Salisbury has every right in the world to say, “Hey, Culver. My points should be doubled because you’ve played 20 games while I’ve only played 10.”
And Culver has every right in the world to say, “Hey, Salisbury. The difference is that I played 20 games.  This is high school lacrosse, not high school statistics.”
And Salisbury will say, “Well, on Friday, we play a 13-0 Brunswick team who beat Landon, Deerfield, and Hill so shut your pie hole.”
And Culver will say, “Spoiled preppies can’t start their season until April?”
And Salisbury will say, “I also could play 6 games a week if I played 3-11 teams from Michigan.”
And it just degenerates from there.

Bottomline… Culver’s season is done (I think) and 10-0 Salisbury plays 13-0 Brunswick on Friday.

G = Games Played (from fewest to most)
PPG = Points per Game
P(N) = Points (Normalized) – to 20 Games played per team