Below is a list of the Top 45 10% Ante Teams with the teams selected to lay in the Men’s D1 Championship Tournament highlighted.

Green = Teams selected due to Automatic Qualifiers.  i.e. Teams that won their Conference Championship.  (There’s no arguing with these teams.  Except with the winners of weaker conferences and that’s an argument for a different post.)

Yellow = Teams selected with At Large bids.  i.e. The NCAA committee judged these eight teams most worthy of joining the Green teams.  (There mostly certainly is arguing about these selections.)

If the 10% Ante Ranking system was picking the teams, it would look like this (below). i.e. The teams would be the same (though the rankings would not) except Syracuse and Villanova would be out and Bucknell and Navy would be in.

Most Ranking systems can’t explain in any real way why the system selected X over Y.  With 10% Ante, you can see an explanation of each team that was considered for an at-large spot and why or why not they were selected.  So why were Bucknell and Navy selected while the others were not…