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Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 11:04 pm
by cradleandshoot
Just wondering where the $$$$ comes from to support this caravan and how was it organized? Did 5/6/7 thousand people spontaneously decide one day to hoof it to the USA because they had nothing better to do? :roll: Who is feeding them? where do they go to the bathroom? This many people can't suddenly decide in such large numbers to head to the promised land without someone paying their way. When you find out who is paying for this then the real reason becomes clear. This "caravan" did not just suddenly materialize it had to be well thought out, paid for and supported by some mysterious unknown entity for some political objective... I don't know which of the degenerate political parties in the US is behind this "caravan" but how funny is it that for every caravan member there are probably 2 Mainstream media people covering their trail of tears. Maybe the media is providing the food and water? Who else is profiting from this event but those rascals? grommit1

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 11:52 pm
by holmes435

What makes more sense? George Soros and the Democratic machine is paying thousands of Central Americans to march on up to America for no reason, which provides fodder for Trump and his base which helps Republicans gain more votes, or that people are so desperate to escape violence, death and destitution that they band together seeking the promised land of the American Dream, the beacon on the hill. Did anyone pay the tens of thousands of slaves escaping via the underground railroad? Or did they make their way from the generosity of others?

The media is there because it creates drama across America and draws eyeballs.

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 7:21 am
by Trinity
How long does it take to walk 2000 miles over mountains and desert? Because that’s how far the immigrants have ahead of them to reach the USA.

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 7:47 am
by youthathletics
James Woods did the math.....2000 miles would be 20 miles a day for over a 100 days.....essentially impossible.

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 8:11 am
by Trinity
So about five incredibly fit people will arrive after New Years.

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 8:26 am
by dislaxxic
Great choice for a new thread Cradle. Nothing else to do? Garden plowed under for that wonderful Rochester winter?

Tell you what. Find out what country they are coming from, study it, and let us know what is going on there. Who's the president of said country? What politics rule that nation? Are there jobs there? Doctors? Must be, its 2018 after all. What is the crime rate there, and how long have conditions that exist there today been the case?

The answer to your vexing questions may be there. Get back to us on that, wouldja?


Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 8:39 am
by DMac
youthathletics wrote:James Woods did the math.....2000 miles would be 20 miles a day for over a 100 days.....essentially impossible.
Don't see that as "essentially impossible" at all.

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 9:16 am
by youthathletics
DMac wrote:
youthathletics wrote:James Woods did the math.....2000 miles would be 20 miles a day for over a 100 days.....essentially impossible.
Don't see that as "essentially impossible" at all.
I was considering the lack of food and water for a crowd that size to sustain themselves. Not the task it self.

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 9:50 am
by DMac
Got it, elements to be considered for sure.

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:38 am
by runrussellrun
Vast majority are MALE. Large numbers not carrying anything. Almost all wearing pants, not shorts. Isn't climate warming a thing in central america ? Just so confused .

Man, the CIA is funding this caravan? Thought they hated tRump?

Also, why the F are they carrying the flag of a country they hate and are leaving?

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:52 am
by Typical Lax Dad
runrussellrun wrote:Vast majority are MALE. Large numbers not carrying anything. Almost all wearing pants, not shorts. Isn't climate warming a thing in central america ? Just so confused .

Man, the CIA is funding this caravan? Thought they hated tRump?

Also, why the F are they carrying the flag of a country they hate and are leaving?
So the folks are leaving because they hate their homeland? That's the reason? I have friends that fled Colombia. They love their country but not the criminals......but some loved Escobar.....

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:57 am
by dislaxxic
Beto already got write-in votes from forged mail-in ballots from all these new voters, so THAT can’t be it...


Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 11:08 am
by runrussellrun
dislaxxic wrote:Beto already got write-in votes from forged mail-in ballots from all these new voters, so THAT can’t be it...

Your comment has nothing to do with this thread. Go away.

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 11:25 am
by Brooklyn
I've been wondering all this time as well.

First, most of these folks are allegedly from impoverished Native American villages with many people who do not call themselves Hispanic. In fact, a great many Central American tribes do not speak Spanish to this day. So how did these disparate people who are not able to communicated in Meso-American languages get suddenly organized so well? Who crossed three borders to get these folks together from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras? Who financed and planned out the long trek? Were the maps drawn in English? in Spanish? in Meso-American (which one specifically)???

One guy in the caravan who was interviewed on TV spoke perfect Spanish - the type spoken by college educated types without a trace of a rural accent. Another spoke in perfect English with only the slightest accent. So how do two well educated people who are obviously from an urban, college educated background fit into this caravan? What makes then impoverished rural types seeking work when all they need do is to buy an airline ticket and to send a resumé? What actually inspired them to join a caravan and march just before the elections so that Trump could make an issue of it?

All this is just too fishy and too convenient. I suspect that someone or some group associated with the anti-immigrant right wing arranged this superbly well organized march at this very convenient moment. The news has inspired some folks in this area to join up with Trump and to vote for his party. No surprise that it happened and no doubt that this is happening all over the USA. I bet it was all planned that way from the beginning.

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 11:31 am
by youthathletics
Could be brooksie, could be.

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 11:42 am
by runrussellrun
Brooklyn wrote:I've been wondering all this time as well.

First, most of these folks are allegedly from impoverished Native American villages with many people who do not call themselves Hispanic. In fact, a great many Central American tribes do not speak Spanish to this day. So how did these disparate people who are not able to communicated in Meso-American languages get suddenly organized so well? Who crossed three borders to get these folks together from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras? Who financed and planned out the long trek? Were the maps drawn in English? in Spanish? in Meso-American (which one specifically)???

One guy in the caravan who was interviewed on TV spoke perfect Spanish - the type spoken by college educated types without a trace of a rural accent. Another spoke in perfect English with only the slightest accent. So how do two well educated people who are obviously from an urban, college educated background fit into this caravan? What makes then impoverished rural types seeking work when all they need do is to buy an airline ticket and to send a resumé? What actually inspired them to join a caravan and march just before the elections so that Trump could make an issue of it?

All this is just too fishy and too convenient. I suspect that someone or some group associated with the anti-immigrant right wing arranged this superbly well organized march at this very convenient moment. The news has inspired some folks in this area to join up with Trump and to vote for his party. No surprise that it happened and no doubt that this is happening all over the USA. I bet it was all planned that way from the beginning.

And yet, the clowns at CNN, MSNBC, huffpost, ny times, wash post are Too stupid to understand that this is a tRump plot/plan and cover the story 24/7? Just ignore it like they do so many other stories.

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 11:55 am
by Typical Lax Dad
Brooklyn wrote:I've been wondering all this time as well.

First, most of these folks are allegedly from impoverished Native American villages with many people who do not call themselves Hispanic. In fact, a great many Central American tribes do not speak Spanish to this day. So how did these disparate people who are not able to communicated in Meso-American languages get suddenly organized so well? Who crossed three borders to get these folks together from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras? Who financed and planned out the long trek? Were the maps drawn in English? in Spanish? in Meso-American (which one specifically)???

One guy in the caravan who was interviewed on TV spoke perfect Spanish - the type spoken by college educated types without a trace of a rural accent. Another spoke in perfect English with only the slightest accent. So how do two well educated people who are obviously from an urban, college educated background fit into this caravan? What makes then impoverished rural types seeking work when all they need do is to buy an airline ticket and to send a resumé? What actually inspired them to join a caravan and march just before the elections so that Trump could make an issue of it?

All this is just too fishy and too convenient. I suspect that someone or some group associated with the anti-immigrant right wing arranged this superbly well organized march at this very convenient moment. The news has inspired some folks in this area to join up with Trump and to vote for his party. No surprise that it happened and no doubt that this is happening all over the USA. I bet it was all planned that way from the beginning.
Could be arranged like some of the anti American protests in Iran. Made for TV.

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 11:57 am
by Bandito
Who is supporting it? Most on this board for sure. Support insomuch as hoping they succeed on invading the US. These people are not seeking asylum. They burned the US flag. They are carrying their Honduras flags with them. This is an invasion on the US. We must deploy the military, close the border and send them back where they came from. These are not asylum seekers. There is an avenue to go down to seek asylum-talk to the US consulate in their home country. They are bringing their criminal and third world lifestyle here. Of course the Democrats have been silent. Since blacks are leaving the Democrat plantation, Democrats need a new group they can prey on and keep voting Democrat. This is why we must never let the Democrats have power again. They are anti American and want a global world take over of this country.

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 12:05 pm
by DMac
Geezuz, sounds like damn good reason enough to issue all with a R on thars guns, mortars, and tin foil helmets.

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 12:08 pm
by runrussellrun
Bandito wrote:Who is supporting it? Most on this board for sure. Support insomuch as hoping they succeed on invading the US. These people are not seeking asylum. They burned the US flag. They are carrying their Honduras flags with them. This is an invasion on the US. We must deploy the military, close the border and send them back where they came from. These are not asylum seekers. There is an avenue to go down to seek asylum-talk to the US consulate in their home country. They are bringing their criminal and third world lifestyle here. Of course the Democrats have been silent. Since blacks are leaving the Democrat plantation, Democrats need a new group they can prey on and keep voting Democrat. This is why we must never let the Democrats have power again. They are anti American and want a global world take over of this country.
Do we have a military that can defend our borders? Thought you supported the fight for US "values" overseas? We have a US base in a place called BATMAN? so cool.