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by a fan
Thu Mar 28, 2019 7:29 pm
Topic: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?
Replies: 4222
Views: 271057

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Not a big deal? I think it's the only deal. Lets assume they don't pay tuition to attend school. ( If I found the answer, would it make a difference to you?) And lets assume there are another 100 kids just like them, crossing the border every day. Where does the funding come from for the One Millio...
by a fan
Thu Mar 28, 2019 7:17 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1138173

Re: The Mueller Investigation

You really holding onto that benghazi teddy bear as the reason Hillary lost? Oh for f-'s sake. Is there any subject that you don't play dumb about? No. There's no possible way that partisan hammering of the Dem Candidate for President on national TV the entire time she was campaigning damaged her. ...
by a fan
Thu Mar 28, 2019 7:07 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1138173

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Ah, FoxNation logic. Delightful. 1. You hate Hillary 2. You and Foxnation want Hillary and other investigated and prosecuted for getting info from a foreign entity, and using it to hit her opponent 3. You can't now say it's ok for Trump's crew to try the same thing, except in a hotel room, in perso...
by a fan
Thu Mar 28, 2019 7:06 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1138173

Re: The Mueller Investigation

First of all, what are you talking about? One, two, three criminal indictments for Trump's inner circle. Cohen, Manafort, and Flynn. :roll: :lol: So no matter what, I can't win with you. If I try and project what you mean, you jump on me for putting words in your mouth. And if I quote you directly,...
by a fan
Thu Mar 28, 2019 6:43 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1138173

Re: The Mueller Investigation

[There it is! was just a matter of time :lol: Where, pray tell, did I give "grief" to anyone over this. Except for a brief comment when Barr's summary first came out, I haven't made a peep. You're a piece of work a fan... Says the guy who wrote "but I have a hunch you're going t...
by a fan
Thu Mar 28, 2019 5:15 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1138173

Re: The Mueller Investigation

I'm HOPING that Trump is cleared for us rational Americans. Trump being "cleared" is NOT ON THE TABLE HERE. That's what "does not exonerate him" means. Barr wrote what any credible person would admit is a highly partisan summary of the Mueller report. Consider that Barr himself ...
by a fan
Thu Mar 28, 2019 3:57 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1138173

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Ah, FoxNation logic. Delightful. 1. You hate Hillary 2. You and Foxnation want Hillary and other investigated and prosecuted for getting info from a foreign entity, and using it to hit her opponent 3. You can't now say it's ok for Trump's crew to try the same thing, except in a hotel room, in person...
by a fan
Thu Mar 28, 2019 3:43 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1138173

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Who's giving the libs grief for wanting to see it ? Everybody wants to see it.... Don't make me pull quotes. You boys have been making fun for pages now. Come on. I'm not just making stuff up here. Barr, Rosenstein, Mueller & Coats need to be given time to comply with the law in preparing it fo...
by a fan
Thu Mar 28, 2019 3:39 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1138173

Re: The Mueller Investigation

afan you are waaaaay too smart not to understand what is going on. And you guys give me grief for the little D's and R's thing. You're doing it again. What you are describing is what the D's and the libs want. Of COURSE I understand what the Maddow's of the world want. I'm not Maddow, I'm not a lib...
by a fan
Thu Mar 28, 2019 3:26 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1138173

Re: The Mueller Investigation

How long is the Mueller report? No s_ _t a fan...I said I'm all for transparency...go for it...I'm just saying I think you'll be disappointed. Guess we'll know someday...or not. Well, if it's "no *hit" , then why are you and others giving the libs grief for wanting to see the doggone thin...
by a fan
Thu Mar 28, 2019 2:39 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1138173

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Fer fack's sake. You guys are all smarter than this. Barr could have shot completely straight pool, and told the 100% truth. No need for correction by anyone. Frankly, I have no doubts whatsoever that he told the truth. I'm not a tinfoil hat ranger. But: How long is the Mueller report? How long was ...
by a fan
Thu Mar 28, 2019 2:01 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1138173

Re: The Mueller Investigation

I suppose this is the crux of both sides on this topic. Jim Jordan video. For F's sake, Jordan isn't quoting Mueller. He's pretending he is. He's not. He's quote what Barr thinks. Sorry, Barr isn't Mueller. Did anyone----anyone--- in America...
by a fan
Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:21 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1138173

Re: The Mueller Investigation

lEpEiBf8vvo Precisely my point. That's what the libs wanted for ol' Donnie. Imagine the crazy stuff that would come out of Donny's mouth over 11 hours of partisan questioning. The libs didn't get that. And, of course, the Mueller report, for now, is buried. So that clearance that you were expecting...
by a fan
Wed Mar 27, 2019 9:38 pm
Topic: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?
Replies: 4222
Views: 271057

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

This is from the original post a few pages back: Thelma Galaxia said her friend, Michelle Cardenas, was driving each of their two children from Tijuana, where they live , to their schools in San Ysidro Monday morning, as they do nearly every day. Galexia's 9-year-old daughter, Julia Isabel Amparo M...
by a fan
Wed Mar 27, 2019 6:51 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1138173

Re: The Mueller Investigation

That's all fine. One exception. I want the Gang of 8 to read the un-redacted report. They've got the clearances. Let them do their jobs. This NOT going well for guys like Old Salt, who thinks Trump needs to be cleared before he can govern. While I don't agree with this perspective, anything other th...
by a fan
Wed Mar 27, 2019 5:20 pm
Topic: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?
Replies: 4222
Views: 271057

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Good for you. But, what is the percentage of business owners that are NOT ethical? That is the point. The same exact percentage, and people, who give Congressmen (both D's and R's) money to do nothing about the problem. And if people don't reflect on WHY our economy would collapse if everify became...
by a fan
Wed Mar 27, 2019 4:50 pm
Topic: Healthcare
Replies: 899
Views: 83732

Re: Healthcare

Well bust my buttons Finlands government collapsed under the weight of ...wait a minute....HEALTHCARE COSTS Uhhhh. That's not at all what happened. You're making it sound like Finland went bankrupt. What do you think happened? I'm curious to hear. And while you're at it: tell me which country has a...
by a fan
Wed Mar 27, 2019 4:27 pm
Topic: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?
Replies: 4222
Views: 271057

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Of course illegals take more than they give. Case in point, the kids detained at the border live in Mexico, but attend a school in the US. (mentioned this a few posts ago ) I am assuming these kids families are not paying rent, property tax or other taxes that fund the school districts they attend....
by a fan
Wed Mar 27, 2019 4:09 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1138173

Re: The Mueller Investigation

You predictably ignore the disparity in investigate resources & access the Mueller probe enjoyed, in contrast to the Benghazi Comm. And you predictably ignore the fact that we haven't heard one word from Mueller, or that Trump was never interviewed, let alone pulled apart by partisan Congressma...
by a fan
Wed Mar 27, 2019 3:18 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1138173

Re: The Mueller Investigation

That Benghazi thing went great. It took 4 years, but we finally got some answers. :lol: That's the whole point---they investigated until YOU were happy. You can't turn around and give libs grief for not being happy with a less than 2 year sealed investigation, where the entire investigation took pl...

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