Comparing Brunswick, Darien, and Gonzaga within 10% Ante.  (05.11.18)

Right off the bat, the obvious difference is that Gonzaga’s played 6 more games.  As the 10% Ante Ranking is cumulative, this matters.  But besides this, though I’m sure we’ll come back to this, this what happened thus far this season with these three teams…

  1. Starting Points – Brunswick, Darien, and Gonzaga have, respectively, Starting Points of 1,028, 1,067, and 1,085.  Starting Points are the average Points of each team’s best three wins.  e.g. Brunswick’s three best wins are Landon, Hill, and New Canaan; Darien’s are Yorktown, St. Anthonys, and New Canaan; Gonzaga’s are Landon, Paul VI (VA), and Boys Latin.  All three have three good wins and all three have very similar Starting Points.  The differences between their Starting Points is literally things like Brunswick played New Canaan earlier in the season when they had less points while Darien played them later in the season when they had more.  i.e. Their Starting Points are very similar.
  2. Game One – In Game One, Brunswick played Landon, Darien played Yorktown, and Gonzaga played The Heights (MD).  And, after Game One, Brunswick caught up to Darien where they both have 1,135 Points while Gonzaga with a less impressive win is at 1,123.
  3. Game Two and Three – All three win but not all wins are created equal.  Brunswick’s and Darien’s wins are similar.  Gonzaga’s are less impressive.
  4. Game Four – Gonzaga loses and loses 154 Points to drop under 1,000 Points.
  5. Game Five through Game Eleven – Brunswick beats New Canaan (+71) and Hill (+87) while Darien beats Torrey Pines (+55) and New Canaan (+83).  (And there’s the playing-New-Canaan-at-different-points-in-the-season.)  So, after Game Eleven, Brunswick is above 1,400 and Darien is about 100 behind him.  During this same time period, Gonzaga beat Boys Latin (+157) and then had two more losses, neither one horrible, so they’re barely over 1,000.
  6. Game Twelve – Darien beats St. Anthonys (+133) to go to 1,490 Points and moves about 40 Points ahead of Brunswick.  Gonzaga is trotting along 1,000.
  7. Game Thirteen and Game Fourteen – Brunswick has two wins against less-than-impressive teams while Darien has two wins against two teams that are even less impressive.  And this is where we are right now.  Brunswick with 1,479, Darien with 1,502, and Gonzaga with 1,069.  Hard stop.
  8. Game Fifteen through Game Twenty – But Gonzaga’s played 20 games this season, not 14.  And in those six “extra games”, Gonzaga won all six including wins over Landon (+96), St. Johns, DC twice (+60 and +67), and Paul VI (+78) which puts them, today, at 1,413.  Slightly behind Brunswick and Darien but still a great six games for them.  Now, as far as I know, Gonzaga’s season is over.  The question remains what Brunswick and Darien will do with their remaining games.

Hope that helps and, if nothing else, hope it helps to explain how 10% Ante works.