Israel and West Bank Settlements

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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by jhu72 »

Israel's policy is inconsistent with "Never Again" says a Defense Intelligence Agency officer.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by cradleandshoot »

jhu72 wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 12:29 pm Israel's policy is inconsistent with "Never Again" says a Defense Intelligence Agency officer.
So what does Hamas have to say about this? Have any of their leaders resigned with righteous indignation over Hamas policy. Silly me, disagree with Hamas and you'll get a free flying lesson. :roll:
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by jhu72 »

jhu72 wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 12:29 pm Israel's policy is inconsistent with "Never Again" says a Defense Intelligence Agency officer.
Another interview of Major Harrison Mann.
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Ten simple questions for every country in the world…except Israel

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

Ten simple questions for every country in the world…except Israel
JUN 14, 2024

Post October 7th, it’s amazing to me that with all the online, print, broadcast and social media covering multiple aspects of the war, it’s incredibly hard to find any story which asks what other countries would have done had they been in Israel’s position.

Of course, this has not stopped countries from condemning Israel, defending Hamas, recognizing a Palestinian state (which, by the way, doesn’t yet exist), filing international court cases, accusing Israel of genocide and generally being comfortable in telling Israel what it should do.

This begs the question, “WHAT WOULD THEY DO?.” Frustratingly, I can’t seem to find a story that covers – in-depth – what these countries would do had they experienced a massacre like Israel did.

Don’t we owe it to ourselves and the world to get these countries to wrestle with WHAT THEY WOULD HAVE DONE? And don’t we owe it to ourselves and the world to ask WHAT THEY WOULD DO if they experienced such a catastrophe?

In that spirit, I offer ten simple questions that I hope would force the leadership of the world’s countries – especially those who easily bash Israel – to “look in the mirror” and share WHAT THEY WOULD DO.

I venture to guess – if they were honest – their answers would conflict with much of their criticism of Israel.

TO: 190+ Countries Not Named Israel

RE: What Would Your Country Do If It Experienced a Hamas-Type Massacre as Israel has?

*Please answer each question honestly and with specifics.*

What would your country do…if 1200 of your people were killed, the majority of them ordinary citizens (i.e., non-military) and they were just trying to live their lives?

What would your country do…if 250 men, women, children and infants were kidnapped by terrorists and held in horrendous conditions for months on end?

What would your country do…if the invading terrorists committed sexual violence against men and women including rape, gang rape, insertion of objections into bodies, sexual organs being shot and other acts of mutilation?

What would your country do…if the terrorists recorded their heinous acts and then released these “snuff films” to the world in an effort – one would imagine — to gloat, to inspire similar acts of evil, to promote their case around the world and to inflict further psychological torture on the families and friends of the victims, and of course, to the country itself?

What would your country do…if terrorists massacred entire families by burning them alive, with the families wrapped tightly with wire?

What would your country do…if terrorists forced the kidnapped women to shower in front of their captors while being held hostage?

What would your country do…if terrorists deliberately targeted vulnerable non-combatants in their homes, in their beds and in their baby strollers?

What would your county do…if the terrorists’ charter called for the destruction of your country?

What would your country do…if you experienced the bloodiest day in your country’s history?

What would your country do…if the terrorists’ leaders vowed to repeat their evil acts “again and again and again”?

Instead of trying to pass every anti-Israel resolution it could, I wish the United Nations would do something useful and survey its members about how they would react to an October 7th style massacre.

If that happened, there would be no more hiding behind fake diplomacy.

Perhaps some countries would reconsider whether or not Israel has a right and obligation to respond to evil in a way that protects the country and, ultimately, all Jews around the world.

I dare them to answer these questions…honestly and with specifics. ... pt-israel/
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by PizzaSnake »

These fcuks need to be “sanctioned.”

“The US state department has imposed sanctions on Tsav 9, “a violent, extremist Israeli group”, for blocking convoys taking humanitarian aid to Gaza, and attacking trucks.

The US said Tsav 9 activists began blockading a key crossing, Kerem Shalom, at the start of the year, and later set trucks on fire and injured drivers and Israel Defense Forces soldiers, as hunger spread inside Gaza.” ... g-gaza-aid
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

A breathtaking speech by Miriam Novak at the UN General Assembly.
Don't miss a word!

For two thousand years we have lived among you, offering you our knowledge, discoveries and inventions.

At the UN Special General Assembly in New York, held at the request of the leaders of the European Union and the New Arab Bloc, the representative of Israel, Miriam Novak, spoke.

Standing at the podium, in front of the green marble wall of the main UN hall, Miriam Novak said into the microphone:

"Ladies and gentlemen! As you know, eighty years ago, Europe, led by Germany, carried out an ethnic purge: it exterminated almost all the Jews who lived there. French, Belgians, Dutch, Norwegians, Hungarians, Slovaks, Poles, Lithuanians, Ukrainians – all helped the fascists.

You killed at least six million Jews, including newborn babies. Each of them could have given the world children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, so you can multiply the number of killed by four or five...

And now, when we are again plundered, beaten and killed in all your countries, and your courts release the murderers, you tell us that we have no right to defend ourselves?

We have no right to warn our enemies that we will respond to a new ethnic cleansing with an even more powerful strike?

Perhaps you can name another nation whose extermination is so fanatically sought by your new Iranian-led international community? And why?

For two thousand years, we have lived among you, offering you our knowledge, discoveries and inventions.

We have given you the alphabet, the Bible, the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, the twelve apostles, Spinoza, Disraeli, Columbus, Newton, Nostradamus, Heine, Mendelssohn, Einstein, Singer, Eisenstein, Freud, Landau, Gershwin, Offenbach, Rubinstein, Saint-Saëns, Kafka, Lombroso, Montaigne, Mahler, Marcel Marceau, Vsevolod Meyerhold, Yehudi Menuhin, Stefan Zweig, Arthur Miller, Maya Plisetskaya, Stanley Kubrick, Irving Berlin, Edward Teller, Lion Feuchtwanger, Paul Newman, Robert Oppenheimer, Benny Goodman, Eugène Ionesco, Imre Kálmán, Marcel Proust, Marc Chagall, Barbra Streisand, Claude Lelouch, Steven Spielberg, Anouk Aimée, Leonard Bernstein, Norbert Wiener, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin, Andrew Lloyd Webber and thousands of other scientists and educators.

Imagine how many such geniuses could have been born from the millions of Jews killed by you, and then from their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren!

But these unborn geniuses disappeared forever in crematoriums, burned synagogues, and mass graves.

So do you really think that your resolutions, boycotts and sanctions can bring us back to the gas chambers?

No, ladies and gentlemen! Having lived among you for two thousand years, we have had to adapt to you and learn not only your languages, but also some aspects of your psychology.

Otherwise, how would we have survived in Persia without Persian perfidy? In Spain without the Spanish cruelty? In Germany without German submission to discipline? In France without French avarice? In Poland without Polish vanity, and in Russia without the oaths and the Russian habit of court latrines, where one must squat and talk about one's spiritual greatness? — (Laughter in the room.)

"And that is why I will tell you frankly: yes, we are not angels. Among us there have been international crooks and gangsters, Lansky, Medoff and Epstein, thieves, looters, adventurers and even pedophiles.

But in all our common history, there has never been a Jewish Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. There have never been Jewish Josef Mengele and Erik Koch, Jewish Adolf Eichmann and Idi Amin, Jewish Andrei Chikatilo and Li Zicheng, Jewish Jeffrey Dahmer and Jean Bokassa, Jewish Fritz Haarmann and Ted Bundy, Jewish Nikolai Dzhumagaliev and Albert Fish.

We have never made necklaces with human ears, never scalped, never eaten human flesh, never made soap with human fat, never made lampshades with human skin, never made mattresses with women's hair, never burned people in religious temples, and never killed children in gas chambers. Instead, we created things that changed the world for the better.

Drip irrigation, seawater desalination, Intel processors and Centrino and Core Duo platforms, the world's smallest DNA computer and the world's first USB flash drive, nanowire and camera pill, multiple sclerosis drug and exoskeleton, Google Glass for the blind and baby breathing monitor, The radar that can see through walls, the holographic reality artificial intelligence synthesizer, and hundreds of other wonderful things.

Representing only 0.2% of the world's population, we have given the world 32% of the Nobel Prize winners. Yes, I forgot to tell you: we have never consumed and do not consume the blood of Christian infants to make matzah. Already in 1913, three Orthodox experts on Judaism proved this at the famous Beilis trial in Kiev.

In 1962, the Second Vatican Council lifted our guilt for the crucifixion of Christ, and in 2011, Pope Benedict XVI declared that "the Christian cannot be anti-Semitic, we have the same roots."

In 2019, his successor, Pope Francis I, said that "every Christian has a Jew in him" and that "one cannot be a true Christian without acknowledging one's Jewish roots."

In addition, the head of the global Catholic Church said that "the covenant between God and Jews continues to apply" and "that anti-Semitism includes not only attacks on Jews, but also criticism of Israel."

Finally, in June 2020, the Rev. John Hagee, the leader of American Evangelical Christians, published his "Appeal to the World," in which he said simply and clearly, "Why do we, eight million patriotic American Christians, support Israel? Because God is on Israel's side! If a Christian says he doesn't like Jews, then his false Christianity is very dubious. God says, "I will bless those who bless Israel! I will curse those who curse Israel!"

And now I want to ask the European delegates in this room: who do you think you are? Are you Christians or not? When you pray to Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, and the holy apostles, are you not praying to the Jews? And when you say that you carry the image of Christ in your heart, do you not admit that you carry a Jew in your soul?

Even if you are a hard-core atheist, your ancestors were Christians for two thousand years, and therefore, Judaism is in your blood – whether you like it or not!

So, ladies and gentlemen. If you insist on the international boycott of Israel because you continue to hate Jews and want the total extermination of Jews on earth, then be consistent – start with yourselves, do seppuku! It will be an honest ethnic purge.

And now, as we say here in America, I have news for you. Now, after the Christians, it is the turn of the Muslims to get rid of anti-Semitism.

Yes, it won't be easy, but just as the Almighty helped humanity get rid of the bubonic plague, anthrax, cholera, and coronavirus, He will help you get rid of anti-Semitism.

You ask: why? Why has the Almighty brought us back to Israel and forced you to give up your desire to destroy us? For He has to have a purpose, doesn't He?

I will give you my personal opinion. For according to His purpose, every nation is to bring to mankind what it does best.

The French - cooks and perfumers.

The English and the Russians - writers and poets.

Italians - artists and musicians.

The Germans - soldiers and philosophers.

And we Jews - geniuses.

Geniuses who, in all fields, are advancing humanity from barbarism and idolatry to culture, humanism and technical progress. This is our mission, which we have been accomplishing for two thousand years, despite everything!

So whether we have genetic, torsional, nuclear, tectonic, cosmic, or other defense weapons, that's none of your business! Whether you allow us to have defensive weapons or not, we don't care.

As one of the founders of our state, Ze'ev Jabotinsky, once said: "Whether you like us or not, we don't care, we arrived before you and we will leave after you."
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by PizzaSnake »

OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:15 pm A breathtaking speech by Miriam Novak at the UN General Assembly.
Don't miss a word!

For two thousand years we have lived among you, offering you our knowledge, discoveries and inventions.

At the UN Special General Assembly in New York, held at the request of the leaders of the European Union and the New Arab Bloc, the representative of Israel, Miriam Novak, spoke.

Standing at the podium, in front of the green marble wall of the main UN hall, Miriam Novak said into the microphone:

"Ladies and gentlemen! As you know, eighty years ago, Europe, led by Germany, carried out an ethnic purge: it exterminated almost all the Jews who lived there. French, Belgians, Dutch, Norwegians, Hungarians, Slovaks, Poles, Lithuanians, Ukrainians – all helped the fascists.

You killed at least six million Jews, including newborn babies. Each of them could have given the world children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, so you can multiply the number of killed by four or five...

And now, when we are again plundered, beaten and killed in all your countries, and your courts release the murderers, you tell us that we have no right to defend ourselves?

We have no right to warn our enemies that we will respond to a new ethnic cleansing with an even more powerful strike?

Perhaps you can name another nation whose extermination is so fanatically sought by your new Iranian-led international community? And why?

For two thousand years, we have lived among you, offering you our knowledge, discoveries and inventions.

We have given you the alphabet,
the Bible, the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, the twelve apostles, Spinoza, Disraeli, Columbus, Newton, Nostradamus, Heine, Mendelssohn, Einstein, Singer, Eisenstein, Freud, Landau, Gershwin, Offenbach, Rubinstein, Saint-Saëns, Kafka, Lombroso, Montaigne, Mahler, Marcel Marceau, Vsevolod Meyerhold, Yehudi Menuhin, Stefan Zweig, Arthur Miller, Maya Plisetskaya, Stanley Kubrick, Irving Berlin, Edward Teller, Lion Feuchtwanger, Paul Newman, Robert Oppenheimer, Benny Goodman, Eugène Ionesco, Imre Kálmán, Marcel Proust, Marc Chagall, Barbra Streisand, Claude Lelouch, Steven Spielberg, Anouk Aimée, Leonard Bernstein, Norbert Wiener, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin, Andrew Lloyd Webber and thousands of other scientists and educators.

Imagine how many such geniuses could have been born from the millions of Jews killed by you, and then from their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren!

But these unborn geniuses disappeared forever in crematoriums, burned synagogues, and mass graves.

So do you really think that your resolutions, boycotts and sanctions can bring us back to the gas chambers?

No, ladies and gentlemen! Having lived among you for two thousand years, we have had to adapt to you and learn not only your languages, but also some aspects of your psychology.

Otherwise, how would we have survived in Persia without Persian perfidy? In Spain without the Spanish cruelty? In Germany without German submission to discipline? In France without French avarice? In Poland without Polish vanity, and in Russia without the oaths and the Russian habit of court latrines, where one must squat and talk about one's spiritual greatness? — (Laughter in the room.)

"And that is why I will tell you frankly: yes, we are not angels. Among us there have been international crooks and gangsters, Lansky, Medoff and Epstein, thieves, looters, adventurers and even pedophiles.

But in all our common history, there has never been a Jewish Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. There have never been Jewish Josef Mengele and Erik Koch, Jewish Adolf Eichmann and Idi Amin, Jewish Andrei Chikatilo and Li Zicheng, Jewish Jeffrey Dahmer and Jean Bokassa, Jewish Fritz Haarmann and Ted Bundy, Jewish Nikolai Dzhumagaliev and Albert Fish.

We have never made necklaces with human ears, never scalped, never eaten human flesh, never made soap with human fat, never made lampshades with human skin, never made mattresses with women's hair, never burned people in religious temples, and never killed children in gas chambers. Instead, we created things that changed the world for the better.

Drip irrigation, seawater desalination, Intel processors and Centrino and Core Duo platforms, the world's smallest DNA computer and the world's first USB flash drive, nanowire and camera pill, multiple sclerosis drug and exoskeleton, Google Glass for the blind and baby breathing monitor, The radar that can see through walls, the holographic reality artificial intelligence synthesizer, and hundreds of other wonderful things.

Representing only 0.2% of the world's population, we have given the world 32% of the Nobel Prize winners. Yes, I forgot to tell you: we have never consumed and do not consume the blood of Christian infants to make matzah. Already in 1913, three Orthodox experts on Judaism proved this at the famous Beilis trial in Kiev.

In 1962, the Second Vatican Council lifted our guilt for the crucifixion of Christ, and in 2011, Pope Benedict XVI declared that "the Christian cannot be anti-Semitic, we have the same roots."

In 2019, his successor, Pope Francis I, said that "every Christian has a Jew in him" and that "one cannot be a true Christian without acknowledging one's Jewish roots."

In addition, the head of the global Catholic Church said that "the covenant between God and Jews continues to apply" and "that anti-Semitism includes not only attacks on Jews, but also criticism of Israel."

Finally, in June 2020, the Rev. John Hagee, the leader of American Evangelical Christians, published his "Appeal to the World," in which he said simply and clearly, "Why do we, eight million patriotic American Christians, support Israel? Because God is on Israel's side! If a Christian says he doesn't like Jews, then his false Christianity is very dubious. God says, "I will bless those who bless Israel! I will curse those who curse Israel!"

And now I want to ask the European delegates in this room: who do you think you are? Are you Christians or not? When you pray to Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, and the holy apostles, are you not praying to the Jews? And when you say that you carry the image of Christ in your heart, do you not admit that you carry a Jew in your soul?

Even if you are a hard-core atheist, your ancestors were Christians for two thousand years, and therefore, Judaism is in your blood – whether you like it or not!

So, ladies and gentlemen. If you insist on the international boycott of Israel because you continue to hate Jews and want the total extermination of Jews on earth, then be consistent – start with yourselves, do seppuku! It will be an honest ethnic purge.

And now, as we say here in America, I have news for you. Now, after the Christians, it is the turn of the Muslims to get rid of anti-Semitism.

Yes, it won't be easy, but just as the Almighty helped humanity get rid of the bubonic plague, anthrax, cholera, and coronavirus, He will help you get rid of anti-Semitism.

You ask: why? Why has the Almighty brought us back to Israel and forced you to give up your desire to destroy us? For He has to have a purpose, doesn't He?

I will give you my personal opinion. For according to His purpose, every nation is to bring to mankind what it does best.

The French - cooks and perfumers.

The English and the Russians - writers and poets.

Italians - artists and musicians.

The Germans - soldiers and philosophers.

And we Jews - geniuses.

Geniuses who, in all fields, are advancing humanity from barbarism and idolatry to culture, humanism and technical progress. This is our mission, which we have been accomplishing for two thousand years, despite everything!

So whether we have genetic, torsional, nuclear, tectonic, cosmic, or other defense weapons, that's none of your business! Whether you allow us to have defensive weapons or not, we don't care.

As one of the founders of our state, Ze'ev Jabotinsky, once said: "Whether you like us or not, we don't care, we arrived before you and we will leave after you."
“We” among “you?” Just flying that freak flag proudly, huh?

Wow! Just “wow!!”

So, the distribution of intelligence is different in that specific group? Treading pretty close, no, stomping all over some boundaries that certain other less than well-intentioned groups have played with.

Might want to be very, very careful with publicly espousing this line of thinking.

I guess humans don’t really change or evolve, do they?
"There is nothing more difficult and more dangerous to carry through than initiating changes. One makes enemies of those who prospered under the old order, and only lukewarm support from those who would prosper under the new."
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by cradleandshoot »

PizzaSnake wrote: Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:28 pm
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:15 pm A breathtaking speech by Miriam Novak at the UN General Assembly.
Don't miss a word!

For two thousand years we have lived among you, offering you our knowledge, discoveries and inventions.

At the UN Special General Assembly in New York, held at the request of the leaders of the European Union and the New Arab Bloc, the representative of Israel, Miriam Novak, spoke.

Standing at the podium, in front of the green marble wall of the main UN hall, Miriam Novak said into the microphone:

"Ladies and gentlemen! As you know, eighty years ago, Europe, led by Germany, carried out an ethnic purge: it exterminated almost all the Jews who lived there. French, Belgians, Dutch, Norwegians, Hungarians, Slovaks, Poles, Lithuanians, Ukrainians – all helped the fascists.

You killed at least six million Jews, including newborn babies. Each of them could have given the world children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, so you can multiply the number of killed by four or five...

And now, when we are again plundered, beaten and killed in all your countries, and your courts release the murderers, you tell us that we have no right to defend ourselves?

We have no right to warn our enemies that we will respond to a new ethnic cleansing with an even more powerful strike?

Perhaps you can name another nation whose extermination is so fanatically sought by your new Iranian-led international community? And why?

For two thousand years, we have lived among you, offering you our knowledge, discoveries and inventions.

We have given you the alphabet,
the Bible, the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, the twelve apostles, Spinoza, Disraeli, Columbus, Newton, Nostradamus, Heine, Mendelssohn, Einstein, Singer, Eisenstein, Freud, Landau, Gershwin, Offenbach, Rubinstein, Saint-Saëns, Kafka, Lombroso, Montaigne, Mahler, Marcel Marceau, Vsevolod Meyerhold, Yehudi Menuhin, Stefan Zweig, Arthur Miller, Maya Plisetskaya, Stanley Kubrick, Irving Berlin, Edward Teller, Lion Feuchtwanger, Paul Newman, Robert Oppenheimer, Benny Goodman, Eugène Ionesco, Imre Kálmán, Marcel Proust, Marc Chagall, Barbra Streisand, Claude Lelouch, Steven Spielberg, Anouk Aimée, Leonard Bernstein, Norbert Wiener, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin, Andrew Lloyd Webber and thousands of other scientists and educators.

Imagine how many such geniuses could have been born from the millions of Jews killed by you, and then from their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren!

But these unborn geniuses disappeared forever in crematoriums, burned synagogues, and mass graves.

So do you really think that your resolutions, boycotts and sanctions can bring us back to the gas chambers?

No, ladies and gentlemen! Having lived among you for two thousand years, we have had to adapt to you and learn not only your languages, but also some aspects of your psychology.

Otherwise, how would we have survived in Persia without Persian perfidy? In Spain without the Spanish cruelty? In Germany without German submission to discipline? In France without French avarice? In Poland without Polish vanity, and in Russia without the oaths and the Russian habit of court latrines, where one must squat and talk about one's spiritual greatness? — (Laughter in the room.)

"And that is why I will tell you frankly: yes, we are not angels. Among us there have been international crooks and gangsters, Lansky, Medoff and Epstein, thieves, looters, adventurers and even pedophiles.

But in all our common history, there has never been a Jewish Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. There have never been Jewish Josef Mengele and Erik Koch, Jewish Adolf Eichmann and Idi Amin, Jewish Andrei Chikatilo and Li Zicheng, Jewish Jeffrey Dahmer and Jean Bokassa, Jewish Fritz Haarmann and Ted Bundy, Jewish Nikolai Dzhumagaliev and Albert Fish.

We have never made necklaces with human ears, never scalped, never eaten human flesh, never made soap with human fat, never made lampshades with human skin, never made mattresses with women's hair, never burned people in religious temples, and never killed children in gas chambers. Instead, we created things that changed the world for the better.

Drip irrigation, seawater desalination, Intel processors and Centrino and Core Duo platforms, the world's smallest DNA computer and the world's first USB flash drive, nanowire and camera pill, multiple sclerosis drug and exoskeleton, Google Glass for the blind and baby breathing monitor, The radar that can see through walls, the holographic reality artificial intelligence synthesizer, and hundreds of other wonderful things.

Representing only 0.2% of the world's population, we have given the world 32% of the Nobel Prize winners. Yes, I forgot to tell you: we have never consumed and do not consume the blood of Christian infants to make matzah. Already in 1913, three Orthodox experts on Judaism proved this at the famous Beilis trial in Kiev.

In 1962, the Second Vatican Council lifted our guilt for the crucifixion of Christ, and in 2011, Pope Benedict XVI declared that "the Christian cannot be anti-Semitic, we have the same roots."

In 2019, his successor, Pope Francis I, said that "every Christian has a Jew in him" and that "one cannot be a true Christian without acknowledging one's Jewish roots."

In addition, the head of the global Catholic Church said that "the covenant between God and Jews continues to apply" and "that anti-Semitism includes not only attacks on Jews, but also criticism of Israel."

Finally, in June 2020, the Rev. John Hagee, the leader of American Evangelical Christians, published his "Appeal to the World," in which he said simply and clearly, "Why do we, eight million patriotic American Christians, support Israel? Because God is on Israel's side! If a Christian says he doesn't like Jews, then his false Christianity is very dubious. God says, "I will bless those who bless Israel! I will curse those who curse Israel!"

And now I want to ask the European delegates in this room: who do you think you are? Are you Christians or not? When you pray to Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, and the holy apostles, are you not praying to the Jews? And when you say that you carry the image of Christ in your heart, do you not admit that you carry a Jew in your soul?

Even if you are a hard-core atheist, your ancestors were Christians for two thousand years, and therefore, Judaism is in your blood – whether you like it or not!

So, ladies and gentlemen. If you insist on the international boycott of Israel because you continue to hate Jews and want the total extermination of Jews on earth, then be consistent – start with yourselves, do seppuku! It will be an honest ethnic purge.

And now, as we say here in America, I have news for you. Now, after the Christians, it is the turn of the Muslims to get rid of anti-Semitism.

Yes, it won't be easy, but just as the Almighty helped humanity get rid of the bubonic plague, anthrax, cholera, and coronavirus, He will help you get rid of anti-Semitism.

You ask: why? Why has the Almighty brought us back to Israel and forced you to give up your desire to destroy us? For He has to have a purpose, doesn't He?

I will give you my personal opinion. For according to His purpose, every nation is to bring to mankind what it does best.

The French - cooks and perfumers.

The English and the Russians - writers and poets.

Italians - artists and musicians.

The Germans - soldiers and philosophers.

And we Jews - geniuses.

Geniuses who, in all fields, are advancing humanity from barbarism and idolatry to culture, humanism and technical progress. This is our mission, which we have been accomplishing for two thousand years, despite everything!

So whether we have genetic, torsional, nuclear, tectonic, cosmic, or other defense weapons, that's none of your business! Whether you allow us to have defensive weapons or not, we don't care.

As one of the founders of our state, Ze'ev Jabotinsky, once said: "Whether you like us or not, we don't care, we arrived before you and we will leave after you."
“We” among “you?” Just flying that freak flag proudly, huh?

Wow! Just “wow!!”

So, the distribution of intelligence is different in that specific group? Treading pretty close, no, stomping all over some boundaries that certain other less than well-intentioned groups have played with.

Might want to be very, very careful with publicly espousing this line of thinking.

I guess humans don’t really change or evolve, do they?
I think you just answered your own question. Two world wars and the deaths of tens of millions of people were not enough to make us all live together in peace. If that wasn't enough I don't know what is.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

Love that there are strong unapologetic voices for Israel out there.

A recent example of her boldness:

To all the propagandists who have been claiming that Israel has been occupying Gaza for the past two decades, you clearly do not understand the definition of the word occupation.

Every argument and claim describing it is a definition of the word blockade, which judging by the fact that Gaza is ruled by Hamas who are openly an Islamic terrorist organization with the sole purpose for annihilating Israel, blockading them in is more than justified. But it still is NOT an occupation.

Aside from this, one cannot be an occupation of your own land. The Arabs living on the land, by the actual definition, are the only occupiers, and have been since around 750-800AD.

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Re: Ten simple questions for every country in the world…except Israel

Post by runrussellrun »

OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 12:53 pm Ten simple questions for every country in the world…except Israel
JUN 14, 2024

Post October 7th, it’s amazing to me that with all the online, print, broadcast and social media covering multiple aspects of the war, it’s incredibly hard to find any story which asks what other countries would have done had they been in Israel’s position.

Of course, this has not stopped countries from condemning Israel, defending Hamas, recognizing a Palestinian state (which, by the way, doesn’t yet exist), filing international court cases, accusing Israel of genocide and generally being comfortable in telling Israel what it should do.

This begs the question, “WHAT WOULD THEY DO?.” Frustratingly, I can’t seem to find a story that covers – in-depth – what these countries would do had they experienced a massacre like Israel did.

Don’t we owe it to ourselves and the world to get these countries to wrestle with WHAT THEY WOULD HAVE DONE? And don’t we owe it to ourselves and the world to ask WHAT THEY WOULD DO if they experienced such a catastrophe?

In that spirit, I offer ten simple questions that I hope would force the leadership of the world’s countries – especially those who easily bash Israel – to “look in the mirror” and share WHAT THEY WOULD DO.

I venture to guess – if they were honest – their answers would conflict with much of their criticism of Israel.

TO: 190+ Countries Not Named Israel

RE: What Would Your Country Do If It Experienced a Hamas-Type Massacre as Israel has?

*Please answer each question honestly and with specifics.*

What would your country do…if 1200 of your people were killed, the majority of them ordinary citizens (i.e., non-military) and they were just trying to live their lives? Invade Iraq

What would your country do…if 250 men, women, children and infants were kidnapped by terrorists and held in horrendous conditions for months on end? [color. many, have said so. =#0000BF] Invade Afghanistan[/color]

What would your country do…if the invading terrorists committed sexual violence against men and women including rape, gang rape, insertion of objections into bodies, sexual organs being shot and other acts of mutilation? Sell some F 35s to the Saudi's

What would your country do…if the terrorists recorded their heinous acts and then released these “snuff films” to the world in an effort – one would imagine — to gloat, to inspire similar acts of evil, to promote their case around the world and to inflict further psychological torture on the families and friends of the victims, and of course, to the country itself?

What would your country do…if terrorists massacred entire families by burning them alive, with the families wrapped tightly with wire?
If they are "white", not newsworthey

What would your country do…if terrorists forced the kidnapped women to shower in front of their captors while being held hostage?

What would your country do…if terrorists deliberately targeted vulnerable non-combatants in their homes, in their beds and in their baby strollers?

What would your county do…if the terrorists’ charter called for the destruction of your country?

What would your country do…if you experienced the bloodiest day in your country’s history?

What would your country do…if the terrorists’ leaders vowed to repeat their evil acts “again and again and again”?

Instead of trying to pass every anti-Israel resolution it could, I wish the United Nations would do something useful and survey its members about how they would react to an October 7th style massacre.

If that happened, there would be no more hiding behind fake diplomacy.

Perhaps some countries would reconsider whether or not Israel has a right and obligation to respond to evil in a way that protects the country and, ultimately, all Jews around the world.

I dare them to answer these questions…honestly and with specifics. ... pt-israel/
USS Liberty thanks you..........

......war is hell.

Maybe, just maybe, realize that all your hate is over a pretend thing......gods and religion.

Israel has a lacrosse team for international competition. (mostly US players, yes? ) Does Palastine?


FarFar the mouse is dead. Aparently, the kids show.....was cool with killing the mouse in one of it's episodes.

No one cared ten years ago.......sudden'ly?
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by cradleandshoot »

OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:53 am Love that there are strong unapologetic voices for Israel out there.

A recent example of her boldness:

To all the propagandists who have been claiming that Israel has been occupying Gaza for the past two decades, you clearly do not understand the definition of the word occupation.

Every argument and claim describing it is a definition of the word blockade, which judging by the fact that Gaza is ruled by Hamas who are openly an Islamic terrorist organization with the sole purpose for annihilating Israel, blockading them in is more than justified. But it still is NOT an occupation.

Aside from this, one cannot be an occupation of your own land. The Arabs living on the land, by the actual definition, are the only occupiers, and have been since around 750-800AD.

If the Jewish people had to depend on the support of a piece of excrement like Joe Biden they would have stood a better chance of survival at Auschwitz. I understand why Bibi can't trust a piece of excrement like DFJ. He would do for Israel what the SS did for the Jews.
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Re: Ten simple questions for every country in the world…except Israel

Post by cradleandshoot »

runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:04 am
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 12:53 pm Ten simple questions for every country in the world…except Israel
JUN 14, 2024

Post October 7th, it’s amazing to me that with all the online, print, broadcast and social media covering multiple aspects of the war, it’s incredibly hard to find any story which asks what other countries would have done had they been in Israel’s position.

Of course, this has not stopped countries from condemning Israel, defending Hamas, recognizing a Palestinian state (which, by the way, doesn’t yet exist), filing international court cases, accusing Israel of genocide and generally being comfortable in telling Israel what it should do.

This begs the question, “WHAT WOULD THEY DO?.” Frustratingly, I can’t seem to find a story that covers – in-depth – what these countries would do had they experienced a massacre like Israel did.

Don’t we owe it to ourselves and the world to get these countries to wrestle with WHAT THEY WOULD HAVE DONE? And don’t we owe it to ourselves and the world to ask WHAT THEY WOULD DO if they experienced such a catastrophe?

In that spirit, I offer ten simple questions that I hope would force the leadership of the world’s countries – especially those who easily bash Israel – to “look in the mirror” and share WHAT THEY WOULD DO.

I venture to guess – if they were honest – their answers would conflict with much of their criticism of Israel.

TO: 190+ Countries Not Named Israel

RE: What Would Your Country Do If It Experienced a Hamas-Type Massacre as Israel has?

*Please answer each question honestly and with specifics.*

What would your country do…if 1200 of your people were killed, the majority of them ordinary citizens (i.e., non-military) and they were just trying to live their lives? Invade Iraq

What would your country do…if 250 men, women, children and infants were kidnapped by terrorists and held in horrendous conditions for months on end? [color. many, have said so. =#0000BF] Invade Afghanistan[/color]

What would your country do…if the invading terrorists committed sexual violence against men and women including rape, gang rape, insertion of objections into bodies, sexual organs being shot and other acts of mutilation? Sell some F 35s to the Saudi's

What would your country do…if the terrorists recorded their heinous acts and then released these “snuff films” to the world in an effort – one would imagine — to gloat, to inspire similar acts of evil, to promote their case around the world and to inflict further psychological torture on the families and friends of the victims, and of course, to the country itself?

What would your country do…if terrorists massacred entire families by burning them alive, with the families wrapped tightly with wire?
If they are "white", not newsworthey

What would your country do…if terrorists forced the kidnapped women to shower in front of their captors while being held hostage?

What would your country do…if terrorists deliberately targeted vulnerable non-combatants in their homes, in their beds and in their baby strollers?

What would your county do…if the terrorists’ charter called for the destruction of your country?

What would your country do…if you experienced the bloodiest day in your country’s history?

What would your country do…if the terrorists’ leaders vowed to repeat their evil acts “again and again and again”?

Instead of trying to pass every anti-Israel resolution it could, I wish the United Nations would do something useful and survey its members about how they would react to an October 7th style massacre.

If that happened, there would be no more hiding behind fake diplomacy.

Perhaps some countries would reconsider whether or not Israel has a right and obligation to respond to evil in a way that protects the country and, ultimately, all Jews around the world.

I dare them to answer these questions…honestly and with specifics. ... pt-israel/
USS Liberty thanks you..........

......war is hell.

Maybe, just maybe, realize that all your hate is over a pretend thing......gods and religion.

Israel has a lacrosse team for international competition. (mostly US players, yes? ) Does Palastine?


FarFar the mouse is dead. Aparently, the kids show.....was cool with killing the mouse in one of it's episodes.

No one cared ten years ago.......sudden'ly?
Can you share with me where you purchase your weed? Seems like you have a solid connection.
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Re: Ten simple questions for every country in the world…except Israel

Post by runrussellrun »

cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:12 am
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:04 am
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 12:53 pm Ten simple questions for every country in the world…except Israel
JUN 14, 2024

Post October 7th, it’s amazing to me that with all the online, print, broadcast and social media covering multiple aspects of the war, it’s incredibly hard to find any story which asks what other countries would have done had they been in Israel’s position.

Of course, this has not stopped countries from condemning Israel, defending Hamas, recognizing a Palestinian state (which, by the way, doesn’t yet exist), filing international court cases, accusing Israel of genocide and generally being comfortable in telling Israel what it should do.

This begs the question, “WHAT WOULD THEY DO?.” Frustratingly, I can’t seem to find a story that covers – in-depth – what these countries would do had they experienced a massacre like Israel did.

Don’t we owe it to ourselves and the world to get these countries to wrestle with WHAT THEY WOULD HAVE DONE? And don’t we owe it to ourselves and the world to ask WHAT THEY WOULD DO if they experienced such a catastrophe?

In that spirit, I offer ten simple questions that I hope would force the leadership of the world’s countries – especially those who easily bash Israel – to “look in the mirror” and share WHAT THEY WOULD DO.

I venture to guess – if they were honest – their answers would conflict with much of their criticism of Israel.

TO: 190+ Countries Not Named Israel

RE: What Would Your Country Do If It Experienced a Hamas-Type Massacre as Israel has?

*Please answer each question honestly and with specifics.*

What would your country do…if 1200 of your people were killed, the majority of them ordinary citizens (i.e., non-military) and they were just trying to live their lives? Invade Iraq

What would your country do…if 250 men, women, children and infants were kidnapped by terrorists and held in horrendous conditions for months on end? [color. many, have said so. =#0000BF] Invade Afghanistan[/color]

What would your country do…if the invading terrorists committed sexual violence against men and women including rape, gang rape, insertion of objections into bodies, sexual organs being shot and other acts of mutilation? Sell some F 35s to the Saudi's

What would your country do…if the terrorists recorded their heinous acts and then released these “snuff films” to the world in an effort – one would imagine — to gloat, to inspire similar acts of evil, to promote their case around the world and to inflict further psychological torture on the families and friends of the victims, and of course, to the country itself?

What would your country do…if terrorists massacred entire families by burning them alive, with the families wrapped tightly with wire?
If they are "white", not newsworthey

What would your country do…if terrorists forced the kidnapped women to shower in front of their captors while being held hostage?

What would your country do…if terrorists deliberately targeted vulnerable non-combatants in their homes, in their beds and in their baby strollers?

What would your county do…if the terrorists’ charter called for the destruction of your country?

What would your country do…if you experienced the bloodiest day in your country’s history?

What would your country do…if the terrorists’ leaders vowed to repeat their evil acts “again and again and again”?

Instead of trying to pass every anti-Israel resolution it could, I wish the United Nations would do something useful and survey its members about how they would react to an October 7th style massacre.

If that happened, there would be no more hiding behind fake diplomacy.

Perhaps some countries would reconsider whether or not Israel has a right and obligation to respond to evil in a way that protects the country and, ultimately, all Jews around the world.

I dare them to answer these questions…honestly and with specifics. ... pt-israel/
USS Liberty thanks you..........

......war is hell.

Maybe, just maybe, realize that all your hate is over a pretend thing......gods and religion.

Israel has a lacrosse team for international competition. (mostly US players, yes? ) Does Palastine?


FarFar the mouse is dead. Aparently, the kids show.....was cool with killing the mouse in one of it's episodes.

No one cared ten years ago.......sudden'ly?
Can you share with me where you purchase your weed? Seems like you have a solid connection.
"this land was occupied by my forefathers......"

who give a turd

Yeah, it seems a bit retarded, to invade those countries when it was Saudi Arabian nationals that attacked the USA on 9*11.

You supported that.....

Not sure what "weed" has to do with anything. Guess booze drinkers got it going on. So much smahta :roll: :roll:

protip.....grow your own weed. It is legal in New York state. ."sticker" shops are everywhere. Most likely, one close to you.

You live in Buffalo, or Rochester? Any "head" shop, that sells smoke products, will most likely sell weed.

Heading to Ithaca soon. Suck has purchased from the legal dispensary, prior. Like to see the quality vs. the sticker shop.
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The Blatant Hypocrisy in Anti-Israel Accusations

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

The Blatant Hypocrisy in Anti-Israel Accusations
JUN 21, 2024

Israel is subjected to a “double standard” more severe than that applied to any other nation-state.

Actually, the manner in which Israel is “judged” is far beyond “double”; it intentionally frames unachievable behavior.

As noted by journalist Haviv Rettig Gur, in a podcast for Times of Israel, the magnitude of international outcry at Israel’s “misdeeds” “reeks of hypocrisy.”

World opinion about Israel is not remotely similar to the manner in which the behavior of other nations is viewed.

As Gur said, “The world does not spring into action on [other] questions of civilian suffering.”

There was no moral outrage, he said, “on any campus in the world over Yemen, where 85,000 children were starved to death just in the last five years. No one cared; no one even knew.”

“The Muslim world will march for the Palestinians but never march for the hundreds of thousands of Muslims who were killed by Assad of Syria during that country’s civil war.”

The same hypocritical attitude is shown in regard to brutality against Middle Eastern minority groups. Gur pointed out that no protestors march against “the cleansing in Syria of its Christians [Arabs]. A decade ago 10 percent of Syrians were Christian; [today] 80 percent of those Christians are gone from Syria.” Maronites — the Arab Christian majority in Lebanon are gone too, Gur said, “yet nobody noticed, no one cared — not the Christian groups nor Christian governments.” In fact, all minorities in the Middle East “are being squeezed [and are] rapidly disappearing — Jews are the last ones standing. But no one cares about any of that suffering unless Israel is involved [in the persecutions and killings].”

Gur also points to hypocrisy in the UN and its affiliated agencies. “It is awfully hard for Israelis to take seriously the International Court of Justice on the question of genocide, when China doesn’t sit there [being judged] over the Uyghurs. When Russia doesn’t sit there [being judged for its behavior in the Ukraine]. When actual genocides are not brought forward [as in parts of Africa].”

Gur has visited numerous college campuses that are sites of anti-Israel protests. He observes the hypocrisy among the young American adults reacting quite differently to incidents when America’s GIs have caused suffering. “When Americans in Iraq killed tens of thousands of civilians, it did not draw protests, even on American campuses,” said Gur.

Why? Gur concludes that “the world cares a lot more about condemning Jews than about suffering Gazans” or Palestinians in the West Bank, or Iraqis or Syrians or Yeminis. “The rank hypocrisy of it is…bigotry.”

With a historical perspective, “New York Times” columnist Bret Stephens agreed, noting that the magnitude of noncombatant deaths caused by Israelis at war has been far surpassed by other militaries, with scant protest:

“In World War II, Allied bombers killed an estimated 10,000 civilians in the Netherlands, 60,000 in France, 60,000 in Italy, and hundreds of thousands of Germans” — all without massive protests. The USA-UK strategy for necessary victory, wrote Stephens, was to undermine “the morale of the German people to the point where their capacity for armed resistance was fatally weakened.” Stephens added that the policy against Japan was “identical”; Allied bombardment in the Pacific theater resulted in a massive number of Japanese killed, “according to some estimates, nearly one million civilians.”

Hypocrisy is also in evidence in regard to the intense scrutiny applied to the IDF’s use of American weapons. Every alleged civilian Palestinian casualty is assumed to have been from the misuse by Israel of armaments from the U.S. These accusations often turn out to be untrue. The initial “facts” are attributable to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry and Gaza media. Why the rush to judgment? We are informed that caution is warranted “in all cases” of weaponry provided by the U.S. to allies at war.

But is that true? The Ukraine is an American ally. At present, Ukraine has received at least 10 times the amount of American military aid provided to Israel. As noted in the May 28 “New York Post” by Jason Jay Smart, a Kyiv-based “Post” correspondent and national security advisor, “nearly 500,000 Russian casualties [have been] inflicted by Ukraine since February 2022.” Yet we never hear of the Biden administration’s or the Progressives’ concern whether the use of weapons has been “indiscriminate,” or that their use is “over the top.”

Hypocrisy is seen in feminist circles too. There was a shocking lack of response to the rapes of Israeli women on October 7 by Hamas terrorists and by Gazan civilians. In “The Jewish Quarterly,” British-Jewish blogger Hadley Freeman noted:

“When stories started to emerge fairly soon after October 7 that Hamas had committed horrific sexual violence during the pogrom…I hoped, given we’d so recently come through the #MeToo movement, with its urgent messaging that women should be believed, that it wouldn’t be too bad. I was wrong.”

“It took UN Women 50 days even to acknowledge that these sexual assaults had happened. When Reem Alsalem, the UN special rapporteur on violence against women and girls, was asked why, she reportedly replied that the evidence of rape was ‘not solid,’ even though there was video footage of Israeli women with blood-sodden crotches and reports from witnesses about dead Israeli women’s mutilated vaginas.”

“On October 30,” Freeman continues, almost 150 ‘scholars in feminist, queer and trans studies’ signed an open letter implying that to support Israeli women was to endorse ‘colonial feminism.’ Not a single UK charity that purports to protect women from violence condemned Hamas’s brutality — except Jewish Women’s Aid.”

Freeman goes on to say that after she “wrote an article in the ’Jewish Chronicle’ asking how this fitted in with [the charities’] feminist credentials, they replied with a statement saying that the reports of Israeli women being raped were merely ‘the Islamophobic and racist weaponization of sexual violence that presents it as an Arab, as opposed to a global, problem.’”

We see hypocrisy as well among advocates on behalf of the LGBTQIA+ community. It is astonishing that they side with Hamas — brutalizers of gay, lesbian, transgender people — against Israel, the most exemplary defender of such rights in the Middle East.

In the Oct. 20, 2023, issue of “Time” magazine, journalist Chad de Guzman reported that “for LGBTQ+ Gazans, the specter of death from the Israel-Hamas war only compounds what was already a struggle to live freely in a place where homosexual relations between men is outlawed and open expression of queerness violates social and religious mores.”

Hypocritical too is the chanting of “From the River to the Sea” as a Progressive demand for an independent Palestinian state, irrespective of Hamas’s anti-Progressive policies. When asked, the protestors will claim that they support self-determination for all groups. Is that true?

Alan Dershowitz has written about the falsehood of this claim:

“On the merits, the Palestinian cause is far weaker than that of many other stateless people…. By any objective standard of morality, the claims of the Tibetans and Kurds — to focus on only two stateless groups [ignored by Progressives] — are far more compelling than the claims of the Palestinians…. There are many more stateless Tibetans and Kurds than there are stateless Palestinians. The Tibetans and Kurds have been treated far more brutally by occupiers….” The Tibetans and the Kurds, Dershowitz continues, “have employed only lawful and legitimate means of seeking redress” — rather than terrorism, hijacking, kidnapping, and shooting missiles into Israeli civilian areas. In addition, unlike the Tibetans and Kurds, “Palestinians have had many opportunities to achieve statehood” and have rejected them.

Israel is open to its behavior being evaluated in a just manner but dismisses overt bias as hypocrisy and anti-Semitism.

In “Progressives Hate Israel Since It Threatens Their World View,” author Daniel Turtel offers a rationale for this puzzling disparity between accusations and facts:

“Progressives might disagree with despots and death cults, but they also can accept that they exist. On the other hand, if a country like Israel [which] has suffered ubiquitous persecution on an unprecedented scale” and despite this can rise to success, what are the implications “for the [Progressives’] assertion that oppression, poverty, and tragedy are insurmountable facts of life…?” It is Israel’s successes, Turtel claims, “that pose the threat to the Progressive world view.”

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Rabbi Alan Silverstein, PhD, was religious leader of Congregation Agudath Israel in Caldwell, NJ, for more than four decades, retiring in 2021. He served as president of the Rabbinical Assembly, the international association of Conservative rabbis (1993-95); as president of the World Council of Conservative/Masorti Synagogues (2000-05); and as chair of the Foundation for Masorti Judaism in Israel (2010-14). He currently serves as president of Mercaz Olami, representing the world Masorti/Conservative movement. He is the author of “It All Begins with a Date: Jewish Concerns about Interdating,” “Preserving Jewishness in Your Family: After Intermarriage Has Occurred,” and “Alternatives to Assimilation: The Response of Reform Judaism to American Culture, 1840-1930.” ... TMuMC4wLjA.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by dislaxxic »

Interesting article...good points in there. I wonder what the author's view of West Bank Settlements might be? Does he think the whole West Bank should be fully absorbed (annexed) into greater Israel?

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Another thing that would never have happened under Trump

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

Biden Stopped Fast Tracking US Arms to Israel Following Pressure from Anti-Israel Democrats, GOP Senator Says
'[Biden's] administration is engaged in bureaucratic sleight-of-hand to withhold this crucial aid to Israel,' Cotton says

Adam Kredo June 20, 2024

The Biden administration stopped fast tracking weapons to Israel in early January after a pressure campaign from Democratic lawmakers who oppose American support for Israel’s war to eradicate Hamas, a GOP senator said on Thursday.

Federal law allows the president to forgo formal congressional notifications on arms sales "when emergencies exist," and the Biden administration invoked this power last year as it worked to quickly provide Israel with the arms it needed to combat Hamas. However, the administration "stopped acknowledging the emergency in Israel after receiving a letter from nearly twenty congressional Democrats in January, urging [it] to end expedited weapons sales to Israel," Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) wrote in a Thursday letter pressing the White House to explain the delay in arms shipments to Israel.

"Your administration is engaged in bureaucratic sleight-of-hand to withhold this crucial aid to Israel during a shooting war," Cotton wrote, according to a copy of the letter obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. "You’re playing politics with the nation’s honor and our ally’s security. Worse still, your administration lacks the honesty to communicate its true policy to the American people, instead preferring to hide behind weasel words and bureaucratic process."

The letter comes just days after Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly accused President Joe Biden of withholding U.S. weapons and ammunition the Jewish state is relying on to eradicate Hamas in the Gaza Strip and combat a growing threat from Hezbollah on its northern border. The White House denied the accusations, saying it does "not know what [Netanyahu is] talking about," but said it had delayed shipments of 2,000-pound and 500-pound bombs.

Cotton, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, says the administration is being dishonest about the delay and that it has not sent an assortment of promised weapons, prolonging Israel’s war and endangering its soldiers at a time when both Hamas and Hezbollah continue to rearm, regroup, and coordinate attacks on Israeli civilians.

"The Arms Export Control Act requires the administration to notify Congress before sending weapons to a foreign country," Cotton said. "Your administration has manipulated this requirement by withholding this formal notification to Congress of approved weapons sales, including F-15s, tactical vehicles, 120-mm mortars, 120-mm tank rounds, joint direct attack munitions, and small diameter bombs. Your administration can then claim that the weapons are ‘in process’ while never delivering them."

This bureaucratic delay tactic has allowed the Biden administration to deny accusations of withholding arms to Israel while also placating the far-left flank of the Democratic Party that is pressing the president to punish Israel based on false charges of "genocide," according to Cotton.

After Netanyahu’s accusations this week, the United States reportedly released one ship carrying an arms supply, but Cotton says this "modest step doesn’t cure the damage done by the delay."

"Any delays to military support to Israel blatantly disregard Congress’s bipartisan mandate to supply Israel with all it needs to defeat the Hamas terrorists and other Iranian-backed groups," Cotton wrote. "Our ally is under sustained threat, and we must use all available resources to expedite military aid."

The senator is asking the White House to come clean about the status of U.S. arms shipments to Israel and to detail what has been paused in recent months amid a pressure campaign from anti-Israel activists and Democratic lawmakers in Congress.

Cotton asks the White House to explain by July 1 "what weapons and ammunition are being withheld from Israel," including "any weapons or ammunition delayed more than two weeks beyond their original delivery date." This is to include a detailed list of all foreign military and direct commercial arms sales requested by Israel and the current status of each request.

Cotton also wants to know about "any weapons or ammunition Israel has requested be expedited, the status of each request, and an explanation for that status."

The senator says that if Congress must intervene to fast track any outstanding weapons, it will do so.

White House envoy Amos Hochstein reportedly chastised Netanyahu earlier this week for going public about the arms situation, saying the Israeli leader’s comments were "unproductive" and "more importantly, completely untrue," according to CNN. ... ator-says/


And this tweet on the same topic by one Raylan Givens @JewishWarrior13

A SHORT ANALYSIS: This week's drama between Biden and Bibi was epic. The Biden admin was hiding for weeks the fact that they were halting significant shipments of arms to Israel. Every plea from Israel behind closed doors was answered with "We are working on it." Of course, they kept lying to everyone (KJP "It is only one shipment"). Finally, Bibi just had it and posted a video and called out the Biden admin lie; it exposed the Biden admin BS and took them by surprise, so they had to go publicly and humiliate Bibi; the same thing happened in Israel with all of Biden's "agents" who claimed "Bibi is destroying the relationship with the US" bottom line suddenly "the problems" disappeared overnight and all the arms shipments that the Jewish state is desperately need were released. Bibi might have lost political points both in the US and Israel, but the bottom line is that Israel got the arms they needed. Bibi put Israel first, and all the haters can go pound sand.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Our keyboard "warrior" is in full swing.

Forget nuance and empathy, everything through a single propaganda lens.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by OCanada »

The key board warrior does manage to function as an Israeli lobbyist while by passing history, current events, international law. Israel is on the verge of becoming what it claims to hate. The Israel of Leon Uris’ Exodus is abiut dead.

Bengie is a corrupt pol trying to avoid prison and is not above lying. Cotton is disgusting in genersl
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by cradleandshoot »

I must have missed Americas news anchor report where Hamas has dialed back its promise to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. How is Israel suppose to address that promise from Hamas and other terrorist groups? Let me guess.. a cease fire so Hamas can get their chit together and continue to kill Jews. Y'all may despise Bibi. He doesn't play the game y'all want him to play. Hamas started this war and Bibi doesn't play by your rules. The Palestinians chose Hamas to represent them. Hamas doesn't give 2 chits about dead Palestinians. The end justifies the means. I keep wondering why all of the elitist liberals on this forum could care less about Hamas hiding behind the skirts of the Palestinian people? Rhetorical question, the forum liberals don't care about the Palestinian people any more than Hamas does. Bibi may not be able to eliminate Hamas. He does have the ability to make them a shell of what they were. Always remember....WAR IS HELL. Those aren't my words but they they are still just as true today as they ever were.
Last edited by cradleandshoot on Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
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