The Nation's Financial Condition

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The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by dislaxxic »

Boy, i sure hope A Fan shows up here to continue his excellent, on-going analysis of this fascinating subject...

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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by Bandito »

dislaxxic wrote:Boy, i sure hope A Fan shows up here to continue his excellent, on-going analysis of this fascinating subject...

Tax cuts are working, economy is booming, historic low black and hispanic unemployment, extremely low unemployment rate, stock market is roaring, jobs are flowing back from overseas, manufacturing is up, coal and oil production is picking up. The Trump Train continues moving forward despite large media conglomerates silencing conservative voices. It is remarkable to behold how successful this administration is despite the media and their kind trying to destory Trump's every move with their fabricated vitirol.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by holmes435 »

Bandito wrote:
dislaxxic wrote:Boy, i sure hope A Fan shows up here to continue his excellent, on-going analysis of this fascinating subject...

Tax cuts are working, economy is booming, historic low black and hispanic unemployment, extremely low unemployment rate, stock market is roaring, jobs are flowing back from overseas, manufacturing is up, coal and oil production is picking up. The Trump Train continues moving forward despite large media conglomerates silencing conservative voices. It is remarkable to behold how successful this administration is despite the media and their kind trying to destory Trump's every move with their fabricated vitirol.
Tax cuts: how exactly have they affected the economy? Also, how are we going to pay for them? We also have historical data showing massive tax cuts don't do what Republicans say they do.

Unemployment: Trump said those numbers were fake. But it's nice to see the unemployment trend continue its downward trend through much of the Obama administration. Trump hasn't made much difference either way.

Stock Market: It's matching its trend line since 2009. Trump hasn't made much difference either way.

Jobs: do you have any data showing they're flowing in from overseas? What about wages? We're adding tons of service jobs, not bringing back overseas jobs.

Manufacturing: Has steadily risen for the past few decades (even with the down bump during the great recession), but employment in manufacturing has dropped as more things get automated. Trump hasn't done anything to meaningfully change manufacturing or mfg jobs.

"large media conglomerates silencing conservative voice" this is flat out false, fake news. there is no overarching conspiracy to silence conservative voices by the media, and a few blips here and there you'll probably quote does make an overarching conspiracy. It happens plenty to the left as well. Fox News is still the largest outlet. You've got quite the persecution complex going on.

Vitriol: Most of it comes from the rotund man in the oval office. He's also deserving of much that is thrown his way.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by Bandito »

holmes435 wrote:
Bandito wrote:
dislaxxic wrote:Boy, i sure hope A Fan shows up here to continue his excellent, on-going analysis of this fascinating subject...

Tax cuts are working, economy is booming, historic low black and hispanic unemployment, extremely low unemployment rate, stock market is roaring, jobs are flowing back from overseas, manufacturing is up, coal and oil production is picking up. The Trump Train continues moving forward despite large media conglomerates silencing conservative voices. It is remarkable to behold how successful this administration is despite the media and their kind trying to destory Trump's every move with their fabricated vitirol.
Tax cuts: how exactly have they affected the economy? Also, how are we going to pay for them? We also have historical data showing massive tax cuts don't do what Republicans say they do.

Unemployment: Trump said those numbers were fake. But it's nice to see the unemployment trend continue its downward trend through much of the Obama administration. Trump hasn't made much difference either way.

Stock Market: It's matching its trend line since 2009. Trump hasn't made much difference either way.

Jobs: do you have any data showing they're flowing in from overseas? What about wages? We're adding tons of service jobs, not bringing back overseas jobs.

Manufacturing: Has steadily risen for the past few decades (even with the down bump during the great recession), but employment in manufacturing has dropped as more things get automated. Trump hasn't done anything to meaningfully change manufacturing or mfg jobs.

"large media conglomerates silencing conservative voice" this is flat out false, fake news. there is no overarching conspiracy to silence conservative voices by the media, and a few blips here and there you'll probably quote does make an overarching conspiracy. It happens plenty to the left as well. Fox News is still the largest outlet. You've got quite the persecution complex going on.

Vitriol: Most of it comes from the rotund man in the oval office. He's also deserving of much that is thrown his way.
Yikes. Practically everything you stated is completely false.

1. Tax cuts- How do they help? Are you serious? More money in people's pockets is a good thing. I am making over $200 more a month due to the President's policies. Tax cuts greatly help the economy as it gives back money they earned to invest or spend on the economy. It is a win for the people and businesses of this nation

2. LOL. Those numbers aren't fake at all. Black and Hispanic unemployment rates are at all time lows.

3. The stock market is setting records seemingly every day and has very little to do with Obama's economic policies which stifled its growth. Remember when Democrats warned the election of Trump would crash the market? It has had the exact opposite happen. He is the most pro stock market/business president we've ever had. It makes sense since he is a succesful businessman himself. Have you checked your retirement or 401K account recenlty if you have one?

4. Adding service jobs? Obama added part time jobs. The Democrats actually want people to be working multiple part time jobs. Under this administration jobs have been flowing back into the US. Coal is booming again and same with the oil industry.

5. You must not have Twitter, Facebook or use Google. Those sites 100% suppress conservative voices with algorithms and shadow banning. Trump just posted on Twitter yesterday showing Google promote Obama's SOTU address every year he was president. But they did not do the same with Trump. Why is that? It is bias. The American people are finally waking up and standing up against a media that is 90% or more against them.

6. The President is defending himself. Everything he does the media and the left try to tear him down. It is amazing to behold that Trump can be so successful with the enemy of the people (CNN, NYT, The Hill, MSNBC, ESPN etc) creating falsehoods about him and his successes. They never report on anything good. Fox News isn't perfect but is much more fair and balanced when it comes to news reporting. And no need to use insults towards the President. Like Tiger Woods said when asked what he thought of President Trump from and ESPN reporter after he just played golf-ESPN was trying to use Woods to propel their own hatred towards the President. It is not wonder their ratings are in the tank: Respect the Office.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by dislaxxic »

Seems we have another bona fide Trump Base Voter in our midst. Welcome!


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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by holmes435 »

Bandito wrote:Yikes. Practically everything you stated is completely false.
You make a bold claim but don't back anything up with data
Bandito wrote: 1. Tax cuts- How do they help? Are you serious? More money in people's pockets is a good thing. I am making over $200 more a month due to the President's policies. Tax cuts greatly help the economy as it gives back money they earned to invest or spend on the economy. It is a win for the people and businesses of this nation
You never answered how we are gonna pay for them? We're blowing up the deficit and debt. How about the poor? They're the ones who pump additional funds back into the economy. Investing your tax cut isn't growing the economy as it's consumer based.

Bandito wrote: 2. LOL. Those numbers aren't fake at all. Black and Hispanic unemployment rates are at all time lows.
But Donald Trump himself has said unemployment numbers are fake - he said that like two dozen times.

Either way, does it look like Trump has done anything to cause these unemployment numbers? You didn't answer anything about that.

Bandito wrote: 3. The stock market is setting records seemingly every day and has very little to do with Obama's economic policies which stifled its growth. Remember when Democrats warned the election of Trump would crash the market? It has had the exact opposite happen. He is the most pro stock market/business president we've ever had. It makes sense since he is a succesful businessman himself. Have you checked your retirement or 401K account recenlty if you have one?
What Obama policies stifled its growth. Here is the 10 year chart, looks like it's been going steadily upward since the recession, mostly while Obama was in office. We also don't know how successful of a businessman he is since everything is private and he didn't release his tax returns among other things. He may be leveraged out the wazoo.

Bandito wrote: 4. Adding service jobs? Obama added part time jobs. The Democrats actually want people to be working multiple part time jobs. Under this administration jobs have been flowing back into the US. Coal is booming again and same with the oil industry.
Coal is booming? :lol:

You never said what full-time overseas jobs are flowing back in either.
Bandito wrote: 5. You must not have Twitter, Facebook or use Google. Those sites 100% suppress conservative voices with algorithms and shadow banning. Trump just posted on Twitter yesterday showing Google promote Obama's SOTU address every year he was president. But they did not do the same with Trump. Why is that? It is bias. The American people are finally waking up and standing up against a media that is 90% or more against them.
I use all of them and as most of my friends are conservative and I haven't done much in the way of tweaking my feeds, conservative stories are about all I see with their algorithms. You don't have any credible data to show they are doing this.

Google did in fact highlight Trump's first SOTU - whoops - - #fakenews
Bandito wrote: 6. The President is defending himself. Everything he does the media and the left try to tear him down. It is amazing to behold that Trump can be so successful with the enemy of the people (CNN, NYT, The Hill, MSNBC, ESPN etc) creating falsehoods about him and his successes. They never report on anything good. Fox News isn't perfect but is much more fair and balanced when it comes to news reporting. And no need to use insults towards the President. Like Tiger Woods said when asked what he thought of President Trump from and ESPN reporter after he just played golf-ESPN was trying to use Woods to propel their own hatred towards the President. It is not wonder their ratings are in the tank: Respect the Office.
It's hard to report anything good when most of what he does is a lie. Trump goes on the offensive first, then has to "defend" himself when people hit back.
He's extremely thin-skinned this way. Trump insults plenty of people, why can't we hit back as much as he gives out?

Trump is in no way respecting the office like you suggest.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by a fan »

Bandito wrote:3. The stock market is setting records seemingly every day and has very little to do with Obama's economic policies which stifled its growth
Great. This should be easy then: name five of Obama's policies that stifled growth. (you should be able to list dozens, but I'll settle for five)
Bandito wrote:It makes sense since he is a succesful businessman himself.
You mean he inherited millions from Daddy, and didn't lose it. You realize that you're describing any number of the 1%. Like Paris Hilton. You impressed by her, too?
Bandito wrote:3Have you checked your retirement or 401K account recenlty if you have one?
So you're a finance expert who didn't notice that we had a bull market for the entirety of Obama's Presidency? That "didn't count", right. Only the the last 7 quarters have been good.
Bandito wrote: US. Coal is booming again and same with the oil industry.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Wow. Bravo! Bravo! Chug that Kool Aid!
Bandito wrote: 5. You must not have Twitter, Facebook or use Google. Those sites 100% suppress conservative voices with algorithms and shadow banning. Trump just posted on Twitter yesterday showing Google promote Obama's SOTU address every year he was president. But they did not do the same with Trump. Why is that? It is bias. The American people are finally waking up and standing up against a media that is 90% or more against them.
Aaaaaand there it is, HooDat. Told ya. It's like Trump supporters come out of a factory, all of them identical and interchangeable. Us vs. Them. FoxNews struck a nerve two decades ago, and have been mining it ever since. Maddow has some catching up to do, but she's getting there quickly (check her new ratings).
Bandito wrote: 6. The President is defending himself. Everything he does the media and the left try to tear him down. It is amazing to behold that Trump can be so successful with the enemy of the people (CNN, NYT, The Hill, MSNBC, ESPN etc) creating falsehoods about him and his successes. They never report on anything good. Fox News isn't perfect but is much more fair and balanced when it comes to news reporting. And no need to use insults towards the President. Like Tiger Woods said when asked what he thought of President Trump from and ESPN reporter after he just played golf-ESPN was trying to use Woods to propel their own hatred towards the President. It is not wonder their ratings are in the tank: Respect the Office.
Right. Because FoxNews was so fair and gentle with Obama, and respected the office. Trump too, with his whole birther thing....yeah, he respected the office, alright.

And oh yeah, I remember the media giving both Bush and Clinton a pass. Nothing but nice things to say.

Dude, you are SWIMMING in the Kool Aid. And I'd wager $1,000 that if I caught you at a lax game, and asked you if you trusted the Federal Government, you'd give me a vehement "hell no I don't trust the Federal Government".

And yet here you are, defending the Federal Government from any and all criticism. The Federal government NEVER lies, right? And Federal government corruption is gone, right? Well done! Bravo!
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by a fan »

Bandito wrote: The Trump Train continues moving forward despite large media conglomerates silencing conservative voices.
This is literally the dumbest part of the whole "mommy, everyone is being mean to Trump" conspiracy nonsense you get from Trump and FoxNation.

Bandito: when was the last time you caught Hannity or Rush, and they DIDN"T talk about the media conspiracy or tell new stories about how "the libs" are bad?

Trump is a paycheck for media, and the media is making guys like you dig your heels in and support him more. Wake up. They're both getting paid because of you (and the left wing for that matter).
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by runrussellrun »

A Fan, why pick on Paris? And your thinking that children of the rich easily keep it is factually skewed. 3/4's become downwardly mobile (perhaps in income only ) and the grandkids lose even more of the inheritance (90%)
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by a fan »

Why pick on Paris? I'm sure she's a fine person. Bandito is conflating "inheriting money" with "having business acumen". One has nothing to do with the other when you inherit a few million dollars.

And your stats speak to my point. You have to have zero financial acumen if you start with millions, and lose it all. So again: inheriting money isn't the same thing as having business acumen.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by runrussellrun »

a fan wrote:Why pick on Paris? I'm sure she's a fine person. Bandito is conflating "inheriting money" with "having business acumen". One has nothing to do with the other when you inherit a few million dollars.

And your stats speak to my point. You have to have zero financial acumen if you start with millions, and lose it all. So again: inheriting money isn't the same thing as having business acumen.
But, Trump hasn't lost it all, hence being part of the successful 25% who managed to maintain their inheritance. And, he's taken full advantage of our poorly crafted tax laws, especially bankruptcy. And, lets not forget the other criminals that helped get him there. One soon to be pardoned junk yard salesman. When is the last time Congress went down the changes/rabbit hole of chapters, 7, 11 & 13? It is certainly much harder for the middleclass to declare, especially since student loans can be excluded. Gee, I wonder what member of Congress thought of THAT provision?
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by Bandito »

holmes435 wrote:
Bandito wrote:Yikes. Practically everything you stated is completely false.
You make a bold claim but don't back anything up with data
Bandito wrote: 1. Tax cuts- How do they help? Are you serious? More money in people's pockets is a good thing. I am making over $200 more a month due to the President's policies. Tax cuts greatly help the economy as it gives back money they earned to invest or spend on the economy. It is a win for the people and businesses of this nation
You never answered how we are gonna pay for them? We're blowing up the deficit and debt. How about the poor? They're the ones who pump additional funds back into the economy. Investing your tax cut isn't growing the economy as it's consumer based.

Bandito wrote: 2. LOL. Those numbers aren't fake at all. Black and Hispanic unemployment rates are at all time lows.
But Donald Trump himself has said unemployment numbers are fake - he said that like two dozen times.

Either way, does it look like Trump has done anything to cause these unemployment numbers? You didn't answer anything about that.

Bandito wrote: 3. The stock market is setting records seemingly every day and has very little to do with Obama's economic policies which stifled its growth. Remember when Democrats warned the election of Trump would crash the market? It has had the exact opposite happen. He is the most pro stock market/business president we've ever had. It makes sense since he is a succesful businessman himself. Have you checked your retirement or 401K account recenlty if you have one?
What Obama policies stifled its growth. Here is the 10 year chart, looks like it's been going steadily upward since the recession, mostly while Obama was in office. We also don't know how successful of a businessman he is since everything is private and he didn't release his tax returns among other things. He may be leveraged out the wazoo.

Bandito wrote: 4. Adding service jobs? Obama added part time jobs. The Democrats actually want people to be working multiple part time jobs. Under this administration jobs have been flowing back into the US. Coal is booming again and same with the oil industry.
Coal is booming? :lol:

You never said what full-time overseas jobs are flowing back in either.
Bandito wrote: 5. You must not have Twitter, Facebook or use Google. Those sites 100% suppress conservative voices with algorithms and shadow banning. Trump just posted on Twitter yesterday showing Google promote Obama's SOTU address every year he was president. But they did not do the same with Trump. Why is that? It is bias. The American people are finally waking up and standing up against a media that is 90% or more against them.
I use all of them and as most of my friends are conservative and I haven't done much in the way of tweaking my feeds, conservative stories are about all I see with their algorithms. You don't have any credible data to show they are doing this.

Google did in fact highlight Trump's first SOTU - whoops - - #fakenews
Bandito wrote: 6. The President is defending himself. Everything he does the media and the left try to tear him down. It is amazing to behold that Trump can be so successful with the enemy of the people (CNN, NYT, The Hill, MSNBC, ESPN etc) creating falsehoods about him and his successes. They never report on anything good. Fox News isn't perfect but is much more fair and balanced when it comes to news reporting. And no need to use insults towards the President. Like Tiger Woods said when asked what he thought of President Trump from and ESPN reporter after he just played golf-ESPN was trying to use Woods to propel their own hatred towards the President. It is not wonder their ratings are in the tank: Respect the Office.
It's hard to report anything good when most of what he does is a lie. Trump goes on the offensive first, then has to "defend" himself when people hit back.
He's extremely thin-skinned this way. Trump insults plenty of people, why can't we hit back as much as he gives out?

Trump is in no way respecting the office like you suggest.
OMG OMG you used! You must be right. What a bunch of BS. Going to be a long 6.5 more years for you. And you are flat out lying. But alas, that is what liberals do. How did you handle the loss in 2016? Wish I was there to see your reaction
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by Bandito »

a fan wrote:
Bandito wrote: The Trump Train continues moving forward despite large media conglomerates silencing conservative voices.
This is literally the dumbest part of the whole "mommy, everyone is being mean to Trump" conspiracy nonsense you get from Trump and FoxNation.

Bandito: when was the last time you caught Hannity or Rush, and they DIDN"T talk about the media conspiracy or tell new stories about how "the libs" are bad?

Trump is a paycheck for media, and the media is making guys like you dig your heels in and support him more. Wake up. They're both getting paid because of you (and the left wing for that matter).
Wow. All my respect for you just went out the window. How can you not see how the mainstream media is all in against Trump? He stands up to them and puts them in his place which is what he should do. Finally a politician with the cajones to stand up against the end enemy of the people. Just look at what Twitter did siliecing conservative voices. You are just flat out lying to yourself.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by a fan »

:lol: The Government is the only truth. Everyone else is lying but our leader! Media is the enemy, bow down to your all-knowing Government!

I'm curious, which city in North Korea did you grow up in, comrade? How's the kimchi?
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by runrussellrun »

H.R. 6, the "Higher Education Amendments of 1998."

20 years ago, approved by Congress, with Democrats leading the way. Clinton's glowing signing statement is a thing of beauty.

Trump is retooling the poor choices put forth in the years prior. After making payments for 10 years and working in "public service", the remaining debt is forgiven? Teach the poor and you get a pittance? Maybe we could hire a thousand recent accountant grads to find the missing billions that the Pentagon can't keep track of.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by foreverlax »

Bandito wrote:
holmes435 wrote:
Bandito wrote:Yikes. Practically everything you stated is completely false.
You make a bold claim but don't back anything up with data
Bandito wrote: 1. Tax cuts- How do they help? Are you serious? More money in people's pockets is a good thing. I am making over $200 more a month due to the President's policies. Tax cuts greatly help the economy as it gives back money they earned to invest or spend on the economy. It is a win for the people and businesses of this nation
You never answered how we are gonna pay for them? We're blowing up the deficit and debt. How about the poor? They're the ones who pump additional funds back into the economy. Investing your tax cut isn't growing the economy as it's consumer based.

Bandito wrote: 2. LOL. Those numbers aren't fake at all. Black and Hispanic unemployment rates are at all time lows.
But Donald Trump himself has said unemployment numbers are fake - he said that like two dozen times.

Either way, does it look like Trump has done anything to cause these unemployment numbers? You didn't answer anything about that.

Bandito wrote: 3. The stock market is setting records seemingly every day and has very little to do with Obama's economic policies which stifled its growth. Remember when Democrats warned the election of Trump would crash the market? It has had the exact opposite happen. He is the most pro stock market/business president we've ever had. It makes sense since he is a succesful businessman himself. Have you checked your retirement or 401K account recenlty if you have one?
What Obama policies stifled its growth. Here is the 10 year chart, looks like it's been going steadily upward since the recession, mostly while Obama was in office. We also don't know how successful of a businessman he is since everything is private and he didn't release his tax returns among other things. He may be leveraged out the wazoo.

Bandito wrote: 4. Adding service jobs? Obama added part time jobs. The Democrats actually want people to be working multiple part time jobs. Under this administration jobs have been flowing back into the US. Coal is booming again and same with the oil industry.
Coal is booming? :lol:

You never said what full-time overseas jobs are flowing back in either.
Bandito wrote: 5. You must not have Twitter, Facebook or use Google. Those sites 100% suppress conservative voices with algorithms and shadow banning. Trump just posted on Twitter yesterday showing Google promote Obama's SOTU address every year he was president. But they did not do the same with Trump. Why is that? It is bias. The American people are finally waking up and standing up against a media that is 90% or more against them.
I use all of them and as most of my friends are conservative and I haven't done much in the way of tweaking my feeds, conservative stories are about all I see with their algorithms. You don't have any credible data to show they are doing this.

Google did in fact highlight Trump's first SOTU - whoops - - #fakenews
Bandito wrote: 6. The President is defending himself. Everything he does the media and the left try to tear him down. It is amazing to behold that Trump can be so successful with the enemy of the people (CNN, NYT, The Hill, MSNBC, ESPN etc) creating falsehoods about him and his successes. They never report on anything good. Fox News isn't perfect but is much more fair and balanced when it comes to news reporting. And no need to use insults towards the President. Like Tiger Woods said when asked what he thought of President Trump from and ESPN reporter after he just played golf-ESPN was trying to use Woods to propel their own hatred towards the President. It is not wonder their ratings are in the tank: Respect the Office.
It's hard to report anything good when most of what he does is a lie. Trump goes on the offensive first, then has to "defend" himself when people hit back.
He's extremely thin-skinned this way. Trump insults plenty of people, why can't we hit back as much as he gives out?

Trump is in no way respecting the office like you suggest.
OMG OMG you used! You must be right. What a bunch of BS. Going to be a long 6.5 more years for you. And you are flat out lying. But alas, that is what liberals do. How did you handle the loss in 2016? Wish I was there to see your reaction
You realize, of course, that the data was supplied by .gov.

So the BS is all coming from you.
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by a fan »

runrussellrun wrote:
Trump is retooling the poor choices put forth in the years prior.
Citation? Example?
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by holmes435 »

Bandito wrote:OMG OMG you used! You must be right. What a bunch of BS. Going to be a long 6.5 more years for you. And you are flat out lying. But alas, that is what liberals do. How did you handle the loss in 2016? Wish I was there to see your reaction
I'm guessing this is a troll account? Since you didn't address anything?

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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by a fan »

foreverlax wrote:You realize, of course, that the data was supplied by .gov.
Correction, foreverlax, the data was supplied by the all-knowing, all-powerful .gov.

You're welcome. ;)
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Re: The Nation's Financial Condition

Post by holmes435 »

foreverlax wrote:You realize, of course, that the data was supplied by .gov.

So the BS is all coming from you.

You do realize that Bandito was making claims using .gov numbers first, right? But I'm the one spouting BS?

You do realize that stock market numbers aren't .gov data, right?

This is hilariously sad.
Last edited by holmes435 on Thu Aug 30, 2018 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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