2005 Pre-Season Report

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2005 Pre-Season Report

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NCAA Fantasy Lacrosse 2005
Postby Matnum PI on Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:33 pm

NCAA Fantasy Lacrosse 2005
With the New Year upon us, the Fantasy Lacrosse League 2005 is "around the corner". (Fantasy NCAA Lacrosse is the same as fantasy football and other fantasy sports except with NCAA Lacrosse and its a "keeper league". i.e., you keep the player you draft for the duration of their NCAA career.)

Fantasy Teams
All Coaches from last year will have the opportunity to manage their same team as last season. If you coached a team last season and you are (or are not) interested in coaching your team this season, please let me know. Whether coaches from last season coach again this year or not, we will have room for several new teams and coaches. Please e-mail or pm me if you would like to coach (or co-coach) a team this season. New Teams/coaches will be allocated in a first-come, first-served manner.

2005 Fantasy Draft
All Coaches can draft:
1- All Not-Already-Drafted Players from last years NCAA squads (JHU, 'cuse, Navy, Maryland, UNC, UVA, G'town, P'ton, Cornell, Rutgers, ND, Towson, Duke, UMass, OSU, PSU, Hofstra, Dartmouth, UMBC, and Loyola) PLUS... we're adding Army, Hobart, and UPenn for this coming season. As an aside, the vast majority of top players from the former NCAA teams are already on squads but the latter three teams are "wide-open". e.g., John Walker (who happens to be a Junior) and many other great pick-ups are for the taking.
2- All incoming freshman/transfers to last years NCAA squads (JHU, 'cuse, Navy, Maryland, UNC, UVA, G'town, P'ton, Cornell, Rutgers, ND, Towson, Duke, UMass, OSU, PSU, Hofstra, Dartmouth, UMBC, and Loyola) PLUS... we're adding Army, Hobart, and UPenn for this coming season.
3- Dropped Players by current franchises. Before the 2005 draft, we'll let everyone know who was dropped by which franchises to make room for new players.

Because we are a "keeper league", numerous fantasy teams from last season will only be drafting one or two players to replace their defense, graduated seniors, or underclassmen that underperformed and they want to drop. As a consequence, this season's draft will be MUCH quicker than last years. The draft order and draft date will be determined at a later date.

If you want to play again this season or join our Fantrasy League, please e-mail or pm me. And, also, please contact me if you have any questions.

Last Season's Franchises
1.Homer Jay
2 Wholly Laxman
3 Bluelax
4 Dolby
5 Allsports
6 Matnum PI
7 Stegmakk
8 Spenny
9 Homeblue
10 WNY Cleats
11 Doned
12 Laxsoup
13 Lonewolf
14 Biffman
15 Cliverman
16 Triple B
17 Jackson
18 Commonman

Matnum PI
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Fantasy League 2005 Pre-Season, Pre-Draft Prognostications
Postby Matnum PI on Mon Jan 03, 2005 10:06 pm

These prognostications are Pre-Draft. The Draft will make a BIG Difference for numerous squads including new teams into the league. With this said, here are my Fantasy League 2005 Pre-Season, Pre-Draft Prognostications...

[The starting line-up for each week is 3 attackmen, 3 middies, and 1 defensive team. Everyone needs to draft a new defensive team each year. You have a maximum of 14 "players" on your squad.]

Though Lonewolf won it all last year, he had 4 seniors and the Hopkins D on his starting line-up... all of which he'll lose this season. His two starting underclassmen are JHU's Rewkowski (hmmm) and Lucas (Hofstra, A). Despite the win last year, LoneWolf does NOT have the fantasy preseason #1 Ranking. Two words for Lonewolf... "draft well".

LONE WOLF - 2004 Fantasy Champion Squad
Lonewolf Rewkowski A/M Hopkins
Lonewolf Daniels M Sr. Dartmouth?
Lonewolf Pfarr M Towson
Lonewolf Bossi Navy A
Lone Wolf Caretsky A Umd,
Lone Wolf Chris Brown M
Lone Wolf Craig Boaman And - A
Lonewolf Radebaugh M Sr. Dartmouth
Lonewolf Lucas A Hofstra
Lonewolf Jones Psu M
Lone Wolf Drew Casino M Sr.
Lone Wolf Shaun Lyons - M
Lone Wolf Sean Denihan – A

AllSports finished as the regular season champion and lost to Lonewolf in the C'ship finals. Attackman Dingman, Midfield White (Rutgers), and the Navy D carried him much of the season. He loses White, the Navy D, and several other seniors to graduation. AllSport also needs a big draft to compete this season.

AllSports 2004 Squad - Regular Season Champ and Play-Off Runner-up
Allsports Dingman So Navy
Allsports Monfett A Loyola
Allsports Mac Bryson, M Pton
Allsports Einhorn Loyola A
Allsports Kyrkostas M
Allsports Greg Hale - A
Allsports White, Tim M Sr.
Allsports Flannery Duke A
Allsports Flanagan Rutgers M
Allsports Miaritis M G'town
Allsports Lynch M
Allsports Michael Coomber, - A
Allsports Andrew Schwartzman (A)

Stegmakk finished in second in the regular season and lost in the quarter-finals. He has his entire squad returning for 2005. This is DEFINITELY a top-squad for 2005. Take a look...

Stegmakk 2004 Squad
Stegmakk Matt Ward So
Stegmakk D. Thompson Fr
Stegmakk Chris Unterstein M Hofstra So
Stegmakk Pete Trombino Fr Prince A
Stegmakk Mike Ward Fr Duke M
Stegmakk Matt Tundo Fr A Umass
Stegmakk J. Keysor So
Stegmakk Greg Peyser M So
Stegmakk Jon Engelke Fr Tow
Stegmakk Keith Obloj Fr Tow M
Stegmakk Bryan Boyle Fr A Nd
Stegmakk Dan Bauers A Fr Loyola
Stegmakk Henry Bartlett Cornell Fr

Spenny has a similar story as Stegmakk. Spenny finished in eighth in the regular season and lost in the quarter-finals. He has his entire squad returning for 2005. Though seemingly not as powerful as Stegmakk, this is definitely a top-squad for 2005. Take a look...

Spenny's 2004 Squad
Spenny Pat Walsh So
Spenny Bobby Greibe A Tows
Spenny Peter Lamade Duke Fr
Spenny Justin Redd M Cornell Jr
Spenny B Hubschman M/A Nd
Spenny M Hartofilis A/M Umd
Spenny G Pearsall M Psu
Spenny Nate Whitaker A Psu
Spenny Matt Zash M So Duke
Spenny Lance Zimmerman M Unc
Spenny Cassalia M Loy
Spenny B Wolff A Ohio
Spenny K. Murphy M Su

Matnum PI finished in third in the regular season and lost in the quarter-finals. He has his entire squad returning for 2005 minus Dougherty (Syr.) at midfield. This is another top-squad for 2005 and arguably has the top Attack with Zywicki, Mundorf, Ritz, and Trevor Casey coming off the bench.

Matnumpi Zywicki So. Umass
Matnum Grinnell M Dartmouth
Matnumpi Dougherty M Syr
Matnumpi Ted Lamade Uva M
Matnumpi Adam Fassnacht A/M
Matnumpi Mike Macdonald F Syr. M
Matnumpi Ryan Walterhoefer Fr. M
Matnumpi Mundorf Umbc A So.
Matnumpi Jared Little M Uva So.
Matnumpi Ritz A Umd
Matnumpi Nick Williams Fr M Tow
Matnumpi Fred Krom A/M Fr.
Matnumpi Trevor Casey A Fr. G'town

Cliverman finished in fourth in the regular season and lost in the semi-finals to AllSports. Cliverman loses a lot to graduation.

Cliverman Greenhalgh A
Cliverman Hajj M G'town
Cliver Berry Umbc
Cliverman Clagett M,
Cliverman Justin Mullin (A)
Cliverman Joe Kennedy (A)
Cliverman Powless A Sr
Cliverman Tundo A Jr Umass
Cliverman Karwek M
Cliverman Wright A Dartmouth
Cliverman Jacober M Jr.
Cliverman Brice Queener (M)
Cliverman John Halip (M)

Jackson finished in fifth in the regular season and lost in the quarter-finals to Cliverman. With a couple of new recruits, this could easily be a top squad.

Jackson Prossner Unc A
Jackson Chris Doyle M Umass Jr. Middy
Jackson Boloukos M
Jackson Bailey A
Jackson Brett Thompson Duke M,
Jackson Don Scott M
Jackson Mike Mcguiore (A)
Jackson Lindsay M 'Cuse
Jackson Nolan A
Jackson Olson A
Jackson Austin Rogers A
Jackson Dan Eddy - M
Jackson Matt Gaines (A)

Biffman finished in seventh in the regular season and lost in the semi-finals to LoneWolf. Biffman has several top returning players but needs a good draft.

Biffman Walters A Umd
Biffman Lundberg
Biffman Young Psu M
Biffman Gilbert A,
Biffman Joe D'ariggo M
Biffman Dave Paolisso M
Biffman Danowski A Duke
Biffman Bryant Will M Unc
Biff M Chane
Biffman Nee Cornell A
Biffman Tony Ventiquattroa So. Umass
Biffman Greg Gurenlian - M
Biffman Parker Adams (M)

And, these are teams that didn't qualify for the Play-Offs in 2004...

Homer Jay loses Mikey and more. 2005 will be a tough year.
Homer Jay Mikey Powell
Homer Jay Mike Morrison M Hofstra
Homerjay Myers M
Homerjay Ian Healy M Umd
Homer Jay Defeliz M
Homer Jay Clay Stabert (A/M)
Homer Jay Dave Pittard Attack Cornell
Homer Jay Graham Gill
Homerjay Cutler Jr. A
Homerjay Gillette
Homer Jay Ricez M
Homer Jay Travis Tomzsak (A),
Homer Jay Travis Bryan (A)

Wholly Laxman loses Boyle but has a very Orange returning squad that looks like they will compete in 2005. They were 1-7 last season and finished in last place. It's doubtful that they'll repeat this performance in 2005.
Wholly Laxman Boyle, A, Princeton
Wholly Laxman Greg Rommel M Soph 'Cuse
Wholly Laxman Steven Brooks M Freshman
Wholly Laxman Zink 'Cuse M
Wholly Laxman Kenney M
Wholly Laxman Ben Horn - A...
Wholly Laxman Crockett A 'Cuse
Wholly Laxman Ryan Blair A Unc
Wholly Laxman Jarrett Park M Su
Wholly Laxman Corno G'town M
Wholly Laxman Baxter M
Wholly Laxman Matt Maalkoff, - A
Wholly Laxman Matt Ganes (A)

With some of his players "stepping-up" and some good draft picks, BlueLax should compete in 2005.
Bluelax Barrie Jr Jhu
Bluelax Howell A Nd
Bluelax Mcdermott M Jhu
Bluelax Lovejoy M
Bluelax Brendan Healy Umd
Bluelax Yulfo M
Bluelax Ben Spoonhower - A
Bluelax A Berger Nd
Bluelax Kevin Glenz Sr. A Umass
Bluelax Florio
Bluelax Muston M
Bluelax Lance Vitt, - A
Bluelax Mike Abbott Uva (M)

Another squad that could perform in 2005 but it's not so obvious that they will.
Dolby X-Mas Jr.
Dolby Gallagher A Umbc
Dolby Hyland Umbc M
Dolby Erwin Hopkins M
Dolby Vollen M Jhu
Dolby Needham M
Dolby Chris Gannett - M
Dolby Justin Smith M Umd
Dolby Birsner A Navy
Dolby Jhu Spratlin A
Dolby Mekeel M
Dolby Joe Benson, - M
Dolby John Mulflur (A)

If Yevoli doesn't play, Homeblue will have a tough year. If Yevoli does play, he still might have a tough year.
Homeblue Joe Yevoli, Va
Homeblue Leif Blomquist, A
Homeblue Ryan Vilar M So.
Homeblue Scott Sowanick - Fr - A - P'ton
Homeblue Koesterer, Fr., M. - Hop
Homeblue Drew Westervelt, Fr., A., Umbc
Homeblue Mike Mccall, A Jr
Homeblue Steve Vallone, M, Syracuse
Homeblue Brian Trombino, M Hofstra
Homeblue Anthony Triplin, M, Fr - Hop
Homeblue John Adamo, Fr., M., P'ton
Homeblue Ball, A., Fr., Psu

Loses Conor Ford and... still has a good looking squad for 2005. WNY Cleast should compete in 2005.
WNY Cleats Conor Ford
WNY Cleats Ryan Danehy Dart A
WNY Cleats Mcglone M Md
WNY Cleats Spack Lc M
WNY Cleats Potucek M Jhu
WNY Cleats Colin Fatti (M)
WNY Cleats Kyle Dixon Uva
WNY Cleats Falatach A So Unc
WNY Cleats Langtry A Gt
WNY Cleats Sean Denihan A Gt
WNY Cleats C Georgalas M Lc
WNY Cleats Phipps A Md
WNY Cleats Charlie Perry (A)
Doned is losing a lot from 2004, 2005 could be a tough season.
Doned Collins Cornell M Sr
Doned Goldman A G'town
Doned Mull Towson
Doned White Loyola M
Doned Bucktooth Syr. A
Doned Rassch (M)
Doned Keith Schroeder M
Doned Grillo A Towson
Doned Apel Rutgers A Sr Rutgers
Doned Miller Hofstra A
Doned Checcio, Rutgers A
Doned Cusson (A)
Doned John Orsen M

LaxSoup is carrying lots of (young) Blue Jay talent. If the (young) Blue Jays peform, so will Lax Soup.
Laxsoup Boland M Jhu.
Laxsoup Dowd M So Jhu
Laxsoup Pittard, Eric A, Fr, Uva
Laxsoup Dabrowski A Fr Jhu,
Laxsoup Drew Peters M
Laxsoup Joseph Malo (M) Psu (A)
Laxsoup Harrison, Kyle M Jhu.
Laxsoup Byrne, Jake A, Fr Jhu.
Laxsoup Eremus, J, A So, Psu
Laxsoup Connolly, Ryan A, Jr, Umass
Laxsoup Kenny Lynch M Sr.
Laxsoup Pat Shek - M
Laxsoup Charlie Perry Psu (A)

Triple B loses a lot from last season. He needs a big draft.
Triple B Peter Lesueur A Jr.
Triple B Nee Syr. A
Triple B Giordano M
Triple B Mulford Middy
Triple B Laffey M,
Triple B Cj Sinisgalli (M)
Triple B Dabiel Leary - A
Triple B Stephen Brundage A Sr Loyola
Triple B Gilardi Osu A Sr
Triple B Middy Fountain
Triple B Matt Ryan So. M
Triple B Joe Cahill A/M
Triple B Dan Straka – A

Commonman has plenty of talent returning for 2005. This may be a top squad in the coming season.
Commonman Coffin A Dartmouth
Commonman Sean Morris A Umass
Commonman Matt Poskay So M Uva
Commonman Jr Bordley
Commonman Ben Fenton A Sr.
Commonman Kevin Shooshan A
Commonman Kyle Waters Dartmouth
Commonman Jason Donegar A Princeton
Commonman Brad Heritage M Dartmouth So
Commonman Tom Randisi M Jr. Osu
Commonman Rutledge M
Commonman Andrew Lucas - A
Commonman Nick Bonacci Dartmouth
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Matnum PI

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Postby whollymoly on Mon Jan 03, 2005 10:11 pm

The draft order will be determined AT A LATER DATE ?


I was last place, I get first pick !
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Draft Order
Postby Matnum PI on Mon Jan 03, 2005 10:21 pm


I was actually thinking about this and, in order to mimic the NCAAs as closely as possible, it would make more sense that the top recruits would want to go to the top teams. Thus, the draft will actually be in order of finish (top to bottom) in the regular season combined with success in the play-offs. Also, the top teams picks twice for everyt time that a bottom team picks once. As a consequence, actually, i'msorry but you don't get to pick this year. If you win more than one game in the 2005 season, in 2006, you might be able to grab a transfer or two. Hard luck, my man.

PS Random draft like last season. I'll do a random drawing once we know how many squads we'll have. I fully expect you to pick lots of orange freshman and transfers during the draft. If you do, I'm going to rig the schedule so you play LaxSoup when JHU plays 'cuse in week 3 of our fantasy schedule.
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Postby Matnum PI on Tue Jan 04, 2005 10:07 am

All Teams in Blue are in for 2005. All Teams in Orange I'm still waiting to hear from. The spots for new coaches are not full yet but is getting there.

Homer Jay
Wholly Laxman
WNY Cleats
Triple B
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2005 Fantasy Lacrosse Pre-Season All-American Team
Postby Matnum PI on Tue Jan 04, 2005 1:29 pm

Pre-Season All-American status is based on last years Fantasy Point production. (Fantasy Points are based on 1 game per week which is usually the Saturday game.) A Couple of Players that were not drafted last season would be on this list but they are not being disclosed until after the 2005 Draft.

Dingman, Navy (AllSports)
Crockett, Syracuse (Wholly Laxman)
Walsh, NDU (Spenny)
Prossner, UNC (Jackson)
Walters, UMD (Biffman)

Bryant Will, UNC (Biffman)
Grinnell, Dartmouth (Matnum PI)
Doyle, UMass (Jackson)
Harrison, JHU (Lax Soup)

Hopkins D (TBD)
Navy D (TBD)
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