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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by tech37 »

ToastDunk wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2020 7:23 pm Shifty-Schiff is a f****** rock star.

Trump’s legal team is going to have to take him out.

Let me be clear, the Republicans are going to acquit Trump. Full stop. But they’re going to look silly doing it. Might/should haunt each and every one of them going forward.
"Adam Schiff is a smart guy. He did not idly dream up a “make up dirt” parody. He framed it because he knows that’s the kind of misconduct you would need to prove to warrant impeachment and removal of a president. In fact, Schiff could never prove that, but he figured parody is good enough for 2020 campaign purposes — and that’s what this exercise is all about." ... e-offense/
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by foreverlax »

tech37 wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:00 am
ToastDunk wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2020 7:23 pm Shifty-Schiff is a f****** rock star.

Trump’s legal team is going to have to take him out.

Let me be clear, the Republicans are going to acquit Trump. Full stop. But they’re going to look silly doing it. Might/should haunt each and every one of them going forward.
"Adam Schiff is a smart guy. He did not idly dream up a “make up dirt” parody. He framed it because he knows that’s the kind of misconduct you would need to prove to warrant impeachment and removal of a president. In fact, Schiff could never prove that, but he figured parody is good enough for 2020 campaign purposes — and that’s what this exercise is all about." ... e-offense/
He starts the article with a couple of thought experiments....which is supposed to support his conclusion.
This is the point that gets lost in all the endless chatter over impeachment strategy and procedure. Everything that is happening owes to the fact that we do not have an offense sufficiently grave for invocation of the Constitution’s nuclear option.
He is suggesting that what Trump did (ask a foreign leader to investigate a political opponent, while holding up funding approved by Congress) I disagree.

What Trump did was abuse the power of his office - which is may not be specifically mentioned as an impeachable offense, but it sure smells like it falls under "high crimes and misdemeanors."
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by dislaxxic »

Republicans have been painting themselves into a corner for years now...between duplicitous political deceit, dirty tricks and flat out LYING. I mean, a party that is willing to FLAT OUT STEAL a SCOTUS seat will stoop to any level to retain power.

These chickens are going to come home to roost at some point, sooner rather than later, IMO.

It's gratifying to know that NO CONSERVATIVE will EVER AGAIN have grounds to complain about a Dem's morality or truthfulness...having countenanced this disaster for the past three years...

"The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure poor reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog." - Calvin, to Hobbes
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by dislaxxic »

foreverlax wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:14 am
This is the point that gets lost in all the endless chatter over impeachment strategy and procedure. Everything that is happening owes to the fact that we do not have an offense sufficiently grave for invocation of the Constitution’s nuclear option.
He is suggesting that what Trump did (ask a foreign leader to investigate a political opponent, while holding up funding approved by Congress) I disagree.

What Trump did was abuse the power of his office - which is may not be specifically mentioned as an impeachable offense, but it sure smells like it falls under "high crimes and misdemeanors."
Republicans, led by the sniveling weasel Lindsey Graham, could give a FLYING FORK about "high crimes and misdemeanors"! No such qualm crossed their pea-brains during the Clinton debacle. "It's about cleansing the Office" right, Lindsey, you forkin' moron. (Sorry, am i not stating my position clearly enough??)

Like the Clinton debacle did, i believe this situation may well lead to another donnybrook of Republican loses come the fall, including the highest office in the land.

"You're FIRED!"

"The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure poor reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog." - Calvin, to Hobbes
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

dislaxxic wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:16 am Republicans have been painting themselves into a corner for years now...between duplicitous political deceit, dirty tricks and flat out LYING. I mean, a party that is willing to FLAT OUT STEAL a SCOTUS seat will stoop to any level to retain power.

These chickens are going to come home to roost at some point, sooner rather than later, IMO.

It's gratifying to know that NO CONSERVATIVE will EVER AGAIN have grounds to complain about a Dem's morality or truthfulness...having countenanced this disaster for the past three years...

To be clear, No Trumpist.

They are not conservatives, they just hate “liberals”. That’s not actually equivalent, though most don’t understand that.
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by seacoaster »

foreverlax wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:14 am
tech37 wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:00 am
ToastDunk wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2020 7:23 pm Shifty-Schiff is a f****** rock star.

Trump’s legal team is going to have to take him out.

Let me be clear, the Republicans are going to acquit Trump. Full stop. But they’re going to look silly doing it. Might/should haunt each and every one of them going forward.
"Adam Schiff is a smart guy. He did not idly dream up a “make up dirt” parody. He framed it because he knows that’s the kind of misconduct you would need to prove to warrant impeachment and removal of a president. In fact, Schiff could never prove that, but he figured parody is good enough for 2020 campaign purposes — and that’s what this exercise is all about." ... e-offense/
He starts the article with a couple of thought experiments....which is supposed to support his conclusion.
This is the point that gets lost in all the endless chatter over impeachment strategy and procedure. Everything that is happening owes to the fact that we do not have an offense sufficiently grave for invocation of the Constitution’s nuclear option.
He is suggesting that what Trump did (ask a foreign leader to investigate a political opponent, while holding up funding approved by Congress) I disagree.

What Trump did was abuse the power of his office - which is may not be specifically mentioned as an impeachable offense, but it sure smells like it falls under "high crimes and misdemeanors."
It is really a terrible article, classic McCarthy. Is he auditioning for a role in the Administration? Pam Bondi's wingman?
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by jhu72 »

seacoaster wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 10:53 am Trying to distill the President's and Senate GOP's argument to its essence:

“How can we possibly vote to remove the President without seeing all the evidence we’re voting not to see?”
:lol: :lol: Well put.
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by Kismet »

The Stable Genius said this at a press conference in Davos this morning

"Honestly, we have all the material. They don't have the material."

Double duty - confess to the impeachable crimes of obstructing Congress and brag about it publicly. Disgusting.
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by a fan »

tech37 wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:00 am
ToastDunk wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2020 7:23 pm Shifty-Schiff is a f****** rock star.

Trump’s legal team is going to have to take him out.

Let me be clear, the Republicans are going to acquit Trump. Full stop. But they’re going to look silly doing it. Might/should haunt each and every one of them going forward.
"Adam Schiff is a smart guy. He did not idly dream up a “make up dirt” parody. He framed it because he knows that’s the kind of misconduct you would need to prove to warrant impeachment and removal of a president. In fact, Schiff could never prove that, but he figured parody is good enough for 2020 campaign purposes — and that’s what this exercise is all about." ... e-offense/
Mark this down, tech. You, FoxNation, Old salt, Pete, et. al. have convinced yourselves that when we finally get a lib President, that this President couldn't possibly be corrupt enough to do what Trump did.

You think there's no way that someone with a little D by their name would use the power of office to go after his/her Republican rival, and then cover up and hide witnesses and documents that betray the plot.

Just like you think Obama wouldn't drone and murder thousands of people with zeal, because you think Dems are weak.

Whoops. Good luck with this choice of yours going forward. Remember that you all not only thought it's ok for a President to do argued that it was HIS JOB to investigate "possible corruption" by his political rivals.

Fine by me.
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by seacoaster »

Kismet wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:57 am The Stable Genius said this at a press conference in Davos this morning

"Honestly, we have all the material. They don't have the material."

Double duty - confess to the impeachable crimes of obstructing Congress and brag about it publicly. Disgusting.
God, the stupidity of this guy.

Anyway, here is more reporting on the FOIA-obtained OMB documents, released last night while Senate GOP were making sure they don't see the information they also say they need to see to remove the President: ... e-aid.html

"The same morning last July when President Trump had his fateful call with Ukraine’s president, White House officials were working behind the scenes to impose the freeze sought by the president on military assistance to Ukraine, reviewing the legal wording they would use to implement the hold, emails released late Tuesday night show.

The emails were released as a result of a Freedom of Information lawsuit, even as the Senate was rejecting a series of resolutions introduced by Democrats intended to force the disclosure of some of these same materials from the White House’s Office of Management and Budget and other agencies involved in the aid freeze.

The 192 pages of documents, released just before a midnight deadline to the nonprofit group American Oversight, do not contain major new revelations in terms of the participants in the aid freeze or the sequence of events beyond what had been detailed by The New York Times in the last month based on interviews and documents.

But it does offer new evidence of the friction between the Defense Department and the White House as the aid freeze dragged on through the summer, and the confusion and surprise when members of Congress, including some prominent Republicans, learned that the military assistance to Ukraine had been held up.

An aide to Senator Rob Portman, Republican of Ohio, who is a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and a leader of group that promotes Ukraine’s interests in the Senate, wrote on Aug. 23 to Michael P. Duffey, a political appointee from the Office of Management and Budget who instituted the freeze. The aide noted that Mr. Portman “is very interested in ensuring Ukraine has the military capabilities it needs to defend itself against Russian aggression,” adding that “I would appreciate if you could lay out for me the reason behind the O.M.B. hold and what the process is for getting the funding released.”

Calls and emails for an explanation also had come in from Senator James M. Inhofe, Republican of from Oklahoma, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and Representative Mac Thornberry, Republican of Texas, the ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee, the emails show.

The White House aides, in the documents, did not offer an explanation for the aid freeze, and instead simply worked to figure out who should respond.

The friction with the Pentagon was obvious in email exchanges between the Office of Management and Budget and a senior Pentagon official, Elaine McCusker, a deputy under secretary of defense who oversees spending.

On August 20, Mr. Duffey wrote to Ms. McCusker to notify her that the aid freeze was going to be extended again, long past the deadline when the Pentagon had said it needed the hold to be lifted if it was going to be able to spend all of the money before the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30.

“It is our intent to add the following footnote to the Ukraine apportionment this afternoon to take effect immediately,” Mr. Duffey said in his email to Ms. McCusker, explaining the technical process the White House was using to impose the aid freeze.

“Mike,” Ms. McCusker wrote back several hours later, to Mr. Duffey and other senior officials at the Office of Management and Budget. “Seems like we continue to talk (email) past each other a bit. We should probably have a call.”

William S. Castle, the principal deputy general counsel at the Pentagon, got involved in the debate, reaching out to the budget office’s top lawyer at Ms. McCusker’s request to question him on the hold. Mark Paoletta, the general counsel at budget office, sent a lengthy response.

But other than about a dozen words — the greeting and the closing of the email — the entire contents of the response was blacked out before being released under the Freedom of Information Act suit.

“Hi Scott,” the email said, followed by four large blacked out areas of text that the White House declined to make public. “Please let me know if you have any questions, Thanks.”

The White House citing a provision of the Freedom of Information that allows the federal government to withhold “deliberative communications, the disclosure of which would inhibit the frank and candid exchange of views that is necessary for effective government decision-making.”

The emails from July 25 — the same morning Mr. Trump had his phone call with President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine and asked him to look into issues related to the 2016 election in the United States and to former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his son, Hunter Biden — show that administration aides were preparing to carry out Mr. Trump’s order for the aid freeze.

Mr. Trump had first raised the issue in June, after he learned the Defense Department was about to release $250 million of military assistance to Ukraine. But it was not until July 25 that the money that had been allocated for the Pentagon was formally frozen, using a legal provision called an apportionment.

“Did GC send the footnote?” Mr. Duffey wrote at 9 a.m. on July 25, just as the call between Mr. Trump and Mr. Zelensky was getting underway, referring to the agency’s general counsel and a footnote that would be applied to the apportionment document to freeze the funding.

“Mike, here’s the OGC-approved, revised footnote,” Mark Sandy, a career official at the budget office, wrote back to his boss, in response to the question, that same morning.

About 90 minutes after Mr. Trump’s call with Mr. Zelensky, Mr. Duffey told the Pentagon to keep quiet about the aid freeze because of the “sensitive nature of the request,” according to a message released last month by the Defense Department.

The emails released to American Oversight, as well as Center for Public Integrity and details about correspondence shared with The New York Times, have led Democrats in Congress to push the White House to release copies of all these exchanges, without the redactions. The Senate voted repeatedly on Tuesday night to block proposals by Democrats to require the release of these documents."
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by a fan »

jhu72 wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:53 am
seacoaster wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 10:53 am Trying to distill the President's and Senate GOP's argument to its essence:

“How can we possibly vote to remove the President without seeing all the evidence we’re voting not to see?”
:lol: :lol: Well put.
It's hilarious watching posters WHO LOST THEIR MINDS for 4 years plus over just the IDEA that a "Deep State" is abusing their power.....suddenly lose about a hundred IQ points when a President with a little R by his name ADMITS to abusing his power.

Are they mad at Trump for this? Well, of course not. Abuse of power just isn't a big deal. BTW fellas, how's that investigation into FISA and Deep State abuses going?

"That's different", right guys?
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by jhu72 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:27 am
dislaxxic wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:16 am Republicans have been painting themselves into a corner for years now...between duplicitous political deceit, dirty tricks and flat out LYING. I mean, a party that is willing to FLAT OUT STEAL a SCOTUS seat will stoop to any level to retain power.

These chickens are going to come home to roost at some point, sooner rather than later, IMO.

It's gratifying to know that NO CONSERVATIVE will EVER AGAIN have grounds to complain about a Dem's morality or truthfulness...having countenanced this disaster for the past three years...

To be clear, No Trumpist.

They are not conservatives, they just hate “liberals”. That’s not actually equivalent, though most don’t understand that.
Trumpnista are not in the mainstream conservative tradition regardless of what they think. They are reactionaries lead by what at one time was a democrat (I would not call him a liberal). He comes from the corporatist wing of the party perhaps, not socialist, not social democrat, in fact not really any group I recognize and can say for certain. He has no consistent political philosophy that I recognize. His philosophy seems to be whatever he pulls out of his ass at the time. The only thing you can say for sure in terms of political philosophy, he is an authoritarian and a know nothing.
Peter Brown
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by Peter Brown »

dislaxxic wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:16 am Republicans have been painting themselves into a corner for years now...between duplicitous political deceit, dirty tricks and flat out LYING. I mean, a party that is willing to FLAT OUT STEAL a SCOTUS seat will stoop to any level to retain power.

These chickens are going to come home to roost at some point, sooner rather than later, IMO.

It's gratifying to know that NO CONSERVATIVE will EVER AGAIN have grounds to complain about a Dem's morality or truthfulness...having countenanced this disaster for the past three years...


Hillary says no one likes Bernie. Tulsi is suing Hillary for $50,000,000. Epstein and Weinstein have fun into major snafus. And JFK took a 19 year old interns virginity on her fourth day at work.

What a moral party.

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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Peter Brown wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 12:21 pm
dislaxxic wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:16 am Republicans have been painting themselves into a corner for years now...between duplicitous political deceit, dirty tricks and flat out LYING. I mean, a party that is willing to FLAT OUT STEAL a SCOTUS seat will stoop to any level to retain power.

These chickens are going to come home to roost at some point, sooner rather than later, IMO.

It's gratifying to know that NO CONSERVATIVE will EVER AGAIN have grounds to complain about a Dem's morality or truthfulness...having countenanced this disaster for the past three years...


Hillary says no one likes Bernie. Tulsi is suing Hillary for $50,000,000. Epstein and Weinstein have fun into major snafus. And JFK took a 19 year old interns virginity on her fourth day at work.

What a moral party.

Come on “bandito”, add something relevant to the thread topic.
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

jhu72 wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 12:12 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:27 am
dislaxxic wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:16 am Republicans have been painting themselves into a corner for years now...between duplicitous political deceit, dirty tricks and flat out LYING. I mean, a party that is willing to FLAT OUT STEAL a SCOTUS seat will stoop to any level to retain power.

These chickens are going to come home to roost at some point, sooner rather than later, IMO.

It's gratifying to know that NO CONSERVATIVE will EVER AGAIN have grounds to complain about a Dem's morality or truthfulness...having countenanced this disaster for the past three years...

To be clear, No Trumpist.

They are not conservatives, they just hate “liberals”. That’s not actually equivalent, though most don’t understand that.
Trumpnista are not in the mainstream conservative tradition regardless of what they think. They are reactionaries lead by what at one time was a democrat (I would not call him a liberal). He comes from the corporatist wing of the party perhaps, not socialist, not social democrat, in fact not really any group I recognize and can say for certain. He has no consistent political philosophy that I recognize. His philosophy seems to be whatever he pulls out of his ass at the time. The only thing you can say for sure in terms of political philosophy, he is an authoritarian and a know nothing.
Excellent piece by conservative columnist William Galston in today’s WSJ: Liberal Democracy’s Threats From Within

Perhaps someone can get text to share.

Discussion of worldwide issues with the rise of “ethnonationalist populism”.

BTW, “conservatives” actually care about liberal democracy.
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old salt
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 12:07 pm
jhu72 wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:53 am
seacoaster wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 10:53 am Trying to distill the President's and Senate GOP's argument to its essence:

“How can we possibly vote to remove the President without seeing all the evidence we’re voting not to see?”
:lol: :lol: Well put.
It's hilarious watching posters WHO LOST THEIR MINDS for 4 years plus over just the IDEA that a "Deep State" is abusing their power.....suddenly lose about a hundred IQ points when a President with a little R by his name ADMITS to abusing his power.

Are they mad at Trump for this? Well, of course not. Abuse of power just isn't a big deal. BTW fellas, how's that investigation into FISA and Deep State abuses going?

"That's different", right guys?
As seacoaster just demonstrated in the preceding post, the President was also seeking a legal way to delay the release of the aid, likely until he could convince Ukraine to announce an investigation into the Bidens's obvious conflict of interest. Others in his admin & Congress ultimately prevailed upon him to release the aid within the time allowed. The aid was released. Meanwhile, an investigation of the Biden conflict of interest has been sidetracked.
It's hardly an abuse of the powers of the Deep State to investigate the Biden's obvious conflict(s) of interest.
What are you afraid of ?

How's Schiff's investigation into Lev Parnas going ? ... nce-101832
Peter Brown
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by Peter Brown »

old salt wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 12:44 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 12:07 pm
jhu72 wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:53 am
seacoaster wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 10:53 am Trying to distill the President's and Senate GOP's argument to its essence:

“How can we possibly vote to remove the President without seeing all the evidence we’re voting not to see?”
:lol: :lol: Well put.
It's hilarious watching posters WHO LOST THEIR MINDS for 4 years plus over just the IDEA that a "Deep State" is abusing their power.....suddenly lose about a hundred IQ points when a President with a little R by his name ADMITS to abusing his power.

Are they mad at Trump for this? Well, of course not. Abuse of power just isn't a big deal. BTW fellas, how's that investigation into FISA and Deep State abuses going?

"That's different", right guys?
As seacoaster just demonstrated in the preceding post, the President was also seeking a legal way to delay the release of the aid, likely until he could convince Ukraine to announce an investigation into the Bidens's obvious conflict of interest. Others in his admin & Congress prevailed upon him to release the aid within the time allowed. The aid was released. Meanwhile, an investigation of the Biden conflict of interest has been sidetracked.
It's hardly an abuse of the powers of the Deep State to investigate the Biden's obvious conflict(s) of interest.
What are you afraid of ?

How's Schiff's investigation into Lev Parnas going ? ... nce-101832

The author of that article, MELANIE ZANONA, better make sure she has security. The left treats actual journalists like an enemy.
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by jhu72 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 12:34 pm
jhu72 wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 12:12 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:27 am
dislaxxic wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:16 am Republicans have been painting themselves into a corner for years now...between duplicitous political deceit, dirty tricks and flat out LYING. I mean, a party that is willing to FLAT OUT STEAL a SCOTUS seat will stoop to any level to retain power.

These chickens are going to come home to roost at some point, sooner rather than later, IMO.

It's gratifying to know that NO CONSERVATIVE will EVER AGAIN have grounds to complain about a Dem's morality or truthfulness...having countenanced this disaster for the past three years...

To be clear, No Trumpist.

They are not conservatives, they just hate “liberals”. That’s not actually equivalent, though most don’t understand that.
Trumpnista are not in the mainstream conservative tradition regardless of what they think. They are reactionaries lead by what at one time was a democrat (I would not call him a liberal). He comes from the corporatist wing of the party perhaps, not socialist, not social democrat, in fact not really any group I recognize and can say for certain. He has no consistent political philosophy that I recognize. His philosophy seems to be whatever he pulls out of his ass at the time. The only thing you can say for sure in terms of political philosophy, he is an authoritarian and a know nothing.
Excellent piece by conservative columnist William Galston in today’s WSJ: Liberal Democracy’s Threats From Within

Perhaps someone can get text to share.

Discussion of worldwide issues with the rise of “ethnonationalist populism”.

BTW, “conservatives” actually care about liberal democracy.
… of course they do. It is what occidental conservatives are trying to conserve. The American "Ignorati" doesn't get that.
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 12:44 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 12:07 pm
jhu72 wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:53 am
seacoaster wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 10:53 am Trying to distill the President's and Senate GOP's argument to its essence:

“How can we possibly vote to remove the President without seeing all the evidence we’re voting not to see?”
:lol: :lol: Well put.
It's hilarious watching posters WHO LOST THEIR MINDS for 4 years plus over just the IDEA that a "Deep State" is abusing their power.....suddenly lose about a hundred IQ points when a President with a little R by his name ADMITS to abusing his power.

Are they mad at Trump for this? Well, of course not. Abuse of power just isn't a big deal. BTW fellas, how's that investigation into FISA and Deep State abuses going?

"That's different", right guys?
As seacoaster just demonstrated in the preceding post, the President was also seeking a legal way to delay the release of the aid, likely until he could convince Ukraine to announce an investigation into the Bidens's obvious conflict of interest. Others in his admin & Congress prevailed upon him to release the aid within the time allowed. The aid was released. Meanwhile, an investigation of the Biden conflict of interest has been sidetracked.
It's hardly an abuse of the powers of the Deep State to investigate the Biden's obvious conflict(s) of interest.
What are you afraid of ?

How's Schiff's investigation into Lev Parnas going ? ... nce-101832
Another silly Trumpist post.

Yup, Trump may well have searched for some sort of legal justifications for holding the aid instead of the actual illegal intent. Didn’t find one, and released the aid only when the jig was up. Not sure what your point would be other than, yup, he did it.

How is that GOP House investigation of the Bidens in 2017 and 2018 going? How’s the GOP Senate’s investigation?
How about 3 years for DOJ to find something illegal??!

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old salt
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Re: The IMPEACHMENT of President Asterisk

Post by old salt »

Peter Brown wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 12:50 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 12:44 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 12:07 pm
jhu72 wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:53 am
seacoaster wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 10:53 am Trying to distill the President's and Senate GOP's argument to its essence:

“How can we possibly vote to remove the President without seeing all the evidence we’re voting not to see?”
:lol: :lol: Well put.
It's hilarious watching posters WHO LOST THEIR MINDS for 4 years plus over just the IDEA that a "Deep State" is abusing their power.....suddenly lose about a hundred IQ points when a President with a little R by his name ADMITS to abusing his power.

Are they mad at Trump for this? Well, of course not. Abuse of power just isn't a big deal. BTW fellas, how's that investigation into FISA and Deep State abuses going?

"That's different", right guys?
As seacoaster just demonstrated in the preceding post, the President was also seeking a legal way to delay the release of the aid, likely until he could convince Ukraine to announce an investigation into the Bidens's obvious conflict of interest. Others in his admin & Congress prevailed upon him to release the aid within the time allowed. The aid was released. Meanwhile, an investigation of the Biden conflict of interest has been sidetracked.
It's hardly an abuse of the powers of the Deep State to investigate the Biden's obvious conflict(s) of interest.
What are you afraid of ?

How's Schiff's investigation into Lev Parnas going ? ... nce-101832
The author of that article, MELANIE ZANONA, better make sure she has security. The left treats actual journalists like an enemy.
Her last name starts with a Z. She's one of Schiff's suspects.
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