2018 Midterm Elections

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Re: 2018 Midterm Elections

Post by runrussellrun »

MDlaxfan76 wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:
MDlaxfan76 wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:My narrative is that these people keep shooting themselves in the foot in these 2 counties when it comes to counting votes in a timely manner as prescribed by Florida law. It is not like this is the first time this has happened. Here my little corner of the world in upstate NY they had problems with the voting machines. Miracle of miracles they had all the votes counted by Wednesday morning at 100% No recounts, no accusations of any hanky panky going on. Florida will have a recount. I hope they get it right this time. Then if they don't... they can count them again and again and again until maybe they count every person that voted. I only hope that when it is all said and done that they get it right. Who knows... maybe in 2020 these dimwits will get it straightened out. I doubt it but miracles can happen. Certain parts of Florida are going out of their way to prove that the simple act of voting and counting votes really is rocket science. bang1
How many people live in your county and was the race within 0.5%. There is an automatic recount law. The people in Florida are following it....

What is a bit amazing is all this panicked hard wringing... over actually counting the votes that have been cast.

The election is super close and there's an automatic recount ...state law.

Of course it should be done carefully, by the book, and with sufficient transparency that the results can be clearly certified, however they turn out.

But apparently there's an automatic suspicion, by Republicans, that "fraud" is being committed...because these large, populous counties happen to be more Democratic than not. Of course, I suspect we'd hear the same sort of unfounded accusations from Dems if the shoe was on the other foot.

But the slinging around of unfounded claims is incredibly damaging to trust in the integrity of our system. Putin is chortling, undoubtedly.
The suspicion comes in to play when this same sort of incompetence takes place in national elections every 2 years. Given the debacle of 2000 you would think these people in charge of elections in these 2 counties would have figured out how to do it by now. I suppose step number one is follow state election laws to the letter. To be fair a bunch of you folks out there are suspicious about what Trump may have done with the Russians. In Florida a bunch of folks are suspicious when it appears the rules everybody else followed seem to be if not ignored then certainly stretched to the limit. At the end of the day all legal votes should be counted. Also at the end of the day counting all legal votes should not be rocket science. Maybe at long last the folks in these 2 counties can finally find a way to get their act together and get this insurmountable task done on time, like all the other counties in Florida. :roll:
cradle, I think it's perfectly reasonable to be concerned, and to express a concern, about the integrity of the process. And to insist upon oversight.

The oversight is actually happening.
But surprise, surprise, the GOP Florida folks responsible for the oversight have said there's actually no evidence of any wrongdoing.

And yet...and here's the key fact: the GOP pols, Trump, Scott, and originally Rubio...and numerous Fox blowhards etc... are all running their mouths with accusations of FRAUD based on ...no evidence at all.

And sadly, many in the Trumpist GOP are just parroting this line of BS. As I said, Putin is chortling.
Ummm.....pretty sure the pretend liberals on THIS website are CLEARLY stating their is fraud going on. (jhu72, brookie, diss, etc )
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Re: 2018 Midterm Elections

Post by runrussellrun »

cradleandshoot wrote:“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”

― Joseph Stalin …. Old Joe sure hit this nail square on the head. There must be a sign up somewhere in the Broward county election office that has this quote on display for all to see. :lol:
Wrongly attributed.

Stalin is the USA's friend. Please remember that. Churchill screwed up the world for generations. Hate the BRITS
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Re: 2018 Midterm Elections

Post by foreverlax »

The time has come for national voting standards

Uniform federal election law should contain the followi
ng with regard to voting:

I.D.: A citizen 18 years of age or older shall produce a valid photo I.D. from an approved federal or state agency to register to vote or to vote. Photo-I.D. has become a necessity post 9/11. You need one to enter a federal building, get on an aircraft, obtain government benefits, etc.;

Registration: An eligible citizen to vote may register at anytime but within 2 weeks of a federal election by appearing in person at a authorized federal or state office and making application;
Voting: An eligible voter may appear at their designated polling place from 7am -9pm on the day of a federal election;

Early Voting: An eligible voter may vote no earlier than 2 weeks before a federal election at their designated early voting location between the hours of 10am-4pm;

Absentee Voting: An eligible voter upon the showing of good cause shall be entitled to vote by absentee ballot provided they petition for a absentee ballot in person at the designated place no more than 1 month and no less than 2 weeks before a federal election.

Voting Machines: Voting machines shall be uniform in federal elections.

A uniform standard shall be established to insure 1 voting machine for X number of registered voters at a polling place.

Voting protocols: There shall be uniform federal rules and protocols for voter I.D., culling of voter rolls, registration, voting, poll watching, voting machines, eligibility, timing, locations, tallying, reporting, challenges, recounts, certifications, candidate eligibility, forms etc.

Should there be a national voting standard/guideline(s)?
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Re: 2018 Midterm Elections

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:
MDlaxfan76 wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:My narrative is that these people keep shooting themselves in the foot in these 2 counties when it comes to counting votes in a timely manner as prescribed by Florida law. It is not like this is the first time this has happened. Here my little corner of the world in upstate NY they had problems with the voting machines. Miracle of miracles they had all the votes counted by Wednesday morning at 100% No recounts, no accusations of any hanky panky going on. Florida will have a recount. I hope they get it right this time. Then if they don't... they can count them again and again and again until maybe they count every person that voted. I only hope that when it is all said and done that they get it right. Who knows... maybe in 2020 these dimwits will get it straightened out. I doubt it but miracles can happen. Certain parts of Florida are going out of their way to prove that the simple act of voting and counting votes really is rocket science. bang1
How many people live in your county and was the race within 0.5%. There is an automatic recount law. The people in Florida are following it....

What is a bit amazing is all this panicked hard wringing... over actually counting the votes that have been cast.

The election is super close and there's an automatic recount ...state law.

Of course it should be done carefully, by the book, and with sufficient transparency that the results can be clearly certified, however they turn out.

But apparently there's an automatic suspicion, by Republicans, that "fraud" is being committed...because these large, populous counties happen to be more Democratic than not. Of course, I suspect we'd hear the same sort of unfounded accusations from Dems if the shoe was on the other foot.

But the slinging around of unfounded claims is incredibly damaging to trust in the integrity of our system. Putin is chortling, undoubtedly.
The suspicion comes in to play when this same sort of incompetence takes place in national elections every 2 years. Given the debacle of 2000 you would think these people in charge of elections in these 2 counties would have figured out how to do it by now. I suppose step number one is follow state election laws to the letter. To be fair a bunch of you folks out there are suspicious about what Trump may have done with the Russians. In Florida a bunch of folks are suspicious when it appears the rules everybody else followed seem to be if not ignored then certainly stretched to the limit. At the end of the day all legal votes should be counted. Also at the end of the day counting all legal votes should not be rocket science. Maybe at long last the folks in these 2 counties can finally find a way to get their act together and get this insurmountable task done on time, like all the other counties in Florida. :roll:
cradle, I think it's perfectly reasonable to be concerned, and to express a concern, about the integrity of the process. And to insist upon oversight.

The oversight is actually happening.
But surprise, surprise, the GOP Florida folks responsible for the oversight have said there's actually no evidence of any wrongdoing.

And yet...and here's the key fact: the GOP pols, Trump, Scott, and originally Rubio...and numerous Fox blowhards etc... are all running their mouths with accusations of FRAUD based on ...no evidence at all.

And sadly, many in the Trumpist GOP are just parroting this line of BS. As I said, Putin is chortling.[/quote

]But surprise, surprise, the GOP Florida folks responsible for the oversight have said there's actually no evidence of any wrongdoing

What the heck are you talking about? In Broward and Palm Beach County the republicans are howling mad about how the vote count was done. For goodness sakes they are suing them because of what they claim to be improprieties in how the votes were counted and the fact that the election officials in Broward County did not report results in a timely manner as required by Florida law. I don't know who is right or who is wrong but my main point that you seem to want to ignore is that 65 counties in Florida obeyed the law to the best of their ability. Two other counties appeared to have played by a different set of rules and when questioned about it basically have told everybody inquiring about what they did to go eff themselves.

A few posts ahead of this Forever brings up a very good point. When it comes to NATIONAL ELECTIONS, maybe there should be nationwide standards as to how these elections are conducted and who should have oversight of them. IMO this woman in Broward County is not competent enough to handle the job. Under her leadership elections in her county have become the laughing stock of the nation. That is only my opinion. The folks there elected her and if this kind of stupidity and incompetence is okay with them.. then that is what it is. Why these folks don't have higher standards of their election officials is beyond me. It was either a case of complete and utter incompetence or it was some people just playing games with the vote totals. If the folks in Broward county don't mind looking like complete fools then they should keep the status quo. Voting is not rocket science although they do everything in their power to prove otherwise. confused2
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Re: 2018 Midterm Elections

Post by cradleandshoot »

runrussellrun wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”

― Joseph Stalin …. Old Joe sure hit this nail square on the head. There must be a sign up somewhere in the Broward county election office that has this quote on display for all to see. :lol:
Wrongly attributed.

Stalin is the USA's friend. Please remember that. Churchill screwed up the world for generations. Hate the BRITS
Silly me... ;)
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
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Re: 2018 Midterm Elections

Post by a fan »

foreverlax wrote:The time has come for national voting standards

Uniform federal election law should contain the followi
ng with regard to voting:

I.D.: A citizen 18 years of age or older shall produce a valid photo I.D. from an approved federal or state agency to register to vote or to vote. Photo-I.D. has become a necessity post 9/11. You need one to enter a federal building, get on an aircraft, obtain government benefits, etc.;

Registration: An eligible citizen to vote may register at anytime but within 2 weeks of a federal election by appearing in person at a authorized federal or state office and making application;
Voting: An eligible voter may appear at their designated polling place from 7am -9pm on the day of a federal election;

Early Voting: An eligible voter may vote no earlier than 2 weeks before a federal election at their designated early voting location between the hours of 10am-4pm;

Absentee Voting: An eligible voter upon the showing of good cause shall be entitled to vote by absentee ballot provided they petition for a absentee ballot in person at the designated place no more than 1 month and no less than 2 weeks before a federal election.

Voting Machines: Voting machines shall be uniform in federal elections.

A uniform standard shall be established to insure 1 voting machine for X number of registered voters at a polling place.

Voting protocols: There shall be uniform federal rules and protocols for voter I.D., culling of voter rolls, registration, voting, poll watching, voting machines, eligibility, timing, locations, tallying, reporting, challenges, recounts, certifications, candidate eligibility, forms etc.

Should there be a national voting standard/guideline(s)?
Never happen. But if it did, you hold election day for two consecutive days, make it a National holiday, and make it a Federal crime to make someone work both days.
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Re: 2018 Midterm Elections

Post by foreverlax »

a fan, why do you think it would never happen? Who would be for or against it? Is this another Red vs Blue issue?
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Re: 2018 Midterm Elections

Post by a fan »

Most States, imho. It's ceding State control the to the Federal government....States control their own elections currently. Can't see many States wanting to give up that power.
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Re: 2018 Midterm Elections

Post by foreverlax »

That is pretty much my view, which is why I found it really odd (actually a bit surprised) that one of my Trumper buddies fully supports the idea.
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Re: 2018 Midterm Elections

Post by seacoaster »

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Re: 2018 Midterm Elections

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote:
MDlaxfan76 wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:
MDlaxfan76 wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:My narrative is that these people keep shooting themselves in the foot in these 2 counties when it comes to counting votes in a timely manner as prescribed by Florida law. It is not like this is the first time this has happened. Here my little corner of the world in upstate NY they had problems with the voting machines. Miracle of miracles they had all the votes counted by Wednesday morning at 100% No recounts, no accusations of any hanky panky going on. Florida will have a recount. I hope they get it right this time. Then if they don't... they can count them again and again and again until maybe they count every person that voted. I only hope that when it is all said and done that they get it right. Who knows... maybe in 2020 these dimwits will get it straightened out. I doubt it but miracles can happen. Certain parts of Florida are going out of their way to prove that the simple act of voting and counting votes really is rocket science. bang1
How many people live in your county and was the race within 0.5%. There is an automatic recount law. The people in Florida are following it....

What is a bit amazing is all this panicked hard wringing... over actually counting the votes that have been cast.

The election is super close and there's an automatic recount ...state law.

Of course it should be done carefully, by the book, and with sufficient transparency that the results can be clearly certified, however they turn out.

But apparently there's an automatic suspicion, by Republicans, that "fraud" is being committed...because these large, populous counties happen to be more Democratic than not. Of course, I suspect we'd hear the same sort of unfounded accusations from Dems if the shoe was on the other foot.

But the slinging around of unfounded claims is incredibly damaging to trust in the integrity of our system. Putin is chortling, undoubtedly.
The suspicion comes in to play when this same sort of incompetence takes place in national elections every 2 years. Given the debacle of 2000 you would think these people in charge of elections in these 2 counties would have figured out how to do it by now. I suppose step number one is follow state election laws to the letter. To be fair a bunch of you folks out there are suspicious about what Trump may have done with the Russians. In Florida a bunch of folks are suspicious when it appears the rules everybody else followed seem to be if not ignored then certainly stretched to the limit. At the end of the day all legal votes should be counted. Also at the end of the day counting all legal votes should not be rocket science. Maybe at long last the folks in these 2 counties can finally find a way to get their act together and get this insurmountable task done on time, like all the other counties in Florida. :roll:
cradle, I think it's perfectly reasonable to be concerned, and to express a concern, about the integrity of the process. And to insist upon oversight.

The oversight is actually happening.
But surprise, surprise, the GOP Florida folks responsible for the oversight have said there's actually no evidence of any wrongdoing.

And yet...and here's the key fact: the GOP pols, Trump, Scott, and originally Rubio...and numerous Fox blowhards etc... are all running their mouths with accusations of FRAUD based on ...no evidence at all.

And sadly, many in the Trumpist GOP are just parroting this line of BS. As I said, Putin is chortling.[/quote

]But surprise, surprise, the GOP Florida folks responsible for the oversight have said there's actually no evidence of any wrongdoing

What the heck are you talking about? In Broward and Palm Beach County the republicans are howling mad about how the vote count was done. For goodness sakes they are suing them because of what they claim to be improprieties in how the votes were counted and the fact that the election officials in Broward County did not report results in a timely manner as required by Florida law. I don't know who is right or who is wrong but my main point that you seem to want to ignore is that 65 counties in Florida obeyed the law to the best of their ability. Two other counties appeared to have played by a different set of rules and when questioned about it basically have told everybody inquiring about what they did to go eff themselves.

A few posts ahead of this Forever brings up a very good point. When it comes to NATIONAL ELECTIONS, maybe there should be nationwide standards as to how these elections are conducted and who should have oversight of them. IMO this woman in Broward County is not competent enough to handle the job. Under her leadership elections in her county have become the laughing stock of the nation. That is only my opinion. The folks there elected her and if this kind of stupidity and incompetence is okay with them.. then that is what it is. Why these folks don't have higher standards of their election officials is beyond me. It was either a case of complete and utter incompetence or it was some people just playing games with the vote totals. If the folks in Broward county don't mind looking like complete fools then they should keep the status quo. Voting is not rocket science although they do everything in their power to prove otherwise. confused2
Yup, you're buying into the right-wing BS.

Interesting article in the Hill on why Gov. Scott hadn't previously replaced her. Could have, but did not.

She's indeed overseen some snafus, so it wasn't as if Scott couldn't have pulled her and replaced her if there actually had been something seriously wrong.

As some other commentary has noted, apparently the $ resources have been woefully inadequate for elections in that county.

https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4 ... -elections

Another one on Brenda Snipes' background. She actually has a pretty darn impressive educational and work history.
Note that she was appointed 15 years ago by Jeb Bush to replace a problematic Election supervisor, than has been reelected again and again and again.

https://www.ajc.com/news/who-brenda-sni ... TVgdsF7LI/

That said, I suspect this will prove to be her final cycle!
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Re: 2018 Midterm Elections

Post by jhu72 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:
MDlaxfan76 wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:
MDlaxfan76 wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:My narrative is that these people keep shooting themselves in the foot in these 2 counties when it comes to counting votes in a timely manner as prescribed by Florida law. It is not like this is the first time this has happened. Here my little corner of the world in upstate NY they had problems with the voting machines. Miracle of miracles they had all the votes counted by Wednesday morning at 100% No recounts, no accusations of any hanky panky going on. Florida will have a recount. I hope they get it right this time. Then if they don't... they can count them again and again and again until maybe they count every person that voted. I only hope that when it is all said and done that they get it right. Who knows... maybe in 2020 these dimwits will get it straightened out. I doubt it but miracles can happen. Certain parts of Florida are going out of their way to prove that the simple act of voting and counting votes really is rocket science. bang1
How many people live in your county and was the race within 0.5%. There is an automatic recount law. The people in Florida are following it....

What is a bit amazing is all this panicked hard wringing... over actually counting the votes that have been cast.

The election is super close and there's an automatic recount ...state law.

Of course it should be done carefully, by the book, and with sufficient transparency that the results can be clearly certified, however they turn out.

But apparently there's an automatic suspicion, by Republicans, that "fraud" is being committed...because these large, populous counties happen to be more Democratic than not. Of course, I suspect we'd hear the same sort of unfounded accusations from Dems if the shoe was on the other foot.

But the slinging around of unfounded claims is incredibly damaging to trust in the integrity of our system. Putin is chortling, undoubtedly.
The suspicion comes in to play when this same sort of incompetence takes place in national elections every 2 years. Given the debacle of 2000 you would think these people in charge of elections in these 2 counties would have figured out how to do it by now. I suppose step number one is follow state election laws to the letter. To be fair a bunch of you folks out there are suspicious about what Trump may have done with the Russians. In Florida a bunch of folks are suspicious when it appears the rules everybody else followed seem to be if not ignored then certainly stretched to the limit. At the end of the day all legal votes should be counted. Also at the end of the day counting all legal votes should not be rocket science. Maybe at long last the folks in these 2 counties can finally find a way to get their act together and get this insurmountable task done on time, like all the other counties in Florida. :roll:
cradle, I think it's perfectly reasonable to be concerned, and to express a concern, about the integrity of the process. And to insist upon oversight.

The oversight is actually happening.
But surprise, surprise, the GOP Florida folks responsible for the oversight have said there's actually no evidence of any wrongdoing.

And yet...and here's the key fact: the GOP pols, Trump, Scott, and originally Rubio...and numerous Fox blowhards etc... are all running their mouths with accusations of FRAUD based on ...no evidence at all.

And sadly, many in the Trumpist GOP are just parroting this line of BS. As I said, Putin is chortling.[/quote

]But surprise, surprise, the GOP Florida folks responsible for the oversight have said there's actually no evidence of any wrongdoing

What the heck are you talking about? In Broward and Palm Beach County the republicans are howling mad about how the vote count was done. For goodness sakes they are suing them because of what they claim to be improprieties in how the votes were counted and the fact that the election officials in Broward County did not report results in a timely manner as required by Florida law. I don't know who is right or who is wrong but my main point that you seem to want to ignore is that 65 counties in Florida obeyed the law to the best of their ability. Two other counties appeared to have played by a different set of rules and when questioned about it basically have told everybody inquiring about what they did to go eff themselves.

A few posts ahead of this Forever brings up a very good point. When it comes to NATIONAL ELECTIONS, maybe there should be nationwide standards as to how these elections are conducted and who should have oversight of them. IMO this woman in Broward County is not competent enough to handle the job. Under her leadership elections in her county have become the laughing stock of the nation. That is only my opinion. The folks there elected her and if this kind of stupidity and incompetence is okay with them.. then that is what it is. Why these folks don't have higher standards of their election officials is beyond me. It was either a case of complete and utter incompetence or it was some people just playing games with the vote totals. If the folks in Broward county don't mind looking like complete fools then they should keep the status quo. Voting is not rocket science although they do everything in their power to prove otherwise. confused2
Yup, you're buying into the right-wing BS.

Interesting article in the Hill on why Gov. Scott hadn't previously replaced her. Could have, but did not.

She's indeed overseen some snafus, so it wasn't as if Scott couldn't have pulled her and replaced her if there actually had been something seriously wrong.

As some other commentary has noted, apparently the $ resources have been woefully inadequate for elections in that county.

https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4 ... -elections

Another one on Brenda Snipes' background. She actually has a pretty darn impressive educational and work history.
Note that she was appointed 15 years ago by Jeb Bush to replace a problematic Election supervisor, than has been reelected again and again and again.

https://www.ajc.com/news/who-brenda-sni ... TVgdsF7LI/

That said, I suspect this will prove to be her final cycle!

She did not make the problems. The real problems are out of her control, dollars, working / storage space, imposed process. This would be the finding of any outside consulting firm auditing the operation. The state needs to have a standard for voting and counting equipment across the state and look at their imposed process / mandates that are unfunded by the state.
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Re: 2018 Midterm Elections

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

foreverlax wrote:That is pretty much my view, which is why I found it really odd (actually a bit surprised) that one of my Trumper buddies fully supports the idea.
Gotta remember that throughout the past couple hundred years, including throughout Jim Crow and thereafter, "states rights" has overwhelmingly meant the right to discriminate in various ways as each state's majority of voters see fit, yet not violating the federal Constitution. This has been the key issue in the balance of power between the federal system and the individual states. That's where all the heat has been, whether about race or religion or sex or gender or anything else.
Our erstwhile resident troll spent an awful lot of effort trying to persuade us that the Dems were (and still are) the party of slavery and Jim Crow. True enough long ago.

However, their descendants are all Trumpists and power has gotten them all twisted up ideologically.

One the one hand, they want the power to discriminate as they wish (don't want no fed'l gubmint telling me who I need to sell my moonshine to" and on the other hand they're drunk with the moonshine Trump has been giving away free, the notion that if Their 'Strong Man' is in charge, they can tell everyone else what to do.

Including to discriminate as Trumpists think best. Who needs "states rights" if you control the federal government and can tell everyone else what to do?
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Re: 2018 Midterm Elections

Post by foreverlax »

The more you read about how elections are managed across the country the more I could get behind federal standards.

Once .gov requires a photo i.d., the resources will be spent getting folks set up...go to the mall every year at XMAS time, fill out the forms and your ID will be mailed to your residence. Easy...
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Re: 2018 Midterm Elections

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:
MDlaxfan76 wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:
MDlaxfan76 wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:My narrative is that these people keep shooting themselves in the foot in these 2 counties when it comes to counting votes in a timely manner as prescribed by Florida law. It is not like this is the first time this has happened. Here my little corner of the world in upstate NY they had problems with the voting machines. Miracle of miracles they had all the votes counted by Wednesday morning at 100% No recounts, no accusations of any hanky panky going on. Florida will have a recount. I hope they get it right this time. Then if they don't... they can count them again and again and again until maybe they count every person that voted. I only hope that when it is all said and done that they get it right. Who knows... maybe in 2020 these dimwits will get it straightened out. I doubt it but miracles can happen. Certain parts of Florida are going out of their way to prove that the simple act of voting and counting votes really is rocket science. bang1
How many people live in your county and was the race within 0.5%. There is an automatic recount law. The people in Florida are following it....

What is a bit amazing is all this panicked hard wringing... over actually counting the votes that have been cast.

The election is super close and there's an automatic recount ...state law.

Of course it should be done carefully, by the book, and with sufficient transparency that the results can be clearly certified, however they turn out.

But apparently there's an automatic suspicion, by Republicans, that "fraud" is being committed...because these large, populous counties happen to be more Democratic than not. Of course, I suspect we'd hear the same sort of unfounded accusations from Dems if the shoe was on the other foot.

But the slinging around of unfounded claims is incredibly damaging to trust in the integrity of our system. Putin is chortling, undoubtedly.
The suspicion comes in to play when this same sort of incompetence takes place in national elections every 2 years. Given the debacle of 2000 you would think these people in charge of elections in these 2 counties would have figured out how to do it by now. I suppose step number one is follow state election laws to the letter. To be fair a bunch of you folks out there are suspicious about what Trump may have done with the Russians. In Florida a bunch of folks are suspicious when it appears the rules everybody else followed seem to be if not ignored then certainly stretched to the limit. At the end of the day all legal votes should be counted. Also at the end of the day counting all legal votes should not be rocket science. Maybe at long last the folks in these 2 counties can finally find a way to get their act together and get this insurmountable task done on time, like all the other counties in Florida. :roll:
cradle, I think it's perfectly reasonable to be concerned, and to express a concern, about the integrity of the process. And to insist upon oversight.

The oversight is actually happening.
But surprise, surprise, the GOP Florida folks responsible for the oversight have said there's actually no evidence of any wrongdoing.

And yet...and here's the key fact: the GOP pols, Trump, Scott, and originally Rubio...and numerous Fox blowhards etc... are all running their mouths with accusations of FRAUD based on ...no evidence at all.

And sadly, many in the Trumpist GOP are just parroting this line of BS. As I said, Putin is chortling.[/quote

]But surprise, surprise, the GOP Florida folks responsible for the oversight have said there's actually no evidence of any wrongdoing

What the heck are you talking about? In Broward and Palm Beach County the republicans are howling mad about how the vote count was done. For goodness sakes they are suing them because of what they claim to be improprieties in how the votes were counted and the fact that the election officials in Broward County did not report results in a timely manner as required by Florida law. I don't know who is right or who is wrong but my main point that you seem to want to ignore is that 65 counties in Florida obeyed the law to the best of their ability. Two other counties appeared to have played by a different set of rules and when questioned about it basically have told everybody inquiring about what they did to go eff themselves.

A few posts ahead of this Forever brings up a very good point. When it comes to NATIONAL ELECTIONS, maybe there should be nationwide standards as to how these elections are conducted and who should have oversight of them. IMO this woman in Broward County is not competent enough to handle the job. Under her leadership elections in her county have become the laughing stock of the nation. That is only my opinion. The folks there elected her and if this kind of stupidity and incompetence is okay with them.. then that is what it is. Why these folks don't have higher standards of their election officials is beyond me. It was either a case of complete and utter incompetence or it was some people just playing games with the vote totals. If the folks in Broward county don't mind looking like complete fools then they should keep the status quo. Voting is not rocket science although they do everything in their power to prove otherwise. confused2
Yup, you're buying into the right-wing BS.

Interesting article in the Hill on why Gov. Scott hadn't previously replaced her. Could have, but did not.

She's indeed overseen some snafus, so it wasn't as if Scott couldn't have pulled her and replaced her if there actually had been something seriously wrong.

As some other commentary has noted, apparently the $ resources have been woefully inadequate for elections in that county.

https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4 ... -elections

Another one on Brenda Snipes' background. She actually has a pretty darn impressive educational and work history.
Note that she was appointed 15 years ago by Jeb Bush to replace a problematic Election supervisor, than has been reelected again and again and again.

https://www.ajc.com/news/who-brenda-sni ... TVgdsF7LI/

That said, I suspect this will prove to be her final cycle!
I am intelligent enough not to be buffaloed by any right wing or left wing bs1 After 2000 there should have been no reason for these keystone kops in Broward County to keep making a mockery out of voting in the state of Florida. There are rules and apparently these imbeciles don't understand what the rules are or how they apply to the residents of Broward County. When you are the worst of the worst at running elections in your state someone should hold you accountable. Ms Snipes for her "darn impressive" resume is a nitwit when it comes to counting ballots and following the rules of her state. Maybe she has the best of intentions... that has to count for something.
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Re: 2018 Midterm Elections

Post by Trinity »

The deadline to count absentee and military vote in Fla is Nov 16. Sorry. I didn’t set these rules. Red Tide Rick is the boss here.
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Re: 2018 Midterm Elections

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote:
foreverlax wrote:That is pretty much my view, which is why I found it really odd (actually a bit surprised) that one of my Trumper buddies fully supports the idea.
Gotta remember that throughout the past couple hundred years, including throughout Jim Crow and thereafter, "states rights" has overwhelmingly meant the right to discriminate in various ways as each state's majority of voters see fit, yet not violating the federal Constitution. This has been the key issue in the balance of power between the federal system and the individual states. That's where all the heat has been, whether about race or religion or sex or gender or anything else.
Our erstwhile resident troll spent an awful lot of effort trying to persuade us that the Dems were (and still are) the party of slavery and Jim Crow. True enough long ago.

However, their descendants are all Trumpists and power has gotten them all twisted up ideologically.

One the one hand, they want the power to discriminate as they wish (don't want no fed'l gubmint telling me who I need to sell my moonshine to" and on the other hand they're drunk with the moonshine Trump has been giving away free, the notion that if Their 'Strong Man' is in charge, they can tell everyone else what to do.

Including to discriminate as Trumpists think best. Who needs "states rights" if you control the federal government and can tell everyone else what to do?
If you are a CDL licensed truck driver you don't operate under "states rights" in the state you live in. You play by the rules of the DOT and they over rule whatever your state wants. You want to smoke weed in Colorado don't pee dirty in a random drug test. You go tell the folks at the DOT that weed is legal in Colorado. They will not so politely tell you to eff off and surrender your license and lose your job. How that relates to our elections, what is the problem with all 50 states being held to a certain set of standards as to how you can vote for candidates in your state for FEDERAL office? That is not telling them how to run their elections it is giving a clear set of guidelines as to how this voting will work. This is the kind of sheet that our government loves to do. Give out rules and make sure they are applied equally in every state. It works for regulating truckers it should work for making all elections for federal government done on a level playing field. That still leaves every state to foul up their local elections to their hearts content.
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Re: 2018 Midterm Elections

Post by holmes435 »

cradleandshoot wrote: If you are a CDL licensed truck driver you don't operate under "states rights" in the state you live in. You play by the rules of the DOT and they over rule whatever your state wants. You want to smoke weed in Colorado don't pee dirty in a random drug test. You go tell the folks at the DOT that weed is legal in Colorado. They will not so politely tell you to eff off and surrender your license and lose your job. How that relates to our elections, what is the problem with all 50 states being held to a certain set of standards as to how you can vote for candidates in your state for FEDERAL office? That is not telling them how to run their elections it is giving a clear set of guidelines as to how this voting will work. This is the kind of sheet that our government loves to do. Give out rules and make sure they are applied equally in every state. It works for regulating truckers it should work for making all elections for federal government done on a level playing field. That still leaves every state to foul up their local elections to their hearts content.
Except CDLs are issued by states and they all have different tests. In fact here's a thread going over the easiest state to get a CDL in - https://www.thetruckersreport.com/truck ... dl.288401/

Because of the prevalence of trucking (and regular driving), states generally recognize licenses from all other states, but you're expected follow the rules of the roads of the states (or counties or municipalities) you're driving in. Kind of similar to a number of concealed carry permit states recognizing licenses from other states.

There is a lot more to it because of interstate commerce and weed being illegal federally, but it's not as federally regulated as it may seem on the outside.
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Re: 2018 Midterm Elections

Post by dislaxxic »

Meanwhile in Arizona, Sinema confirmed...another Dem flip. :shock:

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Re: 2018 Midterm Elections

Post by jhu72 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote:
foreverlax wrote:That is pretty much my view, which is why I found it really odd (actually a bit surprised) that one of my Trumper buddies fully supports the idea.
Gotta remember that throughout the past couple hundred years, including throughout Jim Crow and thereafter, "states rights" has overwhelmingly meant the right to discriminate in various ways as each state's majority of voters see fit, yet not violating the federal Constitution. This has been the key issue in the balance of power between the federal system and the individual states. That's where all the heat has been, whether about race or religion or sex or gender or anything else.
Our erstwhile resident troll spent an awful lot of effort trying to persuade us that the Dems were (and still are) the party of slavery and Jim Crow. True enough long ago.

However, their descendants are all Trumpists and power has gotten them all twisted up ideologically.

One the one hand, they want the power to discriminate as they wish (don't want no fed'l gubmint telling me who I need to sell my moonshine to" and on the other hand they're drunk with the moonshine Trump has been giving away free, the notion that if Their 'Strong Man' is in charge, they can tell everyone else what to do.

Including to discriminate as Trumpists think best. Who needs "states rights" if you control the federal government and can tell everyone else what to do?

Yup, long ago, more than 45 years ago! It all ended at about the time of Lee Atwater and his "dog whistle". Funny thing, Atwater and friends had a game plan, a strategy, much like Trump's "to hell with dog whistles, just say it out right" campaign. They didn't think the country would abide such a campaign and decided to go with "dog whistles" instead. In retrospect, Atwater and friends were likely wrong! Roger Stone was one of the "young" friends at the time. Did Trump think of this himself, or was a more experienced operative the father??
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