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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: I'm all for nailing leakers -- past, present, future.
I also pointed out that the WP won a Pulitzer for publishing Snowden's Wikileaks. Snowden & Assange were heroes then.
Now -- Assange is a Russian spy & enemy of democracy for exposing how the DNC screwed Bernie.
Which set of Wikileaks damaged US National Security ?
And as usual, your partisan skirt is showing.

You forgot to mention that Assange was an enemy of the people for FoxNation. Until the DNC leaks, and now he's been on Hannity how many times, and is a trusted source. Hugs and kisses for Assange from Hannity.

Maybe, just maybe, they're all crooks...and the 1%ers are playing games with us 99%ers?

Maybe putting an IP on both Trump and NSA leakers ain't such a bad idea? ;)

Enjoy your walk. I'm going to keep running my stills....
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by a fan »

Aaaaaand, right on cue.....someone was listening to our discussion, RR..... ;)

Fox Headline: "Leak plugged" ... bout-leaks
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote:Aaaaaand, right on cue.....someone was listening to our discussion, RR..... ;)

Fox Headline: "Leak plugged" ... bout-leaks
In fairness, this guy is pleading to lying to the FBI, not to leaking classified information. He may be pleading to a lesser charge.
That might be because the FBI does not want to reveal any classified info he leaked, or because they strongly suspect he leaked classified info at some point, but don't have strong enough evidence to convict.

IF the FBI &/or sentencing Judge are convinced he never divulged classified info, he should get a break at sentencing (imho).
There is a distinction between leaking unclassified stuff for political advantage & divulging classified info.
His career is finito.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by a fan »

As it should be. All kidding aside, I'm on your side: this is serious stuff.

I think I've mentioned this before, but my aunt worked at the DoE her entire career as a lawyer. I once asked her about DoE grants that might apply to my business. Her voice changed, and then became dead-serious: she directed me to the DoE website, and asked me to never ask something like that again.

THAT is the kind of seriousness I want from my governmental officials---that even the slightest appearance of conflict of interest, or of even so much as a suggestion of bending ethical rules was rebuked harshly.

And this was because I asked her an innocuous question about Federal grants..... imagine if I had asked her about non-public information! And classified information is several rungs up the ladder!

I get why you've been livid about this stuff for years now. Really. My aunt wasn't protecting her pension, btw. It's that she believed in the oaths she took with every fiber of her being. Pretty neat to witness, actually. We could use more like her in government these days....
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by thatsmell »

a fan wrote:As it should be. All kidding aside, I'm on your side: this is serious stuff.

I think I've mentioned this before, but my aunt worked at the DoE her entire career as a lawyer. I once asked her about DoE grants that might apply to my business. Her voice changed, and then became dead-serious: she directed me to the DoE website, and asked me to never ask something like that again.

THAT is the kind of seriousness I want from my governmental officials---that even the slightest appearance of conflict of interest, or of even so much as a suggestion of bending ethical rules was rebuked harshly.

And this was because I asked her an innocuous question about Federal grants..... imagine if I had asked her about non-public information! And classified information is several rungs up the ladder!

I get why you've been livid about this stuff for years now. Really. My aunt wasn't protecting her pension, btw. It's that she believed in the oaths she took with every fiber of her being. Pretty neat to witness, actually. We could use more like her in government these days....
She probably got serious because she was privvy to knowledge about source selection.
But the point is agreed. It would be nice if people took their jobs a tad more serious.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote:No, by my standard, I trust rank and file employees like your friends at NSA about 1,000 times more than political appointees. You seem to think the Deep State did it.
Here ya go afan. Your fav classics prof gives a succinct summary of the Deep State's efforts : ... eme-court/

...dozens of the careerists and progressive appointees at the Washington FBI, DOJ, CIA, and National Security Council took all sorts of risks to insure a Clinton blowout. They variously sought to warp the FISA court, subvert the Trump campaign, collude with Fusion GPS and its Russian sources, and weaponize the FBI to ensure the Clinton victory — on the premise that their unethical and often illegal behavior would soon be rewarded by the Clintons... go crazy.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote:
a fan wrote:No, by my standard, I trust rank and file employees like your friends at NSA about 1,000 times more than political appointees. You seem to think the Deep State did it.
Here ya go afan. Your fav classics prof gives a succinct summary of the Deep State's efforts : ... eme-court/

...dozens of the careerists and progressive appointees at the Washington FBI, DOJ, CIA, and National Security Council took all sorts of risks to insure a Clinton blowout. They variously sought to warp the FISA court, subvert the Trump campaign, collude with Fusion GPS and its Russian sources, and weaponize the FBI to ensure the Clinton victory — on the premise that their unethical and often illegal behavior would soon be rewarded by the Clintons... go crazy.
Don't need to go crazy, we've long discussed how twisted Hanson has become in his progression from writing about Greek and Roman history to political opinion; reminds me of otherwise 'smart' fellows getting way out of their lane and letting their personal prejudices cloud their intelligence ala Shockley and more recently Watson; pity to see the National Review fall so low though. Sign of the times.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote:
a fan wrote:No, by my standard, I trust rank and file employees like your friends at NSA about 1,000 times more than political appointees. You seem to think the Deep State did it.
Here ya go afan. Your fav classics prof gives a succinct summary of the Deep State's efforts : ... eme-court/

...dozens of the careerists and progressive appointees at the Washington FBI, DOJ, CIA, and National Security Council took all sorts of risks to insure a Clinton blowout. They variously sought to warp the FISA court, subvert the Trump campaign, collude with Fusion GPS and its Russian sources, and weaponize the FBI to ensure the Clinton victory — on the premise that their unethical and often illegal behavior would soon be rewarded by the Clintons... go crazy.
Why? You and I both know this is a rambling pile of steaming poo that bears zero resemblance to reality. Obama's a divider? Stagnating economy? These are the lopsided words of a sophomore, not a erudite, evenhanded teacher.

What I'm waiting for is one single word of criticism from him towards Trump's foreign policies. What a total, complete coincidence! After hammering Obama for everything and anything.....Trump is filled with magic beans, and can do no wrong. Gee, I can't square why.

It renders his opinions useless. He can't hold an honest magnifying glass if everything Dems do is wrong, and everything the R's do is either right, or passes with no criticism. There are no Dems or Republicans in other countries. VDH would do well to remember that when evaluating foreign policy.

Not to mention that Hanson thinks he's a conservative when he works at a Commie Government Owned University. Can't the guy who makes fun of socialism find a job in the free market at a private school? Oh, right: it's not socialism if a Republican "sez it isn't". You think Hanson will give me back my tax dollars back that pays his salary? Yeah, I'd suppose not, too. :roll:
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

a fan wrote:
old salt wrote:
a fan wrote:No, by my standard, I trust rank and file employees like your friends at NSA about 1,000 times more than political appointees. You seem to think the Deep State did it.
Here ya go afan. Your fav classics prof gives a succinct summary of the Deep State's efforts : ... eme-court/

...dozens of the careerists and progressive appointees at the Washington FBI, DOJ, CIA, and National Security Council took all sorts of risks to insure a Clinton blowout. They variously sought to warp the FISA court, subvert the Trump campaign, collude with Fusion GPS and its Russian sources, and weaponize the FBI to ensure the Clinton victory — on the premise that their unethical and often illegal behavior would soon be rewarded by the Clintons... go crazy.
Why? You and I both know this is a rambling pile of steaming poo that bears zero resemblance to reality. Obama's a divider? Stagnating economy? These are the lopsided words of a sophomore, not a erudite, evenhanded teacher.

What I'm waiting for is one single word of criticism from him towards Trump's foreign policies. What a total, complete coincidence! After hammering Obama for everything and anything.....Trump is filled with magic beans, and can do no wrong. Gee, I can't square why.

It renders his opinions useless. He can't hold an honest magnifying glass if everything Dems do is wrong, and everything the R's do is either right, or passes with no criticism. There are no Dems or Republicans in other countries. VDH would do well to remember that when evaluating foreign policy.

Not to mention that Hanson thinks he's a conservative when he works at a Commie Government Owned University. Can't the guy who makes fun of socialism find a job in the free market at a private school? Oh, right: it's not socialism if a Republican "sez it isn't". You think Hanson will give me back my tax dollars back that pays his salary? Yeah, I'd suppose not, too. :roll:
I am stunned at just how bad that article was.....this is the kind of stuff people read and absorb? The links to twitter articles are even worse. How do people find this stuff. My guess is people seek out what makes them feel good. Twitter links are very revealing. You don't just get that stuff randomly. One or two degrees removed is sort of how the algorithms work.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by a fan »

It's a ridiculous article right out of the gate.

Here's a question: why is a guy who writes about, largely, foreign policy, talking about "progressives"?

We have a brand new foreign policy regime to talk about....where are the in depth pieces? Where are the discussions of the isolation is you claim is happening, RR? Where are the pieces on Iran, Syria, and Iraq? He's had one on China in the last few months. The rest is directed at Democrats that have no power currently.

Why? Because it's the 2000's, and Republicans don't criticize Republicans. We can't have that.

So what do we get? A pointless piece about how bad the libs are. Do these libs have any power? Nope. R's Control the whole government. So why isn't VDH waxing poetically about the awesomeness that is the party in charge?

Because they haven't done anything conservative. That's why. There's nothing to talk about. And he's unwilling to hit his own tribe.

Which makes his criticisms pointless. Sorry, RR. I was honestly looking forward to seeing VDH hit Trump for foreign policy gaffes. Nope. Ain't getting that.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote:Here's a question: why is a guy who writes about, largely, foreign policy, talking about "progressives"?

We have a brand new foreign policy regime to talk about....where are the in depth pieces? Where are the discussions of the isolation is you claim is happening, RR? Where are the pieces on Iran, Syria, and Iraq? He's had one on China in the last few months. The rest is directed at Democrats that have no power currently.
Ask & you shall receive :
18 articles in the last 6 mos. ... -triangle/ ... than-ever/ ... orld-order ... th-russia/ ... nd-nation/ ... o-save-it/ ... ent-falls/ ... uivalency/ ... t-america/ ... alization/ ... the-start/ ... s/#slide-1 ... no-respect ... attitudes/ ... gn-policy/ ... l-methods/
On our latent American Isolationism (@ 2004) : ... #more-4685
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote:=
Ask & you shall receive :
Fell for the bait. You just listed his puff pieces on Trump. I had read 'em all. Well, almost all. But I have now.

18 articles. Cite one single negative sentence. Good luck. I already read these. 18 articles, not one negative word, while
every single one contains criticisms of Obama. I'll even break down how ridiculous his claims are.
The first cite is the best one. VDH claims that all our problems with china----intellectual property, one-sided deals----magically started exactly in 2009, and lasted until 2017. Wow. That's amazing. So Bush had it all figured out, and Obama ruined everything, and now just 2 years into Trump, everything is fixed and awesome again. Whew. Deep insight there.

Can you find one negative sentence about R POTUS in the piece? Or a phrase? Nope. All glowing. No mistakes, just flawless foreign policy with China. Neat-o, right?

From 2009 to 2017, U.S. leadership rationalized that China would soon not just be an Asian and Pacific superpower, but eventually would eclipse America itself—as if its eventual supremacy was destiny rather than being due to U.S. indifference.
What followed was systematic and unchecked Chinese commercial and intellectual-property cheating. Beijing stole U.S. technology, ran up huge trade surpluses and warped the entire world trading system. Such one-sided Chinese mercantilism was excused as “free trade.”

Puff piece on Mattis. Mattis may be all that and a box of crackers, but since we can't find one ill word about a R anywhere in years of essays, how would we know?
I want what VDH is smoking on this one. Allies would find no better friend than Trump? :lol: Whew. That's a good one. Any other flat out lies VDH would like to tell? As for our enemies having no worse enemy? Who the heck is he talking about here? Who are the two guys he's friendliest with? Putin and Kim. Meanwhile, shall we list all the insults Trump has thrown at allies?

Again, not one word of criticism. Shocker.

Trump adopted the of spirit of the Roman general Sulla: allies would find in the U.S. “no better friend”, as enemies learned there was “no worse enemy”. Both trade and war would be now adjudicated through bilateral relations, not international organizations.
Citations from VDH? Doesn't count, my friend. Pass.
Again, no criticism of Trump policy. Unless you want to play VDH's now trademarked setup game of "sure Trump's crude, but let me tell you how awesome he's really doing". To wit:

Trump, of course, was loud. He was crude, mercurial, and at times petty. He was often boisterous. He had no prior military or political experience, and relied on cunning and intuition rather than research, preparation, and reflection.

Yet paradoxically Trump showed real empathy for “our” (as he says) vets, soldiers, workers, and farmers. He cared about increasing jobs for inner-city youths. He had genuine respect for the working classes and was deeply suspicious of the New York–Washington establishment. Trump also was savvy in ensuring the finest national-security team in recent memory, along with appointing a stable of bright, professional, and conservative federal judges.

Again, zero policy analysis or criticism. It's all good. Moving on.
Zero criticism/discussion of Trump's choices. Basically a discussion about what every other country save the US should do. ... ent-falls/
Ooooh, we're off to a great start here "According to Pew International polls, Trump is now intensely disliked in Europe."

Do you think VDH is going to follow that with "and with good reason"?? Nope. Awwww. Bummer. Shocker, nothing is Trump's fault,
and this is an essay about how "Europe is doing it wrong".

Well, let's take a breath. We're about halfway through and there's literally not one single ill word about Trump's policies. Of course, Obama is
mentioned multiple times to illustrate how horrible his policies were, but I'm still waiting to hear about one.....just one wrong move Trump has
made overseas.
This is a blurb about procedural stuff with Putin/Mueller. There's nothing here to discuss.
Another "it's all NATO's fault, not Trump's/US" piece. Nothing here.
This one, oddly, criticizes VDH himself....a dude working for the Federal government at a University on the coast...the trifecta. Not one word about Trump's policies regarding globalism.

The winners of globalization—the universities, financial powerhouses, the federal government, big tech, and the marquee media and entertainment outlets—were mostly located on the two coasts.
This one is hitting at Obama, while lauding Trump's super neat-o toughness. Wanna bet that VDH won't talk about the Chinese ship that buzzed 40 yards from ours, or the Saudis cutting up an American journalist? "That's different".

Do you picture VDH running his fingers through Trump's chest hair with this fawning?:

For the next two-and-a-half years, Iran is stuck with Donald Trump. If it tries to hijack another U.S. boat or sends another missile near an American carrier, Trump and defense secretary James Mattis will not react the same way Barack Obama did. Rather, they are likely to take military steps to preclude the Iranian ability ever again to replicate the aggression — a fact known to Iran, to the delight of its enemies and to the worry of its few friends.
Another piece on how Obama did it wrong. Any mention of Trump? Nope. What year was this written again? Oh, right----2018. So where is the discussion of what Trump is doing? Oh, right, can't do that. So what does VDH do? Punches Obama. Again. Neat-o

Another piece about how our NATO allies are wrong, and Trump is awesome.

In this VDH piece of jingoism, I picture Trump in a cape saluting an American flag. Do you?

The European furor over Donald Trump is not, as alleged, because he and the nation that elected him are crude, but that he and his country are needed more than ever by a continent that has lost its way.
Another hit piece on Europeans. Was this guy turned down at Oxford or the Sorbonne or something? Our allies suck apparently. Who knew? And yep, another swipe at Obama....good to know VDH can indeed is this FINALLY a piece where he takes Trump to task for something? Anything?

Nope. Of course not. Although I do give VDH points for discussing Tolkien. Although he left out why Gondor actually fell into disrepair. It's Steward was ensnared by Sauron when he tried to use the Palantir---basically a crystal ball. So VDH didn't even get that right. ;)
Do I even need to read past the piece's title "post-war-order-over-not-caused-by-trump-foreign-policy"? Nope. This must be a series. "Everything bad is someone else's fault, and Trump's foreign policy is super-awesome-fer-shure."
And again with the Europe blame....
No clue why you included this love letter to America. Nice piece. No policy discussion.
This last one is a dandy. Implying that Trump's crazy will save the day, and lists the Gordian knots of Chinese Trade, Mexico's porous border, and N Korea's nukes.

And sometimes knots can only be cut — even as we recoil at the brash Alexanders who won’t play by traditional rules and instead dare to pull out their swords.

So now VDH's beloved Trump is a brash sword-brandishing Alexander. It's like he has a crush on the man. Trly comical

Written in Apr. of 2018, will VDH revisit these Gordian knots and point out that nope, Trump did nothing about these problems? What do you think? Nope.

So there we have it. 18 freaking pieces and not one single word of criticism that isn't put forth as a feature not a flaw (e.g., Trump's crudeness).

Now can you finally agree that I have a point with this VDH guy? There's more freaking criticism of a guy who left office two years ago than there is of the guy who's actually running the show. How much more transparently partisan can one get?

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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by Trinity »

Trump’s buddies Kim, Putin and MBS have all killed opponents on foreign soil during the Trump presidency. No fear of reprisal and none coming. Zero respect.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by foreverlax »

This is was my takeaway from VDH's latest
Never had so much been promised and so little delivered
Clearly he is a hater of the left, Ds, BHO, HRC etc etc. His points are fodder for the hard right, not some cleared eyed assessment of the facts.

May have been applicable to BHO....time will tell if this come back to bite VDH/Trump in the rump.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

a fan wrote:
old salt wrote:=
Ask & you shall receive :
Fell for the bait. You just listed his puff pieces on Trump. I had read 'em all. Well, almost all. But I have now.

18 articles. Cite one single negative sentence. Good luck. I already read these. 18 articles, not one negative word, while
every single one contains criticisms of Obama. I'll even break down how ridiculous his claims are.
The first cite is the best one. VDH claims that all our problems with china----intellectual property, one-sided deals----magically started exactly in 2009, and lasted until 2017. Wow. That's amazing. So Bush had it all figured out, and Obama ruined everything, and now just 2 years into Trump, everything is fixed and awesome again. Whew. Deep insight there.

Can you find one negative sentence about R POTUS in the piece? Or a phrase? Nope. All glowing. No mistakes, just flawless foreign policy with China. Neat-o, right?

From 2009 to 2017, U.S. leadership rationalized that China would soon not just be an Asian and Pacific superpower, but eventually would eclipse America itself—as if its eventual supremacy was destiny rather than being due to U.S. indifference.
What followed was systematic and unchecked Chinese commercial and intellectual-property cheating. Beijing stole U.S. technology, ran up huge trade surpluses and warped the entire world trading system. Such one-sided Chinese mercantilism was excused as “free trade.”

Puff piece on Mattis. Mattis may be all that and a box of crackers, but since we can't find one ill word about a R anywhere in years of essays, how would we know?
I want what VDH is smoking on this one. Allies would find no better friend than Trump? :lol: Whew. That's a good one. Any other flat out lies VDH would like to tell? As for our enemies having no worse enemy? Who the heck is he talking about here? Who are the two guys he's friendliest with? Putin and Kim. Meanwhile, shall we list all the insults Trump has thrown at allies?

Again, not one word of criticism. Shocker.

Trump adopted the of spirit of the Roman general Sulla: allies would find in the U.S. “no better friend”, as enemies learned there was “no worse enemy”. Both trade and war would be now adjudicated through bilateral relations, not international organizations.
Citations from VDH? Doesn't count, my friend. Pass.
Again, no criticism of Trump policy. Unless you want to play VDH's now trademarked setup game of "sure Trump's crude, but let me tell you how awesome he's really doing". To wit:

Trump, of course, was loud. He was crude, mercurial, and at times petty. He was often boisterous. He had no prior military or political experience, and relied on cunning and intuition rather than research, preparation, and reflection.

Yet paradoxically Trump showed real empathy for “our” (as he says) vets, soldiers, workers, and farmers. He cared about increasing jobs for inner-city youths. He had genuine respect for the working classes and was deeply suspicious of the New York–Washington establishment. Trump also was savvy in ensuring the finest national-security team in recent memory, along with appointing a stable of bright, professional, and conservative federal judges.

Again, zero policy analysis or criticism. It's all good. Moving on.
Zero criticism/discussion of Trump's choices. Basically a discussion about what every other country save the US should do. ... ent-falls/
Ooooh, we're off to a great start here "According to Pew International polls, Trump is now intensely disliked in Europe."

Do you think VDH is going to follow that with "and with good reason"?? Nope. Awwww. Bummer. Shocker, nothing is Trump's fault,
and this is an essay about how "Europe is doing it wrong".

Well, let's take a breath. We're about halfway through and there's literally not one single ill word about Trump's policies. Of course, Obama is
mentioned multiple times to illustrate how horrible his policies were, but I'm still waiting to hear about one.....just one wrong move Trump has
made overseas.
This is a blurb about procedural stuff with Putin/Mueller. There's nothing here to discuss.
Another "it's all NATO's fault, not Trump's/US" piece. Nothing here.
This one, oddly, criticizes VDH himself....a dude working for the Federal government at a University on the coast...the trifecta. Not one word about Trump's policies regarding globalism.

The winners of globalization—the universities, financial powerhouses, the federal government, big tech, and the marquee media and entertainment outlets—were mostly located on the two coasts.
This one is hitting at Obama, while lauding Trump's super neat-o toughness. Wanna bet that VDH won't talk about the Chinese ship that buzzed 40 yards from ours, or the Saudis cutting up an American journalist? "That's different".

Do you picture VDH running his fingers through Trump's chest hair with this fawning?:

For the next two-and-a-half years, Iran is stuck with Donald Trump. If it tries to hijack another U.S. boat or sends another missile near an American carrier, Trump and defense secretary James Mattis will not react the same way Barack Obama did. Rather, they are likely to take military steps to preclude the Iranian ability ever again to replicate the aggression — a fact known to Iran, to the delight of its enemies and to the worry of its few friends.
Another piece on how Obama did it wrong. Any mention of Trump? Nope. What year was this written again? Oh, right----2018. So where is the discussion of what Trump is doing? Oh, right, can't do that. So what does VDH do? Punches Obama. Again. Neat-o

Another piece about how our NATO allies are wrong, and Trump is awesome.

In this VDH piece of jingoism, I picture Trump in a cape saluting an American flag. Do you?

The European furor over Donald Trump is not, as alleged, because he and the nation that elected him are crude, but that he and his country are needed more than ever by a continent that has lost its way.
Another hit piece on Europeans. Was this guy turned down at Oxford or the Sorbonne or something? Our allies suck apparently. Who knew? And yep, another swipe at Obama....good to know VDH can indeed is this FINALLY a piece where he takes Trump to task for something? Anything?

Nope. Of course not. Although I do give VDH points for discussing Tolkien. Although he left out why Gondor actually fell into disrepair. It's Steward was ensnared by Sauron when he tried to use the Palantir---basically a crystal ball. So VDH didn't even get that right. ;)
Do I even need to read past the piece's title "post-war-order-over-not-caused-by-trump-foreign-policy"? Nope. This must be a series. "Everything bad is someone else's fault, and Trump's foreign policy is super-awesome-fer-shure."
And again with the Europe blame....
No clue why you included this love letter to America. Nice piece. No policy discussion.
This last one is a dandy. Implying that Trump's crazy will save the day, and lists the Gordian knots of Chinese Trade, Mexico's porous border, and N Korea's nukes.

And sometimes knots can only be cut — even as we recoil at the brash Alexanders who won’t play by traditional rules and instead dare to pull out their swords.

So now VDH's beloved Trump is a brash sword-brandishing Alexander. It's like he has a crush on the man. Trly comical

Written in Apr. of 2018, will VDH revisit these Gordian knots and point out that nope, Trump did nothing about these problems? What do you think? Nope.

So there we have it. 18 freaking pieces and not one single word of criticism that isn't put forth as a feature not a flaw (e.g., Trump's crudeness).

Now can you finally agree that I have a point with this VDH guy? There's more freaking criticism of a guy who left office two years ago than there is of the guy who's actually running the show. How much more transparently partisan can one get?

Comparing Trump to Alexander is about as dumb as it gets....this is a guy someone goes out of their way to read?
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by dislaxxic »

Mueller Ready to Deliver Key Findings in His Trump Probe, Sources Say [Bloomberg]

Nothing likely before the midterms...but thereafter...well, lets just say that this thread is likely to be HUMMING! :shock:

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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by Trinity »

Watch George Nader, the only one given full immunity by Mueller. Also important is the second Trump Tower meeting in August 2016 with Don Jr and Saudis and the Israeli security firm that got paid 2 million immediately after the election for doing nothing.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by jhu72 »

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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by dislaxxic »

Certain posters sneer at Marcy Wheeler's reporting on all things Mueller...but please show me a reporter...ANY reporter...paying more attention to what is going on in that area today...SOMEONE needs to keep track of what is happening, and what things certain other folks would rather be kept quiet...


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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by CU88 »

a fan wrote:
old salt wrote:=
Ask & you shall receive :
Fell for the bait. You just listed his puff pieces on Trump. I had read 'em all. Well, almost all. But I have now.

18 articles. Cite one single negative sentence. Good luck. I already read these. 18 articles, not one negative word, while
every single one contains criticisms of Obama. I'll even break down how ridiculous his claims are.
The first cite is the best one. VDH claims that all our problems with china----intellectual property, one-sided deals----magically started exactly in 2009, and lasted until 2017. Wow. That's amazing. So Bush had it all figured out, and Obama ruined everything, and now just 2 years into Trump, everything is fixed and awesome again. Whew. Deep insight there.

Can you find one negative sentence about R POTUS in the piece? Or a phrase? Nope. All glowing. No mistakes, just flawless foreign policy with China. Neat-o, right?

From 2009 to 2017, U.S. leadership rationalized that China would soon not just be an Asian and Pacific superpower, but eventually would eclipse America itself—as if its eventual supremacy was destiny rather than being due to U.S. indifference.
What followed was systematic and unchecked Chinese commercial and intellectual-property cheating. Beijing stole U.S. technology, ran up huge trade surpluses and warped the entire world trading system. Such one-sided Chinese mercantilism was excused as “free trade.”

Puff piece on Mattis. Mattis may be all that and a box of crackers, but since we can't find one ill word about a R anywhere in years of essays, how would we know?
I want what VDH is smoking on this one. Allies would find no better friend than Trump? :lol: Whew. That's a good one. Any other flat out lies VDH would like to tell? As for our enemies having no worse enemy? Who the heck is he talking about here? Who are the two guys he's friendliest with? Putin and Kim. Meanwhile, shall we list all the insults Trump has thrown at allies?

Again, not one word of criticism. Shocker.

Trump adopted the of spirit of the Roman general Sulla: allies would find in the U.S. “no better friend”, as enemies learned there was “no worse enemy”. Both trade and war would be now adjudicated through bilateral relations, not international organizations.
Citations from VDH? Doesn't count, my friend. Pass.
Again, no criticism of Trump policy. Unless you want to play VDH's now trademarked setup game of "sure Trump's crude, but let me tell you how awesome he's really doing". To wit:

Trump, of course, was loud. He was crude, mercurial, and at times petty. He was often boisterous. He had no prior military or political experience, and relied on cunning and intuition rather than research, preparation, and reflection.

Yet paradoxically Trump showed real empathy for “our” (as he says) vets, soldiers, workers, and farmers. He cared about increasing jobs for inner-city youths. He had genuine respect for the working classes and was deeply suspicious of the New York–Washington establishment. Trump also was savvy in ensuring the finest national-security team in recent memory, along with appointing a stable of bright, professional, and conservative federal judges.

Again, zero policy analysis or criticism. It's all good. Moving on.
Zero criticism/discussion of Trump's choices. Basically a discussion about what every other country save the US should do. ... ent-falls/
Ooooh, we're off to a great start here "According to Pew International polls, Trump is now intensely disliked in Europe."

Do you think VDH is going to follow that with "and with good reason"?? Nope. Awwww. Bummer. Shocker, nothing is Trump's fault,
and this is an essay about how "Europe is doing it wrong".

Well, let's take a breath. We're about halfway through and there's literally not one single ill word about Trump's policies. Of course, Obama is
mentioned multiple times to illustrate how horrible his policies were, but I'm still waiting to hear about one.....just one wrong move Trump has
made overseas.
This is a blurb about procedural stuff with Putin/Mueller. There's nothing here to discuss.
Another "it's all NATO's fault, not Trump's/US" piece. Nothing here.
This one, oddly, criticizes VDH himself....a dude working for the Federal government at a University on the coast...the trifecta. Not one word about Trump's policies regarding globalism.

The winners of globalization—the universities, financial powerhouses, the federal government, big tech, and the marquee media and entertainment outlets—were mostly located on the two coasts.
This one is hitting at Obama, while lauding Trump's super neat-o toughness. Wanna bet that VDH won't talk about the Chinese ship that buzzed 40 yards from ours, or the Saudis cutting up an American journalist? "That's different".

Do you picture VDH running his fingers through Trump's chest hair with this fawning?:

For the next two-and-a-half years, Iran is stuck with Donald Trump. If it tries to hijack another U.S. boat or sends another missile near an American carrier, Trump and defense secretary James Mattis will not react the same way Barack Obama did. Rather, they are likely to take military steps to preclude the Iranian ability ever again to replicate the aggression — a fact known to Iran, to the delight of its enemies and to the worry of its few friends.
Another piece on how Obama did it wrong. Any mention of Trump? Nope. What year was this written again? Oh, right----2018. So where is the discussion of what Trump is doing? Oh, right, can't do that. So what does VDH do? Punches Obama. Again. Neat-o

Another piece about how our NATO allies are wrong, and Trump is awesome.

In this VDH piece of jingoism, I picture Trump in a cape saluting an American flag. Do you?

The European furor over Donald Trump is not, as alleged, because he and the nation that elected him are crude, but that he and his country are needed more than ever by a continent that has lost its way.
Another hit piece on Europeans. Was this guy turned down at Oxford or the Sorbonne or something? Our allies suck apparently. Who knew? And yep, another swipe at Obama....good to know VDH can indeed is this FINALLY a piece where he takes Trump to task for something? Anything?

Nope. Of course not. Although I do give VDH points for discussing Tolkien. Although he left out why Gondor actually fell into disrepair. It's Steward was ensnared by Sauron when he tried to use the Palantir---basically a crystal ball. So VDH didn't even get that right. ;)
Do I even need to read past the piece's title "post-war-order-over-not-caused-by-trump-foreign-policy"? Nope. This must be a series. "Everything bad is someone else's fault, and Trump's foreign policy is super-awesome-fer-shure."
And again with the Europe blame....
No clue why you included this love letter to America. Nice piece. No policy discussion.
This last one is a dandy. Implying that Trump's crazy will save the day, and lists the Gordian knots of Chinese Trade, Mexico's porous border, and N Korea's nukes.

And sometimes knots can only be cut — even as we recoil at the brash Alexanders who won’t play by traditional rules and instead dare to pull out their swords.

So now VDH's beloved Trump is a brash sword-brandishing Alexander. It's like he has a crush on the man. Trly comical

Written in Apr. of 2018, will VDH revisit these Gordian knots and point out that nope, Trump did nothing about these problems? What do you think? Nope.

So there we have it. 18 freaking pieces and not one single word of criticism that isn't put forth as a feature not a flaw (e.g., Trump's crudeness).

Now can you finally agree that I have a point with this VDH guy? There's more freaking criticism of a guy who left office two years ago than there is of the guy who's actually running the show. How much more transparently partisan can one get?

I am pretty sure that you are breaking some sort of forum rule by actually responding on a point by point basis!

by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
Mr moderator, deactivate my account.
You have heck this forum up to making it nothing more than a joke. I hope you are happy.
This is cradle and shoot signing out.
:roll: :roll: :roll:
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