The country that was

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Re: The country that was

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

youthathletics wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2024 5:05 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2024 2:11 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2024 2:04 pm
youthathletics wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2024 1:42 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2024 1:17 pm
youthathletics wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2024 1:10 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2024 10:08 am
old salt wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2024 12:19 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:07 am No, I simply don’t hate them like some angry old man jealous of their youth.
I don't hate them & I'm certainly not jealous. I fear for them & the future of our nation & society, if our future leaders are being so easily manipulated. They're addicted to the dopamine hits they get from the screen in their hands. We have no control over the content they're absorbing, who's manipulating it & to what end. We're finally going after Tik Tok, but based on what we're seeing on our campuses, I fear it's too late.
For the first time ever, I'm sincerely worried about our future.
The same as is always said by old folks about the young...and may it ever continue.

Of course I'm old too, so I actually do share concern about how young people will handle the challenges they face now and in the future, but I'm reassured at least on that front that this is a cycle of maturation that each generation deals with, some more acutely than others. The young people just before my adulthood went through enormous traumas in war, assassinations, threat of nuclear annihilation, civil rights, women's right, gay rights, environmental awakening, police beating and shooting student protestors, bombings by protestors, rampant lying and corruption in the highest levels of government including military, oil shocks, stagflation...we (Boomer generation) screwed up plenty, but the needle did move forward and America continued to be the most successful country in the world on many critical measures...though not all...

and yes, there's some very ugly garbage from tohe left that's anti-semitic in core nature that's been promulgated in various ways including via technology. Needs to be strongly confrnted as such, though, not the impulse to protest war atrocities per se. Again, I'm much more concerned on that front with the adult agitators than the youngsters.

However, I'm most concerned in terms of manipulation through technology with right wing propaganda fed by authoritarians here and abroad for profit or power, impacting across our population age. I've witnessed how unbelievably gullible so many of of our fellow citizens, neighbors, friends, family members are when they consume a limited set of reinforcing propagandist media sources, whether through 'talk radio', cable TV, Facebook, podcast, YouTube... etc. And all are being actively and purposely influenced heavily by malign forces here and abroad with views and interests truly antithetical to core American values and interests.
I think you understated your concern about technology in the first bold portion, that went off the deep end in the 2nd paragraph. They both utilize technology and both for nefarious/deceptive/reasons.

I saw a post recently, where the inventor of 'Only Fans' was interviewed and approached by the BIden PR team to promulgate info that is, shall we say.... BS.

I would also argue its why they are still trying to monitor/legislate transaction via Venmo and other Apps that transfer money. My guess, you'd see the cookie crumbs of tech being put to use to make these protests even larger than they would have ever reached....thus making you and I believe its a big deal. There is something deceptive taking place.....and while you may brush it aside and merely call it the 'frontal cortex' not being fully developed, I would argue that is shortsighted and missing the larger picture. We are ALL being played, as if its just a simulation put on by others and you and I are hear arguing the details, all while they are getting exactly what they want; some minimize it to 'just kids' while others argue 'its strategic and deceptive".

In the end....we can both be right, just depends on how hard you want to dig in your heels.
I don't think I'm being understated at all.

Not sure why your twitter links aren't opening for me, but I see this one is from Colin Rugg yet again...there's yet to have been a tweet from his thread that I haven't found stupid or misleading or flat out misinformation, so probably supports your contention that we're all being manipulated.

Undoubtedly so, to some extent.

But it's CRAZY bad from the right wing, a flood of outright lies being embraced by the gullible. I see that in my real-world interactions near constantly.
Your boy James Carville is trying to flood outright lies and scare tactics....
Sorry, my safari isn't connecting me to your links...I see again Colin Rugg?

ok, I used chrome and listened to Carville.

Tell me exactly what Carville is lying about.
Specifically, what is he saying that is not true?

He's saying it with a lot of vehemence as a wake up call to 'whining' young people who aren't, in his view, sufficiently focused on the actual stakes of the binary choice before us, but I didn't hear anything that wasn't truthful.

Do you think The President should have absolute immunity as Trump has argued repeatedly in Court and outside of court?
The fact you view all these comments below (by Carville) as truths and NOT LIES , is rather concerning. I suppose it makes perfect sense from my POV, b/c whenever Trump or anyone you disagree with says MUST be fact & etched in stone.

OS is right, either your head is buried in the sand, or you have TDS so bad you can no longer rationalize...maybe both? ;)

~ "If Trump and anyone with an R affiliation wins....we will have no government left"
~ 'you will have no rights left"
~ "Live under Theocracy'
~ You'll end up Christian Nationalism"
~ If you do not vote, your entire future depends on it....

.....implying everything above will come true.
These are stated opinions, not stated as facts.
They are projections of what Carville believes are likely outcomes, at a minimum risks if Trump wins.

Do you really not know the difference between stated facts and stated opinions??? And what constitutes a lie?

None of it is not true. Or un-true. Much less "lies".

You need to understand that Trump acolytes, close to him, have made specific, explicit promises (threats) very much akin or aligned with those projections.

Trump himself as well.

We can go through those yet again, but man it's tedious to have to provide the explicit statements of Trump and his acolytes over and over again.

I guess that's what happens when you have MAGA Cult delusions.
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Re: The country that was

Post by dislaxxic »

Read the WAPO piece SC posted in the 2024 thread...which explores the underlying reasons so many people seem ready to return an obvious insurrectionist to the White House.

YES, it has A LOT to do with White Supremacy and White Christian Nationalist ideology. It also talks about why the wealthy are content as their own bottom lines do not seem threatened by a second Trump term...they are MUCH more interested in Capitalism than in the "equal, natural rights" our founding documents envision.

Scary times, indeed...

"The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure poor reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog." - Calvin, to Hobbes
a fan
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Re: The country that was

Post by a fan »

dislaxxic wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2024 9:12 pm Read the WAPO piece SC posted in the 2024 thread...which explores the underlying reasons so many people seem ready to return an obvious insurrectionist to the White House.

YES, it has A LOT to do with White Supremacy and White Christian Nationalist ideology. It also talks about why the wealthy are content as their own bottom lines do not seem threatened by a second Trump term...they are MUCH more interested in Capitalism than in the "equal, natural rights" our founding documents envision.

Scary times, indeed...

Been trying to tell Old Salt and others the bolded above: The 1%ers and the Wealthy Coastal Libs know perfectly well that Trump will line their pockets. They win no matter what happens. Trump will give me a huge tax break.

It's about the rest of America. And the bulk of these people? They're Trump's freaking base.....and Trump is f'ing them, and they're asking for more.
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Re: The country that was

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 11:28 am The 1%ers and the Wealthy Coastal Libs know perfectly well that Trump will line their pockets. They win no matter what happens. Trump will give me a huge tax break.
They (we) win, whoever is President, because we invest wisely, diversify, & limit personal debt.
This is a great time to buy CD's. How many times do I have to tell you that my taxes went up under Trump & will go down under the Dems because they'll lift the cap on the SALT deductions to subsidize blue city & state socialist programs.
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Re: The country that was

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 11:51 pm
a fan wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 11:28 am The 1%ers and the Wealthy Coastal Libs know perfectly well that Trump will line their pockets. They win no matter what happens. Trump will give me a huge tax break.
They (we) win, whoever is President, because we invest wisely, diversify, & limit personal debt.
This is a great time to buy CD's. How many times do I have to tell you that my taxes went up under Trump
:lol: A big fat nothing burger versus the increased value of your stocks. Gee, OS, I wonder what happens to the US Stock market when Trump borrows a Trilloin dollars, and pumps it through the economy?\

My personal income taxes went up, too. BFD.
old salt wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 11:51 pm ......they'll lift the cap on the SALT deductions to subsidize blue city & state socialist programs.
Tired of your gaslighting for well over a decade now, pretending you're too freaking stupid to understand that Red States get way the firetruck more money from the Fed than the Blue States do. And that the idea that Red States are subsidizing Blue is LAUGHABLE. Oh yeah, OS, California wouldn't survive if it weren't for the largesse of Alabama. :roll:

Which is why, as you know, your team increases spending every chance you keep the lights on in flyover America.

Which is why Trump got the economy going by borrowed hundreds of billions, and pumped it through the economy. And gave billions in cash to farmers for no reason whatsoever.

Balance the budget via raised taxes and lower spending. Watch what that does to flyover America. You think that Trump's increase of the .gov by 66% in four years is a footnote, instead of the defining economic act of his Presidency, and the ENTIRE reason the economy was humming before Covid.

You're STILL furrowing your brow, acting like you don't understand WHY your team keeps cutting taxes, and increasing spending.

Sell it somewhere else. You know perfectly well what the score is, stop acting like you don't.
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old salt
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Re: The country that was

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 12:20 am
old salt wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 11:51 pm
a fan wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 11:28 am The 1%ers and the Wealthy Coastal Libs know perfectly well that Trump will line their pockets. They win no matter what happens. Trump will give me a huge tax break.
They (we) win, whoever is President, because we invest wisely, diversify, & limit personal debt.
This is a great time to buy CD's. How many times do I have to tell you that my taxes went up under Trump
:lol: A big fat nothing burger versus the increased value of your stocks. Gee, OS, I wonder what happens to the US Stock market when Trump borrows a Trilloin dollars, and pumps it through the economy?\

My personal income taxes went up, too. BFD.
old salt wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 11:51 pm ......they'll lift the cap on the SALT deductions to subsidize blue city & state socialist programs.
Tired of your gaslighting for well over a decade now, pretending you're too freaking stupid to understand that Red States get way the firetruck more money from the Fed than the Blue States do. And that the idea that Red States are subsidizing Blue is LAUGHABLE. Oh yeah, OS, California wouldn't survive if it weren't for the largesse of Alabama. :roll:

Which is why, as you know, your team increases spending every chance you keep the lights on in flyover America.

Which is why Trump got the economy going by borrowed hundreds of billions, and pumped it through the economy. And gave billions in cash to farmers for no reason whatsoever.

Balance the budget via raised taxes and lower spending. Watch what that does to flyover America. You think that Trump's increase of the .gov by 66% in four years is a footnote, instead of the defining economic act of his Presidency, and the ENTIRE reason the economy was humming before Covid.

You're STILL furrowing your brow, acting like you don't understand WHY your team keeps cutting taxes, and increasing spending.

Sell it somewhere else. You know perfectly well what the score is, stop acting like you don't.
Actually, my stock portfolio has lost value since it peaked in 2021.
I've told you that I support spending cuts & entitlement reform. Neither party will do it until there's a crisis.
i never said the red states are subsidizing the blue. That's your dumb, tedious tactic.
You seem to think we could eliminate ag subsidies & feed ourselves on imported food.
Give everyone in flyover country welfare & food stamps.
What do you hear from your EUrofarmer pals in Brussels ?
You're projecting & keep trolling me with the same stupid lies about what you think I think.
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Re: The country that was

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 12:32 am Actually, my stock portfolio has lost value since it peaked in 2021.
Wow. Three whole years. Must be rough.
old salt wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 12:32 am I've told you that I support spending cuts & entitlement reform. Neither party will do it until there's a crisis.
So what? Where's the tax hikes? You "forget" about that part?

We just borrowed over a Trillion to get us through Covid. And yet your team still insists that our taxes are too high...right after you cashed the checks form Uncle Sam to keep the world from falling apart.
old salt wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 12:32 am i never said the red states are subsidizing the blue. That's your dumb, tedious tactic.
Yeah. You have. Multiple times. And you just did it here.....What the heck do you think ".they'll lift the cap on the SALT deductions to subsidize blue city & state socialist programs." means???

If the Blue States are getting subsidies from the Federal government.....simple syllogism means that you think that the Red States that don't have these "socialist programs"...are paying for the Blue State's "State Socialist Programs".

If you don't understand this, I don't know what to tell you. Read it again, I guess? Pay more attention to what you write here?
old salt wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 12:32 am You seem to think we could eliminate ag subsidies & feed ourselves on imported food.
Give everyone in flyover country welfare & food stamps.
Well, it only took you a decade to FINALLY admit that without Federal dollars taken from taxpayers in big cities, flyover country would fail miserably.

Man, did you have to do a lot of dancing to avoid this fact. But at least you FINALLY admitted this obvious math.

And for the 100th time, pay attention: we have been IMPORTING more and more of our food supply over the last several decades. And that's WITH the handouts to farmers.

We're closing in on getting 40% of our veggies from outside the US. Imported fruit just hit 60% of our total fruit supply. Wake the F up if you don't know this.....welcome to free trade, OS. Don't like it? Vote for Bernie...he's been trying to fix this since before you left your first job, and you don't want to so much as listen to his points.

You play this dumb petty game where you act like I want to stick it to the American farmer, because it makes you feel good.

Nope: all I want to do is give every American the same deal that they get. You and your Republican pals want us to give trillions to farmers over many decades...and then call any monies that help workers in Big Cities "socialism", and deride it.

You want my tax dollars to go to your personal, favored causes, and everyone else can F off. It's tiring. Hypocrisy of the highest order, and you're all like this in your Party.

Here's the Old Salt True Definition of Socialism, btw: "any Government program or handout that I like? that's just "good governance"....but if I don't personally like the handout? Oh, that's socialism, and bad, and if you give any other American than the ones I personally like one penny of tax money....I'm gonna pout, call it socialism, and tell everyone that America is failing because "someone else" is getting help from our Government".

There it is. Nice and sweet. And by all means, tell me I'm putting words in your mouth because you're too busy trying to "win an argument' than to have a you refuse, comically, to tell us what your definition of socialism is, because you know doggone well you can't come up with one that won't get you laughed off the forum.

old salt wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 12:32 am You're projecting & keep trolling me with the same stupid lies about what you think I think.
Says the guy who just said "my EuroFarmer pals in Brussels. Telling me what I think about EU Farmers that I never think about.
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old salt
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Re: The country that was

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 8:34 pm
old salt wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 12:32 am Actually, my stock portfolio has lost value since it peaked in 2021.
Wow. Three whole years. Must be rough.
Giving you a reality check after you told me how much I benefited from Trump's tax cuts & increased spending.
It didn't help me, but that's ok because I'm diversified & debt free. I realize that not everyone is as fortunate as I am.

old salt wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 12:32 am I've told you that I support spending cuts & entitlement reform. Neither party will do it until there's a crisis.
So what? Where's the tax hikes? You "forget" about that part?
The tax hikes are coming when the current tax cuts expire.

We just borrowed over a Trillion to get us through Covid. And yet your team still insists that our taxes are too high...right after you cashed the checks form Uncle Sam to keep the world from falling apart.
Show us where I've said our Federal taxes are too high.
I didn't get anything extra in Covid relief. That's ok, I didn't heed it.

old salt wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 12:32 am i never said the red states are subsidizing the blue. That's your dumb, tedious tactic.
Yeah. You have. Multiple times. And you just did it here.....What the heck do you think ".they'll lift the cap on the SALT deductions to subsidize blue
city & state socialist programs
." means???

If the Blue States are getting subsidies from the Federal government.....simple syllogism means that you think that the Red States that don't have these "socialist programs"...are paying for the Blue State's "State Socialist Programs".Wrong. That's not what I'm saying. If state & local govts tax less, they provide fewer services, less generous assistance & spend less on public education & health care. It's the choice of their citizens.

If you don't understand this, I don't know what to tell you. Read it again, I guess? Pay more attention to what you write here?
I've always told you why I think we have AG subsidies, back to our discussions about soil bank payments in the '50's & '60's.
You selective memory loss when anyone disagrees with you.You refuse to understand what I'm saying. Pay attention & read again what I'm writing here.
old salt wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 12:32 am You seem to think we could eliminate ag subsidies & feed ourselves on imported food.
Give everyone in flyover country welfare & food stamps.
Well, it only took you a decade to FINALLY admit that without Federal dollars taken from taxpayers in big cities, flyover country would fail miserably.
I've told you many times why he must have AG supports, back to the soil bank programs of the 50's & 60's.
You have selective memory loss of anything that disagrees with your opinions.

Man, did you have to do a lot of dancing to avoid this fact. But at least you FINALLY admitted this obvious math.

And for the 100th time, pay attention: we have been IMPORTING more and more of our food supply over the last several decades. And that's WITH the handouts to farmers.

We're closing in on getting 40% of our veggies from outside the US. Imported fruit just hit 60% of our total fruit supply. Wake the F up if you don't know this.....welcome to free trade, OS. Don't like it? Vote for Bernie...he's been trying to fix this since before you left your first job, and you don't want to so much as listen to his points.Thanks to NAFTA & feckless water supply management, allowing our western snow melt to run off into the Pacific instead of using it for irrigation.

You play this dumb petty game where you act like I want to stick it to the American farmer, because it makes you feel good.
I'm just responding to your vindictive condescension & the hostility you voice to anyone in red state flyover country who don't grovel in appreciation of your largesse.

Nope: all I want to do is give every American the same deal that they get. You and your Republican pals want us to give trillions to farmers over many decades...and then call any monies that help workers in Big Cities "socialism", and deride it.
How many times do I have to tell you I'm ok with the EITC, child care tax credit, SNAP, public housing, Title 8, & Medicaid.
What else do you want ? ...unlimited minutes for your Obamaphone ?

You want my tax dollars to go to your personal, favored causes, and everyone else can F off. It's tiring. Hypocrisy of the highest order, and you're all like this in your Party. At least farmers & AG workers are willing to work & produce something in return for their subsidy & it's not a govt provided make work job. It's also a national security issue. There's a lot more to AG than fruits & vegetables. Our protein & grain exports are needed around the globe to prevent famine.

Here's the Old Salt True Definition of Socialism, btw: "any Government program or handout that I like? that's just "good governance"....but if I don't personally like the handout? Oh, that's socialism, and bad, and if you give any other American than the ones I personally like one penny of tax money....I'm gonna pout, call it socialism, and tell everyone that America is failing because "someone else" is getting help from our Government".

There it is. Nice and sweet. And by all means, tell me I'm putting words in your mouth because you're too busy trying to "win an argument' than to have a you refuse, comically, to tell us what your definition of socialism is, because you know doggone well you can't come up with one that won't get you laughed off the forum.

old salt wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 12:32 am You're projecting & keep trolling me with the same stupid lies about what you think I think.
Says the guy who just said "my EuroFarmer pals in Brussels. Telling me what I think about EU Farmers that I never think about.
I was responding to you name checking me in a post & misrepresenting what I think, as usual.
Stop trolling me & name dropping me & misstating my position & I won't need to waste my time responding.
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Re: The country that was

Post by old salt » ... ticle_pos5

America’s New Mob Rule
As on today’s college campuses, the left increasingly resorts to fomenting disorder to get its way.

by The Editorial Board, April 30, 2024

The anti-Israel—and often antisemitic—protests sweeping college campuses these days are an old story with a new cause. That story is the increasing resort by America’s political left to protests in the streets as a form of intimidation and rule by the mob. When Americans on the political right do this, it’s called a threat to democracy.

For readers of a certain age, today’s protests at Columbia and other campuses echo 1968 and opposition to the Vietnam war. The kids even took over the same building at Columbia, Hamilton Hall. But the mass-protest method has become the political default for progressives when they lose the policy debate in Congress, the White House, the courts, or other institutions. They keep going to the barricades because it often gets them what they want.

The clearest example was the post-George Floyd riots of 2020. The left used that murder to trigger, and then condone, riots in numerous cities against what they claimed was widespread police abuse. Looting and vandalism were justified as social-justice rage.

Fearful of these protests, Democratic mayors and city councils around the country slashed police funding, eliminated cash bail, and stopped enforcing many crimes. Vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris tweeted support for a bail fund for protesters who were arrested in Minnesota. The Democratic convention in 2020 failed to condemn the rioting.

One result was an urban crime spree that broke out across the country, and cities from Philadelphia to San Francisco are still trying to recover. But in that election year the mob created the impression of disorder that probably hurt Donald Trump’s campaign for re-election. Political mission accomplished.

Post-Vietnam, a watershed of this mob method was the assault by the organized left against the World Trade Organization conference in Seattle in 1999. The riots put the “antiglobalization” movement on the political map and, anticipating the protests, the Clinton Administration issued an executive order to include environmental reviews in trade deals.

The so-called “occupy” protests in 2011 included encampments in public places in numerous cities, including lower Manhattan. The goal was to focus on income inequality, and Democrats were again loath to push back and slow to clear public spaces. The “occupiers” succeeded in changing the debate inside the Democratic Party in favor of much higher taxes and income redistribution.

Now, in this election year, the student protesters are trying to change American Middle East policy. They may not know much about the region, its history, or even that Hamas’s charter calls for annihilating Jews. But they are swept up in the anti-colonialist, anti-Western, anti-American themes that now dominate so much university instruction. They are the intellectual children of Frantz Fanon.

They are also changing the political debate inside the Democratic Party. President Biden has shifted from the strong pro-Israel stand he took immediately after the Oct. 7 massacre. He now opposes the destruction of Hamas in its Rafah redoubt in Gaza. And he is publicly critical of Israel’s coalition wartime government. This accommodation will encourage the protesters to continue even once college exams are over and students return home. As in 1968, the Chicago convention will be a target.

All of this bodes ill for the country’s political future, not least if Mr. Trump wins in November. The protests are likely to be widespread and perhaps violent if the election is close. Democrats and the press keep warning about a repeat of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, which was a disgrace and for which hundreds have been rightly punished. But the political left is more organized for mass protests and more likely to take to the streets.

Today’s campus eruptions may be aimed at U.S. policy in the Middle East, but they are a symptom of a larger trend toward street protest and law-breaking to achieve political goals. Political and other leaders have a duty to call this out and enforce public order, whether the violators are on the left or right.
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Re: The country that was

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

They are the intellectual children of Frantz Fanon.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

“You lucky I ain’t read wretched yet!”
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Re: The country that was

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 10:41 pm Wrong. That's not what I'm saying. If state & local govts tax less, they provide fewer services, less generous assistance & spend less on public education & health care. It's the choice of their citizens.
Bzzt. Wrong.

Here's how it works, and you KNOW this: flyover States enjoy low taxes. Why? Because the big States pump their money over to small States via the Federal Government. Big States are SUBSIDIZING the small States low taxes, enabling their cheapness.

You know this, and are gaslighting, yet again.

old salt wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 12:32 am I've told you many times why he must have AG supports, back to the soil bank programs of the 50's & 60's.
You have selective memory loss of anything that disagrees with your opinions.
No, I don't. You still don't understand what you're doing: you're substituting fact for opinion. You do this over and over and over.

It is your OPINION that we "must have AG supports". That's an OPINION, OS. And the way your ego works is that you're convinced that your opinions are so stellar, they MUST be a fact.

You don't get it: you're not the only American in America. And different people will tell you what they think our country MUST do.

So you don't get to say "well we give money to farmers because we HAVE to", without realizing that just the posters here have different opinions on what "America must do".

It has NOTHING to do with you having a different opinion. It has everything to do with you being unable to understand that your opinion ain't a fact.

old salt wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 12:32 am Thanks to NAFTA & feckless water supply management, allowing our western snow melt to run off into the Pacific instead of using it for irrigation.
Again: you're a freaking pro-labor liberal who's too enamored with the letter R to understand that's what you are. Vote Bernie, and you'll get most of the economic (and military) policies you ask for here.
old salt wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 12:32 am I'm just responding to your vindictive condescension & the hostility you voice to anyone in red state flyover country who don't grovel in appreciation of your largesse.
:lol: I live in flyover Country. And work with farmers daily. It's not's telling you and your party that without Big Government, there is no flyover America. You keep telling me I'm wrong about that. THAT is why I respond.

And FFS, I'm not asking anyone to attention. Your party, and you personally, govern according to a delusional understanding of Government.

-You're convinced that tax are bad, unions are bad, spending is bad (you call it throwing money at problems, unless, of course, we're talknig about farmers or the military), socialism is bad, handouts are bad.

And you have been voting AND Governing using the above beliefs. And it's completely gutted our working class.

And if you paid any attention whatsoever, you'd notice that I write over, and over and over....that I don't want money shoveled my way, or to the Coastal Elite. I WANT it sent to flyover America, and specifically, rural and working class Americans. They need it. America needs it. And I'm sick of watching these Americans talents get wasted because Republicans (and most Dems) refuse to invest in the American people/b]

Clear enough for you?

Yet your hilariously come on here and claim that I'm condescending to the working class and flyover America? :lol: :lol:

No, pay attention: what I'm telling you is that YOUR POLICIES and understanding of how economies work has been royally F"ing the working class since Reagan showed up. And each time your crew gets in power, it gets worse.

Yet you keep voting for it. Over and over and over. Trump will send me even more money, and F over the working class. Again. Just as I told you before, and after his term was over.

What's more? You know this. Yet you keep supporting, voting for, and making excuses for Republicans.

What you think your values are are completely betrayed by your posts. THAT is why I react.

old salt wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 12:32 am How many times do I have to tell you I'm ok with the EITC, child care tax credit, SNAP, public housing, Title 8, & Medicaid.
What else do you want ? ...unlimited minutes for your Obamaphone ?

Reagan phone. That's your boy Reagan's program, to make sure employers have a number to call for job interviews. That's where that came from.

old salt wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 12:32 am At least farmers & AG workers are willing to work & produce something in return for their subsidy & it's not a govt provided make work job. It's also a national security issue. There's a lot more to AG than fruits & vegetables. Our protein & grain exports are needed around the globe to prevent famine.
Can say the same thing about bazillions of industries, OS. That's the part you're missing. I believe that we NEED to invest in educating/training our working class BEFORE overseas military stupidity, BEFORE tax cuts, BEFORE Medicare, and yes, BEFORE our farmers.

This is my OPINION, OS. I'm just not pompous enough to think this "need to invest in education" is a fact, and not an opinion.

See the difference? Prolly not.

old salt wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 12:32 am Stop trolling me & name dropping me & misstating my position & I won't need to waste my time responding.
As I've stated before: you first. You troll other posters, including me. Stop doing that, stop gaslighting, and start having conversation. Problem solved. You know: like you used to post with no difficulties whatsoever. You know doggone well you are trolling. Stop doing it, and you won't hear boo from me.
a fan
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Re: The country that was

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 11:00 pmThat story is the increasing resort by America’s political left to protests in the streets as a form of intimidation and rule by the mob. When Americans on the political right do this, it’s called a threat to democracy.
Oh, good. You know perfectly well that the right does it, too.

Nice attempt at trolling though, pretending this is a lefty problem, when it ain't.

You know: things like plotting to kidnap a Governor. Or threatening every election official you can find.

The far left and the far right are the same thing is the lesson gleaned from this OpEd, despite what they THINK they were writing.
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Re: The country that was

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

a fan wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 11:17 pm
old salt wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 11:00 pmThat story is the increasing resort by America’s political left to protests in the streets as a form of intimidation and rule by the mob. When Americans on the political right do this, it’s called a threat to democracy.
Oh, good. You know perfectly well that the right does it, too.

Nice attempt at trolling though, pretending this is a lefty problem, when it ain't.

You know: things like plotting to kidnap a Governor. Or threatening every election official you can find.

The far left and the far right are the same thing is the lesson gleaned from this OpEd, despite what they THINK they were writing.
It's an insane false equivilency .

The "left" (college kids and astroturf protestors) are protesting on college campuses and asking the admins to stop Universities from investing in Israel.

The right was storming the US Capitol to overthrow an election.

Calling them equal is an attempt to normalize extreme political violence.
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old salt
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Re: The country that was

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 11:14 pm As I've stated before: you first. You troll other posters, including me. Stop doing that, stop gaslighting, and start having conversation. Problem solved. You know: like you used to post with no difficulties whatsoever. You know doggone well you are trolling. Stop doing it, and you won't hear boo from me.
I've been ignoring you unless you quote me or namecheck me with your "I've been telling OS" & then trying to tell what I think, as in this case.

If you don't quote me or troll me by naming OS in one of your posts, I'll be happy to continue ignoring your rants & won't reply.
I don't expect to change your opinions & you're a fool to think you can change mine.

This was your unsolicited name check to which I replied :
a fan wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 11:28 am Been trying to tell Old Salt and others the bolded above: The 1%ers and the Wealthy Coastal Libs know perfectly well that Trump will line their pockets. They win no matter what happens. Trump will give me a huge tax break.
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old salt
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Re: The country that was

Post by old salt »

NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 11:46 pm
a fan wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 11:17 pm
old salt wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 11:00 pmThat story is the increasing resort by America’s political left to protests in the streets as a form of intimidation and rule by the mob. When Americans on the political right do this, it’s called a threat to democracy.
Oh, good. You know perfectly well that the right does it, too.

Nice attempt at trolling though, pretending this is a lefty problem, when it ain't.

You know: things like plotting to kidnap a Governor. Or threatening every election official you can find.

The far left and the far right are the same thing is the lesson gleaned from this OpEd, despite what they THINK they were writing.
It's an insane false equivilency .

The "left" (college kids and astroturf protestors) are protesting on college campuses and asking the admins to stop Universities from investing in Israel.

The right was storming the US Capitol to overthrow an election.

Calling them equal is an attempt to normalize extreme political violence.
If you chose to ignore months of destructive & deadly BLM & Antifa riots in multiple cities.

Jan 6th was a 1 day event. A political protest that turned into a unruly mob. Members of Congress have voted not to certify electors every 4 years for decades. Jan 6th is the only political riot that has been properly dealt with.

These protesters aren't "asking" anything. They're making demands & trying to disrupt & shut down universities. ... -protests/

Since When Does Criminal Law Not Apply to College Campus Protests?

Off campus, if you deliberately break a window, and the cops see you doing it, you get arrested. (Whether the local Soros-supported district attorney will press charges is another question.) If you assault someone, you will get arrested. If you threaten someone with imminent bodily harm, and the police hear it and believe there is a chance you will act upon that threat, you will get arrested.

If you take over a building, bring heavy chains to lock up the doors so that the authorities cannot enter, take a facilities worker hostage, and refuse to leave until your demands are met, you are not just a criminal; you are only a bit behind Hans Gruber.

(Let’s just observe that we should be less than shocked that a protest movement that is a de facto supporter of Hamas would have no objection to taking hostages.)

“I impulsively hit him on the head very lightly!” Caroline Fohlin, an economics professor at Emory University, insisted as she was led away in a zip-tie.

Ma’am, if you hit a cop, you will get arrested.

We’re now well past the point where these protesters, student and non-student alike, think the rules or campus regulations don’t apply to them. They believe criminal law doesn’t apply to them.
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Re: The country that was

Post by cradleandshoot »

old salt wrote: Thu May 02, 2024 1:32 am
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 11:46 pm
a fan wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 11:17 pm
old salt wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 11:00 pmThat story is the increasing resort by America’s political left to protests in the streets as a form of intimidation and rule by the mob. When Americans on the political right do this, it’s called a threat to democracy.
Oh, good. You know perfectly well that the right does it, too.

Nice attempt at trolling though, pretending this is a lefty problem, when it ain't.

You know: things like plotting to kidnap a Governor. Or threatening every election official you can find.

The far left and the far right are the same thing is the lesson gleaned from this OpEd, despite what they THINK they were writing.
It's an insane false equivilency .

The "left" (college kids and astroturf protestors) are protesting on college campuses and asking the admins to stop Universities from investing in Israel.

The right was storming the US Capitol to overthrow an election.

Calling them equal is an attempt to normalize extreme political violence.
If you chose to ignore months of destructive & deadly BLM & Antifa riots in multiple cities.

Jan 6th was a 1 day event. A political protest that turned into a unruly mob. Members of Congress have voted not to certify electors every 4 years for decades. Jan 6th is the only political riot that has been properly dealt with.

These protesters aren't "asking" anything. They're making demands & trying to disrupt & shut down universities. ... -protests/

Since When Does Criminal Law Not Apply to College Campus Protests?

Off campus, if you deliberately break a window, and the cops see you doing it, you get arrested. (Whether the local Soros-supported district attorney will press charges is another question.) If you assault someone, you will get arrested. If you threaten someone with imminent bodily harm, and the police hear it and believe there is a chance you will act upon that threat, you will get arrested.

If you take over a building, bring heavy chains to lock up the doors so that the authorities cannot enter, take a facilities worker hostage, and refuse to leave until your demands are met, you are not just a criminal; you are only a bit behind Hans Gruber.

(Let’s just observe that we should be less than shocked that a protest movement that is a de facto supporter of Hamas would have no objection to taking hostages.)

“I impulsively hit him on the head very lightly!” Caroline Fohlin, an economics professor at Emory University, insisted as she was led away in a zip-tie.

Ma’am, if you hit a cop, you will get arrested.

We’re now well past the point where these protesters, student and non-student alike, think the rules or campus regulations don’t apply to them. They believe criminal law doesn’t apply to them.

Silly you Old Salt. The real problem to be dealt with in America are those WNC. All you need to do is ask a certain someone on this forum. Those college kids are just involved in peaceful protest...



Obviously we are misunderstanding the intentions of these misguided college misfits. One outraged lady dressed in full Palestinian regalia claimed they were not going away and would not be moved. Local law enforcement had a different idea and the young wanna be radical was most assuredly moved. I wonder if local law enforcement could better be used to fight crime? They can't do that while trying to maintain order on college campuses.

FTR, in the world I live in most folks in the real world don't have unlimited free time to make an ass of themselves. When you have obligations and a job your free time to make an ass of yourself is normally limited. The irony is they are not bitching about what the US government is doing. They are dictating to another sovereign nation that was attacked viciously what they should do. Why no angry protests for a cease-fire in Ukraine? Why no angry protests to include all of the crimes against humanity being waged on planet earth? Why not even a whimper about the crime wave the USA is dealing with?

The hypocrisy of these temperamental spoiled little brats is off the charts. Get a job you little weiners you'll find your too busy working to pay off your student loans. My bad, Biden wants to forgive your debt with taxpayer money. I guess I better end this now. The usual suspects on this forum will opine about me going on a rant. They are the only people privileged enough to go on inane rants on this forum. :D

Why not divest from Israel? These spoiled little brats have already divested from common sense. If your that bent out of shape volunteer to go to Gaza. You'll be custom fitted for a suicide vest. You may not get the virgins and all of the other bennies. Where are the parents of these students?? Maybe it is time for mommy and daddy to lay down the law? :roll:
I use to be a people person until people ruined that for me.
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Re: The country that was

Post by cradleandshoot »

Watching those "PEACEFUL PROTESTS" at UCLA turning more violent by the minute. The protesters are reinforcing their encampment with more 3/4 plywood. The police must realize they are up against an impregnable defense. :D Someone should enlighten them of the futility of a static defense.
I use to be a people person until people ruined that for me.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: The country that was

Post by Typical Lax Dad » ... s-13122732

What are the protests about?

The message from the students in encampments has been simple: they want their universities to stop doing business with Israel - or any companies that support its ongoing war in Gaza.

The demand has its roots in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, a decades-old campaign against Israel's policies toward the Palestinians.

But the specifics vary from each set of protesters at different universities. Among them are these key demands:

• Stop doing business with military weapons manufacturers that are supplying arms to Israel
• Stop accepting research money from Israel for projects that aid the country's military efforts
• Be more transparent about what money is received from Israel and what it's used for
• Stop investing college endowments with money managers who profit from Israeli companies or contractors.
“You lucky I ain’t read wretched yet!”
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Re: The country that was

Post by cradleandshoot »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu May 02, 2024 8:21 am ... s-13122732

What are the protests about?

The message from the students in encampments has been simple: they want their universities to stop doing business with Israel - or any companies that support its ongoing war in Gaza.

The demand has its roots in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, a decades-old campaign against Israel's policies toward the Palestinians.

But the specifics vary from each set of protesters at different universities. Among them are these key demands:

• Stop doing business with military weapons manufacturers that are supplying arms to Israel
• Stop accepting research money from Israel for projects that aid the country's military efforts
• Be more transparent about what money is received from Israel and what it's used for
• Stop investing college endowments with money managers who profit from Israeli companies or contractors.
These are students. If they disagree with how their university invests their money, then transfer to another university. Students can express their outrage all day long. They can't demand how the university should spend their money. I mean they can demand all day long. The university leadership will politely tell them to go pound sand. Sadly these young skulls full of liberal mush think people in charge where they attend classes actually care what they think. They already have their money 🤑🤑🤑
I use to be a people person until people ruined that for me.
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Re: The country that was

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

old salt wrote: Thu May 02, 2024 1:32 amIf you chose to ignore months of destructive & deadly BLM & Antifa riots in multiple cities.

Jan 6th was a 1 day event. A political protest that turned into a unruly mob. Members of Congress have voted not to certify electors every 4 years for decades. Jan 6th is the only political riot that has been properly dealt with.

These protesters aren't "asking" anything. They're making demands & trying to disrupt & shut down universities.
I don't choose to ignore anything. BLM wasn't trying to overthrow the presidency. They were angry about centuries of inequality and black getting killed by cops in a very disproportionate percentage. HUUUGE difference there. :roll:

Jan 6th isn't a one-time thing. We've had years of the right trying to overthrow elections. Mostly in court, but a lot of other small incidents as well. Violent and non-violent. Heck, there was a riot in 2000 to stop the recount. Jan 6th was just one facet of many. We'll certainly see more aspects of it after this election.

Protestors are getting arrested and beaten up by cops. Funny how the protests have been pretty darn peaceful until the cops show up.

I'm certainly fine with arresting them if they're breaking the law. Wonder how many charges will get dropped where they weren't breaking the law...
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