FORUM: Comment Tied for #1 (8 teams) - Maryland, Villanova, Albany, Virginia, Marquette, Georgetown, North Carolina, and Vermont. #2-#70 (57 teams) - While we still do not have hard-and-fast numbers for the...

From Short & Wide to Long & Narrow

Like in a road race, at the starting line, the runners are packed together and, as a group, they are very short and wide. Even after the starter's pistol,...

Under Armour/ Inside Lacrosse/ Maverick/ NCAA Weekly Rankings Rule

FORUM: Comment My Fantasy Lacrosse team lost to TartanLax this week.  Guterding under-performed and UMBC's D sucked.  Bottomline, Team Matnum is a perennial power. And, after this loss, people started...

D1 Lax Rankings are a Popularity Contest

UPenn beats Duke and is ranked 10 spots below them. Can we just admit the Lax Rankings are a popularity contest?

NCAA D1 Mens Ranking – 02.27.18

FORUM: Comment As of Tuesday, February 27th in the evening, this is what we know. Insane - Most every poll and ranking is literally and figuratively insane.  How is it...

THIS WEEK’S GAMES – 02.26.18

FORUM: Comment Like last, this week's D1 Men’s Games are on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  The games with a green background are undeniably good games.  The games with yellow...

RANKINGS (Opponent Win %) – 02.25.2018

What the Rankings (below) look like if based solely on Winning Percentage of Opponents.  This does not make sense.  67 has opponents that are 2-2 and 1-3 and they're...

NCAA D1 MEN’S RANKINGS – 02.25.2018

Even after numerous concerted efforts, we've still been unable to create a ranking where "every team should start with a 100% clean slate."  For this reason, we're changing our...


Every new season, every team should start with a 100% clean slate.  That is what this Ranking System does.  i.e. On Day One, every D1 team is standing on...

This Week’s Games – 2018

03.19.18 03.12.18 03.05.18 02.26.18 02.21.18 02.19.18 02.13.18 02.11.18 02.05.18