All things Chinese CoronaVirus

The odds are excellent that you will leave this forum hating someone.

How many of your friends and family members have died of the Chinese Corona Virus?

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3 people.
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All things Chinese CoronaVirus

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Protect yourself with (duh!) good hygene and social distancing: ... 01500.html

Don't go to China: ... reads.html

Potential Global Impact: ... -outbreak/
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by youthathletics »

I see the Chinese have decided to impose sanctions on us by inserting a virus into our economy.

A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Kismet »

Trump Administration DOPEarama

"Secretary Wilbur Ross says coronavirus will be good for [checks notes] American jobs: "I think it will help to accelerate the return of jobs to North America.""

Gives me great confidence they are up to the job or dealing with a global health emergency.

Their focus is still on $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and nothing else.

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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by youthathletics »

I just heard on the radio this morning from a JHU Hospital spokesman that there were no known cases in Maryland....yet I believe I saw some news reports that there were 3.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Kismet »

6 reported cases none in MD. 2 in IL, 2 in CA, 1 each in WA and AZ - all from people who were initially infected in China except the husband of the woman in IL who contracted the disease in China and transmitted it to her spouse in IL while symptomatic.
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All things Corona Virus

Post by old salt »

This might really develop into a big deal.
Can China contain this & cope with it ?
Potential strategic implications ?
Uncontained, could decimate China & contiguous nations.
VDH has some thoughts :
The Cult of West Shaming

If the West is guilty of carbon crimes, racism, and bigotry, what are China and Iran? Woke elites prefer not to say.
An ancient habit of Western elites is a certain selectivity in condemnation.

Sometimes Westerners apply critical standards to the West that they would never apply to other nations.

My colleague at the Hoover Institution, historian Niall Ferguson, has pointed out that Swedish green-teen celebrity Greta Thunberg might be more effective in her advocacy for reducing carbon emissions by redirecting her animus. Instead of hectoring Europeans and Americans, who have recently achieved the planet’s most dramatic drops in the use of fossil fuels, Thunberg might instead turn her attention to China and India to offer her “how dare you” complaints to get their leaders to curb carbon dioxide emissions.

Whether the world continues to spew dangerous levels of carbon dioxide will depend largely on policies in China and India. After all, these two countries account for over a third of the global population and continue to grow their coal-based industries.

In the late 1950s, many elites in the United States bought the Soviet Union’s line that the march of global Communism would “bury” the West. Then, as Soviet power eroded in the 1980s, Japan Inc. and its ascendant model of state-sponsored industry became the preferred alternative to Western-style democratic capitalism.

Once Japan’s economy ossified, the new utopia of the 1990s was supposedly the emerging European Union. Americans were supposed to be awed that the euro gained ground on the dollar. Europe’s borderless democratic socialism and its “soft power” were declared preferable to the reactionary United States

By 2015, the EU was a mess, so China was preordained as the inevitable global superpower. American intellectuals pointed to its high-speed rail transportation, solar industries, and gleaming airports, in contrast to the hollowed-out and grubby American heartland.

Now the curtain has been pulled back on the interior rot of the Chinese Communist Party, its gulag-like reeducation camps, its systematic mercantile cheating, its Orwellian surveillance apparatus, its serial public-health crises, and its primitive hinterland infrastructure.

After the calcification of the Soviet Union, Japan Inc., the EU, and the Chinese superpower, no one quite knows which alternative will next supposedly bury America.

The U.S. and Europe are often quite critical of violence against women, minorities, and gays. The European Union, for example, has often singled out Israel for its supposed mistreatment of Palestinians in the West Bank.

Yet if the purpose of Western human-rights activism is to curb global bias and hate, then it would be far more cost-effective to concentrate on the greatest offenders.

China is currently detaining about a million Muslim Uighurs in reeducation camps. Yet activist groups aren’t calling for divestment, boycotts, and sanctions against Beijing in the same way they target Israel.

Homosexuality is a capital crime in Iran. Scores of Iranian gays reportedly have been incarcerated and thousands executed under theocratic law since the fall of the Shah in 1979. Yet rarely do Western activist groups call for global ostracism of Iran.

Don’t look to the United Nations Human Rights Council for any meaningful condemnation of worldwide prejudice and hatred, although it is a frequent critic of both the U.S. and Israel.

Many of the 47 member nations of the Human Rights Council are habitual violators of human rights. In 2017, nine member nations persecuted citizens who were actively working to implement U.N. standards of human rights.

There are many reasons for Westerners’ selective outrage and pessimism toward their own culture. Cowardice explains some of the asymmetry. Blasting tiny democratic Israel will not result in any retaliation. Taking on a powerful China or a murderous Iran could earn retribution.

Guilt also explains some of the selectivity. European nations are still blamed for 19th-century colonialism and imperialism. They will always seek absolution, as the citizens of former colonial and Third World nations act like perpetual victims — even well into the postmodern 21st century.

Virtual-signaling is increasingly common. Western elites often harangue about misdemeanors when they cannot address felonies — a strange sort of psychological penance that excuses their impotence.

It is much easier for the city of Berkeley to ban clean-burning, U.S.-produced natural gas in newly constructed buildings than it is to outlaw far dirtier crude oil from Saudi Arabia. Currently, the sexist, homophobic, autocratic Saudis are the largest source of imported oil in California, sending the state some 100 million barrels per year, without which thousands of Berkeley motorists could not get to work. Apparently, outlawing clean, domestic natural gas allows one to justify importing unclean Saudi oil.

Western elites are perpetually aggrieved. But the next time they direct their lectures at a particular target, consider the source and motivation of their outrage.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by holmes435 »

old salt wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2020 8:39 pm This might really develop into a big deal.
Can China contain this & cope with it ?
Potential strategic implications ?
Uncontained, could decimate China & contiguous nations.
VDH has some thoughts :
The Cult of West Shaming
This is how I know you aren't following a wide range of media outlets. I see daily newspaper, magazine and other outlet posts and constant stories about the Chinese concentration camps. Especially with the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, there are constant calls to hold China accountable. With all the rabble rousing about China's trade policy in the White House, there is absolutely no concern about their human rights abuses. I see tons of support for the Iranian protests, and concern for the Iranian citizens. Your article doesn't mention the Iraq protests, but they're in there too.

The "woke elites" are complaining about everything and trying to do something, but you just don't see it due to your media bubble.

The "woke right" isn't complaining and isn't doing anything except criticizing the left and moderates. Inaction speaks louder than words.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by seacoaster »

holmes435 wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2020 11:29 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2020 8:39 pm This might really develop into a big deal.
Can China contain this & cope with it ?
Potential strategic implications ?
Uncontained, could decimate China & contiguous nations.
VDH has some thoughts :
The Cult of West Shaming
This is how I know you aren't following a wide range of media outlets. I see daily newspaper, magazine and other outlet posts and constant stories about the Chinese concentration camps. Especially with the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, there are constant calls to hold China accountable. With all the rabble rousing about China's trade policy in the White House, there is absolutely no concern about their human rights abuses. I see tons of support for the Iranian protests, and concern for the Iranian citizens. Your article doesn't mention the Iraq protests, but they're in there too.

The "woke elites" are complaining about everything and trying to do something, but you just don't see it due to your media bubble.

The "woke right" isn't complaining and isn't doing anything except criticizing the left and moderates. Inaction speaks louder than words.
I had the same reaction to VDH's assertion that "woke elites" throw shade on China's authoritarian regime. Every article and thought starts from a premise that "the left," whatever the faux Professor thinks that means, only the right sees the world in all of its clarity and honesty. Silly.

Here's a more balanced view published by a reputable source: ... nment.html

"China’s leaders sometimes seem 10 feet tall, presiding over a political and economic juggernaut that has founded universities at a rate of one a week and that recently used more cement in three years than the United States did in the entire 20th century.

President Trump has hailed China’s president, Xi Jinping, as a “brilliant leader,” and Michael Bloomberg says Xi is “not a dictator.” But we’re now seeing the dangers of Xi’s authoritarian model, for China and the world.

The first known coronavirus infection in the city of Wuhan presented symptoms beginning on Dec. 1, and by late December there was alarm in Wuhan’s medical circles. That would have been the moment for the authorities to act decisively.

And act decisively they did — not against the virus, but against whistle-blowers who were trying to call attention to the public health threat. A doctor who told a WeChat group about the virus was disciplined by the Communist Party and forced to admit wrongdoing. The police reported giving “education” and “criticism” to eight front-line doctors for “rumormongering” about the epidemic; instead of punishing these doctors, Xi should have listened to them.

China informed the World Health Organization of the virus on Dec. 31 but kept its own citizens in the dark; as other countries reported infections even as China pretended that it had confined the outbreak to Wuhan, Chinese joked grimly about a “patriotic” virus that only struck foreigners.

Wuhan’s mayor said he wasn’t authorized to discuss the virus until late this month. In that time, people traveled to and from Wuhan and didn’t take precautions.

The government finally ordered a lockdown on Jan. 23 that effectively quarantined people in Wuhan. But by then, according to the mayor, five million people had already fled the city.

Partly because the government covered up the epidemic in the early stages, hospitals were not able to gather supplies, and there are now major shortages of testing kits, masks and protective gear. Some doctors were reduced to making goggles out of plastic folders.

One reason for the early cover-up is that Xi’s China has systematically gutted institutions like journalism, social media, nongovernmental organizations, the legal profession and others that might provide accountability. These institutions were never very robust in China, but on and off they were tolerated until Xi came along.

I conducted a series of experiments on Chinese blogs over the years beginning in 2003 and was sometimes surprised by what I could get away with — but no longer. Xi has dragged China backward in terms of civil society, crushing almost every wisp of freedom and oversight.

For the same reason that Xi’s increasingly authoritarian China bungled the coronavirus outbreak, it also mishandled a swine fever virus that since 2018 has devastated China’s hog industry and killed almost one-quarter of the world’s pigs.

Dictators often make poor decisions because they don’t get accurate information: When you squelch independent voices you end up getting just flattery and optimism from those around you. Senior Chinese officials have told me that they are routinely lied to on trips to meet local officials and must dispatch their drivers and secretaries to assess the truth and gauge the real mood.

For this or other reasons, Xi has made a series of mistakes. He mishandled and inflamed the political crisis in Hong Kong, he inadvertently assured the re-election of his nemesis as president of Taiwan, and he has presided over worsening relations with the United States and many other countries.

The coronavirus has already reached the Xinjiang region in the Far West of China, and one risk is that it will spread in the internment camps where China is confining about one million Muslims with poor sanitation and limited health care.

Viruses are challenges for any country, and it’s only fair to note that China does a better job protecting its people from measles than the U.S. does. It’s a credit to China’s system that a baby born in Beijing today has a longer life expectancy than a baby born in Washington, D.C. More broadly, the United States, which has several impoverished counties with lower life expectancy than Cambodia or Bangladesh, is in no position to lecture anyone about health.

But, with a dose of humility, let’s get over any misplaced admiration some Americans have for Xi’s authoritarian model.

The Chinese social contract has been that citizens will not get ballots but will live steadily better lives, yet China’s economy is now as weak as it has been in three decades — and the coronavirus will sap growth further. Xi is not living up to his end of the bargain, and this is seen in the anger emerging on Chinese social media despite the best efforts of censors.

I don’t know if Xi is in political trouble for his misrule, but he should be. He’s a preening dictator, and with this outbreak some citizens are paying a price."
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by »

Balanced view?
Or written by a fence sitter?
The second author sounds as scared to criticize China as the nba.
Last edited by on Fri Apr 16, 2021 12:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by seacoaster » wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2020 6:46 am Balanced view?
Or written by a fence sitter?
The second author sounds as scared to criticize China as the nba.
Yup, balanced view. Balance only seems like fence sitting to folks with an agenda. He criticizes the Chinese leader and leadership, and lays at it/his feet blame for the current ___demic.
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Re: All things Corona Virus

Post by jhu72 »

old salt wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2020 8:39 pm This might really develop into a big deal.
Can China contain this & cope with it ?
Potential strategic implications ?
Uncontained, could decimate China & contiguous nations.
VDH has some thoughts :
The Cult of West Shaming

If the West is guilty of carbon crimes, racism, and bigotry, what are China and Iran? Woke elites prefer not to say.
An ancient habit of Western elites is a certain selectivity in condemnation.

Sometimes Westerners apply critical standards to the West that they would never apply to other nations.

My colleague at the Hoover Institution, historian Niall Ferguson, has pointed out that Swedish green-teen celebrity Greta Thunberg might be more effective in her advocacy for reducing carbon emissions by redirecting her animus. Instead of hectoring Europeans and Americans, who have recently achieved the planet’s most dramatic drops in the use of fossil fuels, Thunberg might instead turn her attention to China and India to offer her “how dare you” complaints to get their leaders to curb carbon dioxide emissions.

Whether the world continues to spew dangerous levels of carbon dioxide will depend largely on policies in China and India. After all, these two countries account for over a third of the global population and continue to grow their coal-based industries.

In the late 1950s, many elites in the United States bought the Soviet Union’s line that the march of global Communism would “bury” the West. Then, as Soviet power eroded in the 1980s, Japan Inc. and its ascendant model of state-sponsored industry became the preferred alternative to Western-style democratic capitalism.

Once Japan’s economy ossified, the new utopia of the 1990s was supposedly the emerging European Union. Americans were supposed to be awed that the euro gained ground on the dollar. Europe’s borderless democratic socialism and its “soft power” were declared preferable to the reactionary United States

By 2015, the EU was a mess, so China was preordained as the inevitable global superpower. American intellectuals pointed to its high-speed rail transportation, solar industries, and gleaming airports, in contrast to the hollowed-out and grubby American heartland.

Now the curtain has been pulled back on the interior rot of the Chinese Communist Party, its gulag-like reeducation camps, its systematic mercantile cheating, its Orwellian surveillance apparatus, its serial public-health crises, and its primitive hinterland infrastructure.

After the calcification of the Soviet Union, Japan Inc., the EU, and the Chinese superpower, no one quite knows which alternative will next supposedly bury America.

The U.S. and Europe are often quite critical of violence against women, minorities, and gays. The European Union, for example, has often singled out Israel for its supposed mistreatment of Palestinians in the West Bank.

Yet if the purpose of Western human-rights activism is to curb global bias and hate, then it would be far more cost-effective to concentrate on the greatest offenders.

China is currently detaining about a million Muslim Uighurs in reeducation camps. Yet activist groups aren’t calling for divestment, boycotts, and sanctions against Beijing in the same way they target Israel.

Homosexuality is a capital crime in Iran. Scores of Iranian gays reportedly have been incarcerated and thousands executed under theocratic law since the fall of the Shah in 1979. Yet rarely do Western activist groups call for global ostracism of Iran.

Don’t look to the United Nations Human Rights Council for any meaningful condemnation of worldwide prejudice and hatred, although it is a frequent critic of both the U.S. and Israel.

Many of the 47 member nations of the Human Rights Council are habitual violators of human rights. In 2017, nine member nations persecuted citizens who were actively working to implement U.N. standards of human rights.

There are many reasons for Westerners’ selective outrage and pessimism toward their own culture. Cowardice explains some of the asymmetry. Blasting tiny democratic Israel will not result in any retaliation. Taking on a powerful China or a murderous Iran could earn retribution.

Guilt also explains some of the selectivity. European nations are still blamed for 19th-century colonialism and imperialism. They will always seek absolution, as the citizens of former colonial and Third World nations act like perpetual victims — even well into the postmodern 21st century.

Virtual-signaling is increasingly common. Western elites often harangue about misdemeanors when they cannot address felonies — a strange sort of psychological penance that excuses their impotence.

It is much easier for the city of Berkeley to ban clean-burning, U.S.-produced natural gas in newly constructed buildings than it is to outlaw far dirtier crude oil from Saudi Arabia. Currently, the sexist, homophobic, autocratic Saudis are the largest source of imported oil in California, sending the state some 100 million barrels per year, without which thousands of Berkeley motorists could not get to work. Apparently, outlawing clean, domestic natural gas allows one to justify importing unclean Saudi oil.

Western elites are perpetually aggrieved. But the next time they direct their lectures at a particular target, consider the source and motivation of their outrage.
The wheels on the bus go round and round...
Another bus ride courtesy of our board bus driver, Ralph Kramden. :lol: So much spin ... :roll:

It never occurs to know nothings like VDH that Israel comes in for more criticism than China because Israel is a democracy, supposedly, and should know better. More is expected of them! China and Iran are not. Conversely, China and Iran come in for praise when they behave responsibly because it is not generally expected of them and Israel does not get praised, because it is expected of Israel! I realize this is probably too deep for know nothings.

The exceptional is what is news worthy, not the unexceptional.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Accurate explanation by 72.
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by »

Bravo. Accurate indeed. At least JHU admits it.
There are in fact different expectations for different people.
Raised expectations for US and Israel.
Lowered/No expectations for China, Iran and everyone else with regard to quality of life/energy/pollution/trade/human rights.
This explains many problems relating to the left.
And It's important to point out this also explains many issues in the US itself, too.
Last edited by on Fri Apr 16, 2021 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: All things Corona Virus

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

old salt wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2020 8:39 pm This might really develop into a big deal.
Can China contain this & cope with it ?
Potential strategic implications ?
Uncontained, could decimate China & contiguous nations.
VDH has some thoughts :
The Cult of West Shaming

If the West is guilty of carbon crimes, racism, and bigotry, what are China and Iran? Woke elites prefer not to say.
An ancient habit of Western elites is a certain selectivity in condemnation.

Sometimes Westerners apply critical standards to the West that they would never apply to other nations.

My colleague at the Hoover Institution, historian Niall Ferguson, has pointed out that Swedish green-teen celebrity Greta Thunberg might be more effective in her advocacy for reducing carbon emissions by redirecting her animus. Instead of hectoring Europeans and Americans, who have recently achieved the planet’s most dramatic drops in the use of fossil fuels, Thunberg might instead turn her attention to China and India to offer her “how dare you” complaints to get their leaders to curb carbon dioxide emissions.

Whether the world continues to spew dangerous levels of carbon dioxide will depend largely on policies in China and India. After all, these two countries account for over a third of the global population and continue to grow their coal-based industries.

In the late 1950s, many elites in the United States bought the Soviet Union’s line that the march of global Communism would “bury” the West. Then, as Soviet power eroded in the 1980s, Japan Inc. and its ascendant model of state-sponsored industry became the preferred alternative to Western-style democratic capitalism.

Once Japan’s economy ossified, the new utopia of the 1990s was supposedly the emerging European Union. Americans were supposed to be awed that the euro gained ground on the dollar. Europe’s borderless democratic socialism and its “soft power” were declared preferable to the reactionary United States

By 2015, the EU was a mess, so China was preordained as the inevitable global superpower. American intellectuals pointed to its high-speed rail transportation, solar industries, and gleaming airports, in contrast to the hollowed-out and grubby American heartland.

Now the curtain has been pulled back on the interior rot of the Chinese Communist Party, its gulag-like reeducation camps, its systematic mercantile cheating, its Orwellian surveillance apparatus, its serial public-health crises, and its primitive hinterland infrastructure.

After the calcification of the Soviet Union, Japan Inc., the EU, and the Chinese superpower, no one quite knows which alternative will next supposedly bury America.

The U.S. and Europe are often quite critical of violence against women, minorities, and gays. The European Union, for example, has often singled out Israel for its supposed mistreatment of Palestinians in the West Bank.

Yet if the purpose of Western human-rights activism is to curb global bias and hate, then it would be far more cost-effective to concentrate on the greatest offenders.

China is currently detaining about a million Muslim Uighurs in reeducation camps. Yet activist groups aren’t calling for divestment, boycotts, and sanctions against Beijing in the same way they target Israel.

Homosexuality is a capital crime in Iran. Scores of Iranian gays reportedly have been incarcerated and thousands executed under theocratic law since the fall of the Shah in 1979. Yet rarely do Western activist groups call for global ostracism of Iran.

Don’t look to the United Nations Human Rights Council for any meaningful condemnation of worldwide prejudice and hatred, although it is a frequent critic of both the U.S. and Israel.

Many of the 47 member nations of the Human Rights Council are habitual violators of human rights. In 2017, nine member nations persecuted citizens who were actively working to implement U.N. standards of human rights.

There are many reasons for Westerners’ selective outrage and pessimism toward their own culture. Cowardice explains some of the asymmetry. Blasting tiny democratic Israel will not result in any retaliation. Taking on a powerful China or a murderous Iran could earn retribution.

Guilt also explains some of the selectivity. European nations are still blamed for 19th-century colonialism and imperialism. They will always seek absolution, as the citizens of former colonial and Third World nations act like perpetual victims — even well into the postmodern 21st century.

Virtual-signaling is increasingly common. Western elites often harangue about misdemeanors when they cannot address felonies — a strange sort of psychological penance that excuses their impotence.

It is much easier for the city of Berkeley to ban clean-burning, U.S.-produced natural gas in newly constructed buildings than it is to outlaw far dirtier crude oil from Saudi Arabia. Currently, the sexist, homophobic, autocratic Saudis are the largest source of imported oil in California, sending the state some 100 million barrels per year, without which thousands of Berkeley motorists could not get to work. Apparently, outlawing clean, domestic natural gas allows one to justify importing unclean Saudi oil.

Western elites are perpetually aggrieved. But the next time they direct their lectures at a particular target, consider the source and motivation of their outrage.
GTDS: ... -goals.amp
“I wish you would!”
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by »

Ahead of meeting goals. The question remains, what are China's actual goals and pollution output relative to Europe and the rest of the good, "green" nations. etc.?
As JHU pointed out. We all treat china with kid gloves and pat them on their heads for every little step.
Last edited by on Fri Apr 16, 2021 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Typical Lax Dad » wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2020 10:14 am Ahead of meeting goals. The question remains, what are China's actual goals and pollution output relative to Europe and the rest of the good, "green" nations. etc.?
As JHU pointed out. We all treat china with kid gloves and pat them on their heads for every little step.

You don’t know the answer but you have already formed a negative bias?
“I wish you would!”
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by jhu72 » wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2020 10:10 am Bravo. Accurate indeed. At least JHU admits it.
There are in fact different expectations for different people.
Raised expectations for US and Israel.
Lowered/No expectations for China, Iran and everyone else with regard to quality of life/energy/pollution/trade/human rights.
This explains many problems relating to the left.
And It's important to point out this also explains many issues in the US itself, too.
The only thing admitted was the truth. I suspect what seem to be your inferences about the left based on this admission do not follow rigorously from what you see as this admission. I stated a single principle of life (there are others), which is not really leftist, I think it is universal, second nature to most humans, just not thought about and realized by clowns like VDH when trying to spin some argument. VDH's article is full of this kind of blindness.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by jhu72 » wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2020 10:14 am Ahead of meeting goals. The question remains, what are China's actual goals and pollution output relative to Europe and the rest of the good, "green" nations. etc.?
As JHU pointed out. We all treat china with kid gloves and pat them on their heads for every little step.
China's goals are to combat GW. They are at least as dedicated to this as we are. More dedicated to this than Trump. Their starting point and timeline and methodology are not ours, but that does not change the fact that they recognize a problem and are willing to (and have) taken actions to mitigate both the problem and its effects. On this subject (the need for change and beginning to address it) I see them no better no worse than the US, and much better than Trump. This is NOT saying their emission levels are as good as ours, which is an unrealistic and silly metric when comparing the world's roughly 200 nations with 200 different starting points, technical capabilities and level of development. The western democracies should be leading the way in this metric (unless of course you are Donald Trump).
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Re: All things Chinese CoronaVirus

Post by »

jhu72 wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2020 10:36 am wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2020 10:10 am Bravo. Accurate indeed. At least JHU admits it.
There are in fact different expectations for different people.
Raised expectations for US and Israel.
Lowered/No expectations for China, Iran and everyone else with regard to quality of life/energy/pollution/trade/human rights.
This explains many problems relating to the left.
And It's important to point out this also explains many issues in the US itself, too.
The only thing admitted was the truth. I suspect what seem to be your inferences about the left based on this admission do not follow rigorously from what you see as this admission. I stated a single principle of life (there are others), which is not really leftist, I think it is universal, second nature to most humans, just not thought about and realized by clowns like VDH when trying to spin some argument. VDH's article is full of this kind of blindness.
It's a study really.

Looking at America and the generations of immigrints. You have some families that have been in the US for generations and show generational poverty and lack of education. Then you have others who immigrate and as first generation "poor," ignore their difficult past and go on to do great things like go to Yale, be pilalrs of the community, become business owners etc etc.

Why is that? I'd say it's that very attitude of expecting more from some, less from others. I think the negative comes from handed-down victimhood and it's b.s.

Back to the world view, patting China on the head is an example of the same thing. How long has China been a majorly advanced civilization, a role model of education, literature, art, culture etc? Yet we give them a pass on terrible human rights violations and major pollution.

Makes no sense to me.

But I guess, those poor Chinese, with their communism, just aren't cultured or advanced enough to "get it," right?

Last edited by on Fri Apr 16, 2021 12:43 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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