The Nation's Financial Condition

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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by CU88 »

How many jobs will be lost in March or April?

Is 1,000,000 possible for one month?
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by a fan »

That's on the light side. Most bars and restaurants are closed, or will be closed this week. Denver is closed for two months. Colorado has ~250,000 in the food service industry. And remember....this will hit the supply chain workers. And all of these people buy things like cars and TV's.

Do the math. It will be in the millions. It's stunning to me that our leaders, pundits, and policy wonks are so stupid that they didn't see this coming a month ago.... and the shut down JUST STARTED. Check back in a month.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by 6ftstick »

CU88 wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 1:46 pm
6ftstick wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 12:13 pm
CU88 wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 10:36 am
calourie wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 10:26 am How's that old hoaxy thing working out for you now, Mr. President. This is less a financial crisis (though the financial impact and recession will be severe) than a leadership one. Trump has managed to end up surrounding himself with so many sycophantic yes men that he has been and will likely continue to be unable to catch up from a message standpoint with what the markets need to calm things down. If I hear one more, "Mr.President, you have done an amazing job confronting this crisis" or "Handshakes don't spread the disease" from Pence I'm going to jump up out of my seat and sledgehammer my TV. At this time we need coherent national leadership to give us hope that we can slow down the spread of this disease in our country, something which Trump appears almost psychologically able to give. They have done so with draconian, communist measures in China as well as civic awareness and effective testing and isolating in democratic South Korea. Trump and his team need to acknowledge that under his watch we have fallen dangerously behind in our efforts to address and then stem the spread of this disease, but that they will now do all that they can to promote steps ( words and actions) to remedy that situation. I seriously doubt he is capable of making such an admission.
You are 100% right.

I normally don't catch the live broadcast of White House"briefings", but over this past week I have seen a couple. Just Brutal. o d is not capable of being positive or reassuring. Any other POTUS could sit down and provide capable Leadership, he can't. The lack of trust, due to his nature to constantly LIE, now prevents citizens and businesses to believe anything he says. Those 5 minutes of him at the corona virus briefing yesterday were DEPLORABLE. I was yelling at the TV, "Just tell the truth!"

Right now it is NOT "The Economy Stupid". People want to hear the IMPOTUS tell us the TRUTH about COVID-19.

And he can't...
Thursdays presser he introduces the CEO's of companies across multiple critical market segments who have been working with him and his administration behind the scenes for weeks. He's a dunce and a buffoon!

Next presser he Introduces the key staff rom CDC and NIH who developed, created and are bringing to the crisis in real time new testing useable across all fronts in this battle. Then knowing the contempt and ill will rampant among the press in the room takes a back seat and lets the information flow from the experts. What a maroon!

Keep in mind when Obama issued his national emergency on H1 N1 1000 Americans had already died.

Fewer then 60 when Trump took the same action.
LOL, you need to take a walk. He did NOTHING to calm the nation down concerning the Pandemic. NOTHING.

We must have watched different updates from the WH, or you have your head so far up o d @$$ that you don’t understand what your hero said yesterday. Here is a transcript and video:

Donald Trump: (00:06)
Beautiful day outside. And then I think we have some great things to talk about. I’ll start by discussing the Federal Reserve. As you know, it just happened minutes ago, but to me it makes me very happy. And I want to congratulate the Federal Reserve. For starters, they’ve lowered the fed rate from what it was, which was one to 1.25. And it’s been lowered down to zero to 0.25 or 0.25. So it’s zero to .25 that’s a big difference. It’s a quite a bit, about a point.

Donald Trump: (00:47)
And in addition, very importantly, the Federal Reserve going to be purchasing $500 billion of treasuries and $200 billion of mortgage backed securities. And that number can increase, but they’re going to start with that and that’s really good news. It’s really great for our country. It’s something that we’re very happy, I have to say this. I’m very happy and they did it in one step. They didn’t do it in four steps over a long period of time. They did it on one step.

Donald Trump: (01:18)
And I think that people in the market should be very thrilled. And that brings us, we’re the strongest country in the world by far financially and every other way. And that brings us in line with what other countries are. They actually have negative rates, but look, we got it down to potentially zero. So that’s a big step and I’m very happy they did it.

Donald Trump: (01:43)
And you will not hear anything bad about me unless it’s about a month or two from now. So I congratulate the Federal Reserve. I think it’s terrific. Just came out just as we spoke, I wasn’t going to mention Federal Reserve or anything else, but this came out as we were walking up.

Donald Trump: (01:58)
I want to thank the people at Google and Google communications because as you know, they substantiated what I said on Friday. The head of Google, who’s a great gentleman, called us and he apologized. I don’t know where the press got their fake news, but they got it someplace. But as you know, this is from Google. They put out a release and you guys can figure it out yourselves. And how that got out, and I’m sure you’ll apologize. But it would be great if we could really give the news correctly. It would be so, so wonderful.

Donald Trump: (02:32)
I just had a phone call with very impressive people, the biggest in the world, in the world of stores and groceries and all. And I’ll give you the names Dave Clark, Whole Foods. Mark Clouse, CEO of Campbell Soup Company. Brian Cornell, CEO of Target, Randy Edeker, Chairman and CEO, President of Hy-Vee, Jeff Haremning, CEO of General Mills, great company. Kevin Birkin President, CEO of Sysco. Craig Jelinek, CEO of Costco. Todd Jones, CEO of Publix Supermarkets, Donnie King Tyson Foods. David MacLennan, Chairman and CEO of Cargill. Rodney McMillan, CEO, Chairman of Kroger, big company. Doug McMillan, CEO of Walmart. He’s been fantastic. Doug was here, as you know, on Friday and he watched the market go up 2000 points on Friday. It went up 2000 almost 2000 points. Todd Vasos, CEO of Dollar General Corporation, and Vivek San Quran, President and CEO of Albertson’s.

Donald Trump: (04:03)
So these are all phenomenal companies. He’s a great companies. We had a long conversation with them and they’re going to work 24 hours around the clock, keeping their store stocked. I would like to say that people shouldn’t go out and buy. We’re going to all be great. We’re going to be so good. We’re going to do, what’s happened with the fed is phenomenal news. What’s happening with all of these incredible companies is phenomenal news. But you don’t have to buy so much. Take it easy. Just relax. People are going in and they’re buying more. I remember, I guess during the conversation, Doug of Walmart said that they buying more than they buy a Christmas. Relax, we’re doing great. It all will pass.

Donald Trump: (04:47)
The folks that we spoke to, they’ve done a fantastic job. They’re going to meet the needs of the public. They’re going round the clock if they have to and they’re committed to the communities where they’re serving and which they serve so beautifully and have for a long time. And they’re buying a lot of additional things to sell. But again, they actually have asked me to say, “Could you buy a little bit less please?” I thought I’d never hear that from a retailer. All of them are working hand in hand with the Federal Government as well as the state and local leaders to ensure food and essentials are constantly available. And they’ll do it. There’s no shortages. We have no shortages other than people are buying anywhere from three to five times what they would normally buy.

Donald Trump: (05:31)
It’s going to be there for a long time. We’re doing numbers and there’s a pent up demand that’s incredible. When this passes, when this goes through, you’re going to see numbers. I think, I predict, I guess I’m allowed to predict just like Wall Street people are allowed to predict and they’re pretty much in agreement. You’re going to see there’s a pent up demand like a lot of people including me haven’t seen before. But this has to get through.

Donald Trump: (05:57)
They know they’re getting through the crisis and will require an all of America approach and that’s very important. They’re committed to remaining open during this crisis. Totally open. They have to stay open. Those doors have to stay open. They supply our country. Our supply chains in America, the most powerful in the world, and they’re all working very hard. They’re working around the clock and the stores are stocking up at a level that’s beyond Christmas time. And it’s great. It was very reassuring speaking to these people. They have a totally in hand.

Donald Trump: (06:28)
There’s no need for anybody in the country to hoard essential food supplies. They said to me, “Could you please tell them just go and buy. Enjoy it, have a nice dinner, relax because there’s plenty.” You don’t have to buy the quantities because it’s hard to refill the stores on a basis as rapid as they’re refilling them.

Donald Trump: (06:50)
And we are using the full power of the Federal Government to defeat the coronavirus. And we will do whatever it takes and we’re doing, I think really, really well. A lot of good things are going to happen. I want to thank all of the people standing behind me. These are phenomenal people and we have some of them right over here. But the people behind me have been working around the clock and they’re doing an incredible job.

Donald Trump: (07:18)
We see what’s happening. We see what’s going on in other countries. We’re learning from watching other countries, frankly. This is a very contagious virus. It’s incredible, but it’s something that we have a tremendous control of. I think very important the young people, people of good health and groups of people just are not strongly affected. Elderly people that are not well or not well in certain respects are a really a very dangerous group. We have to watch them, we have to protect them very much. We have to really watch over them and protect them because they are very vulnerable. And with that if it’s okay I’m just going to go and make some calls. I’m talking about Federal Reserve. I think it’s a tremendous thing that took place just now. I didn’t know I would be surprised on a Sunday. I don’t know if that’s ever happened on a Sunday before, but I would think there are a lot of people on Wall Street that are very happy. And I can tell you that I’m very happy. I didn’t expect this and I like being surprised. So our Vice President who is doing an incredible job is going to take over and I will see you probably tomorrow.

Donald Trump: (08:26)
Thank you you very much.

Did you see the body language of those around him as he talked? How awkward! And as for the presentation, they had 3 times as many people as they needed, but they wanted to put on a show for idiots. Their own advice is to stand 6 foot away from another person, they were all standing shoulder to shoulder.

DEPLORABLE, but maybe you have a secret r decoder ring that can translate the above garbully gook your hero spewed?
FDR said "All we have to fear is fear itself" on March 4 1933. The Depression continued for 6 more years. One man can't turn the tide of a global pandemic but he can put in position the minds teams and talent that can accomplish it.

18,000 americans died from H1 N1 during the O'Biden Bama administration. You never said a fn word.

Despicable—the lefts reaction to anything and everything Trump. Keep fanning the panic flames. Keep shouting fire in a crowded theater.
So now you don't just ridicule Trump but everyone he's assembled to fight the virus.

Maybe you Doc Barrister should solve the problem. No one else on the planet has your brainpower.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by CU88 »

So no secret decoder ring???
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by 6ftstick »

CU88 wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 2:46 pm So no secret decoder ring???
So where was your coronavirus pissing and moaning in January. Oh that's right you were busy cheering on the Trump impeachment.

Trump was closing the borders and putting people in place to fight the disease.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by 6ftstick »

CU88 wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 2:46 pm So no secret decoder ring???
I understood everything he was saying and doing. You're just toooooooo intelligent.

Like I said step forward and solve the coronavirus thing. That would show off your super intelligence bigly.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by CU88 »

A running list of Trump quotes regarding coronavirus:

January 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.”
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by 6ftstick »

So Doc did you bleat even a little when O'Biden Bama inaction let 18,000 Americans die of H1 N1?

I'm sure you agree with the left that this should be called the Trumpvirus.

Did you think H1 N1 should've been called the Obamavirus?
Last edited by 6ftstick on Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by 6ftstick »

CU88 wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 2:58 pm A running list of Trump quotes regarding coronavirus:

January 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.”
Again. So where was your coronavirus pissing and moaning in January. Oh that's right you were busy cheering on the Trump impeachment.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by Matnum PI »

Cheering on the impeachment of Trump so we wouldn't be in the situation we are in right now...
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by 6ftstick »

Matnum PI wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:34 pm Cheering on the impeachment of Trump so we wouldn't be in the situation we are in right now...
So another individual would have changed the situation. But Thanks for defending me.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by Matnum PI »

Correct. If there was a POTUS who respected the opinions of scientists (instead of gutting the administration of people who were experts about viruses and how to manage a situation of this ilk) which has been the vast majority of POTUSs in modern history, we would be managing this situation, then and now, substantially better.

And to bring the discussion back to $, holy crow did this administration mess up...
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by 3rdPersonPlural »

6ftstick wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:43 pm
Matnum PI wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:34 pm Cheering on the impeachment of Trump so we wouldn't be in the situation we are in right now...
So another individual would have changed the situation.
Yeah, we would have had the Trump > Pence transition handling the issue. That would have been an even bigger clusterfrack.

A coherent WH comfortable with science and focused on the national interest rather than stunts to garner cheers from 'the base' would have been nice.

My Facebook friends who support Trump are still re-posting stuff from the right wing media that accredit this whole mess to a collusion between the Chinese Communists and the Socialists on our left. Apparently, Democrats will sacrifice lives to embarrass the Donald, and it's worked! We'll figure out this is a Democrat Hoax that has now gone wrong sooner or later, and there'll be supporters waiting to cheer the Donald when he wins yet again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by 6ftstick »

Matnum PI wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:48 pm Correct. If there was a POTUS who respected the opinions of scientists (instead of gutting the administration of people who were experts about viruses and how to manage a situation of this ilk) which has been the vast majority of POTUSs in modern history, we would be managing this situation, then and now, substantially better.

And to bring the discussion back to $, holy crow did this administration mess up...
The position in the white house was eliminated but responsibilities and accountabilities were spread amongst the rest of the task force that are still there. Not sure how a single individual would make the kind of difference you're talking about
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by 6ftstick »

Matnum PI wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:48 pm Correct. If there was a POTUS who respected the opinions of scientists (instead of gutting the administration of people who were experts about viruses and how to manage a situation of this ilk) which has been the vast majority of POTUSs in modern history, we would be managing this situation, then and now, substantially better.

And to bring the discussion back to $, holy crow did this administration mess up...
So how do you come down on the Obama administration loosing 18,000 people and not declaring a national emergency till 1000 american had already died from H1 N1.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by 3rdPersonPlural »

6ftstick wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:54 pm
Matnum PI wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:48 pm Correct. If there was a POTUS who respected the opinions of scientists (instead of gutting the administration of people who were experts about viruses and how to manage a situation of this ilk) which has been the vast majority of POTUSs in modern history, we would be managing this situation, then and now, substantially better.

And to bring the discussion back to $, holy crow did this administration mess up...
The position in the white house was eliminated but responsibilities and accountabilities were spread amongst the rest of the task force that are still there. Not sure how a single individual would make the kind of difference you're talking about
Who on the triage team was scheduled into the Oval before mid January? Who was even in the White House, or showing up on the WH call records, before Christmas?

Trump handled this as a political stunt until he couldn't anymore, stix. It's re-election season, and Trump sees himself as a political animal.

He couldn't let his flanks sag. He did what he thought was best. Now we see that that decision was really, really wrong.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by 6ftstick »

3rdPersonPlural wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:53 pm
6ftstick wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:43 pm
Matnum PI wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:34 pm Cheering on the impeachment of Trump so we wouldn't be in the situation we are in right now...
So another individual would have changed the situation.
Yeah, we would have had the Trump > Pence transition handling the issue. That would have been an even bigger clusterfrack.

A coherent WH comfortable with science and focused on the national interest rather than stunts to garner cheers from 'the base' would have been nice.

My Facebook friends who support Trump are still re-posting stuff from the right wing media that accredit this whole mess to a collusion between the Chinese Communists and the Socialists on our left. Apparently, Democrats will sacrifice lives to embarrass the Donald, and it's worked! We'll figure out this is a Democrat Hoax that has now gone wrong sooner or later, and there'll be supporters waiting to cheer the Donald when he wins yet again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So new trade deals, deregulation, tax cuts, eliminating ISIS etc are nothing but stunts?
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by 6ftstick »

3rdPersonPlural wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:00 pm
6ftstick wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:54 pm
Matnum PI wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:48 pm Correct. If there was a POTUS who respected the opinions of scientists (instead of gutting the administration of people who were experts about viruses and how to manage a situation of this ilk) which has been the vast majority of POTUSs in modern history, we would be managing this situation, then and now, substantially better.

And to bring the discussion back to $, holy crow did this administration mess up...
The position in the white house was eliminated but responsibilities and accountabilities were spread amongst the rest of the task force that are still there. Not sure how a single individual would make the kind of difference you're talking about
Who on the triage team was scheduled into the Oval before mid January? Who was even in the White House, or showing up on the WH call records, before Christmas?

Trump handled this as a political stunt until he couldn't anymore, stix. It's re-election season, and Trump sees himself as a political animal.

He couldn't let his flanks sag. He did what he thought was best. Now we see that that decision was really, really wrong.
Only 61 deaths 40% of those in one location. The country is basically locked down and travel into the country restricted—Really Really Wrong?
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by Matnum PI »

6ftstick wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:58 pmSo how do you come down on the Obama administration loosing 18,000 people and not declaring a national emergency till 1000 american had already died from H1 N1.
That's nonsense.

Via the NY Times: "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identified the first case of the virus on April 14, 2009. The Obama administration declared swine flu a public health emergency on April 26. The Food and Drug Administration approved a rapid test for the virus two days later. At the time, the C.D.C. had reported 64 cases and zero deaths. The C.D.C. began shipping test kits to public health laboratories on May 1 (at 141 cases and one death) and a second test was approved in July. From May to September 2009, the agency shipped more than 1,000 kits, each one able to test 1,000 specimens."
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by Trinity »

We’ve never seen such bungling and malfeasance. He says we were surprised by this a month ago. He was first briefed in December.
Last edited by Trinity on Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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