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Post by cradleandshoot »

The first reference I remember to RBG as buzzi came shortly after she was confirmed to the SCOTUS. I have heard this nickname used many times ever since then. She freaking looks like Ruth Buzzis character of the old lady on Laugh In. Seacoaster practically lost his mind thinking I was using a derogatory term for her that has been around ever since she first sat on the court. You and I have a different opinion on RBG the judge. She just never impressed me as any type of legal scholar or a brilliant legal mind. She can express her opinion in her court decisions with a lot of emotion and passion IMO that does not make a legal eagle. So could judge Scalia. Both justices had a reputation for being very inflexible once they had made their decision. In case you think I am being one side I think that Clarence Thomas is a very poor SCOTUS justice. No respect for his asinine inability to ever ask any questions ever when a case is in front of the court. You owe that amount of respect to the people standing in front of you litigating. At least ask them something about the case that they are arguing.
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Post by foreverlax »

I have never heard RBG called Buzzi....Lots of Notorious RBG.
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Post by runrussellrun »

I still want to know who paid for Ruth's trip to Europe. Anyone? We know the S. Korean court paid $9,000 for her flight to Seul.

We know U of Adeliade (Australia) paid Scalia $40k to come to the island continent in 2011. Of course, when Scalia died, he was staying for free at a $700 night "hunting lodge"

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Post by seacoaster »

I've never heard her referred to as "buzzy." It's your stupid name; just own it.

"Seacoaster practically lost his mind thinking I was using a derogatory term for her."

Hardly; it just rankles me that you can sit atop your keyboard and poke idiotic fun at this giant of American law, without contributing anything to any discussion other than how pissed off you are at everyone letting you down.
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Post by njbill »

I follow the Court pretty closely and was following it very closely when Ginsberg was nominated. I have never heard the nickname either. Sounds like a right wing slur to me.
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Post by cradleandshoot »

seacoaster wrote:I've never heard her referred to as "buzzy." It's your stupid name; just own it.

"Seacoaster practically lost his mind thinking I was using a derogatory term for her."

Hardly; it just rankles me that you can sit atop your keyboard and poke idiotic fun at this giant of American law, without contributing anything to any discussion other than how ticked off you are at everyone letting you down.
No it is not stupid nickname that I made up. it goes back to the resemblance buzzi has to the character Ruth Buzzi played on Rowan and Martins Laugh In. I am not poking fun at this giant of the American judiciary. that is your opinion and I have no problem with that. IMO buzzi is a mediocre justice that has done nothing to set her to the very high pedestal you put her on. If being a very vocal advocate for what she believes then she is a judicial heavy weight. Antonin Scalia was also a very vocal FRC type of justice and I don't remember diddly squat sheet coming from you or your corner at all the humiliating and wise ass comments that came from your end( not you personally) about what a lousy justice he was. Truth is no SCOTUS judge is ever going to win a popularity contest from the other side. I am not poking fun at buzzi, she has acted as a Supreme Court judge to the best of her abilities and has been guided by her belief system in what she believes to be honest and just.

Since you are claiming that I am adding nothing to the discussion I will go back to my original point, which you have done nothing so far to add to. So what happens if RBG can no longer fulfill her duties as a Supreme Court Justice? Some guy named Trump will nominate whoever. A bunch of very pissed off Democrats will then lose their minds at whoever Trump nominates and will not accept whomever Trump picks and the same sorry ass sideshow of angry mobs of folks picketing in front of peoples houses and chasing people out of restaurants and in some cases possibly beating a few skulls in with baseball bats. And you my friend have nothing better to complain about than me calling Ruth Bader Ginsberg ...buzzi. Maybe I will start to call her by that beloved nickname of Notorious RBG. Do you know who Notorious BIG was? maybe you should do a google search and find out more about who this person was that you lovingly compare buzzi to. BIG was just a standup guy, sweet as apple pie. So much so that this very nice and kind gentleman was murdered in cold blood because of all the sheet he was involved in. So Notorious RBG is an affectionate and loving nick name derived from a career criminal. Buzzi is a nickname derived from a character in a 1960's comedy show. Hmmmmm yeah I get it now... silly me. :roll:
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Post by foreverlax »

So RBG doesn't impress who would be an impressive justice and why?
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Post by runrussellrun »

CNN & Jim acosta are supposed to hear about his 1st and 5th amendment rights being violated. Utter nonsense.....below are the rules for gaining "credentials" to cover our Congress. You can't get a White House pass without going thru this hurdle first.

Membership in the press galleries is limited by Senate Rules to “to bona fide correspondents of repute in their profession” who are full-time, paid correspondents of recognized news organizations. Correspondents must require on-site access to Senate and House members and staff.

Applicants must reside in the Washington, D.C. area, and must not be engaged in any lobbying or paid advocacy, advertising, publicity or promotion work for any individual, political party, corporation, organization, or agency of the U.S. government. They must not be involved in prosecuting any claim before Congress or any federal government department, and will not do so while a member of the Daily Press Galleries.

Correspondents must agree to follow these rules for as long as they are members of the gallery.

Failure to provide information — or misrepresenting information — to the Standing Committee for its scrutiny of applications for gallery membership can result in the denial or revocation of credentials.

These five approve Congress press passes: Does this seem like FREEDOM of the press to you? Similar situations for access to our State legislatures too.

Deirdre Shesgreen, USA Today, Chair

Tamar Hallerman, Atlanta Journal Constitution Secretary

Karoun Demirjian, Washington Post

Emma Dumain, McClatchy

Kellie Mejdrich, CQ Roll Call

Seems like a secret society cartel.......Do any of these "news" media endorse a political candidate? Isn't THAT a violation of this NON-Government gate keeper rules.
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Post by MDlaxfan76 »

runrussellrun wrote:CNN & Jim acosta are supposed to hear about his 1st and 5th amendment rights being violated. Utter nonsense.....below are the rules for gaining "credentials" to cover our Congress. You can't get a White House pass without going thru this hurdle first.

Membership in the press galleries is limited by Senate Rules to “to bona fide correspondents of repute in their profession” who are full-time, paid correspondents of recognized news organizations. Correspondents must require on-site access to Senate and House members and staff.

Applicants must reside in the Washington, D.C. area, and must not be engaged in any lobbying or paid advocacy, advertising, publicity or promotion work for any individual, political party, corporation, organization, or agency of the U.S. government. They must not be involved in prosecuting any claim before Congress or any federal government department, and will not do so while a member of the Daily Press Galleries.

Correspondents must agree to follow these rules for as long as they are members of the gallery.

Failure to provide information — or misrepresenting information — to the Standing Committee for its scrutiny of applications for gallery membership can result in the denial or revocation of credentials.

These five approve Congress press passes: Does this seem like FREEDOM of the press to you? Similar situations for access to our State legislatures too.

Deirdre Shesgreen, USA Today, Chair

Tamar Hallerman, Atlanta Journal Constitution Secretary

Karoun Demirjian, Washington Post

Emma Dumain, McClatchy

Kellie Mejdrich, CQ Roll Call

Seems like a secret society cartel.......Do any of these "news" media endorse a political candidate? Isn't THAT a violation of this NON-Government gate keeper rules.
Geez Fatty, you do seem to have a problem reading rules.
The applicants can't endorse a candidate, there's no prohibition against their editors/the news organizations doing so.

It also doesn't look at all "secret'. Could it be a "cartel"? Well, how are these positions rotated amongst organizations?

No question that Acosta meets these guidelines and it should be up to CNN who they wish to have as their reporter.

The only way the White House should have any say as to whose questions they face is if a correspondent posed a bona fide security danger to White House personnel; we can imagine actual nutcase, terrorist or sexual assault, etc as possible such issues. In that case, the "of repute in their profession" would also be in question. But asking challenging questions and not backing down to verbal bullying are not any sort of security danger.
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Post by MDlaxfan76 »

seacoaster wrote:I've never heard her referred to as "buzzy." It's your stupid name; just own it.

"Seacoaster practically lost his mind thinking I was using a derogatory term for her."

Hardly; it just rankles me that you can sit atop your keyboard and poke idiotic fun at this giant of American law, without contributing anything to any discussion other than how ticked off you are at everyone letting you down.
Actually, Rush Limbaugh and some other right wing flamers have done so (according to my google search). That's undoubtedly where cradle heard it. I very much doubt that it was used way back when she first joined the Court. It appears to have come into use more recently, but only by a very small segment. And, yes, it's intended as a slur. Pretty dumb one at that, but making fun of a woman's appearance is par for the course for these guys.

cradle, I'm pretty sure no one is actually associating RBG with Notorious BIG's questionable attributes (except right wing wishful thinking)

It was simply a clever play on words that stuck, indicating that she indeed is famous, "Notorious" in her way. It's meant ironically given her diminutive physical size, but outsize brains and character.
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Post by dislaxxic »

Can we talk about just WHY conservatives seem so intent on bringing the nation an uber-conservative SCOTUS is somehow a GOOD thing? What about conservative jurisprudence makes white working class and elderly voters get such a shiver down their leg?

"The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure poor reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog." - Calvin, to Hobbes
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Post by runrussellrun »

MDlaxfan76 wrote:
runrussellrun wrote:CNN & Jim acosta are supposed to hear about his 1st and 5th amendment rights being violated. Utter nonsense.....below are the rules for gaining "credentials" to cover our Congress. You can't get a White House pass without going thru this hurdle first.

Membership in the press galleries is limited by Senate Rules to “to bona fide correspondents of repute in their profession” who are full-time, paid correspondents of recognized news organizations. Correspondents must require on-site access to Senate and House members and staff.

Applicants must reside in the Washington, D.C. area, and must not be engaged in any lobbying or paid advocacy, advertising, publicity or promotion work for any individual, political party, corporation, organization, or agency of the U.S. government. They must not be involved in prosecuting any claim before Congress or any federal government department, and will not do so while a member of the Daily Press Galleries.

Correspondents must agree to follow these rules for as long as they are members of the gallery.

Failure to provide information — or misrepresenting information — to the Standing Committee for its scrutiny of applications for gallery membership can result in the denial or revocation of credentials.

These five approve Congress press passes: Does this seem like FREEDOM of the press to you? Similar situations for access to our State legislatures too.

Deirdre Shesgreen, USA Today, Chair

Tamar Hallerman, Atlanta Journal Constitution Secretary

Karoun Demirjian, Washington Post

Emma Dumain, McClatchy

Kellie Mejdrich, CQ Roll Call

Seems like a secret society cartel.......Do any of these "news" media endorse a political candidate? Isn't THAT a violation of this NON-Government gate keeper rules.
Geez Fatty, you do seem to have a problem reading rules.
The applicants can't endorse a candidate, there's no prohibition against their editors/the news organizations doing so.

It also doesn't look at all "secret'. Could it be a "cartel"? Well, how are these positions rotated amongst organizations?

No question that Acosta meets these guidelines and it should be up to CNN who they wish to have as their reporter.

The only way the White House should have any say as to whose questions they face is if a correspondent posed a bona fide security danger to White House personnel; we can imagine actual nutcase, terrorist or sexual assault, etc as possible such issues. In that case, the "of repute in their profession" would also be in question. But asking challenging questions and not backing down to verbal bullying are not any sort of security danger.

So, you agree. 1st amendment is, in reality, just window dressing. ANd, you are fine with having gate keepers, protecting the oligarchy.

Of course, the second part is irrelevent to CNN & Acosta suing someone, that, according to this rule, is a no no?

They must not be involved in prosecuting any claim before Congress or any federal government department, and will not do so while a member of the Daily Press Galleries.

Acosta lost his White House "credentials". He still is a member of the Daily Press Galleries?????

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Post by cradleandshoot »

foreverlax wrote:So RBG doesn't impress who would be an impressive justice and why?
No she does not. My impression of the present group of justices has come by way of listening to oral arguments broadcast on Cspan over the last few years. You really have to have no life whatsoever if you find yourself listening to this stuff. :geek: RBG is what she is just like Antonin Scalia is what he was. The two people had radically different opinions on how the constitutions was to be legally interpreted in the cases they heard. Both could come across in a very pissy manner to lawyers arguing in front of them that did not have their ducks in a row. No individual on the SCOTUS today really impresses me one way or the other. John Roberts may come the closest because he may be the only justice that is willing to let his interpretation of the constitution not cloud his decision making.

In any major decision that one would expect to be decided by party lines none of them ever seem to deviate from how they would be expected to vote. Justice Roberts decision in the ACA case pissed of the FRC folks to no end. May be the last decision I remember by any of these justices where they did not take politics into consideration when making their decision. If anyone out there can tell me in a major SCOTUS decision that one of the left wing judges strayed off the reservation I'm all ears. That sort of thing just never happens. That is why IMO I don't have such a high regard for the SCOTUS. When it is childs play to already know how they will vote on the most controversial decisions... then what is the point. The decision has already become a foregone conclusion the left wingers will vote as they always do and the right wingers will always vote as they always do. Funny how the US Constitution is always split down the middle deciding where you stand politically. :roll: I believe Justice Roberts said something in his confirmation that went like this... sometimes the big guy is right and sometimes the little guy is right. I decide every case by whichever side is legally correct. It his hard to fathom the little guy losing... except when legally the little guy is wrong. That is paraphrasing but that is the gist of what Roberts meant. That is something I can respect.
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Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote:
seacoaster wrote:I've never heard her referred to as "buzzy." It's your stupid name; just own it.

"Seacoaster practically lost his mind thinking I was using a derogatory term for her."

Hardly; it just rankles me that you can sit atop your keyboard and poke idiotic fun at this giant of American law, without contributing anything to any discussion other than how ticked off you are at everyone letting you down.
Actually, Rush Limbaugh and some other right wing flamers have done so (according to my google search). That's undoubtedly where cradle heard it. I very much doubt that it was used way back when she first joined the Court. It appears to have come into use more recently, but only by a very small segment. And, yes, it's intended as a slur. Pretty dumb one at that, but making fun of a woman's appearance is par for the course for these guys.

cradle, I'm pretty sure no one is actually associating RBG with Notorious BIG's questionable attributes (except right wing wishful thinking)

It was simply a clever play on words that stuck, indicating that she indeed is famous, "Notorious" in her way. It's meant ironically given her diminutive physical size, but outsize brains and character.
sorry bro but the Buzzi reference has been around long before I was ever on a computer... that was in 2006. If rush glommed on to it that doesn't surprise me... that is his shtick. The Buzzi nickname for RBG has been around for quite awhile. Its origin is really very simple as I stated before. RBG has an uncanny resemblance to the character Ruth Buzzi played on Laugh In if some of you can't accept of understand that then blame in on Rush if it makes you all feel better. I will share one other nickname RBG had from days gone by... She use to be referred to as Darth Vader Ginsgerg. I hope poor Seacoaster does not have a stroke upon reading this. Maybe it was all those John Valby tunes that desensitized me to some of this stuff that sends some of you off your rocker... :roll: I don't know...
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Post by seacoaster »

No one is "off their rocker." You like pretending people are hysterical.

You just proffered a belittling slur as a nickname, asserted it is widely used, and so far it's you and Limbaugh.

What is it about RBG's life's body of work that makes it so easy for you to belittle her? I am asking about substance here. Or is it just because she seemed to dress down some lawyers in an audio (the Court doesn't have video) session you say you heard? She's a little meany? Is that it? Try to contribute.
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Post by foreverlax »

cradleandshoot wrote:
MDlaxfan76 wrote:
seacoaster wrote:I've never heard her referred to as "buzzy." It's your stupid name; just own it.

"Seacoaster practically lost his mind thinking I was using a derogatory term for her."

Hardly; it just rankles me that you can sit atop your keyboard and poke idiotic fun at this giant of American law, without contributing anything to any discussion other than how ticked off you are at everyone letting you down.
Actually, Rush Limbaugh and some other right wing flamers have done so (according to my google search). That's undoubtedly where cradle heard it. I very much doubt that it was used way back when she first joined the Court. It appears to have come into use more recently, but only by a very small segment. And, yes, it's intended as a slur. Pretty dumb one at that, but making fun of a woman's appearance is par for the course for these guys.

cradle, I'm pretty sure no one is actually associating RBG with Notorious BIG's questionable attributes (except right wing wishful thinking)

It was simply a clever play on words that stuck, indicating that she indeed is famous, "Notorious" in her way. It's meant ironically given her diminutive physical size, but outsize brains and character.
sorry bro but the Buzzi reference has been around long before I was ever on a computer... that was in 2006. If rush glommed on to it that doesn't surprise me... that is his shtick. The Buzzi nickname for RBG has been around for quite awhile. Its origin is really very simple as I stated before. RBG has an uncanny resemblance to the character Ruth Buzzi played on Laugh In if some of you can't accept of understand that then blame in on Rush if it makes you all feel better. I will share one other nickname RBG had from days gone by... She use to be referred to as Darth Vader Ginsgerg. I hope poor Seacoaster does not have a stroke upon reading this. Maybe it was all those John Valby tunes that desensitized me to some of this stuff that sends some of you off your rocker... :roll: I don't know...


She looks like RBG about as much as Chevy Chase looked like Gerald Ford.

Considering what she has accomplished and how she accomplished it, before she joined the SCOTUS speaks volumes....when you compare her accomplishments to some of the other justices, she towers over them, considering her starting point.

I have no base of knowledge to measure how "good" she is as a justice.....Intellectually, she may be the brightest build on the bench -

Roberts - graduated Magna
Clarence - graduated middle of the pack
Scalia - graduated magna
RBG - was tied for #1
Brett K - Trump says he was #1 in his class, although there is nothing to support that claim.

Not liking her views nor how she frames her questions is irrelevant when measuring how well she does her job.
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Post by MDlaxfan76 »

imagesrbg3.jpg (8.93 KiB) Viewed 1875 times
imagesrbg3.jpg (8.93 KiB) Viewed 1875 times
imagesrbg2.jpg (4.26 KiB) Viewed 1875 times
imagesrbg5.jpg (4.95 KiB) Viewed 1875 times
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Post by MDlaxfan76 »

imagesrbg4.jpg (7.45 KiB) Viewed 1874 times
images rbg1.jpg
images rbg1.jpg (6.53 KiB) Viewed 1874 times
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Post by MDlaxfan76 »

I don't know what right wing numbskull first thought it would be funny to compare Ruth Buzzi's character's "looks" on Laugh-In to RBG. I could only find relatively recent references from Rush Limbaugh and Chuck Woolery. Pre internet, that kind of dimwitted, sexist trash would indeed get spewed in far right talk radio, ala Rush, so perhaps some dummy did so on the radio back in the '90's and Rush picked it up. But it sure wasn't something in the common lexicon. Nor is it now, outside of the right wing haters.

Let's just say that that such stupidity, the judging/demeaning of women based on their looks (good or bad), as if their most notable and important characteristic is their physical appeal, is exactly what RBG's life work, pre=SCOTUS, was about.

But here we are still, misogyny is alive and well in TrumpWorld.
Last edited by MDlaxfan76 on Fri Nov 16, 2018 11:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by foreverlax »

When you get your news from Rush, posts like this do nothing to help the situation -

Separated At Birth – Buzzi/Ginsburg
Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Ruth Ann Buzzi is an American comedienne and actress based on her constitutional views and is most known for her appearances on the Supreme Court of the United States (POTUS). Before leaving New York for a career in Washington, Bader was a shill (general council and board member) of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Bader’s first national recognition came ehn Jimmy Carter appointed her to the U.S. Court of Appeals District of Columbia in 1980. In 1993 Bill Clinton nominated Ginsburg for SCOTUS and was sworn in even though she was in her 60s. She is featured as a semi-regular on the liberal decisions that are handed down by the courts. A deconstructionist, she plays fast and loose with her oath to uphold the American Constitution to please her constituency ranging between everything from dowdy old women, to tipsy drunks, to Southern belles to flashy hookers. Her most famous character is the dowdy justice Ruthie Bader, clad in drab brown with her bun hairdo covered by a visible hairnet knotted in the middle of her forehead. In most of her decisions she would flail away vigorously at argument not in line with her liberal, progressive, socialist views.
Posted by the renowned SCOTUS and constitutional expert, "Greg".
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