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Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 11:46 am
by dislaxxic
One of the biggest threads on the "site-that-should-not-be-named" ;)

Needs its own space, yes?

Since wepubwicans now evidently CARE about the size of the debt or deficit spending issues...a big barrier to "Medicare For All" may have been blown away by the disciples of Notorious ironic!


Re: Healthcare

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 8:50 am
by dislaxxic
Rubio’s New Paid Leave Bill Threatens The Very Idea Of Social Security, Report Finds

"Unlike the paid leave bill supported by congressional Democrats that is funded by a small payroll tax paid by employees and employers, Rubio’s Economic Security For New Parents Act taps Social Security funds. The bill provides new parents anywhere from 55 to 80 percent of their regular pre-tax pay for two or three months, but it “borrows” from their future retirement accounts to do so."


Re: Healthcare

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 9:30 pm
by Brooklyn

during the campaign, Trump pledged to have every American covered by medical insurance - we await his fulfillment of that promise

Re: Healthcare

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 4:42 pm
by dislaxxic
These vulnerable Republicans really don’t want voters to remember they tried to repeal Obamacare

Where oh WHERE is that healthcare plan that The Disgrace said would be THE BEST EVER?


:?: :?:

Re: Healthcare

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 5:10 pm
by HooDat
dislaxxic wrote:One of the biggest threads on the "site-that-should-not-be-named" ;)

Needs its own space, yes?

Since wepubwicans now evidently CARE about the size of the debt or deficit spending issues...a big barrier to "Medicare For All" may have been blown away by the disciples of Notorious ironic!

I think most of the republican voters are actually less worried about how to pay for medicare for all, and instead are worried about healthcare delivery that matches the quality of care offered by the VA; or even worse, hospitals and doctors' offices that resemble the state sponsored DMV experience.....

Re: Healthcare

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 5:29 pm
by holmes435
HooDat wrote:I think most of the republican voters are actually less worried about how to pay for medicare for all, and instead are worried about healthcare delivery that matches the quality of care offered by the VA; or even worse, hospitals and doctors' offices that resemble the state sponsored DMV experience.....
What are today's issues with the VA and how does it compare overall with private hospitals in terms of care given?

I know there are plenty of issues, but how does it actually compare with the private sector overall?

Private hospitals are a bureaucratic mess with all the different insurance they have to deal with. We just received a refund check from a billing issue between a hospital and our insurance that was nearly a year and a half ago.

Re: Healthcare

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 10:46 am
by HooDat
Good point holmes. The private sector is a mess after you have been to the doctor, the VA side seems to be a mess when you are trying to get to the doctor (but I can't comment on direct experience, just anecdotal).

But, when I hear government provided health care, I for one can't help but envision it looking a lot like the DMV....

Re: Healthcare

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:05 pm
by dislaxxic

Re: Healthcare

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:35 pm
by Brooklyn
if this is true, then right wingers got their wish fulfilled when they brought on Republican death panels thanks to Trump:


Re: Healthcare

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 1:51 am
by a fan
holmes435 wrote:
HooDat wrote:I think most of the republican voters are actually less worried about how to pay for medicare for all, and instead are worried about healthcare delivery that matches the quality of care offered by the VA; or even worse, hospitals and doctors' offices that resemble the state sponsored DMV experience.....
You get what you pay for....if you want the DMV, pay piddly taxes, and direct no money to it.

But if you want, say, the University of Virginia? You spend hundreds of millions on it, and pay highly competitive salaries to staff.

Although the lax team might still suck. ;)

Re: Healthcare

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 9:16 am
by dislaxxic

Re: Healthcare

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:36 pm
by dislaxxic
Can the US Provide a Public Option for Prescription Drugs?

"The United States pays more for prescription drugs than any other comparable country in the world. The American prescription-drug cost crisis stems from the basic fact that the pharmaceutical industry has unchecked power to name whatever price it wants to take from the very people whose lives depend on its products. In economic jargon, that’s called “inelastic demand”—sky-high prices barely affect demand for drugs, because people simply need them to survive.

Without any countervailing pressure from government, pharmaceutical companies treat indulging in uncontrolled price hikes as nearly a God-given right. When Nostrum Laboratories raised the price of a single bottle of an essential antibiotic from $474.75 to $2,392, its chief executive, Nirmal Mulye, said, “I think it is a moral requirement to make money when you can…to sell the product for the highest price.”

The industry’s power is taking a devastating human toll. More and more families like the Pughs are resorting to crowdfunding from friends and strangers to cover the costs of routine medications. Cancer patients are delaying treatments and cutting pills in half because they can’t afford the out-of-pocket costs of their prescriptions.

Fortunately, there’s a readily available fix to this humanitarian crisis—if politicians are willing to use it. The federal government has the power to create a public option for cheaper generic versions of patented prescription drugs. And it doesn’t even need an act of Congress."


Re: Healthcare

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 1:19 pm
by jhu72

Re: Healthcare

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 1:34 pm
by runrussellrun
Guess you posted this to prove a point that the STEM world still hates the inclusion of women, but is making progress? Or, that the Nobel committee is full of sexual deviants? Beyond that, don't know what this has to do with healthcare. Most insurance companies don't cover stuff like LASIK surgery. Like eyewear, it's considered cosmetic. Not needed.

Re: Healthcare

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 1:44 pm
by runrussellrun
Brooklyn wrote:if this is true, then right wingers got their wish fulfilled when they brought on Republican death panels thanks to Trump:

It's rich b/c they charge $1300 a month for something that costs, soup to nuts, $13 to make. Who makes insulin? They get NIH, DOD funds?

TAMATS don't give a rats ass about Alex Smith. You blaming tRump is a friggin joke. $35k is poverty level. Yet the genius obama didn't think so So, Mr. Smith died as a result of obamacare and the plans that would cost you about $12k-$13k , including deductables. But he had coverage. You guys are friggin evil pretends.

Single payer NOW, not this money grab for Obama's foundation funders. Don't think anyone in Mr. Smiths position will be able to afford Michelles booktour tickets, eh.

Re: Healthcare

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 2:08 pm
by runrussellrun
TAMATS rues the day, but you ignore it. ... favor.html

Eli Lilly stock went from $50 in 2014 to $107 a share today. Shocking. Any federal and state dollars go to Lilly, you know,for "research".

A bundler from Paris donate millions to Obama, interesting that French bio-company that makes insulin is in France.

Forest for the trees, yet you guys think you are in a desert.

Re: Healthcare

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 5:32 pm
by jhu72

Re: Healthcare

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 6:06 pm
by jhu72
HooDat wrote:Good point holmes. The private sector is a mess after you have been to the doctor, the VA side seems to be a mess when you are trying to get to the doctor (but I can't comment on direct experience, just anecdotal).

But, when I hear government provided health care, I for one can't help but envision it looking a lot like the DMV....

The VA is a mixed bag. For every story you hear about a horrible VA, there are 5 VAs that deliver some of the best care in the country. The VA system as a whole is under funded - big time. The story isn't why there are horror stories at some VA's, it's why there aren't more! People who know little or nothing about how healthcare works, rush to judgement, thinking the private sector would do so much better. As a class, VA and stateside military hospital patients are the most difficult and costly to care for. Not only do they have all the issues of the general population, but they have long term problems caused by military service in many cases.

Both the military and the VA medical systems are owed a great deal by commercial hospitals for the development of treatment protocols.

Re: Healthcare

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 10:45 am
by dislaxxic
Suppose Democrats win on “Medicare for All”: What happens then, and will it work?

"Medicare for All has become a core campaign issue for Democratic candidates this year. They just might win with it. The concept polls well. According to recent data from the Kaiser Family Foundation, 59 percent of Americans say they favor “having a national health plan, or Medicare-for-all, in which all Americans would get their insurance from a single government plan.”

But, suppose the dog catches the bus. What then? Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, points out that one of the things that makes Medicare for All work so well as a campaign slogan is its “pleasant ambiguity.” For some, it means a comprehensive plan like that proposed by Bernie Sanders (overview, draft legislation), in which everyone would get first-dollar coverage from a single government agency. For others, it means something much more modest, like adding a government option, modeled on Medicare, for people who buy health insurance on the Affordable Care Act exchanges. For still others, it means something in between.

Sooner or later, Democrats are going to have to start thinking about how to implement Medicare for All if they win. Fortunately, there is a practical and affordable way of doing so that would protect everyone from ruinous medical bills, ensure that everyone pays their fair share, and makes health care transparent, efficient and consumer-friendly. Read on."


Re: Healthcare

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:47 pm
by dislaxxic
Wonder where that "super" healthcare that will be "SO much better than ObamaCare...SO MUCH BETTER, 100% BETTER...and CHEAPER" went??

Wildly Inaccurate Trump Op-Ed On Health Care Receives Swift Backlash

And speaking of TrumpCare, where are all the R's who bleated displeasure with the ACA now?? What happened to the issue they spent YEARS caterwauling about??

Same place the debt/deficit caterwauling is: NOWHERE. Voters notice hypocrisy like this, unless they are deplorables.

