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by old salt
Tue Jan 08, 2019 5:20 am
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1137843

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Here ya go TDS conspiracy theorists. The Duma's draft resolution revising Russia's history of their Afghanistan invasion, which is the only specific source even tangetially referenced by the Maddow-Frum-Schiff Unamerican Activities investigative unit. No mention of Afghan terrorists. Just a reversal...
by old salt
Mon Jan 07, 2019 11:39 pm
Topic: National Security Matters
Replies: 281
Views: 45028

Re: National Security Matters

Useful updates for paranoid readers, nostalgic for the House Unamerican Activities Committee : Ft Trump update -- Black Sea order of battle -- South China Sea Freedom of Navigation transit --
by old salt
Mon Jan 07, 2019 6:03 pm
Topic: Orange Duce
Replies: 20648
Views: 1353009

Re: Orange Duce

Trinity wrote: ... SKCN1NX1C4

Russia is happy to take our big customers. Man, it’s almost like.....
Does Vlad have a new 5 year plan for his Russian AG sector ?
by old salt
Mon Jan 07, 2019 5:38 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1137843

Re: The Mueller Investigation

MDLF76 wrote : Unless you are in an intel agency (scary thought Salty), no I don't think Russian propaganda tells us anything interesting other than what it is they are putting out for dissemination, and/or allowing to be said. It does explain a lot of your pro-Putin's Russia perspective, salty, th...
by old salt
Mon Jan 07, 2019 2:21 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1137843

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Be afraid. Be very afraid.
by old salt
Mon Jan 07, 2019 2:09 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1137843

Re: The Mueller Investigation

MDLF76 wrote : Unless you are in an intel agency (scary thought Salty), no I don't think Russian propaganda tells us anything interesting other than what it is they are putting out for dissemination, and/or allowing to be said. It does explain a lot of your pro-Putin's Russia perspective, salty, th...
by old salt
Sun Jan 06, 2019 11:58 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1137843

Re: The Mueller Investigation

As I don't follow social media trolls, but am able to google, here's the beginning of what I found. The first is a translation in the Guardian of an interview done in Kommersant back in 2015 that demonstrates quite well the kind of propaganda has been spewing for quite some time, with the positioni...
by old salt
Sun Jan 06, 2019 11:49 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1137843

Re: The Mueller Investigation

If Trump was mouthing Putin's talking points in his Afghan history lesson (as Chairman Schiff asserts, without evidence), ...the Russians don't get it. Interesting that you are a reader of Sputn...
by old salt
Sun Jan 06, 2019 6:15 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1137843

Re: The Mueller Investigation

.:lol:. TDS porn.
by old salt
Sun Jan 06, 2019 6:06 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1137843

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Russia's version of their Afghan War. No mention of terrorists. ... war-myths/

Maddow's Chad passport paper causing Trump's Benghazi theory was highly original.
by old salt
Sun Jan 06, 2019 5:56 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1137843

Re: The Mueller Investigation

If Trump was mouthing Putin's talking points in his Afghan history lesson (as Chairman Schiff asserts, without evidence),
...the Russians don't get it. ... -russians/
by old salt
Sun Jan 06, 2019 2:39 pm
Topic: Our Undeclared Wars
Replies: 940
Views: 70984

Re: Our Undeclared Wars Not so fast on that Syria withdrawal. Somebody let Bolton out of the closet. Mattis resigned ...
by old salt
Sun Jan 06, 2019 12:05 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1137843

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Then why did you quote my discussion with MDLF76 about Trump's Russia-Afghan statement ?
by old salt
Sun Jan 06, 2019 11:55 am
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1137843

Re: The Mueller Investigation

I take it you've yet to locate any Russian social media claiming the USSR invaded Afghanistan to get Chechen terrorists. What's silly are yours & Maddow's whacky conspiracy theories. I'm prepared to believe anything about Trump & his cronies, if & when there's evidence, but too much of ...
by old salt
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:51 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1137843

Re: The Mueller Investigation

I take it you've yet to locate any Russian social media claiming the USSR invaded Afghanistan to get Chechen terrorists. What's silly are yours & Maddow's whacky conspiracy theories. I'm prepared to believe anything about Trump & his cronies, if & when there's evidence, but too much of t...
by old salt
Sat Jan 05, 2019 6:42 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1137843

Re: The Mueller Investigation

There you go again -- projecting onto me things I never said. I never disputed that Russia tried to influence our election. I questioned their effectiveness in impacting the result & want to see proof of collusion. After all these months, now that nothing new has been brought forward proving col...
by old salt
Sat Jan 05, 2019 3:39 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1137843

Re: The Mueller Investigation

"He wasn't saying it was right for Russia to invade Afghanistan. He was grasping for an analogy to our situation." No, no and again no. I sort of wish you'd stop this sort of twisted sophistry to explain the President's near total lack of grasp for world affairs and recent history. This i...
by old salt
Sat Jan 05, 2019 1:34 pm
Topic: Our Undeclared Wars
Replies: 940
Views: 70984

Re: Our Undeclared Wars

If Trump doesn't consider Webb & sticks with Shanahan, it'll be because Trump thinks he'll be a SecDef who implements his priorities & does not push back. Trump's emerging foreign policy is muscular mercantilism & isolationism. You want to be our ally -- then buy our US made weapons &...
by old salt
Sat Jan 05, 2019 1:07 pm
Topic: Trump's Russian Collusion
Replies: 12926
Views: 1137843

Re: The Mueller Investigation

MDLF76: So, what you are saying is that Trump is incapable of rationality? He's taking tidbits of information he hears in briefings (really? we hear he refuses briefings, and or wants very short summaries, and doesn't read them) and then twists and distorts those nuggets and tidbits in his mind? To...

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