2017 Draft Results with Noise

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2017 Draft Results with Noise

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2017 Draft on LaxPower

Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:34 am

Tartan, who ya gonna take?
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby TartanLax1822 on Thu Apr 21, 2016 12:27 pm

Have a good idea, but who knows what will change.

Stuck between Dox Aitken, Reilly Walsh, and Ethan Walker.

Aitken is of course the Number 1, but Virginia has been just so abysmal lately that I feel hesitant about selecting anyone from the squad; Conrad didn't do much this year.

Walsh is looking good, especially since Duke might free up a lot of space with this year's graduation, and it seems like Danowski is always looking to invest in shooting attackmen and get them to play for years to come. But you never know.

Probably leaning towards Walker the most. 100+ goals at the top level of HS competition is hard to pass up. Denver will graduate a little bit, but I have a feeling that Walker's box prowess will serve him well in the Brown system for years to come. Wouldn't be surprised if he becomes the righty attackman immediately, but even if he doesn't I imagine he will mature quickly.

Just a few thoughts, would love to hear your's :D

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:28 pm

I kind of like picking later and trying to find value in late round picks. When I pick early I get nervous that I'm making the wrong pick. I can't imagine how NFL, NBA GMs sleep arounde draft time.

I think Matt prefers that we don't discuss players until they actually get picked.

It looks like you're doing your due diligence. This draft looks very deep at the top. I'm looking forward to it!
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Mon Apr 25, 2016 3:02 am

Can i ask, just out of interest and in zero ways a complaint..... why do i get 14th draft spot when in the quarter finals when i wasn't the highest loser score in the quarter finals? Does this go based on my league position, which overall meant nothing due to the quarter final match ups being unluckily out of my favour.. surely it makes being pre-season champ a dis-advantage and would have been better losing on purpose and scraping into the quarter finals to improve my draft position should you fail in the cup part of the game? I feel the draft order should reflect the score we earned in the quarter final....
As i said i'm not complaining but just wanted to make a small point..

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Mon Apr 25, 2016 9:42 am

Correct. League position.

You put up your lowest points of the season. FCA put up his second highest. Pretty good upset.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Tue Apr 26, 2016 3:21 am

Oh yeah i know, the fixtures totally did me in, and had i picked Umass and Syracuse done their normal letting in 10 goals it would be a different story... quality upset but thats fine now i know its league position i can adjust accordingly incase of upset.. thanks Matt once again for your organisation on the season

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 01, 2017 12:30 pm

Happy New Year and...
Who is in for the upcoming Fantasy Lacrosse 2017 season?

Looking forward,
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Wed Jan 04, 2017 1:54 pm

Our 2017 season is rapidly approaching.

1. Team Rosters: I've posted each team's 2016 roster minus the graduated players below. You can remove players from your roster but please let us know who these dropped players are so coaches will have an opportunity to draft them.
2. First Game: The first game of the NCAA season that counts (for us) is on February 18th.
3. The Draft: The current plan is to have the Draft on Sunday, January 29 starting at 8 PM EST.
a. If you cannot make the draft, please let me know ASAP. We will set-up an auto-draft for you or make some other arrangements.
b. The draft order is below. We will use a down-the-river, up-the-river format. i.e. TartanLax to FCA, FCA to TartanLax.
c. Each coach has 2 minutes to make their pick. After 2 minutes, the "next coach" in the draft order can pick. If a coach picks a player that is ineligible or otherwise, the "next coach" can pick and the previous picking coach can "catch-up". i.e. The draft will start sharply at 8PM EST. At 8:02 EST, the "next coach" can pick.
4. The “Draft List”: The players that you will be able to draft consist of players from:
a. All not-already-claimed players from these 24 teams: Hopkins, Navy, Rutgers, UMass, UMD, Towson, UNC, UVA, G'town, Loyola, P'ton, Cornell, NDU, Duke, OSU, PSU, UMBC, Denver, Hofstra, Syracuse, Yale, Army, Fairfield and UPenn. (FYI, this season, Hobart is out and Yale is in.)
b. All incoming freshman to the 24 teams listed above.
c. All not-already-claimed players that are transferring to the 24 teams listed above.
d. All rosters need to have a minimum of one defensive team and a maximum of two defensive teams. You will draft your defensive team from the 24 teams listed above. You do not keep your defensive team from the 2016 season.
e. The roster for each squad will consist of 14 “players”. You can have as many attackmen or middies on your squad as you’d like but for each week’s games, you can only start 3 attackmen, 3 middies, and 1 defensive team.
Last edited by Matnum PI on Tue Jan 10, 2017 9:27 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Mon Jan 09, 2017 5:49 am

Here is my pre-draft roster:

UK Lax
Ryan Drenner Sr A Towson
Cole Johnson Sr A Army
Jack Bruckner A Sr Duke
Gavin McBride Sr A Princeton

Ryan Simmons Jr M SU -
Austin French A/M SO Denver -
Ted Glesener M Jr Army
Patrick McCormick M Jr UNC -

Trevor Hodgins M Jr OSU -
Jeff George A/M SR Rutgers -

Graduated removed
Deemer Class M SR Duke 5
John Edmonds M SR Cornell

I may drop McCormick yet still but hanging on for now

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Mon Jan 09, 2017 2:26 pm

These are the 2016 end-of-season rosters... with each player's class (e.g. SO, JR, SR, GRAD) updated. You may want to make sure that the "GRAD"s on your squad are actually graduating. Here and there, players still have another year of eligibility and we've simply mislabeled him. AND... These are the pre-Draft rosters.

Wholly Metro

Connor Cannizzaro A SR Denver

Grant Consoletti SR A UMASS
Ryan Keenan JR A PSU
Stephen Quinzi JR A Georgetown

Brian Willetts FR M Notre Dame
John Crawley SR M JHU

Brian Sherlock SR M Loyola
Jake Knostman SR M Fairfield

Adam Charalambides SO A Rutgers
Clarke Petterson SO M Cornell

Joe French SR A UVA
Alex Roesner A SO Upenn
Dawson McKenzie A SO Princeton
Zach Miller SR M Denver

Dylan Alderman JR M Hofstra

Connor Reed M GRAD JHU

Mac O'Keefe A FR PSU
Jules Heningburg JR A Rutgers
Zack Sirico SR A Loyola

Ryan Lamb SO M Virginia
Nathan Solomon SO A Syracuse
J.T. Blubaugh SR A OSU
Chris Cloutier JR A/M UNC

Zach Currier SR M Princeton
Romar Dennis SR M Loyola
Colton Jackson SO M Denver

Navy D

Dylan Maltz A SR UMD
Dan Craig A SR PSU
Timmy Kelly A SO UNC
Connor Murphy SR A Rutgers
Jeff Teat A FR Cornell

Pierre Byrne JR M Notre Dame
Johnny Kelly SR M OSU
Jack Falk JR M UVA
Casey Rees M JR Navy

Mikey Wynne JR A Notre Dame
Tim Rotanz SR A UMD
Nico Panepinto SR A Farifield
Brendan Kavanaugh A JR Hofstra

Ryan Conrad M SO UVA
Sergio Salcido SR M Syracuse
Devon Lewis SR M Georgetown
Kason Tarbell M JR Cornell

UK Lax
Gavin McBride SR A Princeton
Ryan Drenner SR A Towson

Cole Johnson SR A Army
Jack Bruckner A SR Duke

Eric Scott M SR Yale
Ryan Simmons JR M SU
Austin French A/M SO Denver

Ted Glesener M JR Army

Joe Seider SR A Towson
Jordan Evans A SR Syracuse
Jordan Prysko JR A UNC
Max Maxwell SR A UMBC
Matt Fedorjaka M FR Fairfield
Connor Kelly JR M UMD

Justin Anderson M UNC FR
Simon Mathias A SO Upenn
Kyle Marr SO A Hopkins
Ryan O'Connor SO UNC Middie
Gunnar Schimoler A/M SO UMBC

Ryan Lukacovic SR A UVA
Michael Kraus A FR UVA

Jordan Germershausen A JR Loyola
Dan Bucaro SO A Georgetown
Tre LeClaire A/M FR OSU
Brendan Bomberry M JR Syracuse
Dylan Kinnear A SO Towson
Greyson Torain M SO Navy

Michael Tagliaferri M SR UNC
Kevin McGeary M JR Upenn

NC Lax
Michael Sowers A FR Princetion

Jack Ray JR A Navy
Conor Glancy A JR Army
Josh Byrne A JR Hofstra
Jake Fox A/M SO Hopkins

Austin Shanks JR M OSU
Patrick Aslanian SO M G'town
Dylan Foulds M RS FR PSU

Craig Berge M JR Georgetown
Chad Tolliver JR M Rutgers

Dox Aitken M FR UVA
Colton Rupp SO A Cornell
Shack Stanwick A/M JR JHU
Matt Rambo A SR UMD
Brendan Hegarty A SR Umass

Cody Radziewicz SR M JHU
Drew Supinski M SO JHU

Gianni Bianchin SR A/M Umass

Reilly Walsh A FR Duke

Luke Goldstock A SR UNC
Reilly Hupfeldt JR A/M UPenn
Riley Thompson A JR Princeton
Henry Grass SO A JHU

Sergio Perkovic SR M Notre Dame
Jordan Dowiak JR M Cornell
Brinton Valis JR M JHU

Brad Smith SO M Duke

Matnum PI
Justin Guterding A JR Duke
Nate Jones A SO Army
Colin Heacock A SR UMD
Colin Chell A JR OSU
Nicholas Spillane SO A PSU
Andy Matthews A SO UNC
Tyler Pace SR M Denver
Daniel Muller M SR UMass
Michael Sutton M SR PSU
Lucas Gradinger M JR UMD
Joseph Licciardi M SO UPenn


Nick Mariano SR M Syracuse
Ryder Garnsey A SO Notre Dame
Ben Reeves A JR Yale

Zed Williams SR A UVA
Brian Cannon A JR UNC

Joel Tinney JR M JHU


Jackson Morrill FR A Yale
PJ Brown M SO Loyola
Patrick Spencer A SO Loyola

Jake McCulloch M SO Cornell

Brandon Barker M SO OSU
Timmy Phillips M SO Notre Dame
Devin Shewell A SO Syracuse

Matt Florence SR M PSU

Mike D'Amario JR A UVA

Nate Marano SO A Denver
Alex Concannon SO A JHU
Jack Jasinski SO A OSU
Brad Voigt SO A Syracuse
Evan Condon SO M Army
Liam King SR M Rutgers
Jack Beare SO A Notre Dame
Bear Altemus SR A Princeton
Ethan Walker A/M FR Denver

Grant Ament SO A PSU
Nick Aponte A SR PSU
Wilkins Dismuke A SR JHU

Richie Easterly A SO Loyola
Brendan Collins JR M Notre Dame
Tyler Dunn A/M SO Upenn
Carter Flaig A/M SO Princeton
Jared Bernhardt M FR Maryland
Christian Zawadzki JR M UMD

PA Talk
Timmy Monahan A SO UMD
Joey Manown FR A Duke
Christian Trasolini SR A Rutgers
Buddy Carr JR M Umass
Peter Conley SR A/M Georgetown
Louis Dubick SO A UMD
Patrick Fraser JR M JHU
Austin Sims M JR Princeton
Ryan Hursey JR M Georgetown

Tyler Bogart SO A UMASS

Colin Burke SO A Fairfield

Peyton Klawinski M SR UNC

Ryan Bray SO A Cornell
Sean Lowrie A/M SO Duke
Gale Thorpe A SO Syracuse

Matt Lane A/M JR Syr
Last edited by Matnum PI on Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:06 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Mon Jan 09, 2017 2:49 pm

FYI, I haven't heard from PALax or NCLax. At some point, I'll need to replace them. We have a good waiting list to fill their spots. i.e. We have several LaxPower folk who I'm confident will make good coaches. But I don't want to fill their spots prematurely. Let's see if they check-in sooner than later.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Tue Jan 10, 2017 3:50 am

Hi Matt,

We agreed last year that Austin french was changed to A/M or even just middy because he played the whole season from middy at denver last year, from the box scores he didn't play any games in attack so can that be edited on his clarification in my initial line up you've posted as i'm pretty sure from fall ball articles that's where he will be once again.


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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Tue Jan 10, 2017 4:51 pm

Some lists to help the coaches prep for the draft.

Last year's rosters with player points:

Wholly Metro Season
Peter Lindley JR A Umass 2
Connor Cannizzaro A SR Denver 35
James Pannell GRAD A UVA 21
Grant Consoletti SR A UMASS 3
Ryan Keenan JR A PSU 11
Stephen Quinzi JR A Georgetown 3
Nick Santorelli JR A Army 3
Nick Piroli GRAD A Syracuse 1
John Crawley SR M JHU 12
Mike Morean SO M Princeton 0
Henry West SR M UMD 8
Brian Sherlock SR M Loyola 16
Jake Knostman SR M Fairfield 7
PSU D -2

EZE Season
Scott Bieda GRAD A Rutgers 28
Connor Cook GRAD A Army 12
TJ Hanzsche GRAD A Navy 13
Joe French SR A UVA 2
Alex Roesner A SO Upenn 13
Dawson McKenzie A SO Princeton 2
Zach Miller SR M Denver 21
Zachary Franco M SR Hofstra 3
Dylan Alderman JR M Hofstra 0
Jake Seau JR M Duke 0
Will McBride JR M UNC 2
Clarke Petterson M SO Cornell 9
Connor Reed M GRAD JHU 0
Cornell D -4

ohmilax34 Season
Nick Doktor GRAD A UPenn 25
Jules Heningburg JR A Rutgers 30
Zack Sirico SR A Loyola 14
Chris Donovan SO A Georgetown 6
Ryan Lamb SO M Virginia 0
Nathan Solomon SO A Syracuse 1
J.T. Blubaugh SR A OSU 6
Chris Cloutier JR A/M UNC 19
Holden Cattoni GRAD M JHU 13
Zach Currier SR M Princeton 13
Romar Dennis SR M Loyola 7
Colton Jackson SO M Denver 9
Upenn D -10
Towson D 13

GCCLaxster67 Season
Pat Keena A GRAD Navy 28
Dylan Maltz A SR UMD 11
Dan Craig A SR PSU 8
Timmy Kelly A SO UNC 8
Sean Connors SR A Princeton 3
David Fleming SR A/M Fairfield 1
Connor Murphy SR A Rutgers 1
Pierre Byrne JR M Notre Dame 1
Johnny Kelly SR M OSU 0
Adam Dimillo JR M Maryland 2
Jack Falk JR M UVA 0
Casey Rees M JR Navy 21
UMBC D -10

Greenielax Season
Mikey Wynne JR A Notre Dame 16
Tim Rotanz SR A UMD 4
Nico Panepinto SR A Farifield 3
Spencer Parks A GRAD Towson 17
Trevor Kupecky SR A Hofstra 8
Ryan Hollingsworth GRAD A Rutgers 4
Brendan Kavanaugh A JR Hofstra 13
Ryan Conrad M SO UVA 1
T.J. Neubauer M GRAD Fairfield 13
Devon Lewis SR M Georgetown 12
Kason Tarbell M JR Cornell 3
Jimbo Moore GRAD M Army 10
Denver D 4

UK Lax Season
Gavin McBride SR A Princeton 17
Ryan Drenner SR A Towson 22
Patrick McCormick A JR UNC 0
Cole Johnson SR A Army 38
Jack Bruckner A SR Duke 24
Ryan Simmons JR M SU 1
Austin French A/M SO Denver 7
Ted Glesener M JR Army 8

Stegmakk Season
Joe Seider SR A Towson 13
Jordan Evans A SR Syracuse 14
Jordan Prysko JR A UNC 0
Max Maxwell SR A UMBC 20
Sam Llinares A GRAD Hofstra 14
Connor Kelly JR M UMD 14
Gunnar Miller SR M Army 0
Steve Pontrello GRAD A UNC 24
Simon Mathias A SO Upenn 20
Kyle Marr SO A Hopkins 6
Ryan O'Connor SO UNC Middie 0
Gunnar Schimoler A/M SO UMBC 0
John Pendergast M SO Duke 0
Navy D 25

FCALax Season
Ryan Lukacovic SR A UVA 19
Nate Lewnes A GRAD UMBC 24
Ryan Hunter A GRAD OSU 6
Jordan Germershausen A JR Loyola 7
Dan Bucaro SO A Georgetown 12
Colin Woolford M GRAD Denver 2
Brendan Bomberry M JR Denver 13
Dylan Kinnear A SO Towson 1
Greyson Torain M SO Navy 7
Bryan Cole GRAD M UMD 15
Michael Tagliaferri M SR UNC 16
Kevin McGeary M JR Upenn 12
Duke D -4
Syracuse D 3

NC Lax Season
Ryan Ambler A GRAD Princeton 17
T.J. Sanders A GRAD Penn State 16
Jack Ray JR A Navy 20
Conor Glancy A JR Army 4
Austin Shanks JR M OSU 17
Patrick Aslanian SO M G'town 3
Dylan Foulds M SO PSU 0
Shane Simpson SR M UNC 7
Patrick Young GRAD M UMD 7
Craig Berge M JR Georgetown 7
Chad Tolliver JR M Rutgers 0
Jake Fox SO A/M Hopkins 0
Josh Byrne JR A Hofstra 19
Loyola D 6

HipandKneeDoc Season
Case Matheis A GRAD Duke 17
Colton Rupp SO A Cornell 18
Shack Stanwick A/M JR JHU 26
Matt Rambo A SR UMD 18
Brendan Hegarty A SR Umass 12
Sam Romano M SO Syracuse 0
Cody Radziewicz SR M JHU 11
Drew Supinski M SO JHU 9
Kieran Eissler M SR JHU 6
Matt Emery M SR UVA 6
Drew Petkevich SO M PSU 0
Alex McGovern M SO UNC 0
Gianni Bianchin SR A/M Umass 8
Georgetown D -13

BruterLax Season
Bradlee Lord A GRAD Cornell 0
Ryan Brown A GRAD JHU 21
Luke Goldstock A SR UNC 20
Reilly Hupfeldt JR A/M UPenn 16
Riley Thompson A JR Princeton 10
Henry Grass SO A JHU 0
Tyler Albrecht GRAD M Loyola 4
Sergio Perkovic SR M Notre Dame 11
Jordan Dowiak JR M Cornell 6
Brinton Valis JR M JHU 3
Dan Bockelman JR A/M Cornell 0
Brad Smith SO M Duke 5
Fairfield D 8

Matnum PI Season

Justin Guterding A JR Duke 31
Colin Heacock A/M SR UMD 15
Colin Chell A JR OSU 5
Nicholas Spillane SO A PSU 3
Andy Matthews A SO UNC 0
Connor Vercruysse A RS SO Rutgers 0

Tyler Pace SR M Denver 20
Daniel Muller M SR UMass 11
Michael Sutton M SR PSU 10
Lucas Gradinger M JR UMD 5
Joseph Licciardi M SO UPenn 2


lax8888 Season
Nick Mariano SR M Syracuse 18
Ryder Garnsey A SO Notre Dame 14
Brian Ward SR A Ohio St. 0
Tanner Peck A JR PSU 1
Tyler Breen A JR UVA 0
Brian Cannon A JR UNC 5
Zed Williams SR M UVA 10
Derek DeJoe GRAD M Syracuse 11
Colin Flounlacker SR M Navy 2
Joel Tinney JR M JHU 0
Sam Bonafede M JR Princeton 1
David Gill JR M Duke 0
AJ Fish M SR UVA 9

OCanada Season
Dylan Donahue A GRAD Syracuse 25
PJ Brown M SO Loyola 0
Patrick Spencer A SO Loyola 29
Zach Herreweyers A GRAD Loyola 10
Jake McCulloch M SO Cornell 2
Drew Ryan A SO PSU 0
Brandon Barker M SO OSU 0
Timmy Phillips M SO Notre Dame 0
Devin Shewell A SO Syracuse 0
Zach Runberg M JR Denver 0
Matt Florence SR M PSU 8
Dave Little JR A Navy 0
Mike D'Amario JR A UVA 9
Hofstra D 14

TartanLax1822 Season
Carter Brown GRAD A OSU 13
Bear Altemus SR A Princeton 0
Chad Cohan GRAD M Duke 8
Shea Mullins GRAD M Army 4
Kevin Wendel GRAD M Navy 10
Nate Marano SO A Denver 5
Alex Concannon A SO JHU 0
Jack Jasinski A SO OSU 5
Brad Voigt SO A Syracuse 0
Evan Condon SO M Army 0
Liam King M SR Rutgers 0
Jack Beare SO A Notre Dame 0
UVA D -8

Genghiskhanbluejay Season
Grant Ament SO A PSU 22
Carter Flaig A/M SO Princeton 3
Pat Kelly M GRAD UNC 13
Wilkins Dismuke A SR JHU 15
Brendan Collins JR M Notre Dame 5
Christian Zawadzki JR M UMD 0
Tate Jozokos M SR UNC 1
Tyler Dunn A/M SO Upenn 10
Richie Easterly A SO Loyola 0
Charlie Schnider M GRAD Fairfield 16
Nick Aponte A SR PSU 21
Ian Kirby A JR Towson 5
James Farrell JR M Upenn 2
JHU D -7

PA Talk Season
Timmy Monahan A SO UMD 1
Jack Bobzien GRAD A Denver 21
Christian Trasolini SR A Rutgers 9
Buddy Carr JR M Umass 14
Peter Conley SR A/M Georgetown 6
Louis Dubick SO A UMD 3
Patrick Fraser JR M JHU 4
Myles Jones GRAD M Duke 34
Ryan Hursey JR M Georgetown 0
Avery Littlejohn SR M Army 2
Tyler Bogart SO A UMASS 12
Brier Davis SR A Hofstra 0
Greg Coholan GRAD M UVA 17
UMD D 16

Maddog Season
Matt Kavanagh A GRAD Notre Dame 24
Jeremy Bosher A JR Denver 1
Nick Weston M SR Syracuse 3
Korey Hendrickson M GRAD Hofstra 23
Peyton Klawinski M SR UNC 4
Tim Barber GRAD A/M Syracuse 17
Ryan Bray SO A Cornell 13
Sean Lowrie A/M SO Duke 0
Gale Thorpe A SO Syracuse 1
Townsend Brown A/M SO UVA 0
Mikey Herring A SO UVA 0
Matt Lane A/M JR Syr 2
Princeton D -30
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Matnum PI

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Tue Jan 10, 2017 4:58 pm

2016's Undrafted players that got points in 2016. Some of these players graduated.

* Burke Fairfield 26
* Sergio Salcido SU 24
* Frank Brown Hobart 24
* Charalambides Rutgers 23
* Nate Jones Army 20
* von Bargen M Hofstra 18
* Austin Sims Princeton 18
* Bucci Georgetown 16
* Ryan Matthews M Cornell 14
* Chris Aslanian Hobart A 14
* Horning Fairfield 14
* Andrews UMBC 14
* Pearson OSU 13
* Fannell OSU 11
* Romm Hobart 11
* Haldeman UMBC 11
* Donahue Denver 10
* Llewellyn Hobart 9
* Rutgers D 9
* McCarty M UMBC 9
* Keating Upenn 9
* Ryan Baker UMBC 8
* Tyler Young Towson 8
* Mike Lynch Towson 8
* Mazza Towson 8
* Teixeira Cornell 8
* Kevin Hill PSU 8
* Colvin Army 7
* Grabher Army 7
* Weaver Princeton 7
* Spencer Umass 7
* Bolewicki Towson 7
* Jordan RU 7
* Trainor Navy 6
* Darden Hobart 6
* Konen Towson 6
* Mazzone Rutgers 5
* Clipp M UMBC 5
* Lisauskas Umass 5
* Brosco UND 5
* Trolley UND 5
* Plumer Navy 5
* Bolen Cornell 5
* Andrew Keith Cornell 5
* McCarty Towson 5
* Hancock Hobart 5
* Eduardo White Georgetown 5
* Christiano M Rutgers 4
* Toliver Rutgers 4
* Scarpello Rutgers 4
* Behrens Georgetown 4
* Borsody UMBC 4
* Davis-Allen UMD 4
* Matt Rees Navy 4
* Poccia Cornell 4
* Estill Cornell 4
* Kevin Murphy Hobart 4
* Drapeau Loyola 4
* John Duffy Loyola 4
* Drew Murray Fairfield 4
* Sikora RU 4
* Paparo Umass 3
* Rodrigues Fairfield 3
* Zach Ward Cornell 3
* Spinney Umass 3
* Nolan UMBC 3
* Planning Denver 3
* Gillis SU 3
* Lubowicki Notre Dame 3
* Schantz UND 3
* Prestreau PSU 3
* Parke Georgetown 3
* Poulos Army 3
* Fournier Loyola 3
* Chase Loyola 3
* Burr Hobart 3
* Carlini JHU 3
* Jasinski OSU A 2
* Maccani OSU 2
* Kreig Army 2
* Franckowiak Rutgers 2
* Kuhn JHU 2
* Hardej Princeton 2
* Gruder Umass 2
* Mintzlaff Loyola 2
* Kreinz Upenn 2
* DeSanti Army 2
* Finley Notre Dame 2
* Sexton Notre Dame 2
* Britton Cornell 2
* Baptiste Denver 2
* Hampton Denver 2
* Plant RU 2
* Symmes Army 2
* Robertson Towson 2
* Burckley Towson 2
* Rak Umass 2
* Mayle Denver 2
* Pfister OSU 2
* Rose Rutgers 2
* Fennell Navy 2
* Stephen Kelly UNC 2
* McCaffrey Denver 2
* Parietti Denver 2
* Dalton Fairfield 2
* MacAfee Army 2
* Massimilion Cornell 2
* Davliakos Loyola 2
* Cunningham Hobart 2
* Matthai UNC 2
* Best OSU 1
* Scott Flynn Cornell 1
* Patrick O'Brien Army 1
* Coyle Navy 1
* Sisco Hobart 1
* Morrill Georgetown 1
* Bolewicki UMBC 1
* Goodrich UMBC 1
* Fields JHU 1
* Kihembo JHU 1
* Guida JHU 1
* Moreland JHU 1
* Tierney Umass 1
* McKinney SU 1
* Carlin SU 1
* McNamara UVA 1
* Howard UVA 1
* Spallanzani Hobart 1
* Brooke UMD 1
* Henningsen UMD 1
* Reinson UMD 1
* Weeks Umass 1
* Marino Umass 1
* Limone Loyola 1
* Carpenter Duke 1
* Hasken UMBC 1
* Wellman PSU 1
* Surdick Army 1
* Conroy Towson 1
* Ciferri SU 1
* Gayhardt Upenn 1
* Kevin Brown Upenn 1
* Pridemore UND 1
* Borda Fairfield 1
* Guidarelli Fairfield 1
* Rowlett UNC 1
* Rowe Duke 1
* Shaffer Duke 1
* Kruy Duke 1
* Transou Duke 1
* Carotenuto RU 1
* Divitcos RU 1
* Ragno Army 1
* Willman Hobart 1
* Monroe UMBC 1
* Madden Umass 1
* DeSisto Umass 1
* Wylly Towson 1
* Firman SU 1
* Fusco SU 1
* JJ McBride Upenn 1
* Hilburn Upenn 1
* Persky Upenn 1
* Pulver Cornell 1
* Mahler Cornell 1
* Burgdorf Denver 1
* Reid Denver 1
* Huggins Loyola 1
* Kutzer Loyola 1
* Nick Mazza Loyola 1
* Godino Navy 1
* Lynch Hofstra 1
* Mann Hobart 1
* Locke Hobart 1
* Jason Murphy UVA 1
* Foley JHU 1
* Madarasz JHU 1
* Prendergast Duke 1
* Ikeda Duke 1
* Van de Ven Duke 1
* Bedard UNC 1
* Rodriguez UMBC 1
* Gaiss Notre Dame 1
* Gray Notre Dame 1
* Revello Cornell 1
* O'Brien Cornell 1
* Haus OSU 1
* Mahoney OSU 1
* Barger OSU 1
* Johnson Denver 1
* Rinkus Umass 1
* Lowe Towson 1
* Isnardi Army 1
* Stover Loyola 1
* Dove Navy 1
* McGuinness Hobart 1
* Gleason Notre Dame 1
* Riccardi Notre Dame 1
* Santangelo Upenn 1
* Lori OSU 1
* Brewster UMBC 1
* Kalas UMBC 1
* Peters Cornell 1
* Gravitte Princeton 1
* Cochran Hobart 1
* Smith Hobart 1
* Zenker Duke 1
* Bruno JHU 1
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby lax8888 on Tue Jan 10, 2017 5:56 pm

Roster leading up to draft:

Ryder Garnsey A SO Notre Dame
Tanner Peck A JR PSU
Brian Cannon A JR UNC
Zed Williams SR M UVA
Nick Mariano SR M Syracuse
Colin Flounlacker SR M Navy
Joel Tinney JR M JHU
Sam Bonafede M JR Princeton
AJ Fish M SR UVA 9

Brian Ward SR A Ohio St.
David Gill JR M Duke
Tyler Breen A JR UVA
Hobart D

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:32 pm


Sorry, I have a new email. I am in.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Thu Jan 12, 2017 2:26 pm

NC Lax
Jack Ray JR A Navy
Conor Glancy A JR Army
Austin Shanks JR M OSU
Patrick Aslanian SO M G'town
Dylan Foulds M RS FR PSU
Shane Simpson SR M UNC
Craig Berge M JR Georgetown
Chad Tolliver JR M Rutgers
Jake Fox SO A/M Hopkins
Josh Byrne JR A Hofstra
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby TartanLax1822 on Sat Jan 14, 2017 2:49 pm

Pre Draft Roster for Tartanlax1822:

Nate Marano SO A Denver
Alex Concannon SO A JHU
Jack Jasinski SO A OSU
Brad Voigt SO A Syracuse
Evan Condon SO M Army
Liam King SR M Rutgers
Jack Beare SO A Notre Dame
Bear Altemus SR A Princeton

I believe that leaves me with 5 spots to fill

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sat Jan 14, 2017 7:25 pm

1 Nate Marano SO A Denver
2 Alex Concannon SO A JHU
3 Jack Jasinski SO A OSU
4 Brad Voigt SO A Syracuse
5 Evan Condon SO M Army
6 Liam King SR M Rutgers
7 Jack Beare SO A Notre Dame
8 Bear Altemus SR A Princeton

6 open spots.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Tue Jan 17, 2017 3:25 am

Any chance we can get a slow draft underway early this year Matt? I never get to participate in the live one as it starts at 1am on a work night UK time, and the slow one means we can all at least get a feel for the live one... Just a thought and i don't mind if the answer is no

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Tue Jan 17, 2017 7:35 am

Most every (and I think every) year the draft starts early. No reason to believe this won't happen this year.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:21 am

I just meant even earlier was all :)

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:42 am

Tartan, feel free to start whenever the whim strikes your fancy.

1 - TartanLax1822
2 - GCCLax
3 - lax8888
4 - Greenielax
5 - BruterLax
6 - NC Lax
7 - Maddog
8 - HipandKneeDoc
9 - EZE
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay
11 - OCanada
12 - Wholly Metro
13 - Matnum PI
14 - UK Lax
15 - PA Talk
16 - Stegmakk
17 - ohmilax34
18 - FCALax
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby TartanLax1822 on Tue Jan 17, 2017 2:57 pm

I'll go with Ethan Walker for my first pick. Might as well get over all the back and forth since I have the chance. Good luck to all!

Ethan Walker, A, FR, Denver

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Tue Jan 17, 2017 3:10 pm

And we're off!
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Tue Jan 17, 2017 3:27 pm

Matt, is there a deadline to submit 2017 rosters?
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Tue Jan 17, 2017 3:57 pm

Just so there's no confusion, our pre-draft rosters are still due on January 25th at 8 PM EST. i.e. It's possible, though not probable, that someone will drop a player that you would want to pick in the 1st or 2nd round after you make your draft pick.

PS Each player needs to send me their pre-draft roster before they pick. Tartan already submitted his pre-draft roster.

PPS GCCLax is picking.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Tue Jan 17, 2017 4:18 pm

Hurray! Draft time!!

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby genghiskhanbluejay on Tue Jan 17, 2017 4:42 pm

Grant Ament SO A PSU
Nick Aponte A SR PSU
Wilkins Dismuke A SR JHU
Ian Kirby A JR Towson
Richie Easterly A SO Loyola
Brendan Collins JR M Notre Dame
Tyler Dunn A/M SO Upenn
Carter Flaig A/M SO Princeton

James Farrell JR M Upenn
Tate Jozokos M SR UNC
Christian Zawadzki JR M UMD
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby greenielax on Tue Jan 17, 2017 8:03 pm


1. Mikey Wynne A ND
2. Tim Rotanz A UMD
3. Brendan Kavenaugh A Hofstra
4. Ryan Conrad M UVa
5. Devon Lewis Gtown
6. Kason Tarbell Cornell
7. Nico Panepinto Ffield

Trevor Kupecky Hofstra

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby EZE on Tue Jan 17, 2017 10:09 pm

EZE's Pre-Draft 2017 Squad:

1. Joe French SR A UVA
2. Alex Roesner A SO Upenn
3. Dawson McKenzie A SO Princeton
4. Zach Miller SR M Denver
5. Dylan Alderman JR M Hofstra
6. Clarke Petterson M SO Cornell
7. Connor Reed M GS Hop
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby bruterlax on Wed Jan 18, 2017 8:34 am


Luke Goldstock A SR UNC
Reilly Hupfeldt JR A/M UPenn
Riley Thompson A JR Princeton
Henry Grass SO A SU

Sergio Perkovic SR M Notre Dame
Jordan Dowiak JR M Cornell
Brinton Valis JR M JHU

Brad Smith SO M Duke

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Wed Jan 18, 2017 8:49 am

Pre-Draft Roster:

Jack Ray JR A Navy
Conor Glancy A JR Army
Josh Byrne A JR Hofstra
Jake Fox A/M SO Hopkins

Austin Shanks JR M OSU
Patrick Aslanian SO M G'town
Dylan Foulds M RS FR PSU
Shane Simpson SR M UNC
Craig Berge M JR Georgetown
Chad Tolliver JR M Rutgers
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Wed Jan 18, 2017 8:57 am

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax
3 - lax8888
4 - Greenielax
5 - BruterLax
6 - NC Lax
7 - Maddog
8 - HipandKneeDoc
9 - EZE
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay
11 - OCanada
12 - Wholly Metro
13 - Matnum PI
14 - UK Lax
15 - PA Talk
16 - Stegmakk
17 - ohmilax34
18 - FCALax
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby gcclaxster67 on Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:27 am

Picking freshmen Jeff Teat Attack Cornell

Dylan Maltz A SR UMD
Dan Craig A SR PSU
Timmy Kelly A SO UNC
Connor Murphy SR A/M Rutgers
Pierre Byrne JR M Notre Dame
Johnny Kelly SR M OSU
Jack Falk JR M UVA
Casey Rees M JR Navy


Adam Dimillo JR M Maryland
Sean Connors SR A Princeton
David Fleming SR A/M Fairfield
Sean Connors SR A Princeton
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:36 am

Lax8888 is picking. GreenieLax is on deck.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby lax8888 on Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:43 am

Lax8888 selects Ben Reeves, JR A Yale.

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:44 am

2 Canadians picked #1 and #2. OCanada, the days of you getting the best Canadians are gone. I hope you have adapted a new strategy.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby genghiskhanbluejay on Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:54 am

Also dropping Ian Kirby

Grant Ament SO A PSU
Nick Aponte A SR PSU
Wilkins Dismuke A SR JHU
Richie Easterly A SO Loyola
Brendan Collins JR M Notre Dame
Tyler Dunn A/M SO Upenn
Carter Flaig A/M SO Princeton
James Farrell JR M Upenn
Tate Jozokos M SR UNC
Christian Zawadzki JR M UMD
Ian Kirby A JR Adelphi
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Wed Jan 18, 2017 11:37 am

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax
5 - BruterLax
6 - NC Lax
7 - Maddog
8 - HipandKneeDoc
9 - EZE
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay
11 - OCanada
12 - Wholly Metro
13 - Matnum PI
14 - UK Lax
15 - PA Talk
16 - Stegmakk
17 - ohmilax34
18 - FCALax
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby greenielax on Wed Jan 18, 2017 7:09 pm

Greenielax picks: Sergio Salcido R-Sr M Syracuse

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:58 am

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax
6 - NC Lax
7 - Maddog
8 - HipandKneeDoc
9 - EZE
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay
11 - OCanada
12 - Wholly Metro
13 - Matnum PI
14 - UK Lax
15 - PA Talk
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17 - ohmilax34
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby bruterlax on Thu Jan 19, 2017 7:03 pm

Bruterlax selects
42 Reilly Walsh A 5-11 180 Fr. Bronxville, N.Y. (Brunswick Academy) DUKE

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Thu Jan 19, 2017 9:20 pm

Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Thu Jan 19, 2017 10:16 pm

Matt, the Maddog selects Colin Burke - A/M Fairfield SO (if indeed that is the Burke w/26 points not drafted in 2016 list???)
The fastest game on two feet....
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Fri Jan 20, 2017 2:38 am

Yep maddog that is a genuine colin burke score, he's a machine and i'm surprised he lasted that far!!

Oh but he is defo all Attack.. no A/M, he plays out and out attack at fairfeild, despite the fact his roster page say A/M, he has never played anything but Attack
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Fri Jan 20, 2017 2:55 am

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax - Reilly Walsh - A - Fr- Duke
6 - NC Lax - Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
7 - Maddog- Colin Burke - A - SO - Fairfeild
8 - HipandKneeDoc
9 - EZE
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay
11 - OCanada
12 - Wholly Metro
13 - Matnum PI
14 - UK Lax
15 - PA Talk
16 - Stegmakk
17 - ohmilax34
18 - FCALax

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby HipandKneeDoc on Fri Jan 20, 2017 6:15 am

Hipandkneedoc picks:

Dox Aitken Midfield Freshman Virginia

my team:

Colton Rupp SO A Cornell
Shack Stanwick A/M JR JHU
Matt Rambo A SR UMD
Brendan Hegarty A SR Umass
Cody Radziewicz SR M JHU
Drew Supinski M SO JHU
Gianni Bianchin SR A/M Umass
and Dox


Case Matheis A GRAD Duke
Sam Romano M SO Syracuse
Drew Petkevich SO M PSU
Alex McGovern M SO UNC
Kieran Eissler M SR JHU
Matt Emery M SR UVA

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:31 am

EZE takes Adam Charalambides RS SO A Rutgers
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Fri Jan 20, 2017 8:35 am

maddog29 wrote:
Matt, the Maddog selects Colin Burke - A/M Fairfield SO (if indeed that is the Burke w/26 points not drafted in 2016 list???)

That's a great pick Maddog.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Fri Jan 20, 2017 8:56 am

Thanks fellas, blind squirrel rule - I've picked a few rotten acorns over the years for sure, but this guy looks great and is only a soph! Wow!
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Fri Jan 20, 2017 9:24 am

I'm okay w/Burke as A only if that's all he plays!
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Fri Jan 20, 2017 9:32 am

Defo thats all he plays, he is first name on fairfeilds team sheet in attack for sure... regardless you have a powerhouse there

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby genghiskhanbluejay on Fri Jan 20, 2017 9:36 am

I select with the 10th pick in the 2017 draft

Jared Bernhardt M FR Maryland
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Fri Jan 20, 2017 9:42 am

OCanada Pre=Draft Roster

OhMi I still look but research used to payoff. It doesn't anymore. Too much info available

PJ Brown M SO Loyola
Patrick Spencer A SO Loyola

Jake McCulloch M SO Cornell

Brandon Barker M SO OSU
Timmy Phillips M SO Notre Dame
Devin Shewell A SO Syracuse

Matt Florence SR M PSU
Mike D'Amario JR A UVA
Hofstra D
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Fri Jan 20, 2017 9:50 am

Since Canadians are gone, not that I expected to have them available.

Skip pass

Jackson Morrill Fr. A Yale
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Fri Jan 20, 2017 11:04 am

OCanada wrote:
OCanada Pre=Draft Roster

PJ Brown M SO Loyola
Patrick Spencer A SO Loyola
Jake McCulloch M SO Cornell
Brandon Barker M SO OSU
Timmy Phillips M SO Notre Dame
Devin Shewell A SO Syracuse
Matt Florence SR M PSU
Mike D'Amario JR A UVA
Hofstra D

Minus the Hofstra D
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Dropped Players
New postby Matnum PI on Fri Jan 20, 2017 11:07 am

Dropped Players
Trevor Hodgins M JR OSU
Jeff George A/M SR Rutgers
Brian Ward SR A Ohio St.
David Gill JR M Duke
Tyler Breen A JR UVA
James Farrell JR M Upenn
Tate Jozokos M SR UNC
Christian Zawadzki JR M UMD
Trevor Kupecky SR A Hofstra
Zachary Franco M SR Hofstra
Jake Seau JR M Duke
Will McBride JR M UNC
Clarke Petterson M SO Cornell
Nick Weston M SR Syracuse
Townsend Brown A/M SO UVA
Mikey Herring A SO UVA
Jeremy Bosher A JR Denver
Dan Bockelman JR A/M Cornell
Adam Dimillo JR M Maryland
Sean Connors SR A Princeton
David Fleming SR A/M Fairfield
Ian Kirby A JR Towson
Drew Ryan A SO PSU
Zach Runberg M JR Denver
Dave Little JR A Navy
Sam Romano M SO Syracuse
Kieran Eissler M SR JHU
Matt Emery M SR UVA
Drew Petkevich SO M PSU
Alex McGovern M SO UNC
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Fri Jan 20, 2017 11:31 am

I'm also dropping Patrick mccormick m jr UNC matt

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2017 Draft
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby greenielax on Fri Jan 20, 2017 11:54 am

maddog29 wrote:
Matt, the Maddog selects Colin Burke - A/M Fairfield SO (if indeed that is the Burke w/26 points not drafted in 2016 list???)

I must've missed maddog's pre-draft roster somehow. Matt--can you repost or direct me to it, please?

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby greenielax on Fri Jan 20, 2017 11:57 am

Matnum PI wrote:
EZE takes Adam Charalambides RS SO A Rutgers

fyi: http://www.insidelacrosse.com/article/r ... ason/48136

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Fri Jan 20, 2017 12:09 pm


Maddog's roster is on the first page of this forum topic.... like everyone else's

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Fri Jan 20, 2017 12:10 pm

greenielax wrote:
I must've missed maddog's pre-draft roster somehow. Matt--can you repost or direct me to it, please?

Colin Burke SO A Fairfield
Peyton Klawinski M SR UNC
Ryan Bray SO A Cornell
Sean Lowrie A/M SO Duke
Gale Thorpe A SO Syracuse
Matt Lane A/M JR Syr
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby EZE on Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:13 pm

FYI I did not drop Clarke Petterson M Cornell
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:18 pm

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax - Reilly Walsh - A - Fr- Duke
6 - NC Lax - Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
7 - Maddog- Colin Burke - A - SO - Fairfeild
8 - HipandKneeDoc - Dox Aitken - M - FR - UVA
9 - EZE - Adam Charalambrides - A - SO - RUtgers
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay - Jared Bernhardt - M - FR - Maryland
11 - OCanada - Jackson Morrill - A - FR - Yale
12 - Wholly Metro
13 - Matnum PI
14 - UK Lax
15 - PA Talk
16 - Stegmakk
17 - ohmilax34
18 - FCALax
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:22 pm

Well,....Looks like I need to drop Shane Simpson.

Man, that hurt.

Michael Sowers FR A Princeton
Jack Ray JR A Navy
Conor Glancy A JR Army
Austin Shanks JR M OSU
Patrick Aslanian SO M G'town
Dylan Foulds M RS FR PSU
Craig Berge M JR Georgetown
Chad Tolliver JR M Rutgers
Jake Fox SO A/M Hopkins
Josh Byrne JR A Hofstra
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby lax8888 on Fri Jan 20, 2017 9:07 pm

Also dropping - Colin Flounlacker SR M Navy, Sam Bonafede M JR Princeton, and Tanner Peck A JR PSU

Current Roster:

Ryder Garnsey A SO Notre Dame
Ben Reeves A JR Yale
Brian Cannon A JR UNC

Zed Williams SR M UVA
Nick Mariano SR M Syracuse
Joel Tinney JR M JHU

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Metro on Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:46 am

Hope everyone is doing well.


Peter Lindley JR A Umass
Connor Cannizzaro A SR Denver
Grant Consoletti SR A UMASS
Ryan Keenan JR A PSU
Stephen Quinzi JR A Georgetown
Nick Santorelli JR A Army

John Crawley SR M JHU
Mike Morean SO M Princeton
Henry West SR M UMD
Brian Sherlock SR M Loyola
Jake Knostman SR M Fairfield

Drops & Graduates:

James Pannell GRAD A UVA
Nick Piroli GRAD A Syracuse
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:28 am

And your pick metro?

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby genghiskhanbluejay on Sat Jan 21, 2017 8:02 am

I want to adjust my add drops before the 25th final roster day
I want to keep Christian Zawadzki JR M Maryland
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Sat Jan 21, 2017 8:06 am

I'm pretty sure matt asked for final rosters before people made their first picks?
Commish your call though

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby genghiskhanbluejay on Sat Jan 21, 2017 8:34 am

No problem if that's the case.
Ian Kirby transferred after I made cuts giving me more picks than I wanted and Zawadzki wasn't drafted yet.
I looked at it as if Zawadzki was still on campus and I took away his scholarship but was going to offer it back
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby genghiskhanbluejay on Sat Jan 21, 2017 8:37 am

greenielax wrote:
Matnum PI wrote:
EZE takes Adam Charalambides RS SO A Rutgers

fyi: http://www.insidelacrosse.com/article/r ... ason/48136

Zack Miller just left school, EZE is snake bit this year
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Sat Jan 21, 2017 8:51 am

Haha your scholarship comment made me laugh, I was considering getting Jeff George back now charalambides is injured but I didn't think we could take back once we dropped even if it was Pre our first pick so I just didn't bother.
TBH I think it's one of those were they will likely end up that you can redraft em at the end or swap em out after draft is over but matt knows best...

Lax8888 also wants a triple drop after his first pick so dunno if that will be allowed either?

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sun Jan 22, 2017 1:32 pm

Did we give up on early drafting?
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby TartanLax1822 on Sun Jan 22, 2017 1:51 pm

Why do we not do trades? Just too much work?

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 22, 2017 3:02 pm

nclaxin wrote:
Did we give up on early drafting?

No. Wholly is picking.

As for trades, because NCAA teams don't do trades.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Sun Jan 22, 2017 3:44 pm

Wholly just seems less enthused than us over excited drafters haha

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sun Jan 22, 2017 6:51 pm

Wholly....just snag a Cuse guy so we can move on, haha
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby genghiskhanbluejay on Sun Jan 22, 2017 7:40 pm

I must admit
My days of dating 3 women at the same time have long been replaced by having 3 kids and checking in waiting for wholly metro to make his pick
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Sun Jan 22, 2017 8:16 pm

I feel the same way about sisters
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:17 am

Because i know Matt will more than have his pick ready i'm basically one pick away from my go, Can someone get wholly to pick :P

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Metro on Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:50 am

Sorry I will pick today. Crazy busy weekend, sick kids, lots of driving. Looking at the lax stuff now at work for a minute and will pick soon.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Metro on Mon Jan 23, 2017 11:05 am

I am also dropping Mike Morean (if allowed at this time. If not, that's okay too)

Brian Willetts FR A Notre Dame
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Mon Jan 23, 2017 11:10 am

Wholly Metro
Peter Lindley JR A Umass
Connor Cannizzaro A SR Denver
Brian Willetts FR A Notre Dame
Grant Consoletti SR A UMASS
Ryan Keenan JR A PSU
Stephen Quinzi JR A Georgetown
Nick Santorelli JR A Army
John Crawley SR M JHU
Henry West SR M UMD
Brian Sherlock SR M Loyola
Jake Knostman SR M Fairfield
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Metro on Mon Jan 23, 2017 11:15 am

Well maybe my pick is now midfielder per ND website.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Metro on Mon Jan 23, 2017 11:26 am

If I may drop Peter Lindley JR A Umass too, that would be great. He is no longer at UMASS. He is at Roanoke
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Mon Jan 23, 2017 11:31 am

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax - Reilly Walsh - A - Fr- Duke
6 - NC Lax - Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
7 - Maddog- Colin Burke - A - SO - Fairfeild
8 - HipandKneeDoc - Dox Aitken - M - FR - UVA
9 - EZE - Adam Charalambrides - A - SO - RUtgers
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay - Jared Bernhardt - M - FR - Maryland
11 - OCanada - Jackson Morrill - A - FR - Yale
12 - Wholly Metro - Brian Willetts - M - FR - Notre Dame
13 - Matnum PI
14 - UK Lax
15 - PA Talk
16 - Stegmakk
17 - ohmilax34
18 - FCALax
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Mon Jan 23, 2017 1:02 pm

Nate Jones A SO Army

Matnum PI
Justin Guterding A JR Duke
Nate Jones A SO Army
Colin Heacock A/M SR UMD
Colin Chell A JR OSU
Nicholas Spillane SO A PSU
Connor Vercruysse A SO Rutgers
Andy Matthews A SO UNC
Tyler Pace SR M Denver
Daniel Muller M SR UMass
Michael Sutton M SR PSU
Lucas Gradinger M JR UMD
Joseph Licciardi M SO UPenn
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Mon Jan 23, 2017 1:16 pm

Great pick Matt - wanted him myself!
The fastest game on two feet....
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Mon Jan 23, 2017 1:48 pm

I'll take Eric Scott M Yale Sr, much needed depth for my midfield this year

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Mon Jan 23, 2017 2:14 pm

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax - Reilly Walsh - A - Fr- Duke
6 - NC Lax - Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
7 - Maddog- Colin Burke - A - SO - Fairfeild
8 - HipandKneeDoc - Dox Aitken - M - FR - UVA
9 - EZE - Adam Charalambrides - A - SO - RUtgers
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay - Jared Bernhardt - M - FR - Maryland
11 - OCanada - Jackson Morrill - A - FR - Yale
12 - Wholly Metro - Brian Willetts - M - FR - Notre Dame
13 - Matnum PI - Nate Jones - A - SO - Army
14 - UK Lax - Eric Scott - M - SR - Yale
15 - PA Talk
16 - Stegmakk
17 - ohmilax34
18 - FCALax

PA Talk is up.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby PA_Lax11 on Mon Jan 23, 2017 7:09 pm

Current Roster
Timmy Monahan A SO UMD
Christian Trasolini SR A Rutgers
Buddy Carr JR M Umass
Peter Conley SR A/M Georgetown
Louis Dubick SO A UMD
Ryan Hursey JR M Georgetown
Patrick Fraser JR M JHU
Tyler Bogart SO A UMASS

Jack Bobzien GRAD A Denver
Myles Jones GRAD M Duke
Greg Coholan GRAD M UVA
Avery Littlejohn SR M Army
Brier Davis SR A Hofstra

Working on my pick.. will try to post tonight.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby PA_Lax11 on Mon Jan 23, 2017 8:35 pm


https://deerfield.edu/news/2016/06/deer ... /10235835/
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:46 am

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax - Reilly Walsh - A - Fr- Duke
6 - NC Lax - Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
7 - Maddog- Colin Burke - A - SO - Fairfeild
8 - HipandKneeDoc - Dox Aitken - M - FR - UVA
9 - EZE - Adam Charalambrides - A - SO - RUtgers
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay - Jared Bernhardt - M - FR - Maryland
11 - OCanada - Jackson Morrill - A - FR - Yale
12 - Wholly Metro - Brian Willetts - M - FR - Notre Dame
13 - Matnum PI - Nate Jones - A - SO - Army
14 - UK Lax - Eric Scott - M - SR - Yale
15 - PA Talk - Joey Manown - A - FR - Duke
16 - Stegmakk
17 - ohmilax34
18 - FCALax

Stegmakk is up...
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby stegmakk on Tue Jan 24, 2017 8:09 am

Final Roster heading into draft:

Name *** Team Yr
Jordan Evans A Syr SR
Joe Seider A Towson SR
Max Maxwell A UMBC SR
Kyle Marr A Hopkins SO
Jordan Prysko A UNC R-SO
Simon Mathias A Upenn SO
Gunnar Schimoler A/M UMBC SO
Connor Kelly M MD JR
Ryan O'Connor M UNC R-FR

I am dropping:
Gunnar Miller M Army SR
John Pendergast M Duke SO
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby stegmakk on Tue Jan 24, 2017 8:17 am

For my pick...think I have to go with need rather than want...I've got too many A and not many M
Justin Anderson - M - UNC - FR
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Tue Jan 24, 2017 8:29 am

1. Jules Heningburg JR A Rutgers
2. Zack Sirico SR A Loyola
3. Nathan Solomon SO A Syracuse
4. Chris Cloutier JR A UNC
5. J.T. Blubaugh SR A/M OSU
6. Ryan Lamb SO M Virginia
7. Zach Currier SR M Princeton
8. Romar Dennis SR M Loyola
9. Colton Jackson SO M Denver

Dropped Chris Donovan, A Georgetown since he's not on the Georgetown roster.

5 open spots
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Tue Jan 24, 2017 8:34 am

For my pick, Mac O'Keefe, Fr. Attack, Penn State
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Tue Jan 24, 2017 8:35 am

Ah Stegg If I hadn't needed an attacker you would not have gotten him
Last edited by OCanada on Tue Jan 24, 2017 8:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Tue Jan 24, 2017 8:36 am

stegmakk wrote:
For my pick...think I have to go with need rather than want...I've got too many A and not many M
Justin Anderson - M - UNC - FR

I think that's a really interesting pick. I'm curious how he'll do. The reports indicate he may fit right in.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Tue Jan 24, 2017 8:45 am

I was hoping no one saw the UNC scrimmage results as Anderson put up 3G's in that and has received some big pludits for it, yes only a scrimmage but seems like he will see the field in his first year and thats always a bonus for a freshman regardless.. good pick and i was hoping to sneak him 2nd round

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Tue Jan 24, 2017 8:55 am

If you believe rankings he was #2 a few years ago. He went on a mission and is now much older than the other freshmen
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Tue Jan 24, 2017 8:59 am

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax - Reilly Walsh - A - Fr- Duke
6 - NC Lax - Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
7 - Maddog- Colin Burke - A - SO - Fairfeild
8 - HipandKneeDoc - Dox Aitken - M - FR - UVA
9 - EZE - Adam Charalambrides - A - SO - RUtgers
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay - Jared Bernhardt - M - FR - Maryland
11 - OCanada - Jackson Morrill - A - FR - Yale
12 - Wholly Metro - Brian Willetts - M - FR - Notre Dame
13 - Matnum PI - Nate Jones - A - SO - Army
14 - UK Lax - Eric Scott - M - SR - Yale
15 - PA Talk - Joey Manown - A - FR - Duke
16 - Stegmakk - Justin Anderson - M - FR - UNC
17 - ohmilax34 - Mac O'keefe - A - FR - PSU
18 - FCALax

FCALax...You are up...twice.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Metro on Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:41 am

(edit in next entry)
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Metro on Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:23 am

I will be ready this time to pick when my turn comes up again. :) I won't ruin next weekend

Also new drops ahead of tomorrow's deadline:

Peter Lindley JR A Umass - now a Roanoke Maroon
Nick Santorelli JR A Army
Henry West SR M UMD - Grad

Wholly Metro

Connor Cannizzaro A SR Denver
Grant Consoletti SR A UMASS
Ryan Keenan JR A PSU (seems likely to play more at Midfield)
Stephen Quinzi JR A Georgetown

Brian Willetts FR M Notre Dame -(First Round Pick)
John Crawley SR M JHU -
Brian Sherlock SR M Loyola
Jake Knostman SR M Fairfield
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:28 am

Just skimming over the fantasy rosters, lax8888 looks like to have a great team this season. How did he get the #3 overall pick?
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:50 am

Probs a combo of Poor defence (although i dunno which one he had) and no tinney cause of injury, Zed williams has been move to attack btw (played it fall ball, scrimmages and has been changed on his roster page too), so will dampen his roster once it become official in our fantsy league after a couple of games

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:55 am

nathanc21 wrote:
Probs a combo of Poor defence (although i dunno which one he had) and no tinney cause of injury, Zed williams has been move to attack btw (played it fall ball, scrimmages and has been changed on his roster page too), so will dampen his roster once it become official in our fantsy league after a couple of games

Ahh, right, no Tinney. It looks like the move of Williams to attack will help his team.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:59 am

He had the Hobart D which was a middle of the pack D. Hurt him some weeks, helped in others. His main issue was that he basically played with 2 attackmen and 4 middies all season. And neither of these 2 attackmen had stellar seasons. Tough to put up big numbers with that.

Nick Mariano JR M Syracuse 3
Ryder Garnsey A FR Notre Dame 2
Brian Ward JR A Ohio St. -
Tanner Peck A SO PSU -
Tyler Breen A SO UVA -
Brian Cannon A SO UNC 2
Zed Williams JR M UVA 1
Derek DeJoe SR M Syracuse 1
Colin Flounlacker JR M Navy -
Joel Tinney SO M JHU -
Sam Bonafede M SO Princeton -
David Gill SO M Duke -
AJ Fish M JR UVA 3
Hobart D 0
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:24 am

Matnum PI wrote:
He had the Hobart D which was a middle of the pack D. Hurt him some weeks, helped in others. His main issue was that he basically played with 2 attackmen and 4 middies all season. And neither of these 2 attackmen had stellar seasons. Tough to put up big numbers with that.

Nick Mariano JR M Syracuse 3
Ryder Garnsey A FR Notre Dame 2
Brian Ward JR A Ohio St. -
Tanner Peck A SO PSU -
Tyler Breen A SO UVA -
Brian Cannon A SO UNC 2
Zed Williams JR M UVA 1
Derek DeJoe SR M Syracuse 1
Colin Flounlacker JR M Navy -
Joel Tinney SO M JHU -
Sam Bonafede M SO Princeton -
David Gill SO M Duke -
AJ Fish M JR UVA 3
Hobart D 0

Now his top 6 includes Tinney, Reeves!, Williams (who should have a lot more points this year), Mariano (good middie numbers), Garnsey. Solid.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:28 am

Let's see if and how Tinney plays this season and who 8888 grabs with his second pick. He needs middies and a D and... I'm less impressed. You hear that 8888! I'm not impressed!
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:33 am

Tinney was great in the Minto Cup. He'll be great at JHU. They need him.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Tue Jan 24, 2017 12:23 pm

JHU does need him and he won't miss a beat
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby lax8888 on Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:59 pm

That 2nd pick is a looooooong way away still. I saw that Zed is being moved to attack, doesn't hurt me much at all. Cannon for UNC is going to run middie this year too. Those core 5 guys (Garnsey, Zed, Reeves, Tinney and Mariano) should be pretty solid this year, we'll see.

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby TartanLax1822 on Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:32 pm

I am going to continue to invest in the future and draft freshman...so I would appreciate it if you guys drafted upperclassmen! :D :D

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby FCALax on Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:35 pm

1. Ryan Lukacovic SR A UVA
2. Jordan Germershausen A JR Loyola
3. Dan Bucaro SO A Georgetown
4. Dylan Kinnear A SO Towson
5. Brendan Bomberry M JR Syracuse
6. Greyson Torain M SO Navy
7. Michael Tagliaferri M SR UNC
8. Kevin McGeary M JR Upenn

Duke D
Syracuse D
Nate Lewnes A GRAD UMBC
Ryan Hunter A GRAD OSU
Colin Woolford M GRAD Denver
Bryan Cole GRAD M UMD

With the #18th and #19th pick of the draft, FCALAX selects:

18 - Tre LeClaire (A/M) - Freshman - Ohio State
19 - Michael Kraus (A) - Freshman - UVA

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:07 pm

Everyone has picked at least once and submitted (tentative) pre-draft rosters. The pre-Draft rosters will be frozen tomorrow (Wednesday) at 8 PM EST. You can find the pre-Draft rosters on the first page of this thread.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby TartanLax1822 on Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:14 pm

FCALax wrote:
1. Ryan Lukacovic SR A UVA
2. Jordan Germershausen A JR Loyola
3. Dan Bucaro SO A Georgetown
4. Dylan Kinnear A SO Towson
5. Brendan Bomberry M JR Syracuse
6. Greyson Torain M SO Navy
7. Michael Tagliaferri M SR UNC
8. Kevin McGeary M JR Upenn

Duke D
Syracuse D
Nate Lewnes A GRAD UMBC
Ryan Hunter A GRAD OSU
Colin Woolford M GRAD Denver
Bryan Cole GRAD M UMD

With the #18th and #19th pick of the draft, FCALAX selects:

18 - Tre LeClaire (A/M) - Freshman - Ohio State
19 - Michael Kraus (A) - Freshman - UVA

Darn you taking Kraus

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:42 am

People keep taking my Canadians.
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Wed Jan 25, 2017 2:36 am

You had no chance of getting him o'canada if that makes you feel better, i was gunna snag tre if he was still there

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Wed Jan 25, 2017 7:55 am

Well too much information is in the public domain as I have discovered the least few years.

I have friends who are Canadians and play. They always were good for help. I have friends who are Indians and played at Cuse who were good for a couple. One year I got an Indian attackman who played A at UMBC. He put up about 50 and then left school never to return. Now this group gets exposure too. Finally until 2008 or so I knew a lot of players and that has faded too. I drafted one team that won a title and played in the final the next year but its been middling since. Injuries.left school, bad picks. Oh well.
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:23 am

Leclaire and Kraus were on my board, but I got the guy i wanted in O'Keefe. A cold-blooded shooter.

My current selection: Naval Academy Defense

I know they just got shelled by PSU, but I think they'll put together a good defense.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:28 am

first one to pull the trigger usually sets off a D chain reaction... stegs up next

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Wed Jan 25, 2017 9:01 am

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax - Reilly Walsh - A - Fr- Duke
6 - NC Lax - Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
7 - Maddog- Colin Burke - A - SO - Fairfeild
8 - HipandKneeDoc - Dox Aitken - M - FR - UVA
9 - EZE - Adam Charalambrides - A - SO - RUtgers
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay - Jared Bernhardt - M - FR - Maryland
11 - OCanada - Jackson Morrill - A - FR - Yale
12 - Wholly Metro - Brian Willetts - M - FR - Notre Dame
13 - Matnum PI - Nate Jones - A - SO - Army
14 - UK Lax - Eric Scott - M - SR - Yale
15 - PA Talk - Joey Manown - A - FR - Duke
16 - Stegmakk - Justin Anderson - M - FR - UNC
17 - ohmilax34 - Mac O'keefe - A - FR - PSU
18 - FCALax - Tre Leclaire - A/M/ - FR - OSU
19 - FCALax - Michael Kraus - A - FR - UVA
20 - ohmilax34 - Navy Defense

Stegmakk is up...
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby stegmakk on Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:00 pm

Tough call...because after this pick, there are 30 more picks before I get to go again....
An A I would like is free, but there is so much depth on his team, he won't contribute for a while.
Same with one of the other M's I was looking at...
This may be a long shot, but I like the fact he may contribute immediately, and broke the PA scoring records...
I'll take Matt Fedorjaka - M - FR - Fairfield
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby PA_Lax11 on Wed Jan 25, 2017 2:19 pm

Austin Sims, JR, M, Princeton :D

I'll take an 18 pt fantasy midfielder...
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Wed Jan 25, 2017 2:51 pm

I'll draft in a few hours, mid moving house at the minute haha

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Wed Jan 25, 2017 5:10 pm

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax - Reilly Walsh - A - Fr- Duke
6 - NC Lax - Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
7 - Maddog- Colin Burke - A - SO - Fairfeild
8 - HipandKneeDoc - Dox Aitken - M - FR - UVA
9 - EZE - Adam Charalambrides - A - SO - RUtgers
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay - Jared Bernhardt - M - FR - Maryland
11 - OCanada - Jackson Morrill - A - FR - Yale
12 - Wholly Metro - Brian Willetts - M - FR - Notre Dame
13 - Matnum PI - Nate Jones - A - SO - Army
14 - UK Lax - Eric Scott - M - SR - Yale
15 - PA Talk - Joey Manown - A - FR - Duke
16 - Stegmakk - Justin Anderson - M - FR - UNC
17 - ohmilax34 - Mac O'keefe - A - FR - PSU
18 - FCALax - Tre Leclaire - A/M/ - FR - OSU
19 - FCALax - Michael Kraus - A - FR - UVA
20 - ohmilax34 - Navy Defense
21 - Stegmakk - Matt Fedorjaka - M - FR - Fairfield
22 - PA Talk - Austin Simms - M - JR - Princeton

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Thu Jan 26, 2017 4:52 am

With a view that i'll not get a pick again till mostly everyone has their 2nd and 3rd picks to stand a chance this season i need a decent D more than another good player so i'm gunna go Hofstra D.

Matt... i'll send you the rest of my draft for Sunday night over the weekend, good luck everyone :clap:

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:38 am

Notre Dame D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Thu Jan 26, 2017 10:29 am

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax - Reilly Walsh - A - Fr- Duke
6 - NC Lax - Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
7 - Maddog- Colin Burke - A - SO - Fairfeild
8 - HipandKneeDoc - Dox Aitken - M - FR - UVA
9 - EZE - Adam Charalambrides - A - SO - RUtgers
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay - Jared Bernhardt - M - FR - Maryland
11 - OCanada - Jackson Morrill - A - FR - Yale
12 - Wholly Metro - Brian Willetts - M - FR - Notre Dame
13 - Matnum PI - Nate Jones - A - SO - Army
14 - UK Lax - Eric Scott - M - SR - Yale
15 - PA Talk - Joey Manown - A - FR - Duke
16 - Stegmakk - Justin Anderson - M - FR - UNC
17 - ohmilax34 - Mac O'keefe - A - FR - PSU
18 - FCALax - Tre Leclaire - A/M/ - FR - OSU
19 - FCALax - Michael Kraus - A - FR - UVA
20 - ohmilax34 - Navy Defense
21 - Stegmakk - Matt Fedorjaka - M - FR - Fairfield
22 - PA Talk - Austin Simms - M - JR - Princeton
23 - UK Lax - Hofstra D
24 - Matnum PI - Notre Dame D

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Metro on Thu Jan 26, 2017 11:21 am

Steven Shollenberger, FR, A, Maryland
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Thu Jan 26, 2017 11:25 am

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax - Reilly Walsh - A - Fr- Duke
6 - NC Lax - Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
7 - Maddog- Colin Burke - A - SO - Fairfeild
8 - HipandKneeDoc - Dox Aitken - M - FR - UVA
9 - EZE - Adam Charalambrides - A - SO - RUtgers
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay - Jared Bernhardt - M - FR - Maryland
11 - OCanada - Jackson Morrill - A - FR - Yale
12 - Wholly Metro - Brian Willetts - M - FR - Notre Dame
13 - Matnum PI - Nate Jones - A - SO - Army
14 - UK Lax - Eric Scott - M - SR - Yale
15 - PA Talk - Joey Manown - A - FR - Duke
16 - Stegmakk - Justin Anderson - M - FR - UNC
17 - ohmilax34 - Mac O'keefe - A - FR - PSU
18 - FCALax - Tre Leclaire - A/M/ - FR - OSU
19 - FCALax - Michael Kraus - A - FR - UVA
20 - ohmilax34 - Navy Defense
21 - Stegmakk - Matt Fedorjaka - M - FR - Fairfield
22 - PA Talk - Austin Simms - M - JR - Princeton
23 - UK Lax - Hofstra D
24 - Matnum PI - Notre Dame D
25 - Wholly Metro - Stephen Shollenberger - A - FR - Maryland

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Thu Jan 26, 2017 12:48 pm

I never thought I would have the options I have.

If I did not take this player I might really regret it later. Its the problem with having too many choices.

Cole Williams A JHU
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Thu Jan 26, 2017 12:50 pm

I'm kinda shocked Williams made it this far. Wasn't he an IL top 10 player overall?
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Thu Jan 26, 2017 1:13 pm

He was first team MIAA and Baltimore Metro. A few MIAA coaches say he is the best lax player they saw all year. He always drew the top pole and frequently a double and sometimes triple team, Kid is 6'4 and growing. MVP at the UA N/S All star game not that those kind of games mean much.
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Thu Jan 26, 2017 1:18 pm

If Williams was sliding into a position with little competition, he would've been a top 10 pick probably, but he's competing with Dismuke and Marr, so it's hard to commit a high pick.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Thu Jan 26, 2017 1:27 pm

He will kick dismuke and Marr down and snag a place.. I wanted him too but needed a middy and defence more.. I almost didn't take the defence before Williams so he is a great grab Canada and morrill probs and even better one... good drafting and I wish I was you right now but I needed other stuff more

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Thu Jan 26, 2017 1:44 pm

OhMi I agree but sometimes the opportunity cost is too high. I was going D or middle but could not figure how to pass him by. Probably will cost me a little this year not going with a D or even a midfielder
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Thu Jan 26, 2017 2:26 pm

OCanada wrote:
Probably will cost me a little this year

I hope so. :wink:
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Thu Jan 26, 2017 2:29 pm

I am heavily dependent on soph middies. Argh
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby genghiskhanbluejay on Thu Jan 26, 2017 2:48 pm

Milan Murray M FR Virginia
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Thu Jan 26, 2017 5:00 pm

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax - Reilly Walsh - A - Fr- Duke
6 - NC Lax - Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
7 - Maddog- Colin Burke - A - SO - Fairfeild
8 - HipandKneeDoc - Dox Aitken - M - FR - UVA
9 - EZE - Adam Charalambrides - A - SO - RUtgers
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay - Jared Bernhardt - M - FR - Maryland
11 - OCanada - Jackson Morrill - A - FR - Yale
12 - Wholly Metro - Brian Willetts - M - FR - Notre Dame
13 - Matnum PI - Nate Jones - A - SO - Army
14 - UK Lax - Eric Scott - M - SR - Yale
15 - PA Talk - Joey Manown - A - FR - Duke
16 - Stegmakk - Justin Anderson - M - FR - UNC
17 - ohmilax34 - Mac O'keefe - A - FR - PSU
18 - FCALax - Tre Leclaire - A/M/ - FR - OSU
19 - FCALax - Michael Kraus - A - FR - UVA
20 - ohmilax34 - Navy Defense
21 - Stegmakk - Matt Fedorjaka - M - FR - Fairfield
22 - PA Talk - Austin Simms - M - JR - Princeton
23 - UK Lax - Hofstra D
24 - Matnum PI - Notre Dame D
25 - Wholly Metro - Stephen Shollenberger - A - FR - Maryland
26 - OCanada - Cole Williams - A - FR - JHU
27 - GengisKhanBluejay - Milan Murray - M - FR - UVA

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby EZE on Thu Jan 26, 2017 6:34 pm

EZE selects Jack Andrews So. A UMBC
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:18 pm

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax - Reilly Walsh - A - Fr- Duke
6 - NC Lax - Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
7 - Maddog- Colin Burke - A - SO - Fairfeild
8 - HipandKneeDoc - Dox Aitken - M - FR - UVA
9 - EZE - Adam Charalambrides - A - SO - RUtgers
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay - Jared Bernhardt - M - FR - Maryland
11 - OCanada - Jackson Morrill - A - FR - Yale
12 - Wholly Metro - Brian Willetts - M - FR - Notre Dame
13 - Matnum PI - Nate Jones - A - SO - Army
14 - UK Lax - Eric Scott - M - SR - Yale
15 - PA Talk - Joey Manown - A - FR - Duke
16 - Stegmakk - Justin Anderson - M - FR - UNC
17 - ohmilax34 - Mac O'keefe - A - FR - PSU
18 - FCALax - Tre Leclaire - A/M/ - FR - OSU
19 - FCALax - Michael Kraus - A - FR - UVA
20 - ohmilax34 - Navy Defense
21 - Stegmakk - Matt Fedorjaka - M - FR - Fairfield
22 - PA Talk - Austin Simms - M - JR - Princeton
23 - UK Lax - Hofstra D
24 - Matnum PI - Notre Dame D
25 - Wholly Metro - Stephen Shollenberger - A - FR - Maryland
26 - OCanada - Cole Williams - A - FR - JHU
27 - GengisKhanBluejay - Milan Murray - M - FR - UVA
28 - EZE - Jack Andrews - A - SO - UMBC

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:25 pm

Dropped Players
Trevor Hodgins M JR OSU
Jeff George A/M SR Rutgers
Brian Ward SR A Ohio St.
David Gill JR M Duke
Tyler Breen A JR UVA
James Farrell JR M Upenn
Tate Jozokos M SR UNC
Mike Morean SO M Princeton
Trevor Kupecky SR A Hofstra
Zachary Franco M SR Hofstra
Jake Seau JR M Duke
Will McBride JR M UNC
Clarke Petterson M SO Cornell
Nick Weston M SR Syracuse
Townsend Brown A/M SO UVA
Mikey Herring A SO UVA
Jeremy Bosher A JR Denver
Dan Bockelman JR A/M Cornell
Adam Dimillo JR M Maryland
Sean Connors SR A Princeton
David Fleming SR A/M Fairfield
Ian Kirby A JR Towson
Drew Ryan A SO PSU
Zach Runberg M JR Denver
Dave Little JR A Navy
Sam Romano M SO Syracuse
Kieran Eissler M SR JHU
Matt Emery M SR UVA
Drew Petkevich SO M PSU
Alex McGovern M SO UNC
Patrick McCormick A JR UNC
Shane Simpson SR M UNC
Colin Flounlacker SR M Navy
Sam Bonafede M JR Princeton
Tanner Peck A JR PSU
Peter Lindley JR A Umass
Avery Littlejohn SR M Army
Brier Davis SR A Hofstra
John Pendergast M SO Duke
Gunnar Miller SR M Army
Connor Vercruysse A SO Rutgers
Nick Santorelli JR A Army
Henry West SR M UMD
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby HipandKneeDoc on Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:57 pm

HipandKneeDoc picks Will Perry - M - FR - UNC

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Thu Jan 26, 2017 8:09 pm

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax - Reilly Walsh - A - Fr- Duke
6 - NC Lax - Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
7 - Maddog- Colin Burke - A - SO - Fairfeild
8 - HipandKneeDoc - Dox Aitken - M - FR - UVA
9 - EZE - Adam Charalambrides - A - SO - RUtgers
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay - Jared Bernhardt - M - FR - Maryland
11 - OCanada - Jackson Morrill - A - FR - Yale
12 - Wholly Metro - Brian Willetts - M - FR - Notre Dame
13 - Matnum PI - Nate Jones - A - SO - Army
14 - UK Lax - Eric Scott - M - SR - Yale
15 - PA Talk - Joey Manown - A - FR - Duke
16 - Stegmakk - Justin Anderson - M - FR - UNC
17 - ohmilax34 - Mac O'keefe - A - FR - PSU
18 - FCALax - Tre Leclaire - A/M/ - FR - OSU
19 - FCALax - Michael Kraus - A - FR - UVA
20 - ohmilax34 - Navy Defense
21 - Stegmakk - Matt Fedorjaka - M - FR - Fairfield
22 - PA Talk - Austin Simms - M - JR - Princeton
23 - UK Lax - Hofstra D
24 - Matnum PI - Notre Dame D
25 - Wholly Metro - Stephen Shollenberger - A - FR - Maryland
26 - OCanada - Cole Williams - A - FR - JHU
27 - GengisKhanBluejay - Milan Murray - M - FR - UVA
28 - EZE - Jack Andrews - A - SO - UMBC
29 - HipandKneeDoc - Will Perry - M - FR - UNC

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Thu Jan 26, 2017 9:44 pm

The Maddog selects : Jamie Trimboli - M - FR -Syr.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Fri Jan 27, 2017 8:04 am

Nice find Genghis. I thought he would go later
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby genghiskhanbluejay on Fri Jan 27, 2017 9:49 am

I was thinking the same thing but didn't want to take the chance letting him go past and waiting 19 picks.
from what I read he has a cannon on the run and could put up great numbers if he can stay healthy and cut down on turnovers
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:33 am

Matt, since we're past the 25th, I suppose I can't drop Thorpe? SU just announced yesterday out for season. Let me know.


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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:56 am

Least if he says no you can get rid in add/drops after

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Fri Jan 27, 2017 11:05 am

Thanks for the good thoughts - will do that if need be. Hate to lose him, had high hopes for him this year - lotta talent- just needs to see the field.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Fri Jan 27, 2017 11:29 am

I select

Kevin Hill - M - SO - PSU
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Fri Jan 27, 2017 11:31 am

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax - Reilly Walsh - A - Fr- Duke
6 - NC Lax - Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
7 - Maddog- Colin Burke - A - SO - Fairfeild
8 - HipandKneeDoc - Dox Aitken - M - FR - UVA
9 - EZE - Adam Charalambrides - A - SO - RUtgers
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay - Jared Bernhardt - M - FR - Maryland
11 - OCanada - Jackson Morrill - A - FR - Yale
12 - Wholly Metro - Brian Willetts - M - FR - Notre Dame
13 - Matnum PI - Nate Jones - A - SO - Army
14 - UK Lax - Eric Scott - M - SR - Yale
15 - PA Talk - Joey Manown - A - FR - Duke
16 - Stegmakk - Justin Anderson - M - FR - UNC
17 - ohmilax34 - Mac O'keefe - A - FR - PSU
18 - FCALax - Tre Leclaire - A/M/ - FR - OSU
19 - FCALax - Michael Kraus - A - FR - UVA
20 - ohmilax34 - Navy Defense
21 - Stegmakk - Matt Fedorjaka - M - FR - Fairfield
22 - PA Talk - Austin Simms - M - JR - Princeton
23 - UK Lax - Hofstra D
24 - Matnum PI - Notre Dame D
25 - Wholly Metro - Stephen Shollenberger - A - FR - Maryland
26 - OCanada - Cole Williams - A - FR - JHU
27 - GengisKhanBluejay - Milan Murray - M - FR - UVA
28 - EZE - Jack Andrews - A - SO - UMBC
29 - HipandKneeDoc - Will Perry - M - FR - UNC
30 - Maddog - Jamie Trimboli - M - FR - Syracuse
31 - NClaxin - Kevin Hill - M - SO - Penn State

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Fri Jan 27, 2017 11:33 am

maddog29 wrote:
Matt, since we're past the 25th, I suppose I can't drop Thorpe? SU just announced yesterday out for season. Let me know.

Nope. Rosters frozen. Though, post draft, you can drop him (and add someone).
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby bruterlax on Sat Jan 28, 2017 1:22 am

Ryan Maloney A Cornell Fr

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby greenielax on Sat Jan 28, 2017 5:22 pm

Very sad you bean me to Kraus, FCA.

Greenielax second pick: Denver D

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby lax8888 on Sat Jan 28, 2017 6:08 pm

lax8888 selects: Charlie Horning A/M JR Fairfield

Current Roster:

1. Ryder Garnsey A SO Notre Dame
2. Ben Reeves A JR Yale
3. Zed Williams A SR UVA
4. Charlie Horning A/M JR Fairfield
5. Brian Cannon M JR UNC
6. Nick Mariano SR M Syracuse
7. Joel Tinney JR M JHU
8. AJ Fish M SR UVA

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sat Jan 28, 2017 6:25 pm

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax - Reilly Walsh - A - Fr- Duke
6 - NC Lax - Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
7 - Maddog- Colin Burke - A - SO - Fairfeild
8 - HipandKneeDoc - Dox Aitken - M - FR - UVA
9 - EZE - Adam Charalambrides - A - SO - RUtgers
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay - Jared Bernhardt - M - FR - Maryland
11 - OCanada - Jackson Morrill - A - FR - Yale
12 - Wholly Metro - Brian Willetts - M - FR - Notre Dame
13 - Matnum PI - Nate Jones - A - SO - Army
14 - UK Lax - Eric Scott - M - SR - Yale
15 - PA Talk - Joey Manown - A - FR - Duke
16 - Stegmakk - Justin Anderson - M - FR - UNC
17 - ohmilax34 - Mac O'keefe - A - FR - PSU
18 - FCALax - Tre Leclaire - A/M/ - FR - OSU
19 - FCALax - Michael Kraus - A - FR - UVA
20 - ohmilax34 - Navy Defense
21 - Stegmakk - Matt Fedorjaka - M - FR - Fairfield
22 - PA Talk - Austin Simms - M - JR - Princeton
23 - UK Lax - Hofstra D
24 - Matnum PI - Notre Dame D
25 - Wholly Metro - Stephen Shollenberger - A - FR - Maryland
26 - OCanada - Cole Williams - A - FR - JHU
27 - GengisKhanBluejay - Milan Murray - M - FR - UVA
28 - EZE - Jack Andrews - A - SO - UMBC
29 - HipandKneeDoc - Will Perry - M - FR - UNC
30 - Maddog - Jamie Trimboli - M - FR - Syracuse
31 - NClaxin - Kevin Hill - M - SO - Penn State
32 - Bruterlax - Ryan Maloney - A - FR - Cornell
33 - GreenieLax - Denver D
34 - Lax8888 - Charlie Horning - A/M - JR - Fairfield

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sat Jan 28, 2017 6:39 pm

A little early for this but...

Jake Fox is starting at midfield for JHU.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby gcclaxster67 on Sat Jan 28, 2017 6:54 pm

Hahaha Forry Smith FR JHU Attack
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sat Jan 28, 2017 7:10 pm

Saw that pick coming a mile away...
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sat Jan 28, 2017 7:18 pm

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax - Reilly Walsh - A - Fr- Duke
6 - NC Lax - Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
7 - Maddog- Colin Burke - A - SO - Fairfeild
8 - HipandKneeDoc - Dox Aitken - M - FR - UVA
9 - EZE - Adam Charalambrides - A - SO - RUtgers
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay - Jared Bernhardt - M - FR - Maryland
11 - OCanada - Jackson Morrill - A - FR - Yale
12 - Wholly Metro - Brian Willetts - M - FR - Notre Dame
13 - Matnum PI - Nate Jones - A - SO - Army
14 - UK Lax - Eric Scott - M - SR - Yale
15 - PA Talk - Joey Manown - A - FR - Duke
16 - Stegmakk - Justin Anderson - M - FR - UNC
17 - ohmilax34 - Mac O'keefe - A - FR - PSU
18 - FCALax - Tre Leclaire - A/M/ - FR - OSU
19 - FCALax - Michael Kraus - A - FR - UVA
20 - ohmilax34 - Navy Defense
21 - Stegmakk - Matt Fedorjaka - M - FR - Fairfield
22 - PA Talk - Austin Simms - M - JR - Princeton
23 - UK Lax - Hofstra D
24 - Matnum PI - Notre Dame D
25 - Wholly Metro - Stephen Shollenberger - A - FR - Maryland
26 - OCanada - Cole Williams - A - FR - JHU
27 - GengisKhanBluejay - Milan Murray - M - FR - UVA
28 - EZE - Jack Andrews - A - SO - UMBC
29 - HipandKneeDoc - Will Perry - M - FR - UNC
30 - Maddog - Jamie Trimboli - M - FR - Syracuse
31 - NClaxin - Kevin Hill - M - SO - Penn State
32 - Bruterlax - Ryan Maloney - A - FR - Cornell
33 - GreenieLax - Denver D
34 - Lax8888 - Charlie Horning - A/M - JR - Fairfield
35 - GCClax - Forry Smith - A - FR - JHU

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby TartanLax1822 on Sat Jan 28, 2017 7:38 pm

Logan Wisnauskas, A, FR, SYR
Joe Pollard, A, FR, JHU

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby gcclaxster67 on Sat Jan 28, 2017 7:43 pm

Lucas Colter FR Midfielder Yale
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sat Jan 28, 2017 7:50 pm

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax - Reilly Walsh - A - Fr- Duke
6 - NC Lax - Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
7 - Maddog- Colin Burke - A - SO - Fairfeild
8 - HipandKneeDoc - Dox Aitken - M - FR - UVA
9 - EZE - Adam Charalambrides - A - SO - RUtgers
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay - Jared Bernhardt - M - FR - Maryland
11 - OCanada - Jackson Morrill - A - FR - Yale
12 - Wholly Metro - Brian Willetts - M - FR - Notre Dame
13 - Matnum PI - Nate Jones - A - SO - Army
14 - UK Lax - Eric Scott - M - SR - Yale
15 - PA Talk - Joey Manown - A - FR - Duke
16 - Stegmakk - Justin Anderson - M - FR - UNC
17 - ohmilax34 - Mac O'keefe - A - FR - PSU
18 - FCALax - Tre Leclaire - A/M/ - FR - OSU
19 - FCALax - Michael Kraus - A - FR - UVA
20 - ohmilax34 - Navy Defense
21 - Stegmakk - Matt Fedorjaka - M - FR - Fairfield
22 - PA Talk - Austin Simms - M - JR - Princeton
23 - UK Lax - Hofstra D
24 - Matnum PI - Notre Dame D
25 - Wholly Metro - Stephen Shollenberger - A - FR - Maryland
26 - OCanada - Cole Williams - A - FR - JHU
27 - GengisKhanBluejay - Milan Murray - M - FR - UVA
28 - EZE - Jack Andrews - A - SO - UMBC
29 - HipandKneeDoc - Will Perry - M - FR - UNC
30 - Maddog - Jamie Trimboli - M - FR - Syracuse
31 - NClaxin - Kevin Hill - M - SO - Penn State
32 - Bruterlax - Ryan Maloney - A - FR - Cornell
33 - GreenieLax - Denver D
34 - Lax8888 - Charlie Horning - A/M - JR - Fairfield
35 - GCClax - Forry Smith - A - FR - JHU
36 - TartanLax1822 - Logan Wisnauskas - A - FR - Cuse
37 - TartanLax1822 - Joe Pollard - A - FR - JHU
38 - GCClax - Lucas Colter - M - FR - Yale

Lax888 is up...
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby lax8888 on Sat Jan 28, 2017 8:13 pm

lax8888 selects: Maryland Defense

Current Roster:

1. Ryder Garnsey A SO Notre Dame
2. Ben Reeves A JR Yale
3. Zed Williams A SR UVA
4. Charlie Horning A/M JR Fairfield
5. Brian Cannon M JR UNC
6. Nick Mariano SR M Syracuse
7. Joel Tinney JR M JHU
8. AJ Fish M SR UVA
9. Maryland Defense

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby TartanLax1822 on Sat Jan 28, 2017 8:18 pm

Jeez...how did you get such a stacked roster?

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sat Jan 28, 2017 8:19 pm

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax - Reilly Walsh - A - Fr- Duke
6 - NC Lax - Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
7 - Maddog- Colin Burke - A - SO - Fairfeild
8 - HipandKneeDoc - Dox Aitken - M - FR - UVA
9 - EZE - Adam Charalambrides - A - SO - RUtgers
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay - Jared Bernhardt - M - FR - Maryland
11 - OCanada - Jackson Morrill - A - FR - Yale
12 - Wholly Metro - Brian Willetts - M - FR - Notre Dame
13 - Matnum PI - Nate Jones - A - SO - Army
14 - UK Lax - Eric Scott - M - SR - Yale
15 - PA Talk - Joey Manown - A - FR - Duke
16 - Stegmakk - Justin Anderson - M - FR - UNC
17 - ohmilax34 - Mac O'keefe - A - FR - PSU
18 - FCALax - Tre Leclaire - A/M/ - FR - OSU
19 - FCALax - Michael Kraus - A - FR - UVA
20 - ohmilax34 - Navy Defense
21 - Stegmakk - Matt Fedorjaka - M - FR - Fairfield
22 - PA Talk - Austin Simms - M - JR - Princeton
23 - UK Lax - Hofstra D
24 - Matnum PI - Notre Dame D
25 - Wholly Metro - Stephen Shollenberger - A - FR - Maryland
26 - OCanada - Cole Williams - A - FR - JHU
27 - GengisKhanBluejay - Milan Murray - M - FR - UVA
28 - EZE - Jack Andrews - A - SO - UMBC
29 - HipandKneeDoc - Will Perry - M - FR - UNC
30 - Maddog - Jamie Trimboli - M - FR - Syracuse
31 - NClaxin - Kevin Hill - M - SO - Penn State
32 - Bruterlax - Ryan Maloney - A - FR - Cornell
33 - GreenieLax - Denver D
34 - Lax8888 - Charlie Horning - A/M - JR - Fairfield
35 - GCClax - Forry Smith - A - FR - JHU
36 - TartanLax1822 - Logan Wisnauskas - A - FR - Cuse
37 - TartanLax1822 - Joe Pollard - A - FR - JHU
38 - GCClax - Lucas Colter - M - FR - Yale
39 - Lax8888 - Maryland D

GreenieLax is up...
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:03 pm

GC. Cotler at Yale is A not M. Roster shows his position has been changed
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby gcclaxster67 on Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:12 pm

That's s mistake. He's playing midfield.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:24 pm

we purposely have a week of NCAA games before we have an NCAA game that counts (for us). After these first NCAA games, we'll be able to look at the box scores or otherwise and sort these question marks out.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:27 pm

Another one to put on the radar...Austin French started at attack for Denver today.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby FCALax on Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:53 pm

TartanLax1822 wrote:
Jeez...how did you get such a stacked roster?

It's easy......just finish at the bottom for several years in a row.

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby greenielax on Sun Jan 29, 2017 1:07 am

Eric Fannell Sr. A OSU

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 3:13 am

Cotler will defo play midfield, he's the most athletic kid!! However he way end up being. Two way mid and play a lot of D cause of it but he defo won't be an attack.

And yeah I saw French played A this weekend, he played middy all last season so we will have to see a few games in where he ends up... Connor Donahue didn't seem to get much time, I thought he would keep French out of the attack.. maybe he has a slight injury and will bump French.. who knows, then again as much as I'd hate to lose French in Mid, would basically make him starting Denver attack for 3 years

2017 Draft
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:52 am

I raise the issue because the rule is the roster controls until PT in game stats indicates the roster is not reflective of position. Or has that rule been changed. It may matter as the draft progresses.
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:12 am

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax - Reilly Walsh - A - Fr- Duke
6 - NC Lax - Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
7 - Maddog- Colin Burke - A - SO - Fairfeild
8 - HipandKneeDoc - Dox Aitken - M - FR - UVA
9 - EZE - Adam Charalambrides - A - SO - RUtgers
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay - Jared Bernhardt - M - FR - Maryland
11 - OCanada - Jackson Morrill - A - FR - Yale
12 - Wholly Metro - Brian Willetts - M - FR - Notre Dame
13 - Matnum PI - Nate Jones - A - SO - Army
14 - UK Lax - Eric Scott - M - SR - Yale
15 - PA Talk - Joey Manown - A - FR - Duke
16 - Stegmakk - Justin Anderson - M - FR - UNC
17 - ohmilax34 - Mac O'keefe - A - FR - PSU
18 - FCALax - Tre Leclaire - A/M/ - FR - OSU
19 - FCALax - Michael Kraus - A - FR - UVA
20 - ohmilax34 - Navy Defense
21 - Stegmakk - Matt Fedorjaka - M - FR - Fairfield
22 - PA Talk - Austin Simms - M - JR - Princeton
23 - UK Lax - Hofstra D
24 - Matnum PI - Notre Dame D
25 - Wholly Metro - Stephen Shollenberger - A - FR - Maryland
26 - OCanada - Cole Williams - A - FR - JHU
27 - GengisKhanBluejay - Milan Murray - M - FR - UVA
28 - EZE - Jack Andrews - A - SO - UMBC
29 - HipandKneeDoc - Will Perry - M - FR - UNC
30 - Maddog - Jamie Trimboli - M - FR - Syracuse
31 - NClaxin - Kevin Hill - M - SO - Penn State
32 - Bruterlax - Ryan Maloney - A - FR - Cornell
33 - GreenieLax - Denver D
34 - Lax8888 - Charlie Horning - A/M - JR - Fairfield
35 - GCClax - Forry Smith - A - FR - JHU
36 - TartanLax1822 - Logan Wisnauskas - A - FR - Cuse
37 - TartanLax1822 - Joe Pollard - A - FR - JHU
38 - GCClax - Lucas Colter - M - FR - Yale
39 - Lax8888 - Maryland D
40 - GreenieLax - Eric Fannell - A - SR - OSU

Bruterlax is up...
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:15 am

OCanada wrote:
I raise the issue because the rule is the roster controls until PT in game stats indicates the roster is not reflective of position. Or has that rule been changed. It may matter as the draft progresses.

The bottomline is that we want to have the player in the position that they play... with an emphasis on making sure that a player that is essentially playing attack isn't treated as a middy. How we typically decide this is (1) their position on the team website (2) boxscores and (3) what we see with our eyes during their games.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby bruterlax on Sun Jan 29, 2017 11:34 am

Brodie Gillespie Rutgers Fr

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sun Jan 29, 2017 11:38 am

Ben Spencer - M - SO - UMASS
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sun Jan 29, 2017 11:41 am

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax - Reilly Walsh - A - Fr- Duke
6 - NC Lax - Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
7 - Maddog- Colin Burke - A - SO - Fairfeild
8 - HipandKneeDoc - Dox Aitken - M - FR - UVA
9 - EZE - Adam Charalambrides - A - SO - RUtgers
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay - Jared Bernhardt - M - FR - Maryland
11 - OCanada - Jackson Morrill - A - FR - Yale
12 - Wholly Metro - Brian Willetts - M - FR - Notre Dame
13 - Matnum PI - Nate Jones - A - SO - Army
14 - UK Lax - Eric Scott - M - SR - Yale
15 - PA Talk - Joey Manown - A - FR - Duke
16 - Stegmakk - Justin Anderson - M - FR - UNC
17 - ohmilax34 - Mac O'keefe - A - FR - PSU
18 - FCALax - Tre Leclaire - A/M/ - FR - OSU
19 - FCALax - Michael Kraus - A - FR - UVA
20 - ohmilax34 - Navy Defense
21 - Stegmakk - Matt Fedorjaka - M - FR - Fairfield
22 - PA Talk - Austin Simms - M - JR - Princeton
23 - UK Lax - Hofstra D
24 - Matnum PI - Notre Dame D
25 - Wholly Metro - Stephen Shollenberger - A - FR - Maryland
26 - OCanada - Cole Williams - A - FR - JHU
27 - GengisKhanBluejay - Milan Murray - M - FR - UVA
28 - EZE - Jack Andrews - A - SO - UMBC
29 - HipandKneeDoc - Will Perry - M - FR - UNC
30 - Maddog - Jamie Trimboli - M - FR - Syracuse
31 - NClaxin - Kevin Hill - M - SO - Penn State
32 - Bruterlax - Ryan Maloney - A - FR - Cornell
33 - GreenieLax - Denver D
34 - Lax8888 - Charlie Horning - A/M - JR - Fairfield
35 - GCClax - Forry Smith - A - FR - JHU
36 - TartanLax1822 - Logan Wisnauskas - A - FR - Cuse
37 - TartanLax1822 - Joe Pollard - A - FR - JHU
38 - GCClax - Lucas Colter - M - FR - Yale
39 - Lax8888 - Maryland D
40 - GreenieLax - Eric Fannell - A - SR - OSU
41 - Bruterlax - Brodie Gillespie - M - FR - Rutgers
42 - NCLax - Ben Spencer - M - SO - UMASS

Maddog is up...
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Sun Jan 29, 2017 12:01 pm

And another one bites the dust
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 2:31 pm

Maddog selects Fairfield Def
The fastest game on two feet....
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 2:51 pm

Hope everyone has a good draft! Here in the U.K. I'm cramming down a chinese, watching westworld finale (yes we are behind) and getting an early night..Matt I emailed you my draft list as per usual! Excited to see who I get and how much more sad I'm gunna get on who else I missed out on!!

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby HipandKneeDoc on Sun Jan 29, 2017 2:56 pm

HipandKneeDoc picks Army D

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sun Jan 29, 2017 4:06 pm

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax - Reilly Walsh - A - Fr- Duke
6 - NC Lax - Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
7 - Maddog- Colin Burke - A - SO - Fairfeild
8 - HipandKneeDoc - Dox Aitken - M - FR - UVA
9 - EZE - Adam Charalambrides - A - SO - RUtgers
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay - Jared Bernhardt - M - FR - Maryland
11 - OCanada - Jackson Morrill - A - FR - Yale
12 - Wholly Metro - Brian Willetts - M - FR - Notre Dame
13 - Matnum PI - Nate Jones - A - SO - Army
14 - UK Lax - Eric Scott - M - SR - Yale
15 - PA Talk - Joey Manown - A - FR - Duke
16 - Stegmakk - Justin Anderson - M - FR - UNC
17 - ohmilax34 - Mac O'keefe - A - FR - PSU
18 - FCALax - Tre Leclaire - A/M/ - FR - OSU
19 - FCALax - Michael Kraus - A - FR - UVA
20 - ohmilax34 - Navy Defense
21 - Stegmakk - Matt Fedorjaka - M - FR - Fairfield
22 - PA Talk - Austin Simms - M - JR - Princeton
23 - UK Lax - Hofstra D
24 - Matnum PI - Notre Dame D
25 - Wholly Metro - Stephen Shollenberger - A - FR - Maryland
26 - OCanada - Cole Williams - A - FR - JHU
27 - GengisKhanBluejay - Milan Murray - M - FR - UVA
28 - EZE - Jack Andrews - A - SO - UMBC
29 - HipandKneeDoc - Will Perry - M - FR - UNC
30 - Maddog - Jamie Trimboli - M - FR - Syracuse
31 - NClaxin - Kevin Hill - M - SO - Penn State
32 - Bruterlax - Ryan Maloney - A - FR - Cornell
33 - GreenieLax - Denver D
34 - Lax8888 - Charlie Horning - A/M - JR - Fairfield
35 - GCClax - Forry Smith - A - FR - JHU
36 - TartanLax1822 - Logan Wisnauskas - A - FR - Cuse
37 - TartanLax1822 - Joe Pollard - A - FR - JHU
38 - GCClax - Lucas Colter - M - FR - Yale
39 - Lax8888 - Maryland D
40 - GreenieLax - Eric Fannell - A - SR - OSU
41 - Bruterlax - Brodie Gillespie - M - FR - Rutgers
42 - NCLax - Ben Spencer - M - SO - UMASS
43 - Maddog - Fairfield D
44 - HipandKneeDoc - Army D

EZE is up...
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby EZE on Sun Jan 29, 2017 4:23 pm

EZE selects Mazza So. M Towson
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sun Jan 29, 2017 4:26 pm

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax - Reilly Walsh - A - Fr- Duke
6 - NC Lax - Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
7 - Maddog- Colin Burke - A - SO - Fairfeild
8 - HipandKneeDoc - Dox Aitken - M - FR - UVA
9 - EZE - Adam Charalambrides - A - SO - RUtgers
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay - Jared Bernhardt - M - FR - Maryland
11 - OCanada - Jackson Morrill - A - FR - Yale
12 - Wholly Metro - Brian Willetts - M - FR - Notre Dame
13 - Matnum PI - Nate Jones - A - SO - Army
14 - UK Lax - Eric Scott - M - SR - Yale
15 - PA Talk - Joey Manown - A - FR - Duke
16 - Stegmakk - Justin Anderson - M - FR - UNC
17 - ohmilax34 - Mac O'keefe - A - FR - PSU
18 - FCALax - Tre Leclaire - A/M/ - FR - OSU
19 - FCALax - Michael Kraus - A - FR - UVA
20 - ohmilax34 - Navy Defense
21 - Stegmakk - Matt Fedorjaka - M - FR - Fairfield
22 - PA Talk - Austin Simms - M - JR - Princeton
23 - UK Lax - Hofstra D
24 - Matnum PI - Notre Dame D
25 - Wholly Metro - Stephen Shollenberger - A - FR - Maryland
26 - OCanada - Cole Williams - A - FR - JHU
27 - GengisKhanBluejay - Milan Murray - M - FR - UVA
28 - EZE - Jack Andrews - A - SO - UMBC
29 - HipandKneeDoc - Will Perry - M - FR - UNC
30 - Maddog - Jamie Trimboli - M - FR - Syracuse
31 - NClaxin - Kevin Hill - M - SO - Penn State
32 - Bruterlax - Ryan Maloney - A - FR - Cornell
33 - GreenieLax - Denver D
34 - Lax8888 - Charlie Horning - A/M - JR - Fairfield
35 - GCClax - Forry Smith - A - FR - JHU
36 - TartanLax1822 - Logan Wisnauskas - A - FR - Cuse
37 - TartanLax1822 - Joe Pollard - A - FR - JHU
38 - GCClax - Lucas Colter - M - FR - Yale
39 - Lax8888 - Maryland D
40 - GreenieLax - Eric Fannell - A - SR - OSU
41 - Bruterlax - Brodie Gillespie - M - FR - Rutgers
42 - NCLax - Ben Spencer - M - SO - UMASS
43 - Maddog - Fairfield D
44 - HipandKneeDoc - Army D
45 - EZE - Jon Mazza - M - SO - Towson

GhengisKhanBluejay is up...
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby genghiskhanbluejay on Sun Jan 29, 2017 4:40 pm

Ryan Tierney A/M FR Hofstra
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sun Jan 29, 2017 4:46 pm

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax - Reilly Walsh - A - Fr- Duke
6 - NC Lax - Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
7 - Maddog- Colin Burke - A - SO - Fairfeild
8 - HipandKneeDoc - Dox Aitken - M - FR - UVA
9 - EZE - Adam Charalambrides - A - SO - RUtgers
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay - Jared Bernhardt - M - FR - Maryland
11 - OCanada - Jackson Morrill - A - FR - Yale
12 - Wholly Metro - Brian Willetts - M - FR - Notre Dame
13 - Matnum PI - Nate Jones - A - SO - Army
14 - UK Lax - Eric Scott - M - SR - Yale
15 - PA Talk - Joey Manown - A - FR - Duke
16 - Stegmakk - Justin Anderson - M - FR - UNC
17 - ohmilax34 - Mac O'keefe - A - FR - PSU
18 - FCALax - Tre Leclaire - A/M/ - FR - OSU
19 - FCALax - Michael Kraus - A - FR - UVA
20 - ohmilax34 - Navy Defense
21 - Stegmakk - Matt Fedorjaka - M - FR - Fairfield
22 - PA Talk - Austin Simms - M - JR - Princeton
23 - UK Lax - Hofstra D
24 - Matnum PI - Notre Dame D
25 - Wholly Metro - Stephen Shollenberger - A - FR - Maryland
26 - OCanada - Cole Williams - A - FR - JHU
27 - GengisKhanBluejay - Milan Murray - M - FR - UVA
28 - EZE - Jack Andrews - A - SO - UMBC
29 - HipandKneeDoc - Will Perry - M - FR - UNC
30 - Maddog - Jamie Trimboli - M - FR - Syracuse
31 - NClaxin - Kevin Hill - M - SO - Penn State
32 - Bruterlax - Ryan Maloney - A - FR - Cornell
33 - GreenieLax - Denver D
34 - Lax8888 - Charlie Horning - A/M - JR - Fairfield
35 - GCClax - Forry Smith - A - FR - JHU
36 - TartanLax1822 - Logan Wisnauskas - A - FR - Cuse
37 - TartanLax1822 - Joe Pollard - A - FR - JHU
38 - GCClax - Lucas Colter - M - FR - Yale
39 - Lax8888 - Maryland D
40 - GreenieLax - Eric Fannell - A - SR - OSU
41 - Bruterlax - Brodie Gillespie - M - FR - Rutgers
42 - NCLax - Ben Spencer - M - SO - UMASS
43 - Maddog - Fairfield D
44 - HipandKneeDoc - Army D
45 - EZE - Jon Mazza - M - SO - Towson
46 - GhengisKhanBluejay - Ryan Tierney - A - FR - Hofstra

OCanada is up...
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Sun Jan 29, 2017 4:59 pm

Curses Genghis. Almost. Distorted my draft with Cole Williams and missed Tierney. So close. Going to be second guessing myself for a couple of rounds now.

Matt Gaudet A Yale....
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sun Jan 29, 2017 5:53 pm

Dang you OCanada!
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:01 pm

:). 0
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:27 pm

1 - TartanLax1822 - Ethan Walker - FR - A/M - Denver
2 - GCCLax - Jeff Teat - FR - A - Cornell
3 - lax8888 - Ben Reeves - JR - A - Yale
4 - Greenielax - Sergio Salcido - M - SR - Syracuse
5 - BruterLax - Reilly Walsh - A - Fr- Duke
6 - NC Lax - Michael Sowers - A - fr - Princeton
7 - Maddog- Colin Burke - A - SO - Fairfeild
8 - HipandKneeDoc - Dox Aitken - M - FR - UVA
9 - EZE - Adam Charalambrides - A - SO - RUtgers
10 - Genghiskhanbluejay - Jared Bernhardt - M - FR - Maryland
11 - OCanada - Jackson Morrill - A - FR - Yale
12 - Wholly Metro - Brian Willetts - M - FR - Notre Dame
13 - Matnum PI - Nate Jones - A - SO - Army
14 - UK Lax - Eric Scott - M - SR - Yale
15 - PA Talk - Joey Manown - A - FR - Duke
16 - Stegmakk - Justin Anderson - M - FR - UNC
17 - ohmilax34 - Mac O'keefe - A - FR - PSU
18 - FCALax - Tre Leclaire - A/M/ - FR - OSU
19 - FCALax - Michael Kraus - A - FR - UVA
20 - ohmilax34 - Navy Defense
21 - Stegmakk - Matt Fedorjaka - M - FR - Fairfield
22 - PA Talk - Austin Simms - M - JR - Princeton
23 - UK Lax - Hofstra D
24 - Matnum PI - Notre Dame D
25 - Wholly Metro - Stephen Shollenberger - A - FR - Maryland
26 - OCanada - Cole Williams - A - FR - JHU
27 - GengisKhanBluejay - Milan Murray - M - FR - UVA
28 - EZE - Jack Andrews - A - SO - UMBC
29 - HipandKneeDoc - Will Perry - M - FR - UNC
30 - Maddog - Jamie Trimboli - M - FR - Syracuse
31 - NClaxin - Kevin Hill - M - SO - Penn State
32 - Bruterlax - Ryan Maloney - A - FR - Cornell
33 - GreenieLax - Denver D
34 - Lax8888 - Charlie Horning - A/M - JR - Fairfield
35 - GCClax - Forry Smith - A - FR - JHU
36 - TartanLax1822 - Logan Wisnauskas - A - FR - Cuse
37 - TartanLax1822 - Joe Pollard - A - FR - JHU
38 - GCClax - Lucas Colter - M - FR - Yale
39 - Lax8888 - Maryland D
40 - GreenieLax - Eric Fannell - A - SR - OSU
41 - Bruterlax - Brodie Gillespie - M - FR - Rutgers
42 - NCLax - Ben Spencer - M - SO - UMASS
43 - Maddog - Fairfield D
44 - HipandKneeDoc - Army D
45 - EZE - Jon Mazza - M - SO - Towson
46 - GhengisKhanBluejay - Ryan Tierney - A - FR - Hofstra
47 - OCanada - Matt Gaudet - A - FR - Yale

Wholly Metro is up...
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 7:00 pm

One hour to the draft...

(As an aside, I'm not at home so there's a possibility that I'll have some internet issues but... I shouldn't. If I do, keep the draft moving. Along the same lines, if you have any issues, e-mail me at [email protected] or call me at 301-758-5845.)
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 7:30 pm

30 minutes to the draft...
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 7:56 pm

5 minutes to the draft. At 8 PM, Wholly can pick. At 8:03, the next coach in the draft order can pick.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:00 pm

Wholly, you're on.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:02 pm

Someone take over updating, I am driving.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:03 pm

8:03. Matnum takes Max Haldeman M JR UMBC. PA Talk picking. Wholly catching up.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:05 pm

Wholly isn't here. I'm auto-picking for him. Towson D.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:06 pm

PA Talk isn't here either. I'm auto-picking for him. Yale D.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:07 pm

Steggs picking.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby stegmakk on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:08 pm

Danny Logn M FR Denver
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:08 pm

ohmi picking
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:09 pm

Sean Cerrone Jr. M Duke
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:10 pm

FCA picking twice.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby FCALax on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:11 pm

FCA Picks...........

Defense - Ohio State
Jack Tigh, M, Yale

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:12 pm

Dang FCA....Isnt Tigh attack though?
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:12 pm

David Symmes M Jr Army
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:14 pm

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby stegmakk on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:15 pm

Hopkins Defense
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:17 pm

PA Talk takes Kevin Quigley FR M Duke
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:18 pm

UK Lax takes Kieren Mullins A Fr Rutgers
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby FCALax on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:18 pm

nclaxin wrote:
Dang FCA....Isnt Tigh attack though?

Not sure....Inside Lacrosse had him listed as a Midfield from last year.........19. Jack Tigh, M, Yale (13G, 13A in 16 games)

I'll take him at either!

2017 Draft
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:20 pm

Matnum takes Bryan Costabile M FR Notre Dame
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:20 pm

and matnum is done.

Matnum PI
Justin Guterding A JR Duke
Nate Jones A SO Army
Colin Heacock A SR UMD
Colin Chell A JR OSU
Nicholas Spillane SO A PSU
Andy Matthews A SO UNC
Tyler Pace SR M Denver
Daniel Muller M SR UMass
Michael Sutton M SR PSU
Lucas Gradinger M JR UMD
Joseph Licciardi M SO UPenn
Max Haldeman M JR UMBC
Bryan Costabile M FR Notre Dame
Notre Dame D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby TartanLax1822 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:21 pm

Matnum PI wrote:
Matnum takes Bryan Costabile M FR Notre Dame

Darn you

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:21 pm

Matt are you there?
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:22 pm

wholly takes Kyle Smith FR M Denver
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:22 pm

ocanada, yes. you're pick.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:23 pm

Matt you hurt me.

Tanner Cook M UNC FR
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby genghiskhanbluejay on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:23 pm

Travis Ford M FR Fairfield
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby EZE on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:25 pm

Jordan So. M Rutgers
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:26 pm

Hip picking
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby HipandKneeDoc on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:27 pm

Dan Rooney A Fr OSU

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:29 pm

maddog picking
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:30 pm

Joe Rodrigues A/M JR Fairfield
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:31 pm

NC Lax
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:31 pm

Loyola Defense
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby PA_Lax11 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:32 pm

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:33 pm

Bruter takes Matt Stagnitta M FR JHU.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:34 pm

greenie picking
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:37 pm

Greenie takes Jason Alessi M JR Yale.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:37 pm

8888 picking
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Metro on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:39 pm

Peter Dearth – M SU FR
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby PA_Lax11 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:39 pm

Wow how was Yale the D pick... ouch
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:40 pm

Who is up
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:40 pm

8888 takes Wade Maloney FR M UVA.

Metro, not your turn. GCC picking.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:41 pm

PA, I'll let you switch it.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby gcclaxster67 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:41 pm

Rutgers Defense
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Metro on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:42 pm

Mitch Howell, UMBC Freshman Attack
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:42 pm

tartan, pick twice.

Metro, it's not your turn.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby PA_Lax11 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:43 pm

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:43 pm

already gone.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:44 pm

tartan has until 8:48.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby TartanLax1822 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:44 pm

Terry Lindsay and Brian Smyth, both Freshman Middies from Duke

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby gcclaxster67 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:45 pm

If PA talk is switching is the Yale Defense back on the board?
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby PA_Lax11 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:45 pm

Duke D?
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Metro on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:45 pm

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:47 pm

PA has Duke D. Yale is back on the board
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby gcclaxster67 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:47 pm

Yale Defense
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby FCALax on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:48 pm

Wait what just happened?????? Yale Defense was picked!!

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:48 pm

8888 picking
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:50 pm

8888 takes Russell Masci FR M UMD
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby FCALax on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:51 pm

Matnum PI wrote:
PA has Duke D. Yale is back on the board

he should have to do that after the draft......people certainly would have picked Yale Defense if it was still available

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby greenielax on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:51 pm

Carolina D

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:53 pm

FCA is right. Time-out. PALax, you have Yale D. GCC, you can pick again. Duke is back on the board.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:53 pm

After GCC picks a D, Bruter picks.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby gcclaxster67 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:53 pm

Syracuse Defense
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:54 pm

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby gcclaxster67 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:55 pm

Yale Defense it was fun while it lasted.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:55 pm

Bruter takes PSU D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:55 pm

NC picking
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:58 pm

NC catching up. Maddog picking.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:00 pm

Cooper Telesco - M - FR - Cornell
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby HipandKneeDoc on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:01 pm

Adam Goldner A Fr Penn

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:02 pm

Austin Mitchell JR M UMBC
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby EZE on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:02 pm

Connor Donahue JR A Denver
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:03 pm

Can someone do a current list ...please ?? I'm old and not capable...
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:04 pm

geng picking.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:04 pm

NC Catching up.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:04 pm

Wholly Metro
Connor Cannizzaro A SR Denver
Steven Shollenberger FR A Maryland
Grant Consoletti SR A UMASS
Ryan Keenan JR A PSU
Stephen Quinzi JR A Georgetown
A or M
Brian Willetts FR M Notre Dame
John Crawley SR M JHU
Brian Sherlock SR M Loyola
Jake Knostman SR M Fairfield
Kyle Smith FR M Denver
Towson D

Adam Charalambides SO A Rutgers
Clarke Petterson SO M Cornell
Jack Andrews SO A UMBC
Joe French SR A UVA
Alex Roesner A SO Upenn
Dawson McKenzie A SO Princeton
Zach Miller SR M Denver
Jon Mazza SO M Towson
Dylan Alderman JR M Hofstra
Jordan SO M Rutgers
Connor Donahue JR A Denver

Connor Reed M GRAD JHU

Mac O'Keefe A FR PSU
Jules Heningburg JR A Rutgers
Zack Sirico SR A Loyola

Ryan Lamb SO M Virginia
Nathan Solomon SO A Syracuse
J.T. Blubaugh SR A OSU
Chris Cloutier JR A/M UNC
Sean Cerrone JR M Duke
Zach Currier SR M Princeton
Romar Dennis SR M Loyola
Colton Jackson SO M Denver
David Symmes M JR Army
Navy D

Dylan Maltz A SR UMD
Dan Craig A SR PSU
Timmy Kelly A SO UNC
Connor Murphy SR A Rutgers
Jeff Teat A FR Cornell
Forry Smith A FR JHU

Pierre Byrne JR M Notre Dame
Johnny Kelly SR M OSU
Jack Falk JR M UVA
Casey Rees M JR Navy
Lucas Colter FR M Yale
Syracuse D
Rutgers D

Mikey Wynne JR A Notre Dame
Tim Rotanz SR A UMD
Nico Panepinto SR A Farifield
Brendan Kavanaugh A JR Hofstra
Eric Fannell SR A OSU

Ryan Conrad M SO UVA
Sergio Salcido SR M Syracuse
Devon Lewis SR M Georgetown
Kason Tarbell M JR Cornell
Jason Alessi M JR Yale
Denver D

UK Lax
Gavin McBride SR A Princeton
Ryan Drenner SR A Towson
Cole Johnson SR A Army
Jack Bruckner A SR Duke
Austin French A SO Denver
A or M
Eric Scott M SR Yale
Ryan Simmons JR M SU
Ted Glesener M JR Army
Kieren Mullins A Fr Rutgers
Hofstra D

Joe Seider SR A Towson
Jordan Evans A SR Syracuse
Jordan Prysko JR A UNC
Max Maxwell SR A UMBC
Matt Fedorjaka M FR Fairfield
Connor Kelly JR M UMD

Justin Anderson M UNC FR
Simon Mathias A SO Upenn
Kyle Marr SO A Hopkins
Ryan O'Connor SO UNC Middie
Gunnar Schimoler A/M SO UMBC
Danny Logan M FR Denver

Ryan Lukacovic SR A UVA
Michael Kraus A FR UVA
Dylan Kinnear A SO Towson
Jordan Germershausen A JR Loyola
Dan Bucaro SO A Georgetown
Tre LeClaire A/M FR OSU
Jack Tigh SO A Yale
Greyson Torain M SO Navy
Brendan Bomberry M JR Syracuse
Michael Tagliaferri M SR UNC
Kevin McGeary M JR Upenn

NC Lax
Michael Sowers A FR Princetion

Jack Ray JR A Navy
Conor Glancy A JR Army
Josh Byrne A JR Hofstra
Jake Fox A/M SO Hopkins
Ben Spencer M SO UMASS
Austin Shanks JR M OSU
Patrick Aslanian SO M G'town
Dylan Foulds M RS FR PSU
Kevin Hill M SO Penn State
Craig Berge M JR Georgetown
Chad Tolliver JR M Rutgers
Loyola D

Colton Rupp SO A Cornell
Shack Stanwick A JR JHU
Matt Rambo A SR UMD
Brendan Hegarty A SR Umass
Dan Rooney A Fr OSU
Adam Goldner A Fr Penn
Gianni Bianchin SR A/M Umass
Cody Radziewicz SR M JHU
Drew Supinski M SO JHU
Will Perry FR M UNC
Dox Aitken M FR UVA
A or M
Army D

Reilly Walsh A FR Duke
Ryan Maloney A FR Cornell
Riley Thompson A JR Princeton
Luke Goldstock A SR UNC
Henry Grass SO A JHU
Reilly Hupfeldt JR A/M UPenn
A or M
Brodie Gillespie M FR Rutgers
Sergio Perkovic SR M Notre Dame
Jordan Dowiak JR M Cornell
Brinton Valis JR M JHU
Brad Smith SO M Duke
Matt Stagnitta M FR JHU

Matnum PI
Justin Guterding A JR Duke
Nate Jones A SO Army
Colin Heacock A SR UMD
Colin Chell A JR OSU
Nicholas Spillane SO A PSU
Andy Matthews A SO UNC
Tyler Pace SR M Denver
Daniel Muller M SR UMass
Michael Sutton M SR PSU
Lucas Gradinger M JR UMD
Joseph Licciardi M SO UPenn
Max Haldeman M JR UMBC
Bryan Costabile M FR Notre Dame
Notre Dame D

Nick Mariano SR M Syracuse
Ryder Garnsey A SO Notre Dame
Ben Reeves A JR Yale
Zed Williams SR A UVA
Brian Cannon A JR UNC

Charlie Horning A/M JR Fairfield
Joel Tinney JR M JHU
Wade Maloney FR M UVA
Russell Masci FR M UMD

Maryland D

Jackson Morrill FR A Yale
PJ Brown M SO Loyola
Patrick Spencer A SO Loyola
Cole Williams A FR JHU
Jake McCulloch M SO Cornell
Matt Gaudet A FR Yale
Brandon Barker M SO OSU
Timmy Phillips M SO Notre Dame
Devin Shewell A SO Syracuse

Matt Florence SR M PSU
Tanner Cook M UNC FR
Mike D'Amario JR A UVA

Nate Marano SO A Denver
Alex Concannon SO A JHU
Jack Jasinski SO A OSU
Brad Voigt SO A Syracuse
Logan Wisnauskas FR A Syracuse
Terry Lindsay FR M Duke
Brian Smyth FR M Duke
Jack Beare SO A Notre Dame
Bear Altemus SR A Princeton
Ethan Walker A/M FR Denver
Joe Pollard FR A JHU
Liam King SR M Rutgers
Evan Condon SO M Army

Grant Ament SO A PSU
Nick Aponte A SR PSU
Wilkins Dismuke A SR JHU
Ryan Tierney A/M FR Hofstra
Richie Easterly A SO Loyola
Brendan Collins JR M Notre Dame
Tyler Dunn A/M SO Upenn
Carter Flaig A/M SO Princeton
Jared Bernhardt M FR Maryland
Christian Zawadzki JR M UMD
Milan Murray M FR Virginia
Travis Ford M FR Fairfield

PA Talk
Timmy Monahan A SO UMD
Joey Manown FR A Duke
Christian Trasolini SR A Rutgers
Louis Dubick SO A UMD
Tyler Bogart SO A UMASS
Peter Conley SR A/M Georgetown

Patrick Fraser JR M JHU
Austin Sims M JR Princeton
Ryan Hursey JR M Georgetown
Buddy Carr JR M Umass
Kevin Quigley FR M Duke

Yale D

Colin Burke SO A Fairfield
Ryan Bray SO A Cornell
Gale Thorpe A SO Syracuse

Joe Rodrigues A/M JR Fairfield
Sean Lowrie A/M SO Duke
Matt Lane A/M JR Syr
Peyton Klawinski M SR UNC
Jamie Trimboli M FR Syracuse
Cooper Telesco M FR Cornell

Fairfield D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby genghiskhanbluejay on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:05 pm

Penn state D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:06 pm

I already picked

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:06 pm

already picked. remaining Ds.

Cornell D
UMass D
Duke D
Upenn D
Georgetown D
Princeton D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby genghiskhanbluejay on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:06 pm

See it was taken
Cornell D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby greenielax on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:07 pm

Bruter has PSU D

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:07 pm

NC Lax done.

NC Lax
Michael Sowers A FR Princetion
Austin Mitchell JR M UMBC
Jack Ray JR A Navy
Conor Glancy A JR Army
Josh Byrne A JR Hofstra
Jake Fox A/M SO Hopkins
Ben Spencer M SO UMASS
Austin Shanks JR M OSU
Patrick Aslanian SO M G'town
Dylan Foulds M RS FR PSU
Kevin Hill M SO Penn State
Craig Berge M JR Georgetown
Chad Tolliver JR M Rutgers
Loyola D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:07 pm

Am I up
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:08 pm

ocanada picking
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:08 pm

Riley Cox M Loyola FR
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:09 pm

wholly picking.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:10 pm

Wholly, Peter Dearth?
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:11 pm

Dearth's taken. Not by me though.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:12 pm

i dont think so. wholly picked dearth when it wasnt his turn.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:13 pm

UK Lax takes Jake Carraway A Fr Geogretown
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:13 pm

PA Talk picking. Wholly catching up.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:14 pm

Wholly takes Peter Dearth FR M Syracuse
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Metro on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:15 pm

Yes please. Dearth
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby PA_Lax11 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:16 pm

Johnny Pearson SR M OSU
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:16 pm

Wholly, done. Steggs picking.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby stegmakk on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:17 pm

Think Im up...and think Im done...
Alex Wagner A Fairfield Fr
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:18 pm

Stegs done.

Joe Seider SR A Towson
Jordan Evans A SR Syracuse
Jordan Prysko JR A UNC
Max Maxwell SR A UMBC
Matt Fedorjaka M FR Fairfield
Connor Kelly JR M UMD
Alex Wagner A Fairfield Fr
Justin Anderson M UNC FR
Simon Mathias A SO Upenn
Kyle Marr SO A Hopkins
Ryan O'Connor SO UNC Middie
Gunnar Schimoler A/M SO UMBC
Danny Logan M FR Denver
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:18 pm

ohmi picking
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:18 pm

Casey Rose SO M Rutgers
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:19 pm

How far from drop/add?
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby FCALax on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:20 pm

FCA LAX selects - Ryan Wade - SO - A - NAVY

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:21 pm

fca picks twice. ohmi catching up.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:22 pm

and fca has one more pick.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:23 pm

ohmi is done.

Mac O'Keefe A FR PSU
Jules Heningburg JR A Rutgers
Zack Sirico SR A Loyola
Casey Rose SO M Rutgers
Ryan Lamb SO M Virginia
Nathan Solomon SO A Syracuse
J.T. Blubaugh SR A OSU
Chris Cloutier JR A/M UNC
Sean Cerrone JR M Duke
Zach Currier SR M Princeton
Romar Dennis SR M Loyola
Colton Jackson SO M Denver
David Symmes M JR Army
Navy D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:25 pm

pa talk picking. fca catching up.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby PA_Lax11 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:26 pm

Duke D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:27 pm

and PA is done.

PA Talk
Timmy Monahan A SO UMD
Joey Manown FR A Duke
Christian Trasolini SR A Rutgers
Louis Dubick SO A UMD
Tyler Bogart SO A UMASS
Peter Conley SR A/M Georgetown
Patrick Fraser JR M JHU
Austin Sims M JR Princeton
Ryan Hursey JR M Georgetown
Buddy Carr JR M Umass
Kevin Quigley FR M Duke
Johnny Pearson SR M OSU
Duke D
Yale D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby FCALax on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:27 pm

UVA Defense...........and FCA is done

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:28 pm

UK Lax takes Jay Drapeua M Jr Loyola
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:29 pm

FCA is done

Ryan Lukacovic SR A UVA
Michael Kraus A FR UVA
Dylan Kinnear A SO Towson
Jordan Germershausen A JR Loyola
Dan Bucaro SO A Georgetown
Tre LeClaire A/M FR OSU
Jack Tigh SO A Yale
Ryan Wade - SO - A - NAVY
Greyson Torain M SO Navy
Brendan Bomberry M JR Syracuse
Michael Tagliaferri M SR UNC
Kevin McGeary M JR Upenn
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:29 pm

wholly picking
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:30 pm

Matnum PI wrote:
FCA is done

Ryan Lukacovic SR A UVA
Michael Kraus A FR UVA
Dylan Kinnear A SO Towson
Jordan Germershausen A JR Loyola
Dan Bucaro SO A Georgetown
Tre LeClaire A/M FR OSU
Jack Tigh SO A Yale
Ryan Wade - SO - A - NAVY
Greyson Torain M SO Navy
Brendan Bomberry M JR Syracuse
Michael Tagliaferri M SR UNC
Kevin McGeary M JR Upenn

That's a good looking roster.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:30 pm

Who is up?
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:31 pm

Metro takes Mitch Howell, UMBC Freshman Attack

and he's done

Wholly Metro
Mitch Howell FR A UMBC
Connor Cannizzaro A SR Denver
Steven Shollenberger FR A Maryland
Grant Consoletti SR A UMASS
Ryan Keenan JR A PSU
Stephen Quinzi JR A Georgetown
A or M
Brian Willetts FR M Notre Dame
John Crawley SR M JHU
Brian Sherlock SR M Loyola
Jake Knostman SR M Fairfield
Kyle Smith FR M Denver
Peter Dearth FR M Syracuse
Towson D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:32 pm

ocanada picking
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:32 pm

Princeton D?
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:32 pm

I should be done?
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:33 pm

ocanada, remaining Ds are

UMass D
Upenn D
Georgetown D
Princeton D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:33 pm

ocanada done.

Jackson Morrill FR A Yale
PJ Brown M SO Loyola
Patrick Spencer A SO Loyola
Cole Williams A FR JHU
Jake McCulloch M SO Cornell
Matt Gaudet A FR Yale
Brandon Barker M SO OSU
Timmy Phillips M SO Notre Dame
Devin Shewell A SO Syracuse
Riley Cox M Loyola FR
Matt Florence SR M PSU
Tanner Cook M UNC FR
Mike D'Amario JR A UVA
Princeton D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby greenielax on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:34 pm

I only count 13 for metro?

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:34 pm

geng picking
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:34 pm

you're right. one more for metro.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby genghiskhanbluejay on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:35 pm

Ryan Matthews M SR Cornell
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby EZE on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:36 pm

UMass D
There goes Ezy
Ezy Ryder
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:36 pm

Geng done.

Grant Ament SO A PSU
Nick Aponte A SR PSU
Wilkins Dismuke A SR JHU
Ryan Tierney A/M FR Hofstra
Richie Easterly A SO Loyola
Brendan Collins JR M Notre Dame
Tyler Dunn A/M SO Upenn
Carter Flaig A/M SO Princeton
Jared Bernhardt M FR Maryland
Christian Zawadzki JR M UMD
Milan Murray M FR Virginia
Travis Ford M FR Fairfield
Ryan Mathews M SR Cornell
Cornell D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:37 pm

hip picking
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby HipandKneeDoc on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:37 pm

Massimo Bucci M Fr. Georgetown

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:39 pm

madog picking
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:40 pm

Clarke Petterson - M - SO - Cornell
The fastest game on two feet....
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:41 pm

eze already has him
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:42 pm

Bruter takes Brian Ward FR M Yale
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:42 pm

Sorry - Carolina DEF
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:42 pm

and bruter is done

Reilly Walsh A FR Duke
Ryan Maloney A FR Cornell
Riley Thompson A JR Princeton
Luke Goldstock A SR UNC
Henry Grass SO A JHU
Reilly Hupfeldt JR A/M UPenn
Brian Ward FR M Yale
Brodie Gillespie M FR Rutgers
Sergio Perkovic SR M Notre Dame
Jordan Dowiak JR M Cornell
Brinton Valis JR M JHU
Brad Smith SO M Duke
Matt Stagnitta M FR JHU
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:43 pm

green is picking.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby greenielax on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:43 pm

Mitch Gordon FR A UVa

And I already have Carolina D

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Metro on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:45 pm

Brett McIntyre, F, UMBC, Forward (CAN)
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:46 pm

Metro wrote:
Brett McIntyre, F, UMBC, Forward (CAN)

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:47 pm

yup, maddog. unc is already gone. i think these are the remaining Ds.

Upenn D
Georgetown D

Lax8888 picking.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:48 pm

8888 takes Drew Harrison FR M UMD
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:49 pm

GCC picking
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby gcclaxster67 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:49 pm

Tyler Young SR M Towson
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:50 pm

GCC is done

Dylan Maltz A SR UMD
Dan Craig A SR PSU
Timmy Kelly A SO UNC
Connor Murphy SR A Rutgers
Jeff Teat A FR Cornell
Forry Smith A FR JHU
Tyler Young SR M Towson
Pierre Byrne JR M Notre Dame
Johnny Kelly SR M OSU
Jack Falk JR M UVA
Casey Rees M JR Navy
Lucas Colter FR M Yale
Syracuse D
Rutgers D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:52 pm

8888 takes Michael Guerin FR A UNC
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:52 pm

Penn DEF
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:53 pm

green picking
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby greenielax on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:55 pm

Is Mike Lynch, M Towson still available?

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:55 pm

yup. i think.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:56 pm

green is done.

Mikey Wynne JR A Notre Dame
Tim Rotanz SR A UMD
Nico Panepinto SR A Farifield
Brendan Kavanaugh A JR Hofstra
Eric Fannell SR A OSU
Mitch Gordon FR A Uva
Mike Lynch M Towson
Ryan Conrad M SO UVA
Sergio Salcido SR M Syracuse
Devon Lewis SR M Georgetown
Kason Tarbell M JR Cornell
Jason Alessi M JR Yale
Denver D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:56 pm

maddog picking
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby greenielax on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:56 pm

Then I take Mike Lynch, M Towson. And I'm done.

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:58 pm

yup. green, after the draft is done, we have an add/drop if you want to make any changes.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby HipandKneeDoc on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:59 pm

Matthew Gavin Fr. A Unc

And I think I am done

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:59 pm

Is Mike Sowers - A Princeton available? If so, hes mine
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:00 pm

maddog catching up.

hip is done.

Colton Rupp SO A Cornell
Shack Stanwick A JR JHU
Matt Rambo A SR UMD
Brendan Hegarty A SR Umass
Dan Rooney A Fr OSU
Adam Goldner A Fr Penn
Gianni Bianchin SR A/M Umass
Cody Radziewicz SR M JHU
Drew Supinski M SO JHU
Will Perry FR M UNC
Dox Aitken M FR UVA
Massimo Bucci M FR Georgetown
Matthew Gavin FR A Unc
Army D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:01 pm

maddog29 wrote:
Is Mike Sowers - A Princeton available? If so, hes mine

Thanks for this. I needed a laugh.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:01 pm

EZE picking.
Sowers... No way. I think he went in the first round.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby EZE on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:01 pm

EZE selects Peter Swindell M Fr. Loyola. I am done.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby FCALax on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:02 pm

maddog29 wrote:
Is Mike Sowers - A Princeton available? If so, hes mine


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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:03 pm

and eze is done.

Adam Charalambides SO A Rutgers
Clarke Petterson SO M Cornell
Jack Andrews SO A UMBC
Joe French SR A UVA
Alex Roesner A SO Upenn
Dawson McKenzie A SO Princeton
Zach Miller SR M Denver
Jon Mazza SO M Towson
Dylan Alderman JR M Hofstra
Jordan SO M Rutgers
Connor Donahue JR A Denver
Peter Swindell M FR Loyola
Connor Reed M GRAD JHU
Umass D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:03 pm

and Metro is done.

Wholly Metro
Mitch Howell FR A UMBC
Connor Cannizzaro A SR Denver
Steven Shollenberger FR A Maryland
Grant Consoletti SR A UMASS
Ryan Keenan JR A PSU
Stephen Quinzi JR A Georgetown
Brett McIntyre FR A UMBC
Brian Willetts FR M Notre Dame
John Crawley SR M JHU
Brian Sherlock SR M Loyola
Jake Knostman SR M Fairfield
Kyle Smith FR M Denver
Peter Dearth FR M Syracuse
Towson D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:06 pm

UK Lax takes Jeff climbolista A Sr Yale and Colin Flounlacker Sr M Navy
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:06 pm

UK Lax is done.

UK Lax
Gavin McBride SR A Princeton
Ryan Drenner SR A Towson
Cole Johnson SR A Army
Jack Bruckner A SR Duke
Austin French A SO Denver
Jake Carraway A Fr Geogretown
Jeff Climbolista A Sr Yale
Eric Scott M SR Yale
Ryan Simmons JR M SU
Ted Glesener M JR Army
Kieren Mullins A Fr Rutgers
Jay Drapeua M Jr Loyola
Colin Flounlacker Sr M Navy
Hofstra D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:07 pm

maddog is picking
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:08 pm

Matnum PI wrote:
UK Lax is done.

UK Lax
Gavin McBride SR A Princeton
Ryan Drenner SR A Towson
Cole Johnson SR A Army
Jack Bruckner A SR Duke
Austin French A SO Denver
Jake Carraway A Fr Geogretown
Jeff Climbolista A Sr Yale
Eric Scott M SR Yale
Ryan Simmons JR M SU
Ted Glesener M JR Army
Kieren Mullins A Fr Rutgers
Jay Drapeua M Jr Loyola
Colin Flounlacker Sr M Navy
Hofstra D

That looks like a pretty good roster.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:09 pm

8888 picks Jack Wilson M FR UMD annd he's done.

Nick Mariano SR M Syracuse
Ryder Garnsey A SO Notre Dame
Ben Reeves A JR Yale
Zed Williams SR A UVA
Brian Cannon A JR UNC
Michael Guerin FR A UNC
Charlie Horning A/M JR Fairfield
Joel Tinney JR M JHU
Wade Maloney FR M UVA
Russell Masci FR M UMD
Drew Harrison FR M UMD
Jack Wilson M FR UMD
Maryland D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:10 pm

Sorry Matt - kinda lost here lmao - how about Mitch Howe A/M UMBC
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:10 pm

Maddog needs to make 3 more picks.

Colin Burke SO A Fairfield
Ryan Bray SO A Cornell
Gale Thorpe A SO Syracuse

Joe Rodrigues A/M JR Fairfield
Sean Lowrie A/M SO Duke
Matt Lane A/M JR Syr
Peyton Klawinski M SR UNC
Jamie Trimboli M FR Syracuse
Cooper Telesco M FR Cornell

Upenn D
Fairfield D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:10 pm

howell is already gone
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:11 pm

you should take 2 As and 1 M. Want me to auto-pick?
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:13 pm

Matnum PI wrote:
you should take 2 As and 1 M. Want me to auto-pick?

Out of curiosity, how does auto-pick work?
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:13 pm

Apologies - Howe? Also, Jack Jasinski - A - Ohio St ?
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:14 pm

If not ..auto pick please
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:14 pm

Very high tech. I pick for the person. :)

Usually I have a list of upperclassmen and a ranking of Freshmen and... I just work down the list.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:15 pm

Jasinski is gone. I'll auto pick.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:15 pm

Matnum PI wrote:
Very high tech. I pick for the person. :)

Usually I have a list of upperclassmen and a ranking of Freshmen and... I just work down the list.

Cool, thanks!
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:16 pm

Okay thanks and sorry for the brain seizure
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:18 pm

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:18 pm

and Maddog is done.

Colin Burke SO A Fairfield
Ryan Bray SO A Cornell
Gale Thorpe A SO Syracuse
Conor Smith FR A PSU
Joe Rodrigues A/M JR Fairfield
Sean Lowrie A/M SO Duke
Matt Lane A/M JR Syr
Barrett Sutley M FR PSU
Peyton Klawinski M SR UNC
Jamie Trimboli M FR Syracuse
Cooper Telesco M FR Cornell
Tyler Perreton FR M Navy
Upenn D
Fairfield D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:19 pm

This is what I have. Make sure it's accurate.

Wholly Metro
Mitch Howell FR A UMBC
Connor Cannizzaro A SR Denver
Steven Shollenberger FR A Maryland
Grant Consoletti SR A UMASS
Ryan Keenan JR A PSU
Stephen Quinzi JR A Georgetown
Brett McIntyre FR A UMBC
Brian Willetts FR M Notre Dame
John Crawley SR M JHU
Brian Sherlock SR M Loyola
Jake Knostman SR M Fairfield
Kyle Smith FR M Denver
Peter Dearth FR M Syracuse
Towson D

Adam Charalambides SO A Rutgers
Clarke Petterson SO M Cornell
Jack Andrews SO A UMBC
Joe French SR A UVA
Alex Roesner A SO Upenn
Dawson McKenzie A SO Princeton
Zach Miller SR M Denver
Jon Mazza SO M Towson
Dylan Alderman JR M Hofstra
Jordan SO M Rutgers
Connor Donahue JR A Denver
Peter Swindell M FR Loyola
Connor Reed M GRAD JHU
Umass D

Mac O'Keefe A FR PSU
Jules Heningburg JR A Rutgers
Zack Sirico SR A Loyola
Casey Rose SO M Rutgers
Ryan Lamb SO M Virginia
Nathan Solomon SO A Syracuse
J.T. Blubaugh SR A OSU
Chris Cloutier JR A/M UNC
Sean Cerrone JR M Duke
Zach Currier SR M Princeton
Romar Dennis SR M Loyola
Colton Jackson SO M Denver
David Symmes M JR Army
Navy D

Dylan Maltz A SR UMD
Dan Craig A SR PSU
Timmy Kelly A SO UNC
Connor Murphy SR A Rutgers
Jeff Teat A FR Cornell
Forry Smith A FR JHU
Tyler Young SR M Towson
Pierre Byrne JR M Notre Dame
Johnny Kelly SR M OSU
Jack Falk JR M UVA
Casey Rees M JR Navy
Lucas Colter FR M Yale
Syracuse D
Rutgers D

Mikey Wynne JR A Notre Dame
Tim Rotanz SR A UMD
Nico Panepinto SR A Farifield
Brendan Kavanaugh A JR Hofstra
Eric Fannell SR A OSU
Mitch Gordon FR A Uva
Mike Lynch M SR Towson
Ryan Conrad M SO UVA
Sergio Salcido SR M Syracuse
Devon Lewis SR M Georgetown
Kason Tarbell M JR Cornell
Jason Alessi M JR Yale
Denver D

UK Lax
Gavin McBride SR A Princeton
Ryan Drenner SR A Towson
Cole Johnson SR A Army
Jack Bruckner A SR Duke
Austin French A SO Denver
Jake Carraway A Fr Geogretown
Jeff Cimbolista A Sr Yale
Eric Scott M SR Yale
Ryan Simmons JR M SU
Ted Glesener M JR Army
Kieren Mullins A Fr Rutgers
Jay Drapeua M Jr Loyola
Colin Flounlacker Sr M Navy
Hofstra D

Joe Seider SR A Towson
Jordan Evans A SR Syracuse
Jordan Prysko JR A UNC
Max Maxwell SR A UMBC
Matt Fedorjaka M FR Fairfield
Connor Kelly JR M UMD
Alex Wagner A Fairfield Fr
Justin Anderson M UNC FR
Simon Mathias A SO Upenn
Kyle Marr SO A Hopkins
Ryan O'Connor SO UNC Middie
Gunnar Schimoler A/M SO UMBC
Danny Logan M FR Denver

Ryan Lukacovic SR A UVA
Michael Kraus A FR UVA
Dylan Kinnear A SO Towson
Jordan Germershausen A JR Loyola
Dan Bucaro SO A Georgetown
Tre LeClaire A/M FR OSU
Jack Tigh SO A Yale
Ryan Wade - SO - A - NAVY
Greyson Torain M SO Navy
Brendan Bomberry M JR Syracuse
Michael Tagliaferri M SR UNC
Kevin McGeary M JR Upenn

NC Lax
Michael Sowers A FR Princetion
Austin Mitchell JR M UMBC
Jack Ray JR A Navy
Conor Glancy A JR Army
Josh Byrne A JR Hofstra
Jake Fox A/M SO Hopkins
Ben Spencer M SO UMASS
Austin Shanks JR M OSU
Patrick Aslanian SO M G'town
Dylan Foulds M RS FR PSU
Kevin Hill M SO Penn State
Craig Berge M JR Georgetown
Chad Tolliver JR M Rutgers
Loyola D

Colton Rupp SO A Cornell
Shack Stanwick A JR JHU
Matt Rambo A SR UMD
Brendan Hegarty A SR Umass
Dan Rooney A Fr OSU
Adam Goldner A Fr Penn
Gianni Bianchin SR A/M Umass
Cody Radziewicz SR M JHU
Drew Supinski M SO JHU
Will Perry FR M UNC
Dox Aitken M FR UVA
Massimo Bucci M FR Georgetown
Matthew Gavin FR A Unc
Army D

Reilly Walsh A FR Duke
Ryan Maloney A FR Cornell
Riley Thompson A JR Princeton
Luke Goldstock A SR UNC
Henry Grass SO A JHU
Reilly Hupfeldt JR A/M UPenn
Brian Ward FR M Yale
Brodie Gillespie M FR Rutgers
Sergio Perkovic SR M Notre Dame
Jordan Dowiak JR M Cornell
Brinton Valis JR M JHU
Brad Smith SO M Duke
Matt Stagnitta M FR JHU

Matnum PI
Justin Guterding A JR Duke
Nate Jones A SO Army
Colin Heacock A SR UMD
Colin Chell A JR OSU
Nicholas Spillane SO A PSU
Andy Matthews A SO UNC
Tyler Pace SR M Denver
Daniel Muller M SR UMass
Michael Sutton M SR PSU
Lucas Gradinger M JR UMD
Joseph Licciardi M SO UPenn
Max Haldeman M JR UMBC
Bryan Costabile M FR Notre Dame
Notre Dame D

Nick Mariano SR M Syracuse
Ryder Garnsey A SO Notre Dame
Ben Reeves A JR Yale
Zed Williams SR A UVA
Brian Cannon A JR UNC
Michael Guerin FR A UNC
Charlie Horning A/M JR Fairfield
Joel Tinney JR M JHU
Wade Maloney FR M UVA
Russell Masci FR M UMD
Drew Harrison FR M UMD
Jack Wilson M FR UMD
Maryland D

Jackson Morrill FR A Yale
PJ Brown M SO Loyola
Patrick Spencer A SO Loyola
Cole Williams A FR JHU
Jake McCulloch M SO Cornell
Matt Gaudet A FR Yale
Brandon Barker M SO OSU
Timmy Phillips M SO Notre Dame
Devin Shewell A SO Syracuse
Riley Cox M Loyola FR
Matt Florence SR M PSU
Tanner Cook M UNC FR
Mike D'Amario JR A UVA
Princeton D

Nate Marano SO A Denver
Alex Concannon SO A JHU
Jack Jasinski SO A OSU
Brad Voigt SO A Syracuse
Logan Wisnauskas FR A Syracuse
Terry Lindsay FR M Duke
Brian Smyth FR M Duke
Jack Beare SO A Notre Dame
Bear Altemus SR A Princeton
Ethan Walker A/M FR Denver
Joe Pollard FR A JHU
Liam King SR M Rutgers
Evan Condon SO M Army

Grant Ament SO A PSU
Nick Aponte A SR PSU
Wilkins Dismuke A SR JHU
Ryan Tierney A/M FR Hofstra
Richie Easterly A SO Loyola
Brendan Collins JR M Notre Dame
Tyler Dunn A/M SO Upenn
Carter Flaig A/M SO Princeton
Jared Bernhardt M FR Maryland
Christian Zawadzki JR M UMD
Milan Murray M FR Virginia
Travis Ford M FR Fairfield
Ryan Mathews M SR Cornell
Cornell D

PA Talk
Timmy Monahan A SO UMD
Joey Manown FR A Duke
Christian Trasolini SR A Rutgers
Louis Dubick SO A UMD
Tyler Bogart SO A UMASS
Peter Conley SR A/M Georgetown
Patrick Fraser JR M JHU
Austin Sims M JR Princeton
Ryan Hursey JR M Georgetown
Buddy Carr JR M Umass
Kevin Quigley FR M Duke
Johnny Pearson SR M OSU
Duke D
Yale D

Colin Burke SO A Fairfield
Ryan Bray SO A Cornell
Gale Thorpe A SO Syracuse
Conor Smith FR A PSU
Joe Rodrigues A/M JR Fairfield
Sean Lowrie A/M SO Duke
Matt Lane A/M JR Syr
Barrett Sutley M FR PSU
Peyton Klawinski M SR UNC
Jamie Trimboli M FR Syracuse
Cooper Telesco M FR Cornell
Tyler Perreton FR M Navy
Upenn D
Fairfield D
Last edited by Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:20 pm

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:20 pm

It's 10:20. At 10:30 (not before) you can drop and add players. First-come, first-served. At midnight tonight, the rosters are frozen.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:21 pm

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:21 pm

:lol: Bet they are all laughing at me - Matt, thanks for all you do! Going to bed!!!!
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:23 pm

Matnum PI wrote:
and Maddog is done.

Colin Burke SO A Fairfield
Ryan Bray SO A Cornell
Gale Thorpe A SO Syracuse
Conor Smith FR A PSU
Joe Rodrigues A/M JR Fairfield
Sean Lowrie A/M SO Duke
Matt Lane A/M JR Syr
Barrett Sutley M FR PSU
Peyton Klawinski M SR UNC
Jamie Trimboli M FR Syracuse
Cooper Telesco M FR Cornell
Tyler Perreton FR M Navy
Upenn D
Fairfield D

Conor Smith is good. I don't think Perreton is on the Navy roster.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:23 pm

Have you decided on s time to begin add/drop? I am out of pocket after tonight for a couple of days
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby TartanLax1822 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:24 pm

Could I get the best available defense?

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:29 pm

Gave it to you, UMBC.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:30 pm


Chad Tolliver M Rutgers
Dylan Foulds M PSU
Patrick Aslanian M Gtown


Devin Spencer A FR UMass
Brad Alexander M FR Navy
Connor McCarthy M FR Princeton
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:30 pm

for UK Lax:
Drop Jeff Cimbolista A Sr Yale
Add Tommy McNamara M FR UND
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby PA_Lax11 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:30 pm

Add Anthony Teixeira SO A/M Cornell
Drop Ryan Hursey JR M GEORGETOWN
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby greenielax on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:30 pm

Add Dan Grabher
Add Matt Emery

Drop Devon Lewis
Drop Jason Alessi

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby ohmilax34 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:31 pm

Drop Ryan Lamb SO M UVA
Add Connor Fletcher M FR Cornell
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:31 pm

You are very annoying NC
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:32 pm

nclaxin wrote:

Chad Tolliver M Rutgers
Dylan Foulds M PSU
Patrick Aslanian M Gtown


Devin Spencer A FR UMass
Brad Alexander M FR Navy
Connor McCarthy M FR Princeton

NC Lax
Michael Sowers A FR Princetion
Austin Mitchell JR M UMBC
Jack Ray JR A Navy
Conor Glancy A JR Army
Josh Byrne A JR Hofstra
Jake Fox A/M SO Hopkins
Ben Spencer M SO UMASS
Austin Shanks JR M OSU
Devin Spencer A FR Umass
Brad Alexander M FR Navy
Kevin Hill M SO Penn State
Craig Berge M JR Georgetown
Connor McCarthy M FR Princeton
Loyola D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:32 pm

Matt - I asked for Mitch Howe UMBC - I don't see him on a roster. Drop Thorpe SU and Add Howe - UMBC.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:33 pm

ohmilax34 wrote:
Drop Ryan Lamb SO M UVA
Add Connor Fletcher M FR Cornell

Mac O'Keefe A FR PSU
Jules Heningburg JR A Rutgers
Zack Sirico SR A Loyola
Casey Rose SO M Rutgers
Connor Fletcher M FR Cornell
Nathan Solomon SO A Syracuse
J.T. Blubaugh SR A OSU
Chris Cloutier JR A/M UNC
Sean Cerrone JR M Duke
Zach Currier SR M Princeton
Romar Dennis SR M Loyola
Colton Jackson SO M Denver
David Symmes M JR Army
Navy D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:33 pm

Drop. P J Brown Lou

Add Griffin Buczek M Cornell Fr
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:34 pm

maddog29 wrote:
Matt - I asked for Mitch Howe UMBC - I don't see him on a roster. Drop Thorpe SU and Add Howe - UMBC.

Wholly Metro
Mitch Howell FR A UMBC
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:35 pm

OCanada....I do my best. :-)
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:35 pm

PA_Lax11 wrote:
Add Anthony Teixeira SO A/M Cornell
Drop Ryan Hursey JR M GEORGETOWN

PA Talk
Timmy Monahan A SO UMD
Joey Manown FR A Duke
Christian Trasolini SR A Rutgers
Louis Dubick SO A UMD
Tyler Bogart SO A UMASS
Peter Conley SR A/M Georgetown
Patrick Fraser JR M JHU
Austin Sims M JR Princeton
Anthony Teixeira SO A/M Cornell
Buddy Carr JR M Umass
Kevin Quigley FR M Duke
Johnny Pearson SR M OSU
Duke D
Yale D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby PA_Lax11 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:37 pm

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:38 pm

ohmilax34 wrote:
Conor Smith is good. I don't think Perreton is on the Navy roster.

Colin Burke SO A Fairfield
Ryan Bray SO A Cornell
Gale Thorpe A SO Syracuse
Conor Smith FR A PSU
Joe Rodrigues A/M JR Fairfield
Sean Lowrie A/M SO Duke
Matt Lane A/M JR Syr
Barrett Sutley M FR PSU
Peyton Klawinski M SR UNC
Jamie Trimboli M FR Syracuse
Cooper Telesco M FR Cornell
Sam Duggan FR M Cornell
Upenn D
Fairfield D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:40 pm

Matt - please drop Gale Thorpe and auto pick next best FR attack. What a draft so sorry...
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:41 pm

greenielax wrote:
Add Dan Grabher
Add Matt Emery

Drop Devon Lewis
Drop Jason Alessi

Mikey Wynne JR A Notre Dame
Tim Rotanz SR A UMD
Nico Panepinto SR A Farifield
Brendan Kavanaugh A JR Hofstra
Eric Fannell SR A OSU
Mitch Gordon FR A Uva
Mike Lynch M SR Towson
Ryan Conrad M SO UVA
Sergio Salcido SR M Syracuse
Dan Grabher M SR Army
Kason Tarbell M JR Cornell
Matt Emery M JR UVA
Denver D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:42 pm

OCanada wrote:
Drop. P J Brown Lou

Add Griffin Buczek M Cornell Fr

Jackson Morrill FR A Yale
Griffin Buczek M FR Cornell
Patrick Spencer A SO Loyola
Cole Williams A FR JHU
Jake McCulloch M SO Cornell
Matt Gaudet A FR Yale
Brandon Barker M SO OSU
Timmy Phillips M SO Notre Dame
Devin Shewell A SO Syracuse
Riley Cox M Loyola FR
Matt Florence SR M PSU
Tanner Cook M UNC FR
Mike D'Amario JR A UVA
Princeton D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby TartanLax1822 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:42 pm

Drop Beare, A, ND

Add Ryan Tierney, A, Hofstra

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:43 pm

Ryan Tierney is long gone...
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:43 pm

PA_Lax11 wrote:

Nevermind what? Don't do your add/drop?
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:44 pm

TartanLax1822 wrote:
Drop Beare, A, ND

Add Ryan Tierney, A, Hofstra

Ryan Tierney A/M FR Hofstra
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby TartanLax1822 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:45 pm

I figured he would be...my mistake

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby PA_Lax11 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:45 pm

No I want Teixeira, was thinking about another
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:48 pm

Matt - i know u are busy, repeat from 10:40 -- please drop Thorpe - SU and auto pick best fresh A please
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby TartanLax1822 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:52 pm

Drop Beare, A, ND

Add JoJo Biddle, A, FR, Penn

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:57 pm

Colin Burke SO A Fairfield
Ryan Bray SO A Cornell
Owen Mead FR A Rutgers
Conor Smith FR A PSU
Joe Rodrigues A/M JR Fairfield
Sean Lowrie A/M SO Duke
Matt Lane A/M JR Syr
Barrett Sutley M FR PSU
Peyton Klawinski M SR UNC
Jamie Trimboli M FR Syracuse
Cooper Telesco M FR Cornell
Sam Duggan FR M Cornell
Upenn D
Fairfield D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby PA_Lax11 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:59 pm

Drop Patrick Fraser JR M JHU
Add Devon Lewis SR M Georgetown
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:59 pm

Matt - please drop Owen Med - Rutgers and add Wiley Bonham A FR Loyola and thanks !
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 11:03 pm

TartanLax1822 wrote:
Drop Beare, A, ND

Add JoJo Biddle, A, FR, Penn

Nate Marano SO A Denver
Alex Concannon SO A JHU
Jack Jasinski SO A OSU
Brad Voigt SO A Syracuse
Logan Wisnauskas FR A Syracuse
Terry Lindsay FR M Duke
Brian Smyth FR M Duke
JoJo Biddle A FR Penn
Bear Altemus SR A Princeton
Ethan Walker A/M FR Denver
Joe Pollard FR A JHU
Liam King SR M Rutgers
Evan Condon SO M Army
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 11:04 pm

PA_Lax11 wrote:
Drop Patrick Fraser JR M JHU
Add Devon Lewis SR M Georgetown

PA Talk
Timmy Monahan A SO UMD
Joey Manown FR A Duke
Christian Trasolini SR A Rutgers
Louis Dubick SO A UMD
Tyler Bogart SO A UMASS
Peter Conley SR A/M Georgetown
Devon Lewis SR M Georgetown
Austin Sims M JR Princeton
Anthony Teixeira SO A/M Cornell
Buddy Carr JR M Umass
Kevin Quigley FR M Duke
Johnny Pearson SR M OSU
Duke D
Yale D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 11:06 pm

maddog29 wrote:
Matt - please drop Owen Med - Rutgers and add Wiley Bonham A FR Loyola and thanks !

Colin Burke SO A Fairfield
Ryan Bray SO A Cornell
Wiley Bonham A FR Loyola
Conor Smith FR A PSU
Joe Rodrigues A/M JR Fairfield
Sean Lowrie A/M SO Duke
Matt Lane A/M JR Syr
Barrett Sutley M FR PSU
Peyton Klawinski M SR UNC
Jamie Trimboli M FR Syracuse
Cooper Telesco M FR Cornell
Sam Duggan FR M Cornell
Upenn D
Fairfield D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby PA_Lax11 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 11:31 pm

Thanks for autodrafting. After looking at the the Yale D a little more I like the picks
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby lax8888 on Sun Jan 29, 2017 11:38 pm

Sorry for being completely MIA tonight guys, Matnum, thanks for autopicking the rest of my guys.

Drop Jack Wilson FR M UMD
Add Jeff Cimbolista SR A Yale


Ryder Garnsey A SO Notre Dame
Ben Reeves A JR Yale
Zed Williams A SR UVA
Jeff Cimbolista A SR Yale
Michael Guerin A FR UNC
Charlie Horning A/M JR Fairfield
Brian Cannon M JR UNC
Nick Mariano SR M Syracuse
Joel Tinney JR M JHU
Wade Maloney FR M UVA
Russell Masci FR M UMD
Drew Harrison FR M UMD
Maryland D

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 11:46 pm

Agreed, PA. Yale D is a good pick-up. I have them ranked as the #7 D. Maybe higher. Getting them with your 3rd pick is pretty good. Kevin Quigley was a tougher call. These picks are so subjective. With this said, I think many see him as a blue chipper and at the UA AA game, he was impressive.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Jan 29, 2017 11:47 pm

lax8888 wrote:
Sorry for being completely MIA tonight guys, Matnum, thanks for autopicking the rest of my guys.

Drop Jack Wilson FR M UMD
Add Jeff Cimbolista SR A Yale

Nick Mariano SR M Syracuse
Ryder Garnsey A SO Notre Dame
Ben Reeves A JR Yale
Zed Williams SR A UVA
Brian Cannon A JR UNC
Michael Guerin FR A UNC
Charlie Horning A/M JR Fairfield
Joel Tinney JR M JHU
Wade Maloney FR M UVA
Russell Masci FR M UMD
Drew Harrison FR M UMD
Jeff Cimbolista SR A Yale
Maryland D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Mon Jan 30, 2017 12:01 am

It's midnight. These should be your 2017 Fantasy Lacrosse Rosters. Make sure they look accurate.

Wholly Metro
Connor Cannizzaro A SR Denver
Steven Shollenberger FR A Maryland
Grant Consoletti SR A UMASS
Ryan Keenan JR A PSU
Stephen Quinzi JR A Georgetown
Brett McIntyre FR A UMBC
Brian Willetts FR M Notre Dame
John Crawley SR M JHU
Brian Sherlock SR M Loyola
Jake Knostman SR M Fairfield
Kyle Smith FR M Denver
Peter Dearth FR M Syracuse
Georgetown D
Towson D

Adam Charalambides SO A Rutgers
Clarke Petterson SO M Cornell
Jack Andrews SO A UMBC
Joe French SR A UVA
Alex Roesner A SO Upenn
Dawson McKenzie A SO Princeton
Zach Miller SR M Denver
Jon Mazza SO M Towson
Dylan Alderman JR M Hofstra
Jordan SO M Rutgers
Connor Donahue JR A Denver
Peter Swindell M FR Loyola
Connor Reed M SR JHU
Umass D

Mac O'Keefe A FR PSU
Jules Heningburg JR A Rutgers
Zack Sirico SR A Loyola
Casey Rose SO M Rutgers
Connor Fletcher M FR Cornell
Nathan Solomon SO A Syracuse
J.T. Blubaugh SR A OSU
Chris Cloutier JR A UNC
Sean Cerrone JR M Duke
Zach Currier SR M Princeton
Romar Dennis SR M Loyola
Colton Jackson SO M Denver
David Symmes M JR Army
Navy D

Dylan Maltz A SR UMD
Dan Craig A SR PSU
Timmy Kelly A SO UNC
Connor Murphy SR A Rutgers
Jeff Teat A FR Cornell
Forry Smith A FR JHU
Tyler Young SR M Towson
Brendan Mackie SO M Yale
Johnny Kelly SR M OSU
Ben Pridemore SR M ND
Casey Rees M JR Navy
Lucas Colter FR M Yale
Syracuse D
Rutgers D

Mikey Wynne JR A Notre Dame
Tim Rotanz SR A UMD
Nico Panepinto SR A Farifield
Brendan Kavanaugh A JR Hofstra
Eric Fannell SR A OSU
Mitch Gordon FR A Uva
Mike Lynch M SR Towson
Ryan Conrad M SO UVA
Sergio Salcido SR M Syracuse
Dan Grabher M SR Army
Kason Tarbell M JR Cornell
Matt Emery M JR UVA
Denver D

UK Lax
Gavin McBride SR A Princeton
Ryan Drenner SR A Towson
Cole Johnson SR A Army
Jack Bruckner A SR Duke
Austin French A SO Denver
Jake Carraway A Fr Georgetown
Kieren Mullins A Fr Rutgers
Tommy McNamara M FR UND
Eric Scott M SR Yale
Dylan Beckwith A/M FR Fairfield
Ted Glesener M JR Army
Jay Drapeua M Jr Loyola
Colin Flounlacker Sr M Navy
Hofstra D

Joe Seider SR A Towson
Jordan Evans A SR Syracuse
Jordan Prysko JR A UNC
Max Maxwell SR A UMBC
Matt Fedorjaka M FR Fairfield
Connor Kelly JR M UMD
Alex Wagner A Fairfield Fr
Justin Anderson M UNC FR
Simon Mathias A SO Upenn
Kyle Marr SO A Hopkins
Ryan O'Connor SO UNC Middie
Gunnar Schimoler A/M SO UMBC
Danny Logan M FR Denver

Ryan Lukacovic SR A/M UVA
Michael Kraus A FR UVA
Dylan Kinnear A SO Towson
Jordan Germershausen A JR Loyola
Dan Bucaro SO A Georgetown
Tre LeClaire A/M FR OSU
Jack Tigh SO A Yale
Ryan Wade SO A Navy
Greyson Torain M SO Navy
Brendan Bomberry M JR Syracuse
Michael Tagliaferri M SR UNC
Kevin McGeary M JR Upenn

NC Lax
Michael Sowers A FR Princetion
Austin Mitchell JR M UMBC
Jack Ray JR A Navy
Conor Glancy A JR Army
Josh Byrne A JR Hofstra
Jake Fox A/M SO Hopkins
Ben Spencer M SO UMASS
Austin Shanks JR M OSU
Devin Spencer A FR Umass
Brad Alexander M FR Navy
Kevin Hill M SO Penn State
Craig Berge M JR Georgetown
Connor McCarthy M FR Princeton
Loyola D

Colton Rupp SO A Cornell
Shack Stanwick A JR JHU
Matt Rambo A SR UMD
Brendan Hegarty A SR Umass
Dan Rooney A FR OSU
Adam Goldner A FR Penn
Gianni Bianchin SR A/M Umass
Cody Radziewicz SR M JHU
Drew Supinski M SO JHU
Will Perry FR M UNC
Dox Aitken M FR UVA
Massimo Bucci M FR Georgetown
Matthew Gavin FR A Unc
Army D

Reilly Walsh A FR Duke
Ryan Maloney A FR Cornell
Riley Thompson A JR Princeton
Luke Goldstock A SR UNC
Henry Grass SO A JHU
Reilly Hupfeldt JR A/M UPenn
Brian Ward FR M Yale
Brodie Gillespie M FR Rutgers
Sergio Perkovic SR M Notre Dame
Jordan Dowiak JR M Cornell
Brinton Valis JR M JHU
Brad Smith SO M Duke
Matt Stagnitta M FR JHU

Matnum PI
Colin Heacock A SR UMD
Justin Guterding A JR Duke
Colin Chell A JR OSU
Nate Jones A SO Army
Andy Matthews A SO UNC
Nicholas Spillane A SO PSU
Tyler Pace M SR Denver
Daniel Muller M SR UMass
Michael Sutton M SR PSU
Max Haldeman M JR UMBC
Lucas Gradinger M JR UMD
Joseph Licciardi M SO UPenn
Bryan Costabile M FR Notre Dame
Notre Dame D

Nick Mariano SR A/M Syracuse
Ryder Garnsey A SO Notre Dame
Ben Reeves A JR Yale
Zed Williams SR A UVA
Brian Cannon A JR UNC
Michael Guerin FR A UNC
Charlie Horning A/M JR Fairfield
Joel Tinney JR M JHU
Wade Maloney FR M UVA
Russell Masci FR M UMD
Drew Harrison FR M UMD
Jeff Cimbolista SR A Yale
Maryland D

Jackson Morrill FR A Yale
Griffin Buczek M FR Cornell
Patrick Spencer A SO Loyola
Cole Williams A FR JHU
Jake McCulloch M SO Cornell
Matt Gaudet A FR Yale
Brandon Barker M SO OSU
Timmy Phillips M SO Notre Dame
Devin Shewell A SO Syracuse
Riley Cox M Loyola FR
Matt Florence SR M PSU
Tanner Cook M UNC FR
Mike D'Amario JR A UVA
Princeton D

Nate Marano SO A Denver
Alex Concannon SO A JHU
Jack Jasinski SO A OSU
Brad Voigt SO A Syracuse
Logan Wisnauskas FR A Syracuse
Terry Lindsay FR M Duke
Brian Smyth FR M Duke
JoJo Biddle A FR Penn
Bear Altemus SR A Princeton
Ethan Walker A FR Denver
Joe Pollard FR A JHU
Liam King SR M Rutgers
Evan Condon SO M Army

Grant Ament SO A PSU
Nick Aponte A SR PSU
Wilkins Dismuke A SR JHU
Ryan Tierney A/M FR Hofstra
Richie Easterly A SO Loyola
Brendan Collins JR M Notre Dame
Tyler Dunn A/M SO Upenn
Carter Flaig A/M SO Princeton
Jared Bernhardt M FR Maryland
Christian Zawadzki JR M UMD
Milan Murray M FR Virginia
Travis Ford M FR Fairfield
Ryan Mathews M SR Cornell
Cornell D

PA Talk
Timmy Monahan A SO UMD
Joey Manown FR A Duke
Christian Trasolini SR A Rutgers
Louis Dubick SO A UMD
Tyler Bogart SO A UMASS
Peter Conley SR A/M Georgetown
Devon Lewis SR M Georgetown
Austin Sims M JR Princeton
Anthony Teixeira SO A/M Cornell
Buddy Carr JR M Umass
Kevin Quigley FR M Duke
Johnny Pearson SR M OSU
Duke D
Yale D

Colin Burke SO A Fairfield
Ryan Bray SO A Cornell
Wiley Bonham A FR Loyola
Conor Smith FR A PSU
Joe Rodrigues A/M JR Fairfield
Sean Lowrie A/M SO Duke
Matt Lane A/M JR Syr
Barrett Sutley M FR PSU
Peyton Klawinski M SR UNC
Jamie Trimboli M FR Syracuse
Cooper Telesco M FR Cornell
Sam Duggan FR M Cornell
Upenn D
Fairfield D
Last edited by Matnum PI on Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Metro on Mon Jan 30, 2017 12:14 am

Thanks Matnum for your great work with the draft.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Mon Jan 30, 2017 12:24 am

My pleasure. Six days until we start to get an idea of how we did with our picks. UNC v. UMBC.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Mon Jan 30, 2017 3:14 am

So.... During the chaos of PA and wholly not being here, my third round draft pick was skipped entirely between matt and steggs (page 11 of this thread)... It was chaos at the start of the live draft with people missing, i can see that, and therefore im not particularly aggrieved but it was quite an early pick to lose out on, luckily i still nailed my first two choices, however the impact came in further along.. the difference it has caused is me getting Clounlacker instead of brian ward i think according to the draft list i gave Matt...... As compensation shall we say i get a double third round pick next year because obvs brian ward has 4 year eligibility whereas flounlacker has 1? I can't see any other fair compensation without causing chaos?

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Mon Jan 30, 2017 4:20 am

Also when are adds/drops open until? whats the final deadline for squads?

Also as much as i didn't wanna drop Climbolista i can see why you did it Matt

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Mon Jan 30, 2017 7:02 am

Thank you Matt. A lot of hard work behind this.

i have the youngest squad by far I think. I hope it is rewarded not this year but over the next few years if we still have this game.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Mon Jan 30, 2017 7:23 am

Matt, as usual, great job.

I think this is the first draft/Add-drop that I have gotten every player that I wanted (with the exception of OCanada taking Gaudet. He may not play a lot this year...but will step right in for Reeves eventually)

Solid job keeping order.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:53 am

Great job Matt- usually I am better prepared and do appreciate all coaches patience with my train wreck in the last 4 rounds. As far as youngest squad, it may be me - 1 sr., 2 jrs., 2 sophs., and 7 frosh. Could be a long year for me.

Good luck to all teams and lets have a fun season as always!

Thanks for all you do Matt!!
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Mon Jan 30, 2017 9:19 am

NC I was after the Princeton player but signed off my comp and was in bed using my cell. It seemed no one was looking at PU so I got lazy. Makes us even more or less :)
John Paul Petrovick December 13, 1983 - April 28, 2012. The last of three news stories over the last 3.5 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsCStqsV9UA
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Mon Jan 30, 2017 9:32 am

nathanc21 wrote:
Also when are adds/drops open until? whats the final deadline for squads?

The final add/drop was at midnight last night. As a coach who lives in the land of bad teeth and gross food, we may offer you a dispensation. What changes do you want to make?
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Mon Jan 30, 2017 9:57 am

UK Lax is right. I missed his third pick. This was his list. (It was longer but we didn't need to go too far down his list.) I bolded the players he picked up. I italicized the player he would've gotten if I didn't make the mistake. According to the list, I think we could also say that you got Tommy McNamara instead of Brian Ward. (He actually also got Cimbilista but I dropped him during the add/drop because he had too many As and not enough Ms.) I dunno, UK. Again, I'm not denying that I made a mistake. I'm just wondering, like all of us, (1) did it make a big difference and (2) don't we all make mistakes during the draft. I'm still sore about missing a transfer that PA Talk grabbed 3-4 years ago because I was bogged down with doing the draft. I dunno. Worth discussing.

Kieren Mullins A Fr Rutgers
Ryan Tierney A Fr Hofstra
Jack Tigh A/M Yale So
Jake Carraway A Fr Geogretown
Jon Mazza So M Towson
Jay Drapeua M Jr Loyola
Jonny Pearson M OSU Sr
Mike lynch M Sr Towson
Jeff climbolista A Sr Yale
Brett Mcintyre A Fr UMBC
Chris Hill A Navy Jr
Brian Ward Yale m fr
Austin Mitchell Jr M UMBC
Colin Flounlacker Sr M Navy
Max haldeman Jr M UMBC
Tommy Mcnamara M Fr UND
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:11 am

Haha Thanks Matt, however our food isn't awful just smaller portions
I'd to drop Ryan simmons Jr Syracuse as i just don't see him ever getting more than 1 point a game at best or progressing next year and i'd like to add Dylan Beckwith A/M Fr Fairfield to give me some future scope

And lets say my compensation was this extra change past deadline :wink: and drop it there you do more than a great job so i'm happy to let is slide but thanks for acknowledging it

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:24 am

Done. And sorry about the mistake. For the record, I'm not making this change because of my mistake. I'm making the change because I feel sorry for you and your people. :)

UK Lax
Gavin McBride SR A Princeton
Ryan Drenner SR A Towson
Cole Johnson SR A Army
Jack Bruckner A SR Duke
Austin French A SO Denver
Jake Carraway A Fr Georgetown
Kieren Mullins A Fr Rutgers
Tommy McNamara M FR UND
Eric Scott M SR Yale
Dylan Beckwith A/M FR Fairfield
Ted Glesener M JR Army
Jay Drapeua M Jr Loyola
Colin Flounlacker Sr M Navy
Hofstra D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:26 am

nathanc21 wrote:
Haha Thanks Matt, however our food isn't awful just smaller portions

You have smaller portions because nobody wants to eat a big plate of haggis. Just awful.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:32 am

I was picking for 5 people last night. Not the end of the world, not so different from previous years but... It doesn't seem right when I have a waiting list of coaches who want to join the league. (One with two kids playing in the NCAAs and they won't be playing in the NCAAs forever.) By far, the most important part of this league is the draft. In theory, after the draft (and setting your starters), you do nothing all season. Again, I dunno. This isn't a threat or otherwise. I'm just saying that maybe we should give other coaches a chance. At the least, coaches who will make it to the draft. (UK, I'm not talking about you. You provided a list. I'm talking about these other slackers.)
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:50 am

The best bit is I live and play lax in Scotland so not only have a had quite a few plates of haggis but I've even had some deep fried ones too, delicious to say the least!!

My girlfriend lived in America for middle school and she reckons the only food we don't do well here is maple syrup!

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Mon Jan 30, 2017 11:39 am

The only food the Brits don't do well is maple syrup? Really. With no insult to your girlfriend, I think she might have a brain embolism or something.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Mon Jan 30, 2017 12:34 pm

Highlands ??? I spent almost a month in the Highlands. Loved it. Best lamb I ever had was there. I never did get into bangers. I had haggis. I don't think I would ever use a superlative for it but it was ok to me. The variety of whisky was awesome.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Mon Jan 30, 2017 12:39 pm

Matt I am with you on the draft thing. Things happen but they shouldn't happen too often.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Mon Jan 30, 2017 12:48 pm

I currently live in Glasgow but am often up in the highlands to see friends that's live there, up there again in March. The whiskey choices throughout Scotland are awesome if you find the right pub. I like to move cities every few years as I get bored haha, London, Manchester, Nottingham, Glasgow, Edinburgh to name a few :) I got my love of lacrosse in Manchester where its biggest in the U.K., highest level I've played was with Scotland U19s in 2012 so I got to see Matt Kav, Lyle Thompson and Wes berg up close destroying people. Those three were head and shoulders above the rest there

And Matt maybe my girlfriend is spoiled because I'm a good cook haha! But nah I do admit we don't have quite the variety America does!

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby genghiskhanbluejay on Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:16 pm

i drafted last night at my sons 8PM indoor soccer game, while writing things down and scratching off a list I was hoping people didn't think I was an idiot scouting 10 year old kids.
Lots of good drafts done, I wasn't sure if I could compete this year and would have to rebuild but think I came away with 3 middies and a good D. For Cornell D they get Knight back from injury for his senior year and he was an all Ivy goalie, plus they wont face last years Brown team that could put up 22 on them.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Metro on Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:23 pm

Sorry for not being ready at the start of the draft. I had intended to be home and ready. I do enjoy the draft, although I not very good at it.

I had a pick skipped too, which I made up later. I think that was good punishment for tardiness. :)

Read that there is a waiting list for this league. I can certainly bow out after this year and let someone new who has been waiting to join the league. I have a lot of graduating players in 2017 and next year a more engaged lacrosse fan could rebuild the team with a lot of picks. My co-coach wholly is very hands off and that would work.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby maddog29 on Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:36 pm

Spent several weeks in Eng./Wales/Scotland and found the Scots food to be the best. Having said that, had several haggis and all were dreadful, bangers were very bland, mash under seasoned. The lamb preparations are excellent - except for some mutton which I deem distasteful. The country side itself, the castles, the sheep are all very beautiful and we loved Edinburgh! The weather is questionable - I played at St. Andrews on a July 2nd - temp was 44F, pouring rain, 30-40 miles per hour winds - a real challenge. I think I'll keep my citizenship here for now :D .
Great to see such lax dedication all the way from Scotland for sure!!
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Mon Jan 30, 2017 2:06 pm

The problem is the tourist traps often don't serve great food because they get customers whatever they turn out due to location.. you can definitely find good food here if you know where to go...

As for haggis, it can definitely be the worst thing ever if cooked badly... I grew up in England till I was 18 and my first haggis was rank.. however cooked and seasoned right it can make a great roast dinner with lots of gravy haha!

Glad to hear many of you have visited and enjoyed our terrible weather!

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Mon Jan 30, 2017 2:08 pm

Metro, no need to bow out. I'm just saying what I'm saying to put it out there. Historically, we had co-coaches. Like you and Wholly before Wholly went MIA. Again, I'm just putting it out there that (1) we had a bunch of coaches absent for the draft and (2) several coaches wanting to be part of the draft (and season). Just putting it out there. Not sure how interesting it would be for any of them to join a squad right now and... Worth thinking about.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Mon Jan 30, 2017 3:27 pm

One of our coaches pointed out that our add/drop time is shorter than usual. He's right. For this reason, add/drops will continue through tonight at 11 PM. i.e. You can continue to do add/drops until 11 PM tonight.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby OCanada on Mon Jan 30, 2017 3:44 pm

I was in Aberdeen in 1997 for the International Whaling Conference. Less than a year after Braveheart. Passions were running very high. We were scheduled to have dinner with the ED of the John Denver Foundation the day he died. We drive up the North Sea to the car fairy to Orkney and then back down the west coast to Mull, Skye, Iona and Fingle's Cave. From there to Glasgow and then Edinburgh. Driving though the NW there were times Gaelic was the only language on the car radio.

On the west coast I was staying st a B&B managed by a very pretty French woman who introduced me to Lagavulin. Still my go to though the price has jumped about 300% since. So many rich stories from that month.

PS the few German drivers I met in the Highlsnds never used the pullovers unless they were forced by circumstance to do it.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby gcclaxster67 on Mon Jan 30, 2017 3:49 pm


Jack Falk JR M UVA
Pierre Byrne JR M Notre Dame


Brendan Mackie SO M Yale
Ben Pridemore SR M ND
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Mon Jan 30, 2017 3:52 pm

Dylan Maltz A SR UMD
Dan Craig A SR PSU
Timmy Kelly A SO UNC
Connor Murphy SR A Rutgers
Jeff Teat A FR Cornell
Forry Smith A FR JHU
Tyler Young SR M Towson
Brendan Mackie SO M Yale
Johnny Kelly SR M OSU
Ben Pridemore SR M ND
Casey Rees M JR Navy
Lucas Colter FR M Yale
Syracuse D
Rutgers D
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Metro on Tue Jan 31, 2017 11:49 am

Matnum PI wrote:
Metro, no need to bow out. I'm just saying what I'm saying to put it out there. Historically, we had co-coaches. Like you and Wholly before Wholly went MIA. Again, I'm just putting it out there that (1) we had a bunch of coaches absent for the draft and (2) several coaches wanting to be part of the draft (and season). Just putting it out there. Not sure how interesting it would be for any of them to join a squad right now and... Worth thinking about.

I'd like to add a co-coach next year who would be immediately promoted to head coach, i.e. would be in charge of add / drops, the draft and line up. I'd like to add my two cents prior to the draft and let this person run the team. Good transition time for me and good opportunity for someone else to enjoy the league.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Tue Jan 31, 2017 11:53 am

Sounds good. I'll put you in touch with your new co-coach via e-mail.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Tue Jan 31, 2017 3:28 pm

Any other coaches open to/interested in having a co-coach? No pressure.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nathanc21 on Thu Feb 02, 2017 4:56 am

stegmakk wrote:
For my pick...think I have to go with need rather than want...I've got too many A and not many M
Justin Anderson - M - UNC - FR

Can i just say i think this is the best pick of the draft, for a while he was my number 1 pick and i was sooooo tempted by him over Eric Scott but couldn't take the risk of losing Scott (proven points) with my midfield in need of a boost this year as opposed to taking a freshman.... But since our draft ( two days later) Anderson has been added to on his roster bio as a likely No1 line midfielder for Carolina and will probs put up big points for 4 years!! Good one Steggs

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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Metro on Thu Feb 02, 2017 2:47 pm

Drop Mitch Howell FR A UMBC and pick up Georgetown Defense is the last change for our squad.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Fri Feb 03, 2017 8:50 am

nathanc21 wrote:
Drop Mitch Howell FR A UMBC and pick up Georgetown Defense is the last change for our squad.

This change was allowed after the add/drop deadline because Metro got a new co-coach, CALaxDad, after the draft and I wanted CA to have an opportunity to adjust his new squad. Games tomorrow. :) None that count for our league but still, games tomorrow. :)
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby nclaxin on Fri Feb 03, 2017 9:20 am

Going out on a limb and saying Mitchell Howell will be a pretty high draft pick next season considering he cannot be added now...
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sat Feb 04, 2017 8:41 pm

Mac O'Keefe with 7 goals today. Ohmi grabbed him with his first pick.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Feb 12, 2017 6:24 pm

Our first "NCAA Games that Count" are on Saturday, February 18th.

(Navy (vs. Delaware), UMBC (vs. Richmond), JHU (vs. Loyola), UMD (vs. High Point), and Syracuse (vs. Albany))

All these games are games or back-up games for the play-offs so they will not be relevant for everyone. But, for example, if you play in the Quarterfinals and you have a Navy player you want to be a starter for that Quarterfinal game but you didn't have him on your starting line-up on Feb. 18, we will not be able to help you. In other words, set your starters on The Week One thread before Feb. 18.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Sun Feb 12, 2017 6:26 pm

nclaxin wrote:
Going out on a limb and saying Mitchell Howell will be a pretty high draft pick next season considering he cannot be added now...

After 2 games, Howell is starting at middy but... has 2 shots and 0 points. We'll see.
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Re: 2017 Draft
New postby Matnum PI on Wed Mar 08, 2017 10:37 am

nclaxin wrote:
Going out on a limb and saying Mitchell Howell will be a pretty high draft pick next season considering he cannot be added now...

After 2 games, Howell has 3 points.
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