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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by ToastDunk »

seacoaster wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 9:03 am Is the quoted remarks actually your paraphrase of Schiff?? Because here's what he said, and it appears it was mostly a suggestion that we cannot have adequate confidence in this President to do right in respect to the election. Maybe I missed where he said what you quote elsewhere.

Remember not long ago the R's outrage over Schiff's paraphrasing of Trump?
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by youthathletics »

seacoaster wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 9:03 am Is the quoted remarks actually your paraphrase of Schiff?? Because here's what he said, and it appears it was mostly a suggestion that we cannot have adequate confidence in this President to do right in respect to the election. Maybe I missed where he said what you quote elsewhere.
Yes, b/c I was a bit too lazy to go find my post from yesterday morning...sorry for the confusion.

This was my original post yesterday morning....
youthathletics wrote: Sat Jan 25, 2020 7:55 am This impeachment chaos is getting out of hand. Shiff saying “the president's misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box, for we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won.” is quite unnerving. IMO, his comments clearly project a god complex, that some on the left are clearly driven at all costs to be in power.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by seacoaster »

youthathletics wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 10:00 am
seacoaster wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 9:03 am Is the quoted remarks actually your paraphrase of Schiff?? Because here's what he said, and it appears it was mostly a suggestion that we cannot have adequate confidence in this President to do right in respect to the election. Maybe I missed where he said what you quote elsewhere.
Yes, b/c I was a bit too lazy to go find my post from yesterday morning...sorry for the confusion.

This was my original post yesterday morning....
youthathletics wrote: Sat Jan 25, 2020 7:55 am This impeachment chaos is getting out of hand. Shiff saying “the president's misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box, for we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won.” is quite unnerving. IMO, his comments clearly project a god complex, that some on the left are clearly driven at all costs to be in power.
Gotcha. I honestly forgot the post and quote from yesterday. And I wasn't chastising you at all (even though, God knows we disagree about a lot of stuff!).

I think this is a bit of rhetorical flourish and, if you support this President and condone what he has done, you would find Schiff's remarks over the line. I don't, so I don't. I think Schiff is right: the President and his campaign cannot be trusted to do what's right and what's legal to get reelected. He's got to go. I know he won't, by way of impeachment and removal. But for the health of the country and everything we have stood for for the last couple of centuries, he's got to be defeated.
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by tech37 »

a fan wrote: Sat Jan 25, 2020 9:14 pm
youthathletics wrote: Sat Jan 25, 2020 8:40 pm
No need to get so angry about our disagreement. ;)
I never, ever mind, or get angry about disagreement.

This isn't a disagreement. I'm pointing out your hypocrisy, which is entirely different.

When Trump was investigated by your Deep State, and you had said "boy, I'd rather we get to the bottom of this. They should go ahead and investigate"??

I wouldn't be here making fun of your partisan "let the government investigate Biden so we know he's not corrupt".

I'm making fun of the obvious hypocrisy.

Either be happy they are looking into Trump and Biden's potential corruption....

....or complain about the investigations into Biden and Trump.

Pick one. You don't get to whine about one, and cheer the other without the crew calling out your nonsense.
I can't speak for youth but here's what you continue to miss a fan. You have a bad habit of lumping very different issues together in an effort to make a point, in this case, your idea of what constitutes whining and hypocrisy.

From the start I have always asked for equal scrutiny regarding investigations, especially when a POTUS (any POTUS) is being framed by political enemies and the MSM... so if you want to call that "whining," go for it :roll:

Of course nothing comes close to the inequity of a special council vs internal IG examination... but at least the internal scrutiny has finally led to Durham's criminal investigation, relevant and necessary IMO. I'm pleased to see it.

FISA was abused for political purposes... judges were lied to...unprecedented stuff, but to you it was simply "tin foil" foolishness. Guess who looks like the fool as more evidence surfaces? And don't be surprised when much more is realized, perhaps evidence of crimes/indictments, the outcome of ideas/suspicions you originally and conveniently filed under "tin foil."

IMO, the Bidens should be investigated, absolutely, but outside of the impeachment proceedings. There is ample evidence of their connection to Ukranian corruption and if you're going drag the POTUS and country through impeachment based on Uk corruption policy, then evidence of their past conduct, which may have led to where we are currently, should be scrutinized.

So you can disagree on impeachment a fan and still investigate and seek justice (if indicted) re the Bidens... that's certainly not hypocrisy.
Last edited by tech37 on Sun Jan 26, 2020 10:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by Trinity »

The Kremlin thanks you for pushing their propaganda. There is zero evidence connecting Joe Biden to Ukrainian corruption.

“MARGARET BRENNAN: Senator Thune said he would prefer Trump's lawyers not spread conspiracy theories about Ukraine during the impeachment trial.

@SenTomCotton: "That's a Democratic talking point."

BRENNAN: Thune is a Republican leader.

COTTON: "It's a Democratic talking point."”
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by a fan »

tech37 wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 10:34 am I can't speak for youth but here's what you continue to miss a fan. You have a bad habit of lumping very different issues together in an effort to make a point, in this case, your idea of what constitutes whining and hypocrisy.

From the start I have always asked for equal scrutiny regarding investigations, especially when a POTUS (any POTUS) is being framed by political enemies and the MSM... so if you want to call that "whining," go for it :roll:
Is this the part where you're going to pretend to engage, and then the instant i dismantle your assertions, you claim "vortex", and run away? Steak dinner says yes. But let's pretend you actually want to discuss this for a moment.

1. Being framed by political enemies? The FBI investigated Trump and was about to clear him of any illegalities. In what world is that "framing"? This is a FoxNation talking point. You're not thinking independently here. There was no framing. Framing means that the FBI planted evidence, helped prosecutors find Trump guilty of things he didn't do. That's not even CLOSE to what happened. Nice fantasy story, though.

2. You're ignoring all the lying Trump and his crew did, and acting like the FBI should have ignored that and closed the investigation immediately. In what world does that make sense?

3. You're ignoring all the felonies Trump's crew have committed. Some of them are sitting in jail. Now if you're the FBI...and you keep seeing all this lying and law breaking, what would you do? What you and FoxNation seem to think is, they were supposed to ignore all that and stop investigating. This is flat out stupid.

4. You're also ignoring, and we all know why....that Kush, Trump Jr. and Manafort tried to collude with a Russian spy at Trump tower in June of 2016. We have no clue what was said in that meeting, but Kush admitted that yep, they took the meeting with the Russian spy to get dirt on Hillary.

In what world is that not an attempt to work with Russia to win the election? Do you care? Hell no, you don't care. You think this, too, was a frame job.

Best part, Kusher showed every spy and leader in the free world that he is morally compromised. And what did you and your fellow TrumpFans do about this? Oh, why you cheered while Kush is out doing the business of the American people overseas, with ZERO oversight. But oh yeah, you're serious about corruption.

Psst, thought I'd point out to the guy worried about Hunter Biden.... Kush is overseas, right now, representing the United States. But sure, tell us how corruption offends you when Biden's son took a no-show job in Ukraine.

tech37 wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 10:34 am Of course nothing comes close to the inequity of a special council vs internal IG examination... but at least the internal scrutiny has finally led to Durham's criminal investigation, relevant and necessary IMO. I'm pleased to see it.
Do you know how many investigations we've had looking into the people who investigated Trump? One? Two? Three? Take a guess.
tech37 wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 10:34 am FISA was abused for political purposes... judges were lied to...unprecedented stuff, but to you it was simply "tin foil" foolishness. Guess who looks like the fool as more evidence surfaces?
You and the rest of your brilliant TrumpFans

You weren't at the cooler at the time of the Patriot Act's strengthening of FISA work. Dis, old salt, JHU72, and others were. Guess what you and your TrumpFans thought about FISA? They thought what they ALWAYS think when they take liberties away from "other people"....they thought "who cares, I won't have to deal with FISA, so I don't care if it's a secret corrupt court that violates the Constitution, and sticks it to other people".

ACLU warned you about FISA. So did the libs. And, drumroll, did yours truly. What happened? Laughable and predictably, you ignored these warnings......that is, until FISA caught one of the TrumpFan's guys......karma at its finest.

So you can pretend like these FISA abuses are "unprecedented" all you like. Bzzzzt. Wrong. Not only has this happened before with FISA, it's how FISA works. There's zero oversight. Which is the point to the FISA court----it's all secret, so our government can do what it likes.

Here's a warning from the ACLU in 2013. Take your tin foil hat off, and read it.

Headline: The FISA Court’s Problems Run Deep, and More Than Tinkering is Required ... -tinkering

Can you believe the gall of those libs at the ACLU? My advice? Ignore what they're telling you, and pretend like FISA was just out to get Trump.

Did you know, for example, that the FISA court approves 99% of all warrants that are applied for? So yep, you can pretend like this was an isolated incident motivated by politics all you like. That's not what happened. What happened was simply another day at the office in our FISA courts. You and your fellow TrumpFans didn't care until your guy got hit with it.

And my money is that you STILL don't care, and nothing will be done to fix or eliminate FISA. Oh well. You didn't listen before, why listen now?

BTW, Horowitz told you in plain English that the FISA abuses had NOTHING to do with politics. You're not planning on believing that either, I'm sure. Oh well. You can lead a horse to water....
tech37 wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 10:34 am And don't be surprised when much more is realized, perhaps evidence of crimes/indictments, the outcome of ideas/suspicions you originally and conveniently filed under "tin foil."
So yes, tin foil hat. You and FoxNation are desperately pretending like Trump was convicted, and the FBI fabricated evidence. It's just so stupid. All the FBI did was investigate and clear Trump. Wow. What a stunning "conspiracy".
tech37 wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 10:34 am IMO, the Bidens should be investigated, absolutely, but outside of the impeachment proceedings. There is ample evidence of their connection to Ukranian corruption
Great. Let's hear your evidence. (psssst. there isn't any as of today)

But this is part where you and FoxNation pretend that you don't know the difference between the FBI looking into the Bidens, and Trump ORDERING that the Bidens be investigated. Gee wiz golly willikers, thinking is really hard. I just can't tell the difference between the Trump using the power of his office to attack his political rivals, and the FBI simply doing their job, and clearing an innocent man.

The FBI cleared Trump.
Bolded so that you get the mind numbingly simple point. How the F can it be a conspiracy to take him down if Trump was cleared?
tech37 wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 10:34 am So you can disagree on impeachment a fan and still investigate and seek justice (if indicted) re the Bidens... that's certainly not hypocrisy.
Non sequitur. You jumped past your defense of Trump's asking a foreign leader to investigate a political rival.

What's your defense here? You have never given one. All you give us are emojis and dodged questions.
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by Trinity »

Biden’s actions were not corrupt. He was doing his job openly.
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by seacoaster »

Trinity wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 12:50 pm Biden’s actions were not corrupt. He was doing his job openly.
Unless you’re in the bag for Trump.
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by youthathletics »

a fan wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 12:43 pm The FBI cleared Trump. Bolded so that you get the mind numbingly simple point. How the F can it be a conspiracy to take him down if Trump was cleared?
Can you please convince the rest of everyone on here like MDLaxfan, TLD, Trinity, JHU72, Brooklyn, seacoster, et al. that the FBI cleared Trump. They seem to believe otherwise.

Glad you have accepted it and agree with the likes of me, tech, craddle, PB, OS, et al. and have moved on. For that, we have found common ground and accepted you onto our team as FOGO....meaning you really don't participate on our team very much, but your impact is very important. :D 8-)
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by a fan »

Boy, you didn't tell us you'd be posting MENSA brain teasers, techie!

This is REALLY a tough call.

I'm sure I'm not speaking just for myself when I say "gee whiz golly. I simply can't tell the difference between Biden withholding funding to Ukraine for legitimate reasons, and Trump withholding funding to the Ukraine until they announce a phony investigation into his political opponent".

Boy. Next you'll ask us if we can tell the difference between an elephant and a mouse.

Some questions are just too hard to answer, techie! Please spare us from these brain teasers in the future!!!

Wow. I need a break. Thinking is hard.
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by tech37 »

Trinity wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 12:50 pm Biden’s actions were not corrupt. He was doing his job openly.
Fine, so you'll have nothing to worry about when the investigation starts.

Let's say Biden wins the election, wouldn't you rather have him investigated now or wait to have his presidency later hobbled by endless investigations?
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by seacoaster »

tech37 wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:10 pm
Trinity wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 12:50 pm Biden’s actions were not corrupt. He was doing his job openly.
Fine, so you'll have nothing to worry about when the investigation starts.

Let's say Biden wins the election, wouldn't you rather have him investigated now or wait to have his presidency later hobbled by endless investigations?
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by old salt »

tech37 wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:10 pm
Trinity wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 12:50 pm Biden’s actions were not corrupt. He was doing his job openly.
Fine, so you'll have nothing to worry about when the investigation starts.

Let's say Biden wins the election, wouldn't you rather have him investigated now or wait to have his presidency later hobbled by endless investigations?
The Obama NSC & State Dept were concerned enough about the Biden-Ukraine conflict of interest that they met with Ukrainian prosecutors & embassy officials in Jan 2016. The State Dept also prepped Amb Mashsa on how to deal with the question in her confirmation hearing.
It is not unreasonable to follow up now.
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by tech37 »

a fan wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:05 pm
Boy, you didn't tell us you'd be posting MENSA brain teasers, techie!

This is REALLY a tough call.

I'm sure I'm not speaking just for myself when I say "gee whiz golly. I simply can't tell the difference between Biden withholding funding to Ukraine for legitimate reasons, and Trump withholding funding to the Ukraine until they announce a phony investigation into his political opponent".

Boy. Next you'll ask us if we can tell the difference between an elephant and a mouse.

Some questions are just too hard to answer, techie! Please spare us from these brain teasers in the future!!!

Wow. I need a break. Thinking is hard.
Another stellar show of class on the board :oops:
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by a fan »

Simple solution: don't make posts that imply your fellow posters are utter morons, and can't tell the difference between Biden doing his job, and Trump abusing his power.
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

a fan wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:41 pm Simple solution: don't make posts that imply your fellow posters are utter morons, and can't tell the difference between Biden doing his job, and Trump abusing his power.
You don’t understand. Biden wasn’t working on behalf of the USA and it’s allies because Trump and his team said so.
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by a fan »

tech37 wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:35 pm Another stellar show of class on the board :oops:
Pot. Kettle. Clutch your pearls when posters return your fire.....
tech37 wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:35 pm Are you chumps okay with Hunter testifying? bout mighty Joe himself? :lol:
tech37 wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:35 pm right youth, a fan's only clear lately has been the Gilman :D
tech37 wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:35 pm Guess Hopkins gave degrees in unconditional hate as well.
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

old salt wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:23 pm
tech37 wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:10 pm
Trinity wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 12:50 pm Biden’s actions were not corrupt. He was doing his job openly.
Fine, so you'll have nothing to worry about when the investigation starts.

Let's say Biden wins the election, wouldn't you rather have him investigated now or wait to have his presidency later hobbled by endless investigations?
The Obama NSC & State Dept were concerned enough about the Biden-Ukraine conflict of interest that they met with Ukrainian prosecutors & embassy officials in Jan 2016. The State Dept also prepped Amb Mashsa on how to deal with the question in her confirmation hearing.
It is not unreasonable to follow up now.
Not unreasonable at all to ask Lev, Igor, Rudy and Sondland to follow up....not unreasonable tat tall...
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by tech37 »

a fan wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:54 pm
tech37 wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:35 pm Another stellar show of class on the board :oops:
Pot. Kettle. Clutch your pearls when posters return your fire.....
tech37 wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:35 pm Are you chumps okay with Hunter testifying? bout mighty Joe himself? :lol:
tech37 wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:35 pm right youth, a fan's only clear lately has been the Gilman :D
tech37 wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:35 pm Guess Hopkins gave degrees in unconditional hate as well.
Vintage a fan... a perfect example of posting stuff out of context :roll:

Return fire? That's rich...I made a sincere post to you this morning and received ridicule...great fun.
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