were PISSED that Obama sided with the people that got us into this mess in the first place......but, don't take my word for it, listen and watch for yourself. (and pause the video at 15:12, count how many signs are about Obama, at this TEA party rally. NONE )
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by runrussellrun »

".....middle class American's were angry......" 15:20

right there, NPR states it. ".....middle class American's were angry......"

WHile showing video footage of black & white, marching together, some holding signs. ANGRY that the banks are getting OUR money. Does THAT look like racial divide to you? Where is AFAN at?
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by runrussellrun »

Is Jessie Jackson a Racist, Afan? What is Rev. Jesse Jackson doing at a TEA party rally, with all those white racists.

Nope.....the media, owned by wall street, turned it into what THEY wanted it to be.

watch the video, over and over.....THAT is what the real T.E.A. party looks like. Black, white.....notice all the OLD people? Where was antifa? They young?

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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:05 am yup, you bought into what it never was, your money.
Wrongo buckaroo, i did not buy into anything. The US gubmint took that money and has taken it every week for decades. i have understood for a long time what a sheepdip show ss was,is and shall always be. My point is for them to pay me what they took when i retire and the ss system can go F**K themselves. i promise i will will save 50 cents for that bullet if the time comes. i am an optimist, my goal is to live to at least 101 and make them pay me more than they took from me .
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by Brooklyn »

runrussellrun wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 8:47 am

I have read, plenty, of websites, reports, from Johns Hopkins this, Johns Hopkins that, in collaboration with........and finally, this. Event 201.....and not once, have I read wording, that in effect says, :we need to take care of our frontline workers, in the supply chain.

According to the 60 minutes clip, posted, but quickly forgotten, the US taxpayers provided $8 Billion dollars to set up guidelines, protocols.

In 2005.....15 years ago.


rrr, you need to re-read my link and mebbe to set aside your pro tRUMP agenda just for a little while at the very least. That while there have been stated protocols in the past, this does not necessarily mean that they have been practiced. The link I provided (one from an agriciutural site) says these protocols have not actually been practiced and that they are likely to be dismissed altogether thereby posing a greater hazard to an already vulnerable society.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by cradleandshoot »

Bart wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:12 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:01 am
a fan wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:46 am
ggait wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:00 am
Here in Maryland, face-masks will be required in stores or on public transportation, starting Saturday
I'm wearing a mask to keep me from infecting you.
So many people seem to get the purpose of things backwards.

Social Security is another example. It's not there for me. It's to protect me from the bad financial decisions and bad luck of others.
This is where you and i part company. You know very well how i feel about social security. There was suppose to be an account set up in my name. I believe that is true, Why is that? When i go to the SS web site to view my benefits they have a breakdown of every penny i have paid in since 1974. I may be a dumb ass but that tells me these folks have kept track of every penny i have put in since 1974. Why a Fan, if i croak at 65 does my account balance not go to my next of kin? This was never an account in my name, that is pure Buffalo bagels. My croaking at 65 would be the best thing my government could ever ask for. They don't have to pay me jack squat and they keep every single cent in "MY ACCOUNT" for themselves. My goal is to live to 101 so these mother effers at SS have to pay me way more than i put in. i have told you before my solution a Fan. The government cuts me a check at 65 when i retire and whatever happens to me will not be their problem ever. If i become terminally ill... i bet i can buy a single bullet for 50 cents and I will never be a burden to anyone. i would rather go out on my own terms than linger in misery like my dad did.
I know my mother in law receives payments from her deceased husbands SS. So I googled it out of interest. This is one of the pages that came up: I don't know if this is what you are talking about or not.

"Your survivors benefit amount is based on the earnings of the person who died. The more they paid into Social Security, the higher your benefits would be.

The monthly amount you would get is a percentage of the deceased's basic Social Security benefit. It depends on your age and the type of benefit you are eligible to receive.

If the person who died was receiving reduced benefits, we base your survivors benefit on that amount.

These are examples of the benefits that survivors may receive:

Widow or widower, full retirement age or older — 100 percent of the deceased worker's benefit amount;
Widow or widower, age 60 — full retirement age — 71½ to 99 percent of the deceased worker's basic amount;
Disabled widow or widower aged 50 through 59 — 71½ percent;
Widow or widower, any age, caring for a child under age 16 — 75 percent;
A child under age 18 (19 if still in elementary or secondary school) or disabled — 75 percent; and
Dependent parent(s) of the deceased worker, age 62 or older:
One surviving parent — 82½ percent.
Two surviving parents — 75 percent to each parent.
Percentages for a surviving divorced spouse would be the same as above.

There may also be a special lump-sum death benefit."
My grandfather was one of the original folks that was forced to pay into SS. I think he started paying in 1938 and he retired in March of 1972. He died in May of 1972 and never saw a SS check. My grandmother had a small pension check and a tiny survivors benefit from my grandfathers SS. She lived downstairs in the house i grew up in. My mom and dad took care of everything she needed. If it was not for my parents she would have been too poor to afford living in the poorhouse. My grandma lived until 1987 and the folks that took care of her were her family that loved her. SS did not do jack chit outside of keep all that money they took from my grandfather for 34 years of contributing. If it sounds like i have nothing but contempt for SS then all of you have marvelous perception. SS is a double edged sword. They help some people and leave other folks hanging in the wind. Sadly the people they ignore first are the folks who have paid in the most.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by runrussellrun »

holmes435 wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 12:29 am God forbid you inconvenience yourself by not being able to cough directly on someone.
Do even know what you are talking about? Any arrest problems, going out w/out a 'face mask", whatever that IS.

Tell, us, HOLMES, if it's mandatory to where.....subject to arrest, and FINES, like the SUP in California, getting a $1000 for being in the water ?

anyway, where can one purchase a facemask? What defines a "facemask" ? Can it be underwear? A bandana? or, some approved, mask. Just another mind control, social experiment. Picking business winners and losers. Hogan wearing facemasks, today? wake up

Which will take more Baltimore residents? Murder, or V-19?
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

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Author hoping that Muslims accept this Ramadan challenge: ... f_amp=true
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by runrussellrun »

CU88 wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 7:21 am Ask Trump if 60,000 dead is a tragedy, he'd take it as a personal insult—it's less than 100,000!

If 100,000 die, that will be less than 200,000

In February he said it would be 0

In truth, to Trump 2 million dead and 0 dead are equal values.

The outcome was never the priority.
THe outcome.......was never a priority. Truer words were never spoken. Only, ain't talking about tRump.

When Hillaryous CLinton voted to send US citizens to KILL, some die themselves, in Iraq, was SHE concerned about the "outcome" ?

do they sell over the counter hypocrisy pills, or are they only available via a Dx prescription.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:34 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:05 am yup, you bought into what it never was, your money.
Wrongo buckaroo, i did not buy into anything. The US gubmint took that money and has taken it every week for decades. i have understood for a long time what a sheepdip show ss was,is and shall always be. My point is for them to pay me what they took when i retire and the ss system can go F**K themselves. i promise i will will save 50 cents for that bullet if the time comes. i am an optimist, my goal is to live to at least 101 and make them pay me more than they took from me .
nope, you didn't loan them the money, they taxed it, no longer yours. Gone.

What you do get back is a promise that the government will keep taxing the next set of workers so that they can pay out subsistence amounts to everyone who paid something in that way, once they get older.

But a lot of folks bought the idea that that the government was 'saving' their money for them...never was true.

and now back to COVID-19...
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by Andersen »

F.D.R originally had people "pay in" so it would be extremely difficult to get rid of Social Security. People would see it as a Property Right they would defend and not a Civil Right.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by runrussellrun »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:09 am
6ftstick wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 8:49 am Initial jobless claims this week. 5.2 million.

Along with 3 previous weeks wipes out nearly all new jobs created since 2008.

We all need to suck it up and get back to work OUT IN THE WORLD.
of course we do.

The stupidity is to think this can be done without the measures in place to prevent millions of deaths and the collapse of our healthcare and food system, indeed collapse of all social order.

Get the measures in place to prevent that, without the stay in place situation we have now, and EVERYONE will cheer.

"It's not my responsibility"
What are you even talking about? Measures? What measures? What the heck are you even talking about?

More people will die in Baltimore, again, from murder, than will from V-19.

Are cities going to have to hire "measures" enforcement officers? You think the pretend liberals are going to like that a new agency, checking measures, is, also, catching people getting paid $2 a day, because they are not complying with "measures". And are now deported?

You won't reply....everyone just spews nonsense, and never back it up with pragmatic solutions.

What measures are you talking about?
Last edited by runrussellrun on Thu Apr 16, 2020 10:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by Cooter »

ggait wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:00 am
Here in Maryland, face-masks will be required in stores or on public transportation, starting Saturday
I'm wearing a mask to keep me from infecting you.

So if you are not willing to return the favor by wearing a mask to keep from infecting me, then you should stay off my forking bus. And stay out of my forking grocery store.
You are not doing me any real favor, I have accepted that I will probably get this virus given its infectiousness.

You seem to feel you can tell me what to do, so why don't you just stay home.

There is 644,823 tested cases in the U.S., which given all the asymptomatic and mild cases means there are probably well over a million cases in the U.S. - perhaps 1.5 million or even 2 million.
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