2013 Draft

2013 FanLax
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2013 Draft

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2013 Draft on LaxPower


The 2013 Draft Order is TBD.

Each season, the Draft order is derived from each teams (1) Lax Rank, (2) Social Rank and (3) Education Rank.

We try to make the draft order as similar as possible to a real NCAA team. As a consequence, like a real NCAA coach, you try to make your squad as attractive as possible with wins to bring up your "Lax Rank" and, at the same time, there are other factors, like the "Social Rank" and "Education Rank" which you cannot control and are, so to speak, random.

The Lax Rank is derived from each teams "Past Lax Rank" (How your team ranks in previous years with the most recent years being most heavily weighted) and "Future Lax Rank" (how many points you have returning for the upcoming season).

The "Past Lax Rank" for 2013 (unofficially) is:

1 PA Talk
TBD Matnum
4 ohmilax34
5 BruterLax
6 FCALax
7 Genghiskhanbluejay
8 Wholly Metro
9 EaZyE
10 UberHop
11 Stegmakk
12 Hoosierlaxer
13 Maddog
14 NC Lax
15 OCanada
16 Spenny
17 Northeast Lax
18 HipandKneeDoc

The "Future Lax Rank" for 2013 (unofficially) is:

1 PA Talk 149
2 Genghiskhanbluejay 133
3 NC Lax 129
4 FCALax 110
5 Wholly Metro 78
6 GCCLaxster67 74
6 UberHop 74
8 ohmilax34 70
8 OCanada 70
10 EaZyE 63
10 BruterLax 63
10 Maddog 63
13 Stegmakk 60
13 Matnum PI 60
15 HipandKneeDoc 53
16 Hoosierlaxer 47
17 Northeast Lax 45
18 Spenny 30

Social Rank is derived from how your school "ranks socially" in previous years with the most recent years being most heavily weighted. Each year, the Social Rank is derived randomly. i.e. we pick it from a hat.

The 2013 Social Rank is TBD.

Education Rank is derived from how your school "ranks educationally" in previous years with the most recent years being most heavily weighted. Each year, the Education Rank is derived randomly. i.e. we pick it from a hat.

The 2013 Social Rank is TBD.

Draft Rules


All coaches have “checked in” and our 2013 season is rapidly approaching. There are three things to speak to:

1. New Coaches: We have two new coaches. Nathanc21 is taking over Team Spenny and lax8888 is taking over Team HoosierLaxer. Welcome Nathanc21 and lax8888.
2. The Draft: The draft will be on Sunday, January 27th at 8PM EST.
a. If you can not make the draft, please let me know ASAP. We will set-up an auto-draft for you or make some other arrangements.
b. The draft order is (Nathanc21, HipandKneeDoc, Maddog, lax8888, Northeast Lax, OCanada, EaZyE, Stegmakk, ohmilax34, NC Lax, Wholly Metro, UberHop, FCALax, Genghiskhanbluejay, Matnum, PA Talk, BruterLax and GCCLax) and will be a down-the-river, up-the-river format. i.e. Nathanc21 to GCCLax and then GCCLax to Nathanc21 etc.
c. Each coach has 2 minutes to make their pick. After 2 minutes, the "next coach" in the draft order can pick. If a coach picks a player that is ineligible or otherwise, the "next coach" can pick and the previous picking coach can "catch-up". i.e. The draft will start sharply at 8PM EST. At 8:02 EST, the "next coach" can pick.
3. The “Draft List”: The players that you will be able to draft consist of players from:
a. All not-already-claimed players from these 24 teams: Hopkins, Navy, Rutgers, UMass, UMD, Towson, UNC, UVA, G'town, Loyola, P'ton, Cornell, NDU, Duke, OSU, PSU, UMBC, Dartmouth, Hofstra, Syracuse, Hobart, Army, Fairfield and UPenn. You can look at the team rosters below to see who has been claimed and this list of non-drafted players from last season that got points is also a good resource.
b. All incoming freshman to the 24 teams listed above.
c. All not-already-claimed players that are transferring to the 24 teams listed above.
d. All rosters need to have a minimum of one defensive team and a maximum of two defensive teams. You will draft your defensive team from the 24 teams listed above. You do not keep your defensive team for the 2012 season.
e. The roster for each squad will consist of 14 “players”. You can have as many attackmen or middies on your squad as you’d like but for each week’s games, you can only start 3 attackmen, 3 middies, and 1 defensive team.

Matnum PI

2013 Draft

# Team Pick
1 Nathanc21 - Justin Ward, JR, A, Loyola
2 HipandKneeDoc - Case Matheis, FR, A, Duke
3 Maddog - Matt Kavanagh, FR, A, Notre Dame
4 lax8888 - Jack Forster, SR, A, PSU
5 Northeast Lax - Deemer Class, FR, M, Duke
6 OCanada - Jake Frocarro, FR, M, Princeton
7 EaZyE - Connor Reed, FR, M, JHU
8 Stegmakk - Steve Pontrello FR M UNC
9 ohmilax34 - Charlie Streep SR, A/M, UVA
10 NC Lax - Ryan Ambler, FR, A, Princeton
11 Wholly Metro -James Pannell FR, A, UVA
12 UberHop - Spencer Parks FR, M, UNC
13 FCALax - Michael Tagliaferri FR, M, UNC
14 Genghiskhanbluejay - Pat Kelly FR, A, UNC
15 Matnum - Notre Dame D
16 PA Talk - Myles Jones FR, M, Duke
17 BruterLax - Bradlee Lord-FR, A, UMD
18 GCCLax - Patrick Kenna FR, A, Navy
19 GCCLax -Sammy Davis FR, M, PSU
20 BruterLax - Ryan Brown FR, A. JHU
21 PA Talk - Will McNamara, FR, M, UVA
22 Matnum - Patric Berkery FR, M UPenn
23 Genghiskhanbluejay - Mikey Morris FR, A, JHU
24 FCALax - UMD D
25 UberHop - Tommy Forsberg FR, M, UMD
26 Wholly Metro - Henry West FR, M, Cornell
27 NC Lax - TJ Sanders FR, A, PSU
28 ohmilax34 - Nick Doktor FR, A, UPenn
29 Stegmakk - Sam Llinares FR, A, Hofstra
30 EaZyE - JHU D
31 OCanada - Zach Herreweyers FR, A, Loyola
32 Northeast Lax - Sam Rohr FR, M, UPenn
33 lax8888 - Brent Armstrong FR, M, UNC
34 Maddog - Derek De Joe FR, M, Syracuse
35 HipandKneeDoc - Zach Wood FR, M, UVA
36 Nathanc21 - Kevin Cooper SR, M, UMD
37 Nathanc21 - Scott Hopmann SR, M, UMBC
38 HipandKneeDoc - Jake Matthai FR, M, UNC
39 Maddog - Syracuse D
40 lax8888 - Loyola D
41 Northeast Lax - John Edmonds FR, M, Cornell
42 OCanada - Mike Perettine FR, M, Army
43 EaZyE - Matt Sexton FR, A, PSU
44 Stegmakk - Owen Van Arsdale SO, A, UVA
45 ohmilax34 - PSU D
46 NC Lax - Duke D
47 Wholly Metro - OSU D
48 UberHop - Princeton D
49 FCALax - Cornell D
50 Genghiskhanbluejay - UMass D
51 Matnum - Kyle VanThof JR, M, PSU
52 PA Talk - Hofatra D
53 BruterLax - Matt Opsahl FR, A,-Hobart
54 GCCLax - Max Van Bourgondien SR, M, Cornell
55 GCCLax - Navy D
56 BruterLax - Fairfield D
57 PA Talk - Mike Olentine JR, M, Dartmouth
58 Matnum - John Hogan SO, M, Cornell
59 Genghiskhanbluejay - Charlie Schnider FR, M, OSU
60 FCALax - David Planning SO, M, OSU
61 UberHop - T.J. Neubauer FR, M, Fairfield
62 Wholly Metro - Tyler Brooke FR, A, UMD
63 ohmilax34 - Holden Cattoni FR, A, JHU
64 Stegmakk - Paul Hellar FR, A, Fairfield
65 OCanada - Frank Brown FR, A/M, Hobart
66 Northeast Lax - Bud Graham FR, A, Hobart
67 lax8888 - Thomas Labadini FR, M, Loyola
68 Maddog - Billy Ward JR, A, Syracuse
69 HipandKneeDoc - Ryan Matthews FR, M, JHU
70 Nathanc21 - UVA D
71 Nathanc21 - Kelton Black FR, M JHU
72 HipandKneeDoc - Sean Boyle FR, A, Cornell
73 Maddog -
74 lax8888 - Mike Kutzer SO, M, Loyola
75 Northeast Lax - Sean Connors FR, A, Princeton
76 OCanada - Kyle Trolley FR, M, UND
77 Stegmakk - Corey Parke, FR, M, Georgetown
78 UberHop - Ryan Foley SR, M, UND
79 FCALax - Mike Malave SO, M, Hofstra
80 Matnum - Daniel Muller FR, M, UMass
81 PA Talk - Nick O'Reilly JR, A/M, Virginia
82 GCCLax - Army D
83 GCCLax - Erik Hoffstadt JR, M, Navy
84 Matnum - Matt Florence FR, M, UVA
85 UberHop - Andrew Boyd SR, A/M, Army
86 Stegmakk - Kip Orban SO, M, Princeton
87 OCanada - UMBC D
88 Northeast Lax - Towson D
89 lax8888 - Chris Layne SR, M, Loyola
90 HipandKneeDoc - Nick Kilkowski FR, A, Rutgers
91 Nathanc21 - Danny Simonetti FR, M, Navy
92 Nathanc21 - Trevor Brosco FR, M, Notre Dame
93 HipandKneeDoc - Georgetown D
94 Northeast Lax - Billy Heidt FR, M, Dartmouth
95 Stegmakk - Hobart D
96 Matnum - Matt Balzano FR, M, UMass
97 GCCLax - Phil Dobson SR, A/M, Loyola
98 Matnum - Ed LubowickFR, A, NDU
99 Northeast Lax - Dartmouth D
100 HipandKneeDoc - Rob Savage FR, M, UPenn.
101 Nathanc21 - Tyler Odel FR, A, UPenn
102 Northeast Lax -
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