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Post by Bandito »

jhu72 wrote:
Bandito wrote:
jhu72 wrote:It is now pretty clear the FBI investigation was not intended to do a meaningful investigation and the fault lay with the White House. Only 10 people interviewed, and only 6 known to the public. Those known to the public were, with the possible exception of Mark Judge, not likely to have added anything substantial to the information already known. The other 4 are more interesting, probably Kavanaugh's mom, his wife and two daughters. :lol:
Of course Democrats are beside themselves with the findings. They thought for sure he was a GANG RAPIST bang
Morning 6 millimeter.
Sorry the Kav thing didn't work out for you. This victim fought back and heck over the Democrat playbook
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Post by runrussellrun »

MDlaxfan76 wrote:
dislaxxic wrote:Bandildo protests FL politics


But, but, but he owns his own house (trailer)!
Yup, typical pretend. Hateful towards the poor. Bet you don't tip either.
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Post by runrussellrun »

Bandito wrote:All of you complaining about Kav drinking. I am curious what you think of this Obama video? Video can be found in the link below ... n-saavedra

Obama Admits Heavy Drinking, Drug Problems As An 'Adolescent' In Rare Video Footage

In light of the recent attacks on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh over his alleged drinking in high school and his having thrown ice at someone in a bar, a rare video clip of then-Illinois State Senator Barack Obama has surfaced that shows the 40-year-old admitting that while he was a "young boy" and an "adolescent" he drank "a six-pack in an hour" in between classes, got in fights, was a "thug," and used illegal drugs.

The February 2001 biographical interview was made by The History Makers, who interviewed Obama about everything from his favorite color to describing his adolescent behavior to defining what he wanted his legacy to be.

While discussing his adolescent behavior, Obama said, "I was a thug for a big part of my growing up," adding that he was "mischievous."

"I didn't take school that seriously," Obama continued. "I got into fights. I drank and did —and consumed substances that weren't always legal."

Obama noted that some of his behavior "was self-destructive," saying, "I might have drank a six-pack in an hour before going back to class, things like that."

The clip validates other statements made by Obama, who has admitted to using cocaine and marijuana during his high school years.

Democrats are such hypocrites.

FAKE NEWS. Obama isn't/wasn't trying to be a Supreme Court Justice bandito. Remember, only Supremes have the power to veto legislation. Only Supremes can send our youngsters to kill and possibly die. Power to spend our tax dollars are in the hands of the SUPREMES, not a President.

Pretends, like my sisters, didn't give two shits about his drug use. BTW, Barack must have been a crazy good student at Occidental his first year to be able to transfer into an Ivy league college :lol: hmmmmmm
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Post by runrussellrun »

jhu72 wrote:
DMac wrote:
MDlaxfan76 wrote
"Yes, I drank way too much back in my youth, did and said stupid things, but I have no recollection of these specific incidents or any other time like them that would constitute sexual assault. If I ever did anything remotely approaching such, I was unaware and I'm deeply distressed and sorry anything I did ever hurt anyone. I've tried to live my life as an adult as someone who cares about others, who respects and supports women, both in my personal and my professional dealing. I stand by that record 100%.
That's all it would have taken for me. As has been mentioned, I would have been one of those who couldn't pick out Barf in a picture of two before this mess, had no bias (don't care about the D & R thing), no reason to question his honesty, integrity, or character. Sure didn't feel that way after watching and listening to him though. All he had to do was say what you suggest he should have said. He brought this stuff on himself.
Yup. It's the coverup, like always. And like always, there is a reason for the coverup!

I would never have voted for him in any case. The RvW is a minor issue for me, not for young women however. I am more concerned about his positions on personal surveillance, Net Neutrallity, government use of GPS to track people, without a warrant, his citizens united stance, etc. He is woefully wrong on pretty much all issues associated with emerging technologies. If confirmed he will surprise many of his supporters as to how he is going to get into their lives and limit their freedom. :lol:
I agree on these issues. But, the Supremes aren't the issue. Congress makes laws. You and yours wanna pass the buck though and let the TAMATS to continue to do their same ole same ole turd. Kav's postive poll numbers still CRUSH any member of congress. Think about it. Yet, we elect them, year after year after year.

CONGRESS is the problem. Something about some stupid US Constitution and some stupid article that is NEVER enforced. Yup, pretends don't care about 435
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Post by runrussellrun »

Bandito wrote:
dislaxxic wrote:Some would like to ask the other persons identified as being in the house, in the vicinity of the door Dr. Ford exited out of, whether they saw her exit, and in what state she seemed at that moment. Did they ask those people that question?

Similarly, what did persons in the room, building, at the gathering that interacted directly with Ms. Ramirez after the alleged activity...have to say about the alleged activity. Did they ask those people that question?

Dr. Ford's therapist? Questions may well be asked of these people going forward, confirmation or not.

Isn't it interesting that many of these circular firing squad questions challenging this whole affair come from a place "left of most Democrats".

What would Dr. Jill Stein say? Anybody ask her?? exactly (not).

Jill Stein and Dr. Ford do have a few things in common. Not only do they have cob webby and dusty old vaginas, but they both stole money through Go Fund Me's from gullible followers. And Jill Stein is the most insignificant person ever. She is a hairy jerk
Now I know who you are. That jerk Syracuse Journalsim professor. The FEC is all over Steins money. Her recount has uncovered lots of problems in our voting system. Isn't that what your here TRUMP claimed too?
exactly. How's your answer coming regarding the deficit. You are a fiscal idiot pretend.
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Post by runrussellrun »

DMac wrote:
Bandito wrote:All of you complaining about Kav drinking. I am curious what you think of this Obama video? Video can be found in the link below ... n-saavedra

Obama Admits Heavy Drinking, Drug Problems As An 'Adolescent' In Rare Video Footage

In light of the recent attacks on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh over his alleged drinking in high school and his having thrown ice at someone in a bar, a rare video clip of then-Illinois State Senator Barack Obama has surfaced that shows the 40-year-old admitting that while he was a "young boy" and an "adolescent" he drank "a six-pack in an hour" in between classes, got in fights, was a "thug," and used illegal drugs.

The February 2001 biographical interview was made by The History Makers, who interviewed Obama about everything from his favorite color to describing his adolescent behavior to defining what he wanted his legacy to be.

While discussing his adolescent behavior, Obama said, "I was a thug for a big part of my growing up," adding that he was "mischievous."

"I didn't take school that seriously," Obama continued. "I got into fights. I drank and did —and consumed substances that weren't always legal."

Obama noted that some of his behavior "was self-destructive," saying, "I might have drank a six-pack in an hour before going back to class, things like that."

The clip validates other statements made by Obama, who has admitted to using cocaine and marijuana during his high school years.

Democrats are such hypocrites.
Bart should take note of this. Youthful indiscretions are forgiven by most, particularly when forthcoming, honest, and people of integrity own up to them (see MDlaxfan's suggested response).
Is it just youthful indiscretions that are forgiven? John mclame was SIXTYONE years old when he , on purpose with forthought and conviction, thought it would be funny to "humor" an audience with this: "Why is chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because Janet Reno is her father ". class A jerk. Oh, what, the pretends didn't forgive him for that? hypocrites.
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Post by HooDat »

jhu72 wrote:
tech37 wrote:
jhu72 wrote:Who is the judge of what constitutes "destroying a person's reputation"?
Those with supporting/credible facts.
Who makes that decision, who decides what is credible, you?
well in most cases a court of law, in these cases it is opinion. But this entire line of questioning is nothing more than a distraction from the original point which was that there is a big difference between not allowing a vote and what Kavanaugh faced.

and to this bit, MDLaxfan is spot on (I think both of us said similar things at the time that this started).
runrussellrun wrote:
jhu72 wrote:
DMac wrote:
MDlaxfan76 wrote
"Yes, I drank way too much back in my youth, did and said stupid things, but I have no recollection of these specific incidents or any other time like them that would constitute sexual assault. If I ever did anything remotely approaching such, I was unaware and I'm deeply distressed and sorry anything I did ever hurt anyone. I've tried to live my life as an adult as someone who cares about others, who respects and supports women, both in my personal and my professional dealing. I stand by that record 100%.
That's all it would have taken for me. As has been mentioned, I would have been one of those who couldn't pick out Barf in a picture of two before this mess, had no bias (don't care about the D & R thing), no reason to question his honesty, integrity, or character. Sure didn't feel that way after watching and listening to him though. All he had to do was say what you suggest he should have said. He brought this stuff on himself.
Yup. It's the coverup, like always. And like always, there is a reason for the coverup!

I would never have voted for him in any case. The RvW is a minor issue for me, not for young women however. I am more concerned about his positions on personal surveillance, Net Neutrallity, government use of GPS to track people, without a warrant, his citizens united stance, etc. He is woefully wrong on pretty much all issues associated with emerging technologies. If confirmed he will surprise many of his supporters as to how he is going to get into their lives and limit their freedom. :lol:
I agree on these issues. But, the Supremes aren't the issue. Congress makes laws. You and yours wanna pass the buck though and let the TAMATS to continue to do their same ole same ole turd. Kav's postive poll numbers still CRUSH any member of congress. Think about it. Yet, we elect them, year after year after year.

CONGRESS is the problem. Something about some stupid US Constitution and some stupid article that is NEVER enforced. Yup, pretends don't care about 435
I don't understand why, if you thought there was any chance of getting caught you wouldn't have taken MD's advice??? So then it comes down to either (a) he is just that cocky and thinks he can get away with it, or (b) he either didn't do it, or at least doesn't think he did.
Last edited by HooDat on Thu Oct 04, 2018 2:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
STILL somewhere back in the day....

...and waiting/hoping for a tinfoil hat emoji......
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Post by MDlaxfan76 »

runrussellrun wrote:
MDlaxfan76 wrote:
dislaxxic wrote:Bandildo protests FL politics


But, but, but he owns his own house (trailer)!
Yup, typical pretend. Hateful towards the poor. Bet you don't tip either.
What makes you think I'm "hateful to the poor"?
Because I'm making fun of Bandito's assurances that he owns his own house, isn't living in mommy's basement?
He comes across as an entitled, stupid brat, either young and dumb or stuck in an adolescent booze haze well into his 30's. I can't really tell which describes him more accurately, but given that this is a lax forum and somehow he found his way to it, I'm guessing that he's under 21 and just a knucklehead. He claims otherwise, but acts incredibly sophomorically. Of course, he might have been born with a silver spoon in his mouth and is just drifting through life entitled and angry that anyone might see him for the lightweight he really is...

I wouldn't say the same for you, Fatty, as you come across as more addled by substances over many years of trial and error. Let's just say, better educated and more experienced, just hard to follow at times. And you 'pretend' to be a neutral, equal opportunity, critic, yet are pretty darn predictable :)

"Don't tip"? What?

Not that I should have to say so, but I spent enough time as a busboy then waiter earning dough to pay part of my college costs to have a very clear understanding of how little folks get paid in those gigs and why a good tip matters so much to them. I do tip more for great service, but never tip less than 15% and would only go that low if really pissed off which almost never happens, given that I know how hard it is to handle lots of tables, a rush of orders, etc. I happily left a more than 25% tip last night including on the alcohol because the waiter was particularly engaging and on top of his work. He even picked up on a stray comment he overheard about my son's birthday this week and brought out a surprise tiramisu for him, with extra spoons, after I'd already had the bill. Master class in service excellence.

It bothers me when someone at my table is hyper critical of the service and gets all huffy and rude with the service providers, much less under tips them. I don't know whether they just never did that kind of work or think they're somehow better because they no longer have to do that kind of work or are just entitled buttheads...but being rude and cheap is no act of an honorable and decent person. Glad to hear you would agree, Fatty. End of rant.
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Post by runrussellrun »


I limit my reading to 60-70 words, sorry. But, owning a home (trailer) is mocking the poor. Ever hear trailer park elites? no, me neither. B/c bandito is stupid (doubt he's stupid, an jerk, yes ) he lives in a trailer park b/c he can't make enough money to live is some climate change, but we won't build like there is, planned outhouse in the middle of an old cornfield off of routes 70 or 83. Plenty of wealthy people are dumb as rocks, whatever dumb means in this case. Like idiots saying a kid shouldn't leave college to play in the NBA to earn $5millioin a year, 5 years guaranteed, stay for the education. Stay for what, so you can grovel at the NIH breast for that lousy physics grant of $150k a year.
Last edited by runrussellrun on Thu Oct 04, 2018 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jhu72 »

HooDat wrote:
jhu72 wrote:
tech37 wrote:
jhu72 wrote:Who is the judge of what constitutes "destroying a person's reputation"?
Those with supporting/credible facts.
Who makes that decision, who decides what is credible, you?
well in most cases a court of law, in these cases it is opinion. But this entire line of questioning is nothing more than a distraction from the original point which was that there is a big difference between not allowing a vote and what Kavanaugh faced.
... and the later is problematic, somehow dishonest, dirty, outside bounds, illegitimate, etc. -- seems to be your implication.

No distraction. My point is it is a matter of opinion, as you have indicated. "Innocent until proven guilty" in this venue, "the world of opinion" it is hardly an operable principle. Pretending like it is, as some have, is disingenuous. This seems to be the basis of the argument that what the democrats have done is "dirty". nonsense is my response. A woman feeling wronged came forward with her story. She risked all the things we both know she risked, she has paid a price, as many predicted, including herself. It is what it is, illegitimate or somehow 'dirtier' than what McConnell did with Garland is not one of the things it is!

If Ford has lied and it can be proved, she will suffer more.
Last edited by jhu72 on Thu Oct 04, 2018 5:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by runrussellrun »

MDlaxfan76 wrote:

I have no doubt that many or most of the Dems indeed would love nothing more than for this process to have been delayed until after the midterms with the hope that they might gain the Senate, but that's a far cry from an allegation that Feinstein leaked this as a political strategy she engineered. And, even more importantly, it's totally ignoring that Ford came forward prior to his even having been nominated. (What are you basing this on? She contacted her Congressperson/Feinsteing after his July 9th announcement ) And that she has corroboration that she told the same story over the recent years to numerous people with no axe to grind about Kavanaugh or political bias. (This a laughable, idiotic and ignorant statement. Her therapist, letter to Feinstein and poorly written letter crafted for the polygraph all have conflicting details ) And that she passed a polygraph herself, something Kavanaugh has avoided. (Again, you have poor research skills. Fords polygraph was a joke. Only 2 questions were asked. No baseline. )

My hunch is that Kavanaugh will squeak through but that the Dems will win the House (not Senate)... and all of this will be explored in full gory detail under various House subpoenas. All these potential corroborating witnesses will be given their say in full public view and testimony will be taken from various experts on sexual assault and the psychological impacts, etc. Kavanaugh himself will be put under subpoena and grilled. He could take the 5th, but he won't be given a pass to bluster his way through short sets of questions.

Of course, if he's truly innocent of these allegations that process will ultimately validate that to be the case and he'll have a full career on the Supreme Court with his name and reputation restored.

If he's not innocent, he may resign in order to avoid that embarrassment. But those hearings are likely to happen anyway, though focused just on the issues of sexual assault more generally.

Your last three run on and one sentences bring up an obvious point. Congressional hearing are NOT trials. Yet, you perjure yourself if you lie. Can take the 5th as to not incriminate yourself, etc. Sure has the elements of a court room. Why you, and others, aren't DEMANDING that Ford and Swetnick go file a criminal complaint is strange. You only want a TAMATS hearing, the smoke n mirrors nonsense turd show. Meanwhile, the poor (trailer home dwellers ) of this country are dying** b/c congress wastes our time with heck in the head drunks and nymphos (That would be both the above females )

**diabetics dying b/c the pretends claim that $35k is too much money to make to get anything other than spending $13k on healthcare. Anyone who supports the ACA is :
1. Clueless
2. A hypocrite
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Post by Bandito »

Typical Lax Dad wrote:
Bandito wrote:
DMac wrote:
jhu72 wrote
He now claims he was too emotional in his performance. In his emotional performance, he came "more clean" about his drinking. Leaves me with the question, does this wanker ever get it right the first time? He only gets it right when he is pushed. This clown is going to be put in the crucible many times as a Supreme, so far the only thing I have seen him do, is fail crucible tests.
Came more clean my rump. Yup, said he drank beer with a confrontational tone and attitude, firing back with, "what do you drink?" The insinuation being you drink/drank just like I do/did. Not. Also came clean about his weak stomach. You know, confessing that spicy foods and the like made him puke a lot.
Imagine he'll write a book now:
By Barf O'Keg
So you would have just sat there then if you were falsely accused of gang rape? Every single person would have stood up against those false accusations the same way he did. You don't like his politics so you complain and moan like a little complain yourself. Get a clue. You lost. He won. He did not back down to the vile threats by Democrats and media. He called their bluff and now he will be confirmed and the Red wave is coming this November. A twofer!
Buenos dias Manuel!
Hey look its the man who wears a pink wimp hat! Talk about white privilege!
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Post by MDlaxfan76 »

runrussellrun wrote:
MDlaxfan76 wrote:

I have no doubt that many or most of the Dems indeed would love nothing more than for this process to have been delayed until after the midterms with the hope that they might gain the Senate, but that's a far cry from an allegation that Feinstein leaked this as a political strategy she engineered. And, even more importantly, it's totally ignoring that Ford came forward prior to his even having been nominated. (What are you basing this on? She contacted her Congressperson/Feinsteing after his July 9th announcement ) And that she has corroboration that she told the same story over the recent years to numerous people with no axe to grind about Kavanaugh or political bias. (This a laughable, idiotic and ignorant statement. Her therapist, letter to Feinstein and poorly written letter crafted for the polygraph all have conflicting details ) And that she passed a polygraph herself, something Kavanaugh has avoided. (Again, you have poor research skills. Fords polygraph was a joke. Only 2 questions were asked. No baseline. )

My hunch is that Kavanaugh will squeak through but that the Dems will win the House (not Senate)... and all of this will be explored in full gory detail under various House subpoenas. All these potential corroborating witnesses will be given their say in full public view and testimony will be taken from various experts on sexual assault and the psychological impacts, etc. Kavanaugh himself will be put under subpoena and grilled. He could take the 5th, but he won't be given a pass to bluster his way through short sets of questions.

Of course, if he's truly innocent of these allegations that process will ultimately validate that to be the case and he'll have a full career on the Supreme Court with his name and reputation restored.

If he's not innocent, he may resign in order to avoid that embarrassment. But those hearings are likely to happen anyway, though focused just on the issues of sexual assault more generally.

Your last three run on and one sentences bring up an obvious point. Congressional hearing are NOT trials. Yet, you perjure yourself if you lie. Can take the 5th as to not incriminate yourself, etc. Sure has the elements of a court room. Why you, and others, aren't DEMANDING that Ford and Swetnick go file a criminal complaint is strange. You only want a TAMATS hearing, the smoke n mirrors nonsense turd show. Meanwhile, the poor (trailer home dwellers ) of this country are dying** b/c congress wastes our time with heck in the head drunks and nymphos (That would be both the above females )

**diabetics dying b/c the pretends claim that $35k is too much money to make to get anything other than spending $13k on healthcare. Anyone who supports the ACA is :
1. Clueless
2. A hypocrite
Fascinating to watch your mind work, Fatty. I can't handle too much of your acid trip, but every once in awhile I try to tune in even if I'm not sure what 'channel' that requires.

The ACA and diabetes may well be a worthwhile topic and I can see how your point is that there are other issues worthy of attention for the legislature and WH and for voters, but it simply doesn't have anything to do with the merits of this particular discussion.

On the various capitalized points, you are simply flat wrong on the timetable. Kavanaugh had not been nominated when Ford first attempted to tell her story to Feinstein, much less to the various other people last summer and years earlier. Those folks are all available to corroborate that fact. Under oath.

So, apparently is the polygraph expert.

Yes none were called for their corroboration or conversely to refute her testimony.

Same for Kavanaugh's Yale classmates.

On Swetnick, I agree that there are elements of story that strain credulity, most notably that she is 2 years older than Kavanaugh. However, I would like to know that her story is total BS (or not), as her claims were obviously the most incendiary. Seems to me that a forensic interview might well have revealed her as not truthful in key ways. And that answer would be helpful to Kavanaugh's ultimate reputation on or off the court.

But the fundamental reality that no one has actually examined Kavanaugh carefully under oath and he hasn't offered and taken a polygraph makes it clear, at least to me, that he and the GOP supporters really don't want his truth to be known. They're hiding something.

I couple that with the various squirming and obfuscations and outright untruths and it's enough for me, absent knowing that the two more credible accusers were flat mistaken.
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Post by DMac »

Bandito wrote:
DMac wrote:
jhu72 wrote
He now claims he was too emotional in his performance. In his emotional performance, he came "more clean" about his drinking. Leaves me with the question, does this wanker ever get it right the first time? He only gets it right when he is pushed. This clown is going to be put in the crucible many times as a Supreme, so far the only thing I have seen him do, is fail crucible tests.
Came more clean my rump. Yup, said he drank beer with a confrontational tone and attitude, firing back with, "what do you drink?" The insinuation being you drink/drank just like I do/did. Not. Also came clean about his weak stomach. You know, confessing that spicy foods and the like made him puke a lot.
Imagine he'll write a book now:
By Barf O'Keg
So you would have just sat there then if you were falsely accused of gang rape? Every single person would have stood up against those false accusations the same way he did. You don't like his politics so you complain and moan like a little complain yourself. Get a clue. You lost. He won. He did not back down to the vile threats by Democrats and media. He called their bluff and now he will be confirmed and the Red wave is coming this November. A twofer!
Another example of how sheepskins (masters degree and all, ya know) don't necessarily make one too wise or bright.
Example #1. I don't know how much more clear I can be about not caring about the D or R. I have no dog in this fight, there is no W or L for me here. Unlike the old geezer ex SC judge who went into this circus with the preconceived notion that this guy was a good candidate for the job and should get it, I went into it blind and watched his interview objectively. He left me with the impression that he was not the kind of person who should sit on the Supreme Court. He's not an honest person and doesn't have the right temperament the way I see it. The ex SC judge was apparently left with the same impression, as he's changed his mind after witnessing Keg's show.
Example #2. You haven't learned yet that husbands and wives share most everything? You're telling me my wife came over and gave you hand job as if I didn't already know that? C'mon, heard all about. Said it was the first hand job she ever gave using just her index finger and thumb. Yup, said she diddled your dinkie for ya, said she was surprised by the size of the jerk you liked in your ass while she was doing the diddling too. Impressive but not surprising, being a big jerk and all, ya know.
JFTR, his youthful frat boy drinking doesn't mean jack to me. The drunkin' sailor stereotype is a well earned stereotype (speaking from experience here, not so sure the frat boy could have kept up with us) as is Fighting Irishman (albeit he was Bulldog), no biggie to me. No need to be evasive and less than forthcoming about it. I know those spicy wings are tough to keep down sometimes, but c'mon.
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Post by Bandito »

DMac wrote:
Bandito wrote:
DMac wrote:
jhu72 wrote
He now claims he was too emotional in his performance. In his emotional performance, he came "more clean" about his drinking. Leaves me with the question, does this wanker ever get it right the first time? He only gets it right when he is pushed. This clown is going to be put in the crucible many times as a Supreme, so far the only thing I have seen him do, is fail crucible tests.
Came more clean my rump. Yup, said he drank beer with a confrontational tone and attitude, firing back with, "what do you drink?" The insinuation being you drink/drank just like I do/did. Not. Also came clean about his weak stomach. You know, confessing that spicy foods and the like made him puke a lot.
Imagine he'll write a book now:
By Barf O'Keg
So you would have just sat there then if you were falsely accused of gang rape? Every single person would have stood up against those false accusations the same way he did. You don't like his politics so you complain and moan like a little complain yourself. Get a clue. You lost. He won. He did not back down to the vile threats by Democrats and media. He called their bluff and now he will be confirmed and the Red wave is coming this November. A twofer!
Another example of how sheepskins (masters degree and all, ya know) don't necessarily make one too wise or bright.
Example #1. I don't know how much more clear I can be about not caring about the D or R. I have no dog in this fight, there is no W or L for me here. Unlike the old geezer ex SC judge who went into this circus with the preconceived notion that this guy was a good candidate for the job and should get it, I went into it blind and watched his interview objectively. He left me with the impression that he was not the kind of person who should sit on the Supreme Court. He's not an honest person and doesn't have the right temperament the way I see it. The ex SC judge was apparently left with the same impression, as he's changed his mind after witnessing Keg's show.
Example #2. You haven't learned yet that husbands and wives share most everything? You're telling me my wife came over and gave you hand job as if I didn't already know that? C'mon, heard all about. Said it was the first hand job she ever gave using just her index finger and thumb. Yup, said she diddled your dinkie for ya, said she was surprised by the size of the jerk you liked in your ass while she was doing the diddling too. Impressive but not surprising, being a big jerk and all, ya know.
JFTR, his youthful frat boy drinking doesn't mean jack to me. The drunkin' sailor stereotype is a well earned stereotype (speaking from experience here, not so sure the frat boy could have kept up with us) as is Fighting Irishman (albeit he was Bulldog), no biggie to me. No need to be evasive and less than forthcoming about it. I know those spicy wings are tough to keep down sometimes, but c'mon.
You have TDS. You have not said anything positive about him or his policies or his SC nominee. This proves you are a Democrat and lying or just a moron. I think it is both. You take the cake for suffering the most from TDS.
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Post by runrussellrun »

DMac wrote:
Bandito wrote:
DMac wrote:
jhu72 wrote
He now claims he was too emotional in his performance. In his emotional performance, he came "more clean" about his drinking. Leaves me with the question, does this wanker ever get it right the first time? He only gets it right when he is pushed. This clown is going to be put in the crucible many times as a Supreme, so far the only thing I have seen him do, is fail crucible tests.
Came more clean my rump. Yup, said he drank beer with a confrontational tone and attitude, firing back with, "what do you drink?" The insinuation being you drink/drank just like I do/did. Not. Also came clean about his weak stomach. You know, confessing that spicy foods and the like made him puke a lot.
Imagine he'll write a book now:
By Barf O'Keg
So you would have just sat there then if you were falsely accused of gang rape? Every single person would have stood up against those false accusations the same way he did. You don't like his politics so you complain and moan like a little complain yourself. Get a clue. You lost. He won. He did not back down to the vile threats by Democrats and media. He called their bluff and now he will be confirmed and the Red wave is coming this November. A twofer!
Another example of how sheepskins (masters degree and all, ya know) don't necessarily make one too wise or bright.
Example #1. I don't know how much more clear I can be about not caring about the D or R. I have no dog in this fight, there is no W or L for me here. Unlike the old geezer ex SC judge who went into this circus with the preconceived notion that this guy was a good candidate for the job and should get it, I went into it blind and watched his interview objectively. He left me with the impression that he was not the kind of person who should sit on the Supreme Court. He's not an honest person and doesn't have the right temperament the way I see it. The ex SC judge was apparently left with the same impression, as he's changed his mind after witnessing Keg's show.
Example #2. You haven't learned yet that husbands and wives share most everything? You're telling me my wife came over and gave you hand job as if I didn't already know that? C'mon, heard all about. Said it was the first hand job she ever gave using just her index finger and thumb. Yup, said she diddled your dinkie for ya, said she was surprised by the size of the jerk you liked in your ass while she was doing the diddling too. Impressive but not surprising, being a big jerk and all, ya know.
JFTR, his youthful frat boy drinking doesn't mean jack to me. The drunkin' sailor stereotype is a well earned stereotype (speaking from experience here, not so sure the frat boy could have kept up with us) as is Fighting Irishman (albeit he was Bulldog), no biggie to me. No need to be evasive and less than forthcoming about it. I know those spicy wings are tough to keep down sometimes, but c'mon.

What does JFTR mean? ;)
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Post by Bandito »

runrussellrun wrote:
DMac wrote:
Bandito wrote:
DMac wrote:
jhu72 wrote
He now claims he was too emotional in his performance. In his emotional performance, he came "more clean" about his drinking. Leaves me with the question, does this wanker ever get it right the first time? He only gets it right when he is pushed. This clown is going to be put in the crucible many times as a Supreme, so far the only thing I have seen him do, is fail crucible tests.
Came more clean my rump. Yup, said he drank beer with a confrontational tone and attitude, firing back with, "what do you drink?" The insinuation being you drink/drank just like I do/did. Not. Also came clean about his weak stomach. You know, confessing that spicy foods and the like made him puke a lot.
Imagine he'll write a book now:
By Barf O'Keg
So you would have just sat there then if you were falsely accused of gang rape? Every single person would have stood up against those false accusations the same way he did. You don't like his politics so you complain and moan like a little complain yourself. Get a clue. You lost. He won. He did not back down to the vile threats by Democrats and media. He called their bluff and now he will be confirmed and the Red wave is coming this November. A twofer!
Another example of how sheepskins (masters degree and all, ya know) don't necessarily make one too wise or bright.
Example #1. I don't know how much more clear I can be about not caring about the D or R. I have no dog in this fight, there is no W or L for me here. Unlike the old geezer ex SC judge who went into this circus with the preconceived notion that this guy was a good candidate for the job and should get it, I went into it blind and watched his interview objectively. He left me with the impression that he was not the kind of person who should sit on the Supreme Court. He's not an honest person and doesn't have the right temperament the way I see it. The ex SC judge was apparently left with the same impression, as he's changed his mind after witnessing Keg's show.
Example #2. You haven't learned yet that husbands and wives share most everything? You're telling me my wife came over and gave you hand job as if I didn't already know that? C'mon, heard all about. Said it was the first hand job she ever gave using just her index finger and thumb. Yup, said she diddled your dinkie for ya, said she was surprised by the size of the jerk you liked in your ass while she was doing the diddling too. Impressive but not surprising, being a big jerk and all, ya know.
JFTR, his youthful frat boy drinking doesn't mean jack to me. The drunkin' sailor stereotype is a well earned stereotype (speaking from experience here, not so sure the frat boy could have kept up with us) as is Fighting Irishman (albeit he was Bulldog), no biggie to me. No need to be evasive and less than forthcoming about it. I know those spicy wings are tough to keep down sometimes, but c'mon.

What does JFTR mean? ;)
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Post by laxman3221 »

jhu72 wrote:The ABA now says they will not complete their re-evaluation of Bart O. prior to the final vote tomorrow. Letters sent to Grassley and Feinstein. They clearly state their reason for the re-evaluation as being, "new information of a material nature regarding temperament".

Oh, noes. He got mad and called out the senators who called him e v i l and people would die if he is on SCOTUS. heck em.
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Post by cradleandshoot »

DMac wrote:.....and Bonaparte and da Vinci were lefties.

Methinks 72 is right. Me also thinks you're understating in saying that he drinks beer and gets drunk occasionally. I think the part about being a belligerent, loud mouth, aggressive, "occasional" drunk is being left out here, and that's when people do really stupid things (which might well come back to haunt them). This boy was a hard drinker (would not be surprised if he still is) and contributor to the fighting Irish stereotype. That is the part of his life that is the gift that will keep on giving, am sure others will step up with more stories. Put a few beers in Barf at the hearings and how "emotional" would he have become?
Will he get through? Sure. He's got friends in high places who will downplay his behavior and overlook his unwillingness to be forthright and honest. It's just more politics as usual in the good ol' USofA. Besides, he just wants to be a SC judge, no biggie.
I don't know about this dmac. 95% of the kids I grew up with drank beer, smoked weed and became belligerent and obnoxious when they did so. 95% of the folks I served with in the Army drank too much beer, swilled too much Jim Beam and toked a little weed on occasions. Eventually you get married and have kids and unlike peter pan... you grow up. If I was judged by my actions from 40 years ago I would be in big trouble. I bet a lot of you folks out there would also be embarrassed by all the stupid turd you all did when you were in college. if we were all to be judged by the same set of standards many of us would not have a job today. Teddy Kennedy was a drunken low life womanizing degenerate of the lowest order and he is still a Democratic icon today. Where do we separate the double standard? Do Democrats and Republicans have different thresholds for the degenerate behavior of their members that is acceptable to their members? ang8
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Post by DMac »

cradleandshoot wrote:
DMac wrote:.....and Bonaparte and da Vinci were lefties.

Methinks 72 is right. Me also thinks you're understating in saying that he drinks beer and gets drunk occasionally. I think the part about being a belligerent, loud mouth, aggressive, "occasional" drunk is being left out here, and that's when people do really stupid things (which might well come back to haunt them). This boy was a hard drinker (would not be surprised if he still is) and contributor to the fighting Irish stereotype. That is the part of his life that is the gift that will keep on giving, am sure others will step up with more stories. Put a few beers in Barf at the hearings and how "emotional" would he have become?
Will he get through? Sure. He's got friends in high places who will downplay his behavior and overlook his unwillingness to be forthright and honest. It's just more politics as usual in the good ol' USofA. Besides, he just wants to be a SC judge, no biggie.
I don't know about this dmac. 95% of the kids I grew up with drank beer, smoked weed and became belligerent and obnoxious when they did so. 95% of the folks I served with in the Army drank too much beer, swilled too much Jim Beam and toked a little weed on occasions. Eventually you get married and have kids and unlike peter pan... you grow up. If I was judged by my actions from 40 years ago I would be in big trouble. I bet a lot of you folks out there would also be embarrassed by all the stupid turd you all did when you were in college. if we were all to be judged by the same set of standards many of us would not have a job today. Teddy Kennedy was a drunken low life womanizing degenerate of the lowest order and he is still a Democratic icon today. Where do we separate the double standard? Do Democrats and Republicans have different thresholds for the degenerate behavior of their members that is acceptable to their members? ang8
Big difference here, cradle, is that you're honest and forthcoming about it. I'd bet that after you did a few shots, downed a 15 pack of Falstaff, and took a toke or two and puked, you wouldn't tell me it was because of the mystery meat you ate in the mess hall before going out.
As the last guy to show up from the 20 mile hike ( ;) ) you might have missed what I've said in previous posts. I don't care about his partying and youthful indiscretions, in fact I've stated that these partying frat boys might have had a hard time hanging with we military boys when we were the same age. Alcohol and the behavior it brings on was pretty much expected and pretty much acceptable as long as you could could get up and perform the next day. Have had many days like the one you describe and done many stupid things, but I'd never downplay it the way this SC judge has. He hasn't been honest with us (despite the fact that we'd all say, "Yup, kinda sounds like what most of us have done, no biggie."), and I'd expect that from a SC judge. That's the problem I have with this guy.
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