Israel and West Bank Settlements

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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Brooklyn »

a fan wrote: Mon Nov 20, 2023 5:17 pm So....even though I'm on board with not arming anyone we don't have a treaty with, you're still gonna call me a warmonger. Neat. How's that extremism workin' out for ya Brookie?

:lol: We've been over this. How many Jewish people are their living in Democratic Egypt, buddy? None. Not one.

And what you're telling us is: ignore that fact, and let the Muslim majority rule Israel, it will all work out just fine for the Jewish people.

And you're serious about that.

The Jewish scholars want to live a life according to the letter of the scriptures. That's hardcore, and I respect that. But you're not asking them the next question: what will happen if Israel does what he's suggesting? Ask him if he's ok if the Muslim majority invokes Sharia Law, and pushes them out?

He'll tell you that he is ok with that. Which is admirable. He's willing to let the Jewish people get wiped out, so long as they hold to their religous principles. But his fellow Israelis disagree with him, Brookie, and have different principles.
Brooklyn wrote: Mon Nov 20, 2023 5:02 pm Whatever the case, nothing in the USA Constitution compels us to solve their problems for them. These are problems they can settle for themselves if they wish to do so. As the headlines show, polls now say they need to do so without our intervention. Failure to recognize that is what is going to bring tRump back into the White Wash House.
What you are telling us here is: stop all aid to Palestine. Stop all aid to Israel. End all diplomatic talks over their problems, and let Israel and Palestine figure it out. That's what you want?

You really don't understand what will happen if we do that, do you?

Thanks for admitting again that you oppose democratization [the lack of which violates Levitical law] thereby perpetuating the armed conflicts and invalidating all claims to biblical justification for Israel's actions. This clearly establishes that you are in the wrong as anyone conversant with biblical teaching can readily affirm. As for Egypt, like I've told you before, that's another country and is irrelevant in this discussion.

Your problem is that unlike the majority of the world's people (and now of the American populace) you fail to see the humanity in Palestinians. You imagine them to be blood thirsty monsters who behead and cannibalize children like orgres do in fairy tales. If you were possessed of any degree of humanity or of rationality, you would realize this mysticism has no truth or validity whatsoever. People need to solve their problems overseas. They are no concern of ours. We have thousands of innocent black and brown people in prisons stateside who have been wrongly imprisoned and not given trials. We discussed this in the tRump Georgia election cases. In that state alone dozens are facing life imprisonment or even Death Row because of police crime and prosecutorial corruption. This is what we need to solve there in Georgia and in many other states. Not someone else's problems overseas. As always, one is free to go there and to spend their money or make any sacrifices as they see fit. Nobody is stopping you from doing your part.

In the recent stop gap measure approved by Congress and signed by President Biden, there was no money for Israel or for Ukraine. Biden has given them enough of our money while ignoring the needs of Americans. We paid our taxes. Those people haven't paid a cent to our Treasury. Republicans were the ones who balked at giving away more of our money as corporate capitalist welfare queens profit from foreign wars. Like the American majority they have come to the realization that we have absolutely NOTHING to gain from further intervention in these endless wars. As far as I am concerned, it is down right treason to send our money overseas to profit wealthy elitists while poor people go hungry or homeless here in the States. It is nothing more than hatred for America and hatred for Americans. Total TREASON.

One last point ~ despite being in the minority, some of you still persist in having more war overseas. What worries me about this is WILL YOU PRO WAR PEOPLE MANUFACTURE A FALSE FLAG OPERATION?

Will you have a domestic terrorist attack such as a bombing at the new World Trade Center? A reservoir or energy plant sabotaged? Terrorists such as the Tsarnaev brothers bombing another Boston Marathon, World Series, or Super Bowl? Gulf of Tonkin? Or perhaps another set of fairy tales about imaginary WMD with threats of fifth columnist agents in every street corner or hidden in every closet???

Knowing how you war promoters are, I would not be surprised in the least if you people are cooking up another set of staged operations to "justify" another profitable war.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by a fan »

Brooklyn wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 12:00 am
a fan wrote: Mon Nov 20, 2023 5:17 pm So....even though I'm on board with not arming anyone we don't have a treaty with, you're still gonna call me a warmonger. Neat. How's that extremism workin' out for ya Brookie?

:lol: We've been over this. How many Jewish people are their living in Democratic Egypt, buddy? None. Not one.

And what you're telling us is: ignore that fact, and let the Muslim majority rule Israel, it will all work out just fine for the Jewish people.

And you're serious about that.

The Jewish scholars want to live a life according to the letter of the scriptures. That's hardcore, and I respect that. But you're not asking them the next question: what will happen if Israel does what he's suggesting? Ask him if he's ok if the Muslim majority invokes Sharia Law, and pushes them out?

He'll tell you that he is ok with that. Which is admirable. He's willing to let the Jewish people get wiped out, so long as they hold to their religous principles. But his fellow Israelis disagree with him, Brookie, and have different principles.
Brooklyn wrote: Mon Nov 20, 2023 5:02 pm Whatever the case, nothing in the USA Constitution compels us to solve their problems for them. These are problems they can settle for themselves if they wish to do so. As the headlines show, polls now say they need to do so without our intervention. Failure to recognize that is what is going to bring tRump back into the White Wash House.
What you are telling us here is: stop all aid to Palestine. Stop all aid to Israel. End all diplomatic talks over their problems, and let Israel and Palestine figure it out. That's what you want?

You really don't understand what will happen if we do that, do you?
Thanks for admitting.......(snip)
For the rest of the Forum readers: isn't it lovely that he didn't read a word of my post, and is back to calling anyone who doesn't hold his exact opinion is a warmonger?

Let me summarize what Brookie is saying, so you don't have to read any of his future posts: Brookie wants to push the Jewish people into the Sea, by any means necessary.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by a fan »

DMac wrote: Mon Nov 20, 2023 7:01 pm Just to interject a little nothingness here, to call a fan a warmonger is like saying Sophia Vagara got no titts. Jus' sayin'.
Carry on.
Pretty amazing to watch, isn't it?

At least the Forum gets to see what a true far-leftie looks like, and understand why I've been telling folks, in vain, that not only is Obama not a lefty-----the actual left has ZERO power in this country.

They're all like this, btw.

They don't listen. Ever. What you are witnessing is the far left's idea of an exchange of ideas.

But they're all EXACTLY like Brookie......he thinks if you're one step to the right of him, you're HItler. Neat, right?
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Brooklyn »

a fan wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 12:27 am

For the rest of the Forum readers: isn't it lovely that he didn't read a word of my post, and is back to calling anyone who doesn't hold his exact opinion is a warmonger?

Let me summarize what Brookie is saying, so you don't have to read any of his future posts: Brookie wants to push the Jewish people into the Sea, by any means necessary.

Fanny happily applauds Apartheid genocide of Palestinians and openly admits it. He ignores proof that IDF propaganda is composed of lies which were readily debunked. Bomb after bomb is thrown upon Palestinian children with thousands dying while he rubs his hands with rapturous glee at this news.

Unlike Fanny and other haters of Palestinians on this forum, the majority of Americans oppose further American intervention in that region. They know that Palestinians were and have always been the victims. This because despite the fake news media's support of Israel, the truthful media overseas has shown that IDF propaganda constitute lies used to "justify" genocide.

But some American media are awakening to the truth. Today the LA Times said this in their editorial: Already, more children have died in Gaza in the last month [reportedly as many as 5,000 children*] than in all other conflicts around the world this year, according to Save the Children. That cruel fact is one of many that have turned world opinion against Israel, and against the U.S., its chief ally and the provider of most of its weapons. The consequences for both nations will last generations.

The rest of the world is enraged at this news. Baby killer Fanny rejoices. Way to go Fanny. Way to go. ... -children/

Israelis call Gazan people "n____rs" and vow to exterminate those innocents:

"Israeli soldiers calling Palestinians "n*ggers," singing about incinerating Gazans, and proudly proclaiming their real intention to "conquer, expel and settle" all of Gaza. These are some of the things Israelis post online as the genocide against Palestinians continues" ... 7414326728

How can anyone support this racist, genocidal hate? Well ask Fanny. He's quite proud of all this.

*according to Al Jazeera, another 1,200 children are missing, supposedly under the rubble created by Israel's indiscriminate bombing
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

I don't understand how laws from the ancient Jewish Torah have anything to do with modern day Israel. Israel's government is a unitary parliamentary republic, not a theocracy.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by a fan »

Brooklyn wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 11:06 am Unlike Fanny and other haters of Palestinians on this forum, the majority of Americans oppose further American intervention in that region.
Nope. Already told you that I don't believe that the US shouldn't send military funds or hardware to any country that we don't have a treaty with, Brookie. Most here, including me, has also gone on the record as to their disdain for Israeli leadership and shenanigans and over the top reactions that they allowed Hamas to provoke out of them. You, naturally, wanting to tell us how awesome your views are, ignore these posts, and claim we're bad, you and you're----of course----the morally superior guy here.


You'd know that if you actually read anything anyone writes here. You think you're a SuperHero, and your Moral Superiority will vanquish your foes!!!!

Good for you Brookie! We're all SOOPER impressed that you yell at posters on an internet forum, don't read a single word any of your fellow posters write, and then say the exact opposite of what a poster believes.

Neat-o! With guys like you on the case who cannot listen to anyone, peace is RIGHT around corner.

Keep it up!!
Last edited by a fan on Tue Nov 21, 2023 12:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by a fan »

OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 11:11 am I don't understand how laws from the ancient Jewish Torah have anything to do with modern day Israel. Israel's government is a unitary parliamentary republic, not a theocracy.
It doesn't. This is Brookies idea of "logic".

He's not smart enough to understand that you can find plenty of Muslims who are just as peaceful and religious as the Jewish scholars, who think that Israel should be left alone......and none of this decades long broken record of TerroristAct----moreFencing andRetaliation----TerroristAct-----moreFencing andRetaliation------Terrorist Act-----moreFencing andRetaliation------would have happened.

But we can't turn back the hands of time. But we can get rid of people like Brookie who cannot listen to anyone but themselves, and let reasonable people on every side get us out of this stupid, pointless, horrible mess.

I'm optimistic. The world is sick of this pointless death and destruction over a stupid piece of desert. Get the hostages back, get the cease fire, and work the problem.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Brooklyn »

OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 11:11 am I don't understand how laws from the ancient Jewish Torah have anything to do with modern day Israel. Israel's government is a unitary parliamentary republic, not a theocracy.

from wiki:

"The State of Israel declares itself as a "Jewish and democratic state".

Netanyahu chimed in on this a while ago when he said "Israel Is 'Nation-State Of The Jewish People And Them Alone' ": ... them-alone

Funny thing is, Palestinians were left out of the equation. This in violation of Levitical law which requires EQUALITY for all under the law as I have already shown you.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

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“Israel cannot claim the right of self-defense against a threat that emanates from the TERRITORY IT OCCUPIES.”

UN Rapporteur for Palestine, Francesca Albanese, explains why Israel has no right to self-defense under international law. ... _&ref_url=

Look at it this way: if someone broke into your home, stole some of your property, and threatened your children -- then you retaliate by shooting at him. If the guy shoots and kills you and the neighbor's kids he cannot use "self defense" as a legal defense against prosecution.

Israel has been occupying Gaza illegally since 1967:

Palestinian territory – encompassing the Gaza Strip and West Bank, including East Jerusalem – has been illegally occupied by Israel since 1967. ... e&ie=UTF-8

That is a given. In fact, the UN agrees as "Multiple United Nations General Assembly resolutions have described the continuing occupation as illegal. ": ... _Palestine

Bottom line, contrary to the delusionalism of the Israeli apologists, Israel cannot claim 'self defense' as a defense. There simply is no justification for endorsing, supporting, or promoting the Apartheid and genocidal policies of that government.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

Brooklyn wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 11:54 am
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 11:11 am I don't understand how laws from the ancient Jewish Torah have anything to do with modern day Israel. Israel's government is a unitary parliamentary republic, not a theocracy.
from wiki:
"The State of Israel declares itself as a "Jewish and democratic state".
Netanyahu chimed in on this a while ago when he said "Israel Is 'Nation-State Of The Jewish People And Them Alone' ": ... them-alone
Funny thing is, Palestinians were left out of the equation. This in violation of Levitical law which requires EQUALITY for all under the law as I have already shown you.
None of which disproves what kind of government Israel operates under. The Torah was written exclusively to a people under theocratic law thousands of years ago. Trying to apply it to the present day Israeli government is irrelevant and futile.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Kinduv »

br00k1yn, te11 this dude the truth ab0ut the jews, freakin' that is the best, the best, and the truth! te11 him! d0 y0ur jew stuff! and then when they are "sh0cked" by this truth, say y0u're a jew! the best! y0u can't 10se! hahahahahahh
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Brooklyn »

Kinduv wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 1:06 pm br00k1yn, te11 this dude the truth ab0ut the jews, freakin' that is the best, the best, and the truth! te11 him! d0 y0ur jew stuff! and then when they are "sh0cked" by this truth, say y0u're a jew! the best! y0u can't 10se! hahahahahahh

Thanks Kinduv [ahem].

His problem is failure to understand that Israel "justifies" its existence under Old Testament/Tanakh law. On that basis it needs to fully comply with its mandates. They simply do not have the luxury of picking and choosing which laws are convenient and which are not so. Bottom line is the Law requires equal treatment to and for all. Refusal to comply is not an option.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Kinduv »

yes!!! jews f'in 1ive in the st0ne ages! jews ki11 babies because the bib1e te11s them t0, hahahah, y0u pe0p1e are duuuuuuuuuumb, jews are evi1, y0u pe0p1e dumb, 1ISTEN T0 BR00K1YN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

Revolting. Obviously a fan knows whereof he speaks. So much for having a discussion between reasonable people. Buh-bye.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Kinduv »

n0! y0u rev01ting! br00k1yn can't be rev01ting ab0ut jews! he says he's a jew! hahahahahah
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Brooklyn »

Kinduv wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 1:51 pm n0! y0u rev01ting! br00k1yn can't be rev01ting ab0ut jews! he says he's a jew! hahahahahah

Don't know if you were with us in the old LP days but back then delusional right wingers used the Bible as an excuse to justify the 2d Amendment (the old God and guns argument), to condemn reproductive rights, and even to justify support of Israel. Now that the Book has been thrown back at them they now suddenly call any such ideas "revolting".

And note, again, how he criticizes but makes no effort to refute with any degree of reason. Obviously, he knows that what I wrote was the truth - the truth he cannot deny. There simply is no counter argument. That is why he chooses to criticize -- it is a concession. Nothing more.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Kinduv »

100%, y0u make it c1ear as crysta1 that the jews suck and deserve everything that happened and is happening fr0m hamas, and every0ne just runs away because they cann0t refute it! ha! it isn't antisemitism if y0u rec0gnize that jews suck and deserve this sh*t, f0r f*cks sake, why has the w0r1d hated them f0rever?! 'cause they're jews! see, br00kyn, they d0n't get that, y0u d0, THEY CANN0T REFUTE THAT! s0 they run away,,, 1ike y0u say, my friend,,,
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Brooklyn »

↑ huh?
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Brooklyn »

let's go back on topic - while Fanny and others refuse to recognize Palestinian humanity and defend any and every action taken by Israel, there's always the little matter of the Israeli so called "Friendship Song" which calls for genocide upon Palestinians:

Israeli government uses its children to promote hate and genocide. Your tax dollars are used to endorse and promote the hate shown here. A nation with no moral compass and a madman at the helm. How can any politician, leader, organization, or individual with morals think this is acceptable? So inhumane, utterly racist.

Now let's see if the genocide apologists address what is stated in the video rather than to resort to their usual hate and endless attacks.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Kinduv »

br00k1yn, y0u d0nt need t0 pretend, hahahahahah, they may 0r may n0t get y0u, i definite1y get y0u,,,
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