This is Villanova’s Points after Game 14 but before FanLax has changed Villanova’s pre-season ranking to their new, Week Six “pre-season ranking”.
Villanova, like every team, started the season with 1,000 points.  And, when you look at each individual team, you will see that every team starts with 1,000 points.  With this said, until Week Six, every team is playing with a temporary pre-season ranking.  (On Week Six, every team has their points adjusted to what they’ve accomplished in the first six weeks of the current season.)  The 1,118 points directly below Villanova’s Game One opponent, PSU, is PSU’s adjusted points based on their temporary pre-season ranking.  i.e. In this temporary pre-season ranking, before being scrapped for real rankings on Week Six, PSU was ranked slightly higher than Villanova and their 1,118 points to Villanova’s 1,000 points shows this.

Villanova’s Game Five opponent also started the season with 1,000 points.  But, their pre-season rating before their match-up against Villanova was 792.  (i.e. Delaware is ranked lower than Villanova.)  Before Game One, Delaware had a pre-season ranking of 620.  In Games One-to-Three, Delaware beat Mt. St. Mary’s, NJIT, and Monmouth before playing Villanova.  From these three wins, Delaware’s “pre-season ranking” relative to Villanova increased to from 620 to 792.

Every team starts the season with 1,000 points.  After each game, these points increase and/or decrease based on whether the relevant team wins or loses and who they beat or lose to.  Before the Game Six games, each team has a certain number of points.   For Villanova, this number is 1,389.  And, this 1,389 replaces the original 1,000 points that Villanova started with.  Obviously, retroactively, the Games One through Games Five points will be changed by the 1,000 points being replaced by the 1,389 points (or whatever point total a team has pre-Game Six).

For Week Six and beyond, the points are the points.