Tis the season...your gift from KWC.

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Tis the season...your gift from KWC.

Post by DMac »

General Knowledge Paper
“Scire ubi aliquid invenire possis
ea demum maxima pars eruditionis est”
1 During 1918:
1 where did whose reign last for 66 days?
2 who tragically missed the night train from Lisbon to Porto?
3 where would Bolshevik ‘surrender’ be annulled eight months later?
4 which supreme competitor had scored 80 when finally dismissed
by Brown?
5 who published cynical views on an eminent convert to Rome, a
ground-breaking headmaster and a ‘Chinese’ martyr?
6 who led the development of gasses for chemical warfare, but was
selected by KVA for his work on facilitating N₂+3H₂↔2NH₃.
7 whose passing was mourned by his wife Emma and their daughter
8 who gave up everything and was the guest of Count Godard and
his family?
9 whose closing words from Horace were sadly only too true?
10 of what did Sykes take charge 13 days after its formation?
1 to what See was Aramis appointed?
2 who was credited with ‘style’ by Calverley?
3 who banished the three Fathers to Craggy Island?
4 who was preferred to Dr Grantley for what position on his father’s
5 to what position was Dr Rowlands, Williams’s stern housemaster,
6 over what was the good fellow, Bob, to be offered a pay rise
during the festive season?
7 after feasting late and long, who, smiling, advised Olaf that it was
8 which peeled priest addressed the Protector as proditor?
9 what is labelled with a signpost for Canterbury?
10 from whose largesse did Valjean benefit?
1 whence the Diehards?
2 which Park witnessed disasters costing 25 and 66 lives?
3 where, after 150 years, do they continue ‘to play for the sake of
4 where did the repeated administration of Antimony lead to a public
execution on the Green?
5 where does a great patriot stand above the inscription ‘There shall be
a Scottish Parliament’?
6 what, according to Fairservice had nane o’ yere whig-maleeries and
curliewurlies and open-steek hems about it?
7 where can the surrealist’s depiction of the crucified Christ be seen
floating high above Port Lligat?
8 where does the eponymous tower commemorate the designer of
former newspaper offices?
9 where did Mussa Ali transmit the fatal virus to Nurse Wilson?
10 which noted pantomime venue is Dasypodine?
4 In which tale:
1 did Kitty Kid masquerade as Ada Mason?
2 was the Mephistophelian host fixed by a dummy?
3 did a showing of Not a Sparrow coincide with the running of the
St Leger?
4 was the recognition that two cousins were named Magdala crucial
to the solution?
14 Which seat of learning is named after:
1 a canonised Bishop?
2 a Glaswegian fur-trader?
3 a slave trader and corrupt Indian administrator?
4 an excommunicated Friend and telegraph pioneer?
5 a butcher’s son and Emmanuel graduate, who bequeathed £780?
6 a former pupil of the classical scholar, Alexander Adam and friend
of Walter Scott?
7 a Quaker abolitionist and successful wholesale grocer?
8 a sometime ferryman and later railway magnate?
9 a combatant in the Tobacco War?
10 a Baptist Ulsterman?
1 which entomologist was lost in the Grimpen Mire?
2 who drowned, aged 29, when his schooner, Don Juan, sank?
3 who succumbed to the whirlpools of the Seine on June 7th 1832?
4 who fell fatally into a weeping brook from a broken willow branch?
5 who was seen as a ghost, dripping along in a bathing dress to the
Congregational Hall?
6 whose corpse was preserved in vinegar following a riding accident
in an Anatolian river?
7 who wrote that she had found her grave, where her grave was
waiting for her?
8 who drowned, together with Emily’s cousin, in a storm off
9 who is remembered, with her brother, in Dorlcote churchyard?
10 who drowned, heavily laden, in the River Ouse near Lewes?
16 Which island or island group:
1 gained psittacine relief?
2 was discovered on New Year’s Day?
3 had an Imperial association with an eminent MHK?
4 take their name from a mainland feature 450km distant?
5 were named after the Tory Member for Great Marlow during a
welfare voyage?
6 saw the surgeon accidentally marooned and obliged to survive on
avian-polluted water and sulid blood?
7 was noted for cannibal land-crabs and stunted tree ferns?
8 was home to the poor people who lived on a cinder?
9 is partly both inaccessible and luscinial?
10 is home to a unique fiscal?

17 Which pupil:
1 was originally regarded as strictly luetic?
2 smashed open Paton’s desk and burned the contents?
3 copied off Raddleston and wrongly translated ‘nobody’ into ‘nullus
4 when writing home, reported a 9-0 defeat by porridge court and
requested a ‘bakterial gun’?
5 was, with one exception, the vilest manufacturer of “barbarous
hexameters” that King had ever dealt with?
6 suffered a terminal failure of his ‘darling little heart’, following a
walk with his tutor in the Bois de Boulogne?
7 during his music lesson in the organ loft, pulled out the vox humana
and played Pop goes the Weasel?
8 was small, neat, and famous for her spritely gymnastics and
glamorous swimming?
9 copied his algebra off Fletcher, reproducing four tremendous
10 was listed after Bassenthwaite and before Beccles?

18 During 2018:
1 which NCO is 2nd class?
2 whence the theft of items of the Vasa regalia?
3 which circumnavigator has been inspired by Verne?
4 which unique avian species has been released on Loch Fad?
5 whose subterfuge recalled a fictitious deception at waterfalls near
6 whose apparent half-nelson produced tears in Kiev (not to
mention Cairo and Liverpool)?
7 who was given Kilkeel, while his only predecessor had received
8 how has St James caused trouble in the Baie de Seine?
9 who has made a smooth exit from eternal inflation?
10 whose delivery was described as Raw God?

Please return your answers to the Principal’s Office by Monday 14th January.
The answers will be on our website: www.kwc.im at the end of January.
5 did a sometime German spy masquerade as a Swede who had been
killed in a train crash?
6 did a retired judge confess all in a bottle message found by the
Master of the Emma Jane?
7 was a reading from Plato’s Phaedo recalled in the course of a
posthumous exoneration?
8 was a very dangerous Italian agitator, masquerading as an
archaeologist, detained?
9 did thirteen take revenge for the murder of a toddler?
10 were there confusing events at 17 Regent Gate?
5 Where:
1 was Tilia reduced to 7ft?
2 did Garry and Frank take 36 and 34 off Malcolm?
3 did Steve and Venkat say “Enough” after 62 balls?
4 is the venue a memorial to a Brotherly Leader and Guide?
5 did rain terminate the event with an aggregate score of 1,981?
6 did the home side make 42 and 87 after snow caused abandonment
on the previous day?
7 did Eddie and Botham appear on opposite sides in an ODI?
8 was the international venue uniquely below sea-level?
9 was the pavilion the victim of suffragette arson?
10 did fried squid render the ball unplayable?
6 What:
1 takes its name from James I’s Physician?
2 is a drupe of drupelets brought together by a Californian judge?
3 South American lily takes its name from an alumnus of Uppsala
4 tuber is named after that alumnus’s Curator at his natural museum
and garden?
5 heated fire-iron was named after a renowned herbalist and Rector
of Erfurt University?
6 shrub is named after a Pomeranian polymath, who was Physician
to the House of Holstein-Gottorp?
7 is named after a Montpellier academic, who proposed a
classification of plant families?
8 was found in Mexico by an Envoy, who was later the 8th
President’s War Minister?
9 tuberous cultivar is named after a sometime Intendant on
10 was named after the Physician to Mark Antony’s son-in-law?

7 Which periodical:
1 was found under Adrian’s bed by his mother?
2 provided Mr Finch with a £10 prize for solving a cross-word?
3 carried the headline DIAR KNAB NI EFIL OT THGUORB
4 published an ode by the Poet Laureate to the seasonal fluctuation
of its sales?
5 described the brutal slaying of two summer visitors as they
frolicked in the chill waters off the Scotch Road Beach?
described a dog kennel concealing bodies in a disused well?
7 likened the death of Tom Robinson to the senseless killing of
songbirds by hunters and children?
8 had an office which looked like a public lavatory in honest native
white tile?
9 was successfully established by the schoolmaster’s son of
10 was delivered by an owl at a cost of 5 Knuts?

1 what was likely to give Pistol indigestion?
2 what proved to be soporific for Benjamin and his family?
3 what was dismissed as no more than a College-educated relative?
4 what, according to the hookah-smoking larva, can variably
influence height?
5 what were all snatched by the greedy monarch while dining with
his sister-in-law?
6 what culinary combination features in the refrain of a ditty
describing an amphibian’s final journey?
7 with what, specifically, did the old gentleman in the black velvet
cap darken the air?
8 what extraction project beneath the floating island had taken eight
9 to what spring growth were the Premiers in days of old likened?
10 what was a relic of Leopold’s poor mama?
1 who wrote about the polymath, Joseph Bologne?
2 whose prestige product honours a Former Naval Person?
3 who progressed from Arras via Sens and Rouen to finally settle in
4 who was the life and soul of King’s Abbot, but was stabbed by the
local GP?
5 who added the inscription ‘Like this poor creatur’ at the front of
Miss Lee’s dictionary?
6 who was put ashore on a Kerry beach by SM U-19, but due to a
bout of Malaria was apprehended soon afterwards?
7 who out-performed his brother Osborne and became a Senior
Wrangler and Fellow of Trinity?
8 which gentleman of Worcestershire received a huge pike from Will
9 who prepared a seven-part treatise of great scholarship for
Clement IV?
10 who was accused of the murder of the Doomed Acme?
1 where is the Blue Slipper?
2 where did nightingales warble and sing?
3 from where were the boys evacuated to Brantwood?
4 where did Sophie’s grandson find the window too narrow?
5 which monument seems greatly inferior to its elderly Orcadian
6 where did Trenchard and Block leave the Bonaventure on their way to
the Bugle?
7 where was Arthur’s boy blamed for the missing 5/- postal order?
8 once Brighton, now Newport, where is W11 housed?
9 where did the clog-shod young lady walk about?
10 where did Lot’s Wife go missing?
1 what was reduced by twenty in 1967?
2 what urges adhesion to the desk on terra firma?
3 what prohibited shoes or boots with spikes or springs?
4 what postulates that individuals in warmer climates have longer
5 according to what should three miles take one hour, with an
additional one hour for climbing 2000ft?
6 what is a formula relating to the concentration of a lethal gas to the
length of exposure required to cause death?
7 what was formulated following the shooting of the Prime
Minister’s Personal Secretary?
8 in what do ladies go twice round the New and once round the Old?
9 what was the invention of an Orford mathematician?
10 what patriotic offering is derived from Alfred?
1 who was allowed a gill of beer a day?
2 who viewed his domain upon Arkindale Side?
3 with what birth defect was Greene’s corvid assassin afflicted?
4 whose gait was likened to that of a gentleman with exceedingly tight
5 where did Muriel go after Gretna, although not changing her name
for a further ten years?
6 to what was the scowling Calvinist minister likened as the Marquis
knelt on the scaffold?
7 to whom did the ravens bring bread and meat twice daily by one of
Jordan’s tributaries?
8 which worldwide messengers represented thought and memory?
9 what word was uttered from atop the bust of Pallas?
10 although the rocks remain, what follows?
13 Which Hospital:
1 was a beneficiary of the South Sea Bubble?
2 recalls an alternative title of Princess Diana?
3 was built as a Memorial to a solicitor’s wife at Moor Edge?
4 was renamed after a Welsh surgeon and a pioneering English nurse?
5 was a Memorial to a pioneer in anaesthesia, whose extraction device
still remains popular?
6 was established with an endowment from a former physician to
Belvedere House, Calcutta?
7 owed its foundation to the bequest of the Bursar of a Hall in the
same street?
8 was financed by the legacy of the inventor of a sniper’s rifle?
9 was named after a grandly multiparous ‘Farmer’s Wife’?
10 was founded by a sometime Master Cutler?
Posts: 9374
Joined: Sun Sep 16, 2018 10:02 am

Re: Tis the season...your gift from KWC.

Post by DMac »

Might as well come out of the gate with a big bang.
18-1 Gotta be an E-5 in the Navy...2nd class petty officer.
BAM!!! Chalk one up for DMac
Posts: 9374
Joined: Sun Sep 16, 2018 10:02 am

Re: Tis the season...your gift from KWC.

Post by DMac »

Pretty sure I've got 5-3 as well.

At the annual bi-sexual orgy in Amsterdam.

On a roll.
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