Who are the most Overrated and Underrated teams in D3 Men’s Lacrosse?

Setting aside the teams (like RPI, Amherst, and numerous other teams) that haven’t played a game yet are somehow ranked, these are the 5 Most Overrated Teams:

  1. Dickinson – Dickinson may be fantastic but you cannot decide this based on two mediocre wins (and two losses).
  2. Williams – 2-0 against two mediocre teams.
  3. Western New England – Three mediocre wins and a loss to Endicott.
  4. Tufts – They beat Colby. It’s 2021. Let the teams earn their ranking based on their Ws and Ls in 2021.
  5. Ursinus – Beat Washington. Lost to Gettysburg.

These are the 5 Most Underrated Teams:

  1. Roanoke 
  2. Southern Virginia 
  3. Washington & Lee 
  4. Ithaca 
  5. Hampden-Sydney 

Honorable Mention: Colorado College, Cortland, and Christopher Newport.