Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by CU77 »

old salt wrote:The loopholes in our laws & governing court rulings allow nothing other than "catch & release".
And yet the Republican majorities in the House and Senate do nothing to change those laws.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by HooDat »

CU77 wrote:
old salt wrote:The loopholes in our laws & governing court rulings allow nothing other than "catch & release".
And yet the Republican majorities in the House and Senate do nothing to change those laws.
yep. And as I responded to dis on another forum in a broader discussion - you gotta ask yourself WHY?
STILL somewhere back in the day....

...and waiting/hoping for a tinfoil hat emoji......
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by a fan »

Simple. Look at Bandito.

What American partisans do is yell and scream at "the other guy", because they're evil, right?

So they vote their guy in, and then "everything is now fixed". And then they spend the next four years talking about how horrible the other side is. And now TrumpNation has added to this...."how horrible the media is".

Meanwhile, do they bother checking to see if Trump and the R's are legislating according to their values? Hell no. So they don't notice Obamacare is still law. Don't notice that Trump is outspending Obama by $2 Trillion, and counting. Don't notice the deficit is 30% higher than it was just last year. Don't notice he is handing out money to farmers for doing nothing. Don't notice he is protecting a handful of Union workers to the detriment of all other workers. Don't notice that there isn't a Immigration Bill on Trump's desk....and on and on, and on.

So who wins? As usual: the 1%. Clearly the powers that be want status quo. So that's what they're going to get. Rinse. Repeat.

Maddow is getting record ratings from screaming at the other side. But at least in her defense, the Dems have ZERO power in our Federal government.

FoxNation doesn't have this excuse. And for any actual, real conservatives...the curtain has been pulled back: FoxNation clearly isn't a conservative outlet. They're the 1%, and will say anything to keep making money, and to keep the Republican party going.

Yep, I'm a broken record. But it's all true. Every word of it.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by youthathletics »

We are regressing to an emotional mean. if you cannot overtake the establishment with your vision of what America should now be, you must then plague it at its weakness, its core....which is humanitarian support. We are like a wife or husband that does everything for their family, a doormat of sorts, then the opposite spouse has affairs, the kids are drug addicts, have been in jail, and you still support them til the bitter end, never severing ties.....you become an enabler with codependency issues. And there is not a damned thing to do but risk aggressive retaliation or change your own ways.

The wall represents our last ditch effort at creating "boundries" just like in an emotional relationship, without them, you run the risk of being walked over. I am guarantee each one of us knows a family member that struggles with boundary issues and/or the above mentioned issues in my first paragraph.

To me, this is sickening, that we have so much effing much poverty, we cannot even take care of our own.

I listened to Sputnik radio today...amazed at what a cluster the EU is turning into as well, they are down over 22k police officers and scared to death how vulnerable they are now.

There is a parallel to all of this....and I would not be surprised if each country has their own government funding this kind of stuff.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by jhu72 »

US poverty is not a function of having or not having a wall on the southern border.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by CU77 »

Correct. It's a function of the 1% being willing to give illegal immigrants jobs, knowing full well that they will face no penalties from their servants in govt.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by Trinity »

Sputnik Radio was down on Free Europe? Un-possible. And yes, Trump treats his base like an abused spouse. Nailed it.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by youthathletics »

Then it’s settled....we all agree. https://www.instagram.com/p/BpS1-3hA8C3 ... rz4n1pbixv
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by a fan »

CU77 wrote:Correct. It's a function of the 1% being willing to give illegal immigrants jobs, knowing full well that they will face no penalties from their servants in govt.

Who do Republican voters think came up with the "Dems want open borders to get voters" nonsense.

The 1% did, who else. They made up nonsense, and Republican voters bought it.

Because yeah, the hardest working people on the planet, that are by and large pro-life Catholic, are "sure fire" Democrat voters. :roll:
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by DMac »

CU77 wrote:Correct. It's a function of the 1% being willing to give illegal immigrants jobs, knowing full well that they will face no penalties from their servants in govt.
Yup, nothing much has changed over the years.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Bad hombres consuming our resources!
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by Brooklyn »

Remember a while back when Trump's approval numbers sank into the toilet. Back then people like me said, beware of false flags. At that time I thought it was going to be an expansion of the crisis in Syria with the fake gas attacks. Instead, we see that it is a manufactured crisis below the border.

Because of that, I am not in the least bit surprised that this is happening. In fact, I suspect matters will get worse in order to win a few more votes for Trump and his cabal.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by ChairmanOfTheBoard »

a fan wrote: Yep, I'm a broken record. But it's all true. Every word of it.
its ok. keep it coming.
There are 29,413,039 corporations in America; but only one Chairman of the Board.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by old salt »

Another Caravan, organized via Facebook, is now forming in El Salvador.
This is not a good look for the Dems heading into the mid-terms.
I wonder if Durbin is having second thoughts about blowing up a compromise, because Trump's language offended him.
...almost as savvy as Feinstein's Kavanaugh play. Chuckie's on a roll.
The Dems could have been campaigning instead on how they saved 1.8 million Dreamers, & no caravans.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by Trinity »

See? We can’t have nice things if we don’t let Daddy misbehave. Sad.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by tech37 »

old salt wrote:I wonder if Durbin is having second thoughts about blowing up a compromise, because Trump's language offended him.
Yep, guess these folks headed toward our border come from some of the "shithole" countries Trump referred to in that supposed closed meeting. Why these folks so anxious to leave...guess he was right?
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by Bandito »

a fan wrote:Simple. Look at Bandito.

What American partisans do is yell and scream at "the other guy", because they're evil, right?

So they vote their guy in, and then "everything is now fixed". And then they spend the next four years talking about how horrible the other side is. And now TrumpNation has added to this...."how horrible the media is".

Meanwhile, do they bother checking to see if Trump and the R's are legislating according to their values? Hell no. So they don't notice Obamacare is still law. Don't notice that Trump is outspending Obama by $2 Trillion, and counting. Don't notice the deficit is 30% higher than it was just last year. Don't notice he is handing out money to farmers for doing nothing. Don't notice he is protecting a handful of Union workers to the detriment of all other workers. Don't notice that there isn't a Immigration Bill on Trump's desk....and on and on, and on.

So who wins? As usual: the 1%. Clearly the powers that be want status quo. So that's what they're going to get. Rinse. Repeat.

Maddow is getting record ratings from screaming at the other side. But at least in her defense, the Dems have ZERO power in our Federal government.

FoxNation doesn't have this excuse. And for any actual, real conservatives...the curtain has been pulled back: FoxNation clearly isn't a conservative outlet. They're the 1%, and will say anything to keep making money, and to keep the Republican party going.

Yep, I'm a broken record. But it's all true. Every word of it.
I wish I was the 1%. But according to Democrats and you dumbasses on here I am:
1. a deplorable
2. a racist
3. a bigot
4. a misogynist
5. a hick and hillbilly
6. a white supremacist- MDLax76 actually called me and other Trump supporters this. He is so deranged it is amazing to see how stupid he is when it comes to politics.

Name calling is why Trump won. It is hilarious you idiots on here and the Democrats have doubled down on policies that don't work to try and win elections. It didn't work in 2016 and hopefully won't this year. Democrats have no platform that true Americans support unless they are low info voters and are being duped. This is why they put illegals before blacks. Blacks are moving off the plantation in droves and that is why Democrats are promoting and supporting this invasion of able bodied men coming across our border. If the Democrat policies worked, no one would vote for them. It is to keep people dependant on government. It is the Democrat Party that name calls the other side, while in reality, they are the names they are calling others. They are racists, bigots, the party of KKK, the party of plantation politics, the party of socialism, free handouts, emotion and TDS. They just can't stand America winning under Trump and will do whatever it takes---lying, invasion, violent protests, attacking Trump supporters and politicians to gain back power. They are so appalled that Trump won, so triggered by his outbursts and behavior, they are blinded by facts and reality. Trump's policies have reversed almost every single Obama ( I am sorry if you refer to Trump as an Orange Duce, thus placating skin color, Obama is a token Negro (CNN called Kanye this) policy and that is why America loves him. Trump doesn't care about his antics, he never has had to. He only cares about one thing--- Results and the American people. That is why he won, he gets it done. Democrats never have and never will. They aren't results driven. They are racist driven, they are emotional driven, they are pussies, they are sex offenders, they are liars, they are criminals and sadly have duped a lot of people over time to believe their terrible stances on things. I truly think most Americans are fed up by them and a red wave is coming. I hope so for the sake of our sovereignty and constitution, rule of law and most importantly our safety. True dealing with facts, not feelings and get over your TDS. It is so embarrassing and funny at the same time.

Finally here is a great article by a professor at Yale in the Comp Sci Dept that sums up Trump and the American people very well. Stop being a moron and open your eyes and brain for once.

Every big U.S. election is interesting, but the coming midterms are fascinating for a reason most commentators forget to mention: The Democrats have no issues. The economy is booming and America’s international position is strong. In foreign affairs, the U.S. has remembered in the nick of time what Machiavelli advised princes five centuries ago: Don’t seek to be loved, seek to be feared.

The contrast with the Obama years must be painful for any honest leftist. For future generations, the Kavanaugh fight will stand as a marker of the Democratic Party’s intellectual bankruptcy, the flashing red light on the dashboard that says “Empty.” The left is beaten.

This has happened before, in the 1980s and ’90s and early 2000s, but then the financial crisis arrived to save liberalism from certain destruction. Today leftists pray that Robert Mueller will put on his Superman outfit and save them again.

For now, though, the left’s only issue is “We hate Trump.” This is an instructive hatred, because what the left hates about Donald Trump is precisely what it hates about America. The implications are important, and painful.

Not that every leftist hates America. But the leftists I know do hate Mr. Trump’s vulgarity, his unwillingness to walk away from a fight, his bluntness, his certainty that America is exceptional, his mistrust of intellectuals, his love of simple ideas that work, and his refusal to believe that men and women are interchangeable. Worst of all, he has no ideology except getting the job done. His goals are to do the task before him, not be pushed around, and otherwise to enjoy life. In short, he is a typical American—except exaggerated, because he has no constraints to cramp his style except the ones he himself invents.

Mr. Trump lacks constraints because he is filthy rich and always has been and, unlike other rich men, he revels in wealth and feels no need to apologize—ever. He never learned to keep his real opinions to himself because he never had to. He never learned to be embarrassed that he is male, with ordinary male proclivities. Sometimes he has treated women disgracefully, for which Americans, left and right, are ashamed of him—as they are of JFK and Bill Clinton.

But my job as a voter is to choose the candidate who will do best for America. I am sorry about the coarseness of the unconstrained average American that Mr. Trump conveys. That coarseness is unpresidential and makes us look bad to other nations. On the other hand, many of his opponents worry too much about what other people think. I would love the esteem of France, Germany and Japan. But I don’t find myself losing sleep over it.

The difference between citizens who hate Mr. Trump and those who can live with him—whether they love or merely tolerate him—comes down to their views of the typical American: the farmer, factory hand, auto mechanic, machinist, teamster, shop owner, clerk, software engineer, infantryman, truck driver, housewife. The leftist intellectuals I know say they dislike such people insofar as they tend to be conservative Republicans.

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama know their real sins. They know how appalling such people are, with their stupid guns and loathsome churches. They have no money or permanent grievances to make them interesting and no Twitter followers to speak of. They skip Davos every year and watch Fox News. Not even the very best has the dazzling brilliance of a Chuck Schumer, not to mention a Michelle Obama. In truth they are dumb as sheep.

Mr. Trump reminds us who the average American really is. Not the average male American, or the average white American. We know for sure that, come 2020, intellectuals will be dumbfounded at the number of women and blacks who will vote for Mr. Trump. He might be realigning the political map: plain average Americans of every type vs. fancy ones.

Many left-wing intellectuals are counting on technology to do away with the jobs that sustain all those old-fashioned truck-driver-type people, but they are laughably wide of the mark. It is impossible to transport food and clothing, or hug your wife or girl or child, or sit silently with your best friend, over the internet. Perhaps that’s obvious, but to be an intellectual means nothing is obvious. Mr. Trump is no genius, but if you have mastered the obvious and add common sense, you are nine-tenths of the way home. (Scholarship is fine, but the typical modern intellectual cheapens his learning with politics, and is proud to vary his teaching with broken-down left-wing junk.)

This all leads to an important question—one that will be dismissed indignantly today, but not by historians in the long run: Is it possible to hate Donald Trump but not the average American?

True, Mr. Trump is the unconstrained average citizen. Obviously you can hate some of his major characteristics—the infantile lack of self-control in his Twitter babble, his hitting back like a spiteful child bully—without hating the average American, who has no such tendencies. (Mr. Trump is improving in these two categories.) You might dislike the whole package. I wouldn’t choose him as a friend, nor would he choose me. But what I see on the left is often plain, unconditional hatred of which the hater—God forgive him—is proud. It’s discouraging, even disgusting. And it does mean, I believe, that the Trump-hater truly does hate the average American—male or female, black or white. Often he hates America, too.

Granted, Mr. Trump is a parody of the average American, not the thing itself. To turn away is fair. But to hate him from your heart is revealing. Many Americans were ashamed when Ronald Reagan was elected. A movie actor? But the new direction he chose for America was a big success on balance, and Reagan turned into a great president. Evidently this country was intended to be run by amateurs after all—by plain citizens, not only lawyers and bureaucrats.

Those who voted for Mr. Trump, and will vote for his candidates this November, worry about the nation, not its image. The president deserves our respect because Americans deserve it—not such fancy-pants extras as network commentators, socialist high-school teachers and eminent professors, but the basic human stuff that has made America great, and is making us greater all the time.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by runrussellrun »

foreverlax wrote:YEA!!! Another great idea!!

Let's shoot them at the border!!


Or, they can come to YOUR neighborhood and take YOUR jobs. Meat packers unite, where would Rocky have trained if.......
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by runrussellrun »

a fan wrote:Simple. Look at Bandito.

What American partisans do is yell and scream at "the other guy", because they're evil, right?

So they vote their guy in, and then "everything is now fixed". And then they spend the next four years talking about how horrible the other side is. And now TrumpNation has added to this...."how horrible the media is".

Meanwhile, do they bother checking to see if Trump and the R's are legislating according to their values? Hell no. So they don't notice Obamacare is still law. Don't notice that Trump is outspending Obama by $2 Trillion, and counting. Don't notice the deficit is 30% higher than it was just last year. Don't notice he is handing out money to farmers for doing nothing. Don't notice he is protecting a handful of Union workers to the detriment of all other workers. Don't notice that there isn't a Immigration Bill on Trump's desk....and on and on, and on.

So who wins? As usual: the 1%. Clearly the powers that be want status quo. So that's what they're going to get. Rinse. Repeat.

Maddow is getting record ratings from screaming at the other side. But at least in her defense, the Dems have ZERO power in our Federal government.

According to Trumps June tweet, they have immense power. The Dems are these reason Galludetes/Immigration/Everify bill did NOT pass. Not the 41 pretend CONservatives that voted against it.

FoxNation doesn't have this excuse. And for any actual, real conservatives...the curtain has been pulled back: FoxNation clearly isn't a conservative outlet. They're the 1%, and will say anything to keep making money, and to keep the Republican party going.

This is silly. The 1 % gives to BOTH parties, especially the killing machine corps. Hardly any "new" politicians get any FUNdraising from the 1%.

Yep, I'm a broken record. But it's all true. Every word of it.
I am the "B" side of that broken record. With the TAATS rant by Klark Kent singing " Don't Care"

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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by DMac »

Bandito wrote
I wish I was the 1%. But according to Democrats and you dumbasses on here I am:
1. a deplorable
2. a racist
3. a bigot
4. a misogynist
5. a hick and hillbilly
6. a white supremacist- MDLax76 actually called me and other Trump supporters this. He is so deranged it is amazing to see how stupid he is when it comes to politics.
You forgot obnoxious, belligerent, touchhole.
Last edited by DMac on Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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